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government soldiers continue their assault on civilians. >> the concern is simply that the violence is spiralling. >> all of the people are together as one. >> the u.n. says it has another peace plan ready to go. honest abe. as his birthday approaches, a unique view at the myths, history, and legends of america's 16th president. >> this is an area of the tomb that the public never sees. a coronation on stage. but behind the scenes, on music's biggest night, intrigue. ♪ there's a fire starting in my heart ♪ >> all that, and all that matters, on "cbs this morning saturday" february 11, 2012. and we have a lot to get to on the show this morning. also, a quick peek of the first pictures of blue ivy. more photos released by the proud parents in just a moment. >> plus, what does it take to be happy? money, where you live? maybe it's genetics? a new documentary called "happy" may hold the answer. >> you hold the answer on that one, seth. are you a happy perch person. >> you choose to be happy. >> and members of the longest running opera "phantom of the oprah." my husband's favorite. i'm a married woman now. i appreciate the applause. they are on the cover of "the new york times," 10,000 performance. they will sing live right here in our studio. >> very exciting. first up, the president's attempt to strike a compromise on contraception struck at the cpac meeting yesterday. each tried to highlight conservative credentials. chip reid in our washington bureau with more. good morning, chip. >> good morning, seth. mitt romney a simple but crucial mission at the cpac conference, to convince subsequent i callre conservative to his core. >> i have had conservative constants shape my life. >> reporter: he used the word conservative 24 times in his speech. >> if you are not fiscally conservative, you're bankrupt. i spent 25 years balancing budgets. >> reporter: many are having support of abortion rights and the health care mandate. >> i will eliminate obama care. and let me also be clear on this my presidency are be a pro life presidency. >> reporter: many remained unconvinced. romney's speech didn't change your mind. >> great speech. i don't know if i can trust him. >> reporter: are you convinced that romney is a true conservative? >> i'm not convinced, no. i think that he played well to this audience today. but i don't know if it was anything other than playing well to this audience. >> reporter: rick santorum, who is rising in some polls after winning contests in three states earlier this week, possessed the question many here were asking about romney. >> why would an undecided voter, vote for a candidate of a party who the party is not excited about? >> reporter: later today the cpac conference will announce the results of its straw polls. san for sum hoping do well. the conference will conclude with what is should to be a fiery speech by sarah palin. >> chip reid, thank you very much. now a look at the bigger political picture for campaign 2012. for that, we turn to political director john dickerson in our washington bureau. great to have you with us. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. >> i want to talk about the change in the birth control policy by president obama. who is pleased here at this point? >> well, that is still being worked out. some of the president's allies in the democratic party who had difficulties with his original policy, say they think it's okay. and it looks like compromise. one of the problems, the president wasn't just getting criticism from the republicans, but catholics in the democratic party were giving him a lot of pressure and heat. it appears democrats are back on board and the view from republicans mostly in two camps. one, wait and see what actual details of the compromise are, and also others for whom nothing the administration will do will be enough. >> how does it play in the debates, john, the upcoming elections with the gop contenders? >> it depends on how this argument goes forward. if this is a question of contraception and women's rights to contraception, probably democrats and she a crass political calculation. democrats will be okay in the argument. what the white house miscalculated is that this became something much more about a contraception. an issue of religious liberty, government fussing around in your life and general overreach, and also just in sensitivity to the catholic faith. there were a lot of liberal who's agree with the administration in terms of trying to cover contraception, but felt the way it was handled was offensive to catholics. >> given santorum's recent surge and we saw from romney, he's making a push to define himself as a more strict conservative, could a debate like this play higher in the overall politics of the situation than maybe it would have if romney was in a bigger lead at this point? >> republican presidential candidates will milk this issue for all it's worth. they nothing they like more than beating up on the president. that's part of the competition in the republican race. who can take on the president and his general record in the general election. this gets to a central issue for them which is government overreach. it will be talked about quite a lot. rick santorum, more comfortable on social issues and talks about them with great ease, certainly something he will talk about. but for rick santorum, the challenge is to get outside the coalition he built with social conservatives, evangel gal voters. he needs to show he can have a broader appeal that allows people to think of him as a possible nominee, somebody who could go up against obama on a variety of issues. >> the other major issue, the economy. president obama expected unveil a budget on monday, less about deficit reduction, more about taxation on millionaires and also spending on infrastructure. how is that going to play, john, with the independent voters? >> the big debate that the administration would like to have is one about fairness, about when you have to pay for necessary items to -- to continue government, but also to allow the economy to grow. the president's argument is that you need infrastructure spending. spending on education and other kinds of targeted spending in order to create the environment for economic growth and he argues in in order to finance that you need a fairer tax structure, which everybody, there is a sense of shared sacrifice, and the people at the very top should sacrifice a little more. republicans have the exact opposite view and that's the way that will play out in the fall in terms of independents, the question for them, who wins that argument? do they feel taxed enough already or feel like shared sacrifice makes sense? >> good point. john dickerson, thanks. >> thanks. now to the bloodbath in syria. the government continues a relentless assault, especially in the city of homs. dozens have been killed during a week of bombardment. correspondent clarissa ward is traveling with rebels, and they show no sign of backing down. >> reporter: across syria, friday is the day for prayer, and protest. as they emerge from the mosque, the faithful called out to god to win free dom. young boys led the chant. we need a god-fearing president this one cried. they marched together in the main square, the free zone, where government forces have been pushed out. after days of fighting and mourning, today offered a rare moment of joy. the rebels have managed to carve out this small enclave so the people of this city can come out here without fear and celebrate what this uprising is really all about. freedom. >> we need freedom! >> reporter: they burned photographs of the leaders of russia and china supporters of assaad's regime and pledged support to the people of the city of homs. with our soul and our blood, they swore, we will avenge homs. she is saying that all of the people are together as one. as word spread that american journalists were present, we were swarmed. everyone had a story of loved ones lost. >> i lost my brother, who was arrested and i don't know where is he now. maybe he died. maybe he's killed. >> reporter: the fight in syria is far from over. the city is surrounded on all sides by tanks and soldiers that could attack at any time. but on this square, war seemed a little further away. clarissa ward, syria. >> absolutely incredible pictures. that was clarissa ward, reporting independently with rebels in syria. for more on the violence in syria, we're joined by marc ginsberg, former u.s. ambassador to morocco. he recently wrote an article about the humanitarian crisis in syria in the huffington post. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> i want to talk about the news this morning that top army general being killed is this an escalation? >> there is no doubt that there's a series attacks that have been launched by the free syrian army against the elements of the regime that are basically involved in coordinating the fighting this is probably one of the highest level syrian officials that has actually been the target, probably even an assassination by defect fors who are essentially engaged in the reprisal attacks against the military for the slaughter that's taking place across the country. >> as these rebels get closer and closer to main cities, right? >> exactly. in fact, until the russian veto in the u.n., which i know we'll talk about, the free syrian army actually had control over some of the outskirts of damascus which is an indication of how far this rebellion has advanced to the major cities of syria, beyond those cities that are essentially been rebelling since the beginning of this rebellion in march of last year. >> ambassador, in the article you wrote in the huffington post, you mentioned a double standard. why are we so eager to get involved in libya, but not so much with syria? >> well, the administration makes this argument that syria is a far more complicated situation that could still over across the region. whereas with libya, there was an imminent threat of a humanitarian catastrophe. frankly, i argued in the article that that's a double standard. that the slaughter taking place in syria, evidenced by the interviews by the u.s. ambassador, robert ford, in the last few days, an indication that the administration needs to stop leading from behind here and needs to basically coordinate a major effort to try to stop the arms transfers that russia has engaged in under the very guise of its own veto if there is any country that actually engaged in mill tarizing the situation, it's russia under the cover of its own veto. >> what can be done after last weekend, russia and china, blocked the security council resolution. without the resolution, what options are there? >> there are many things that the united states can do. first, coordinate with the united states and the european union to bring an indictment in the international criminal court against the assaad regime. two, it can launch a humanitarian corridor to provide refuge to the refugees and others fleeing. and, third, it could push the united states to pass a resolutions and dare the rushians to veto that resolution. fourth, we engaged in all sorts of covert activity in libya under the guise of american needs to provide humanitarian support. we're not doing enough. it's clear this administration is sitting back on its laurels in libya and as a result, syrian people are paying a price for the administration reluctance under the argument it doesn't want to mill tarrize the situation any further. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> and now to washington state it is likely to be an emotional day in tacoma, where a funeral is planned for charlie and braden powell. the brothers were brutally murdered in explosion and fire set by their father, josh powell. more on the outpouring of support for those two little boys. >> reporter: the funeral for 7-year-old charlie and 5-year-old braden to yiden powee held at a tacoma church that can accommodate 1,800 people. many have been leaving flowers, although like pam christman, they never knew the boys. >> i had felt that i needed to be here and see this. closure for myself. >> reporter: police say the boys' father, josh powell, attacked them with a hatchet before setting the house on fire with gasoline, killing himself and his sons as a social worker outside frantically called 911. >> he exploded the house. he exploded the house. he blew up the house and the kid. >> the kids and the father were in the house? >> yes. he slammed the door in my face. >> reporter: powell had been under a cloud of suspicion for more than two years, since his wife susan disappeared without a trace since their home in utah. he lost custody of his sons to susan's parents who already had misgivings about the court-ordered visits with their father. >> yeah, because look what happened. and -- i knew that they -- they were supposed to be able to see their dad. >> reporter: all anyone can do now is mourn the loss of two young and innocent lives. john blackstone, san francisco. >> just tragic. for the rest of the morning's headlines, we go to michelle miller, right across the desk. >> love to be here. thank you, both. good morning. president mahmoud ahmadinejad says iran will reveal "very big nuclear -- new nuclear achievements." this morning, thousands of people turned out in tehran, the capitol to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the islamic revolution that toppled the shah. iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb according to u.s. and other officials. and greece will go forward with an an u unpopular deal to avoid default. the eu agreed to give greece more than 1$100 billion in bailout funds in exchange for billions in budget cuts. thousands of people have taken to the streets in a two-day strike against the package. former penn state football coach jerry sandusky is speaking out about the bail restrictions placed on him, as he awaits trial on sex abuse charges. sandusky says former friends, now want him confined inside his house, not even being allowed on his deck. at a court hearing on friday he asked for supervised visits with his grandchildren. a tentative trial date set for may 14th. we are getting our very first look this morning at beyonce and jay-z's new baby. the proud family of 1-month-old blue ivy posted five photos on tumbler. look at the radiant smiles on the parents. blue ivy is the couple's very first child. and in pro basketball, vin sanity has reached new heights. harvard grab jeremy lynn of the knicks have new yorkers going lynn-sane. new york beat los angeles 92-85. new york fans are going wild for their new star with the name tabloid writers have only dreamed about. the knicks are on a four-game lynn-ing streak since they inserted their new point guard in the likeup. i'm a lakers fan, but something about a smart jock that appeals to me. 1 aft9 after the hour. lonnie. lynn-sane. >> jerry lynn, making basketball fun again in new york city. to weather headlines, top to bottom. bitter cold in the northern plains. that cold to the southeast. you will be shivering today. and snow showers for the appalachians. here is the snowstorm if you will. pittsburgh, charleston, knoxville. 