Dropped off. This group has already been processed. Is it like this every morning . Every morning. Glor and, for the first time, we see a black hole. And as with all great discoveries, this is just the beginning. Glor good evening. Im jeff glor. And this is our western edition. Were going to begin tonight in north carolina, where part of Downtown Durham was leveled by a natural gas explosion. At least one person was killed; more than a dozen others hurt. The front of one building was blasted apart. Several others were damaged. Windows were shattered for blocks. Some described it as feeling like an earthquake. Errol barnett is in durham. Oh, my god. Reporter thick, black smoke and a roaring fire, visible for miles. Reporter while on the ground. Youre not safe right here. Its not safe. Reporter . Rescuers had to use a makeshift stretcher to get victims to ambulances. Others sat stunned and bloodied. The blast left at least one dead and 17 people injured, with six in critical condition. Police say at 9 30 this morning, there was a call reporting a gas leak. Reporter while firefighters were evacuating the area around this building, it exploded. Reporter Officials Say without the quick decision to evacuate, casualties could have been higher. Fire chief robert zoldos. I dont know how many people they evacuated and got out of the hazard zone prior to the explosion, but obviously they put their lives on the line to do it, and im sure there are people they saved because of it. Theres glass everywhere. Eporter mark braci llfromome. Wt a meetinat allym siing st outside the main window, at my desk. And the glass was everywhere. So i can only imagine what would have happened to me. Reporter city Officials Say there had been utility workers installing a Fiber Network around the city, but would not confirm who was operating in the area of the explosion. Our staff is still confirming whether or not there was an active permit in the area, and well release that when we have that information confirmed. Reporter now, while the investigation gets going, people here have to deal with the aftermath. Duke energy is telling folks downtown to expect intermittent power outages, while mark, who we spoke with, his wife and their 19yearold dog will spend the night in a hotel. Jeff, they have not been told when they can go home. Glor all right, some frightening pictures there, errol, thank you very much. The early blooms of spring are getting buried in parts of the central u. S. Six states are under blizzard warnings tonight. Some areas could get more than two feet of snow by the end of this week. Cars have been sliding off roads. The police shut down an interstate in south dakota. Adriana diaz is there. Reporter spring in south dakota turned winter white, clouding visibility and pushing 18 wheelers off the road. Blizzard warnings spanned six states, from minnesota to colorado, where crashes closed i70 in both directions near vail. The sand and salt being sprayed is salt in the wound for areas still recovering from last months flooding. Watertown, south dakota is in the storms bullseye, getting up to 24 inches, on top of the 56 thats already fallen this year. Thats nearly triple the norm. We joined Scotty Brinkman here while he was out treating the roads. He says this april storm is the biggest of the year. 50 degrees yesterday, and blizzarding today. Reporter when it was 50 degrees, did you ever think youd be out here in the truck in a blizzard . No. No. I didnt. I figured we were done. I really did. And when they said the snowstorm was coming, i was like, what . Reporter more than eight inches have already fallen here in watertown, south dakota, and the brunt of the storm doesnt hit until tomorrow. To keep people off dangerous roads, officials have closed the interstate. Thats what we took to get here. So most people, including us, are staying put for the night. Jeff . Glor and all bundled up. Adriana, thank you very much. Lonnie quinn of wcbstv in new qrk is here. Lonnie, this is a big storm reporter this could set a record for the biggest storm ever in the month of april. Lets take a peek at what weve got right now. We have snowflakes falling anywhere from wisconsin all the way to utah. Heres how the storm is going to progress. Put the future cast into motion, you get to thursday morning. You are getting pummeled with snow in south dakota and into nebraska, as well. Then, as you get into, say, thursday afternoon, you now have the snow in minneapolis, turning over to some sleet for you. And then by friday morning, youre still dealing with snow out there. Its not going to be until later friday that this will dissipate and start to move out. So, how much snow are we talking about . Well, you heard adriana say, way up around watertown, they could be picking up a foot and a half to two feet . You bet you. Thats all this area shaded in pink. Also portions of nebraska as well, that area in blue, thats a foot of snow or so. Thats a big storm. Watch this, though. Its not just about the snow. Wind alerts, jeff, stretch 1,600 miles, with gusts up to 60 mph are possible from nevada to kentucky. Severe weather tonight in nebraska; tomorrow its indiana and illinois. And a huge temperature swing. Look at this. Todays High Temperature at pratt, kansas, 88. Tomorrow morning, waking up to 35 degrees. So, look, is it going to be a record setter . It might be. We dont know for sure just yet. Glor as the storm moves on, theyre talking about downpours at the Masters Tournament on sunday, right, lonnie . This is going to be a problem for the weekend at augusta. Yeah, i dont think there is any escaping