Transcripts For KPIX CBS News Sunday Morning 20150111

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different sight, familiar face on the democratic side taking oath of office yet again many years after his political debut. john blackstone will report our cover story. >> the portrait of jerry brown. it was left unfinished at the request of a young governor who believed his work is far from done. four decades later governor does washington have some things to learn? >> they got to get out of their comfort zone. give up the ideological edges and find what it means to be an american at heart. >> from out of the west, jerry brown ahead on "sunday morning." >> osgood: earlier the guilded goes east across atlantic plan their futures they have plenty of family money and something more as jan crawford will show us. >> at the turn of the 20th century looking for a european husband with a fancy title was all the rage to the american heiress. >> i'm sure found the appeal of wearing the tiara or being presented at court just an amazing fulfillment of a dream. >> if you had enough money you had a shot. down"downton abbey" in real live ahead on "sunday morning." >> one of the most creative inventors of our time is on a roll these days with erin moriarty will try to keep up. >> you may know dean kamen for the segway. but that was just the first step in a long line of inventions. >> it goes upstairs. >> do you ever take a vacation? >> going from one fun thing to a different. yoplait golf. i don't sit at the beach. >> the amazing world of dean kamen, ahead on "sunday morning." >> osgood: the groundlings is a comedy theater in hollywood and term for all veterans who went on to become stand out comedians. lee cowan will take us back stage. >> all the comedians university lived to graduate some of the biggest names in the business. >> you can't step on that stage and play anything timidly. >> from will ferrell to that insurance lady we know at flo. >> i'm just going to suck until i suck less. >> the story behind a little brick building. the art of laughter. >> osgood: martha teichner walks through exhibition of henri matisse cutouts. the editor of "mad" magazine speaks out. david edelstein weighs in on the controversy surrounding the new film "selma" here are the headlines the 11th of january 2015. hundreds of thousands of people have gathered for a mass rally this morning in paris to show unity following the deadly terror attacks by extremist a cry for freedom will be attended by many european and world leaders. french authorities are searching for the common law wife of one of the gunman but there are concerns that she has fled to syria, police believe the 26-year-old woman has vital information about the radical cell that her partner belonged to. elizabeth palmer will have more on the terror attacks in paris later. interstate 94 in southwestern michigan is open again after 193 vehicle pile up. friday in the white out conditions. which included explosion of a semi truck filled with fireworks. one person was killed. six teams have recovered the tail section of the airasia jet that crashed last month in the java sea killing all 162 people on board. plane's back boxes which are essential in determining the cause of the crash have yet to be retrieved. in sports, the seattle seahawks are one step closer to the super bowl after 31-17 win over the carolina panthers last night in the nfc divisional playoffs. earlier the new england patriots punched their ticket to the afc championship game defeating baltimore ravens 35-31. here is today's weather. extreme cold still grips eastern third of the country. sleet and thunderstorms from the gulf coast to the great lakes. more snow across the mountain west. week ahead the icy cold lingers inmost parts except for the sunny southwest. ahead, stand out comedy at the groundlings. and american brides and english lords. female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows and free same-day delivery. are you next? make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> i, jerry brown, do solemnly swear -- is. >> osgood: from out of the west came that image being sworn in for fourth term as california's governor. the ceremony represented a personal milestone took place as his state is experiencing a remarkable come back. john blackstone will report our cover story. >> six years ago the sun appeared to be setting on the california dream. plummeting home prices and soaring debt were robbing the golden state of its luster. as we reported on "sunday morning" back then, plenty of californians were ready to give up hope. is the california dream kind of dying? >> it's not dying. it's dead. >> it was a crisis to be sure, but in politics, crisis is just another word for opportunity. >> the state was in massive debt, 27 billion. there was great untern tee. over a million people had lost their jobs. that was then. now california is coming back. >> is that your doing? >> it's in part my doing certainly. >> it's hard to imagine who would have wanted to become governor of a state that was in such a sorry state. but in 2010 jerry brown certainly did. and last november voters rewarded him for leading california back from the brink. electing him to an unprecedented fourth term as governor. >> we'll sit over here. >> the state once again boasts the world's 8th largest economy, bigger than russia's. even a budget surplus last year. the governor regularly receives foreign dignitaries befitting california's status of hi-tech super power. >> climate change occurs and it is occurring and droughts, extreme weather that will accelerate immigration. >> the secret to