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Pelley good evening from the debate hall at lynn university. 15 days before america elects a president and a new cbs news poll out tonight finds 11 of likely voters are uncommitted. That means they havent made up their minds or they could still change them. They will decide this election. Pd it is they who president obama and mitt romney will be trying to win as they debate for ate third and final time tonight. Look at how tight this race is our new poll finds 48 of likely voters support the president , 46 governor romney. And thats within the margin of error, so it essentially a tie. And look at what we found in ohio. One of the swing states that could tip the balance. A month ago a quinnipiac cbs news poll had the president with a tenpoint lead 53 to 43 but tonight governor romney has cut that lead in half with the wresident now leading 50 to 45 . The focus of tonights debate is Foreign Policy. We have two reports, first, nancy cordes with the obama campaign. Nancy . Reporter scott, there is a Natural Advantage for any incumbent in a debate like this and that is that they have already spent four years on the National Stage interNational Stage, rather. In our new poll, for example, we asked voters who they thought would do a better job handling Foreign Policy. The president had a ninepoint edge over governor romney. The president s argument tonight, were told, is going to be quite simple, that he has done what he said he would do. He has ended the war in iraq. He is winding down the war in afghanistan. He has gone after al qaeda. Athink its a safe bet youll hear the words Osama Bin Laden once or twice. But hes also going to be quite cutting, were told, when it comes to governor romneys Foreign Policy prescriptions, calling them reckless and blustering. Out on the campaign trail, governor romney has been arguing that the president need to do more on libya, on iran, on syria and so tonight the president is going to turn the tables and say, okay, what is it that you would do and are you prescribing military action to a warweary nation . Scott . Pelley thank you. We can probably expect romney to press back on all of that and heres our chief Political Correspondent jan crawford. Jan . Reporter scott, romneys advisors tell me they expect tonights debate to have a much different feel than last weeks debate. For one thing, the candidates are going to be seat said theyre not going to be toe to toe like they did in the last debate. Yaw, romney went to the debate stage this afternoon, sat where he will be tonight, right next to the president. His advisors tell me they expect the president to go on the offensive on libya, much as he did in the debate last week. That exchange was seen as a missed opportunity for romney. His advisors tell me he pushed it too far. They say his challenge tonight is to stay focused and matter of fact and not get defensive. Romney will hit broader themes. Hell say the struggling economy is a National Security issue and, scott, he plans to argue the president s Foreign Policy is unraveling, especially the middle east. Pelley jan, whoever wins the election will face a world of trouble. How do the candidates compare on three hot spots . Were going to look tonight at china, afghanistan, and Irans Nuclear program which may very well be the first challenge. Heres david martin. Reporter Irans Nuclear program will almost certainly require the next president to make decisions that could determine whether there will be another war in the middle east. Both candidates agree that tightening economic sanctions while reserving the threat of military action to destroy irans uranium enrichment facilities is the best policy for now. But there is one critical difference the red line which would trigger military action. Here is how president obama defined his red line in a speech last month to the united nations. The United States will do what we must to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Reporter two weeks ago, romney spelled out his line. The United States and our friends and allies will prevent them from acquiring Nuclear Weapons capability. Reporter that last word, capability, which he uses on his campaign website, significantly shortens the time before iran would reach romneys red line. His campaign refuses to specify what he means by capability, but the term usually refers to irans stockpile of enriched uranium. Israeli Prime Minister netanyahu told the u. N. His own red line would come next spring or summer when iran is expected to have enriched enough uranium to build a bomb. President obama insists iran has not yet made a decision to go for the bomb and even with enough enriched uranium would still need a year or more to build one. America wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy and we believe that there is still time and space to do so. Reporter an aide to romney says the governor also believes there is still time to pressure iran into giving up its Nuclear Program but not as much time as the president believes. Pelley david, thank you. There are almost 90,000 americans fighting in afghanistan tonight. Both candidates agree nearly all of them should be home by the end of 2014. But are the afghans ready to fight for their own country . Kelly cobiella is in kabul. Reporter after 11 years of war there is some progress. The afghan army is bigger. 