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September 11 terrorists went after a u. S. Diplomatic post in benghazi, libya, on september 11, 2012, killing four americans, including the u. S. Ambassador, christopher stevens. Today, the alleged ringleader is in custody, the first arrest in the case. This was president obama earlier today. Its important for us to send a message to the world that when americans are attacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible and we will bring them to justice. And thats a message i said the day after it happened, and regardless of how long it takes9 but u. S. Intelligence ultimately tracked khattala to a small seaside villa south of benghazi. Sunday evening, after dark, u. S. Commandos and f. B. I. Agents silently converged on the home and quickly captured khattala without firing a shot. No one was hurt. Pentagon spokesman admiral john kirby. The important thing for everybody to remember is hes no longer on the streets and he will be held accountable. He will be tried in a court of law here in the united states. Reporter khattala is now on a u. S. Navy ship in the mediterranean, where hes being interrogated by a special intelligence team. Counterterrorism experts want information about alleged Co Conspirators and potential threats. Sources say other islamic radicals have also been charged in the benghazi case. Those charges remain sealed. But 22 months after the attacks that killed four americans, only khattala is in custody. Today, f. B. I. Director james comey pledged to press the investigation, and had this warning for other suspects but the message is, we will shrink the world to find you. Well shrink the world to bring to you justice, and this is a good example of that. Reporter now, once the intelligence interrogation at sea is over, khattala will be read his miranda rights and be brought to washington to face charges. He could face the death penalty. Glor a week after the attack in benghazi, cbs news correspondent Elizabeth Palmer was the first reporter to track khattala down in benghazi and interview him. Elizabeth is in syria tonight. Liz, tell us about that meeting. Reporter well, wed heard ahmed abu khattalas name in connection with the assault on the u. S. Mission several times, so we simply asked a member of the Libyan Security forces if he could set up a meeting. Abu khattala came along very openly to a hotel cafe, and i put it to him that the then president of libya was calling him the prime suspect. He denied it. He said he was at the u. S. Mission that night, but hed arrived late, just looking for somebody. He was dressed in a long, white libyan robe, and as a conservative muslim, he wouldnt shake my hand, as a woman. But he was very polite, and he was, above all, confident. He said, if the libyans want to come and arrest me, they know where i live. However, we did notice, as he left the hotel, his Security Team were checking under his car to see if anybody had put a bomb there. Glor Elizabeth Palmer from syria tonight. Liz, thank you very much. In nebraska, twin tornadoes last night killed two people and hurt more than a dozen. Today, the National Weather service said one tornado was an ef4, with wind as high as 200 miles per hour. It wiped out most of a small town near the iowa border. Justin pazera with our cbs omaha affiliate kntv is in pilger, nebraska, tonight. Reporter double tornadoes are rare. These were separated by a mile. The funnel on the left hit pilger, a small village surrounded by corn and soybeans. City hall is gone. The Fire Departments destroyed. Public library, severe damage. Reporter county sheriff mike unger. Its total devastation. Total devastation. Again, 75 of the town, in my opinion, is damaged or destroyed beyond repair. Reporter pilger is only about six blocks long by six blocks wide with fewer than 350 residents. One person here was killed by the storm, fiveyearold calista dixon. We believe she was in a mobile home on main street and it was completely devastated, and we found her in that vicinity, along with another critically injured female. Her mother is expected to recover. Her brother, cody murphry, says the family moved here just four months ago. She was a smart, funny girl. I mean, she just loved everybody. Reporter many here are stunned by the sudden destruction. The top floor of the matsons house was blown off. They took this cell phone video of their search for a wedding ring. Somehow, they found it. And already, residents here say that they plan to rebuild. And, jeff, a lot of people that we spoke with say that this town is already living up to its motto a tiny town too tough to die. Glor there could be more Severe Weather tonight as a storm system moves east from the dakotas to new york. Nation. The news is bettered in california. A fire in bakersfield is where 75 contained and the residents were allowed to go home. President obama today asked congressional leaders to meet with him tomorrow about the crisis in iraq as he considers his options. We have a series of reports tonight. First, Major Garrett with more on that white house meeting tomorrow. Reporter jeff, Administration Officials tell us the president will make the case for sending a limited number of special forces troops to iraq. The president had insisted he did not want to put boots on the ground in this newly flaring conflict, but now believes special forces are necessary to develop better intelligence on the sunni insurgents, should air strikes be ordered. The president also wants an up close assessment of the fighting strength and will of iraqi Security Forces in and around baghdad. Now, the president will not, we were told, present a prepackaged decision to congressional leaders, but seek consensus for as white house aides here readily acknowledge, the president will need political backing for this and any subsequent move he makes in iraq. Glor in iraq, sunni and shiite political leaders made a joint call for National Unity in the battle against sunni militants. Last week, the militants seized iraqs second largest city, mosul. Clarissa ward has the aftermath. Reporter on the road into mosul, the charred remains of