jerry brown's success? raising taxes while cutting spending. policies that have angered his fellow democrats nearly as much as republicans. you had to push democrats in california to accept a lot of the cuts that you proposed. >> i still have to push, democrats and republicans. there's endless desires. the way i say it is first you have a desire, then you make it a need then you make it a right, pretty soon you got a law. then you got a lawsuit. you got to be able to say no. because this government is not something you just milk forever. i don't like to spend money. that's not because i'm conservative it's because i'm cheap. >> for decades jerry brown has always chartered unique course in politics. his father, pat brown was elected governor of california in 1958. edmund brown junior, was hardly the heir apparent. at the time he was studying to become a jesuit priest. but politics is his true calling. >> i know he has two votes. >> in 1974 jerry brown one his father's old job. >> it is a unique experience at the age of 36 to find myself elected of the largest state in the union. >> he encounter add political landscape that's all too familiar today. >> an election is not an end it's a beginning. fair to say that people want a new spirit but don't want to pay a lot of money for it. ♪ >> famously frugal brown dispensed with the limos and private planes of his predecessor, ronald reagan. he was a creature of the 190s and the bachelor governor made waves for dating singer linda ronstadt. in office, his track record was solid, but brown also pursued ideas that were ahead of their time. an advocate for the environment and alternative energy, he even wanted the state to launch its own research satellite. brown's stellar ambitions earned him a long-lasting nickname. >> finally encouraged governor moonbeam. >> that was a little moniker i had to live with. it was a reflex of the fact that we were trying to do very innovative things that seemed a bit outlandish then. >> his presidential ambitions were no less outlandish. he ran three times and each time he found his campaigns at odds with the democratic establishment. >> it's a cause they can't buy. a force they can't stop. on tuesday don't vote for me, vote for yourself. >> today at age 76 jerry brown is the establishment. an exemplar of the adage what goes around comes around. the path back to sacramento wasn't easy. he served as mayor of oakland then attorney general. before running a heated race to succeed arnold schwarzenegger. >> california is not perfect. we got our problems. >> his last re-election was easier he swept back in to office with 59% of the vote. >> at this stage everybody pitching in. >> he also convinced voters in drought-stricken state to approve a $7.5 billion plan that includes new reservoirs, dams and water tunnels. and brown remains committed to building a controversial high speed rail line from san francisco to los angeles. >> if i can use a biblical admonition, he who perseveres will be saved. andreas convenience is something i learned very early in life i wouldn't be here as governor these many decades later if i didn't have that habit of strucking to it. >> is it frustrating to be 40 years later fighting the same battles? >> think about the alternative. to be frustrated is a real pleasure. >> if brown has mellowed in recent years many attribute to his 2005 marriage to anne gust a former executive with the gap. both was their first marriage. you got married after 15 years of dating, you were pushed, do i understand correctly? >> due diligence. >> just decided it was time. >> they have evolved in to a working partnership as well. with gust-brown serving without pay as special counsel to the governor. >> gave you the title counsel? >> yes. how do you give that counsel? >> in different ways at different times. >> not publicly. >> i try not to do it publicly. usually i start with edmund. when i'm giving him serious advice i'm calling him edmund. but jerry, i have to give him a lot of credit because he really listens. >> you're always willing to change your mind? >> i didn't say that. >> i'm interested in what is the circumstance. that takes clarity of mind and an openness in some ways maybe some humility but i do strive for that. >> humility is not a term often heard in politics, here in sacramento and certainly not in our nation's capitol. >> does washington have some things to learn? >> some of the people are afraid to pass a tax because it affects the economy. we created a million jobs with that new temporary tax. but we also cut and we've made cuts that i think even in washington they have been reluctant to do. they got to get out of their comfort zone, give up the ideological edges and find what it means to be an american at heart. >> the long strange journey of jerry brown is far from over. and in the man who spent much of his life wielding power, you can still recognize the searching seminarian who 40 years ago found himself at the helm of his state. if you could say something to that 36-year-old now is there some advice you might give him? >> you know, i don't know that you can give advice to young men in a hurry. i don't think i would have listened to it. >> are you still in a hurry? >> i don't feel quite in a hurry, but i do feel the same zeal virtually every morning i get up excited about what i'm doing, ready to dig in and i can't even explain to you why. i just love being governor. i like what i'm doing. and i think we're making some progress. >> osgood: coming up. laurens hammond key to success. release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. >> osgood: now a page from our sunday