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172 hours. Reporter ted cruz and donald trump locked in a bitter fight for first in iowa. Cruz tried to lighten the mood with a joke about trumps recent erroneous effort to second corinthians as 2 corinthians. Well, two corinthians walk into a bar. Reporter there is nothing light about this ad questioning trumps credentials. Im prochoice in every respect. Does this sound conservative. I am prochoice in every respect. Reporter trump hid cruz saying he would not support him as the the gop nominee. I wouldnt vote for him. I can tell you that. Reporter trump reversed course on backing cruz and offered this odd praise of his loyalists. I have the most loyal people. Did you seefr that. Where i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody. I wouldnt lose any voters, okay, like incredible. I will introduce someone who is very near and dear to my heart. Reporter iowa, joni ernst appeared with marco rubio. It gave momentum to a campaign vying for a strong third in her home state. She made a promise. I respect that. I was glad she was here to introduce us t the people of iowa. Rubio supporters, define a strong finish in iowa anything above 15 . Scott, that is a figure they argue would separate rubio from bush, christie and kasich and give him a shot at second place in new hampshire. Major investigate, thanks. Another new york billionaire, flirting with the president ial run, former mayor michael bloomberg, democrat turned republican, turned independent. So we will turn to our cbs news political director and anchor of face the nation john dickerson. What do we know about bloombergs plans . He is seriously considering jumping into the race. Long wanted to run for president. He would run if it looks like it is going to be a general election race between donald trump or ted cruz and Bernie Sanders. He believes those representatives of the wings of the two parties would create an appetite for a candidate in the middle who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. The challenge is to collect the signatures to get on ballot process starts march 1. There may not be a clear signal about either party by that date. What are some obstacles . He has no party the he has no organization. He would have to build all of that from scratch. Democrats and republicans start with a huge lead in Electoral College votes in a lot of the states that traditionally vote for those parties. Bloomberg would have to compete on a much bigger Playing Field than democrats or republicans because he starts with no states in his column. And that kind of a campaign would require a brushfire, tended by a charismatic politician who could rouse people and keep them excited for months. Thats not the kind of politician he is. He is more known for his policy ideas than his stirring speeches. John dickerson, anchor of face the nation. Watching you sunday. Thank you, john. Late today in houston, a grand jury investigating allegations of wrongdoing by planned parenthood, didnt find any. Instead, the jury indicted planned parenthoods accusers. Two antiabortion activists who shot undercover video of planned parenthood employees discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue for research. The charges include, tampering with a government record, but the da wouldnt say today what that record was. El nino storms leave homes dangling over the pacific. And three inmates make an elaborate escape. Elaborate escape. The living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. You can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. And you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. No other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. Plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. So when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, and enjoy living well. One hair color wants to to help you keep on being you. Nicen easy. Naturallooking color. That even in sunlight, doesnt look like hair color. It just looks like you. Nicen easy color as real as you are. Its easy for me cause look at as it is her. Him. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. Feel the difference with ky ultragel. Whats that, broheim . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. Like renters insurance. More ways to save. Nice, brotato chip. Thats not all, brotein shake. Geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. Oh, thats a lot more. Oh yeah, im all about more, teddy brosevelt. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Dont even think about it. Cough if you can hear me. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . It works on his cough too. Cough it works on his cough too. Mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. Lets end this. You should be elected president because one sentence . Lets talk trade. How do you think this debate will shake things up . How Many American troops would you leave on the ground . Whats your pathway to the nomination. Well we just saw what the ocean has done to the jersey shore. But in the west, after four years of drought, el nino kicked in with crushing waves and pounding rains that have left homeowners on the edge. Heres john blackstone. As the cliffs in pacifica california collapse dramatically into the notion an Apartment Building teeters on the edge comes closer to falling in as well. For residents living in the building the sea view from their balconies presents more danger than beauty. We heard a boom, boom, what is that . Walking out the door. Reporter Michael Mchenry was packed to leave at short notice. I cant continue to have a professional work life and social life as well as not know when i come home my property will be there. Yeah. Just no way to live. Reporter the order came this afternoon. Notices going up that the building is unsafe. Monica montoya has to be out by tonight. We have no clue. How long have you been here . Two months. Just got in. Got my place. Housing. Just moved in. Reporter el nino powered storms, high surf and heavy rains destructive along much of the california coast this year. But nowhere has the damage been more threatening than in pacifica. I love it here. This has been my dream all my life to live by the ocean. Like right by it. Reporter pacifica has seen it all before. In 1998, the last time, major el nino storms hit california. The bluffs here eroded so quickly. Residents fled before one home tumbled into the ocean. Other houses were knocked down before they too fell off the cliff. In 2010, two of the Apartment Buildings on the bluff were evacuated and condemned. The building condemned today seemed safer until the cliff again began falling away. The powerful winter storms that have been hitting california are predicted to continue into march. Thats good news for easing the drought, scott, but bad news for places like pacifica, threatened by coastal erosion. John blackstone reporting. John, thank you. An explorer left a haunting message when he realized he would not make history in antarctica. Thats next. Many stories, big or small all affect you one way or another the we ask on every story is it right . Is it fair . Is it honest . We are going to the original source. The people who know. And thats when we know we can report the facts. The cbs evening news with scott pelley week nights. A british explorer died today of organ failure just days after collapsing from exhaustion while trying to become the first to cross the antarctica alone. Henry worsley was 30 miles from completing a 1,000 mile journey when on friday he called for help and was air lifted to chile. In his final message he said i have run out of time and physical endurance. Worsley was 55. The hunt is on for three men who broke out of an Orange County california jail. Awaiting trial for violent crimes. On friday, they cut through a metal grille, then steel bars, and climbed down five stories on bed sheets. It was 16 hours before anyone noticed. The schools were closed today in d. C. , so flurries of children fell on capitol hill. A 140yearold ban on sledding was lifted there. And our photographer, brian thuske got into the action. You all right . Yeah. Thank you. No harm, no foul. One d. C. Resident cant get enough of the snow, thats tiantian at the national zoo. Pure panda joy. Up next, a portrait of the martial artist as a young girl. The United States is intensifying the fight against isis. One of the Top Priorities strangling isis revenue. Blame common smartphone apps. Went on an operation to capture suspects. Man, did w,,,,,,, we end tonight with the latest incarnation of the karate kid. Seth donane met her in japan. Reporter she wears a lot of pink. And has an infectious giggle. But there is another side to mahiro takano. She has a black belt in ka rate and three Time National champion in japan. You are so sweet to talk with. But you look so serious, so scary when you are out there. Translator when i am training or competing i am concentrating she said. There is a lot at stake for this 9yearold who stands about 4 feet tall. I am an ambassador for karate she said, hopefully it will become an olympic sport. She has raised karates profile ahead of japans 2020 olympics. She appears on commercials. In a music video. And is a fresh face for this sport of warriors. Which dates back centuries. At a competition outside tokyo, we saw her, poise, power, and precision. We had to ask about the kial, the guttural noise that shows strength. Scan you make the sound for me now, sitting here. Go ahead. Aye wow, you can do it at any time. I am scared. Reporter you get scared of her . Yes. As the coach . Yes. Takano kikuchi who coaches mahiros older brother. Says she boosted popularity. When she started at my dojo. She was different from the start. Reporter mahiro would be too young to participate if karate gets a slot at the 2020 olympics. Thats all right she wants to compete at the olympics after that. She may wear a lot of pink but tells us her favorite color is gold. Seth doane, cbs news, nagaoka, japan. Thats the overnight news for tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back a little later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news. The manhunt continues in Southern California for three inmates who made a daring prison