Oh lek sander turchynov, a keep Opposition Leader, plans to work with the government. A top european official arrives in kiev today to discuss possible aid. It was a rejection of a european trade pact by ousted Viktor Yanukovych that led to more than 80 dead. An arrest warrant has been issued for yanukovych. He refused to step down. Susan mcginnis is in washington. Susan, good morning. Tanya, good morning. The latest here is yanukovych, the ousted president , is now wanted by police for the mass murder of innocent civilians. Meanwhile the new president is promising to move ukraine toward europe, and thats raising a big question and one that washington wants to influence, what is russias next move. Demonstrators remain in kievs independent square today after parliament voefted in Opposition Leader Oleksandr Turchynov on sunday following the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych. Turchynov takes the reins. Others seeking closer ties with the european union. Turchynov promises to move ukraine closer to europe, a direction that the u. S. Supports. Let ukrainians determine their own future and a partition of ukraine is teatally unacceptable and we need to act immediately to give them the economic assistance that they need to act immediately to give them the economic assistance that they need based on reforms that are going to be required. But russia calls the power shift in ukraine illegal saying it disregards the peace deal signed friday. The state department is sending its official numbers this week. The u. S. Is warning russia not to act with military force. That would be a grave mistake. Thats not in anybodys interest to see the country split. Its in nobodys interest to see violence return and injuries escalate. Turchynov wants good relations. He hopes to swear in a new government tomorrow. Now, the ouster of president yanukovych is raising a lot of speculation that former president Yulia Tymoshenko recently released from prison may make a new play for power. Its too early to tell but she is a very controversial figure in ukraine. Susan mcginnis in washington. Thank you. After 17 days, dozens of convenience, hundreds of medals around a fair amount of controversy, the Winter Olympics have come to a close. Alphonso van marsh joins us from cho she, russia, with a last look at this years winter games. Good morning, alphonso. Reporter good morning, tanya. There are plenty of people here shopping the streets looking for discounts on medal merchandise. Just as importantly or more importantly russian organizers are prepares for the Paralympic Games with 600 athletes from 44 nations and it seems that the sochiproblems just wont go away. Lots of tweets from olympians from Sochi International airport saying theyre suffering from cold temperatures inside, some general chaos, and long lines. But here in sochi, russia, last night, russian officials gave the spectators and athletes an amazing spectacular sendoff. Thousands watched and took part in the closing ceremony. It was a celebration of russian culture and history and and some organizers poked some fun at themselves. They reenacted a gaffe when one olympic ring failed to open. The huge robot version of the sochi mascot shed a tear and it blew out the flame, and as those shows are over, the baton was passed on to the next host pyeongchang, south korea. Canada brought home the gold in its signature sport. The mens Ice Hockey Team shut out finland, 30, to win gold in the second straight olympics. The host nation surged to the top of the medal counts. Russia wins with the most total med ams, 33, and the most gold, 13. The United States scored 28 medals. Canada, norway, and the netherlands fill out the top five. So it was a successful games for the russian competitors. And russian organizers, they did face criticisms for overruns and construction delays, but while there were some tear roar threats with a leadin to the game, it appears security kept that from rising. Thank you. Jason collins line in the box score was unremarkable. As the Brooklyn Nets beat the l. A. Laker, 108102. But when collins stepped on the floor last night, he made history, becoming the nbas first openly gay active player. Ko im has our report. Jason collins. Reporter Jason Collins receive add warm welcome in los angeles as he entered the game for the nets, the first openly gay player in a major team sport says right now hes more focused on learning brooklyns plays than anything else. I dont have time to really think about history right now. I just have to, you know, focus on, you know, my job tonight. Collins revealed he was guy last spring to sports illustrated. At the time the 12year veteran was a free agent. No team had picked him up until now. He says the last ten months has been incredible. I mean life is so much better for me. I dont have to hide who i am. I can just be my normal self. Reporter collins has a message for young players. Be your true authentic self and never be afraid or