morning almanac. january 11th, 1895, 120 years ago today. a noteworthy date by any measure. for that was the day laurens hammond was born in evanston, illinois. a mechanical engineer by training, hammond was a life long inventor. among his early creations a tickless spring-driven clock. an early 3d movie and a bridge table that automatically shuffled and then dealt the cards. >> never has there been such an instrument available. >> osgood: his biggest break through was 1934 he patented the organ that bears his name. thanks to a device known as the tonewheel generator the hammond organ produced sounds to rival those of a full-size pipe organ. the hammond quickly became a big seller embraced by amateurs, churches and radio soap opera,s countlessless pop musicians through the years. that's a hammond we're hearing in procol harum's psychedelic hit "whiter shade of pale." keyboardist keith emerson of the group. emerson lake and palmer famous lohan handled his hammond on stage. played a role in one of the biggest hits ever by bob majerle and the wailers. no hammond organ no "no woman no cry" he died in 1973 at the age of 78 with more than 100 pat tonight's his credit. hammond organs are sold to this day with digital technology. not a bad legacy for a musical pioneer who reportedly couldn't play a note. ahead, what a cut out. >> having the time of his life. >> osgood: the second career of henri matisse. push your 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the most important things in life aren't things they're people. ♪ the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. >> osgood: henri ha tease made his name by putting brush to canvas. when chronic illness made painting difficult he made his park by putting scissors to paper. with martha teichner we see how he did it. >> there is this flickery home movie of an elderly henri matisse in a hurry with his giant scissors cutting odd flop tee leaf forms out of paper that his assistants would eventually pin to the walls of his home studio in the south of france. in the last years of his life, matisse, one of the most famous painters in the world, all but gave up painting for these huge colorful collages made out of cut paper. most people think of cutting colored paper as something children do and that there's a simplicity. >> what i might say is that what he's doing is reducing form to its essentials that's one of his great achievements. >> curator jodi hauptman is one of the organizers of "henri matisse, the cutouts" at the museum of modern art in new york. >> even at that point he had full career, he was well-known, key have rested on his laurels and he doesn't. he reaches for something new. >> the my owns one of his best known paintings the dance from 1909. now look at this, more dancers. here matisse used paper cutouts he could move around to figure out his composition for the famous mural commissioned in the early 1930s by the american collector, dr. albert barnes. >> all ever this looks like a dress maker's pattern. >> it does. matisse himself grew up in a textile region of france and he collected textiles. so that connection is i think very significant. so he's working this out he's pinning and unpinning really having his assistant pin and unpin these forms. he's thinking through the shapes of the figures. >> nor decades the cutouts were a means to an end. a tool. until in 1943 when matisse was commissioned to produce a book called "jazz." >> there are 20 images in the book he uses cut paper to compose each plate. >> matisse liked the look of the stuck on bits of cut paper. but when the book was printed all that texture was lost. suddenly he realized cutouts could be important. a new art form. >> i went to visit him and he had the "jazz" series out all around the room. and he said, it's the work of an invalid. and of course he still has the urge to go and to do more. >> paul matisse, an artist himself, a sound cup for remembers his grandfather as driven to work, no matter what the personal cost. >> there were all sorts of issues. and he wasn't a cozy person, but mostly it was his intensity that drove what happened around him. >> a man who had to create even though from 1940 on, until his death in 1954 at the age of 84, matisse was practically house bound as a result of a succession of near fatal illnesses. so with shapes cut out of paint paper he conjured up the world on his walls. even a swimming pool that filled a room. >> matisse is known to have said, he told his assistant call a cab and let us go to a swimming pool. he wanted to see divers. he got there there were no divers, let's go home i'm going to make my own swimming pool that's what he did. >> carl buchberg the senior conservator at the museum of modern art which owned the swimming pool. >> one of the pieces is that we want to show how matisse lived with these works. they were all pinned up. >> it was buchberg's painstaking four year conservation of the swimming pool that led to the exhibition. >> you can see the pins, we want people to see the pins. >> there they are. the amazing thing about the swimming pool is that you're seeing from all directions at once, above the swimmers, below them alongside them as they thrash about in the white sunlight and whop pe blue water. in the blue nudes it's possible to see that his cutouts were anything but simple or child like. they were carefully reworked and rethought. >> he calls the cutouts drawings with scissors or carving into color like sculpture. >> matisse considered this chapel in the south of france his masterpiece. from the stained glass windows to the priests vestments the designs were based on