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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Elley. Pelley good evening. Was it a breakthrough or deception . That is the debate tonight after hearing the words of irans new president at the u. N. Late today. After 34 years of animosity, there is hope that the United States and iran could be on a road to better relations. At the heart of the tension, of course, is Irans Nuclear program. Well, today, the president s of both countries addressed the u. N. General assembly, but they did not meet face to face. Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett is at the u. N. For us tonight. Major. Reporter scott, the white house described the new iranian president s speech add less bombastic than that of his pred source, mahmoud ahmadinejad. In the end, they spoke of new possibilities but the impasse over irans feature pursuit of Nuclear Weapons remains as deep as ever. America preserves to resolve our concerns over iranians Nuclear Programs peacefully, although, we are determined to prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Reporter after decades of mistrust and estrangement from the00 crisis in 1979 to todays standoff over Nuclear Weapons, president obama said america and iran had start over. I dont believe this difficult history can be overcome overnight. The suspicions run too deep. But i do believe that if we can resolve the issue of Irans Nuclear program, that can serve as a major step down a long road towards a different relationship. Reporter hours later, irans president Hassan Rouhani sounded conciliatory in his first address to the world body saying he listened carefully to president obamas speech and hoped differences could be managed. translated this is a unique opportunity for us all. The republican of iran believes all challenges can be managed successfully through a smart, judicious blend of hope and moderation. Reporter rouhani said Irans Nuclear program is aimed at the peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy. Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction have no place in irans security and defense doctrine, and contradict our fundamental religious and ethical convictions. Our National Interests make it imperative that we remove any and all reasonable concerns about irans Peaceful Nuclear program. Reporter the iranian president denounced economic sanctions carried out under United Nations authority as an inhumane act of violence against ordinary iranians. The white house said, scott, it expected this line of rhetoric, arguing its the very pain these sanctions have caused thats led iran to reconsider and open up talks about possibly ending its pursuit of Nuclear Weapons. Pelley and major, the years of sanctions in place because of the nuclear program, is that the reason rouhani made the speech he made today . Reporter whats the white houses take on this. The sanctions have for the first time in 20 years created negative economic growth, cut oil exports in half. Those are reallife economic consequences and the iranians are feeling it and thats why the white house asserts theyre at least approaching the negotiating table. Pelley major, thank you. The president of kenya is declaring victory today against the terrorists who have been holed up in a nairobi Shopping Mall since weekend. Kenyan soldiers were still searching the mall even after president Uhuru Kenyatta told the nation, we have shamed and defeated our attackers. Theres a lot of confusion still tonight. It will be some time before all of the facts are sorted out. But according to kenyatta, at least 61 civilians and six troops were killed. These are relatives who identified some of the victims today. The somali terrorist took the mall on saturday, lobbying grenades, firing on shoppers, and taking hostages. President kenyatta said six of the terrorists have been killed. 11 others, he said, are under arrest. Charlie dagata is on the scene in nairobi. Reporter it was hard to tell the siege was over. gunfire gunfire and explosion rang out again today. An army sniper kept his gun trained on the mall from a nearby construction site, and kenyan troops were stationed on the perimeter and rooftops while helicopters flew overhead throughout the day. Inside, groups of kenyan soldiers continued to comb the 350,000squarefoot Shopping Complex floor by floor. Kenyas president said in part of the mall, three stories had collapsed during the military operations and he warned that bodies are still trapped under the rubble. Still, he addressed the nation tonight saying kenya had stared down evil and triumphed. We have shamed and defeated our attackers. That part of our task has been completed by our multiagency security team. He said he could not confirm intelligence reports that suggested two or three americans may have been among the attackers. According to the red cross, at least 65 people are still unaccounted for. City morgues are preparing for the worst. We found volunteers who had been working around the clock since saturdays massacre. And the bodies were stacking up. Actually, they were building up a pyramid. And we had to do something. Reporter this engineer