195,000 strong. But many soldiers desert. And only 65 reenlist. That means every year new recruits make up more than a third of the army. Among the afghan police, its not much better. Nato told us 15 quit, fed up with corruption, a lack of supplies, or scared away by the taliban. Sue insurgents are still powerful in many parts of the country. In rural Helmand Province u. S. Marines told us there arent enough Afghan Army Soldiers to take over. In one case, when the afghans did take over this base in the east, the commander and his men deserted. The u. S. Army had to come back. Youre relying on us to do your security far you, yall need to be participating in this security. Reporter but much of the training has been put in jeopardy by the recent rise of insider attacks Afghan Soldiers turning their guns on their american partners. Major Matthew Kessler is a Logistics Advisor at camp leatherneck. How has it been here . You work with afghans everyday. Its a concern. Its frustrating for both sides. It makes the marines angry and it makes the afghans angry. Pelley Kelly Cobiella is at our cbs news bureau in kabul and, kelly, i wonder what nato is saying about what happens when u. S. Troops withdraw and the afghans are left to fend for themselves. Reporter well, nato is painting a very rosy picture on paper. They say afghan National Security forces are on track to take over security in this country. But theyre also taking very heavy casualties. More than 500 Afghan Soldiers and Police Killed or wounded every month. And whats more, were hearing from a governor in the east that al qaeda is already moving resources over the boarder from pakistan. He says theyre already trying ta take advantage of americans leaving. Pelley kelly, thank you. Youre going to hear a lot about china on the stage behind me and whether it is cheating on trade. We asked Bill Whitaker to tell us how the candidates differ and what the issue looks like among americans doing business in china. Reporter how many other companies do this . Reporter eric lees family runs this glass factory, exporting globes for light fixtures, mostly to the u. S. Enen it first opened 18 years ago, labor was cheap and abundant. Now he cant keep workers, even paying ten times more, about 800 a month. And that keeps going up . Yes. Every year i think 10 to 30 . Reporter youd never know china was facing its own economic p economic problems from the heated rhetoric on the American Campaign trail. Both candidates accuse china of stealing american jobs, of keeping its currency artificially low to boost exports. President obama says hell continue attacking unfair chinese trade practices on a casebycase basis. Governor romney says hell take a harder line and label china a currency manipulator, potentially triggering a trade war. In fact, like wages, the value of chinas currency has gone up about 8. 5 in the last two years, making chinese exports more expensive. Tso rising the expectations of chinese workers. People do not want to do these hard, tough jobs at the prices that the market is willing to pay for them. Reporter for more than 20 years, american businessman ben schwall has matched producers like the lees with buyers around the world. Is china cheating . If they are cheating, theyre not doing a very good job at it, because these jobs are now leaving china. Reporter going where labor is even cheaper, like vietnam and indonesia. Bill whitaker, cbs news, shenzhen. Pelley ohio may tip the balance on election night. As we mentioned, the president s lead there has shrunk to five points. His campaign is aimed at the working class middleincome voters that you find in ohio. Dean reynolds is there tonight with more on what our poll said about that critical state. Reporter steubenville highs big red football squad is a welcome distraction from jefferson countys 10. 6 unemployment rate. Many that cheered the teams 68 13 victory friday night once worked at the steel mills that powered the economy of eastern ohio. John gentile worked for 44 years in the Steel Industry before he was lucky enough to retire on his own. Obama i think in the last four years has helped the middleclass. Te things im hearing about romney im not sure. Theyre talking about he was c. E. O. For all these companies and they shut down. That scares me. Reporter in our poll, 60 of ohio voters said the president cared about their needs and problems. Only 45 felt that way about mitt romney. But the Romney Campaign is still in the game in jefferson county. In 2008, the president beat senator john mccain by just 76 votes out of nearly 36,000 cast here the narrowest margin of victory in ohio. I am a registered democrat but i have not voted for a democrat since bill clinton was in office. Reporter retired teacher Mary Alice Meyer is a widow who lives alone on her family farm. What do you think about president obama . Well, you know, lets look at his record. What has he done for us . Reporter what about qualities of leadership . I dont think obamas been much of a leader. I think hes been a very weak president. Reporter 64 of ohioans told us romney possesses strong leadership qualities. 58 said the president does. And what ohio voters think about this election is telling, scott, because the state is practically a microcosm of the nation as a whole with its urban, suburban, and rural populations as well as its mixture of industrial, agricultural, and service jobs and its history of hotly contested elections. Pelley dean, thank you. Cbs news live coverage of the final president ial debate moderated by Bob Schieffer begins tonight at 9 00 eastern time. In wisconsin, a court order could not stop a jealous husband bent on murder. And scientists are being sent to jail for failing to warn of an earthquake when the cbs evening news continues from boca raton. 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Among the dead his estranged wife. Heres michelle miller. Reporter a milwaukee judge granted zina haughtons request for a restraining order against her husband on thursday. In a handwritten plea she wrote Radcliffe Haughton threatened to burn her with gas and kill her h she called police. She wrote his threats terrorize my every waking moment. On the day haughton was granted that order, in a separate case a florida man shot his estranged girlfriend at this orlando area hair salon. The attack came just before he was to appear before a judge considering her request for protection. He shot four women before killing himself. The restraining order is a piece of paper. It is not a body of armor. Reporter Elaine Meyerson runs a shelter for abused women in new jersey. Its called shelter our sisters. You could have Law Enforcement on your side. You could have a piece of paper on your side. The bottom line is there are some people that cant be stopped, but we wouldnt want that to stop women from finding safety. Reporter more than 1. 