cutouts. after surviving poor health and horrors of world war ii, scissoring away, matisse experienced what he considered a whole new life. his cutouts exploded in size and exuberance. he compared cutting to flying. >> he did not go back to painting. he had discovered a new world. and he was just going to explore it. >> paul matisse had seen some of his grandfather's cutouts as works in progress, pinned up on walls but never so many together. they are a marvel, even to him. >> i think he was just having the time of his life at this last period. >> one of the giant's of 20th century art matisse said, an artist should never be a prisoner of himself prisoner of style, prisoner of reputation prisoner of success. with his cutouts he set himself free one last time. >> the word is business. [ laughter ] >> osgood: the groundlings. later, inventor dean kamen on a roll. female announcer: it's time to make room for the new mattress models! during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> i'm not a baby i'm a man. i'm an anchorman. >> it's "sunday morning" on cbs here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: long before will ferrell started in the 2004 film "anchorman" he was inspiring comic in the groundlings. not the only alum thats who makes it on to the bigger stage. lee cowan takes us to where so many careers began. >> on melrose avenue in the heart of hollywood settle a small theater a funny name. the groundlings. what it lacks in size it makes up for with its sense of humor. >> is that your last diet coke? >> no, i've got a sixer of dcs right in that cooler. >> it's been making people laugh for 40 years turning improvisational comics in to household names. >> you got it. >> like "saturday night live's" will forte. how big a difference do you think it made in your career? >> i would not have done anything if not for the groundlings. absolutely, every step of the way it's about getting comfortable with yourself performing. >> the word is business. >> he still performs here on occasion on this night improvising a sketch about a spelling bee. >> b r d t f, k. >> it went on and on. >> m k,. >> and on. to absurdity. that in a nutshell is a groundling. >> live from new york it's saturday night! >> dick pick a decade during snl's long run and you'll find a groundling somewhere in the cast. >> don't tell mrs. clinton. >> jim, let me tell you something. there's going to be a whole bunch of things we don't tell mrs. clinton. >> that was the late phil hartman on snl. this was him years earlier. as a groundling. melissa mccarthy and kristen wig all shared this stage. as well as the big screen in comedy hit "bridesmaids." >> i'm not even confident which end that came out of. >> perhaps the well-known groundling is will ferrell. >> more intellectual set just known as the loud performers. i don't know if i ever heard a note from a director at the groundlings saying that was too over the top. >> there's going to be a meeting between your ass and the palm of my hand if you don't get off the set. >> in fact many of the sketches we saw on snl were first hatched at the groundling. >> i just basically a suburban dad at barbecue who is having very mundane conversation and then i break out of it every now and then to yell at these kids. >> i will punch you in the face if you don't -- >> it went from the groundlings stage -- >> going to shove this spatula. >> to the audition to studio 8h. >> it isn't just a performance space. >> turned to scalding sand. >> it's actually the school. >> we're going to start over just as teaching lesson. >> adriane price has been teaching improv for years. >> he found the bird. >> we deal with a lot of students who say literally how do i get on "saturday night live." we'll say by not worrying about getting on "saturday night live." why should you not come up do something different. we break you down in a good way and it's almost like you're first day of school. you're learning to yours your voice and body and cut out that over thinking that we all have. >> very nice. >> would set egg timer for five minutes and say write a monologue on how you're the king of cheese. go. so you don't have time to go wait, what? it was just like, think of whatever and push past that point of you know, being uncomfortable. >> and getting in your own way. >> yeah. >> tony cavalero and edi patterson. >> as you know. >> being accepted in to a program as such well-known alum alums, was daunting at first. >> i remember that first time i got to perform on this stage. it was like crossing that threshold was like, oh, man this just got real. >> were you guys good when you started? >> i don't know if i was good. but i loved improvising it was my jam. >> the passion for doing it, for succeeding at improv is half the battle. >> hello and welcome to my one woman show. >> cheryl hynes from hbo's "curb your enthusiasm" -- >> you invited a sex offender. >> says the other half being able to let go. >> i saw people that were so funny and smart and silly at the same time. and i thought, oh, that's what i want to do. >> characters and students are so memorable we know them by their character's name. >> new customers -- take flo. >> you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. real name is stephanie courtney says the groundlings helped uncover flo who was hiding. >> this sounds like home owners. >> i've got discount on this ham. >> i feel i have to credit my mom for flo. because my mom is sort of this chipper, sunny whack-a-doodle kind of lady. i love you mom. >> there's a waiting list at least a year long to apply to the groundlings. not niece to get in or make it all the way through. in fact most don't. even will ferrell was nervous about graduating. >> you knew at the end of it there was an evaluation done by the current groundlings members and for people who had been through the system long enough that you were actually executed. [ laughter ] they don't like to talk about that. >> when he did make it big he downplayed it. >> i'd come back to the show, how is new york, how is snl? it's like, it's fine. >> just didn't want to -- it's amazing. a blast. >> but success stories like his keep young groundlings going and dreaming. while it might be true that you can't teach a sense of humor -- that little building with the funny name has found an enduring way to at least nurture the funny bone. that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. 