Report that questioned whether bates was fit for duty. Exxon mobil says it is de selling its refinery in torrance, california. It has been shut since a tremendous explosion last february. We found out the disaster was nearly a catastrophe. Look at the damage to this portion of the refinery were when part of this refinery blew up in february south of los angeles smoke filled the sky and ash rained down on nearby neighborhoods. It was scary. Reporter her family lives a mile from the plant and felt the blast. So strong it registered 1. 7 on the richter scale. Thought it was an earthquake because it shook and it was loud, big boom. Reporter four workers were injured. At the time exxon mobile told residents there was no danger to the community. Cbs news learned it could have been much worse. We were really, really lucky. Reporter vanessa sutterland, the recently appointed head of the chemical safety board, the federal Agency Charged with investigating the accident calls it a near miss. I think it is of concern to us we have a facility that had a near miss which i actually feel lucky about. It could have been much more catastrophic. This picture tells it all. Reporter catastrophic, she says, because when the explosion happened a piece of equipment weighing 80,000 pounds was sent flying nearly 100 feet. Sources say this photo, submitted to federal investigators and obtained by cbs news, shows that piece landed a few feet from a tank containing a form of hydrochloric acid. It is a highly toxic chemical that if released can form a cloud of toxic gas that can drift for miles. Potentially causing thousands of injuries and even deaths. Hf, in our view and in my view, is one of the most hazardous and deadly chemicals. In worsecase scenarios, at dead live levels it causes asphyxiation because once inhaled it causes respiratory problems that build up and you ultimately drown. Reporter 200,000 people live within three miles of the plant. In documents filed with the epa, exxon mobil estimates in a worsecase scenario release of hydrochloric acid all of them in that distance could be injured or die. That does not sound reassuring to the Community Around that plant. If i were in the community i would be concerned. Exxon mobil disputes the idea it was a risk in february telling us they strongly disagree with any claims there was a significant risk to the hydro florek acid unit. The company refers our questions about the risks of hydro florek acid to an industry group. Spokesman i think the technology that are employed in these refineries for all of the Hazardous Materials used have proved to be successful. What if the risks are managed and you have an accident and people are killed . Is it worth that risk . Not going to answer that question. Sorry. Reporter last month, there was a leak of hydroflouric acid. Sutherland said the company is resisting the agencys subpoenas for information about the february explosion. Why do you think they dont want you to have it . Generally, my experience as a regulator and enforcer when someone doesnt want you to have records is they dont kwa want you to see what is in it. Strong words. 50 u. S. Refineries use the chemical nationwide. United steelworkers study found 75 had hf related incidents or near bhiss misses within the past three years and 50 ouf impacted the community sdplchlt anna werner, thank you. There will be no shut down of the federal government facing a midnight deadline Congress Approved a spending bill today. Pub cans were fighting to end funding for planned parenthood, which provides abortion and other health services. The planned parenthood funding will stay. The bill will fund the government for only ten weeks. Why are some high schools dropping football . And foul balls prove elusive when the cbs evening news continues. More real news every morning. Wildfires in the west are tearing through homes and forcing people out of their neighborhood. The wind is pushing the flames up the hillside away from the highway. Helicopter snent by the National Guard doing water drops. Cbs news, honored with ten geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. Start healthing. Yeah, click today the ncaa scored a big victory. A federal Appeals Court struck down a plan to Pay College Athletes as much as 5,000 a year on top of tuition with, room and board. College football, of course, is bigger than ever, but many high schools are dropping the sport. Lets go russia football runs through isaacs blood line. His father and brother play. The sophomore from maplewood, missouri choose a different field. My mom is like, soccer is your thing. She doesnt want me to get hurt. Soccer is something i really liked. Reporter the school has a proud tradition of football having gone to the state championships as recently as 2010. But theres no team at maplewood this season. Maplewood had a hard time finding enough players due to injuries and lack of interest. When you have low numbers of students from a school this size you are drawing all the way from freshmen to seniors. That could have a significant affect on the possibility of injuries. Going against bigger teams. Absolutely. That was a difficult for us also. Reporter the number of High School Football players in the u. S. Declined by 25,000 over the past five years. Last year, five High Schoolers died playing football. More than in college, semi pro or professional levels. Still maplewood senior misses the game. I was devastated because football was my favorite sport. Even when we didnt do good in the games we had the fun experience with the