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Leaks to occur. And obviously when you have gas, not where its supposed to be, that can be a problem that leads to fires. The reason why were seeing the majority of those fires happen around napa and American Canyon and near the epicenter is because thats where the most violent shaking was happening and the highest potential of seeing those gas lines ruptured. So if youre thinking about what you need to do right now, although we are coming up on two hours and 40 minutes since this occurred, the number one thing you can do if you are anywhere near napa and you are a renter or homeowner is get that gas line turned off. Its much better to have no gas coming into the house than to guess or assume that you dont have a gas leak. Just thinking about safety. Thinking about your family, doing the smart thing right now would be to turn off that gas and stop any gas from going inside your house because that is going to be one of the most significant problems going forward. We have Juliette Goodrich live in napa checking the damage. Juliette, what can you tell us . Hi, ann, what i can tell you is what i can show you. We are in downtown napa. This is 3rd street and really if you go on any corner, this is what youre going to see and a lot of the structural buildings in this Historic Center have crumbled. In fact, you can see the bricks on the ground going on top of that car. And this is really a look corner by corner of whats happening Historic Downtown napa. A lot of the roads have been closed in this area. This happens to be a law center, bail bonds area, but also alex panning down to another side of the street and this is some law offices, a bank, and then even a hall of justice also has been damaged from this earthquake. A lot of people out on the street right now, just trying to take a look and its really hard. I have to tell you, so people have flashlights just to assess the damage. Probably in the next 30 minutes or so at first light, well be able to get a good look. I want to introduce you to some people who lived in napa. One of them happens to be shannon. Come on in. She cleared out of her house and obviously you brought your pet with you as well. What did you feel this morning . Well, it was a big rocking and rolling sensation. A big jolt first, which woke us up and it lasted for quite some time and just lots of crashing and everything is out of the cupboards. We had to clean up all of the vinegar and oil and wine bottles. Everything is broken and smell is incredible. So, its a mess. Sometimes pets give you that first inclination theres an earthquake. Did this little guy give you any hint or not . Pretty calm right now. There was an earthquake about two or three weeks ago and he did give us an inclination then, he was snoring this time. When you look behind you, im amazed at some of the damage. It was at first light. Were going to get more of a look. What have you seen so far in downtown napa as youve kind of assessed the area down here . Well, we are just Walking Around and its pretty sad. Ive lived here since i was a small child and the Goodman Building on first street is old Historic Stone building. It was actually the Public Library when i was a child and the corner of it is down. And im an attorney and i work in the hall of justice and it is just sad to see our town this way. Its going to take awhile to clean up. A lot of the city leaders are saying dont come in because of the roads are so clogged. Theres also been some communication difficulties with cell phone lines and just getting calls into 911 and so obviously the rule of them is, if you dont need to call Emergency Services, dont clog up the lines. But from your standpoint, did it roll . Was it a jerking feeling . You are really kind of close to the epicenter. It started with a jolt. We were in bed and the whole thing was rocking and rolling and things were coming off the walls. We have a victorian home and our pictures are on picture rails and wires and they spun around. They just spin around. Look at that. We are giving you a look at the people in the city streets right now and they have their flashlights to really see what kind of damage went down here and alex, my photographer trying to give you a first look at some of the buildings. Youre looking at the hall of justice. Youre looking at some of the banks in the area, some law offices. Where we are is Historic Downtown napa. There have been several fire trucks that have passed us in the past minute or so. And there have been a lot of fires, structural fires. Shannon, i want to thank you for your time. Shannon is going to take off, understandably, but ann, theres been some fires in this area. Well probably get some more video and information on that as well. But right now, a lot of the Emergency Personnel are just trying to attend to any of these emergency calls that they get. I have to tell you, a lot of lines have been jammed up. Be patient if youre trying to get ahold of any kind of Emergency Personnel. The concerns we have been hearing, make sure we are not jamming up the phone lines by personal calls at this point. Absolutely. Im just going to walk over here. A lot of people cleared out of the area and you cleared out of your house, i assume, and brought your dog with you. Tell us what you felt this morning. Im luke. I woke up out of bed with rumbling and shaking. Everything was broken, glass, wine bottles, everywhere. The damage isnt as bad as here for sure. This is the heart of the damage. And the older buildings. You have a flashlight. Thats what we are doing to see where the most damage is. So is that where you detected is this area . Definitely here. Downtown, if you go down main street, broken glass. All the Old Buildings brick, definitely have some bad damage. We came down because our friends store is downtown and we wanted to check on it and make sure it was okay. Is everything okay . Yeah. Theres a water main breaks downtown, too, so its pretty bad. Were hearing a lot of fire alarms going off right now because of the shaking that had happened. And you cleared out of your house and grabbed your little guy. A lot of pets along the street. Who is this . This is ella. Pets give us our first notion that something is happening. I heard this morning. She was running around and as soon as i got out the door, i got thrown out of bed. Sheafs right there. So she knew what was going on before we did, for sure. When you look at this damage, the bail bonds building. Are you surprised or shocked to see how it just crumbled . I mean, this is historic area here. This shows how significant the earthquake was. When you see this damage, what are your first thoughts . You can tell its historic napa. Old brick buildings and unfortunately, its the way it goes when these things happen. So, all of the newer buildings look like they are okay. Some of the older ones, this looks bad. Carp e diem. Im glad you are safe and your dog is fine as well. Obviously, at first light were going to get more of a story of really what happened in downtown napa. I think youre getting a sense that the historic area is really the center point where a lot of the damage went on and the word to the wise is dont come into the area because youre going to clog the streets. If you do have an emergency situation, then call. We just heard a collapse a block down. Were going to go check that out and report back. Something is going on down the street. Juliette goodrich is live where the brunt of the damage from the 6. 1 earthquake that was centered near American Canyon was felt. We have live on the phone right now the Public Information officer for the city of napa. Barry martin. Barry, what can you tell us right now . Unfortunately, those that were not retrofitted have suffered quite a bit of damage. Also damage to the Goodman Library building, which is Historic Property that is owned by the city. The historic napa county courthouse suffered some damage, along with the commercial buildings that you referenced. Can we talk about some of the fires burning in the city of napa . Were looking at video coming in at least one home has burned. Tell us about the fires going on right now. I dont have any thorough information on the fires. Were about to get our first Emergency Operation center briefing at 6 30 this morning. All we really know, i should say, is what has been reported in social media and mass media. Typically, fires can occur after an earthquake because of gas line ruptures and we are certain we have had a few of those occur in various places. We had water line breaks as well. I heard one report of buckled sidewalks in certain parts of the brown valley area. Pretty widespread. It was a very strong quake, certainly the strongest weve felt here since the year 2000. And much more severe than what napa had in 1989. Barry, what do you and the city of napa do when you realize a moderate earthquake happening in your town . What happens on a government level to make sure that the folks living in your town are safe . Once the Public Safety First Responders realize that the damage is widespread, it does take a little while to figure that out, then they will report back to their superiors and eventually the situation is severe enough, well open Emergency Operation center or eoc. And that has been activated so far this morning. We heard there might have been some damage to the physical Office Building that you normally need. Yeah, theres the kind of damage that most people in the area are experiencing, which is the rooms are tossed around. Ceiling tiles have fallen, book shelves have fallen over, that kind of thing. Were not aware of expecting any structural damage. The buildings were built relatively recently and are not in these