Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20130703

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this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. ng sponsored by cbs >> good evening, scott is off tonight. i'm norah o'donnell. a showdown in egypt could be i' just hours away. late tonight a defiant president dehammed morsi went on state tv in a 45 minute speech he insisted he won't step down despite an ultimatum from the military. this was the scene a short time ago in cairo. tahrir square bursting with protesters who want morsi out. those protests only grew louder after the president spoke. ntlitary leaders have told him to solve the crisis by tomorrow or they will step in. entsident obama phoned morsi last night and said he needs to show the egyptian people he is listening to them. lisetary of state john kerry ted defense secretary chuck hagel also spoke with their egyptian counterparts. clarissa ward is in cairo for us tonight. >> reporter: they came again by the hundreds of thousands to demand the ouster of president morsi. and today that seemed closer than ever. the protesters are furious at his mismanagement of the he economy and the promotion of his orte political supporters, the muslim brotherhood. six top ministers have now quit, si adding to the sense of uncertainty. it's not clear what will happen en iorsi misses the deadline. but the military has drawn up plans that could include a inetaker government and new presidential elections. while the army has refused to call this a coup, retired general sameh elyazal was clear about the need on media change. >> he was democratically elected in a fair election. he won. >> absolutely right. >> he had the right to finish his term. >> yes, are you right, he is right. tt you want me to wait until we see our country completely collapse? he did many mistakes. look at the economy of egypt. i'm running with my pistol in my .ag. why? because the streets of egypt are not safe. ly but morsi supporters at this rally don't see it that way. >> many supporters of the muslim >>otherhood see the military actions as an attempt at a coup and they say that they are willing to fight to prevent that from happening. >> with our powers -- fight to prevent that from happ . >> with our powers -- >> they have got a case, d we have to the limit of civil war, unfortunately. >> are we going to >> are we going to see tanks in the streets? >> yes, you can see that, if things are escalated. probably not-- hopefully not. >> president morsi has finally addressed the nation in a long and rambling speech. he said that he was ready for dialogue with his political opponents. ticathat he had no intention of stepping down or leaving his position and that he has no choice here but to stick to his re b. clarissa, given tonight's developments, what do you think happens now? >> well, that's the million llionr question, really, norah. and the concern is that this development really puts both sides on a crash course collision for more violence tomorrow, for confrontations when that deadline expires. ld could possibly be seeing tanks in the street and the ehaos that the general we spoke to in our piece was talking about. ssa larissa ward, thank you. >> there is late word from the white house tonight, a central component of president obama's healthcare overhaul will be delayed for a year. wyatt andrews is in our washington bureau. ingtfter months of complaints mpd backlash, the administration s ddelaying what's been called the employer mandate under the affordable care act. the mandate requires companies ith more than 50 full-time employees to offer insurance or 00y a $2,000 penalty. but that's the rule that's being yeaended for a year until january of 2015. most u.s. businesses with more shan 50 employees already offer nsurannce. smathe smaller, often start up companies that do not have complained loudly about the paperwork, a 21 page pplication. the administration is promising to reduce that. it's also promised to work with those small employers threatening layoffs or reduced hours in order to report a workforce of fewer than 50 people. workers will still be allowed to buy their own health insurance on a state exchange. norah, the only thing that changes here is that their employers won't be penalized next year if they do. hankyatt andrews, thank you. yarnizona the yarnell fire is still burning out of control tonight, whipped by winds that wiuld potentially be stronger than those on sunday, when 19 firefighters were killed. 8,000 acres have already burned. and making matters worse the brutal heatwave that has much of the west broil approximating in triple-digit temperatures. >> ever since this fire began crews have battled temperatures in the 90s an unpredictable co winds, today gusting to nearly cr 30 miles an hour. unpredemotional community toding residents of yarnell were told it could be five days before it's safe enough for them to return home. safe ere's incident commander is the templin. ent commander is clay templin. >> don't let the calm nature of this fire lull you in, it can come back to life quickly. >> reporter: the speed with which this fire exploded will b. >> even when it looked like they had captured it, the way our conditions are-- conditions are, it just takes a breath of wind is so that fire looks very quiet. and in a matter of seconds it went to a raging brushfire. >> reporter: the hot shots were last heard from around 4 p.m. as they went between two ridges to fight the fire. a national weather service station