team. Reporter students will still attend the homecoming game but for the first time the sport will be soccer. Cbs news, maplewood, missouri. Nascars tony stewart makes a big announcement. Thats next. Tony stewart said today next year will be his last lap of sprint cup racing. He will be 45 and hasnt won a race in two years. Last year he hit and killed a driver who with confronted him during a dirt track race. He cant help but feeling bad for a fan at Yankees Stadium last night. First a foul pop went through his hands and then another foul bounced off of his chest. A skimp thetic ball boy flipped him a ball but that went off his face. His companion hid her face in embarrassment. Also crying foul, the folks who operate these fan boats. Their story is next. , we end tonight with the largest subtropical wilderness in the united states. Ever glades National Park. 1. 5 million acres. Some of the most familiar sights in the park are headed for extinction. Now we have new rules that will phase out a way of life. Reporter keith price is right at home riding on this bed of grass. She fighting for the rights of future generations. I would be grandfathered in. Reporter your kids are not. Thats what im going to battle for. Reporter for 85 years airboater have used this as their playground n. 1989 it was added to the Everglades National park where airboating has been off limits. For the last 26 years, airboaters have been fighting with the National Parks service. They want to pass along their hobby to their children and grandchildr grandchildren. Congress says when they die recreational airboating does too. I have grown up on airboats. Reporter tyler is one that will be banned. Like a dying breed. My grandpa took me out when i was a kid. I have pictures from when i was 5 years old. Reporter the regional director for the National Parks conservation association, an independent advocacy group. Everglades National Park is not just the backyard of a few local folks. Reporter he says the everglades require congressional protection. Airboats are loud and noisy machines that can run through the everglades, scaring birds out of their nests and leaving pathways for water flow that wouldnt naturally be there. Reporter using a google map he showed black lines highlighting pathways the airboats are creating, jeopardizing, he says, the health of the ever glades ecosystem. Price insists the ban is not necessary. We were doing it before the National Park was here. Reporter price says the ashes of at least 30 airboaters are scattered here, and hes not giving up. I havent lost until they throw a chain on that gate out in front of my club and tell me i cant go in anymore. Even then, im still going to make enough noise to be heard. Reporter the ban could be enforced as early as next month. There are more than 1 million other acres outside of the National Park where gladesmen, such as this gentleman, are still free to run their airboats. Thank you very much. And thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you, the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. This is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Washington is on edge this morning as russian war planes and helicopter gun ships continue their strikes in syria. Russian president vladamir putin insists his military is targeting gangs of International Terrorists presumably isis fighters. But attacks are centered on homs where syria backed rebels are in control. The russians are deing into theyre targeting the group. Reporter the pentagon counted eight russian aircraft attacking two areas in western syria away from where u. S. Aircraft operate, and well away from territory controlled by isis. The targets which russia said were weapons, ammunition and other military equipment belongs to terrorists in areas controlled by groups fighting to overthrow the regime of Bashar Al Assad. In other words russia is not joining the u. S. In the fight against isis but instead intervening on the side of assad. A brutal dictator, president obama repeatedly said must go. Defense secretary carter said it amounts to throwing gasoline on a fire. The result of this kind of action will inevitably simply be to enflame the civil war in syria. Carter was also miffed by the way russia notified the u. S. Of the strikes. One hour ahead of time a russian general walked up to the u. S. Embassy in baghdad and announced russian aircraft were about to begin flying over syria and american war planes should stay away. This is not the kind of behavior we should expect professionally. Reporter the u. S. Did not change flight plans. But the two sides have begun talks on setting up procedures for making sure their planes dont run into each other. That was not a problem today. But could become one if the russian aircraft attack opposition groups supported by the u. S. Now that the russian strikes have begun both sides are in a hurry to get the talks moving. And it could happen as soon as tomorrow with a Video Conference between the two militaries. The russian air strikes are sending a political shiver through the arab world. Nora odonnell sat down with foreign minister of saudi arabia, for cbs this morning. Russia says it is in syria to defeat isis, do you believe thats why theyre there . I believe that there is an International Coalition to fight isis in syria. And this coalition includes a number of countries. I believe that if the russians want to be part of that coalition, i doubt any of the members would mind. But theyre currently not . Correct. So the question it begs, why would they go to