old historic structures. Youre calling right now for mutual aid. Where are you getting help from right now . All the Public Safety entities have Mutual Aid Agreements with a Widespread Network of fire and Police Departments and i would assume people who are outside the affected area, perhaps further north would be more likely to get mutual aid from at this point. The problem is, a lot of communities are dealing with their own issues right now. Everybody checking the Structural Integrity of buildings, roadways, and bridges in their own communities. Yeah, i think this is why so much of the preparedness methods around earthquakes is being ready to take care of yourself because unlike flooding, which only occurs in a few places or a wild land fire when we have always known that when the big earthquakes come, they affect a wide area and so you cant be expecting your neighbors or your neighboring public agencies to be ready to help you. So, this is why we talk about being prepared to take care of yourself for 72 hours and theres good reminders, this was a big jolt in napa, but it is not the big one. We should all take it as a lesson. Barry, we will have aftershocks for the next 1 to 5 days. The usgs is saying theres a 50 50 shot of one of those aftershocks reaching 5 magnitude. What do you feel the city of napa has to do over the next couple hours and the next couple of days to make sure that any additional earthquakes aftershocks dont cause additional damage . Obviously, with the process involving red tagging and the cities crews will be out today investigating damaged areas and red tagging buildings that cannot be occupied until they are repaired. In the case of some of what we are seeing downtown with these historic properties, they are not going to be back in service for a very long time. All right, barry martin live with us from the city of Emergency Services. Youll be getting more information at 6 30 this morning. Please check back in with us continuing the aftermath of this 6. 1 magnitude earthquake. That struck near American Canyon this morning. 6. 1 earthquake. The largest earthquake we had in the bay area in october of 1989. On this same fault back in the year 2000, september of 2000, the west napa fault, there was a 5. 2 earthquake. This one bigger, more significant felt top to bottom throughout the bay area. It shook everywhere in the bay area. And of note as we will talk to a Structural Engineer. This is a flip strike earthquake, which historically means more rolling and less of a jolt. Im curious to find out what that means for structures. Feeling that initial jolt, that is what woke them up and the rolling afterward. Lets check in right now live on the phone. John, he is a Structural Engineer. John, thanks for joining us this morning. Tell us about some of the concerns were seeing because we are seeing buildings on fire. Homes on fire this morning. Concerns about homes and building integrity as was the integrity of some of our roadways and for bridges. Good morning. The first point i would like to make is by and large, most of our buildings will have come through unscathed. Most of the buildings in the area with the exception of the unreenforced building, will do quite well and i will expect most homes will be quite safe structurally. Certainly fire is a major concern with the water heaters toppling over and gas lines breaking. And sounds like some of that has happened. In the city of napa this morning and were taking a look at pictures right now of some of the other damage in napa. Now where are you located, john . I am down in palo alto, menlo park area. What did you feel this morning . Oh, it was quite a rolling ride. Very interesting way to wake up. So, its a previous previously mentioned, there was the strongest shake in the bay area. And it was not certainly damaging down here, but it was enough to get my attention. I dont know what your specialty is, john, but the buildings, obviously an issue. But what about the roadways . What about the bridges . How long is it going to take, do you think, to figure out if they are safe . Well, caltrans gets into action right away to go out and survey the roads and bridges as part of their Emergency Response plans and certainly precaution, probably a number of bridges that will be closed until they can be carefully examined. Certainly bridges and roadways that are in low lying land that are subject to liquid or landslides are the areas we will see the biggest impact. When we think about going forward, we had the initial jolt. And we are expecting aftershocks, perhaps as large as 5. 0 over the next several days. When it comes to Structural Integrity that have been weakened by the initial jolt, what are your concerns about these strong aftershocks that are likely . Well certainly if a building is precarious, again, if its a brick or Stone Masonry building or if it is perhaps a chimney, something that has been previously damaged, theres a good chance that Something Like that can further collapse in an aftershock. Its prudent to stay a safe distance away from those types of structures. Typically wood frame house that has cracks in plasters shouldnt see much more damage than an aftershock. John, the majority of people in the bay area dont live near the epicenter of this and you just mentioned cracks in the house. I have seen dozens of those on social media already. For the folks out there who do have what they perceive to be damage to their house. You see a crack in the wall. You see a crack in the ceiling. What specifically does that mean and what should they do or not do . Should they ware . Should they not worry . Well see a lot of reports with what they may see. Significant damage if its damage to your house. Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. And certainly for the most part is its hard for the average person to distinguish between serious structural damage and cosmetic damage. But for the most part, what were going to see in residential wood frame construction is cosmetic damage. If people have a concern about the safety of their house, they can certainly call the local Building Department and ask to have their home a Safety Inspection of their home. And that will be a yellow or green tag. We just got a tweet from the chp. It says all bridges and overpasses in marin have been checked and cleared. They will continue checking once if is light out. So the sun is starting to come up. Were going to get a better idea of exactly the type of damage were looking for. So for people out there who think their home may have been affected, maybe its not so obvious. What exactly should they be looking for . Are we talking about looking at the base of your house . Give us some advice. Okay. If you have a chimney, look at the chimney. If you have a water heater, check the water heater. Go around the outside of the house, look at the area between the house and the foundation to see if theres been any sliding or slipping there. Look for doors and windows that dont open because the building might be racked. But those will be the key things that a person can look for at their house. All right, Structural Engineer, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Lets go back out live right now to Juliette Goodrich. She is in downtown napa. From what we understand, this is the area that has seen the most significant damage. We can see damage to Historical Building behind you. Reporter really, take a look behind me. This is Downtown Historic napa and this is one of the buildings on the corner and this is really a look at what youre going to be seeing at each corner. A lot of these structural damages done. This one happens to be a law office, bail bonds office, but joining me now is napa county supervisor and he is going to give us a look at whats happening in the area as we kind of pan around, show you some of the damage. In fact, if we go to the corner, you can see that the rooftop there is almost collapsing as well. So what are the things you noticed throughout the downtown . Well, the building you just pointed at is old Historic Building in napa that has been fully renovated as well. And it has taken substantial damage as has our historic warehouse, you know, over here as well. And that was just remodeled in the last ten years as well. So what were looking at behind us, this happens to be a law office, obviously, and did not withstand the 6. 0 or 6. 