told us the hardest part was when he had to tend to the body of a nineyearold boy who died in his mothers arms. I washed the boy. I cleaned him up. Put him in the cloth. Pelley Charlie Dagata is outside the mall tonight. Charlie, yesterday the kenyans said some americans might have been recruited into ranks of the terrorists and been involved in all of this. Today, we talked to sources at the f. B. I. And c. I. A. They say they havent seen any evidence of that so far. What are you hearing . Reporter well, today, the president said he cant confirm it, but intelligence reports suggests two or three americans may have been among the attackers, but he ordered forensic tests to be carried out on the remains to help identify those responsible for the attack. Pelley well know more tomorrow. Charlie, thank you. Now, the somali terror group that has claimed responsibility for the attack is called al shabaab. It has links to al qaeda and has been recruiting for years in the United States with tragic consequences for families in the minneapolis area. Dean reynolds is there tonight. Reporter she is the mother of a boy who left minneapolis for mogadishu. This is the last picture she has of her son before he left and this is the one her husband spot online in 2009 that told her he was dead. What did you feel then when you saw that . The pain, she told us is impossible to explain. Her son was a promising University Engineering student. How did he suddenly decide to leave all of that and go to somalia . It was not his decision, she said. They brainwashed him. Who . I dont know, she said, i wish i did. He disappeared in 2008, the same day as this other minneapolis man featured in an alshabaab recruiting video, one of at least 20 who is believed to have forsaken life in the states for jihad and often death in somalia. Did your son leave a note, a goodbye note . No. Reporter he called her once from somalia, she said, but that was it and she is furious at islamic radicals she believes recruited her son. Do they care if youre in pain or not . They dont care, she said. Is this a huge problem, do you think, within the Somali Community . Very much so, she said. She told us the pain of her loss never goes away, scott, and it only intensifies when she hears another young man from her community has gone away to africa. Pelley dean, thanks very much. Moving on to the crisis in syria. A cbs News New York times poll out tonight shows overwhelming support for the proposed deal between the u. S. And russia to have syria give up its chemical weapons. In return, the u. S. Has agreed to hold off on a military strike that would be designed to punish the syrians for a nerve gas attack last month. 82 of americans favor such a deal. 15 oppose. When asked if syria will turn over all of its chemical weapons, just 33 said that is likely. 66 said it is unlikely. The top u. S. And Russian Diplomats met today at the u. N. In the hopes of working out the details on this bargain. Margaret brennan was there for us today. Margaret, what happened . Reporter scott, there has been very little progress since this deal was hammered out just 10 days ago. The meeting today ran nearly two hours, and there was a lot to discuss. Secretary kerry and his russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov came into this afternoons meeting with sharp differences over the terms of the deal and how to enforce it. The u. S. Says russias public statements since the agreement have been counterproductive. Russia still disputes that assad carried out the august 21 sarin gas attack, blames the rebels for it, and says it doesnt want a u. N. Resolution that includes the use of force if syria fails to comply. In his speech today, president obama said that threat must be included in any u. N. Resolution. There must be a Strong Security Council Resolution to verify that the assad regime is keeping its commitments. And there must be consequences if they fail to do so. If we cannot agree even on this, then it will show that the United Nations isnt capable of enforcing the most basic of international laws. Reporter western diplomats say that the chances of a u. N. Resolution this week are low. But there has been some progress. Syria has started to share some details of its chemical weapons arsenal with the international community. Pelley state Department Correspondent margaret brennan. Thank you, margaret. In washington, the senate is expected to pass a bill to keep the government funded past next tuesday. But the Majority Democrats will very likely strip out a provision that was inserted by House Republicans that would have cut off all of the money for obamacare. Today, at 2 30 eastern time, the leading Senate Opponent of obamacare, ted cruz of texas, a tea party conservative, took to the senate floor and he is still talking. Nancy cordes on capitol hill for us tonight. Nancy. What is senator cruz trying to do . Reporter well, scott, he is trying to convince his Senate Colleagues to join him in trying to block any funding bill that preserves funding for the president S Health Care law, but hes on the bit of a lonely quest here. Many senate republicans, including the leader, mitch