break that could have been written in hollywood. The men cut through metal, crawled through plumbing tunnels, and dropped down from the prison roof using bed sheets. It happened at the maximum security Orange County central jail in santa ana. Danielle knotting ham reports. Reporter jail Officials Say the men were accounted for friday morning security check. Guards didnt realize the men were gone until a second body check at 8 00 p. M. Jailers warn the three accused felons should be considered armed and dangerous. Investigators say this grainy Surveillance Video shows the three men on an unguarded area of the roof of the Orange County central mens jail. Shortly after a 5 00 a. M. Friday security check. From there, they were able to rappel down nearly five floors to their escape. It appears to be a very sophisticated operation. Where they were allowed to go through some security access points. And had some tools that allowed them to do that. Reporter jail Officials Say the inmates cut their way through a steel screen inside their dormitory style cell and made their way into plumbing tunnels. From there the men bypassed three security areas. And gained access to the jails roof. And used a make shift rope braided to reach the ground. The three men were in county custody facing charges for serious kriecrimes. One was held on 1 million bail for charges including murder. The 37yearold was held without bail, charged with kidnapping, torture and burglary. The 43yearold faces charges of attempted murder, assault with a Deadly Weapon and exfelon in possession of a firearm. The first escape from this jail in more than two decades. Escapes do occur from time to time. People in jail have a lot of time to sit around and think about ways to defeat our systems. Reporter investigators dont know what tools the inmates used, how they got the tools or whether they had any help. Local and federal officials are appealing to the public and the u. S. Marshals and the fbi have joined Orange County Law Enforcement in the search offering a reward up to 50,000. On the president ial campaign trail, the Iowa Caucuses are less than a week away. The cbs news Battleground Tracker find Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton by one point in iowa. 47 to 46 . But in new hampshire, the senator from neighboring vermont, holds a 19point lead. As for the republicans, donald trump is back on top in iowa. With a fivepoint lead over ted cruz. In new hampshire, its trump with 34 . Cruz at 16 . Followed by marco rubio and john kasich. Both at 14 . Major garrett has more. [ cheers and applause ] reporter donald trump stormed across iowa and gave supporters an uncommonly combing complime compliment. I have the most loyal people, i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue, shoot somebody. I wouldnt lose any voters. Its incredible. Reporter not exactly the new york values everyone has been talking about. Trump supporters show up in droves as he stumped with the republican senator charles grassley. Wasnt an endorsement but a blow to Senate Colleague ted cruz. The Cruz Campaign took aim at trump on another front, embrace of government power to seize private property. I take Eminent Domain is wonderful. It made him rich. Reporter the essence of the campaign ad, that trump tried to bulldoze the home of an elderly woman to pave the way for casino parking lot. A false commercial. I never took the house. Eminent domain is a positive thing not negative thing. Cruz continued to question trumps recent conversion to conservatism. If a republican candidate for president supported Barack Obamas stimulus and said the only problem it need to be bigger. Is there any chance on earth that individual would actually stand up to the cronyism and cartel in washington . Reporter a message amplified by conservative radio host glenn be beck. If donald trump wins, its going to be a snowball to hell. Reporter the Des Moines Register the lates largest newspaper looked past trump and cruz and endorsed rubio, a candidate who could chart a new direction for the gop. The register guessed the nominee correctly in the last four Republican Caucus endorsements. The tsunami in 2011 is still fresh in the minds of many people. Could it happen here . Some communities in the Pacific Northwest arent taking any chances. Don dahler reports. Reporter during their regular earthquake and tsunami drills, students at this Elementary School in westport, washington practice going to the top floor. With the Pacific Ocean a few thousand feet away, Scientists Say the drills might be futile because the tsunami could be higher than the school. Thats why construction workers are racing to finish this vertical evacuation structure. The first of its kind in north america. The shelter sits on the roof of a new school. Rising 44 feet high, with 14 inch thick walls. It could save thousand of students and residents seeking refuge. Like the japanese earthquake and tsunamis in 2011. That killed nearly 16,000. Seismologists say there is an impending disaster coming this way. 70 miles off americas Pacific Northwest from Northern California to vancouver island, sits the