military equipment left as iraqi soldiers fled. This video, shot by a local journalist for a french news channel, offers a rare glimpse of life in the city one week after it was taken over by the al qaeda Splinter Group isis. The markets are open and well stocked. But masked gunmen roamed streets. A long line snakes outside the isis recruiting center. Here in baghdad, there is also recruiting, as thousands of Volunteers Join shiite militias. Rallies like these are now a daily occurrence. These fighters told us they consider it a sacred duty to defend their city. Across town, markets were far quieter than usual today. Most people in baghdad dont believe that isis will come marching into the city, but what they fear is a surge in the number of bombings, and this city already averages about eight a day. A spokesman for the interior ministry our goal is it to liberate our cities. Reporter he denies iraq is in the midst of a sectarian civil war and that arming shiite volunteers is a dangerous idea. When you create these shiite militias, it reignites those old sectarian tensions. We dont have militias. Reporter you do have militias. We have tribes. Reporter i have seen militias. No, it is reporter badr brigade. Now we are talking with the tribes. We must liberate iraq, and iraq for sunni. Reporter we may be seeing a new wave of sectarian killings here in the capital. This morning, the bodies of four young men, presumed to be sunnis, were found in a neighborhood controlled by a shiite militia. They had been shot numerous times, and, of course, this is a chilling reminder for everyone here of that terrifying period in 2006 and 2007 when sectarian death squads terrorized the city. Glor Clarissa Ward in baghdad, thank you. Foreign journalists are not allowed into mosul. Holly williams talked to an iraqi who has seen whats happening. Reporter this doctor, who works in mosul, made his way through checkpoints to meet us a few miles outside the city. The islamic extremists known as isis have been welcome by many in mosul. Like the militants, most of its residents are sunni muslims who resent the Iraqi Government, which is dominated by shiite muslims. The doctor wouldnt show his face, not because hes frightened of isis, but because he fears retribution from iraqs government. Has isis enforced islamic law in mosul . Reporter he told us his hospital only has water for two hours a day because the Iraqi Government switched off the water supply. So things are better under isis . As the people say, it is better than a government. Its better. Reporter why . Because they gave them freedom. Reporter in internet videos, isis shows a very different face, including summary executions of its enemies. If you do not think the way they do, you die. Thats it. Reporter retired colonel harry schute fought in iraq during the u. S. Invasion and now advises iraqi politicians. He blames iraqs u. S. Backed government for dividing the country along religious lines and driving the countrys sunni muslims into the arms of isis. Can iraq survive as a state . Looking at it right now, i dont think so. I think the iraq that we had in our vision from, you know, a couple of years ago or whatever, is finished. Reporter some people here have told us that iraqs religious fault lines are now so deep that, jeff, the only way of avoiding allout civil war is to allow the country to split apart. Glor holly williams, thank you. Why are so many foreign children arriving alone at the u. S. Border . New technology reveals a secret picasso kept hidden beneath one of his masterpieces. And a Young Players dream becomes reality at the world cup when the cbs evening news continues. And it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. Humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Reporter the boys are from san pedro sula, the city with the highest murder rate in the world. They say they had to escape gangs that shot their brother. You were afraid you were going to get killed . Yes, he told us. They had already told me that they were going to kill me. They were among a wave of children who have crossed into the u. S. Without their parents. More than 47,000 have come here illegally since. The boys we met flagged down a Border Patrol agent once they entered the u. S. They took our shoes, he told us, and they put us in the car. They were taken to a center like this one where they were able to call their mother, who has been in the u. S. For five years. Were you ever afraid when you were coming this way . Yes, he said. There are people that have come here to die in the desert. You come with fear. The boys spent three months in a chicago shelter before reuniting with their mother. Is it hard to talk about these things . Yes, its hard, he said. The boys are waiting for a deportation hearing to be scheduled. The Border Patrol expects 40,000 more immigrants like them this year. Vicente arenas, cbs news, hyattsville, maryland. Glor american soccer fans are still floating after the u. S. Team beat ghana in thrilling fashion last night. 21yearold john brooks had the winning goal. Later, he said hed had a dream about scoring the winning goal in the world cup. In the u. S. , fans erupted. Americas next game is sunday against portugal. The movement for tougher gun laws reignited by one mans speech. Glor today, the man who re energized the movement for stricter gun laws took his fight to the nations capital. Last month, Chris Martinez lost his son, one of six students speech. Ocuvite has a unique a not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Shinglesthe blisters tremendously as a pilot. And the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. 