1 magnitude earthquake and this is what structurally, this is brick . What is this . Yeah, its a masonry brick building. Im not sure that has had the earthquake retrofits to it or not. Just dont know. And more importantly, the people in the area. Weve heard about fires. Can you tell us about some of the emergency calls youre hearing about . Just got off the phone with our Emergency Operation center and theres a fire at a Mobile Home Park in north napa off of orchard avenue that is pretty serious. And i think that for those people that like all of us that woke up at 3 00 a. M. Or so to this were shaken up and their houses are an incredible mess. I have never seen anything like it. The third floor is where our normal Emergency Operation centers are for napa county. It is devastated. So, they are down at the sheriffs office. When you say devastated, what do you mean . The communication lines or structurally . The water lines have broken. Its water everywhere. The ceilings have come down. Every file cabinet is on its side. Its pretty amazing. I just want to point over here. This is actually the historic courthouse. Is that correct . I mean, tell me about some of the damage there, too, because now im amazed at what we are seeing in this downtown area. You know, i havent really had an opportunity to take a look at it in depth. Just the facade on the outside looks pretty serious. And word to people here, if you dont have an emergency, please dont clog the lines. Im hearing maybe theres some trouble in terms of people trying to get emergency help. I think that we need to understand this is an emergency. So we need to be smart and we need to be safe and certainly not getting on the lines and tieing those lines up so people that really do have an emergency can get through. Its very, very important. As we look at this. A lot of people are coming here to survey the damage and obviously a lot of people are curious. But one Emergency Personnel had told me stay away because these buildings are still fragile. Correct . Youre absolutely right. We have people outside this building looking up at it and a lot of materials started coming down from the roof. So, yes, stay away. Its very dangerous down here. Thats the crashing sound we had heard. Thank you so much and i know you have a busy day ahead. Let me know the things going on. Appreciate it. Thats the latest here from Historic Downtown napa. Theres a lot going on. But really the main thing, i know paul, youre in there as well, and ann, they are telling people stay away from the area because these buildings are still very fragile and seeing some collapse in the last minute or so. And not far from where juliette, several homes have burned. Referred to a home in a Mobile Home Park. Four homes burned and theres a concern right now from what i understand about water availability. Weve been hearing about water mains broken. Juliette well check back in with you in the next few minutes. And in the meantime, we want to check out pictures of new damage we are getting from vallejo this morning. This is the store front broken windows and we are seeing this time and time again around the north bay this morning. Store fronts broken by this earthquake that hit at 3 20 this morning. Its amazing to see how many things get damaged and im so thankful to hear that we have not heard one report of a serious injury as of yet. Because we have a tremendous amount of cosmetic damage. Things knocked off of shelves, masonry buildings knocked down. And were going to see more of this as we get the light of day. Sunrise is 5 minutes away and our crews are scouring around the entire bay area. This is not that far from the epicenter of a magnitude 6. 1 quake this morning. We havent heard any solid reports of injuries, i have seen tweets about people coming into Emergency Rooms with minor injuries. Thats something that we are going to be watching for over the next couple of hours. But, yes, good news, no major injury. We did hear this morning from one of the many people, almost everybody around the bay area who felt this quake. Heres his story. It lasted i say it would be like a regular earthquake, but the impact was way different. I have i thought maybe someone had hit the house. There was an explosion. Earthquake was last. That was my last thought. All right, he was in vallejo when this happened. Youre looking at new pictures we just got in from the city of vallejo where store front window has been broken. This is one of actually, unfortunately, one of the more minor pieces of damage that weve seen from that area because as we just saw from Juliette Goodrich, a downtown napa appears to have felt the brunt of the damage in addition to the homes that were on fire. Things knocked off shelves. You may have had things in your closet that youre going to need to pick back up this morning. Things that knocked in peoples yards. I have seen reports of peoples fountains failing over. A lot of people will be buying earthquake picture hangers. If you had it hanging on a nail, that frame is probably broken this morning. All right, and we are going to go live right now to andrea borba. I know you have been around the area traveling on some of the roadways. Now live for us in napa. What are you finding there . Reporter take a look behind me. Were at the napa valley Mobile Home Park. We are seeing fires. You can see firefighters in a very active fire fight with this home right now. Part of the problem is here at the napa valley Mobile Home Park. Theres a water main break out front. So they had problems getting water to these fires. Four mobile homes have been destroyed at this point. 6 to 8 others already damaged because of the flames. As im Walking Around this Mobile Home Park right now, i can see other mobile homes that have collapsed on to themselves. Firefighters seem to be getting the upper hand. If we can have the photographer come around this corner right now. Over here, christian, you can see the full extent of the damage. A little tethered to the truck right now, but i dont know if you can see all the houses collapsed behind us that are smoking and smoldering at this point. Right now firefighters desperately trying to put out these flames. In the ten minutes we have been here, this home has been on fire. The residents here at the Mobile Home Park very scared at this point. They all gathered at the main office to figure out what is going on. Pardon me. A little bit of smoke in the air. Spoke with one woman who said she has been shaking since this all happened around 3 20 this morning. There is some significant damage. But the real problem here at the napa valley Mobile Home Park seems to be the fires. We dont know if this was a gas main break. What happened. I dont know if you can see the other homes that collapsed on to themselves. Christian right next to our truck, you can see the skirting on the mobile homes completely gone. Sitting on the ground right now. That is what is happening right out here in napa. Telling me that because of the water main break out front, they have had massive problems trying to get water on the fire. They are making another attack right now. Take a look at those pictures out here in napa. Were going to try and catch our breath for a hot second. We just sent in some sound from napa county fire. Andrea, go ahead and catch your breath. I just want to let people know we got report of another aftershock. A 3. 6. This is one of several that were expecting over the next few days. We are hearing the possibility of an aftershock up to a 5. 0. The likelihood over 50 . Any time you get a moderate to strong earthquake, youre going to have aftershocks. The question is how many . Thats the second aftershock that weve had that is a 3. 0 or stronger. The second one of a 3. 6. Weve seen a whole lot that were smaller than that. A lot of 1s and 2s. More than two dozen and seeing once again, because the usgs says with this type of earthquake, damage will almost be negligenceable. In poorly built or badly designed structures, like the old masonry buildings, like a mobile home which is susceptible to shaking, you will see significant damage. There will be a wide array from no damage to significant damage over a short amount of space. Youre taking a look at the map of the epicenter. This is where the earthquake struck at 3 20 this morning. If youre just joining us at 6 30 a. M. , it was a 6. 1 that hit on the west napa fault. The Browns Valley section of the west napa fault, which does have a history of an earthquake. Previously in september of 2000, a magnitude 5. 2. This morning was a magnitude 6. 1. Were told we have Surveillance Video of the earthquake this morning. This will be the first time we see it. Lets take a peek. All right, were taking a look at Surveillance Video from the time that the quake struck. You can see that the shaking there. See some things moving at the top level, too. Yeah, and this was in hercules, which is one of the communities very close to American Canyon. You can see somebody waking up there at the top of the stairs. It freaked a lot of people around the bay area. This earthquake was felt as far east as carson city, nevada. So this is something that woke all of us up at 3 20 this morning. People reporting first feeling a strong jolt and then up to 30 seconds of rolling afterward. I felt it in my Apartment Building in downtown San Francisco at the highrise. The entire building was swaying for about 20 to 30 seconds, or at least thats what it felt like. The elevator was out and i had to walk down 12 flights of stairs to get to work this morning. Thats in San Francisco, which is about an hour away from American Canyon. So, the extent of the damage most damage that were seeing right now is in downtown napa. Were seeing the epicenter of the damage right near where the epicenter of the earthquake was. But this is something that 7 million of us will share this morning. Where were you . How strong was it where you felt . It was felt in gilroy and mendocino county, nevada. The southern Sacramento Valley felt this. So the majority of the damage will be centered in that napa American Canyon area, but everybody, this was big enough and Strong Enough that everybody felt it in some form at 3 20 this morning. We are hearing a lot of reports on social media about what people seen and experienced. We have one viewers story right now. I was actually asleep on the couch. I fell asleep on the couch and i woke up and theres this loud rumbling. I thought it was a thunderstorm and then i saw things shaking and we have a chandelier in the dining room shaking and everything is falling and then our china cabinet, i heard something break. I ran upstairs to regroup with the family and make sure everything is okay. All right, a lot of people sharing similar stories. The main concern for a lot of Emergency Responders. The integrity of our buildings. The integrity of our bridges. The chp has been out in force checking the integrity of our bridges. What kind of damage may have been done. If its going to be safe for motorists this morning. Its 6 34. The time when a lot of people are waking up. A lot of people are going to be affected by this. Power outage is a huge problem as well as several water mains that have broken. So those reports of damage continue to filter in. I want to let you know that state route 121 were hearing. Traffic control is in effect. Roadway damage there. So expect delays if you are headed out on the road. All right, we are having live on the phone right now, David Schwartz from the usgs. David, what can you tell us . Put this earthquake in contact with us. This is the strongest we have felt since 1989. Yeah, thats correct. And if we look at the bay area, late 1960s, we really had a series of earthquakes in sonoma or in santa rosa, in livermore, all around magnitude 5. 