Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20161212

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breaking overnight. a conviction in the shooting death of former nfl player will smith. but it's not the verdict his family was hoping for. good morning from the studio good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. president-elect donald trump is dismissing reports that the russians interfered on his behalf in the presidential election, calling the claims ridiculous. but lawmakers from both parties are calling for an investigation. the report could complicate the possible nomination of exxonmobil rex tillerson as secretary of state. mr. trump says he does not need daily intelligence briefings because he is, quote, a smart person. hena daniels is here in new york. good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump holds more meetings at trump tower today as he continues to fill key posts in his administration. the development comes amid calls from a bipartisan group of senators for congress to investigate the cia's assessment that russia played a role in getting him elected. hours after president-elect donald trump publicly lashed out at the cia's assessment that russia intervened in the 2016 election. >> they have no idea if it's russia or china or somebody. it could be somebody sitting in a bed someplace. >> former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton a possible candidate for trump's deputy secretary of state also cast out on the claim. >> until we know more how the intelligence community came to this conclusion, we don't know whether it's russian inspired or what. >> reporter: the news was first reported friday night by "the washington post" after the cia shared secret intel with a group of u.s. senators. senior republican senator john mccain is among a bipartisan group of lawmakers calling for a congressional probe. >> facts are stubborn things. they did hack into this campaign. there is a whole lot of issues out there. it requires an investigation. >> reporter: in an interview with fox over the weekend, mr. trump also dismissed the value of getting daily intelligence briefings. >> i don't have to be told the same thing and the same words every single day for the next eight years. >> reporter: and brushed aside concerns about nominating exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson as secretary of state. >> he is much more than a business executive. i mean, he is a world class player. >> reporter: if nominated, tillerson is expected to face trouble winning senate confirmation, given his close ties to russian president vladimir putin. among those expected to meet with mr. trump today, former presidential rivalries carly fiorina and rick santorum. >> thank you, hena daniels. coming up on "cbs this morning," we will talk with former cia director mike morrell about charges that russia interfered in the u.s. presidential election. this morning, china has serious concerns over mr. trump's latest comments about concerning the longstanding policy of one china. >> i fully understand the one china policy but i don't know why we have to be bound by a one china policy, unless we make a deal with china having to do with other things, including trade. >> mr. trump already angered beijing by taking a phone call from taiwan's president. the first time an american president or president-elect has publicly spoken to a taiwanese leader in nearly four decades. the chinese government called the one china policy the basis of u.s./chinese relations. critics have accused mr. trump of tolerating anti-sim -- anti-semitism among some of his supporters. but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said -- >> i know donald trump very well. i think his attitude and support for israeli is very clear. he feels very warmly about the jewish people and about the jewish people and no question about that. >> netanyahu says he hopes to work with mr. trump to dismantle the nuclear agreement with iran. this morning, a large portion of the country is feeling the effects of a nasty winter-like storm. winter storm warnings and advisories are posted across most of the northeast into new england. travel is a mess. more than 1,800 flights were cancelled yesterday and hundreds of flights today have already been cancelled. travel is no better on the roadways. the snow and icy conditions caused hundreds of accidents. light to moderate snow is forecast into this morning. the first major snowstorm of the season. in detroit yesterday, a delta jet ended up in the grass as it was turning from the runway to the taxiway. no one was injured. chief meteorologist eric fisher of our boston station wbz says a surge of arctic air is on the way. >> reporter: sloppy storm system moving through the northeast this morning. snow on the northern end of it and heavy rain on the southern side of it. as we watch the storm move through the area throughout the course of the day the snow will stack up across portions of new england and all of it is well off to the east by the time we head into monday night. how much snow are we talking? significant totals. over half foot of snow is likely across much of new england, especially the higher elevations. about 3 to 6 across southern new england and snow line around new york city. maybe a little bit of snow but most of it washed away by rainfall to be the issue for the morning drive. across the coast, not a lot of active weather for our monday as we kick off the week. still very cold across the upper midwest. a little milder across the southern states. then the big story this week we will be talking about another blast of arctic air. this one is going to point right across the upper midwest and the great lakes and the east coast and arrives on wednesday and makes its way eastbound and friday sub zero windchills and maybe approaching record low temperatures and snow squalls along the way and recharging another blast of cold air the second half of this week. i'm meteorologist eric fisher for cbs news. the man who shot former new orleans saints player will smith was convicted of manslaughter. a new orleans jury rendered its verdict late last night. cardell hayes shot smith following a traffic incident in april. smith was popular in new orleans and his death stunned the city. a former teammate says the conviction offers little satisfaction. >> we got a lot of pent-up emotion, you know? frustration. anxiety. a lot of different things. you know? so at least to hear guilty in some sense, gives you some relief but at the end of the day, it's not a win. >> hayes was also convicted of attempted manslaughter for wounding smith's wife. he'll be sentenced february 17th and faces up to 40 years behind bars. overseas now. investigations into terrorist attacks in egypt and turkey. at least 38 died in a pair of bombings in turkey. this morning, turkish police arrested more than a hundred members of a kurdish militant group. turk irwar planes hit militants in iraq. holly williams reports. >> reporter: a kurdish militant group, the kurd stan freedom falcons have claimed responsibility for this deadly attack which seems to have targeted police officers. 