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including islamic extremist and even the prophet muhammad fourneau charlie hebdo ended up on al qaeda's hit list. thousands of security forces fanned out across the country in a massive dragnet. chief suspects were brothers side and cherif kouachi. had done jail time in 2008 for his links to violent islamic extremists. the killings shocked france and national day of mourning was declared. people stood together making a statement, the pen is mightier than any gun. fly day morning the brothers were spotted at last hiding in a printing plant northeast of paris. but just as police closed in another terrorist struck inside the capital. the brothers' friend amedy coulibaly who in this video pledges allegiance to islamic state. at mid day he seized hostages inside a kosher supermarket. after hours of tense standoffs commandos made their move both at the printing plant and at the supermarket 25 miles away where after a brief gunbattle terrified hostages sprinted to safety. when it was all over, all three terror suspects were dead and so were 17 innocent people. the lights on the eiffel tower were were briefly turned out as tribute to the victim. now is a time of shared grief and shock but there are hard questions waiting about angry radicalized young men ability of the french state to protect its citizens. >> osgood: just ahead. the american princees. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. >> osgood: some of the guilded girls of the guilded age looked across the sea something an american man couldn't offer, a title. the search is being remembered these days on our tv screens. here is jan crawford. >> if one of the shows central plot line. >> you married cora against my wishes for -- >> the point is he needs the money and she wants the status. cora, lady grantham, played by elizabeth mcgovern was once cora levinson, heiress to american fortune married lord grantham and saved his crumbling estate claiming title of countess for herself. it all plays out like a fairy tale that story line isn't all that far fetched. lady cora is an example of what came to be known as the dollar princess of the guilded age time in the laid is theth century where young american heiress rejected by high society turned their sights to europe seeking status through marriage and lofty european titles. >> found the appeal of wearing the tiara or being presented at court just an amazing fulfillment of a dream. >> jeff groff is a curator at the winterthur museum, former home of the dupont family. >> these were all hand shaped. >> through record crowds highlighting america's fascination with all things british both now and then. there are real life wore radios. >> many of the great american fortunes were in manufacturing railroad finance trade things that the british aristocracy would have put their nose up in the air. >> while america of finding new fortunes, europe was facing hard times and once thriving british upper class was feeling the impact. >> they're trying to hold on and they're looking at leaky roofs and properties in bad repair trying to figure how are we going to keep this together. >> they found salvation in same young women shunned by the american elite. >> it's the guilty secret. >> last week the smith zone january channel partly owned by cbs began three-part series depicting the lives of real american heiress like jenny jerome, daughter of wall street tycoon and mother of prime minister winston churchill. >> her father and her mother both think that their daughters are beautiful that they're clever that they're musical and gives huge amount of self confidence. >> confidence is one reason the dollar princesses were significantful. some made an impact on british society that continues to this day. great grand mort of princess diana was the daughter of another wall street millionaire. >> she was a handsome woman. she was a rebel. she loved her horses just like her father. >> hundreds of women made the transatlantic journey to find the man with the title of their dreams. >> they were sort of matchmakers in society in this country and in england who would help put people together. >> family an old one. >> older than yours i imagine. >> you've already looked him up. >> there arm few one publication for the american heiress was quarterly journal called "titled american" listed the matches already made and remains of titled men still on the market sort of the of the era. very practical not at all romantic. here on this list of aristocratic bachelors is famed british bank or the honourable lionel rothschild. 