3 to 6 inches within the shaded area. some spots see a foot of snow. satellite and radar picture. new york, boston, only an inch or two. a quick look at the national picture. hoo e here is a closer look for the weather for your weekend. all right, everybody. make it a great saturday. seth and bekah, over to you guys. >> we appreciate it. a big weekend for paul mccartney. the former beatle joins his band mates with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. >> he will perform at tomorrow's grammy awards and paul mccartney also picked up a tribute last night. >> reporter: paul mccartney rocked his mussic cares awards ceremony with a little help from his friends. some very famous friends. coldplay. ♪ try to see it my way ♪ hey jude >> reporter: katy perry, the foo fighters. the staying power of mccartney's music is what brought out the power players, many with personal connections. >> they are family, you know, and also it provide provides an incredible influence to the world. >> paul is an essential part of my story. he signed me to apple records in 1968. my big break in show business. >> is he one of the sock writers whose music will be around for hundreds of years. >> reporter: what makes this party unique, pop, jazz, country, all come together to put their spin on mccartney's music. mccartney's career spans five decades, includes 14 dwrgrammysd hundreds of hits, going all the way back to the beatles. ♪ when i saw her dancing there >> the first time i saw him was on the ed sullivan show. >> a lot of step sisters that went berserk. the world erratically, substantially changed. >> reporter: the tribute celebrated mccartney's career accomplishments and his charitable giving. the event aids musicians going through tough times. >> we start out in rock and roll or music, are you just looking to be successful, have a good time, you know, get the girls. get some money. you know, that's basically what guys get into groups for. and then when that happens, you can sort of settle down a little bit. you can use your celebrity and help give back that way. >> reporter: and last night, hollywood gave back. to an artist who has given so much. ♪ once there was a way to get back home sweet little darling do not cry ♪ >> reporter: for cbs this morning saturday, i'm bill whitaker in los angeles. >> by the way, sir paul has reportedly agreed to do a walk-on on the hit cable tv show "madmen." see the grammys right here on cbs tomorrow night at 8:00, 7:00 central. companies tracking your every click. how to protect yourself from something known as weblining. >> oh, happy day. what the makers of a document found out about all of the happy people they studied. >> shiny, happy people. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. so -- >> so -- >> what have you been up to the last couple of weeks? the reason i pose that question, guess what rebecca has been doing? >> i know. >> off. >> relaxing in the sun. >> getting married. >> changing your whole life. >> changing my whole life, for the better. >> she is now married, if anyone missed it. >> i didn't miss it. oh, look at this. >> there is matt. matt and i. we were married in minneapolis. >> and that's a very big chair. >> she got smaller on our wedding. >> we did get smaller for the wedding and get progressively better after the wedding. >> what are you wearing? >> a dress by monique lilele. and i loved my earnin e ed earr. >> where did you go? >> to a nice warm spot. how much did you cry at your wedding? >> i know michael rose is our producer, and it was lovely. look, down there holding the chair. >> where the green lights are the green lights are from the deejay, set up the light booth. not like wearied green lights coming out of my dress. >> the best compliment anyone paid to rebecca was, wow, she looks so happy, and i thought, wait a minute, she just got married, supposed so be married. this is the best time. >> did you take time to enjoy it? >> i totally enjoyed it. enjoyed every minute of it. i'm still enjoying it in my welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." >> coming up, here is a term you may not have heard. it's weblining and it happens every time you go on the internet. advertisers follow your every click and can use that against you. well, we're going to tell you about how to fight back. >> frightening stuff, right? plus, a new look at a documentary called "happy." what all of those people around the world who are happy have in common. and we celebrate abraham linco lincoln's birthday tomorrow with a trip to springfield, illinois, today and an intimate look at his life and legacy. first, a dramatic day in court during the murder trial of george huguely. charged with murdering his former girlfriend and former university of virginia lacrosse star, yeardley love. for the first time, jurors heard his side of the story. we are in our washington bureau with more. >> good morning to you. george huguely did not testify. but his video taped interrogation was played for the courtroom. at one point, he broke down his first show of emotion in the trial. in the fifth and most riveting day of 24-year-old george huguely's murder trial, the entire courtroom heard his first reaction to yeardley love's death. a female detective stunned him with this. i have something to tell you. she is dead. simultaneously, he breaks into tears in court, just as he does on video. love's sister, lexi, begins sobbing so loudly, a victim's advocate had to intervene, families, friends and jurors were visibly gripped by emotion as the tapes played huguely's response. on that night two years ago, after a long day of drinking, huguely went to love's apartment. in a drunken rampage, he kicked down her door and beat her to death. the evidence introduced in court showed the door's gaping hole, the last bar why are between huguely and love. he claimed he wanted to talk, to work things out with his former girlfriend, telling investigators, she started freaking, i shook her a little. we wrestled on the ground. i never struck her or hit her. may have grabbed her neck, but i didn't strangle her. now, for huguely to get a live sentence, the prosecution has to prove he intended to kill love. the defense says he was way too drunk to plot to kill her, and this was all a tragic accident. >> for more, we're joined by jean casarez, covering this trial as a correspondent for in session. i want to begin with the video showing of huguely crying. >> it was a domino effect. he was crying on the tape. this is hours after her body was found. voluntarily went to the police department, waived his miranda rights and started talking. so the defendant starts crying and then yeardley love's mother and sister start crying and two jurors start crying. >> the fact that two jurors start crying is interesting. it will come down to them and how they perceive the situation. how does this help huguely in any way? >> it makes him human. he won't look at crime scene photos this is a girlfriend. prosecutors say he beat her to death with premeditated murder or felony murder, but it was his girlfriend too. when the crime scene photos go on the screen, he looks away, and yesterday broke down sobbing. >> so might this be something that could backfire on the prosecution? >> possibly. but george huguely, everything he said that came out, the jury will look at the evidence. is he telling the truth on the tape? because, remember, there is a very critical e-mail the prosecution brought in from the friday before the sunday that she died, where george is upset she's dating somebody else and said i should have killed you. but the end of that e-mail chain, george, says, look, can't we talk tonight? when he went into the police station, he said i just wanted to talk with her, but yet her bruises were so bad, and she had a black eye. she didn't give that to herself. but george says i tried to calm her down. she was so upset i was about there and started banging her own head against the wall. so what does that mean? do the injuries show she did it to herself? i don't know. it will come down to medical science. >> you think that's what it will come down to? >> critical. >> the defense made the point in the opening remarks, not that he's innocent, but tried to make the case for involuntary manslaughter. >> that was amazing. at the end of this try, they normally say we ask you to find the defendant not guilty. not here. they are saying manslaughter. they will allow him to have some responsibility, but they say he didn't premeditated this, didn't deliberate this, not first-degree murder, not felony murder, it's manslaughter. up to ten years in virginia. he served two. that would allow him to start over and have a life. >> a very different outcome that one might expect. thank you for being