syria unilaterally to fight when there is an International Coalition in place fighting them as we speak. What do you believe is the answer . What are their motives . I believe it is to support al assad. Russia says there can be a Broad Coalition in syria with assad in power. Is that conceivable . Inconceivable. Theyre proposing a coalition with assad to fight against them in syria. He was the person who created them. You believe russia is comb ply kacomb complicating this effort . I think their assessment may not be correct. Would the kingdom of saudi arabia consider putting their soldiers, their boots on the ground, in syria to defeat isis . We have our aircraft flying in syria, over syria to combat isis. We continue to be part of this coalition. With regard to an other issues i think we have to consider all of the options and see and do a cost benefit analysis. What do you think should be done . What is going to break the log jam in syria . I believe there has to be more robust intervention in syria. I believe that the world has to be more firm in, in insisting that Bashar Al Assad leave. If he wants to leave through a political process that would be preferable. If not then i think we should step up the military support for the top position to bring about a change of the balance of power on the ground. Which will then force him to leave. In your view how long could assad stay in power under any exit deal . Secretary kerry said assad would stick around until isis was defeated. This could be a long time. I dont know. I think a political transition would require as i mentioned a governing council that takes over authority. Prepares the country for elections. Writes a new constitution. Maintains the institutions of the state, military civilian, while assad departs. The Obama Administration is canceling its efforts to train what it calls moderate syrian fighters to battle the islamic state. The pentagon sent 500 million hoping to put tens of thousand in the war zone. In the end a handful of men joined the fight. Most u. S. Weapons ended up in the hand of the islamic state. What went wrong . Holly williams is in turkey near the syrian border. Reporter good morning, we spoke yesterday with colonel hasan mustafa, a commander in division 30, the home of the american trained rebel fighters. Colonel mustafa is too frightened of assassination by islamic extremists to show his face. But wanted to tell us about what he called the strategic mistakes made by the u. S. In its program to train and equip syrian fighters. When the first group of 54 american trained fighters entered syria in july, several of them were captured by islamic militants. Because we had so few men, they were easy prey, colonel mustafa told us. He claims he gave the u. S. The names of more than 1,200 fighters. But after strict vetting, just over 100 were accepted. His other complaint is that america left his men vulnerable by giving them too few weapons and too little ammunition. But the commander of the second group of 70 u. S. Trained fighters admitted to us that he gave half of his american weapons to alnuzra, al qaedas syrian affiliate. Colonel mustafa said the commander should be court martialed. Its difficult for the u. S. To give division 30 more weapons and ammunition when it has already handed over some of those weapons to al nuzra. Translator thats true. I agree. He told us. We need to review the whole strategy to make sure our fighters are loyal to syria. Americas problem in syria has always been not knowing who to trust. Carefully vetting and training a select group of socalled moderate rebels was supposed to solve that problem. Instead though some of the fighters and their weapons have ended up in the hands of terrorists. The cbs overnight news will be right back. I pinky promised my little girl a Fabulous Garden Party for her birthday. So i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. Singer songwriter john fogert gained more fame than fortune in the 60s with credence clearwater revival. Out with a memoir entitled fortunate son and sat down with Steve Blackstone for cbs this morning. Keep on burning Rolling Rolling rolling on the river the rolling on the river part that was magical to me. Reporter magical indeed. And proud mary transformed john fogerty and his band from struggling musicians to music superstars. Rolling on the river i absolutely knew that it was a great song. And usually i am a kind of modest person. And i would probably be wanting to say, well it was kind of good, you know. It was okay. No, i, at that moment, it was great. Reporter it also came at the time when you knew you didnt want to be a onehit wonder. Yeah. Yes. Reporter fogerty quickly followed up with a string of hits that would become music classics. The bad moon on the rise get out my back door im not singing a song you wrote a lot of great songs in 1969. That was a heck of a year. Reporter 1969 the title of fogertys latest year. The year me and my band put out three albums in one year. Reporter his set list draws from the bands short but prolific career. Wholl stop the rain, looking out my backdoor. Down on the corner. Fortunate son. Reporter as you give me those titles. I can start to hear the lyrics of every one of those songs. Whats it look to have had that impact on a generation . More than a generation . I tell you, john. I feel just really grateful because as you know i had a, a long very dark period. Reporter fogerty writes about the long, dark period in his memoir fortunate son. The story of a kid from el cerrito and his musical dream. It