22 years old heir to the roth child estate, enthusiastic zoologist not for the feint of heart, the 12th early of dudley. he was 48 years of age was formerly a captain n the army and member of parliament as sown his wild oats. home like this maybe someone would be willing to take him on. despite the dream of the title romance so beautifully depicted on television the new ladies of the manor grown accustom to things like heat and electricity. >> i'm an american. >> the servants' quarters they rang. >> the exhibit at winterthur made clear the differences between the american and british he is states. the contrasted the old fashioned system used to call servants of "downton abbey." >> you press the button. >> the new electric version used by the du ponts in america. >> the buzzer was found the light would become on. >> modernization not easily adopted by the old fashion the british elite. >> the communication -- despite the obstacles lady cora and lady grantham make their fairy tale come true. real life coras were not so fortunate. spent most of her marriage without her husband who later date reportedly of syphilis. princess diana's grandmother returned to america. before that noble husband of her gambled them all away. with the coronation of king george v in 1911 the tide turned on the dollar princesses and modern ways. new monarch frowned the doors of those grand old estates weren't flung wide open soon began to close. the future looks much brighter all that new money wasn't so new any more. dollar princess with or without a glamorous title was not only welcome in high society now she was sending the invitations. >> on the shoulders -- >> osgood: next -- crowned miss america. >> osgood: remembrance. >> osgood: it happened this past week, word of the loss of three people who were much in the public eye. we learned the death of bess myerson this past december 14th. >> here she is -- she was crowned first still only jewish miss america 1945. early tv personality she was twice new york city commissioner and unsuccessful senate run in 1980 acquit of charges of complicated bribery case in 1987. illegal act. >> osgood: she retired to relative ab security in california. his myerson was 90. actor rod taylor died wednesday in los angeles. born in australia taylor built career in hollywood. he starred in 1960 adaptation of hg wells' "the time machine" and alfred hitchcock's "the birds" in 1963. rod taylor was 84. gospel singer andrae crouch died on thursday following a heart attack. a preacher's son wrote his first song at the age of 14. went on to win seven grammys and oscar nomination. with the song "let the church say amen" has been heard many a sunday morning service. andrae crouch was 72. >> i have two little points -- >> osgood: meet inventor dean kamen next. and later -- >> in the south there have been thousands of racial motivated murders. >> osgood: fact or fiction? you give... and you give... and then you give some more. but sometimes you get. and so you take. tylenol® cold is strong enough for you while children's tylenol® is gentle enough for them. we give you relief from your cold and flu. you give them everything you've got. tylenol®. >> osgood: the segway is personal transportation device. if it hasn't revolutionized travel yet don't worry plenty more ideas where that one came from. here is erin moriarty of "48 hours" with our sunday profile. >> are you always thinking about what you're creating? when most people think of inventor dean kamen, two things come to mind. the segway, his personal transporter. and these headlines from 2010. you know there are some people who think you're dead. >> yes. >> it was actually british businessman jimi heselden who tragically drove a segue off cliff in northern england less than a year. we should clear this up right now. >> we can. >> did you drive the segway off a cliff. you're here, alive and well. >> i'm still healthy. which is a good thing for people without clean water. >> 50% of all chronic human disease would go away, you would empty 50% of the hospital beds in the world if you just gave people clean water. >> when dean kamen sees a problem, he and his team of engineers based in manchester, new hampshire, work to solve it. hence, the slingshot, a portable water purifier. any kind of water? >> any kind of water. >> with pathogens. >> with pathogens organics, chrome arsenic. >> feces human feces. >> doesn't matter. >> it's named after the weapon that biblical david used to deal with the problem of goliath. as shown in a new documentary called simply "slingshot" kamen's team has already successfully tested a small number of these devices in villages in latin america and africa. >> this was this before it went through this and here, take a cup. >> good water that created using tiny bit of electricity. the slingshot runs on batteries solar cells or even methane from animal dung. still, at a cost of $100,000 each slingshots are too expensive to be practical. so kamen has gone looking for partners starting with coca-cola. the company that has the capacity to put vending machines nearly anywhere was first on board. you're not at all even a little bit uncomfortable in these small villages that you're producing clean water but it's a big ad for coca-cola? >> well, this we put on there because they were just such a great supporter. i think the coca-cola company over time has made it very clear they weren't in this to sell coca-cola. >> dean kamen holds more than 400 u.s. and foreign patents. >> i'm a died in the wool capital list, without making money i couldn't do the things i do. money gives you freedom, it gives you flexibility, it gives you resources to do things. >> royalties from his many inventions allow kamen to employ 500 engineers and technicians at his company deka research. employees who don't have to sell anything, they just create prototypes to solve problems. >> do you ever take