with us. she here is lonnie with another check of the weather. right to my weather headlines, for the northeast today, a snow event from the ohio valley eastward. this isn't the biggest snowstorm you never had, the reason on my weather board, you haven't had much snow this year. the total of the storm will be measured in inches, not feet. satellite and radar picture, not the most impressive system i've ever seen. a couple of different systems, cold front to the north, offshore low pressure system. if they came together in the exact right place this would be a monster storm. new york city, pick up an inch or two. last year at this point in time, 57 inches, and this year, 7.2. a quick look at the weather picture. here is a look at the weather for your weekend. all right, everybody. that is going to do it for weather. talking about east coast cities, not getting a lot of snow. seth, your hometown on the cape. a little more snow for you. >> i was up in boston, looked like it was going to snow. if this is a snow event, pretty pathet pathetic. people in the other parts of the world or country might be laughing, lonnie. up next, how advertisers are tracking your every move online and may be using it against you. it's called weblining. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." >> this portion sponsored by levemir flexpen. ask your doctor about the benefits of levemir flexpen today. was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir flexpen. flexpen is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. levemir is long acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not take if your blood sugar is too low. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at what? 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"love you lots." do you want to see it again? yes, i want to see it again! [ female announcer ] hallmark blooming expressions delivers your love again and again. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ abracadabra. new hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. but does bringing a floor back to life really make us heroes? [ chuckles ] yes. yes, it does. ♪ call 1-800-steemer and the chefs at lean cuisine are loving tangy lemon, peppery poblano, sweet butternut. we're roasting, and grilling to create must-have meals with no preservatives. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. seth rocking out for me. >> how appropriate for this segment, right? >> someone is watching you on the internet. on this morning's "moneywatch," weblining. it sounds innocuous, but it refers to advertisers watching every move you make online. >> you could be denied services over having trouble getting health insurance. joining us is michael fertik of thank you for joining us. first of all, tell us, how do they use these searches to track us? >> the process of weblining, collecting data about us when we use the web, has been going on for a while. you search the web, you post stuff, like stuff, buy stuff, that information being collected by data brokers or collection company who's share it or sell it. two changes in the last year or two that have made this a bigger and more comprehensive issue for everyone everybody on the internet. one, the buttons you see when you like something or don't click the like button on a page. that is there to track that are you on the website and that's a much deeper and more systemic search for us and the information about us. and number two the information is not just being used by advertisers. your introduction was exactly right. the same information that's been being collected about us for a long time is being used to determine whether we get access to health care, how big our health insurance premium might be and whether we get a job, for example. a very big and influential part of our lives. >> and credit card companies might be using the searches. just curious, are there particular search topics or websites that one could visit that would be most damaging to the reputation? >> it's called anything on the internet. not -- it's not damaging your reputation. i don't want people to be paranoid about using the web. they should use the web and so forth. but unless you use specific measureses, and my company exists to give you control back over your data, unless you use specific measures, you will have your data collected. the internet has been built up as an advertising medium so there is a huge incentive to collect our data, share our data. and all of this bounty that each of us represents through our digital dna should be shared with us. i think we can do better internet entrepreneurs and ma y imagine a future where we're getting the data and also paying you back for it imagine, every time your data was sold, you got a cut. it could be very exciting and optimistic version of currently what's a little creepy. >> if we get there, that would be great. >> it is creepy. >> i'm working on it for you, rebecca. >> michael fertik, we appreciate it. for more, visit and search six things you should never reveal on facebook. coming up, money, family, genetics, a new film looks at what it really takes to be happy. >> all of that. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." who owns an adjustable version why not t of the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. goes up. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. goes down. 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[ dog barks ] ♪ get up off... appropriate music. >> very appropriate. in this morning's "healthwatch," what makes people happy? the producers of the documentary "happy" think they found clues in the real-life stories in the film. >> what will make you feel like are you successful and happy? >> right now? money. >> more money doesn't seem to buy more happiness. >> can help you get your other goals, have better relationships, do better at the job. >> they spent a smidgen of time each day actually practicing and cultivating happiness and cultivate other qualities like compassion and altruism, the world would really be a better place and we'd be transforming our brains in very positive ways. >> i like that. joining us now one of the researchers involved in the project, dr. robert biswas-drener of positive acorn. a consultansy that brings happiness to workplaces. >> thank you for having me. >> what does make people happy? you traveled all over the world. >> a lot of times people look for happy innocence their paychecks, in their life circumstances. the best bet where happiness dividends are concerned, is to look for happy innocence relationshis. we're social creatures. having good, trusting, solid social relationships your best bet for happiness. >> i like the story in the rickshaw driver in calcutta or india, he's so happy. he doesn't make any money. there isn't a connection between wealth and happiness. >> i think that is a really powerful example. and one of the great things about the documentary, a human face is on the signs of happiness. i researched happy innocence slum areas in calcutta, and the filmmaker came in and actually told these wonderful stories, and this rickshaw puller, a terrible, terrible job, but describes him as the happiest man in the world. >> in the video the clip, you have to cultivate happiness, it's not just in you, it's something you have to work towards. adversity is also a component. >> absolutely. there is a wonderful story in the movie about a woman named melissa moody, in a terrible car accident, and her indom inatable spirit shines through as she bounces back. it's hard. not easy for people to bounce back. but you can, and the human spirit is one of toughness and resilience. >> an uplifting documentary. i enjoyed watching it last night. thank you for joining us. for more ways to find happy innocence your life, go to our partner in health, web and search for happy. >> just keep watching us on saturday morning. hopefully we'll make you happy too. up next, a trip to springfield, illinois, for a look at the secret life of oln. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. 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"lincoln" will recocome out thi fall. and in june, there will be a new film that will depict him as an action hero of sorts. what was the big secret? >> he was a vampire hunter. >> reporter: seriously? >> seriously. >> reporter: "am ra hamlin con: vampire hunter," about the unearthing of a fictitious journal. >> it depicts a different aspect of lincoln's life, we didn't know much about, vampire hunting. >> reporter: lincoln's famous ax is used to good affect in real life, he was thrilled to see the handwritten copy of the gettysburg address. brian andresen offered a rare look. >> that's his hat. we can see the marks where he would tip his hat. these dwloefs were in his left pocket on the night he was assassinated. and if you look carefully along this edge, you can see the president's blood. >> reporter: he hopes the betrayal of lincoln as a vampire hunter will generate interest in the real man. the actor who portrays him believes it will. you're not dissing him? >> absolutely not. the movie is respectful. i think he's like it he had a sense of humor. >> reporter: with that in mind, not hard to imagine lincoln laughing at the idea of himself as an action hero for "cbs this morning saturday," cynthia bowers, springfield, illinois. >> action hero/president. >> got to love that. for some of you, your local news is next. the rest of you, stay with us. watching "cbs this morning saturday." about an hour into the show, ready to start drinking. >> you know the drill, seth. we're not drinking just anything. we're drinking -- >> sexual chocolate. you know nothing about this. >> it's beer. and i guess its name from "coming to america." that movie, "coming to america." cheers. that's sort of like a dark chocolate. bitter. >> what a great movie, right? >> yeah. >> the people -- this is made in north carolina i believe. and people line up for it. made once a year around valentine's day, as it were. >> well -- >> what are your thoughts? >> it's dark and bitter. >> are you a beer drinker? >> the love and -- >> my husband is sweet and milke. he's not going to be happy about that. >> just another flavor infused beers. i did didi did a little internet sear. mustard flavored beer. >> what holiday is that for? >> that's easter. >> sounds a little rough. call matto and budweiser. >> i think i've seen that actually. >> who was drinking tomato juice one day and thought this would taste break with some clam juice in it. >> do you taste the cocoa in it? it's the aftertaste. >> i was in congo watching the cocoa bean harvest. >> we'll be right back. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm seth jones. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. we'll be discussing one of the most beautiful women in the world. kylie bisutti. she leased a life's dream, modeling for victoria's secret in the early stages of her life. and in a few moments, she'll tell us why she's walking away from the catwalk and that dream at the top of her career. and the cast of the musical "phantom of the opera" is about to make history again this afternoon, but they are spending the morning with us, the 10 thoi performance. >> are these yours? >> these are mine. i wear them after the show. >> they will sing two show-stopping musical numbers. >> i'm sort of kidding. the battle over birth control and the president's attempt at a compromise. nancy cortes on capitol hill with us. good morning to you question now, is anybody in congress pleased with this compromise? >> reporter: kl, d well, democrats are. there were a significant number of democrats upset about the new rule. several came out yesterday and said this change looks like a good compromise. others said they would study it. republicans are still opposed, and the u.s. conference of catholic bishops came out with a statement saying the altar policy is a needless government intrusion in the governance of religious institutions. even if the religious institutions no longer need to pay for contraceptive coverage for female workers, the insurance companies have to do it, and it's a departure from current law, saying essentially that preventing pregnancy is the same as preventing disease. >> nancy, what do we think the congressional republican response will be to this? >> reporter: well, they've already introduced legislation in the senate to stop it they'll introduce legislation in the house as well. in the house, republicans control that body. so they could pass legislation. trying to overturn this rule. in the senate, much more difficult for them to get 60 votes since the democrats control the senate. rebec rebecca. >> thank you for being with us, nancy. now we go across the table again to correspondent michelle miller, who is here with the news desk. >> there it is. thank you, rebecca. good morning, everyone. if president obama has his way, the rich will pay more in taxes to help pay down an expected $1.3 trillion deficit for the fiscal year. a key part of the federal budget that the president will propose on monday. it calls for a big increase on infrastructure spending. it is more of a political list of priorities it won't get much attention from republicans controlling the house in an election year. eight more people arrested today in britain's ongoing phone hacking scandal, included are five staff members of the tabloid newspaper "the sun." taken into custody after allegations that bribes were paid to government officials in return for tips and information. also in britain, rare photos released to mark queen elizabeth's 60th anniversary on the throne. taken in 1952 as the 25-year-old elizabeth became monarch, following the death of her father and king, george vi. her husband is shown in his naval uniform. and their two young children, princess anne and prince charles. time for another check of weather with our lonnie quinn. >> right to it look what's behind me right here. a live shot in new york city. this, if you've never been there. wolman rink in central park. light snow flurries. here is how i see it. heavy snow. not in new york city, but in the appalachians, portions of west virginia, picking up close to a foot of snow. light snow for the coastal cities, new york, boston and warm jackets for jack. what? i'm talking jacksonville, mississippi, jacksonville, mississippi, and temperatures in the 20s. cold for you because of the high pressure system which is working overtime north of that. the northern plains, minot, minneapolis, huron, waterloo. high temperatures today between 5 to 19 degrees, but it will feel like minus 10 to minus 20. i can feel property values plummeting. a quick look at the national picture. here is a quick look at the weather for your weekend. all right, everybody. the snow event to the northeast is for today. it will be gone tomorrow. seth, over to you. >> this weather segment what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> the grammies are tomorrow night, right here on cbs and they've been generating a lot of headlines. not only because of the great music, but because of the behind the scenes drama and intrigue. and here to fill us in with all of that is joe levy, a cribbing editor for "rolling stone" magazine. let's get to the controversy, three years ago, chris brown accused of assaulting his then-girlfriend rihanna. he will show up tomorrow night. will the audience welcome him? >> that's a very good question. his audience is welcoming him back. he has had a big hit album, about to release another one. this is his big moment. he has been welcomed back at awards shows like b.e.t. i think his peers will be luke warm about his return to the grammy stage. i think the audience overall will be accepting. very interesting. a judge has just asked or rather ruled, that his probation has to remain in affect for the next two years. five-year probation. continue to check in with his probation officer. his attorney and probation officer giving him high