mcconnell, say they know republicans simply dont have the votes in the senate to kill the president S Health Care law, and they worry that republicans will get the lions share of the blame if this government funding bill gets hung up and the government shuts down next week. So that has led some of them to call what their republican colleague is doing right now on the senate floor a stunt. But there are others who have gone to the senate floor to support him and who say at the very least hes calling attention to their key issue. Pelley but time running out, well check in again tomorrow. Thank you, nancy. An air force fighter jet takes off with no one in the cockpit. And this could be the final chapter in the long custody fight over a little girl when the cbs evening news continues. Evening news continues. For al. So i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil . Pelley this fouryearold spent her entire life the center of a custody battle between her biological father who is a native american and the couple who adopted her at birth. But the long fight from oklahoma to South Carolina and all the way to the United States Supreme Court is finally over. Heres elaine quijano. Reporter there were no Police Officers on hand for the transfer. Veronica said goodbye to her biological father, dustin brown, and was escort an attorney to her adoptive parents. Browns supporters described it as dignified. Todd hembrie is the Cherokee Nation attorney general. What was best for her today was a peaceful and honorable transition. She deserves to know him and to have a relationship with him, and thats what we have fought for all along. Excuse me. Reporter veronica lived with brown for the last 21 months. Saying goodbye was unimaginable to brown when we spoke to him in july. I dont want to deal with it. I dont want to have to be told that. I want someone to tell me that ive lost the right to be a father. Reporter but brown agreed to relinquish his parental rights before veronicas birth. Melanie and matt copabianco began the process of adopting veronica from her mother and were in the delivery room when she was born. I thought she was the most beautiful child i had ever laid my eyes on and she was felt like ours immediately like we had a connection with her and she was with us since that day. Reporter two years later, a South Carolina Court Awarded custody to brown, citing a u. S. Law that protects native American Children from being separated from their families. But in june, the u. S. Supreme court ruled that law did not apply because brown abandon veronica before birth, and never had custody of the child. I mean, they can think what they want, say what they want, but i never abandoned my child. Shes not coming to strangers. She knows us. We love her. Were going to take good care of her. At least well try to get along and do whats right with her. Reporter the adoptive parents have left oklahoma but we dont know when theyll return here to their home in South Carolina. In a statement tonight they said everyone is doing well and they asked for privacy. Scott, their escort includes two sheriffs deputies. Pelley elaine, thanks very much. An f16 took to the air today without a pilot. Well show you next. Hey linda what are you guys doing . Having some fiber with new phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre fruity delicious just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber to help support regularity i want some. [ woman ] hop on over [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips. Icaused by acid reflux disease, relieving heartburn, [ woman ] hop on over relief is at hand. For many, nexium provides 24hour heartburn relief and may be available for just 18 a month. There is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. Side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 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Men with Breast Cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, should not use androgel. Serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. Tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. In a clinical study, over 80 of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. Talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. Get the blood tests. Change your number. Turn it up. Androgel 1. 62 . Pelley the f16 is one of americas premiere fighters used by the air force in operations from desert storm to libya, but theres never been a fighting falcon like this one. David martin has the pictures. Reporter a pilot runs through his preflight checks on an f16 jet fighter. Then climbs out. The canopy comes down, and the f16 takes off without him. It happened last week in florida, and although Unmanned Aircraft are everywhere these days, it still makes you do a doubletake. The f16 is being flown by Remote Control from a ground station and is able to perform all the maneuvers it could if a pilot were in the cockpit. Climb to 40,000 feet, fly faster than the speed of sound, and turn so sharply the gforces could make you black out. No, this is not a faster, more agile hunter killer drone. Its a faster, more agile target for pilots. The air force has been