a vacation? >> i don't play golf. i don't sit at the beach. i don't roam around places like a tourist. to me a vacation is moving from one project to another. >> at 63 years old kamen still has a child like passion for all kinds of mechanical devices and toys. and lives in a massive dream home he designed not far from his headquarters. not bad for a kid from long island, new york who believe it or not struggled in school because of dyslexia. >> i don't read novels. i like reading old physics books and old math books because p i can read a page of differential equations as quickly as i can read a comic strip. >> he was still in college when he designed device to led to first wearable insulin pump for diabetics. later the first home dialysis machine. he began work on wheelchair to put disabled on a whole new level. >> i have two little points on the ground. i'm like a ballerina here. >> kamen calls it the i-bot. the eye level robotic chair. >> you're not looking down at somebody stuck in a chair. getting around is important. standing up is about dignity. we can have a pushing contest. >> one of us is going down. >> it's not me. >> my gosh. you're right. >> it took 15 years more than $50 million to mimic how we balance and manage to stay up right. >> if you don't even use it, just lean forward to shake hands. >> oh, my, gosh. >> now lean back. >> i'm done. the i-bot can negotiate curbs and with some practice even climb stairs. it's the same technology that led to his best known invention the segway. his personal transporter was introduced in 2001 with great fanfare as a replacement for the automobile. but it hasn't quite lived up to the hype. at all disappointed that it hasn't caught on the way you had hoped? >> it's early to say what is going to replace cars in big cities. why get in to a 2-3,000 pound machine to move a mile in the middle of a big city. i don't what will be used but i'm pretty sure i know what won't be used, a car. >> waiting for the world to catch up to him hasn't stopped kamen from barreling ahead on all kinds of fronts. >> you want to use this to pick up a grape? pick up your cell phone? hold a baby? open a door? >> to replace the hook, this is what kamen dreams will one day be standard issue for injured soldiers. >> i can rotate the wrist. i can flex the wrist. i'm controlling with it sensors on my feet. >> at the request of the military in 2006, kamen came up with the luke arm named for the fictional luke skywalker. >> we can't play the violin. we can't throw a fast ball. but we have users that will pick up chop sticks and eat sushi with this thing. pick up and egg and not crack it. >> while the arm is designed for injured veterans, kamen hopes to find other uses for the versatile appendage to bring down costs. >> it's unrealistic to give everybody everything at no cost. but when we as a country ask young people to go out, put themselves in harm's way and lose their arms, those people do deserve whatever we can give them. hi, i'm dean. >> kamen always looking ahead is also in search of the next generation of scientists, like aiden hughes. >> we also have solutions where we come down here with our robot. >> when aiden was seven he says he dreamed of being a baseball player. now he's 12. and in an entirely different kind of competition. his teammates are part of first organization that kamen created 25 years ago to attract young people to science by offering them the opportunity to compete with robots of their own designs. >> this really showing me how cool would engineering be if i were to go in to that field. >> the average kid on is the can tell you the name of a dozen football players or basketball players or hollywood stars, none of them can tell you the name of any famous living scientist or engineer. >> to date, more than one million kids have participated in first competitions from more than 80 countries. just last week a live, international webcast kicked off this year's competition. kamen, who never married or had children of his own sees these budding scientists as his legacy. passing on to them not just the love of technology, but a lesson he learned from his own grand forth. >> you give until it hurts. if it doesn't hurt, you didn't give enough. so i said to my grandfather, all right, i will give more than i take. but i've taken a lot. so if i can work on water for the world, if i can work on medical products to make the world a better place then i don't have to feel guilty being in this giant playground called the universe doing all sorts of cool fun stuff. >> osgood: coming up. no laughing matter. when the flu hits, it's a really big deal. the aches. the chills. the fever. an even bigger deal? everything you miss out on... family pizza night. the big game. or date night. why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to? prescription tamiflu can help you get better 1.3 days faster. that's 30% sooner. call your doctor right away. and attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. 