2 million women are granted protection orders every year. 1,800 were murdered by current or former partners in 2010. Leaving is the most dangerous time for a victim of Domestic Violence. Reporter rene renick is with the National Network to end Domestic Violence. She says restraining order cans incite some abusive men because they feel like theyre losing control. Of women who have been killed by their intimate partner, only 4 of them ever had contact with a Domestic Violence program. Reporter scott, renick says women who fear for their safety must have an escape plan that does not necessarily rely on the courts. They should connect with an advocate, tell a friend, and find a secure place to stay. Pelley michelle, thank you. In italy today six scientists and a Government Official were convicted of manslaughter for failing to warn people of an earthquake that killed hundreds three years ago. They were sentenced to six years in prison. The convictions have alarmed scientists around the world but the victims families say justice was done. Lance armstrongs name is being edased from the record books. Thats next. You should know that axiron is here. The only underarm treatment for low t. Thats right, the one you apply to the underarm. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. 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Oralb Power Brushes oscillate, rotate and even pulsate to gently loosen and break up that sticky plaque with more brush movements than manual brushes and even up to 50 more than leading Sonic Technology brushes for a superior clean. Oralb Power Brushes. Go to oralb. Com for the latest offers. Heartburn symptoms causedelieve by acid reflux disease. Oralb Power Brushes. Osteoporosisrelated bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with nexium. Possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Other serious stomach conditions may still exist. Talk to your doctor about nexium. Pelley they made it official today lance armstrong, once believed to be among the greatest athletes of all time, was stripped of his titles dating back to 1998, including seven Tour De France wins. The head of the International Cycling union said armstrong deserves to be forgotten. This month the u. S. Antidoping Agency Issued 1,000 pages of evidence exposing armstrong as the leader of what u. S. A. D. A. Calls the most successful illegal doping program in the history of sports. There had long been a code of silence among armstrongs teammates but last year one of his lieutenants, tyler hamilton, spoke 60 minutes. He told us as a new rider for u. S. Postal he discovered doping gas systematic before and after armstrong joined the team. I remember seeing some of the stronger guys on the team getting handed these white lunch bags. So finally i started putting two and two together and, you know, basically there were doping products in the white lunch bags. Pelley hamilton told us orders for drugs were placed on cell phones that couldnt be traced. He remembered requesting a shipment of e. P. O. From armstrong. What was that conversation like . Back in the day we had code ngrds for certain things and most riders had secret had a second phone that was kind of secret. They didnt really share with anybody. Secret phone, secret code words. Skid them for some it was either poe or Edgar Allen Poe which was kind of that was the code name for e. P. O. Pelley the director of the Tour De France said armstrongs seven titles should not be awarded to another rider because doping was so prevalent during those years. The host of tonights debate, lynn university, has Strong Community Service Commitments and that led to a grave sacrifice in 2010. Today this memorial on campus recalls the four students and two faculty members who were killed in haiti. They were on a mission to feed earthquake victims when their hotel collapsed. When the memorial was dedicated this year, the students were awarded posthumous degrees. The debate is coming up shortly and well talk with Norah Odonnell and John Dickerson in just a moment. E shingles. It was like a red rash. . P . P like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. I had no idea it came from chickenpox. 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Well, scott, weve talked so much in this campaign about domestic issues and people care so much about jobs but the issues that will be debated tonight of National Security, a president makes those decisions that affect countries, that affect peoples lives. He does that in a single decision. And he does it alone. John kennedy 50 years ago this month with the cuban missile crisis went out on the truman balcony alone to make his final decision. George bush polled his advisors and sat alone to decide to go to war with iraq and barack obama did the same thing, alone, making his decision with Osama Bin Laden. So in addition to the specific things being discussed tonight, the details of policies, voters will get a chance to look at these men, see who has the temperament for the job and who can handle the weight of the office which, in the end, comes down on their head alone. Pelley norah, what are you looking for in the debate . Thats right. Foreign policy may not be at the top of voters minds it defines many presidencies. Certainly president obama is reelected he may spend most of his second term on Foreign Policy if he has a divided Congress Just as george w. Bush spent most of his second term on Foreign Policy. Tonight its a question of momentum also for mitt romney. Can he continue to close the gap in the polls and make a chink in the armor for president obama. President obamas one major strength in the polls has been his standing on National Security. But the questions over benghazi and libya have provided by an opening for mitt romney that his team says they want to take advantage of tonight, scott. Pelley thanks, norah and john. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Well be right back at 6 00 pacific time with live coverage of the final president ial debate. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley in boca raton, florida. Around the world, im scott pelley in boca raton, florida. 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