doing this for decades. The current model target, a remotely piloted version of the vietnamera f4, just doesnt have the moves of a modern fighter aircraft. Now pilots will start going up against the middle eastern, leaner, meaner f16s in dog fights and occasionally even shoot one down, which is only sort of okay with boeing test pilot jason clements. I love the f16 and brag about it a lot, and now to get something ready to take off on its own so, somebody else can shoot it down makes it a little bittersweet in my eyes. Reporter so far, boeing has modified six f16s, but more will be brought out of retirement to give their lives for their country. Scott. Pelley david martin at the pentagon, which is next to national airport. David, thank you very much. Its been 23 years since the man behind the muppets died. Today, on what would have been jim hensons 77th birthday, his family donated many of his beloved characters to the smithsonian, including elmo and cookie monster, bert and ernie, and, of course miss piggy. Hensons daughter, cheryl, said the muppets had been tucked away in boxes and she wants people to see them and appreciate them. Another piece of buried treasure has been recovered. The lost picture show. Next. From capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his Small Business. Take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorns Small Business earns double miles on every purchase every day. Produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less . Ahh, oh [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. Heres your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark Business Card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. Choose double miles or 2 cash back on every purchase every day. Whats in your wallet . [ crows ] now wheres the Snooze Button . Oh. [ female announcer ] stress sweat smells the worst. And secret clinical strength gives you four times the protection against it. Secret clinical strength. At humana, our medicare agents sit down with you and ask. Hanging out with this guy. Hes just the love of my life. 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It is a comedy without a single punchline. It was made more than a century ago and features one of the biggest hollywood stars of the day. Heres anthony mason. A giant of the silent film era, Mary Pickford made more than 200 movies. But the 1911 film their first misunderstanding was thought to have been lost long ago. We have a list of all of Mary Pickfords films but this was among the missing. Reporter to this film historian, leonard maltin, it is an important discovery. It would be like finding an early song by george gershwin, or an unpublished short story by mark twain. Reporter found by a carpenter in this old New Hampshire barn, the film was do donated to keene state college. Apparently it had been a boys school are a boys camp. And during the summer, they would set up this 35 millimeter projector and show these ancient films to these boys. Reporter pickford was just 18 when she made their first misunderstanding a 10minute movie about a wifes fight with her husband. Apparently, this 1911 film was the first time she received screen billing as Mary Pickford. In a very short time that name, Mary Pickford, became world famous. Reporter pickford would form her own studio, United Artists with Charlie Chaplin and her husband, Douglas Fairbanks and take home two oscars. But in 1911 with this film, audiences first learned the flame of the actress who became americas sweetheart. Anthony mason, cbs news, new york. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org your realtime captioner is mrs. Linda m. Macdonald the americas cup and orange world openworld causing San Francisco to be booked solid. Serious sticker shock if you find a room. Im ken bastida. Im elizabeth cook. New at 6 00 Mike Sugerman with the jawdropping hotel prices during one of the citys most bustling weeks. Mike . Reporter liz, they are calling it a 100 occupancy and that doesnt mean every room is booked. I can get you a room because some hotels overbook. So it comes to 100 . You want a room . I can get you one. Im not getting you a deal, though. 60,000 people in town for oracle world and hey, theres a place to stay right across the street. The w hotel. They got one room. 729 a night reporter San Francisco has plenty of hotel rooms. Hello, hotel diva . Hotel griffin. Hotel vertigo. Reporter San Francisco is virtually booked. Unless you dont mind being taken to the cleaners while going to a hotel. Four seasons. 745. You could pay more. Thats the lowest price. Its the quality of the hotel, youre still paying over 500. Reporter mark from london is playing that for the prescott with his pal tony from scotland. They got here early and got a deal sort of. 250 first couple of nights, 500 conference night. So it has doubled. Reporter hotels if they have rooms are doubling their prices. Not just the four and five stars. It went from 200 to 400 u. S. Dollars. In one week. Reporter thats for one of the places that line lombard street where normally you could stay a workweek for that. Nothing

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