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developments of past few weeks, i do now. the hacking of sony pictures and resulting pulling of a major american movie from theaters, at least temporarily sent a shiver down the spine of many americans. little did any of us realize that the hacking incident was prelude to much more serious attack on free speech, artistic expression and especially humor and satire. i won't pretend to understand the mindset of the extremists who massacred 12, including the four cartoonist and editor of charlie hebdo. how anyone could be so offended by cartoons to kill a human being. the satirists were murdered in cold blood for simply doing their job. over the years, "mad" magazine has offended many powerful people including many in the religious community. mad never makes fun of people's beliefs but we were merciless on the catholic church for covering up child abuse scandal. after 9/11 we wept after jerry falwell hard for blaming the 'tox on gays, feminists abortionist and the aclu. but we knew we shared a common set of values and rules of engagement the worse that could happen to us was that we would get a stern letter from their lawyer. not once did we fear for our safety. those are the good old days. when "sunday morning" approached me about doing this commentary i paused. my first consideration was, did i have something interesting to add to the discussion? you can be the judge of that. but i also paused because of this unsettling new world i couldn't know the ramifications of my decision. by the simple act of appearing on camera, denouncing the terrorists and defending the rights of cartoonists and satirists would i be drawing a target on my back? unfortunately these days those are not unfounded fierce. the far fact that i had the fierce score one for the terrorist. on the other hand come monday morning my staff and i will be back at work on the next issue of mad. what, us worry? >> we must stand up -- >> osgood: coming up. history at the movies. sometimes breathing air can 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gordon parks opens at the museum of fine arts in boston. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. >> osgood: a new flame about event that happened half a century ago has attracted attention of our critic david edelstein. >> massive demonstration of our -- >> the civil rights sneak selma" has been playing in a limited number of theaters since christmas but as it opens nationwide it's being talked about largely for alleged his tore real inaccuracies. >> come to selma join us, join our march against inhumanity. >> a film recounts the months in 1964 and '65 leading up to martin luther king's 54-mile march from selma to montgomery, alabama, which ended with 25,000 people converging on the state capital. the marchers' aim was straight ahead. to tell the governor to stop letting cities like selma keep black people from registering to vote. >> dr. king, i want to help, tell me how. >> well, mr. president -- central to the film is king's relationship with president lyndon johnson who thinks king's pursuit of voting rights is a bad idea. it will rile up congressmen he needs to pass his war on poverty legislation. >> in the south there have been thousands of racially motivated murders. we need your help, dr. king. it cannot wait. >> one big issue i got 101. >> in the movie lbj's stubborn inaction is the main motivation for king to provoke selma's notoriously racist hot headed sheriff to attack peaceful protesters. that's where the supposed inaccuracies come in. joseph califano, a former aide to johnson, says the president was on board the whole time and that the movie slanders johnson to make king even more a rebel hero. so, is "selma" fair to lbj? i've spent the last week immersed in biographies and listening to lbj's white house tapes and i'm bound to say not entirely. it's true that early in his presidency johnson wanted to concentrate on his war on poverty. but he was passionate about social justice. he fought hard for voting rights without any push from king. in part, i admit, to show up the late president kennedy's brother, robert, whom he hated. having said that "selma" gets about 90% of the story right. it's still a great film. >> that they do their power to keep us safe. >> the spew pen tucson british actor david oyelowo the best performance of the year. king looks like he bears the weight of millions of souls. it costs him, ages him. >> you can tell -- lbj scenes they're not wholely off. these men were tie tan particular forces. they were shrewd wary they manipulated open other. yes they had their eyes on the prize but they tempered their emotions they were always playing the long game. we can still learn a lot from them and from this superb film. >> osgood: review from david edelstein. now to bob schieffer in washington for look what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning bob. >> schieffer: good morning, charles. well, attorney general eric holder is one of many law enforcement officials whom nations around the world were meeting in paris to talk about terrorism. we will talk to him. >> osgood: thank you. we'll be walking. next week here on "sunday morning." >> this is first issued. >> osgood: we've got mail. you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. >> osgood: we leave you this morning swimming with the manatees at blue spring state park near orange city, florida. >> osgood: i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning, until then i'll see you on the radio. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh >> live from the cbs bay area studios. this is kpix 5 news. >> good morning. it is 7:30 on january 11th. thanks for joining us. i'm dan makovec. >> and i'm so material. we've got a lot of news to coverage. >> a bridge is closed and we go there live in a few minutes. also, talking politics this morning. quite a week for politicians old and new. governor jerry brown gave his state of the state address after being inaugurated last week. >> he also gave his budget address and will take a look at the battle of that budget both at uc and as far as social programs with former state senator president don perrotta. >> it looks like new

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