marks, asked he be released for this. rihanna lifted a restraining order against him, and yet it all still lingers. this is what lingers when he returns to the grammy stage. >> and tomorrow night, is he very close to rihanna. >> the restraining order was lifted so they could be at the same place at the same time, but gossip tabloids are abuzz that they might be seeing each other. not the first time they've been in the same place, same time. they exchanged twitter messages. she is performing with coldplay, and he's performing on his own. >> what about adele? will she clean up? >> i do believe this is her night in every sense of the word. her first performance since she went in for vocal surgery. second most nominated artist of the night. the first is kanye west. favored in all of the major categories. look for her to be the queen. >> i don't know a lot of artists, but i know and love adele. we have a little preview of a conversation on "60 minutes." don't va th don't have that clip. first time publicly performing since her vocal surgery. is she ready? >> she wouldn't risk this if they wasn't ready physically. but she suffers from crippling stage fright. this will be the most nervous she's ever been. >> quite a crowd to perform for. i think i would be a little nervous as well. how about kanye west? >> for once, kanye west actually has something to complain about. not nominated for his fantastic album, "my beautiful dark twisted fantasy" in album of the year category. he made an album with jay-z. up in song of the year, probably will not win and so his seven awards, he might not take home one of the big ones. his serve nominations rather. >> and the coveted award, best new artist, who gets that? >> i want to see it go to nicki minaj, but the grammys are full of surprises. it could be a surprise tomorrow night. >> we'll check and see how you did. joe levy, thank you for joining us. see the sgrgrammys tomorrow nig beginning at 8:00 eastern, 7:00 central. up next, finding her religion. kylie bisutti, on why she suddenly decided to quit victoria's secret. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! 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[ tires screeching ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. 2009, kelly bisutti achieved the goal of a lifetime, winning the victoria's secret model search. but she's giving up her angel wings and a whole lot of money, because she believes her body is sacred and should be saved for her money. good morning. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> we wondered what after two years led to you walk away from this thing that many people would perceive to be a wonderful and lucrative opportunity? >> well, a lot of things led up to my decision, but the main thing was growing in my faith and my relationship with the lord. also, being a newlywed, i just really want my body to be for my husband. >> did he play any role in that decision, in telling you, guiding you to it? >> he did not. he was so supportive of everything i have done, he never judges me and let me make my own decision. >> would you say you are a more religious person now than when you entered the search? >> no, i wouldn't say that. i would say that i've just been reading the bible more, and personally, for me, i just feel like i can be more honoring to god by doing this and be a better role model to younger girls. >> do you feel pressure as a christian and somebody who has been vocal about your religion to fulfill that obligation and be something different for your fans? >> i definitely feel pressure. you know, i have felt pressure even being a victoria's secret model and doing lingerie as well. i think there is pressure on both sides. i feel like there is such a big commitment to these young women out here and so much for me to fulfill. >> how about your friends who are also models, victoria's secret models? any of them come out to you say and say we appreciate where you stand, but we think you're looking down on us? >> no, i haven't really had that kind of comment. the type of person i am, i'm really not judgmental of other people, i think it's about your own convictions in your heart and this is just my conviction. i don't judge others for what they are doing in their lives. >> the other victoria's secret models, have you received support from them? >> i have received support from a lot of other models. just in general. a lot of support about the whole thing. you know, a lot of people are really happy for me, that i'm coming out with this decision. >> as part of this decision, also said you will continue to model, but going to do it wearing more clothes. what would be the limit, the boundary that you would be willing to go to at this point? >> my whole thing is i just don't want to be a sex symbol. i don't want to be selling sex. so as long as i feel like i'm -- i'm not -- my body is not being used to sell sex, then i will feel comfortable you know, modeling clothing some bathing suits as well. >> you think there are some clothing lines, even swim wear lines that aren't selling sex? >> i definitely feel that way. donna karan is one brand out of many that i feel like is empowering women. >> kylie bisutti, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you so much. coming up next, love is in the air. do valentine's day right. couples share their success stories. plus, we're debating if terms of endearment like baby, honey, and sweetie can fizzle the sizzle in your relationship. watching "cbs this morning saturday." people just want to know that their taxes are done right, and that's why i'm here. i've been a cpa for close to 30 years, and i've seen all kinds of tax returns. i used that experience to help develop the turbotax software to point out deductions that are relevant to you. we even guarantee that all turbotax calculations are accurate. and if you have questions, our free "ask a tax expert" service is now available. you can call or chat with us online. i'm joy shaw. i'm a turbotax cpa. man: go to are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 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[ female announcer ] and with all oxi-active, neither do moms. it helps get out your family's tough dirt and stains the first time, every time. try all oxi-active. a romantic skyline. >> a very, very romantic skyline. guess why? valentine's, just three days away. it is hype or happiness? >> for many couples, a high stakes holiday that often doesn't live up to expectations. we asked four couples about the highs and lows of love's biggest day. >> i think some of the best valentine's days we've had is when we make up, matt has this tradition of bringing me a cup of coffee. my favorite are his handwritten notes, i keep them forever and it's fun to go back and go through the years and see what's happening at those thaw time in our lives. >> i used to try to get something really nice. >> and you don't anymore. >> it's our anniversary. 