Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20130620

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>> james gandolfini passes away at the age of 51. >> the actor died from a possible heart attack in italy. >> james gandolfini went from character actor on broadway then to superstar, playing mob boss tony soprano. >> he was focused. all the things an actor needed to do he had it in spades. >> drones normally used to target suspected terrorists overseas. yesterday, a bombshell admission from the fbi director. >> does the fbi use drones for surveillance on u.s. soil? >> yes, very very minimal way, very seldom. >> the supreme court could hand down key rulings today. act visits sivists are hoping they will overturn the defense of marriage act. >> wildfires burn more than 7,000 acres of land. >> a new wildfire is burning in colorado in the foothills of south denver. >> getting a little old. >> the taliban in afghanistan say they're willing to exchange an american soldier for five taliban members held at guantanamo bay. >> men's warehouse founder has been fired after 40 years. i don't know about you, but i do not like the way this looks. >> all that -- >> the blackhawks have won it! the series is even! >> let's hope they're not listening to phone calls and reading e-mails. i don't think they can take it. >> it would be awesome. >> and all that matters. >> the irs is caught in another controversy. the agency says it has to pay $70 million in union bonuses. >> we need to abolish the irs and together we can get it done. >> captain crunch only had three stripes on his sleeve. according to the navy the rank of captain carries four stripes. how far does this scandal spend? what about frosted flakings? will we find out they're adequate? just hope -- captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." sad news from rome. >> devastating. fans and colleagues are stunned over the loss of james gandolfini. he was an actor who redefined the role of a mobster. >> his career spanned tv and bredway broadway. officials say james gandolfini died of cardiac arrest. he was 51. bill whitaker is in los angeles. >> good morning. "entertainment weekly" recently listed tony soprano as one of the top five characters in television and film. the main reason was the man who played him. james gandolfini skills as an actor were clear. he took a murderous mob boss and made him an every man we all could relate to. >> look i think you can -- >> don't [ bleep ] just tell me what's on your mind. >> "the sopranos" had a novel premise for a crime drama. a mobster who somehow was not a monster. struggling to maintain a normal family life and pouring out his heart to his psychiatrist. >> i murdered friends before. even relatives. my cousin tony. my best friend. >> reporter: even the show's producer admits james gandolfini was an unlikely choice to play tony soprano. >> what would world would you cast james gandolfini to play the world in a tv series? it worked that way. he was so good in the audition. you were so excited about it. >> reporter: the role won him three emmys. >> i can't really explain this except for i think the academy has an affinity for slightly overweight bald men. >> great actor. everything showed on his face. every little nuance. but, you know, i miss him as a friend. so he was a friend to everybody. >> you are unbelievably cute. >> reporter: james gandolfini was a working character actor for years before "the sopranos" made him a star. after the show went off the air, he was cast in high-profile films like the oscar-nominated "zero dark thirty." he also found success on broadway in the play "god of carnage." >> you sat there paralyzed on >> reporter: he saw an early production of the play and told charlie rose he wanted to be part of it. >> there was a lot of energy coming out of the theater. and i said this is something that i'd like to be a part of. >> reporter: but it's likely tony soprano will be the reason future generations remember james gandolfini. >> james gandolfini changed the face of cable television. and the face of drama as a whole. there wouldn't be a walter white, a don draper without tony soprano. >> you're my dad. we took over new jersey. >> we did? >> yeah. >> that's nice. >> the world haslight has gone out in the world. this guy was so compassionate, a genuine person. it brought me to tears. that was my reaction. >> reporter: hbo issued a statement. the network says its heart goes out to james gandolfini's wife and children. it called him a gentle loving person. a beloved member of the hbo family. charlie, norah. >> bill whitaker, thank you. you had him on your show many times. he was your friend. >> he was. we hung out at a car dealer. he was just regular, yet extraordinarily talented and redefined i think television characters. >> he did redefine it. certainly put hbo, you know, a program that everybody loved and too young. >> this may be a busy mornig at the supreme court with only days left in the current session. several landmark rulings could be coming down. jan crawford is at the supreme court. good morning. >> reporter: the key phrase is what you said could be coming any day. the justices are on the bench right now starting the process of releasing today's decision. whether we'll get the big one, no one has any idea. but of course they're running out of days. the end of the term is just a few short days away next week. some of the big cases we're watching involve, number one, affirmative action. whether or not colleges and universities can take race into account when they're making their admissions decisions. we're also waiting on a case for same sex marriage. whether or not the federal government can refuse to acknowledge it. we have no idea if these decisions are coming down today. there's nine people inside that courtroom. the justices. the law clerks. the secretaries that know. and they don't talk. so if anyone tell, you we know for a fact this case is being deeb side decided today, don't pay any attention to it. that is a dangerous thing to do here at the supreme court. if i had to make a guess, i would say, this is dangerous, i just said, i would say odds are we won't get same sex marriage cases today. those cases are complicated, argued late in the term. we may get affirmative action. that was argued in october. they've been struggling with it for a while. we'll break in if we get any big decisions. >> yet another example of government surveillance program is being confirmed. the director of the fbi now says his agency is using drones in the skies above america. jeff glor is with us. >> reporter: given the extraordinary pace in drone technology this revelation may not be surprising but it was till yesterday secret. the fbi has used drones about a dozen times. there's little reason to believe that's about to stop. and they say that's with good reason. >> does the fbi own or currently use drones and if so for what purpose? >> yes and acknowledgement came during questioning on the hill. >> i want to go on to a question -- >> help just put it in context. very, very minimal way and very seldom. >> reporter: among the situations, this hostage rescue in alabama in january. as a 5-year-old boy was being held by an armed man inside an underground bunker. the agents used a drone to get a continuous live view from above. the fbi views are not predator-sized planes. image, many associate with drone use overseas. they're more like model airplanes. the type rapidly growing in popularity because they're easy to launch. as we saw firsthand last year. they are not armed. the fbi says they do not currently use unmanned aerial vehicles to chase criminals. the fbi released this statement late wednesday. unmanned aerial vehicles allow us to learn criticalings in that otherwise would be difficult to obtain without introducing serious risk to law enforcement personnel. the fbi is not alone. cuss toptoms and border protection use larger drones along the borders. many local police departments now. though some departments have temporarily dropped edped edped drone use because of privacy concerns. the battle over immigration reform. a deal in congress could be imminent. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, charlie. a negotiation going on for several days among a group of 10 or 15 senate republicans. one of the leaders of that effort, senator bob corker of tennessee, told us last night they're on the verge of a breakthrough and could have something to announce today. here's why what they're working on is so critical. a number of senate republicans have been withholding their support from this sweeping immigration reform bill. because they feel the border security requirements in it are just too lax. and so they've been going back and forth, talking about additional measures increasing border fencing. dramatically increasing the number of border agents. and beefing up e-verify. that's a program that makes it easier for employers to determine whether their workers are here legally or not. sow supporters of this bill don't just want it to squeak by, they want to have a decisive victory to put more pressure on a republican-led house to do something similar. opposition in the house has been growing. wall street is way down again this morning after big losses yesterday. fed chairman bernanke rocked the market by saying the fed is likely to slow its buying treasury and mortgage bonds. that news sent stocks plummeting more than 200 points. this is the senior columnist at yahoo! finance. tell me the impact of this announcement. >> well, initially the impact on the markets was a worry that interest rates will shoot higher in a rapid and disorderly way. that's a scary thing. the market has become at least psychologically dependent on this be idea the fed is going to be buying these assets every single month in the same amount. and there's been some nervousness about what exactly the implications are. at root it's the fed's assessment that the economy's on firmer footing that is behind this guidance. >> do you think they're overestimating the strength of the economy? >> it's hard to say. there is very good evidence because the housing market has gotten some momentum. the auto sector is doing well. weep we've had steady if not strong gains in jobs. there was also a perception, a the fed is often kind of overestimated how strong the economy is going to be in the past couple of years. and also there was sort of a sense that ben bernanke the chairman, had an opening to be much more soothsing because inflation remains very low and he could have had an out by saying the sequester means the government is not helping the recovery out. >> the reason the average consumer should be interested in this is because it affected interest rates. >> it already has. we've already probably seen the lows in mortgage rates for the time being. so yes, that's the most immediate impact. >> the idea behind it on terms of what bernanke had said was he wanted to use the fed to reduce unemployment levels. >> that's right. >> did it work? >> well, it has worked. in the sense that unemployment levels have come down. we can't exactly find causation and say the fed was responsible for x number of jobs created. certainly the fed has been encouraging businesses to borrowened an spend so yes -- >> does the market assume bernanke will not be coming back? >> i believe at this moment it's assumed, january, he's done. >> michael santoli, thank you. charging three midshipmen with sexually assaulting a female last year. we are concealing her identity. she talked with our own jeff glor. >> do you feel like these guys have shown any remorse about what's happeneded? >> absolutely not. >> zero? >> zero. >> what do you think should be done to these three men? >> i think that they should be held accountable for their actions. you know i can't say that i'm well versed on as far as punish punishments or whatnot but they should be convicted as what they are and that's rapists. >> the names of the threemen men accused have not been released. the afghan taliban is reportedly offering to hand over an american soldier. army sergeant disappeared in eastern afghanistan in 2009. a taliban spokesman told the associated press today that bergdahl is in good condition and the taliban says he will be exchanged for five senior opera operatives being held at guantanamo bay. there are striking findings in a new study on the hp vaccine. the cdc says wednesday hpv infections among teenage girls have dropped by more than half. hpv is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the nation and it can cause cervical cancer. dr. carol brown is a woman's cancer specialist. good morning. this is a big development because the drop is so dramatic right? >> it's a huge huge breakthrough. it's the first evidence that we have that using hpv vaccine in teenage girls in the united states is really effective. >> and yet so few teenage girls have had this vaccine, right? >> that's true. a study showed that about 30% of girl, in the united states have been vaccinated. we'd like to get that to 80%. >> do you think this has the ability to wipe out hpv once more people are vaccinated? >> if we could get the vaccination rates up we absolutely could almost wipe out cervical cancer. >> wipe out cervical cancer. >> about 70% to 80% of serbcervical cancers are caused by the hpv virus. >> and not just girls, boys too, right? >> boys should also be vaccinated. that's a recommendation of the centers for disease control and many professional societies. >> they were not involved in this study. >> the major issue is pediatricians and family practitioners who give the vaccine need to be aware of these findings. and parents who have been hesitant about vaccinating these girls need to hear this amazing news. by doing this they can really decrease their changes of getting cervical cancer. >> just to remind everybody, hpv is the most common sexually transmided disease. how common is it? >> it's estimated about 79 million to 89 million people in the united states are infected. about 14,000 women a year get cervical cancer. about 4,000 of them will die. if we could vaccinate 80% of girls, we would save about 50,000 lives. >> thank you. headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" says the obama administration is getting ready to set limits on carbon emissions. the electric plants are responsible for 40 prgs% of greenhouse gas admissions. >> chuck grassy is criticizing irs tax bonuses. the tax agency says it is required to hand out additional compensation. grassy believes the bonuses are not allowed. "the wall street journal" says one of america's iconic bridges is being repaired with steel from china. the bridge spans new york's harbor. it connects brooklyn with staten island. it was built in the 1960s. chinese steel is being used because it is cheaper. american steelmakers say they're at a disadvantage. they complain the chinese government helps cover the cost of that country's steel. the wug post says more than 700 doctors wrote questionable prescriptions for the elderly and disabled. the report finds a group of doctors wrote more than 400 prescriptions for a single patient. >> and the "los angeles times" says nasa's releasing a billion pixel view of the surface of mars. nearly 900 images were stitched together. they create a panoramic view. the images were captured by the cameras on the mars curiosity rover. >> and massive wildfires in the western u.s. are threatening hundreds of homes this morning. one fire has burned throu through several thousand acres in prescott arizona, north of phoenix. and in denver a new wildfire forced dozens of people out of their neighborhoods. so far there is no major damage and no serious injuries are reported. >> one place you don't expect hot weather, alaska. an unusual heat wave continues today. the high in anchorage tuesday hit 81. that breaks a record set in 1926. 