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captioning sponsored by cbs from cbs news world headquarters in new york, this is the "cbs evening news" with katie couric. >> couric: good evening, everyone. a dangerous storm is moving across the middle of the country tonight, a mix of thunderstorms and tornadoes blamed already for at least nine deaths. this powerful storm was produced by a collision of weather fronts and the result is destruction across much of the south. at one point today, tornado watches were up across eight states and as many as 30 twisters were spotted, including this one in jackson, mississippi. you can see flashes as the tornado rips down electric power lines. cbs news has reporters all across the region tonight, and we begin in arkansas. >> reporter: in bald knob, arkansas, about 60 miles northeast of little rock, one of the several places hit hard by overnight storms here, claiming the life of a six-year-old child as he slept inside his home behind me. authorities say that this massive oak tree was no match for high-velocity winds. you can see here the debris still there. you can see where it actually went through the house. now i'll bring you over here. the home has been deemed unsafe so i can't bring you all the way back there, but you can see all the debris still scattered there. this brings the death toll up to seven here in arkansas and the family hesitant to talk to media today given the situation. >> reporter: i'm in tushka, oklahoma, where only mounds of cinder blocks and rubble remain here at the tushka public school complex. seven buildings, including the elementary, middle and high schools, were flattened. >> multiple tornadoes! look! >> reporter: when as many as three twisters ripped through this town of about 400 at dinner time, buildings and homes along an estimated seven-mile path were left in sleds. at least two people are dead. >> the house was over there, now it's right here just unreal. i've never seen anything like this before. >> reporter: today homeowners picked up through the wreckage looking for anything to salvage. under a pile of debris, the eldridge family sighted a miracle, their pet dog-- aptly named miracle-- was found. lots of people looking for miracles in oklahoma tonight. at least 10,000 still r still without power. >> i'm randall pinkston in clinton, mississippi. behind me an 18-wheeler tossed by the winds like a toy earlier today. the driver somehow survived. >> stay on it. stay on it. >> reporter: earlier, storm chases captured these dramatic images of a tornado touching down west of jackson, one of the hardest-hit areas in the state. cars and trucks flipped over. businesses and homes ripped apart. downed trees knocking out power for thousands. residents heeded early warnings. >> they told us to take cover and i went in the bathroom here and shut the door and the roof fell on my head. >> reporter: so far, no one is reported killed. another driver traveling near here says her pickup truck was also lifted up. she said "my life flashed before my eyes." a storm to remember. >> couric: this weather system is moving east tonight, set to bring a weekend of potentially damaging storms up and down the coast and through the tennessee valley. don teague is in tennessee tonight. don, the weather has been especially violent this season. >> reporter: it's really been terrible katie, an active and violent spring tornado season, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes have caused, as we've seen, death and damage to property like this barn and this latest outbreak has been especially dangerous and widespread. meteorologists say the cause of today's tornado outbreak is cold, dry air pushing east from the midwest, colliding with warm, moist air from the gulf of mexico. the result? a moving line of dangerous storms. >> last year we got a slow start because the gulf of mexico was very cool. this year it's warm and more humid down there, and the humidity and the heat is just coming northward and that's what's causing all our tornadoes. >> reporter: spring through early summer is prime tornado season in the u.s. on average, april sees 163 tornadoes. but this april is only half over and we've already had nearly 160 tornadoes. >> this year it's so deadly because the tornadoes are developing in very populated areas. >> reporter: those in the path of tornadoes today usually have more warning than ever before. meteorologists can often find and track tornadoes by radar signatures alone, even at night when people in their paths can't see them. >> oh, man! >> reporter: still, the unpredictable nature of tornadoes will always put people and property at risk. don teague, cbs news, darden, tennessee. >> couric: now to politics. we got some new insight into how president obama sees the budget battle that just ended and the new one that's just getting under way. the president was speaking privately about the republican opposition, apparently unaware that one reporter-- our mark knoller-- was listening. chip reid has the story. >> hello, chicago! >> reporter: president obama was in his hometown thursday night for the first fund-raisers of his reelection campaign. at this restaurant, after reporters left the room, he told supporters about last week's bitter negotiations with republicans on the budget, unaware that the microphone was still on. >> reporter: back at the white house, mark knoller of cbs news was working late and recorded the president as he lashed out at republicans john boehner and mitch mcconnell for trying to include social issues like abortion in the budget. >> reporter: but he saved his harshest comments for paul ryan, author of the republican budget bill. >> reporter: white house officials say the president has no regrets about anything he said. as for republicans, they're dismissing the comments as campaign talk. katie? >> couric: chip reid at the white house tonight. chip, thank you. and by the way, congressman ryan will be bob schieffer's guest this sunday on "face the nation." ryan's controversial budget plan passed the republican-controlled house today. congressional correspondent nancy cordes has more on that. >> reporter: the yeas are 235 and the nays are 193. >> reporter: all but four house republicans voted yes on a budget plan the g.o.p. claims will rescue medicare. >> it's time we got serious. >> reporter: and democrats say destroys it. >> ends medicare. throws seniors to the wolves. >> reporter: the plan, devised by house budget chair paul ryan, would cap medicaid, slash domestic spending and convert medicare from government insurance into subsidies seniors could use to buy private coverage. it would also cut the tax rate for the wealthy from 35% to 25%. >> we save medicare, prevent its bankruptcy and what does the other side do? they sit by and watch the program go bankrupt. >> reporter: the nonpartisan congressional budget office determined that the g.o.p. proposal would leave the typical senior responsible for 68% of their own health insurance costs by the year 2030. >> if you make over a million dollars, you win the lottery. if you're a senior citizen, you lose your medicare. >> reporter: the rise of the tea party has forced both sides to confront a looming debt crisis. the nation already borrows 40 cents for every dollar it spends. >> at some point, credit markets will lose faith in the u.s. and we have seen this happen in other countries, in greece and ireland. >> reporter: but some republicans quietly worry their medicare plan leaves them vulnerable to the same kinds of ads they ran against democrats over health care reform. >> sestak voted to gut medicare. >> reporter: what's tough for republicans is they have to take a vote now on a politically risky medicare plan that's not likely to go anywhere, so they're stuck with all of the downside and none of the upside of being able to say, "hey, we improved the system." >> reporter: the plan has no democratic support, so the best both sides can hope for now is that a bipartisan gang of six senators working to solve the same problem can come up with something both sides can get behind. katie? >> couric: nancy cordes. thank you, nancy. in other political news, shortly after donald trump said he was thinking about running for president, he appeared on a very unpresidential and raunchy cable t.v. roast. then he drew a lot of attention by questioning whether president obama was born in the united states. so many are asking, is trump's flirtation with a presidential run about public policy or publicity? here's jan crawford. ♪ money, money, money... >> reporter: he's the big- talking billionaire who's talking more than ever. >> the united states is becoming the laughingstock of the world. >> reporter: donald trump is talking a lot about donald trump-- even his failed marriages. >> it's very difficult for a woman to be married to me because i work. i work all the time. >> reporter: and he's saying things most politicians don't. but that famous candor also can be a problem. >> is there a muslim problem in the world? >> absolutely. absolutely. i mean, i don't notice swedish people knocking down the world trade center. >> reporter: then there's his focus on president obama's citizenship. >> he hasn't proven... he hasn't shown his birth certificate. he shows a piece of paper that has nothing to do with the birth certificate. >> reporter: never mind that the president produced a certificate of live birth and it's a widely discredited issue, and one other republicans have all but discarded. >> facts and donald trump do not always coincide. and he doesn't need to. he's not a public official who has to be held to a higher standard. >> reporter: everything about donald trump is exaggerated. his reality t.v. shows. >> you're fired. >> reporter: the beauty queens. that hair. and his gold-plated real estate empire. now he's talking about the nation's most famous piece of real estate, and no one knows what to make of it. >> reporter: could all this be some sinister plot to split up the republican vote? >> reporter: but despite all the trump talk, odds are he won't actually