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Steve hartman found out on the road. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. If egypts military leaders thought they could silence supporters of the ousted president Mohamed Morsi they were mistaken. Two days after the army and police broke up their sitins, protesters from the Muslim Brotherhood were out in force in what they called add day of anger. They were met by Police Authorized to use deadly force. At least 64 people were killed today. That means about 800 have been killed since last month when the military overthrew egypts first democratically elected president. There was violence in several egyptian cities today, including alexandria, where demonstrators throwing rocks were met with bullets. Charlie dagata was in the thick of in the cairo today. Charlie . Reporter scott, the trouble began just after friday prayers. As soon as the mosques emptied out, the squares filled with demonstrators. Now, the military tried to block off some of the main road, but protesters came from every direction, setting the stage for the bloody confrontation that followed. The Muslim Brotherhood vowed its supporters would take to the streets by the thousands today in retaliation for the governments brutal crackdown and they did. The police warned they would use deadly force to stop them. They kept their word, too. In cairo, demonstrators ignored a state of emergency and a heavy military presence in an attempt to set up a new protest camp in the heart of the city. They were soon surrounded by Security Forces. At one point, the violence was so bad that protesters jumped off a bridge trying to escape. We found a group that was determined to reach the main protest, despite the fighting that was raging around them. It was relentless. The crowds would push forward, the sound of automatic weapons would ring out, the police gunning down protesters. Then came wave after wave of the severely wounded. This is the emergency room to the hospital near the protests. Demonstrators have been marching straight into police gunfire. Are there arent any ambulances so theyre using motorcycles to shuttle back and forth to evacuate the wounded. Its pandemonium. In a pattern weve seen for days now, most of the gunshot wounds are to the upper body and the head. Head, neck, which he is. Head, neck, chest. The head blows, blows, just like that. Just go and see. Go and see. Reporter we did see. So theyre shooting to kill. Yeah. To kill. To kill clearly, no doubt about this. Reporter the motorcycles were in constant motion, racing back into the fray as soon as they dropped off the wounded. And, incredibly, the crowds kept coming, even though they could hear the gunfire ahead. The government warned that they would use deadly force against demonstrators that didnt keep you away. We have only our bodies. We dont have anything else, anything else. Our souls and our bodies. Reporter the Muslim Brotherhood, supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, have called for a solid week of protests, scott, raising concerns of more violence to come. Pelley carly, whats the situation in cairo right now tonight . Well, we have heard gunfire tonight, scott. A curfew is in effect. You can see behind me Tahrir Square everything is quiet. But its not just Security Forces that are out there. We have armed vigilantes and we ran into them today. They were blocking off the area around those protests so we had to try to get to those protests and take extensive measures to get away from those protests, too, to avoid these armed vigilantes. Pelley charlie bag with our team in cairo. Charlie, thank you very much. In the fighting today we saw one of those acts of courage that define a moment. Like the time that man stood in front of a tank during the Tiananmen Square massacre in china in 1989. In the town of ismael ya today, amid an attack on protesters, the man in the lower left of the frame with the white had stood up and stretched out his arms. We thought it best not to show the rest of the video. He stood there ten second or so and then a bullet passed through his chest and he went down. We do not know his name or pro icily what he meant to say with his sacrifice. A 60 minutes investigation is shedding new light tonight on baseballs drug scandal and why new York Yankee Alex Rodriguez received a suspension four times longer than anyone else. The investigation found that members of rodriguezs inner circumstance until february leaked the names of other players suspected of using performanceenhancing drugs. Don dahler picks up the story. Reporter the leaked names include rodriguezs own teammate Francisco Cervelli and former m. V. P. Ryan braun. Sources close to the matter tell 60 minutes the purpose of the leak was to show rodriguez was not the only star using drugs. Rodriguez denied the allegations before tonights game in boston. I support all my teammates whether you play in boston or the diamondbacks or the mets, i love all the members of the union equally and unconditionally and i i do feel like i have great support. Reporter three weeks ago, rodriguez was suspended for 211 games for using performanceenhancing drugs and obstructing the investigation. 12 other players were suspended for 50 games. Rodriguez is appealing the suspension, during that process he is allowed to play. boos i dont know what the motivation is for any of this. But im going to respect the process. I feel good that we have an opportunity to do that in the right flat form. Reporter according to sources close to the information, the leaked document was a major reason for the length of arods suspension. The Players Association contract with Major League Baseball guarantees a players name will be kept confidential while under investigation for drug use. A leak by arods inner circle in february would be a direct violation of that rule. Lets make one thing clear for the next seven weeks theres going to be a very, very bumpy road everyday expect a story like this if not bigger. Reporter rodriguezs attorney denies the leak allegations and a spokesman for the Players Association refused to comment. Scott, weve learned there are more examples of rodriguezs obstruction of the doping investigation to come. Pelley don, thanks very