ashamed or have any fear. Reporter the 35yearold has played with the nets before with jason kidd as point guard. Kidd is now the coach in brooklyn. The new team tweeted this photo of kidd watching collins sign his tenday contract. The nets say it was purely a basketball decision to sign collins, but it marks another milestone for brooklyn. Nearly 57 years ago Jackie Robinson broke baseballs color barrier when he joined the brooklyn dodgers. Ko im for cbs news. And the news about Jason Collins comes as michael sam tries to become the first openly gay player in the National Football league. He began working out at the nfl scouting combine yesterday. On saturday sam said if he is drafted, hes not worried about how hell be treated. Ive been in locker rooms where all kinds of slurs have been said, you know, and i dont think anyone means it. I think the little naive and uneducated, you know, but as time goes on, everyone will adapt. Sam says he wants to be known as a football player, not a gay football player. On the cbs moneywatch, netflix strikes a deal for speedier streaming and gas prices creep up. Jill wagner is at the New York Stock Exchange with that and more. Good morning, jill. Good morning, tanya. Netflix is paying broadband supplier comcast to ensure faster speeds for its tv shows and movies. The deal was announced yesterday and comes after customers complained of slow service. Netflix will deliver its tv and movies directly to comcast, eliminating a third party provider, resulting in faster speeds. Netflix has 33 million subscribers in the u. S. Asian markets saw profit taking on news from china on slowing housing prices. Tokyos nikkei lost a quarter percent. Hong kongs hang seng fell nearly 1 . Here on wall street stocks opened after losing ground on friday. The dow jones dropped nearly 30 points, the nasdaq dropped 4 points. The price of gas is going up. According to the lundberg survey nationwide the cost of regular gas rose 12 cents during the past two weeks to 3. 41 per gallon, but the price is still 38 cents lower than this time last year. Tanya . Jill wagner at the New York Stock Exchange. Thank you. And coming up on the morning news, caught on camera, midair collision. A bird hits the windshield of a small plane, shattering the window. This is the cbs morning news. This is the cbs morning news. , and less saturated fat . This is the cbs morning news. . This is the cbs morning news. . This is the cbs morning news. . This is the cbs morning news. Better eggs. Its eb. Better eggs. 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So lets talk about your bum on facebook. Off to my next destination. So lets talk about your bum on facebook. Thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. Fancy feast elegant medleys. Inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. Fancy feast. A medley of love, served daily. Pilot rob weber was high abortion ft. Myers, florida, saturday when a sbird smashed into his window. The collision at 170 Miles Per Hour sent pieces of the windshield flying. It was a slap in the face literally. Like i said, i tried to kind of like duck down to the right a little bit after it happened just to get out of the air that was coming in because i was doing about 170 when i hit. The glass was flying and the feathers were flying. I thought he was back in the tail of the plane somewhere. The camera onboard captured the carnage. Weber kept his calm and guided his plane to a safe landing. One of the worlds most notorious drug lords is in custody this morning. Joaquin guzman known as el chapo is in custody this morning. As Dean Reynolds reports, officials have been after guzman for more than a decade. Reporter El Chapo Guzman was found in a mexican resort. While hes been on the run since 2001, it was over the last few months, even weeks, that his room to maneuver shrank to a few scare feet. The mexican ambassador to the u. S. He was a mexican operation. We relied on strong collaboration between mexican authorities and u. S. Law enforcement that has been going on for months. Reporter since november a slew of guzmans henchmen were either gunned down or arrested. Intelligence from wiretaps recently led to a broad crackdown in guzmans area of operations. This month an arsenal of weapons were seized along with drugs, money, and at least ten of guzmans lieutenants. That led to a number of safe havens along Mexicos Pacific coast. Authorities missed guzman by only seconds by about ten days ago when he disappeared down a tunnel, but the chase ended saturday morning without a struggle. In the past violence was a guzman trademark, a means to expand his grip on the drug trade. In chicago he had an army of 100,000 armed gang members to sell drugs and rub out rivals without regard to the many innocents caught in the crossfire. Jackson riley, the dea special agent in charge here, has been fighting guzman for years. He told 48 hours, guzman didnt particularly like that. He made it clear to some of