fault line, the cascadia subduction zone where the oceanic plate is being forced under the north american plate. Buckles. Pushed backward like a spring. Until after a few hundred years it has to let go. Reporter for 25 years, oregon state earthquake geologist Chris Goldfinger warned of the possibility of disaster. He and other scientists have been selecting core samples of sediment from the ocean floor. Sand layers you can see are, we believe, past earthquakes. Reporter they discovered major earthquakes happen here, every 240 years. The last major cascadia earthquake was 315 years ago. The big one Scientists Say is overdue. There is nothing that compares to magnitude 9 earthquake that north america has experienced in human history. Reporter similar to what happened in japan, fema estimates in that case a tsunami could hit some areas within 15 minutes. Collapsed roads and bridges could cut off coastal towns and main your cities look portland, olympia and seattle potentially stranding 7 million people. Kevin murphy is the fema regional administrator. Whats the best Case Scenario for an 8. 0. At least 10,000plus killed. From the sue namy. Reporter numbers go way up with 9. 0 or greater . Tremendously go up. Talking numbers that this nation i am not sure is really prepared to deal with. Reporter some cities in the northwest require New Buildings be constructed to with stand a major earthquake. Most of those laws dont apply to older buildings. Federal state and military officials do have response plans in place. Don dahler, cbs new my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, im walking them. Life is unpredictable one thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. Because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. Used regularly, it removes up to 100 of flakes keeping you protected every week, every month, every year you ready ma . Always life is unpredictable, so embrace it head and shoulders. Live flake free for life happening and why. This is your eye opener to this day. Cbs this morning, week days. The Obama Administration is overhauling the security clearance system used to screen federal workers and contractors. It is opening a new office called the National Background Investigations Bureau which will be designed and run by the pentagon. The overhaul comes after last years huge data breach where hackers working for a Foreign Government believed to be china downloaded nearly 22 million personnel files. There is no word on when the new system will come online. Meantime, private u. S. Companies are also feeling the heat from chinas online espionage. Lesley stahl reports for 60 minutes. Theyre targeting private companies. Not a fair fight. A private company cant compete against the resources of the second largest economy in the world. Reporter the assistant attorn attorney general for cyberattacks and increasingly economic espionage. This is a serious threat to our national security. Our economy depends on ability to innovate. If there is a dedicated nation state using intelligence apparatus to steal day in, day out what we are frying to develop. Reporter what is their ultimate goal, chinese governments ultimate goal . They want to develop certain segments of industry and instead of trying to out innovate, outresearch, outdevelop, they are choosing to do it through theft. Reporter all you have to do he says is look at the economic plans published periodically by the chinese politboro. They are according to the report, invent ip, in effect blue prints of what industries and what come pans will be targeted for theft. We see them put out the strategic plan. Then weep see actions follow that plan. We see, intrusion after intrusion on u. S. Companies. Do you have of a number of u. S. Companies that have been hit . It is thousand of actually companies. Thousand of u. S. Companies. U. S. Companies. Reporter getting ceos from the come pans to tapanies to ta impossible. Most have business in china and dont want to be cut of of its huge market. Daniel mcgann, head of american super conductor is an exception. His firm spent years and millions developing advanced Computer Software for Wind Turbines that mcgann says china looted nearly putting him of business. He is talking because he wants to fight back. I am personally never going to give this up. Too many lives were affected. Too many families were damaged through this. We can never give of on this. Reporter you had to fire 600 people. Yes. Reporter out of how many jobs . At the time we were almost 900. So how much did you lose in share value . Total loss is well over 1 billion. Reporter today his factory floor is largely silent. A shadow of the once thriving company. I think part of the strategy in all of this was to kill us. Reporter set out to kill you . Kill the company. Reporter how can he be sure . Well his story begins when china passed a Clean Energy Law in 2005 calling for creation of mega wind farms throughout the country. The law made china the hottest wind power market in the world. So mcgann partnered with a Small Chinese firm, sinovel partly owned by the government. Sinovel made skeletons of the turbines