9. This is not an atypical earthquake. The real issue here is that we havent had many earthquakes in the bay area and since 1989, as you said, this is the largest one. So, its also occurred in an area where theres really bad soil conditions. Napa river is there. There is a large areas of saturated soil. This amplifies the shaking. And for an earthquake of this size, can produce a lot more damage than if this earthquake occurred completely in rock or in the desert or some place like that. A lot of people are concerned about aftershocks. We felt several within the last half an hour. We heard a 3. 6 magnitude aftershock. Which is significant. Tell us what we can expect over the next couple of days. Well, we have actually done an analysis and we made an estimate over the next seven days, theres about a 54 chance of a 5 or larger aftershock. And that would be very consistent with the size of aftershock that you associate with a magnitude 6 earthquake. So, so far this thing is behaving as we expect it to behave. But were just going to sit here like everybody else, were going to watch it and continue to analyze it and provide as much information as we can. David, everybody wants to jump to conclusions and the majority of the time, we shouldnt. Does this particular earthquake say anything about anything else going on in the bay area when it comes to our earthquake threat . Some people say we are alleviating stress or is this a sign of Something Else to come . What is fact and what is fiction . Everybody is going to be thinking something this morning. Sure. Well an earthquake this magnitude will very locally alleviate stress. It doesnt alleviate stress for the region. And were still concerned that what we have ahead of us are magnitude 6. 8 earthquakes on the heyward fault. One thing i will say is that in california, when we have a magnitude 5, we put out a notification that within the next 72 hours, theres a 5 to 10 percent chance that something larger can follow. And this isnt based on anything specifically about todays earthquake. It just based on historical statistics of earthquakes since about 1850 in california. David, let me cut you off. There is a small, but not zero possibility that this might be a fore shock. Yes. And thats just based on statistics of california earthquakes. Okay. It is a scary statistic. 5 to 10 percent chance of that. Of that happening, yes. And we put out notification to that effect. All right, David Schwartz live from the usgs. I know you have a very busy morning and you know, this is going to be good for people who research earthquakes. Its another large piece of information to gather more context for californias earthquake network, which theres a lot that we need to find out about it. Well, ill just say that every one of these earthquakes provides us more information on how the earth is working here in california and in the end, it allows us to make better estimates of what will happen down the road. Thank you for joining us. Lets go live on the phone to daniel hill. Hes a Public Information officer with the california Highway Patrol. Daniel, i know your crews have been out checking our roadways and our bridges. Weve heard of some buckling. Wheres the major damage this morning . So far, the major damage is confined to the napa area. We have a lot of reported roadways that are buckled and cracked throughout that area. Some of the major locations are state route 29 at state route 121. Theres a lot of damage in the intersection there. Also state route 121 at cuttings wharf. Thats also damaged and old sonoma highway. Most of the locations we have the biggest amounts of damage. Obviously those are the areas that we cover. We also see some damage in city streets that were not reporting on because those are for napa p. D. To talk about. We also have some Power Outages in the napa and Sonoma County regions which are resulting in outed traffic signals. Those intersections are actually fourway stop signs. Make sure you stop and check before you continue through them. Daniel, some of the big bridges that people think about in that area, the richmond, san rafael bridge, how have those faired . All of the bay area, the major bay area bridges have been visually inspected by the chp. We checked the major parts of the structure as best we can and our officers are doing their normal patrols. No damage has been reported. As it becomes lighter, caltrans will be able to dispatch their engineers to check all of the bridges in a more detailed fashion. No damage so far. So you feel as if everybody can feel driving across those bridges this morning. Our officer reported no damage so far. What are the words you want to say to folks, anybody that has any inclination to drive up to napa because they want to see what fell. What do you want to say to anybody, but might want to do some sightseeing . Today is not the day to do sightseeing, especially in the earthquake hit regions. Emergency services will be in the areas trying to put out all of the fires. Take care of the Property Damage and any of the potential injuries that have been suffered. We need all the space we can, so if you can avoid that area, we encourage you to do so. Daniel hill from the california Highway Patrol joining us live on the telephone. Thank you for that. Lets go live right now to mark kelly. Hes in American Canyon. Thats a community closest to the epicenter of this earthquake. Safeway store is open 24 hours. What did they feel this morning . Reporter ann, i spoke with the assistant manager as soon as we got here. We cant get inside just yet to check out the damage, but you can see from the window here. First let me show you. They put up this sign 20 minutes ago. To our valued customers, our store is currently closed. Thank you from the management. If you take a look inside, you can see some employees inside this safeway off 29 and American Canyon working hard to get the store put back together. When i showed up here about 45 minutes ago, this place was a mess. It is still a mess right now. It is going to be hours until we have this store back together. What kind of stories have you heard from people who were in the store at the time . It must have been scary and very noisy. So many items knocked off the shelves. We saw the liquor department. Bottles of wine spilled all over the floor. Reporter it is a mess. When i first showed up, handful were taking a break outside to get their barrings together before they go back in and clean up this mess. You can see right now they are hard at work again. Ann, i also got off the phone with a sergeant with Sonoma County. She gave me an up date through the chp saying there are no road Closures Expected for the sonoma raceway race later on today. We heard a lot about that 37 ramp being shut down into vallejo. But she does assure us through the chp that there shouldnt be any traffic problems for the race today. Of course it might be a little bit too early to make a call on that. Actually, just got information from sonoma raceway officially. They say the race will go on as planned, which is a surprise to some folks with all the trouble they have been dealing with up there. The go program is going to go on today as planned. It is going to go on at 1 40 this afternoon. All right, now when you were driving up there, mark, if you can tell us, what did you see as far as Power Outages or any sort of water on the roadway . We heard of several water main breaks. Well, so the original plan was head to glenn allen. I made my way up golden gate, through 101 and across 37. Thats when i started hearing reports of that 37 ramp being shut down. I was able to make it across 37 just fine. There was a good amount of heavy traffic most likely because of the race later on today headed westbound on 37. So, i didnt hit any traffic problems right when i got here to American Canyon driving around some of the more residential roads. You could definitely see a good number of Power Outages and when i spoke with the Sonoma County sergeant just in the last ten minutes, she said for the most part, were seeing tens and thousands between sonoma and napa county. Tens and thousands of customers without power this morning. And she also wanted Sonoma County to rest assure its the folks living closer to napa and napa itself that are seeing the most significant Power Outages this morning. She also wanted folks to know that if your alarms are going off to just reset the alarm at this point and dont call 911 dispatch if your alarm is going off. Leave the true emergencies for those folks to handle this morning. They surely have a lot on their plate. We are hearing a lot of reports of phone lines being jammed up. Mark kelly live for us in American Canyon. He just mentioned a lot of damage in downtown napa and that is where we find our kpix5s Juliette Goodrich. A historic part of napa. You are seeing a lot of damage this morning. Reporter yeah, ann, we are getting a better look now because its first light. A lot of people have flashlights, but look at this. My photographer will