his subordinates hed like to see my head lopped off. Ive still got my head. Reporter guzman bribed his way out of a mexican prison 13 years ago, bug ambassador medina mora says it wont happen again. Hes locked up in the most reliable prison we have in mexico and suddenly once bitten, twice shy, we will take our precautions in this case. Right now guzman is in a cell underground in prison in mexico city where hes awaiting trial, probably first in mexico and possibly in chicago or one of several other u. S. Jurisdiction that want to bring him to justice. Dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. Still to come, how all of this win tell weather is wrecking roadways and costing drivers. And in sports, a tough shot from the rock extends the fine round of match play championship. Youre watching the cbs morning news. He fine round of match play championship. Youre watching the cbs morning news. Completely. Itfree and dissolves so you can feel free to add it to anything. And feel better about doing it. Better it with benefiber. Lemme just get this out of here. To go. Unlike some places, we dont just change your oil. Our oil offer comes with a fourtire rotation and a 27point inspection. And everything looked great. Actually, could you leave those in . Sure. Want me to run him through the car wash for you, too . No, no, i cant. Get a dexos 1, syntheticblend oil change, tire rotation, and inspection for just 39. 95 or less. Chevy certified service. But were not staying in the kitchen. Just start the slow cooker, add meat and pour in campbells slow cooker sauce. By the time you get home, dinner is practically done. And absolutely delicious. Everyone is cooking with new campbells slow cooker sauces. Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. Bad weather forced nearly seven hours worth of delays at the Great American race. Rain slowed down the action at the daytona 500, but it couldnt slow Dale Earnhardt jr. It is his second career win at nascars signature race. Golfs amateur championship also went longer than expected. Victor dubuisson hit an incredible shot out of the rough and onto the green, but jason day would win the match on the hole with a birdie putt. In the nba, miami playing without lebron james who broke his nose thursday night but chris bosh picks up the slack for the heat. Miami beat chicago, 9379. And the highest ranked College Basketball team playing on sunday avoids an upset. Number 11, crayton, gets 29 points from doug mcdermott, and its just enough. The blue jays hang on for a 7271 win over seton hall. When we return, rough roads. Well show you how the extreme Winter Weather is creating expensive problems for drivers. Well show you how the extreme Winter Weather is creating expensive problems for drivers. The new guy is loaded with protein ill believe it when i [ both ] oooooh. [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. Ensure high protein. Fifty percent of your daily value of protein. Low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure. Nutrition in charge ive got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. Its time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that wont relieve all your symptoms. New alka seltzer plusd relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. Oh what a relief it is. Made this weekend by an openly gay player with bay area ties. The dalai lama continues his tour of the bay area. The spiritual words of advice s offering sold out crowds. Anything that drinks it wie poisonous to them. And any of plants will just die awa and a smelly, dangerous mes the east bay. Whats being planned to clean up the tox creek. Join us for kpix 5 news thi, heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. Now for a check of todays national forecast. 4 to 5 inches of snow will fall in the northern plains. The cold heads south, but today mild weather will linger over much of the region. Temperatures will start to drop in the northeast, and look for showers across washington and oregon. For drivers, this winter has been anything but a smooth ride. The extreme cold and snow have wrecked the nations roads. As jeff pegues reports, thats been costly for motorists and for cities. Reporter spring cant come soon enough for the nations roads. The extreme cold and snow has been chipping away at the infrastructure of american cities, leaving holes in drivers wallets. It will cost kofi minor 90, maybe more to repair her right side tire. What did it feel like when you hit the pothole . It was awful. I mean it was very scary. It jarred me. And even my air bag deployed on the side. Reporter across the country motorists spend 377 annually in on rating vehicle costs driving on roads that desperately need pothole repairs. They form when water and ice seeps into the hole, freezes and expands. When the ice melts there are gaps and passing vehicles cause it to break up. This winters streets and highways are taking a pounding and with more cold weather in