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Glor today, the man who re energized the movement for stricter gun laws took his fight to the nations capital. Last month, Richard Martinez lost his son, one of six students shot or stabbed to death near the university of california Santa Barbara. Nancy cordes has more. The last time i saw chris was in a small room in a mortuary. Reporter Richard Martinez didnt come to washington to meet with politicians. He came to meet parents from newtown, tucson, and columbine, who know the grief hes feeling. Theres a hole in my heart that nothing can fill. Reporter 20yearold Chris Martinez was killed 26 days ago in a Santa Barbara deli. His fathers Public Statement was raw and impassioned. Too many have died we should say to ourselves, not one more reporter those words have become a rallying cry. 600,000 americans signed up to send postcards bearing the phrase to elected officials, and it reenergized gun Safety Advocates like sandy and lonnie phillips, whose daughter jessica died in the Movie Theater massacre in aurora, colorado, in 2012. Gun violence in our nation is caused by craven and irresponsible politicians and the corporate gun lobby that buy their votes to block any and all reasonable, lifesaving solutions. Reporter when you talk to these parents who have been fighting for smarter gun laws for 15 years and havent gotten anywhere, does that discourage you . Not a bit. You could tell me that everything that im going to do or plan to do will not be successful. That will not alter what im going to do one bit. Reporter i asked the Top Republican and the top democrat in the senate today whether there is any new room for agreement on proposals that most americans support, like strengthening background checks or dealing with Mental Health . Their answers were vague and noncommittal. Today, we got to see whats hiding behind a picasso masterpiece another painting. The blue room depicts a woman bathing. Art experts have long noted its odd brushstrokes and suspected there was something under the surface. Now, advanced infrared technology reveals a hidden portrait of a man in a bow tie. Mystery solved. Up next, the art of the possible. An incredible young athlete on wheels. [ laughter ] smoke . Nah, im good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release Smartcontrol Technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. Help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. Legs, for crossing. Feet. Splashing. 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Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. Taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. Ask if xeljanz is right for you. Company. The jury just reaca verdict. Why both sides are claiming victory. Next weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint filling monitor then we take special sponsored 7day gra then we wipe to end tag we dont see talent at the end o athlete youre about to meet. Heres manual bojorquez. Reporter in the world of extreme sports, there is no one like 22yearold aaron fotheringham. I always hear, hes in a wheelchair. Hes confined to his wheelchair. And to me im always like, im not confined. Im riding it like its a skateboard or a bike, and i love it. Reporter he was born with spina bifida, a spinal cord defect that left him without the use of his legs. Even as a baby, the condition didnt slow him down. By eight, he was learning tricks at the skate park. In 2009, he landed the first ever wheelchair Double Backflip. When i landed the Double Backflip was the best moment of my life. You did it reporter youre motivated by the fact that people are saying you cant do this or you shouldnt do this . When someone says you shouldnt or you cant, it kind of makes you want to do it even more. Reporter thats why last year he attempted californias socalled megaramp. Youre in the air for so long, just getting my frequent flier miles as im having fun. And then the landing is the hard, scary part. Oh, that was operator error. Reporter hes never down for long. This promotional video shows fotheringham as a star performer in nitro circus, an extreme sports show. He goes by the nickname wheels. You got it reporter but its at events like this one outside dallas where he really connects with fans. You shredding . Yeah. Reporter fotheringham has teamed up with volunteers to encourage children in wheelchairs to push the limits. 11yearold luke acuna lost his left leg when he was hit by a garbage truck three years ago. What would you say is the biggest thing youve learned from him . Never give up. If you fall and eat it really hard, get back up and do it again. applause theres just so much happiness floating around. Its cool seeing these kids, seeing how much they can accomplish and breaking all the stereotypes. Reporter fotheringham is now thinking about the next trick will impress an audience already captivated by the fact that while he cannot walk, he can soar. Manual bojorquez, cbs news, irving, texas. Glor that is the cbs evening news. For scott pelley, im jeff glor, cbs news in new york. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. Now at 6 00, a verdict just reached in a fraud case against San Franciscos Garbage Company and both sides say they won. Good evening, im veronica de la cruz. Im ken bastida. A whistleblower brought that lawsuit against recology. Its a story we reported earlier this year at kpix 5. After a month long trial and over a week of deliberations, a San Francisco jury ordered recology to pay back 1. 3 million to ratepayers for bonuses it received in 2008. Those bonuses are for meeting recycling goals and diverting garbage from the landfill. As a result of making a false claim, they received a bonus in excess of 1. 3 million that they should not have received. Instead, that money should have gone into a pot that would the next year have reduced the amount that ratepayers in San Francisco paid to have their garbage collected. Reporter recology has an exclusive contract to both pick up garbage and recycle in San Francisco worth about 300 million a year and is guaranteed a 10 profit. What came out at trial was recology wasnt happy with just making 30 million a year. It had to cheat and make false claims to make a few extra dollars. Reporter the case was brought to light by brian mcveigh, a former supervisor at recology who has filed a separate lawsuit claiming he was fired in retaliation for reporting the fraud. And i would look at this, the ticket report. Reporter kpix 5 was the first station to highlight his whistleblower case in february. He also claimed that the company

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