much. The Washington Post is breaking another story based on those topsecret documents stolen by National Security agency computer specialist edward snowden. The new revelation is an n. S. A. Internal audit that shows that the agency is occasionally snooping on phone calls and emails of american citizens. No doubt this story will disappoint the president who said this to reassure Americans Last week. All the stories that have been written, what youre not reading about is the government actually abusing these programs and listening in on peoples phone calls or inappropriately reading peoples emails. What youre hearing about is the prospect that these could be abused. Now, part of the reason theyre not abused is because these checks are in place and those abuses would be against the law. Pelley while checks are in place, it turns out mistakes are made. Wyatt andrews, now, with the n. S. A. Audit just made public. Reporter in the audit, the n. S. A. Admitted improperly collecting records on americans almost 2, 800 times in the year ending march 30, 2012, the n. S. A. Says most but not all of the unauthorized surveillance was unintentional and due to human error, such as typing mistakes, but most of those mistakes resulted in the collection of an americans cell phone call, telephone record, internet traffic, or email. Not everything was a mistake. The n. S. A. Admits it kept more than 3,000 records on americans that a secret federal court on surveillance, called the the fisa court, ordered the agency to destroy. The n. S. A. Argues that the number of privacy violations is tiny compared to the 20 million data searches done every month in the hunt for terrorists. N. S. A. Compliance director john delong told reporters by phone t mistakes are routinely disclosed to the fisa court, to the Justice Department and to congress. Reporter but the fact that there are thousands of privacy breaches stunned many members of congress, including senator Patrick Leahy of vermont. I want to know if whether its n. S. A. Or anybody else thats made a mistake, we ought to know that. If theyre tapping into peoples telephones where they have no right to, we ought to know that. Reporter almost 20 billions are already pending in congress to limit the surveillance program, to protect american calls and emails, and to ins the n. S. A. Reports to congress. Scott, these new ra ef hraeugss are likely to increase bipartisan support for toptobottom surveillance reform. Pelley and late today the white house said that the audit itself was evidence that the government is being careful. Wyatt, thank you very much. That u. P. S. Cargo jet that crashed while attempting to land in birmingham, alabama, this week was descending too quickly. The National Transportation safety board told us this evening that one of the planes computers began warning the crew about its descent a little more than seven second before the crash. Both pilots were killed. Kids in moore, oklahoma, go back to school today three months after a tornado killed seven classmates. And area 51, the secret is out when the cbs evening news continues. With the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his Small Business. Take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorns Small Business earns double miles on every purchase every day. Produce delivery. 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Does not give up secrets easily, but it gave up a big one this week there is an area 51 in the nevada desert. The c. I. A. Did not say whether the test site houses space aliens or flying saucers. That decadesold debate will continue. No president since the cold war would confirm area 51s existence. It took repeated requests from George Washington George Washington university to get the c. I. A. To get it up. Heres david martin. Reporter located in the middle of nowhere, area 51 has been at the center of some of this countrys most closelyguarded secrets going back to the u2 spy plane. The world has known about the u2 ever since 1960 when one was shot down over the soviet union. But only now has the government officially acknowledged the existence of area 51 in nevada. So here it is on page 56 known by its map designation as area 51. Old history is being admitted to, but im not hold mig breath wait for my invite. Reporter Bill Sweetman has spent much of his career spying on area 51 to find out what new aircraft like the f117, the worlds first stealth fighter, were being tested there. Back in 1985 when cbs news hired a small plane to go looking for the f117, an air force jet suddenly came up to chase us away. But that was nearly 30 years ago. Id be really interested to know what they were spending billions of dollars on at that base for the last 30 years. Its an organic life form. Reporter in the movie Independence Day area 51 is where the u. S. Stashed captured aliens. A notion that has attracted legions of u. F. O. Enthusiasts. Attorney general Jonathan Turley found there was really something sinister going on there although it had nothing do with aliens. The government dug football field sized trenches and would fill those trenches with all types of exotic and harmful chemicals and parts and they would just pour jet fuel over it and torch it. Reporter turley sued on behalf of workers who helped build those secret planes and had since fallen ill, allegedly from inhaling those toxic fumes. I would have Satellite Photos available of the base. I had affidavits of people that worked at the base and the government would deny the existence of the base. Reporter so now the government has admitted area 51 exists. But that is about all. The air force released a statement saying specific activities and operations conduct there had cannot be discussed. Pelley david martin at the pentagon. David, thank you very much. We can also tell you about the activities of americas Top Commander today at the area known as marthas vineyard. Hi, guys nice day, huh . Gorgeous. Having a good time . Having a great time, as always. Pelley it was sunny and in the 70s as the president went bike riding with his 15yearold caught the hear leia. Also joining the president ial pedalcad were the first lady and 12yearold sasha. The first familys vacation end on sunday. School kid in moore, oklahoma, began