80 miles north, it got up to 86 degrees. it time of year highs are usually in the mid-60s. >> that's incr i've been to a a in july and it's freezing. so to hear that it's that it is now just about 7:20. time for a first check of your local weather. >> it's amazing because it's been so cold there all winter and spring long. hey, you know what? we're ending spring on a warmer note today. more sunshine outside just a breeze out there blowing as we look toward mount diablo. then we have a lot of sunshine expected for today. the temperature now in the 40s and 50s. by the afternoon, up in the 70s some 80s showing up in the valleys and 60s at the coastline. next couple of days, it looks like more sun and warmer weather chance of showers on monday. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by ensure complete. four-in-one nutrition to support heart and muscle and immune system health. did federal authorities get it wrong about twa flight she did use a racial slur years ago. we'll show you what led the celebrity chef to make that [ woman ] i could see it in their faces. they weren't looking at me. ♪ ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. 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(woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. a television station in austin, texas, is apologizing to hockey fans. the station interrupted the stanley cup finals last night. in his place the station ran a promotional ad and commercials, and that happened right in the middle of sudden death overtime. viewers missed the blackhawks scoring the winning goal. they only saw the blackhawks celebrating the season. the station apologized for the mistake. the series is now tied at two apiece. >> that's one of those moments you're at home and screaming at the television. >> you wonder what happened to the guy at master control last night. >> he will not be at master control. >> no doubt. welcome. coming up this half hour paula deen is known for herr southern cooking and now she's in hot water over racism. and the man who will guarantee you about men's wearhouse -- you know him -- george zimmer has been fired. that's ahead. it's been almost 17 years since twa flight 800 had blew up. it had just taken off from kennedy airport in new york. all 200 people died. now they're raising questions about the official explanation, a fuel tank explosion. >> the word was in the press at that time was eyewitnesses had already again to report smoke trails. >> the fbi raised new questions that a missile or some kind of streaking object was seen in the sky at the same time twa flight exploded. >> we do have a report that something was in the sky. a number of people have seen it. a number of people have reported it. >> they said don't get too involved. the fbi is going to handle it. it's a missile or a pom and we're not going to get involved in it. >> senior cbs consultant john miller was the first reporter on the scene. you covered it. good morning. >> good morning. >> do you think they've raise nud concerns? >> i think they've raised old concerns but they packaged it where it's very compelling. if you watch the documentary, you walk away feeling convinced but if you know the whole story, you are concerned about underlying facts and they left out alternatives and answers to that, so it's going get a lot of attention. >> one of the questions i have is if there were a missile used why didn't anyone come forward and claim responsibility? >> that's one of the achilles' heels of the missile thee. there's two parts to this. if there was a terrorist missile fired by a launch on a boat and you had a successful attack you killed 230 people downtowned an airline. if you don't claim responsibility, you wasted the effort. so why wasn't a credible claim made or discovered. the second part of the theory is it's even darker. there were navy maneuvers going off the coast that day and there's a thee that one of their missiles errantly hit the plane but that would kwooe require an awful lot. it would mean thaefr person hundreds of sailors involved in that operation would somehow manage to keep this secret and remain silent and do so forever. that doesn't happen. >> yochbd the investigators and beyond the filmmakers do you know of any serious people who believe that this was a plane that was shot down? the serious people in this dock men do and i say that because one of them was 26 years and before that a cop. the other was a chief pilot of twa who was part of the investigation. another was the medical examiner who raised questions about the type of wounds they found in victims in the water. so there's a lot there. now, i also spoke to the fbi people who worked the case and there are people who said, you know, with went through all those thees chapter and verse, and why were those explosive residue traces found on the plane? they traced it to a bomb dog in st. louis where they hid explosives in different places to see if the dog could final it on that actual jet. but every time you get to clear one of these up there's a chase of a different explosive that was found on the curtain of the aft cargohold and that was one of the areas that was never uncovered. >> you were there, with unof the first reporters on the scene. what would you remember? >> that would be the eeriest night. you see the horizon and see the lights. when you crest the horizon, you see a city of fire. we took the boats into the fire. we had blankets. we thought we were going to find people to rescue. instead wu found mail a child's toy and clearly people who did not survive. it was strange and very upsetting. >> how did you get to be the first person on the scene? >> i already was on a boat and i was headed to the dock to clean things up. i got a call from the new york city emergency medical service who said do you know u the plane crash. i gathered my dpeer and gotgear and got on a boat. was 14 miles away. that's how that happened. >> john, thank you. >> thanks. paula deen is admitting she used a racial slur in the past. mark strassmann looks at the impact it could have and her career. >> let's come on down here. >> reporter: paula deen is the blunt southern matriarch who spoons out dollops of butter. >> a half stick of butter. >> i'm surprised. >> but news she has used the "n" word has caused an uproar. >> i do believe a large portion of her fan base will find her. >> part of a racial discrimination and sexual harassment suit against dean her restaurants, and her brother ernest bubba heirs. >> have you ever used the "n" word? >> i did. >> when? >> when a black man burst into a bank with a gun. >> things have changed since the '60s in the south. >> context is never an excuse toward using derogatory statements against a group or race of people. >> the lawsuit against dean filed by one of her employees at a restaurant used the "n" word for plantation themed wedding. >> is there any possibility you slip and used the word she asked. she said, no that's not what these men were. they were professional black men doing a fabulous job. . she's no stranger to controversy. last year she faced criticism for continuesinging to promote high fat high calorie news some three years after learning she was die bet sniek you would thing these mishaps would chip away at that brand equity and now we're beginning to question everything dean says. >> reporter: dean's lawyer says she does not condone the for over 125 years we've been bringing people together. today, we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. obesity. and as the nation's leading beverage company we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions of our most popular drinks. it also means working with our industry to voluntarily change what's offered in schools. but beating obesity will take continued action by all of us, based on one simple common sense fact... all calories count. and if you eat and drink more calories than you burn off you'll gain weight. that goes for coca-cola, and everything else with calories. finding a solution will take all of us. but at coca-cola, we know when people come together, good things happen. to learn more, visit [ male announcer ] so you used the wrong flea killer. don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus. a special look at jfk and his [ female announcer ] are you sensitive to dairy? 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[ male announcer ] now learn about a program committed to you and copay assistance that can reduce monthly orencia out-of-pocket drug cost to $5. if you're not satisfied after 6 months you get that money back. call 1-800-orencia. look at this. in tampa bay, florida, a huge waterspout formed in the an. it spun for about ten minutes but never made landfall. the spout was eventually pushed out to sea by strong winds. you may not know his name, but there's a good chance you've seen george zimmer. he's the founder of men's wearhouse who was also the face and voice of the company until yesterday. zimmer has been fired as executive chairman. >> in a statement zimmer said quote, over the past several months i have been expressing my concerns about the direction the company has been turning. instead of dealing with it they've chosen to silence my thoughts. >> cbs analyst melodylody hobson is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> everybody knows george zimmer. this is an interesting business story because how often has a company remove its founder. >> we've seen this story play out time and time again. here you have a founder, 37 years building the company from one store to nearly 1,300. they put in a success plan three years ago saying that he was going to move down and scale out and he's probably had a very hard time letting go. probably became disruptive in the he feels like he's earned the right to win and yet the board has to go with the newer person who's going to be there for a long time. plus the new ceo has had great results. stock is up 207 this year. they reported strong earnings last week. they quadrupled in price since 2009. so, you know things have been going well. >> that's one case, but there's a case of steve jobs as you remember from am when he was pushed out and then had the opportunity to come back. >> that was a mistake clearly. and here there's a little bit of a hedge. who's to say they would. bring him back if they didn't want to. they have rights to his imfor the next four years, they pay him $250,000. they can use it if they want. they've been moving away from his image which some people believe has gotten a little longg in the tooth. >> how much is it about the huge market? >> huge. i mean big time because those millenniums, they are 86 million strong. they're the largest in u.s. history, 7% bigger than the boomers. everybody needs them. and some are saying you know george zimmer and his message maybe aren't that hip. >> if he was the founder of the company, how much stock did he owned? >> he owned about should be a nice day, a guarantee it! we'll see a lot of sunshine in most spots just patchy fog at the coastline. san jose looking good right now. the winds likely to kick up a little bit in toward the afternoon. in fact, the highs going to be running into the 80s inland. we'll see some 70s and breezy inside the bay but nice and sunny. and out along the coastline we are keeping you in the 60s. next couple of days warm summer sunshine will continue through sunday. a chance of showers though on monday. federal agencies have been told not to pay bonus us to government workers, so why is the urs about to pay its employees $70 million. the new decision of that troubled agency ahead on "cbs this morning." 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[ female announcer ] another newtonism. into every life, a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge whole grains. newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. one of country's biggest music stars died yesterday. he was known for his trademark yodel. >> he recorded infomercials to sell his records. he said he wanted to be remembered for good things. lynn whitman was 90 years old. and actress joann woodward got the first star on the hollywood walk of fame. today jennifer lopez gets star 2,500. but there's a secret to getting all those stars. we'll ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] keep your lawn looking great with a troy-bilt 2 cycle trimmer for just $99 at lowe's. ♪ ♪ this is so so soft. hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets.ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgh@új1é$ tt clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ ♪ [ woman ] hey! [ man ] hey, louis! [ woman ] there is something about a... man who knows his way around a grill. it's so manly. we talkin' about louis right? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] so good they'll think you grilled it. kentucky grilled chicken. freshly prepared and slow grilled to juicy perfection. try a 10-piece mixed bucket for just $14.99. today tastes so good. opponents of same-sex marriage are keeping an eye on the u-s supreme court ... which as soon as this morning, could good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage are keeping an eye on the u.s. supreme court, which as soon as this morning could announce its decision on prop 8. the voter- approved measure limits california marriages to men and women. bay area counties are preparing for a possible onslaught of marriage license requests if the high court agrees that prop 8 is unconstitutional. a school let's out for summer young people in the fremont area have a new state- of-the-art ski park to enjoy. yesterday was a grand opening of the fremont skate park a one acre $2.2 million facility within central park. the bay area's fourth largest city has been without a skate park since 2009 when a temporary wooden facility was closed because of poor conditions. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. slower traffic coming into burlingame an accident possible injuries record southbound 101 near the broadway exit. and traffic is heavy towards 92. elsewhere let's go out towards westbound 580 a little sluggish coming through the altamont pass. drive time is improving and outside now towards the east bay northbound 880 busy traffic heading towards downtown oakland. a lot of sunshine coming our way today. the sea breeze going to blow but not as strong as yesterday. the temperatures going to begin to warm up. waters over the bay now temperatures just beginning to heat up a little bit 50s and 60s showing up concord and looks like by the afternoon enjoying lots of sunshine and warmer weather into the 80s inland. 70s around the bay and 60s at the coast. good morning to you. it is 8:00 in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the creator of the sopranos says that james gandolfini was like most. we will remember the emmy-winning actor that brought tony soprano to life. the irs is playing $70,000 in bonuses despite a white house order. how many computer passwords do you have to remember? we'll help you keep track of them without writing them down. i like that. first, a look at today's eye opener james gandolfini an actor, took a murderous mob boss and made him someone we could relate him to. >> i miss him as a friend. he was a friend to everybody. >> this revelation may not be surprising but it was until yesterday secret. the fbi has used drones about a dozen times senator bob porker told us they are on the verge of a breakthrough and could have something to announce today plas sieve. >> massive wildfires. one fire has burned through 7,000 acres and in denver a new wild fire forced dozens out of their neighborhoods 70 to 80% of cervical cancers are caused by the hpv virus. we could wipe it out with varies nations. >> do you think they raised concerns? >> they lined up compelling and concerning facts and left out some of the alternative theories and answers. >> we did not uncover any evidence relevant to the investigation on james hoffa. the nsa said it would be too difficult to find jimmy hoffa, because he hasn't made a phone call since 1975. today's eye opener at 8:00 is presented by hilton. is presented by hilton. >> i i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. friends, fans and fellow actors are offering the highest praise for james gandolfini. doctors in rome say the soprano star died last night of cardiac arrest. he was planning to attend a film festival in sicily. he was just 51 years old. dominique who played his uncle says he will miss gandolfini as a friend. >> i walked out on to the balcony of this beautiful plaza in paris and said, my god, it is like a movie here. i expected like katherine hepburn or somebody to walk out. i turned to my right and there is this big guy smoking a cigar on the balcony. it was jimmy gandolfini. we both started to laugh. we went back into the room. that's a favorite memory. >> i'll bet everybody that knows him has a favorite memory. >> it is one of those stories when you first hear it you can't believe it because you know he was so young. van zandt tweeted, he was on the sopranos, i have lost a brother and a best freniend. the world has lost one of the best actors of all time. >> anyone that saw him in the smallest of his performances knew he was one of the great actors of this or any time. a great bit of that genius resided in those eyes. i remember telling him, you don't get it, you are like mozart. >> i was hooked from the very first episode of the sopranos. i had never seen a mob boss in therapy, number one and never seen a show like that. >> he was in rome with his teenage son. they had gone out to dinner. he went into the bathroom and didn't come out. his son found him. he collapsed inside the bathroom. >> it must be hard for you. you knew him. tough story to hear yesterday now, this story. the latest search for jimmy hoffa's body is over. they spent three days digging for his body. the fbi says it found no trace of hoffa's remains. it is the third time in seven years that authorities have searched unsuccessfully for hoffa's body in michigan. republicans want to know why the internal revenue service is set to pay $70 million in employee bonuses. two months ago after automatic spending cuts kicked in the white house told federal agencies to cancel all bonuses. >> that order was written by danny warfel now the acting head of the irs. a statement says the irs is under a legal obligation to comply with its collective bargaining agreement. they are already under fire for targeting conservative groups. the government of iceland says it has been asked to give asylum to edward snowden. he faces prosecution in the u.s. he would have to travel to iceland to are applying for asylum. julian assange says his organization is negotiating with the officials. he was given asylum in london last year. >> it is amazing the two of them are working together, julian assange and snowden. >> he says he is speaking on behalf and in touch with his legal representatives. a ten-year-old lung transplant patient is getting better. that is according to her family. sarah sarah marnaphan's mother says she has been moved to a ventilator. she received her two new lungs last week after her family convinced the judge to put her on a list for adult donors the hollywood walk of fame celebrates a milestone. jennifer lopez will receive the 2500th star on that famous stretch of sidewalk. bill whitaker looks at the tradition that started a half century ago and continues through the work of a single familiarry. >> reporter: in a city with a long history of self-promotion hollywood's walk of fame may be the most successful public relations ploy. >> just about everybody who is anybody in the film world is on hand. >> this came out of the premiers in the 1950s. hollywood needed something a promotional idea to get hollywood across to the world for tourism. they needed something more more glamour. >> reporter: this 1957 design established the now iconic look. actress, joanne woodward posed for the walk's first photo op. >> my grandfather was the one that put in joanne woodward's star. >> reporter: italian craftsman, bee bee biaggio paternostro put in the star. >> you actually build the star in place? >> yes. we pour the brass lettering and the emblem put that down and pour our material on top of that. we will grind it all down and impose the stones and the letters. >> reporter: each one takes how long to make? >> about three days even in modern technology. >> reporter: julia lewisouislouisdreyfus was misspelled. >> he spelled her name the spanish way luis. >> reporter: the actress kept the original showing it off in an appearance. >> julia luis dreyfus. carol said she was fired where she earned just 65 cents an hour. they said, where do you want your star? i said right in front of that theater where i was fired. that's where it is. >> reporter: about two dozen stars are chosen by a secret committee. the star must apply and pay the city for the honor. about $30,000. it is usually paid by the studio or the record label. it goes to maintain this prime real estate. but ultimately landing a permanent place under the feet of 10 million tourists a year is an experience both humbling. >> i'm completely overwhelmed and i'm going to try not to try. >> reporter: and humorous. >> i'm so very very proud to be henceforth walked upon have fries dropped upon and maybe even be peed upon by future generations of tourists and their dogs. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," i'm bill whittaker in hollywood. >> i may>> i may be the only person that has seen these. >> the first time i went to los angeles, i wanted to go. i said where is it? they said you are standing on it. they put it in perspective. people are walking on it. stuff happens on it. >> you pay for one of these. >> you are invited but you do end up paying for it. >> it costs a couple of bucks. >> someone has to pay for it. >> it is now 8:09. now you have something to do next time you are in we now know what to expect when princ w is we now know what to expect when prince william and kate have their baby. we will take you to the hospital where the future king or queen will be born. all that mattered back in 1975, moost the movie that may have kept you out of the ocean. do you remember what it was? the answer is next on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by hilton. travel is calling you you to book a great get away at saying, "dan, schedule a 5 o'clock meeting at a hilton garden inn." or "dan"... hey, dad. ..."explore your family tree at a homewood suites." [ family ] hi, dan. or "put your feet in the sand at a waldorf astoria." never stop vacationing, dan. book during the great getaway for great rates at our ten top hotel brands. travel is calling you to [ female announcer ] another newtonism. into every life, a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge whole grains. newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. k9 advantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks, it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! ñp úz u ♪ squl. movie that brought us 38 years ago today, the movie that brought us that ominous theme. jaws changed the way we see movies. director, steven spielberg caused the movie his personal crew cybil. it was a hit. it made hollywood history as the original summer blockbuster. >> what a gray movie. >> never seen anything like that on the big screen. >> that was a great shot of steven steel steven spielberg as a much younger man. >> when he was 13. so everybody has passwords tons of passwords. your online passwords may be leaving you wide open to identity thief identity thieves or just driving you crazy. tech writer, david pogue says he has passwords for 87 different websites. he is going to tell you why your secret words may change. how to keep track of it all. that's next on "cbs this morning." need to change, how to keep track of it all. keep track of it all. >> announcer: this morns's "cbs this morning" sponsored by international delight coffee creamers. what's your i.d.? i've discovered gold. [ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. [ woman ] hey! [ man ] hey, louis! [ woman ] there is something about a... man who knows his way around a grill. it's so manly. we talkin' about louis right? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] so good they'll think you grilled it. kentucky grilled chicken. freshly prepared and slow grilled to juicy perfection. try a 10-piece mixed bucket for just $14.99. today tastes so good. online passwords have become a fact of life and the bane of existence. ot of us is not just a matter of remembered them. we're supposed to change them on a regular basis too. who says. "new york times" technology columnist david pogue knows the feeling of frustration and joins us at the table. david, welcome. the experts say, and i use experts in finger quotes that you should use long passwords with digits punctuation, no recognizable words and make up a different password for every website. >> that advice is unfollowable. you're going to mem riz a string of gibberish, a different one for each of the 80 websites we've used? we've reach placed where we can't function. i mean that's not practical advice. >> how do you do it then? i find it incredibly frustrating. guile online to try to buy something and the password i think it is doesn't work. how do you keep it straight? >> what most people do is use the same password over and oefrd and over. it's not very secure. i've heard from many who keep their passwords in a notebook or in a word document. and don't use the word password as your password please. my big discovery is there are programs that remember your passwords for you, synchronize them among your phone and computer so every time you go to a website, the password is filled in for you. i think that's the only reasonable solution and they're free. >> what's the app? >> well, the one i like is called dash lane. it's free. it not only fills in the name and password when you go to facebook or twitter or i'm, it even then logs you in. so to you it's as though there's no password block yadade at all. i heard you have 87 different websites. what is that? >> you've got to your newspaper and banks. >> they're all different. >> they are now. i used to use variations of the same. the apps that store the passwords changed my life. >> what is the trick you use? >> some people use a trick where they use the same password over and over but they change one letter of it for each website, so for example if my password is charlie -- >> no. that's mine. >> it's not national tv or anything. >> but they'll change the second let er letter to match the website, for twitter it's c-t. even then it's a lot of manual effort. >> identity theft is a real issue, maybe not for your online account to buy something at crate & barrel but your bank account and personal finance records. why should i feel secure putting that on dash lane or some app? >> that's a good question. all these programs work the same way. it's encrypted on your computer. it's not -- they don't have it. it's not available online and it's encrypted using something called aes 256. it's an encryption status that the banks use and government uses. it's never been hacked. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ kpix five news headlines: top oakland of >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. >> good morning. it's 8:25. i'm michelle griego with your kpix 5 news headlines. officials will be introducing new oakland captains and lieutenants this morning to oversee five areas of the city. law enforcement will discuss crime reduction for the areas. menlo park-based facebook is going to introduce a video sharing service to instra gram. right now instagram allows you to post and edit photos. sculptures of georges lucas characters yoda will be unveiled in a park in san anselmo. the unveiling is at the new imagination park at 5 p.m. this evening. traffic and weather coming right up. good morning. coming into san francisco, still pretty slow on 101. there were a couple of stalls, too, actually near vermont street. everything is cleared to the right-hand shoulder but traffic is still stacked up beyond candlestick. also, westbound 237 is very slow going for silicon valley commuters because of an accident on northbound 101 in sunnyvale. also now out of lanes. and a quick check at the bay bridge, where it is still stacked up at least to the foot of the maze. metering lights are on. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> all right. we have a lot of sunshine outside now. a little breezy in spots toward the coastline. we are going to see more winds toward the afternoon but not as windy as it's been over the last couple of days. clear toward mount diablo. looking good as we sail into the last day of spring. in fact, summer begins 10:04 tonight. temperatures now in the 50s and 60s. by the afternoon, we have some 80s inland. 