five miles from yarnell recorded a rapid change in wind speed and direction around that time. gusts suddenly shifted from south, southeast to north at more than 40 miles an hour. less than an hour later fire officials flying overhead spotted the deployed fire shelters used by crews, as last resort protection from the flames. >> it just blew up like, and it burned them. just devastating. >> reporter: ed believes his house burned but like many other residents intends to return and rebuild. >> the people of yarnell have real strong hearts and i'm sure they will recover. it's going to take time but i'm sure they'll recover. >> the incident commander says that by the end of today crews should have some measure of containment on this fire. but norah, full containment is probably two weeks away. >> john blackstone, thank you. >> and the hot shots who died were part of a special group who risked their lives fighting the most dangerous fires. fellow firefighters embraced at a memorial in prescott, arizona last night, carter evans met the widow of one of the men who were lost. >> i know those men, until that last moment, where they thought man, our lives were in jeopardy. they weren't thinking of themselves. they were thinking of the people they were saving. juliann ashcraft's husband andrew was a three year veteran of the granite mountain hot shots. >> they were great men, always wanting to serve. and we had close relationships with them and their families. >> reporter: 30-year-old chris mackenzie wanted to be a firefighter like his dad. he lost 75 pounds to get in shape to be a hot shot. 25-year-old bill warnecke joined the crew two months ago. the former marine leaves behind scotegnant wife. in all three of the men who died had babies on the way. grief has engulfed prescott, arizona. juliann ashcraft can't shake the thought of her husband's final .oments when he deployed his fire shelter as a last resort. >> when that moment came to pull out that shelter wa, do you think was going through his tnd. >> i think probably in that last moment, we have four babies, he's selfless and i think he kidsht of our kids and he ,hought of, wishing he was home with them at that moment. i don't think that my daughter knows her dad not going to walk her down the aisle or his sons know that he won't be their coach, and those sorts of things. i don't know that that has sunk in for them. bu but i have not stopped thinking about that. i have told them every chance i ryve gotten since then, you know, your dad loves you and he's with you. and they just call him their angel. and they said they'll see him in heaven. >> can they really understand? ,> they don't understand, i don't think, the finality of it. they know that dad has died. but i think like, much like an action figure comes back to life, i think that's their hope. >> reporter: juliann ashcraft was texting with her husband suile he was fighting that fire on sunday. jurah, his last message to her, just want to tell you i love you. >> carter, thank you. and we saw new signs today that the u.s. economy is getting stronger. reme prices rose more than 12% in may from a year ago. and americans are buying more brs. general motors sales were 6% higher in june than a year ago. chrysler is up 8%. and ford 13%, its best june since 2006. nnthony mason looks at what's driving those numbers. >> reporter: demand for ford pickup trucks is rising so hifckly the automaker plans to add a third shift to make its popular f-150 here at its kansas city assembly plant. >> can't get enough of those f- 150s. >> colleen taylor is a 19 year ayteran at ford. the new shift will mean another 900 jobs. >> it's amazing, amazing for me to think about. ut reporter: for terrell christian who had to transfer here when ford's st. louis plant closed in 2006, it's closmarkable turn around from the recession. ssio appreciate it because i inow that being out of work or oing fearful of being out of work is pretty hard on a person. pr reporter: sales of ford's f- series jumped 31% in may, and another 24% in june. >> june looks good. you know, it's like almost two years of growth reasons ford ree.o. alan mulally. >> but what do you attribute the surge in truck sales to. >> a number of things. .ne is the improving economy. the second is that the r:portance of the house market to that and the construction market. >> reporter: since the recession, the average age of a vehicle on the road has been climbing as people have held on ro their cars or trucks longer. m's now more than 11 years old. >> we think the average ages had kind of leveled out now. >> if that's starting to level l ou what does that say for the auto market. >> i think it means it's going t continue to accelerate. >> mulally believes that the aging of the auto population has toeated a pent-up demand that ndll fuel sales. .> i think we're going have a gory sustainable growth for a wtmber of years. >> reporter: if the automakers continue at this pace, they will sell more than 15 million vehicles this year, norah, for tie first time since 2007. >> that is good news. anthony mason, thank you. d therere has been a dramatic increase in overdoses among women from painkillers. the custody fight for a three- year-old girl whose case ended upren the supreme court. and is living in the white house like being in prison? two first ladies have the answer when the "cbs evening news" continues. years ago, my doctor told me to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? and now 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