came true and then it turned into a nightmare. Because almost as quickly as credence became the biggest rock band on the planet it disintegrated. Tom fogerty left to follow a solo career out from his younger brothers shadow. And bassist and drummer demanded more creative control. They wanted to write songs, sing the songs they wrote. Either it was going to be this way or we were going to fall apart right here. So i agreed. Reporter cook and clifford would later say fogerty sabotaged the album forcing them to write to prove a point. When mardi gras was released a Rolling Stone reviewer called it the worst album oi have ever heard from a major rock band. Credence never made another record. Plenty of rock n roll band have broken up. I dont know whether any have the sort of spring of lawsuits. That has followed ccr. How many times have you sued each other . I have no idea. Happily, i dont keep count. Reporter fogerty spent decades battling the Record Company that signed him as a teenager and claimed ownership of his iconic songs. The fact that i dont own these wonderful songs certainly has gnawed at me. Reporter theyre still your songs. I think the phrase i used, the whole world knows those are your songs. And, thats a really good thing to know. I want to know have you seen the rain reporter today at the age of 70, fogerty embraces the songs he wrote that made him and credence music legends. It is a really happy for me. Reporter and you are performing with your son . Yes. Those are amazing moments in life when you when you get to share that closeness. After all it is in his dna. And the f right after it. At his home in los angeles, fogerty and sons shane and tyler have built their on recording studio. Where they invited us to listen in on a family jam session. Every time reporter what is it like you are out on the stage, you are with a rock n roll legend, or are you just out there with dad . Just dad. More like that. Its fun. Its great experience. Because it is fun. It never gets stodgy. Like how it sounded like when you just said rock n roll legend. Reporter john fogerty is a rock legend who is still on a roll. Rolling on a river ye diaper cowboy walk dance freely in new pampers cruisers with three extra absorb channels. It stays drier and doesnt sag like others. So dance, however you want in new pampers cruisers Plastic Surgery and other cosmetic procedures are not only the rage in south beach and l. A. , theyre also big business in asia. Doctors in south korea for instance performed more than a million procedures last year. There are only 50 Million People in the whole country. Cbss seth dome is there. South korea is a trendsetter here in asia setting the tone for everything from k pop to soap operas to yes plastic surgeons. Now south korea is offering a 10 tax break for tourists who are inclined to go under the knife. To walk down the street, take the subway in seoul, is to be bombarded by commercials for Plastic Surgery. And even some real life examples. Turn on the tv, its there too. This shows formula. Music accompanies someone presurgery and crescendo during the procedure to until finally a dramatic reveal. Even a digitally produced before and after catwalk. I just Everyone Wants to be pretty, right . Reporter on the street in seoul, we heard how plastic surgeries are a common gift, received when graduating from high school. New face. New start, 20yearold sally park said. How many of your friends have had Plastic Surgery . I would say almost everyone, she replied. But why . We asked this woman if we could follow her as she want to her surgery at regen. One of seouls biggest cosmetic hospitals. When i told my friend i was going to get this surgery their reaction was bland she said. They werent surprised. Reporter you are so beautiful though . Translator i really dont think i am beautiful at all, she said. Kim allowed us to join her final consultation. As her doctor mork emarked up h face. At 23 she worries she looks old and gloomy. She saved up 1,800 working part time retail jobs to get a fat graft of the full face. We watched as doctor roe took fat from kims thigh and injected it into her temple and under her eyes. Whats the desired effect here . Why is she doing this . She thinks she has a very haggard look, a very skeletonized look which makes her look older than her age. She wants to have a more babyish face or younger face. Reporter a simple procedure he says and one that is so subtle he calls it the perfect crime. Reporter Plastic Surgery is very common here in south korea. But people dont want to look as t nay have had the surgery. Later he showed us some of his work. This is the same person you. Created a jaw. Yes, i created the jaw. Walking down the street here in seoul you see people eyeing themselves in their phones, taking selfies, you have to attach your picture to resumes when you are getting a job the why are looks such a big deal here in korea. I think it is more competitive than other areas of the world. Very highly educated. So, you cant have just a good spec on your resume. Cant just have good grades . Everybody has good grades. Everybody has all the credentials. How are you going to get ahead of it . Reporter less than 24 hours ach after her surgery. Hello. How are you doing . We met up with a still swollen patient . What are you looking at in the mirror . I will be stressed out less, since the depressed of my face are now filled with fat. I think i will be able to live a brighter life. Be it the oddly similar looking receptionists saying we love you. Or the waiting rooms filled