kind of zoom in and show you some of the structural damage. This is what were seeing on all of the corners here in Historic Downtown napa. This building here, a lot of Emergency Personnel are telling us to stay clear because it could actually collapse at any time. And if we pan over, i want to show you the old courthouse beyond some of the people here that are taking a look at some of the damage. You can see just how the front of it, the face of it crumbled as well. All of this from the overnight earthquake. A lot of people out and about taking a look and assessing the damage and really the word to the wise is stay clear, because this is still an active area and very fragile. One family that did come out and were going to tell them to clear the way is the grinwaled family. You really woke up to a jolt. Is that correct . Tell me what you felt. It went on and on and felt like it was never going to stop and it was pitch black out. The street lights were all out and the neighbors, just everybody came out of their house and the boys here started going door to door and everybody just trying to help each other. Make sure that nobody was trapped and nobody was hurt. Have you seen people have been out of their homes . They are okay . We have the whole family. You have your pets cleared out and thats really what you are supposed to do. Just get your valuables, meaning your family and your pets and go to a safe location and thats what you guys did, correct . We stayed outside of the house because there is glass everywhere. There was a smell of gas in our neighborhood. So we had neighbors going around door to door and helping each other turn off gas lines to their houses. Im going to have you clear off and go to the sidewalk so youre all safe. Thank you for your time and im glad you guys are safe and certainly nice of you to lend helping hands to others in your neighborhood. Thank you so much. As we look around here, you can see just how much damage. Yes, go ahead. Thats what i was going to ask you about. You said there was danger of buildings collapsing and we are seeing some fairly strong aftershocks this morning. Recently a 3. 6. Do you get any sense that they are going to back up the perimeter there . Because if these buildings truly are in danger of collapse, that could be a secondary disaster. Reporter actually, you can see some of the Emergency Personnel, they are responding to calls, you know, minute by minute and so i would imagine in some respect and some time they will have to clear out this perimeter and we have been telling people to stay away as well and well do the same. We are respecting the lines and they will start backing it up. Yes, there is concern. And publicly about 20 minutes ago, we heard a loud crashing sound at the far corner over here. Alex, you can see where the stop sign is. At the top of that building is where that structural piece was starting to come down. So they definitely have this blocked off to the general public. Well stay clear, so we are safe as well and respecting the boundaries. But there is certainly some cause for concern. And as the day goes on, were going to see more and more of this. So really people need to take notice and make sure that they stay safe and out of the area. Another word of warning is if you do not need to call 911, dont clog the emergency lines for having a real problem with that right now. Cell phone service is real touch and go right now. But im amazed at the structural damage. I was just going to say, youre standing out there and we keep handing around you and alex. We are not seeing that much Police Presence aside from tape. Weve already had, as ann has mentioned, a few moderate aftershocks with the possibility of something more significant coming over the next few days. Is it just selfpolicing right now . Saying hey, stay away, these are old masonry buildings reporter you know, what we have right now. Case in point, there is an officer standing by right now, but right now, they are all over this town just trying to police the area. So while you may not visually see it here, we have, you know, the napa county supervisor here and we have city council leaders. They are doing their part. Just pitching in to warn people to stay away. And then you have the Emergency Personnel who are just trying to handle the call by call in other areas where you saw where the fires are burning. So its really not a matter that they are not policing it. I think they are just everywhere right now. We see areas littered with bricks right now and nobody around. Theres no Police Presence. Those areas do not appear to be blocked off. So, i think Emergency Responders are overwelmed and we did speak earlier with a Public Information officer from the city of napa and he said they were going to be meeting at 6 30 to figure out how to respond to this or calling for mutual aid, but of course those Emergency Responders have their own issues in their own communities because there is damage all around the north bay right now. Again, live look from chopper 5 as some of the damage in downtown napa from what we understand, this is the epicenter of the damage right now. Yeah, you can see the cracks in these buildings. We can see this. You can see so many beautiful buildings that will have no damage whatsoever because they are new, they are up to code, and there you have the facade, a bridge facade of that building right there which i would have to say that particular thing youre looking at television right now is in high danger of falling or failing as you can see it buckling out. It wont take much more. It wont take anything else. Right now were looking at some cosmetic damage, but it could certainly take a turn for the worst, depending on the strength of the aftershock that were feeling. We just spoke live with David Schwartz from the usgs and he said that there is a significant possibility. More than the 50 possibility of a 5. 0 aftershock or greater. He also said there is a 5 to 10 chance that this could be a precursor. A fore shock to a larger earthquake. So, with the weakening of some of the structures that weve seen. From buildings in the north bay to some of the roadways that have been buckling. This could indeed be a fore shock, theres a 10 chance of that, we could see some real damage next time around. Right now, thank you for that in downtown napa and lets check in with joe vasquez, because he is inside one of the homes, one of the many homes around the bay area that is awesome. Rattling and rolling. Joe, where are you . Right, well you know, yes, we have been showing the outside of the homes and now inside a home in southwest napa. The city of napa. You can see, look at this. This is what happens on the walls, the pictures start to tilt. Cds, dvds fall on the ground. The entire tv fell and right on to the floor. The damage is actually much worse. Look at this. Some shelves fell on the floor. You have glass shattered all over the place here. This is a home of bob and lisa. If you wouldnt mind, describe to me what this was like this morning when you felt it at 3 20 a. M. We were laying in bed and all of a sudden, the bed started shaking. It was a bowl of jelly and it started jolting. Seems like to the left. Thought we were going out the window. Grabbed the wife, we are holding on. Hold on, hun. You thought the earthquake was going to take you out the window . It felt like that, yeah. Lisa, what goes through your mind seeing your kitchen like this . A lot of work. A lot of glass. A lot of memories. Yeah, exactly. And thank god grandmas bird didnt go down since all of the glass is on the cage. You have been talking to neighbors. Weve been talking to them, too. We had a neighbor with a giant fish tank that broke. Splattered all over the floor. Other neighbors the same. A similar situation like this. Their kitchen is on the floor. Yeah, literally. Its just a mess. Very scary. Bob, if you had to put this in perspective, you were here. You didnt feel it like this. It was bad, but this was the worse one i have been in, yes. We were talking about shaking and rolling. Shaking and rolling and jerking, yes. This was a nightmare. All right, thank you guys very much for inviting us inside your home. Good luck with the cleanup. I was talking to bob about this. He shut off the gas. Thats a reminder to e everybody and in fact, thats what officials are saying. If you dont have the automatic shutoff, shut it down because its dangerous right now and officials are dealing with what you would call a triage situation. The worst first. Its true. Joe, tell us about your trip over there this morning. The drive to vallejo. What did you see as far as Power Outages, water main breaks . We didnt see Power Outages until we got to the city of napa. We went through vallejo, stopped in hercules and talked to that young woman who had the Surveillance Video. We can see here entire living room shaking there and then made our way up through American Canyon. I can tell you we stopped at the walmart briefly. Didnt allow a camera inside. Got a sign on the door that says walmart is closed. We talked to some folks at the gas station there in American Canyon that in fact, thats where we ran into the stevensons. They had gone to American Canyon because we have the power there. Here in this area, still out. We have the light of our camera lighting up this room. Joe vasquez live for us. Thank them for inviting us into their home this morning. We just got a statement this morning from governor jerry brown. He said his office of Emergency Services has been on full activation since early this morning. He says the state is working very closely with local agencies right now to assess the damage. 3 20 this morning. 6. 