30 of those killed were members of the police force, according to the turkish authorities. the first explosion in kabul, followed 45 seconds later by a suicide bomber detonating their device in a nearby park, according to turkish officials. turkish's deputy prime minister said the car bomb may have used nearly 900 pounds of explosives and the blast could be heard from several miles away and this follows a spate of devastating bombings over turkey the last year. some attributed to isis and others also claimed by kurdish militants who were involved in a decades long conflict here with the government. there was another lethal attack in cairo. a bombing near the egypt shaun's main christian cathedral and killed at least 25, including children, and left dozens wounded. there has been no claim of responsibility so far. but islamic militants have targeted egypt's christian community in the past. >> that was holly williams reporting. coming up on the "morning news." casting call controversy. cadillac comes under fire for seeking real alt-right people and on "saturday night live," walter white is tapped to head the dea. >> now do you know anything about drug enforcement? >> trust me. i know the dea better than anyone, inside and out. today lauri grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge. fully cooked and ready in seconds. it makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo. prompting a celebration in lauri's backyard. with jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days. rightabreva can heal itold sore, in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. mr. white, how did you get considered for this job? do you know donald trump? >> no, no. but i'm a big fan. i like his style. he acts first and then asks questions later. >> ryan cranston revises his "breaking bad" character on "saturday night live" mocking donald trump's choice of cabinet secretaries. he passed off walter white as the next head of the drug enforcement administration. cadillac is apologizing for alt-right casting call. and new developments in a hacking investigation. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. the "chicago tribune" reports the illinois republican party was told in june that it's e-mails had been hacked, but the fbi warning did not mention that the breach was part of a wider election plot to avert the election. some of its e-mails were released to a site federal investigators have linked to russian hackers. the "los angeles times" reports a man is being held in connection with a stabbing of a worshiper saturday near a simi valley mosque. sheriff's deputies plan to charge him with hate crimes. police say the victim's wounds are nonlife-threatening. "the washington post" reports that a casting agency sought people to act as members of the alt-right movement. the listings that performers were needed for a cadillac commercial. the casting call said it was for an artistic spot capturing all walks of life of america. well, the automaker had nothing to do with it and the worker who placed the listing was fired. the "detroit free press" reports the awarding of a posthumous degree for an officer killed on duty. colin rhodes patrolled wayne state university and attended the graduate school. he was just short of his masters when he was shot last month near the campus. his killer is still being sought. "sports illustrated" reports the proposal of a bill that would allow guns in washington state sports stadiums. that would include the homes of seattle's mariners and seahawks. both teams have strict no gun policies. still ahead, a headlight party. caught on video. deer turn up on a road in arizona in a festive site. e. on sketchbook, and i'm going to draw mustaches on you all. using the pen instead of fingers, it just feels more comfortable for me. be like, boop! it's gone. i like that only i can get into it and that it recognizes my fingerprint. our old tablet couldn't do that. it kind of makes you feel like you're your own person, which is a rare opportunity in my family. 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you never know. santa may need a sub. i think that is how rudolph got his job? not sure. on the cbs "moneywatch" now. mr. trump holds a tech summit and samsung tries to get remaining note 7's. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. oil prices to the highest level in a year and a half after nonopec members will join opec in cutting production. u.s. crude jumped over 54 a barrel. also this week. investors anticipate the fed will raise interest rates at its december meeting. u.s. markets are at record highs last week. the dow gained nearly 587 points the s&p finished 67 points higher. nasdaq added 188 points for the week. on wednesday, president-elect trump plans to meet with many prominent silicon valley leaders. apple chief tim cook and amazon's jeff bezos and sheryl sandberg are among those attending the meetings in new york. iran is buying 16.6 billion dollars in jets from boeing. the deal faces potential opposition in congress and the white house. the purchase of 80 passenger planes was made possible by last year's nuclear agreement that lifted most sanctions in iran. the boeing contract is the biggest u.s./iran deal since the iranian revolution in 1979. the planes will be delivered over the next decade. >> australia's national airline qantas plans to use a boeing 787 dream liner will fly overseas. the flight will take 17 hours. it will be the longest nonstop passenger route in the world. samsung is releasing a software update on december 19th for its recalled galaxy note 7 that basically renders the smartphones useless. the update prevents the phones from charging or making calls or sending messages. the idea is get everyone who still has the phone, which can overheat and explode, to turn them in. but verizon is actually going to block the update to protect customers who may not have another