with pamphlets and posters promising change is not long before you find yourself wondering. I never thought about Plastic Surgery the doctor offered a free consultation. I hope you are not offended by my language. Reporter thankfully there is not enough time in the broadcast to tell you everything he suggested. You can see how the deep wrinkles here and here. We can do, this. Okay. You will look much younger here. Some cosmetic procedures can be expensive. You may want to hold off until you win the lottery. Anna werner reports on a new app that lets you buy your lottery tickets on your phone. Reporter the creator of the app claims it is legal and up and running and gaining in popularity. This man is buying 40 of powerball ticktickets. Not for himself. On behalf of people who ordered through jackpocket. With a few finger taps, jackpocket allows users to buy powerball, Mega Millions and other lottery tickets. A jack popocket employee full fs the order buying the tickets. Started one person, one desk. Reporter the brain child of peter sullivan. Tickets are scanned. The user can see them on their phone. If a person wins over 600, their tickets are delivered to them so they can claim prizes in person. Smaller winnings are amrid to their account. Sullivan started working on the app 2 1 2 years ago. He was inspired by his father who often crossed state lines to play the lottery. I remember growing up being embarrassed we were lit to practice due to the fact he had to play his numbers. Reporter the lottery was to blame . Wouldnt say that. Yeah, could be, yes. Reporter the Attorney Says the app doesnt break any laws. In 2011, the department of justice determined buying lottery tickets on line was completely legal. Reporter jackpocket monitors how people play to flag problem gambling and limits daily purchases to 100 per person. Something powerball itself does not do. For now, only people in new york can use jackpocket. But sullivan is hoping to expand to other states. Jackpocket already has 10,000 registered users. Tuesday night, 20 orders were being placed every minute. Do you feel bad at all about making it easier for people to maybe spend money they didnt have . If we can make it convenient for the people who want to play and be responsible with monitoring the, professional football is the most popular sport in america. A lot of kids are deciding not to put on the helmets and shoulder pads. Its gotten to the point where many high schools are dropping their Football Programs entirely. Our report from Maplewood Richmond high school. This used to be home to the maplewood blue devils football team. No telling how many touchdowns were scored over the decades. There will be no more. Now the field is use ford crosscountry and soccer, because maplewood joined the ranks of a nm weumber of school that scrapped their Football Program over concerns over injuries. The maplewood blue devils made it all the way to the Missouri State championships in 2010. Nelson mitten is the school board president. Does this school have a proud football tradition . Yes, it does. I have spent many times, hours with alumni dating back to the 1960s talking about the tremendous football teams they had going back till then. Reporter after last season, the High School Football program has been canceled. One of our students suffered a head injury that put him out the rest of the season. Then we had one broken ankle. Reporter mitten says the team had so many players hurt last fall they had to forfeit a game. Only 14 active players were on the roster at seasons end. Down from 40 just seven years ago. Reporter the board did an assessment of interest in the program. Found that there were probably insufficient students to maintain a team and decided to cancel the team for this year. Reporter maplewood isnt alone. Schools in maine and new jersey have canceled or cut short their seasons this year. Due to injuries or low student interest. And total number of High School Students playing football across america has dropped by more than 25,000 over the past five years. Sean gregory reports on football for time magazine. He writes about the dangers of concussions on the gridiron. Im not ready to call friday night lights off in the next ten years. Ive wouldnt be surprised if coaches are having a more difficult time attracting quality players. Reporter at maplewood an increasing number of students are trying out for crosscountry and soccer teams. Isaac pearson is a sophomore on the soccer team. His older brother jp played football at maplewood high. Football has been part of your family a long time. Why did you decide to play socker . I just kind of grew up around soccer. My mom said soccer is your thing. Doesnt want me to get hurt too. Soccer is something i really liked. Reporter in another sign of the times there will be a homecoming game played here next month but that game will be soccer not football. Thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you, the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. Captioning funded by cbs its thursday, october 1st, 2015. This is the cbs morning news. Millions are watching joaquin. The hurricane picks up strength in the atlantic before making its way up to the east coast where its expected to dump as much as 10 inches of rain. Targeted by hackers. Evidence shows hackers tried to go after clintons email server in the middle of an email controversy. And a School Shooting that could have been far worse, if not for the actions of a few heroic educators

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