1 earthquake. It was centered near the city of napa. Thats south napa county, also sueo la solano county. There is a high likelihood of more aftershocks of that magnitude and a 50 chance of a magnitude 5 or greater aftershock over the next five days. If you are living anywhere in this general vicinity, im talking sonoma or napa county, youre wondering what do i need to do to make sure that my house is safe . We talked to a Structural Engineer about 30 minutes ago as we are looking at damage in napa, which is significant. It might not be as significant where you are, but you might be wondering, is my house okay . That Structural Engineer pointed out four Different Things that you can check to make sure your house is safe. Number one, the chimney. Number two, the water heater. What is the integrity of the water heater . And number four, are there any doors or windows in your house that do not open like they normally do . If the answer is yes to any of those things, you may need to look into things further. If not, then you likely had just the major scare. But what we are seeing right now is significant damage in and around napa. This is a live look from chopper 5 above downtown napa. That is the area that appears to be the epicenter of the damage right now. We have bricks falling off buildings. Police said some areas cordenned off. Exactly where their presence is most needed in downtown napa. A lot of people want to check out the damage. They are saying please, stay away from the area. Let them do their job. Dont clog the roadways and make things more difficult. We would love to have a Police Officer on every corner where theres damage in napa and that simply is not physically possible. So were going to have to do some selfpolicing this morning and were going to have to do the right thing. The smart thing, thats not a wise place to be, because bricks have fallen. Gravity wins, and you dont want to be near bricks that are going to fall. More are going to fall. There are buildings that are damaged right now that even without another significant aftershock, they will fall. They havent fallen yet. So be smart. Avoid the area if you can and if youre in the area, dont go stand. We may not be done with the damage yet. And we are looking at the possibility of some significant aftershocks. Some of which we felt, including a 3. 6. Were looking at video from vallejo early this morning. This is the scene we have seen repeated in a lot of store fronts in the north bay. Broken windows, items knocked off of shelves and we heard from a man who experienced the earthquake this morning. It lasted, i mean, it would be a regular earthquake, but the impact was way different. I have i actually thought maybe someone had hit the house. There was an explosion, earthquake was last. That was my last thought. We are hearing from a lot of people, almost everybody has a story of being woken up this morning from as far south as morgan hill, from as far east as carson city. Heres another viewer that spoke to us this morning. Well, a short time and just gone off to bed. There was quite a jolt and it was a rolling sort of thing. So, it kept shaking and things i could hear things falling in the house. So, luckily our house is okay. Most of my stuff is on the floor naturally. So, not too much stuff got broken or anything. Any kind of comparison . Well yeah. For those of you that are just joining us this morning, we want to remind you. It has been downgraded to a 6. 0. Doesnt make much difference to the people experiencing damage. But the usgs had it at a 6. 1. It is now downgraded to a 6. 0 earthquake centered near American Canyon. Four miles northwest. It is close to the napa airport. And gives us a historical perspective. A lot of folks have not lived in the bay area for a long time. People moving in. People moving out. This is the strongest earthquake that we have had in the bay area since the 1989 earthquake, which of course happened during the bay bridge series. The world series, october of 1989. That was a magnitude 6. 9. Was this one stronger . No. But was it the strongest since . The answer is yes. It was relatively shallow earthquake. The shallower it was, the depth it was. It was 10kilometers. Shaking was felt as far away as nevada and kings canyon, california, and youve heard a lot of people say there was a lot of rolling. Obviously was a jolt. There has to be a jolt, but a lot of rolling and the duration of this lasted a long time. Theres a reason for that. This was a slip strike earthquake. Not all earthquakes are created equal. That creates more of that rolling feel and i personally felt that at my house. It was intense for a bit, but after that intense jarring, it kept going and it went and went. The highrise building of my apartment in downtown San Francisco, which is an hour away from the epicenter of American Canyon. The entire building was swaying and thats what woke me up this morning. So this is something that has been felt by millions of people this morning and everybody still trying to assess the damage. The most of which is where we find our Juliette Goodrich. She is in downtown napa. Lets check back in with her and juliette, we are looking at live pictures right now from chopper 5 from above. We know they are finding new damage by the minute. Yeah, actually we have moved location and really just a block away. I want to show you this because it is pretty eye opening to show you just how much this rattled the downtown area. This earthquake. This is the old superior courthouse here in Historic Downtown napa valley. And you can just see all of the structural damage from the earthquake. So part of the top of the rooftop is completely gutted and then if you go further down, some of the glass is broken and if you look down on to the sidewalk area, you can see all of the brick that just shattered along the sidewalk here in the downtown area. So, where we are, it is a four square area. Theres four buildings just in my own visual site where i can see damage and if we pan over, able to get a shot of that building. The top of the building on the corner there are some restaurants and banks and you can see the structural damage. All of this taped off so the general public cant get in. We had clearance just to get in to show you this. Well move out of the way because what Law Enforcement is telling us, this is very fragile. These buildings can collapse in a second. Let me show you some of the people standing by, taking a look at first light of the damage. A word to the wise, dont come down here because really, its going to clog the streets. However, these young ladies that live nearby, you tell me you had a sleep over last night. What did you feel . I felt the couch shaking and everything rattling. I didnt know what to do. How about you . I was on a bunk bed and the whole bunk bed was shaking and flashing lights. It was scary. Did you have any damage in your particular house . Are you okay . No, my house is perfectly fine. We had glass fall, but my neighbors house, the chimney fell down. We should probably head home and get to a safe area. You live in this area, too. You are wrapped up in a blanket. What did you feel . We were in a dead sleep and it was shaking and rocking and actually were right down the street from where we are right now. When you look at this damage, pan over here, this happens to be a law office. Weve been showing it this morning and we can see more of the damage. Are you shocked to see how much damage was done to the Historic Downtown area . Yes, very shocked. Knocked down the walls at our place. Our driveway, both driveways go in and they fell in on each other. So thats pretty bad. Moving rubble out of the way so people can get out of our place. We heard of earthquake preparedness. When it happened, did you react . Are you still caught off guard in those first couple of seconds . Thats my question. We were caught off guard. I had a feeling something was going to be happening. We had a couple baby quakes. We have had some aftershocks. That leads to the question, could there be more . Could there be the big one . Lets hope this is it for now. Thank you so much for your time and were going to send it back to you in the studio now and well just keep Milling Around and talking to people. We did have that question about Law Enforcement. They are in the area and they are just trying to tend to all of the calls that they are getting right now. They are also dealing with a significant problem that our viewers are looking at right now. On the right hand side of your screen. Thats a fire right now that has been burning in napa and that is at a Mobile Home Park. At least four homes have been destroyed from what we understand. These mobile homes, from what i read, are propped up on blocks and a lot of them simply fell off their blocks because the original jolt and the rolling afterward was so strong. So we do have a reporter on scene. It did look like they did have enough water to get these fires out. But its been a constant battle because they keep reerupting. So we have a few concerns when it comes to the availability of water with several water main breaks in the area and then the possibility of broken gas lines. Brad is on the phone from the United States geological survey, and brad, were going to keep getting new information as the morning progresses. Is there anything new to report over the past hour aside from what we already know about this magnitude 6. 0 quake and a second question for you. Does anything about this earthquake, its location, does it surprise you at all . This earthquake occurred in a location of known fault. So a magnitude 6 earthquake happens in any of these areas where we have mapped faults. This particular earthquake occurred near the west napa fault. But until we have more data, we wont be able to precisely say on which fault it occurred. There are other faults in the area. We had over 30 aftershocks greater than a 1. The largest was a 3. 