70s inside the bay and sunny skies. breezy at the coastline and 60s. next couple of days warming up for the first part of summer then cooling down, cloudy sunday, showers monday. for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created... a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more.. low and no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know... exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks... with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories... america's beverage companies are delivering. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour the angie behind angie's list is here in studio 57. she's in the blue and white dress. she looks like the average mom. she made it big and you can too. he went to the alaskan wilderness. then he lived in van. he'll tell you why all of that paid off. that's ahead. and the birth of the next royal baby was always going to be a big story but this morning we're learning extensive details about prnsince williams' and kate's plans. elizabeth palmer is in london this morning. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're starting to get impending details including fact the duchess of cambridge, contactatherine has withdrawn her appearances to get ready. her last appearance is when she christened a new cruise ship. fashion editors were mesmerized by her new dress. everybody else the baby bump underneath. the due date sometime in mid-july. over the past few months the british media have scrutinized catherine's every move in case she let slip the sex of the babe. it turns out the couple who was married just over two years ago have chosen not to know whether it's a boy or girl. dad is still on duty but he's planning to take a couple of weeks' paternity leave and to be in the delivery room when his wife gives birth. it's scheduled the take place in the same private wing of st. mary's, the london hospital where the prince's mother princess dianna gave wirth to him and prince harry. if these pictures in that same paternity wing are anything to go by, he's not shy around newborns. as soon as the baby arrives, another royal tradition will kick in. an aide will leave the hospital with a birth announcement and drive 2 1/2 miles to buckingham palace so it can be posted in the forecourt on an ee zell last used when prince william was born 31 years ago tomorrow. and in a nod that it's 2013 that birth announcement which will include gender birthweight and time of the birth will be reported to you. >> right now it's time to show you headlines around the globe. the norng times looks at the growing connections between the silicon valley and the nsa. the chief went to work for nsa. the nsa does so to collect intelligence. >> britain's telegraph says the vatican is about to announce a miracle involved pope john paul 2nd. it's unclear with the miracle is or what took place but vatican sources say it will quote, amaze the world. it will reportedly involve the healing of a cota- costa recan woman. if american airlines ran a lunch line or clothes it would depend what day and if they ran a hotel, you'd have to pay extra for things like a hot shower and a bed. small businesses generate most new jobs in the u.s. angie hicks started a very successful small business. that was 18 years ago. tomorrow in washington, the founder of angie's list will give advice to people who would like to follow in her footsteps. angie, we welcome you pack to studio 57. you'll talk to people in washington who really want to be the next angie. >> that's right. >> let's start with you. when did you know you had made it? i'm at success with your ridiculously reliable review. when did you know you made it? >> i think when we expanded to columbus, ohio. we opened in cleveland and i thought, oh, my, we're in multiple cities. what's going on. it's exciting. >> what's the number one service? >> it's usually plumbers. plumbers or handy men are a lot of times some of the top categories. it's hard to out feed them. >> what do you think is a key to creating and running a successful small business? >> understanding what your business idea is going to be and then really sticking to the task at hand. stickering to that original idea. i think a lot of times people can get very distracted. and hire good people. make sure the people you preface this is housing is often the stimulus for recovery and you say you can feel the recovery by the type of work people are doing on their homes. >> that's right. as the recession started back in '08 we watched people shift from doing landscaping and remodeling and fixings faucets and making sure their roof was in repair. now we'll see people start to move into some of the bigger projects again. i think it's going to be a long process but we're starting to see that turn. >> what do you intend to tell people? i once der if people recognize you when you're walking down the street because you really do look like so many we know. >> sure. >> what do they say? >> people walk up to me and say, are you angie? >> do they ask for a review or advice? >> they'll ask me for advice. they'll say they owe me a review. you helped me with my remodeling process and i owe you a review. >> one story was a roofer in chicago that when he first got on the list he was literally working out of his truck and now has become a large operation in chicago. so, you know seeing those life changing events is really exciting. >> real people yep. >> good and bad. >> exactly exactly. >> you have 1,300 employees. >> right. >> what do they do? >> sure. i mean we operate a column service. even though people go to the web to get information on angy's list, you can call in and talk to a real person if you'd like. we have customer support people engineers, marketing, editorial staff. we public magazines across the country as well. so we're really kind of busy put putting all that information to good use. >> what do you tell people about customer service? >> it's rt getting back to bases and making sure you're dotting all your is and crossing your ts. return your phone calls, show up for the appointments. you know it's really underpromise, overdelve, because communicating and doing what you say you're going to do is going to pay off huge dividends. >> there's a story in the news today about the guy at men's wearhouse. now he's out of a company. do you feel okay about angie's being in place? do you think your job is safe angie, at angie's list? >> those are business decisions. they have to make them what's right for the company. >> angie, congratulations on your success. >> thank you so much. >> angie hicks. and she's been a political wife and a senator. now elizabeth goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. hi, there. >> daddy loves you. daddy loves you. >> 3-year-old grayson was able to hear for the first time about three weeks ago and you're seeing his reaction when he hears his father's voice for the first time. imagine that. grayson was fifed with a brain stem implant. that's an electronic device that stimulate as nerve in the brain. welcome back. i love that story. >> see how he was stunned when he first heard something? what an incredible reaction. very nice. >> darling little boy, grayson. look at him. the surprise. >> one more example what we're learning about the brain and how you can connect it to all of our senses. >> and to hear the words daddy loves you. that's the first thing you hear. >> that's beautiful. >> very nice. >> that's