19 years. looking for a long weekend so our relatives could come down and not have to worry about rushing to get back and valentine's fell on a sunday and it was president's day weekend. >> i thought it was so i wouldn't forget the date. >> that too. >> in the old days, i was able to go out and buy her some jewelry and stuff like that. now it's a little different. you just can't spend that kind of money. >> it bothers him more than it bothers me. a gift is a gift. i would rather have a card. be sin sheer. and i know he loves me and i love him. >> i've gotten sneakers, i've gotten -- i've gotten a chain, i've gotten clothes. >> i got the sneakers with the heart on them at that time. i don't even wear sneakers. >> they were valentine's day edition. >> for us, an opportunity to be genuine. it's about the feelings you exchange. >> she likes things, so i always end up buying stuff for her. >> even though she says she doesn't like them, but everybody loves them. i always end up buying something. it doesn't have to be expensive. >> from the guy's perspective, definitely a little overhyped. i think it's a great day. i think that all of the women in our lives definitely deserve a great day, but -- >> definitely a hallmark holiday. i don't mind it. >> if you haven't been sort of taking good care of your relationship throughout the rest of the year, it's hard to have a good valentine's day, because the best valentine's day is the time when you feel like have you that belonging or sense of connection to someone, and you can't have that if you haven't been putting in the work prior to that time. >> and joining us now with a crash course on how to have an incredibly romantic valentine's day. we have the author of cheat on your husband with your husband, and matt titus, author of "why hasn't he called?" . can we start with the concept of pet names. good or bad? >> babycakes. >> smooky, i like that name. pet names, you know, own secret name in at language. i'll all for it. >> i think they are absolutely horrible. they don't last. in the moment. it's just awful because people can't keep that intimacy, the emotional intimacy. can't keep it up. high expectations. >> i don't agree. pet names morph into other things. they should be organic. you don't want to force a pet name and you don't want to share it in public, because that's when people cringe. >> couples get exiled with other people if you share them in public. >> if you stick to someone's given name, does that create a formality or something else in the relationship that doesn't necessarily need to exist? >> it should be realistic. no one is going to be at that level of love all the time. we would like to think marriage would be one, big long first date. guess what? it's not. it's a lot of work and doesn't result in pet names on a daily basis. >> but research shows we need five positive interactions to negate one negative interaction. if you ingest a little sweetness into the day. >> you are going to call me something nice after you do something terrible. >> i do nice things all the time. >> names get too familiar. living with someone, and can it suddenly feel like you're living with a roommate, not a lover. >> roommate affect. >> you forget you are lovers and partners and you become roommates and parents. >> people get complacent. sex, very important. treating your partner at the level you first met them at. what's going to happen? will they divorce me, will they leave? guess what. they could. >> should men and women be using holidays like valentine's day to turn up the heat, if it's missing in the relationship? >> i think a relationship reboot is very important. it can start off on vol alentin day. you can wake up, decide you will look best for your partner, treat them a certain way, and you will be a different partner, things can change. >> on msn living, we spoke to couples and said what keeps the spark alive? the little things they do on a daily basis. small gestures, hand-written notes. >> sneakers. >> sneakers, very romantic. >> opening up the door. >> one of the things i read, closing the bathroom door. >> close the bathroom door, thank you for mentioning that. keep mystery alive in marriage. >> i didn't know my wife goes to the bathroom. >> mystery there. >> it's hard to have private moments when you share space and kids coming in and out. >> mystery is important, to guys. we have to keep fantasizing about our wives or significant others or we'll treat them like our sisters and we're not going to be monogamous to our sisters. >> agree sex is very important so you deon't end up on the roommate trap, but it does not start in the bedroom. have you heard of dor-play. for play, domestic tasks. >> chore-play. >> doing nice gestures for your partner around the house. >> did you coin that phrase? >> i did not coin that phrase. >> we'll have to leave it there. answer that question another time. andrea syrtash, matt at this time titus, thank you very much. >> we have 60% of the country watching right now, and we'll continue on that chore-play conversation. >> chore-play. >> chore-play, this is a nice way of making chores sound romantic? >> how you dress when you vacuum? >> no, it's doing little things around the house that you know your partner will appreciate. and that will help your partner, keep you connected. i'm telling you. if your partner never does the dishes, never vacuums, i'm telling you. >> sort of aroused by -- the dishes being done. >> you know what i think it is i'm wondering about this. from a female standpoint, no, no, no. is it he was thinking of something i didn't notice he thought about, and that lets me know he is thinking of me. >> small ways that people connectedor disconnected. the small things you are not expecting revs up romance. >> one of the things i read, you need to identify ways that your spouse or partner appreciates you. could be different. you cooking for your partner might mean, you know, what this person buying you, you have to understand how your partner gives. >> you have something there. i think it's very true. trying to do things that you normally don't do, could really stimulate an intimacy that could lead to an emotional connection or physical action that could be really great. >> absolutely. i think it's just deciding i'm going to do one small gesture every day that my partner will appreciate. just one. >> or just buy her a lot of things. >> oh, please. >> i wanted to end on a good note, where we all agree. >> give her the checkbook, let her go. come on. >> happy valentine's day. >> we'll be back, stay with us. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> and i'm seth jones. we'll have the best deals on everything from cruises to skiing. and we also have two love birds in our kitchen today. chef jesse schenker and his wife lindsay have the distinct honor of being our first couple on the dish. >> very appropriate. >> perfect for valentine's day. they'll dish about food, their baby and what it's like to work together. also, only love for the phantom of the opera. this afternoon, the cast marks its 10,000 performance. so where are they spending their morning? of course with us. the stars will sing two blockbuster hits live in our studio. before that, to another blockbuster hit. lonnie quinn with a final check of the weather. >> good morning, rebecca, i have to tell you, today -- i want to point this out in my weather headlines board. look at this. actually day, rebecca, that you no longer celebrate. what am i talk about? february 11th. on the books as national satisfied staying single day. created in response to valentine's day. go out and buy yourself a gift if you are single. you can't do this anymore, rebecca. here is the reason why. two weeks ago, look at that beautiful couple right there. >> i'm very -- >> that's great. >> very satisfied with the husband. >> of course you are. keep him. here is what i have for you. keeping snow on the ground around the appalachians for the city of new york city, boston. 