the forecast, more new york city workers like Albert Mercado will end up repairing a lot mar than the 117 potholes theyve already filled. Thats more than the last two years combined. The whole thing you have to keep in mind, public safety. Reporter every fourth car pulling into this repair shop needs at least a new tire because of pothole damage. Olivia scotland is the manager. Were also seeing an increase in damaged rims, and that runs the customer a lot more. Reporter kofi minor just found out she didnt just ruin her rim and tire, the pothole also damaged the front of her car. The cost of driving these roads just went up. Jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. And coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, googles ceo air schmidt joins us in the studio. Im tanya rivero, and this is the cbs morning news. No matter how busy your morning you can always do Something Better for yourself. And better is so easy with benefiber. Fiber thats tastefree, gritfree and dissolves completely. So you can feel free to add it to anything. And feel better about doing it. Better it with benefiber. Thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. Fancy feast elegant medleys. Inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. Fancy feast. A medley of love, served daily. Every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around, barry i finally found the right snack [ female announcer ] fiber one. Harvard is honoring ll cool j as the universitys artist of the year. The star of ncis los angeles received his reward on saturday for his work in pioneering rap music. He was also cited for his literacy and activist work. They also presented him with a college sweat chute. L cool jay urged the Harvard Students to maximize their potential. And heres another look at this mornings top stories. Ukraine has a new interim leader following months of protests. A warrant was issued for the arrest of ousted president Viktor Yanukovych. His whereabouts are unknown. The u. S. Warns russia not to send troops. And the sochi Winter Olympics are over after 17 days of competition. Host russia said goodbye sunday with a colorful closing ceremony. Team usa finished with 28 medals behind russias 33. A luger from the South Pacific island nation of tonga drew attention for an unusual deal to help pay for his olympic dream. As Alphonso Van Marsh reports it involves changing his name to an underwear brand. Reporter luge athlete Benito Banani carried his countrys pride. It was the best feeling ever. Reporter five years ago the nearly 200pound former rugby player entered a casting call for wouldbe lugers. Reporter a Marketing Agency helped try outs and bruno won. The agency moved him to train and convinced an Underwear Company also named bruno banani to sponsor him. Reporter that wasnt a coincidence. He had a different name, but the Advertising Agency convinced him a name change without make a better sell. The bruno banani brand is known for its outrageous advertising stunts. The International Olympic committee had strict rules during sponsor games and called the name challenge a preverse marketing ploy. And the head of the Underwear Company says theyre loving the publicity. When someone supports an athlete, its the most normal thing in the world. Reporter bruno placed 32nd out of 39 lugers in sochi. He says he might train for the next Winter Olympics, but the Underwear Company wont say if theyll give him the support he needs. Alphonso van marsh, cbs news, sochi, russia. Support indeed. And coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, well go live to kiev, ukraine, for the latest developments in the political crisis there. Plus googles Ceo Eric Schmidt joins us in studio 57 for a major announcement. And Cardinal Timothy dolan, arches by on of new york, tells us about the historic appearance of two popes at a cardinals ceremony this weekend. Thats the cbs morning news for this monday. Thanks for watching. Im tanya rivero. Have a great day. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com and im frank mallicoat. Good morning, everyone. It is monday, february 24th. I am michelle griego. And i am frank mallicoat. Nearly 4 00. It is red day, apparently. It is red day. Are you guys enjoying your spring break . It has been fabulous. It was a nice weekend. Well, it looks like today we will have lots of sunshine, but storm clouds are gathering on the horizon. We will tell you when to expect rain in a few minutes. And the usual road work in the usual places. Northbound 880, in downtown oakland, closure there is and around the antih bridge. The bay bridge, as well with road work. We will tell you about it coming up. Thank you, elizabeth. And American Sports history made overnight. Jason collins, now the first openly gay player in any of the four major sports. More about collins on the court. Reporter out of the closet and onto the court, a warm welcome from fa

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