6. Most all the others have been in the 1 to 2 range. Some will have been felt, but most of those will not be felt when they are in the magnitude 1 range. Brad, tell us more about aftershocks we can expect over the next several days. There is the possibility of a 5. 0 as an aftershock. Thats right. When you have a magnitude 6, we often have aftershocks up to one magnitude unit less than that. Magnitude 5, theres a 50 chance of having a magnitude 5 aftershock in the next seven days and for generally every magnitude 4 will have ten magnitude 3s and then for every magnitude 3, ten 2s. So, well expect dozens of aftershocks in the coming weeks, in the order of 100. And you know, this is typical of what we find in california when we have these shallow earthquakes. This one being a depth of 10 kilometers. We live in o social media world where one little nugget of information will get send around the world quickly. Im seeing this on twitter already and its something your colleague said about 30 minutes ago. And he had mentioned there is a 5 to 10 percent chance that this magnitude 6 earthquake that we had this morning could be possibly be a fore shock. Is there anything that you can expound on that . That is what the information you have from David Schwartz is what is typical for any earthquake in california that you can always have larger events. But as time goes on, that percentage, the chance of a larger earthquake decreases. The longer we go, that 5 to 10 percent will become 1 to 2 percent and less than that. When is that going to happen . That is something that will lessen the stress level of 7 million of us in the bay area . A day, two days, or when do we go from 5 to 10 percent to 1 or 2 percent . I dont have the specifics on that, but one day later it will drop down. It will have drop down. It is dropping down continually. And as hours go by, it will decrease and one day later, it will be significantly lower. The main thing to emphasize is that this magnitude 6 earthquake causes strong shaking and it did not occur on the San Andreas Fault or the heyward fault. We do live in an area where we can have magnitude 6 earthquakes almost anywhere because there are so many faults. So additional reminder that we need to be prepared to deal with these types of earthquakes. You know, for the laymen when you hear of a significant earthquake like this on a smaller fault, does this have any effect on the heyward, the San Andreas Fault . Is there a Ripple Effect throughout the region that could be affected by the movement that we felt this morning . Well, all earthquakes cause stress changes in the surrounding areas. Obviously this one relieved some stress on the fault up in the napa area, and the surrounding faults, you know, are loaded a little bit more by this earthquake. But this occurred in a well north of the heyward fault and it was in line with the heyward fault. So it had little effect on the heyward effect. Very little effect on the san ann degree i San Andreas Fault. So that is a fault that will be watching closely and so far we have not detected any earthquake activity on that fault since the earthquake this morning. Thats the good news. Brad aagard joining us from the usgs this morning. We know you have a lot of information to piece together this morning. Lets check in right now with andrea. She is in napa where we have seen four homes burn this morning. Tell us what youre seeing right now. Take a look behind me. You can see the smoke has severely dispated at this point. Napa county fire have just told me they, with the exception of a little bit of water are seeing put on this fire right now are going to let this burn out. That is because of a water main break at the entrance to this napa valley mobile home complex. So far, four of these mobile homes have burned to the ground. Neighbors tell me the fire started nearly immediately after the earthquake. They say it took firefighters 5 to 10 minutes to get here. By that time, they were very well involved at that point. 6 to 8 other homes have been injured, burned, and partially melted by the flames from this very large fire that were seeing right now. A little bit further back from it right now. Just like everywhere else in the bay area, people here in this Mobile Home Park say the earthquake around 3 20 this morning woke them with a jolt. All right, andrea, can you hear me . I can hear you. Im not sure. But let me ask you a question. I heard about some of those mobile homes being knocked off of their foundations. Are you seeing any of that . And besides the fact that the homes that were on fire, theres significant damage to the rest of these homes as well. Reporter take a look with me. You can see older mobile homes that fit as the managers tell me on blocks, they simply slipped off completely collapsing all the way to the ground. You can see pieces of the mobile home have just broken off from the roof. Down here is the skirting collapsed. You cant even see the bottoms of the ground. This mobile home significantly lower. Were told by the manager of the complex that there were in fact, two people injured during the earthquake and in the moments after the earthquake. They were leg injuries. One of those people was transported to the hospital. Were told he was trying to get out of his house and didnt realize that just like you see right there, the stairs had separated from the home and fell all the way down after the earthquake. Neighbors here in this Mobile Home Park say the earthquake woke them with a jolt this morning and they were terrified. I got torn out of bed. It was all over the place. All went down. How long did it take for the fire to start . The house next door, we immediately could see there was a fire. Because the gas broke or something. And started burning. It took about 10, 15 minutes for the fire trucks to get out here and it went down quickly. My whole bed shook. I just heard a really loud noise. I had my windows open. So, the first thing i could do was run and see if my mom was okay. Was your mom okay . Shes okay. Something i never felt before. I never witnessed an earthquake before and shaky. Woke up on the floor and i was like, whats happening . Kind of tried to figure out what was going on. I never felt an earthquake before. It was a surprise to me. With the exception of that fire as we said that destroyed four homes. The damage we are looking at right now with this collapsed older mobile homes, very typical of what we are seeing in the napa Mobile Home Park. A pile of burning homes. Four homes burned to the ground. 6 to 8 others damaged by the fire. Inside the park, its unknown how many more of the homes have collapsed. I have seen about four so far myself today. And people are telling me all over the park, the older homes, the ones sitting on blocks simply slipped off during the earthquake at 3 20 this morning. Well keep gathering information out here and bring it to you as soon as we have it. From what weve seen this morning, that area, the napa valley Mobile Home Park looks to be the largest human cost. We saw the damage in downtown napa, some of the Historic Buildings. But we have four homes destroyed by fire and i dont know, a dozen homes that appear to be knocked off their foundation. All of those people homeless now this morning. If you think about that much weight, the weight of a mobile home being put on cinder blocks, not tied down to the earth and then you are moving the earth under it, that would be the first type of structure to go. In some cases, well see houses they were here, moved 10, 20 feet because the earth is rumbling under it. This is a real wakeup call. This is the largest earthquake we have seen since 1989. This is going to be a huge reminder to people to retrofit buildings and to just be aware that this can happen at any time. It struck at 3 20 a. M. Jolting people all around the bay area. Even as far east as nevada out of their beds this morning. And this is a live look right now from chopper 5 at some oaf the damage right now in that Mobile Home Park. Four homes destroyed. You talk about a stress test. People go get a stress test done to see the integrity of their heart. To see the integrity of a muscle and in this case, this is a stress test for the bay area. Structures that are not up to code, when the ground shakes, youll have a problem. Structures up to code, well find many structures that are fine. We have seen many that arent because they were built 100 years ago. They have not been reenforced. The ground shakes, youre going to have a problem. The transportation system, everyone is wondering about this morning. Youll see some buckling in some of the areas. Especially in the north bay. The bridges, all the major bridges are still open this morning. The chp has been out in force checking the integrity now that the sun has come up. They will do more of that. They say right now it is safe to drive on the bay areas major bridges. Very good news because you have the bridge and the Richmond San Rafael bridge up in the north bay near the epicenter and they dont appear to have sustained any damage. You are looking at some of the damage in downtown napa. Bricks off of buildings. Cracks in buildings. And the concern is that with the aftershock that we are seeing, the largest one being a 3. 