that. Its going to be a problem. Glor all right, lon, thanks very much. You bet. Glor the attorney general got plenty of attention today when he told congress he believes the government spied on the Trump Campaign in 2016. He wants to examine how the russia investigation began. Nancy cordes has more on this story. This was an illegal witch repter President Trumps bashing of the russia probe is nothing new. But he got some unexpected back up today from his new attorney general, william barr. Yes, i think spying did occur. Reporter barr told senators, hes looking into whether the u. S. Intelligence community inappropriately spied on the Trump Campaign, even as barr admitted he has no evidence of that. I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. Im saying that i am concerned about it and looking into it. Do you want to rephrase what youre doing . Reporter democrats called barr irresponsible and accused him of propping up a long debunked spying conspiracy to please donald trump. How very, very dismaying and disappointing, that the chief Law Enforcement officer of our country is going off the rails. He is the attorney general of the United States of america, not the attorney general of donald trump. Reporter the f. B. I. Did obtain a surveillance warrant in 2016 to monitor the communications of carter page, a Campaign Foreign policy adviser who had been courted by russian operatives in the past. The warrant was based in part on allegations contained in a dossier prepared by a british exspy who was doing research for the clinton campaign, making it a longtime flashpoint for republicans. Do you agree with me that every american should be concerned as to whether or not a warrant was obtained against an american citizen with unverified information . Tend,lutely. This is all an effort to undermine special counsel Robert Muellers report, which barr is due to release publicly next week. Tonight, the democratic leader, chuck schumer, is calling on barr to either retract his spying claim or produce some proof. Jeff . Glor nancy cordes, thank you very much. The pentagon has released the names of three marines who were killed by a bombing monday in afghanistan. Corporal Robert Hendriks of locust valley, new york, was 25 years old. Sergeant Benjamin Hines of york, pennsylvania, was 31. We told you about Staff Sergeant Christopher Slutman on our broadcast last night. Late today, the new secretary of homeland security, kevin mcaleenan, was sworn in by the outgoing secretary, kirstjen nielsen. Mcaleenan is now in charge of immigration enforcement. President trump flew to texas today and said he plans to spend more troops to the southern border after hearing complaints about the surge of migrants crossing into the u. S. Mireya villarreal traveled to brownsville, texas to see the border crisis firsthand. Buenos dias, bienvenidos. Reporter its just after 6 00 a. M. At the brownsville bus terminal, the latest batch of migrants have been dropped here by border agents, some with no place to go. They just have the clothes on their back. Reporter there are a lot of families here. Most show up with no food, money, or clothes. Sergio cordova is one of the volunteers who tries to help. There is water and juice and snacks. This has to get them through the day, for the next two days or three days. Reporter how long has it been like this . About two and a half weeks. Reporter its been a steady stream. Just last month, customs and Border Protection reported 92,000 people apprehended crossing illegally, the most in a decade. 8,900 of them were children. Its a crisis President Trump has painted in stark language to defend his hardline immigration stance. He did it again in san antonio today. Dangerous people are coming here, and the good people are dying. Reporter but brownsvilles mayor, tony martinez, says the president s continued threats to close the border, combined with the rising number of migrants, are grinding traffic and commerce practically to a standstill. Getting tougher is not the answer. The answer is sitting down and talking and saying, how do we alleviate why theyre coming here . Reporter with Detention Centers overcrowded, some of those released with nowhere to go end up in the care of people like jack white. There needs to be unity in the way in which we envision a strong refugee program. Reporter white runs a short term shelter for migrants who have already crossed the border. If people are concerned over this crisis, theyll have to own up to that. What were doing here is certainly a challenge, but will we handle more . Yes. If were asked, we will. Reporter the flood of Illegal Immigrants shows no sign of receding. Today, cameras captured another group waiting for border agents, who have nowhere to send them. Sources tell me the contractor that set up that tent city in tornillo was recently asked to set up shelters along the border to deal with this influx, but they have declined that offer. Jeff, we have also confirmed the military personnel that will be along the border will be helping with logistics, military, and medical personnel, and also with administrative duties. Glor mireya, seeing things firsthand in brownsville. Mireya, thanks very much. Scientists today showed off the first picture of a black hole. Albert einsteins theories predicted the existence of these mysterious bodies. Now, we have seen one. Heres mark strassmann. Reporter with this image, Science Fiction became fact. Its the first visual proof black holes exist, like this doughnutshaped behemoth rotating 55 million light years away. So youre basically looking at a supermassive black hole