and american superconductor, the gadgetry and computer code to run them. They actually built the turbine. They make the turbine we make the controls. Did they make the turbines with your brains in them . For the entire country of china . Yes. Reporter when he went into business there, china was already notorious for poaching American Intellectual property. So he says he did everything he could think of to protect his technology from being stolen. We made sure that any software, any, any pieces of the code, were restricted and used, to be able to be accessed by a few people within the company. Reporter once they got everything over there, couldnt they reverse engineer it . We believe thats what nay tried to do. What they learned the encrypted protocol was in the way didnt understand how it worked couldnt reverse engineer it. Everybody knows if it is on the internet some brilliant hacker can get at it . It wasnt accessible through the internet. You kept it off the internet . Yes. It sound look you built a little fortress around your, your precious codes. We certainly tried. Reporter initially business boomed in china for american superconductor with sales skyrocketing from 50 million a year to nearly half a billion. We were going through exponential growth. It is what every Technology Company wants to get to. Is this high level growth. We were there. Reporter then in 2011, his engineers were testing the next Generation Software in china on sinovels turbines. The Software Programmed to shut down after the test. But the blade didnt shut down they never stopped spinning. So we said why . We didnt really know. The team looked at the tur bean and saw running on our hardware a version of software that had not been released yet. Thats when you realized. Realized something is wrong. Had to figuree out how could this have happened. Reporter to find out he launched an internal investigation and narrowed it done to this man, an employee of american superconductor based in austria. He was one of the few people in the company with access to its proprietary software. He also spent a lot of time of in china working with sinovel. What they did is they used cold war era spy craft to be able to turn him. They turned him. And maked him into an agent for them. Do you know any specifics what they offered him . Offered him women. An apartment, money. A new life. Reporter the arrangement included a 1. 7 Million Contract that was spelled out in emails and instant messages that mcganns investigation found on his company computer. In this one, from him to a sinovel executive, he lays out the quid pro quo. All girls need money. I need girls. Sinovel needs me. Sinovel executives showered him with flattery. Encouragement, you are the best man lake superman. Did they say we want the source codes . All most like a grocery list. Can you get us a, can you get us b, can you got us c . I have seen one of the messages, text message. In which he says, i will send the full code of course. The full code for operating their wind turbine. He eventually confessed to authorities in austria. And spent a year in jail. Not surprisingly, the chinese authorities refused to investigate. So, Daniel Mcgann filed suit in civil court in china. Suing sinovel for 1. 2 billion. He suspected china was still spying on his company. And that beijing had switched from cold war to cutting edge espionage. You can see Lesley Stahls full report on our web site. Its not always as easy for me as it is for him. Its easy for me cause look at her. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. Feel the difference with ky ultragel. Lets get these dayquil liquid but these liquid gels are new. Mucinex fast max. Its the same difference. This one is max strength and fights mucus. Mucinex fast max. The only cold and flu liquid gel thats maxstrength and fights mucus. Lets end this. Living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. You can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. And you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. No other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. Plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. So when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, and enjoy living well. Hank williams jr. Back on the music charts his new album its about time is number two on the country charts and on billboards top 200. The singer sat down for a candid conversation with jan crawford. Are you ready for the contract reporter you may know Hank Williams jr. As a ruddy outlaw. F or the long time voice of monday night. Are you ready for some football your cheating heart Country Music royalty, son of one of the most influential figures in american music. The godson of johnny and june carter cash. Good old john, what a great mentor and friend. Reporter you might not know about the anguish, the loss and all of those second chances. Reporter you have almost died more than once. More than once. Reporter you should probably not be alive. The doctor said exactly that. Reporter because of that williams lives life on his terms. We started out our interview at his favorite barbecue place outside