6, we could see some of these buildings fall. Absolutely. And even if we dont get a significant aftershock, not everything falls immediately. Were going to see things that are going to have structural issues over the next hours or days even if we dont get a significant aftershock. Theres a 50 chance of a magnitude 5 or stronger aftershock that carries us until friday morning. We have been talking about the city of napa, but the community that is actually closest to the epicenter is American Canyon and our mark kelly is live there right now outside a Safeway Store that is we see some amazing pictures. Reporter ann, they certainly felt it here. This is very close to the epicenter, as you said. Let me take you as close to the safeway as we can. Heres a peek inside. Were not allowed inside just yet. You can definitely see crews in there working hard to get stuff back on the shelves. To tell you the truth, they made a lot of good progress. Ive been here for the last hour, hour and a half, these hallways, or these aisles right here far worse damage just about an hour and a half ago. So they are making good progress. The signs on the door, though, are to our valued customers. Customers, it says, our store is currently closed. Thank you from the management here. So safeway on 29 and American Canyon closed at this point. Im sure a lot of Grocery Stores dealing with something similar. Lets go now. You live right here in the area. Tell me exactly where you live. I live in vallejo off the island bridge, and i was awakened this morning and i thought it was the end of the world. What did it feel like . It started out rolling and it shook violently and i actually gave out a scream. My kids came running in the room and asked to see if everybody was okay. And it just happened that my wife was telling me when she came to bed that our dog that sleeps with us started to pace and she usually doesnt do that. So. They always say animals have a sixth sense when it comes to earthquakes. They can sense it before we can. So, any damage . How is your home this morning . We have a minimal damages. A few glasses here and there. Some of the stuff just thrown off the shelves. Picture frames that came off the wall and we sustained a little bit, but after it happened, i went outside just to visualize and see if any structure damage to the house, but there was nothing. Like i said earlier, i was surprised nobody came out. We were the only people affected. Im glad you guys are okay. I was speaking with one of the sergeants with Sonoma County sheriffs office. She said at this point, she wants to make sure everybody hopes they have their earthquake gear ready to go in an emergency like this. Would you say you and your family were prepared prepared . My wife was talking about getting batteries and more water and canned foods, so i am definitely on that role right now. So, we will get ready for this, because who knows. You werent as prepared as you would like to be. Imagine the next one that comes around. Do you remember loma . As a matter of fact, we were living in l. A. And we felt it that far out. Really . Yeah. And just happened and i just got home and i was watching the world series between the as and the giants and it can happen and we felt it all the way down in l. A. So thats how big it was. Imagine the big one around the corner. Who knows. Thank you. Im sure you want to get back to your family. They are concerned wondering what is going on in the area. Thank you very much. Thank you. Appreciate it. If you could turn 45 degrees. We have been seeing for the last half hour, some of the emergency vehicles starting to roll in. You can see the ambulances there. A little too far away for me to make out where they are coming from, but when i spoke with the sergeant from Sonoma County about 45 minutes ago, she was saying that she is waiting for the call from napa to see if how much mutual aid they will need. How much resources from the area will have to come through. A little earlier, we saw some fire trucks which were coming in from vallejo. So thats the situation right here. We are closest to the epicenter as you can get here in American Canyon. The Safeway Grocery store completely closed as people get things back on their shelves. I believe we have a map that we could pull up and show you. Are we seeing that right now . Mark, if you can hear me, i want to mention, you talked about the ambulance. We got new information on injuries. 70 people have been admitted to the queen of the Valley Hospital in napa because of injuries from this 6. 0 earthquake. 70 people. Most of those injuries are minor from what we understand, but this is the first report that were getting of the extent of injuries from this earthquake. A lot of lacerations. Thats what we typically see. When you think of things falling off of shelves and windows breaking. Absolutely. And of course, ann, this is one of the main arteries into napa right here on 29. And we are seeing sort of that caravan of emergency vehicles heading into napa, going through American Canyon right here. Im sure it will continue the rest of the morning. Mark kelly live for us in American Canyon. We appreciate it. Well check back in with you in a few minutes. We want to check out bay area freeways now that daylight is breaking. Chp is getting a better look at the roadways. The very latest. Highway 37 in vallejo was closed for a brief time between interstate 80 and sonoma boulevard. And it is now good to go. So highway 37 is reopened in both directions this morning. Also the George Butler bridge on highway 29 had been closed. Thats the major overpass above the napa river. That has, too, been cleared. It is reopened. What were looking at as far as damage to roadways is a lot of buckling. Sometimes pavement jumping up to a foot. So that is damage that they are going to be assessing throughout the rest of the day. And we keep hearing napa, napa, theres a good reason for it. The majority of the damage is in napa. The Mobile Home Park in napa. I have been compiling a list here. Many businesses along first street, beautiful in napa. Damage, the old courthouse in napa damaged. Collective, carpe diem restaurant. We also saw the courthouse has been damaged as well. Historic buildings that have not been retrofitted. Youre seeing the brick masonry falling off of the building and the concern is that if we see more damaging aftershocks, those buildings could take a tumble and police are working on closing off the roadways in that area to keep people safe. Lets check back in with joe vasquez. He is live for us right now. Joe, i believe you are in vallejo right now. Road buckling right there. Yeah, this is tough. Were in southwest napa and this is dramatic. This is the kind of scene were seeing around the area here. This is len hubboards driveway. It raised a foot of where it should be. Then when you follow it down here, there are substantial cracks in his driveway and right over there at the base of his home, you can see cracking there. It is significantly off the foundation right now. This is the sort of scene that we are seeing right here and i want to walk you over to the corner. Theres a water main break that looks like the water has stopped. Maybe the Water Department was able to shut it off or ran its course. Right here on the corner, the neighbors tell me they were doing roadwork here recently. Clearly it snapped off. Look at this. So right here, this part of the curb was attached to that and it was attached right there along the side there and it just snapped. You know, when you talk about an earthquake, these are the scenes embedded into our heads. This is the kind of situation that were seeing throughout this neighborhood. Neighbors are calling us over. We have seen some chimneys made of brick that have fallen down on the street as well. In this neighborhood, we have not been able to find anybody who said that anybody was hurt, which is just great news. But person after person has told us about stuff falling from inside their homes, crashing down on top of room after room and sir, let me ask you, you were just telling me, you have some damage inside your home. Stuff that fell off the shelf . Everything. Almost everything fell off. What did you feel when that earthquake hit . Scared. I mean, the whole house was shaking. For some time. And i felt everything. Our tv came down. Everything. Everything is on the floor. On the inside. Your neighbor here, i mean, that is substantial. I saw you surveying his driveway. What do you think about this when you see this in your neighborhood . Oh man. Its scary. This is as well. Yeah. I never experienced anything like this. Whats the plan now . Mr. Hubbard was talking about getting with his insurance company. The lights are still out. I dont know. A few weeks back, i was thinking, have i checked for my insurance . And i forgot all about it and now this happens. So, are you insured . Do we know . I dont know. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us and good luck to you. Well throw it back to you. Were going to keep surveying the damage. The sun has come out and people are outside finding this kind of mess. Are they selfpolicing to make sure that everybodys gas lines are turned off . It sounds like theres decent shaking in that neighborhood. There was some shaking and i have talked to neighbor after neighbor who said they went and turned off their gas line. That doesnt mean everybody did. And you know, some of these things, they turn off by themselves. Some dont. So yeah, theres a little bit of concern out here about gas lines. For that matter, a water main that broke out here and was throwing water all the way down the street for the last hour or so. [ stand by for captions ] reminder to everybody, like the gentleman you just spoke with. Checking on your earthquake insurance and making sure you have a plan. I think a lot of us has been lulled into this sense of safety, we have not seen a really big quake since 1989. The loma prietta earthquake. We were talking earlier t

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