beautiful. all right. now she served in the senate and under the cabinets of two presidents and now elizabeth dole is an advocate for what she called hidden heroes. it is the subject she knows a lot about. her husband and former senator and presidential candidate bob dole was wounded in world war ii. senator dole welcome. >> my pleasure. it's good to be hire. >> i do want to get your take. how is senator dole doing? >> he's doing well. he's had his ups and downs. he's strong. he's been out to kansas where they had a walk of honor and he was the first step in the walk of honor. it's lovely. it's the state capitol. >> he's not lost none of his candor. >> none of his candor or humor. he's as funny and as humerus as he's ever been. >> he said his party and your party need repair. >> yes. i remember he took the door off of his office. he said we need to have an open door. >> what would you do and what would he do to fix it? >> i think most definitely there are serve things that would be helpful. this immigration policy that's being discussed right now, which i think could be a very helpful initiative if that moves forward, immigration certainly in terms of continuing sustained economic growth. >> and reach out to women and young people and latinos and everybody else it seems to not -- >> yes. and i think we need to be careful not to be too rigid so that we seem to be unwelcoming to people who might want to come into the big tent. >> let's talk about your initiative hidden heroes. >> the caregivers are truly hidden heroes. what we're trying to do with my foundation is to increase the services and support for these caregivers. melissa johnson, for example, from south dakota, her husband was hit with a mortar blast. he came back with ptsd tbi, traumatic brain injury as well as legally blind. she had to give up her job. she was a teacher for 15 years. she had to give up that position and become a full-time caregiver. and there's really very little systemic help for the caregivers. it's just not known. so while certainly in terms of the wounded warriors there's been philanthropic help some national policies, solutions, but for the caregivers they're virtually unknown and people don't recognize that there's a problem there. now, you think about what that caregiver may be doing. it's a mother father or usually the spouse. they may be the only person who is available, knowledgeable, and who is trusted to provide care and it's labor intensive day and night. handling emotional problems. trying to provide for emotional balance. handling legal matters for the family, handing financial matters. >> it's clear you still have the passion and enthusiasm you had from your days in the senate. >> imagine if you're feeding and dressing a person and bathing them every single day. >> and i know people who do this. >> yes. >> but we were talking about your husband's passion and enthusiasm and activity. you still have it too, senator. i'm dwirning if you miss the day to day of the senate. >> i don't have time. >> that seems to be the case. and when you look at your party for a second, you know that's already talk of hillary clinton being endorsed for a presidential race in 2016. she hasn't even announced. when you look at your own party do you see a superstar there and say, you know, we have somebody too, or one or two. >> it's very sneerl never too early to talk about. >> we have a lot of excellent ones. >> do you have a name? >> as far as hillary is concerned, you know, i think clearly it's -- we can recognize that we're past the point of a woman being accepted as president because she almost made it last time and also just to think she could be a front-runner? a few years ago that wouldn't have been something that's conceivable but she's a front-runner. of course, it's very personal decision. i had to go through that myself. it's something that she will have to decide. but there's no question there are a lot of capable question.eable people. it's just too early to try to throw names out there. thanks anyway but no. >> you're a diplomat too. i like that. thank you former senator elizabeth dole. when we come back you'll meet the man who went through extremes to pay off his college loans. we'll tell you why it meant living in the wilds of alaska "cbs how far would you go to pay off your student loans? for kent ilgunas he went to the alaska. he shares in his new book. thank you. >> it's great to be on. >> how did you decide to do this? >> well, i had -- >> a lot of debt. >> i had $32,000 in debt and i embarked on a 2 1/2-year journey to pay it off. while on the journey i learned two things. one, i wanted to go go graduate school and, second i didn't want to go into debt ever again, which leads me to the van. >> you were consumed with the debt. you said i've got to do something about paying this off. it really really bothered you. >> i nink my heart i always knew i was a free person so the best tactic for me to take was to get obsessed with my debt, to hate it, to despite it to morph it to murder it. it's really not until you take that tactic -- >> where did you get that value from? where did you learn that? how did you know that that was something that could weigh you down for the rest of your life? >> i don't know. i just read a lot of travel books when was younger and reading about john mere and ernest shackleton and i wanted to be a free person like that and i couldn't do that with $30,000 in debt. >> the cost of college is so much, the increase in cost of college is more than inflation. people are graduating with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and yet there isn't a way to solve that problem. what do you think about that? >> oh, geez. well, first of all, i think you need to go to an affordable school and be realistic about your future. but i think a college education is a wonderful thing. you know the liberal arts education i had when i was an undergrad, it changed the person i was. i went into the college a slacker and came out as someone who was more well rounded. >> we have to get to the nitty-gritty of your life. the jobs you had and then you end up at duke university. your mother said i'm going to have distance myself from you for a little bit because what you did is a little crazy. you ended up at duke university and you were living in van. duke university wanted to offer you guidance and counseling. it sounded nasty in the book. >> i hope i didn't embellish the squaller too much. it was more like living in a tiny dorm. there were certain inconveniences. >> you had a mouse. >> i had a mouse in the up holetry for days. when it's hot outside, it's really hot in the van. i had a college campus nearby. i had free wi-fi, rooms with air conditioning. >> you could shower. >> compared to a lot of places i had it pretty good. >> you had challenges in the alaskan wilderness and you survived them and now you're getting a duke degree. >> i recently walked the troeshlg pipeline and i'm working on my next book "trespassing across america" because on that trip i crossed private property. >> you said more than adventure, excitement, and money, you wanted in your life -- >> purple. >> and you ended the book with go for it. go for it. quite a story. >> my pleasure. >> quite a story. that does it for us. up nexting your local news. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." -- captions by vitac -- [female vo] looking for the hottest deal on a new mattress? 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