a new School Year Today carrying memories of the tornado and the classmates they lost. Thats next. If youve got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and man, you know how that feels. Copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Does breathing with copd weigh you down . Dont wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. Moore, oklahoma, reached a milestone today in its recover from that devastating tornado. Ack in may. School opened for the First Time Since the twister swept through the city killing 24 people, many of them students at an elementary school. Theres a memorial now where that school once stood. The surviving students are attending class at a junior high. Vanita nair talked to one of the teachers today. This has turned into a massive tornado. The thing that comes to mind most i think is the final second when we knew it was coming. Reporter Jennifer Doan huddled in the hallway with 11 third graders. Seven were killed by the tornado. Do you have flash backs . Oh, yes. The flashbacks mainly are darkness, darkness and crying. Reporter we first met doan hours after she was pulled from the rubble. Her sternum and spine were fractured. Reporter so you remember using your body to cover some of the kids . It hasnt even been three months yet so its still pretty fresh for me. Reporter did doctors tell you youre not ready to teach yet physically . Se im not ready in any sense. Me not being able to come back makes me feel kind of like im abandoning them almost. Its the first day of school, mama. I ask myself all the time what i could have done or why didnt we do this . The guilt is a big part of it still. Reporter two of the students doan was able to protect were tenyearold xavier and nineyearold kai. Do you think the start of school helped them have more closure, too . I hope so. I really hope so. Reporter she hopes to move forward, too, beginning with a little boy shes expecting in january. Its a miracle this baby lived through all that. Its probably why im having such a hard time coming up with a name. laughs just nothing seems quite special enough, i guess. Reporter doctors say doan should be ready to teach by next year in the new school built to replace the one destroyed. Vanita nair, cbs news, moore, oklahoma. Pelley for some, the longest journey begins with a single stroke. Steve hartman on the road is next. Anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating . Yes one Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. Live the regular life. Phillips. Hands, for holding. Feet, kicking. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. If youre trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, thought to play a role in the inflammation that comes with ra. 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Reporter we found 24yearold law student luke bielawski miles from the nearest fairway hitting shot after shot toward the eastern horizon. How many strokes so far. About 16,000 and change. Reporter what have you calculated par . I estimated 48,000 based off of a Feasibility Study i did in indiana. Reporter obviously this is al ordinary golf hall. This may be the worlds longest golf hole. Stretching from t to shining tee. Luke began golfing across the country in may at the pacific ocean. Thats a good bounce. Reporter the purpose is partly to raise money for charity and partly just to see if it can be done. It hasnt been easy. Hes had bad lies on Railroad Ties and one right smack under a tank. Luke has hit a lot of stuff. Although fortunately not any people at least he hadnt by the time i first met him in june. He estimates it will take him another three months and 30,000 strokes to hit the green hes shooting for. Ouch but until then he hit me. laughs so much for not hitting anyone. Im sorry reporter at this point it was looking like he might end up a few thousand over par. Wheres a beer cart when you need one . Two, three reporter that just looks overwhelming, just making it to the end of this road. Its a big country and you realize why nobodys done this. Reporter and thats how we left luke in june, fully expecting him to give up and take the next left turn home back to indiana. But look who showed up in South Carolina last week. Saturday luke hit on to the ocean course a Seaside Golf Course on kiawah island, South Carolina. His last shot with a biodegradable golf ball sunk into the atlantic. Final score 52,345, give or take. Africa, anyone . Steve hartman, cbs news, on the road. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley. Ill see you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald an uncomfortably common scene on an oakland street. A man with a gun opens fire. And its all caught on camera. Good evening, im allen martin with a special pregame edition of kpix 5 news. The 9ers going to take on the chiefs in just 30 minutes here on kpix 5. And im elizabeth cook. A startling new look at the wild, wild west mentally gripping parts of oakland. Criminals shooting it out in the streets with no one around to stop them. In a kpix 5 exclusive, da lin spoke with one man whose camera was rolling when he was caught in the crossfire. Reporter youre looking at the dashcam of a driver who drives into the line of fire. The guy in the blue hoodie fires at the oncoming red car 15 times. You can see the orange muzzle flash right there. At least 6 people are nearby but that doesnt deter or stop the gunmen from shooting. Whats just as stunning is the response from the teenager 15 feet away from the gunman. He doesnt run, hide or duck as if its just another day in oakland. Fearing retaliation, the driver who captured this video doesnt want to show his face but says through a translator, the shooting reflects the lawlessness in parts of oakland. I was scared to death. I feel unsafe to live in oakland. Reporter it happened wednesday morning at the intersection of 23rd avenue and east 23rd street. A working class neighborhood in east oakland. Councilman its disturbing and alarming this continues every day. Reporter he believes bad guys are getting more reckless because oakland officials wont let cops be more aggressive. Last month we showed you the shootout on high street. The guy if

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