phone to immediately switch to. disney's "moana" was top at the box office. for the third straight week. the animated movie took in another $18.8 million in ticket sales. jennifer aniston film, "office christmas party" was second in its debut week. and "fantastic feasts and where to find them" was third. anne-marie? >> jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, thanks a lot, jill. still to come, cold caps for cancer patients. a look at a new device to help women stop hair loss as they undergo chemotherapy. we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. i prefer b. b. what was a... bath and bodyworks. and their favorite... suave. really? i am impressed. three fragrances preferred over bath and body works. investigation. plus, some big names in local music gather to support the families of those killed in the "ghost ship" fire. and the intelligence community is more confident now than ever that russian hackers interfered with the u-s presidential election.... as president-elect donald trump rejects the idea. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:30. good morning. it's monday, december 12th. ,,,, here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. many cancer patients lose their hair while trying to win the fight against the disease, but there is a new device that could change that. don champion reports. >> i was going through treatment here. >> reporter: karen dicken was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and underwent a double mastectomy and chemotherapy. like many women, the thought of losing her hair during treatment was traumatic. >> i just knew going forward, that was going to be something very hard for me. i always had blond hair and thick. >> reporter: doctors at the cancer center in dallas told her about a new experimental scalp cooling device that could prevent hair loss. for 12 weeks, karen wore the cap before chemo for 30 minutes, during treatment, and then for an hour after. >> it was very cold. it was almost like a brain freeze when i put that cap on me. >> you can sort of tailor it to the individual patient. >> reporter: dr. john pippen says the cap cools the scalp to about 24 degrees fahrenheit and reducing blood flow. >> the follicles get chilled and it slows everything down and keeps the chemotherapy out of there. >> reporter: a new study presented at the san antonio breast cancer symposium shows the device prevented hair loss in over half the patients who used it. >> it was a gift. >> reporter: karen only lost about 5% of her hair. >> to be able to go through that process and keeping my hair kept me positive and that is what pushed me through. >> reporter: the maker of the device is filing for fda clearance. don champion, cbs news, dallas. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," actor john goodman fro "patriots day." i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." if you could see your cough, it's just a cough. sfx: woman coughing you'd see how often you cough all day. and so would everyone else. robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to 12 hours. robitussin 12 hour cough relief, because it's never just a cough. when are they leaving? 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"daily mail" says they never intended that their statement was true. cbs news justice correspondent paula reed. >> melania trump has the resources to carry on a long legal fight. even if she doesn't win this could serve as a deterrent for other smaller news outlets that don't have the same resources to defend themselves. >> reporter: both "the daily mail" and retracted their stories. tarpley put out a story saying trump's lawsuit is a lawsuit without merit. charles harder, the hollywood lawyer who helped hulk hogan win a massive lawsuit that essentially put the gossip website gawker out of business is also representing mrs. trump. he says the statements about her were 100% false and tremendously damaging. the case is heading to trial in montgomery county, maryland, just outside of washington. the next few months, mrs. trump is planning not to move into the white house, but to stay here at trump tower while their son barron finishes the school year. kenneth craig, cbs news, new york. here is another look at this morning's top story. president-elect donald trump called a cia assessment that russia intervened in the u.s. election to help him get elected, ridiculous. >> i think the democrats are putting it out because they suffered one of the greatest defeats in the history of politics in this country. but lawmakers on both sides of the aisle disagree and they are calling for a bipartisan investigation. mr. trump says he does not need the daily presidential intelligence briefings because he is a smart person. he currently receives it just once a week and says unless there is a change, he doesn't have to be told the same thing every day. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on calls by lawmakers for an investigation into russia's hacking. we will speak with senators chuck schumer and john mccain. plus, we will show you how therapy dogs are helping disabled veterans. and gayle talks with ryan tedder, the lead singer of one republic, as the band films its new video. >> ryan, other than looking like a rock star, you seem so surprisingly normal. >> i'm from oklahoma and if you're from oklahoma, there is a line that you just don't ever cross. like, you can't get too cool for school. that is the "cbs morning news" for this monday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ♪ good life good life ,,,, good morning. . live from the cbs bay area studio, this is kbix5 news. >> good morning everyone. it's monday, december 12th. this is a beautiful shot of the bay bridge and the city by the bay. this is from our tower. isn't that beautiful? all the sparkling lights. i love that. a good way to start the week off. >> kenny has the morning off. it is just about 4:30. how's everybody doing? >> good. >> i was just looking over the weekend and last night they had the parade of boats and i love it every year. i was hoping it was saturday night but it was last night. >> i can't forecast the weather, the parade of boats. what a weekend. a lot going on. we'll continue a lot of different festivities. is the weather going to be conducive? that's what everyone is asking. not so much. light rain fall around the area. we will have bonofide rain showers. we'll struggle to hit 60 today and that will be the valley. otherwe,

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