1 to 2 inches for you. congrats and rebecca and matt. a quick look at the national picture. closer look at the weather for your weekend. all right, everybody. the midsection of the country, cold but clear. i want to talk about st. louis. i'm begging for my shoutout this morning. going to st. louis and they are begging pet parade. what's that? all part of the marrdi gras evet they have. and they have the ultimate tale-gating party. get that? pso funny.tails. i'm write that stuff. thank you for watching "cbs this morning saturday" on kmov channel 4. rebec rebecca, over to you. congrats again. >> thank you, lonnie. i liked the tail joke too. a great month to get away. valentine's day and the long president's day weekend and never been a better time to find some amazing bargains on cruise ships and on skiing. here with how to find the best deals, cbs news travel editor peter greenberg. >> good morning, married woman. >> thank you. we are speaking about traveling and people want to do it over the valentine's day weekend what do they do? >> let's start with a warning. love does mean saying you're sorry if you don't book spell gently. there are so many stunts, it's overpriced. byo. get your own champagne, chocolates, make your own package. there are some deals. one in austin, texas. the barton creek resort and spa. $214. includes accommodations, breakfast in bed. and the cool part, a romance consequen concegiere, sounds hooky, but it sounds great. >> a lot of guys would love to sign up. >> no, a lot of women. president's day, around the corner. what are the deals? >> find them in las vegas, new jersey. harrah's, $157 per night and they throw in a show. do the math. a lot of shows very expensive. a great way to get away. a lot of excess capacity in las vegas, including new jersey, borgatta resort. great deals. >> excess capacity, because of the "costa concordia, " the terrible cruise ship disaster, deals to be had on cruise ships. >> there would have been deals anyway, such excess capacity in the cruise business. you will see $400 savings if you book on february 28th on princess cruises to alaska, the greek islands, but listen to this. celebrity a five-day cruise to the western caribbean for $250. you can't afford to wake up in new jersey for that. did you like that one? >> i like that one. >> $50 a night, including accommodations and three meals a day. not a bad deal and in march, it goes up to a whopping $340 per person. >> still a deal. >> 50, $60. that's it. >> peter greenberg, have a great weekend. for more on bargain getaways, head to up next, romance in the kitchen with chef jesse schenker and his wife lindsay. babies, valentine's and their ultimate valentine's dish. you're watching cbs this morning saturday. a bold new favorite -- steak. dinner for two has first, share an appetizer, then choose two entrees, like our 100% usda choice sirloin, available for a litime on chili's $20 dinner for two. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ abracadabra. new hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. everybody say ah. >> loving all the music here. >> this morning, a very special valentine's day dish with our very first couple, jesse schenker, chef and owner of recette. he was named by one of 30 under 30 in the food and wine by "forbes" magazine. >> and he is joined by his wife lindsay. and they brought one of their signature dishes. >> papadelle. >> i have a hard time with that. >> how did you choose this? >> basically, the lamb ragu is a signature. and it's different than a traditional ragu, what we do, we add cherry vinegar, kay an pepper and pap rica. and lindsay loves the spice and acid and brings it up a notch and more so than a typical very simple boll ognase. >> lamb ragu, you should make it a day before. >> the flavors meld together, it gets better and better. the papadelle, you can make it. but you can buy some great store bought stuff. >> you make all of your own pastas? >> yes. >> if you make this dish for valentine's day at home, start making the pasta today. >> really takes a long time. >> what is it like working as a couple? >> it's different. i comb in the daytime. she does more of the back of the house stuff in terms of hr, operations, accounting. i do the food-oriented stuff. working together comes naturally to us. >> really fun. strings, that's why it's fun. really fun. >> and you have a baby too. >> we do. >> how do you balance it all? >> it's tough. i am home with the baby, and then i go in at night. >> we have a family friend that helps, and eddie comes in to the restaurant. >> crawling around. >> if there is a disagreement who wins? >> i do. >> happy wife, happy life, that right? >> exactly. >> can we go back to this. when someone tells you you are about to order and they don't really listen. this is a kick to it, it's really nice. onions, tomato, wine. we add the cherry vinegar and thaw brings it up another level. perfect for valentine's day. gets the heat of the moment kind of thing going. >> speaking the heat of the moment, i don't want to lose sigh of the dish that i want both of you sign. this is cool we have two signatures on the dish. >> so happy to be here. >> if you were enjoying this meal any place in the world together, where would it be? >> paris. >> paris. we haven't been together yet. hopefully soon. a meal like this would be amazing. >> in the city of lights. >> yes. >> out of convince, of course. but -- >> very simple. we dice raw, a little bit of lemon, lime, and some spicy harisa paste. delicious. >> you brought wine. lindsay, your favorite? >> an oregon pinot, big, delicious. >> anything pinot out of oregon, sonoma, she loves it. >> we are almost out of time. >> roast fingerling potatoes and add duck fat with onions, thyme, kosher salt, takes them to a whole other level. >> absolutely delicious food. beautiful couple. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you for showing us eddie as well. a cute little guy. hopefully a chef someday. find recipes at stlai /this morning. phantom of the opera hits another amazing milestone later today. where do the stars choose to spend their morning time. >> where else? i mean really? two show-stopping numbers live in our studio when we come back. watching "cbs this morning saturday." have i got a surprise for you! a mouthwatering combination of ingredients... i know you're gonna love. 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[ female announcer ] don't just moisturize. improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy hair every day, try new pure renewal hair care, with balancing seaweed extract. only from aveeno. this morning in our "second cup cafe," we celebrate broadway's longest running show, "the phantom of the opera" first opened in 1988, 24 years ago and this afternoon, this mega hit will reach another major milestone with its 10,000 performance. >> to celebrate the amazing achievement, the stars have dropped by our studio. hear to sing "music of the night" is the phantom himself. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> wow. fantastic. >> powerful on stage. >> yes. >> in studio, so cool. >> congratulations. "the new york times." >> i know, pretty great, right. >> why is this such a popular show? >> i think the show is timeless. we have this amazing score by andrew lloyd webber, the direction by harold prince is impeccable. nothing like it on broadway. >> we'll be able to hear more coming up next, right? >> thank you. we'll be right back with more "phantom." >> this second cup cafe segment sponsored by coffee mate natural bliss. add your favlavor, naturally. made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ but also a caring touch. you learn to get a feel for the trouble spots. to know its wants... its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer. tell me we'll grow old together. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your superhero. tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. tell me you love me. it's all i want to hear. [ female announcer ] everyone has something they need to hear. vow to tell them this valentine's day. ♪ here is gale king with a look at what's coming up monday on "cbs this morning." >> good morning. we're getting ready for music's biggest night. monday morning, we'llbiggest mo. >> next weekend on "cbs this morning saturday," a behind-the-scenes look at "act of valor," an active group of navy s.e.a.l.s. we'll be joined by some of the real-life heroes. >> amazing how they made that movie, now on the big screen. >> incredible. and the stories of these individuals, you don't want to miss that. >> real-life harrowing -- >> and, unfortunately, death as well. all part of making this movie. >> amazing. >> it is amazing. make a movie. environment and - >> perfect. next week. >> all next week. back with the stars of "phantom of the opera." they'll tray it away. after they do their 10,000 performance on broadway. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> for more about cbs this morning, visit us at

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