run. if he gets in the race, trump will have to open up his financial records, something he might not want to do with his complicated financial past. whatever's driving him, a poll this week had him tied for first for the republican nomination. it's true, early polls are mainly about name recognition and everyone knows the name "trump." but there is a message behind trump's rise: voters aren't satisfied with what they're getting from the other candidates or from washington. jan crawford, cbs news, washington. >> couric: and still ahead here on the "cbs evening news", from the ruins of haiti to rural america, a family's new life one year after the quake. but up next, dangerous drug- resistant bacteria now being found in meat and poultry. complicated financial past. me neither. ike ? it's beneful incredibites. it's just the way you like it-- with carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. 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[ pneumatic wrench buzzing ] [ slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums >> couric: the search for perfect hair can be challenging, expensive, or worse. michelle miller reports two new studies say some treatments can cause hair to fall out while others can make you sick. >> reporter: at salons everywhere, women swear by brazilian keratins, treatments that deliver a drop-dead gorgeous 'do. why did you do it? >> because in this humid weather i turn into a chia pet. >> reporter: the sleek, smooth celebrity looks cost a few hundred... >> awesome. >> reporter: ...but last for months. >> i'm so excited! >> reporter: but some of the hair-smoothing products contain formaldehyde, a chemical the e.p.a. considers a carcinogen. this week osha, the occupational safety and health administration, recommended stylists stop using products with formaldehyde, which goes by a number of different names. stylists george allen patricio offers a gas mask to clients worried about the fumes. you don't have a problem using these products knowing they have formaldehyde in them? >> well, they say they're formaldehyde free and i believe them. >> reporter: but regulators found the toxin even in some products labeled formaldehyde free. the trio salon in chicago is now switching brands. osha's been in twice to measure formaldehyde levels in the store's air. >> most of these treatments contain a small amount of formaldehyde in there. it's important that osha find it safe. >> reporter: it's the second warning this week to women about the price of so-called perfect hair. a study by the cleveland clinic found that hair weaves that are too tight are a culprit in causing baldness and scarring in nearly 30% of african american women. when they come like this... >> i hand over the box of tissues and i talk to them about different wigs that they can get. >> reporter: it's done? >> it's done. >> wow, what do you have there? is that a bucket of relaxer? >> reporter: in the documentary "good hair," comedian chris rock put the $8 billion black beauty care industry under the microscope watching chemicals used in hair products dissolve metal. >> so that can's got a good perm. >> reporter: maybe the hottest new trend in hair care will be one that comes warning-free. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> couric: now, did you ever take a close look at lady liberty's hair? an eagle-eyed stamp collector did and that's how he new the lady on the new forever stamp is an imposter. different hair, different eyes, too, than the lady who graces new york harbor. it turns out the stamp was drawn from a photo of a statue of liberty replica at a casino in las vegas where lady liberty competes for attention with lady luck. there is only one bill geist. today the cbs news correspondent got his very own star on the hollywood walk of fame. there to congratulate him was a previous honoree, lassie. how bill was chose on the receive that star is quite a tale, and he'll tell it this weekend on "sunday morning." morning." 0 ways to enjoy pring. ♪ ♪ and they're the same price as the leading bag chips. 100 crisps... 100 ways. ♪ everything pops with pringles. ♪ you can turn ordinary chicken into luscious, delicious, and scrumptious. with recipes from, and campbell's cream of chicken soup. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at home improvement stores. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. miracle-gro results ever? spectacular plants without all the weeds. with miracle-gro shake 'n feed plus weed preventer. just a few shakes stops weeds before they start. plants grow twice as big. with almost no weeds. even in your vegetable garden. want three months of feeding, without all the weeding? ♪ all you need... is shake 'n feed plus weed preventer. e art of so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage. as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused. delicious gourmet delicious, satisfying tasteoue it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus it supports heart health. 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