nashville, a town he does his best to avoid. There is my godmother june. Reporter within hours he insisted we hit the road for his farm in south alabama. Here he hunts, fishes and his parents are buried nearby. Hank senior died from alcohol and pills at 29. A father williams never knew. Cold cold heart junior was three his mother molded him into his fathers image. Your cold cold heart reporter gave fans what they wanted. An imitation of his dad. Until in his early 20s, the pressure got too much. For a long time it didnt matter. But boy you get, you start being a, a young man, you get, that starts working on you. Reporter you tried to kill yourself . Yeah, got real bad. Real, real bad. I dont want to be a legend i just want to be a man reporter the doctor who treated him was blunt. He said, let me just lay it out there for you. You have been taught from, from the time you can possibly remember, to look like, act like, be like, everything, exactly like your legendary father, you know, he said they have done a damn good job. And you are going to be him. You are going to beat him. He died that 29. You are going to die at 26. Let me tell you something, folks. From that day on, all that went out the window. Reporter just as he charted his own path came the fall. Literally on a hunting trip he plunged more than 500 feet off a mountain. The injuries and multiple operations left scars to his face and head. You got to learn to see, hear, smell, and talk again. And im not bull [ bleep ]. I had half of a face. I got a shotgun and a rifle and a four wheel drive and a country boy can survive reporter not only did he survive, he found freedom to be [ cheers and applause ] reporter brought controversy, a 2011 interview when he said this about a golf game between president obama and House Speaker john boehner. Like hitler playing golf with netanyahu. Espn and monday night football cut ties with him. To that, williams says this. Reporter monday night football. Check it out. Dont listen to me. Go check out what their ratings went to. Reporter you did compare some people said, obama to hitler, you said obama was hitler. Which one was he talking ,,,,,,, the super bowl returns to cbs when the Denver Broncos take the field against the Carolina Panthers a week from sunday. The super bowl match up comes after a pair of exciting conference championship games. One featured perhaps the final version of Peyton Manning versus tom brady. The other the emergence of the panthers potential mvp quarterback, cam newton. James brown has a look. Football fans may have seen the last match up between tom brady and Peyton Manning. As the you mention care case, there is a star in cam newton who is shining very brightly. Here is brady. Rolling out. Rolling. Throwing. Tipped in the air. And it is intercepted. This may have been Peyton Mannings most satisfying victory in a long, storied, nfl career. Not because he beat tom brady and the Patriots Team that always seems to have his number, but because the the 39yearold manning doesnt always beat teams with his arm anymore. Can you believe it he has a first down. He beats them with his experience. Look at the disbelief. Quarterback tom brady who always seems to thrive under the brightest of lights was harassed by a stifling denver defense all afternoon. He is taken down. This will be mannings fourth super bowl appearance. Now the oldest quarterback to lead a team to the big game in nfl history. Going to our second super bowl in four years is very special. And, just, also, our entire team. What an incredible effort by the patriots to beat that team today. Very special win. He is in for the touchdown reporter but football is a young mans game. And the Carolina Panthers may have the best young quarterback in the National Football league. Newton steps into it. Reporter 26yearold cam newton and Carolina Panthers dismandateled the cardinals in the nfc championship game by 34 points. Setting up a showdown between signal callers, a generation apart. Peyton manning is 13 years newtons senior. The largest age difference between super bowl starting quarterbacks in nfl history. I dont know who we are playing yet. We will be ready to go in two weeks. Playing denver and Peyton Manning. Ever think in the super bowl you would oppose him. An way we are going to live in the moment now. And be excited. And excitement certainly is the operative word. Two quarterbacks, the first overall draft choices, manning, cam newton, facing each other. But this has all of the potential for an outstanding super bowl match up. Thats the overnight news for tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. Its tuesday, january 26th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Millions of americans continue digging out from the historic snowfall, but days after the last flakes fell, some of the nations biggest cities are still not back on track. Wi with less than a week to go before the Iowa Caucuses, the Democratic Candidates make a final pitch to voters while the leading republicans take aim at each other. Saved at sea. 13 passengers are pulled from a

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