thats almost the size of our entire solar system. Yay reporter black hole hunters are ecstatic. The cosmos just gifted them their holy grail. Black holes are pure gravity the universes ultimate irresistible force. Beyond the holes boundary, the point of no return. Time ends. All matter and light disappear. Its a oneway ticket to oblivion. To know that these monsters exist, that is humbling. Reporter astrophysicist shep doeleman directed 200 scientists to build the Event Horizon telescope. Through ingenuity and working as part of a team, we were able to bring it to life. Reporter they coordinated eight radio telescopes in high, dry places around the world. That network created an earth sized virtual telescope, looking to bring the invisible into focus. Their massive data dump took two years to process. Its aweinspiring. The colors, the image, the moment. Absolutely. It is breathtaking. And when we saw this come into focus, our jaws dropped. Reporter this hole is a monster. Its mass weighs 6. 5 billion times that of our sun. The challenge of imaging an object so far from earth was compared to someone in washington, d. C. , reading the date on a quarter in los angeles an image thats instantly iconic. The earth rise over the moon, the first xray seeing the inside of a hand. These are the kind of things that make you realize that theres a world thats been inaccessible to us, that we can now see. Reporter there is also a black hole in the center of the milky way 26,000 light years from earth. This same team has been imaging that one. When will we get to see it, jeff . All theyll say is, stay tuned. Glor an amazing story, and just amazing science. Mark, thank you very much. Coming up next here on the cbs evening news, Congress Demands answers from Drug Companies over the growing cost of insulin. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by asking your Healthcare Provider about vraylar. 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When cravings hit, hit back. Choose glucerna, with slow release carbs to help manage blood sugar, and start making everyday progress. Glucerna. A great dishwasher needs a great detergent. So Ge Appliances tested finish on over 5000 dishes proving dish after sparking dish that its not just clean, its finished. Switch to finish quantum. Recommended by Ge Appliances. What sore muscles . What with advpounding head . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil. Glor drug industry executives face new questions today from congress over the rising cost of insulin. One study says its nearly doubled in the last five years, forcing some diabetics to ration the drug. Anna werner has more in our series, your money, your health. Congressman, no one should be rationing insulin. No one. And they do, every day. Reporter drug manufacturers and pharmacy reps were grilled today about the skyrocketing price of insulin, that has led some patients to ration the lifesaving drug. Ive been here for a couple of minutes and, how frustrating it is to be on this side of the dais, and watch every one of you do this. Reporter some studies say the underuse of insulin could affect nearly 40 Million People with diabetes by 2030. Nobody cared or nobody understood that without this next vial of insulin, i wouldnt live to see another week. Reporter 28yearold Kristen Whitney daniels started rationing her insulin after she was kicked off her parents Insurance Plan two years ago. I cant really explain how isolating and how terrifying it is. Reporter shes now a patient at the yale diabetes center, where a recent jama study found one in four patients reported costrelated underuse. This is a wakeup call for us as a country. Reporter dr. Kasia lipska treats patients, including daniels, at the clinic, and was the studys lead author. She testified on capitol hill last week. This vial of insulin cost just 21 when it first came on the market in 1996. It now costs 275. Reporter some drugmakers are already reacting to the outrage. Today, sanofi announced it will cut the price of insulin for uninsured patients and those who pay cash to 99 a month, but that doesnt eliminate advocates concerns. People are dying from lack of access to a drug thats been around for almost a century. I think its unconscionable. Reporter insulin manufacturers told us today that they have taken steps to address prices, including offering free medication to people who qualify. Jeff . Glor a wakeup call is right. Anna, thank you very much. Still ahead here tonight, we remember the man whose quiz show scandal inspired a hollywood movie. Its not small. But its not just big either. Its the kind of big where youll never have to ask, should i scooch up . 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Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. All planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. Learn all you can. To help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. To learn more about cost and how janssen can help, visit xarelto. Com. How janssen can help, thanksmrs. Murphy. Unitedhealthcare, hi, i need help getting an appointment with my podiatrist. Hows wednesday at 2 . I cant. Dog agility. Tuesday at 11 . Nope. Robot cage match. How about the 28th at 3 . Done. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare advantage plans, including the only plans with the aarp name, theres so much to take advantage of. From scheduling appointments to finding specialists, its easier to get the care you need when you need it. Glor Charles Van Doren has died. He was at the center of an infamous quiz show scandal in the 1950s. Van doren had the looks, and lineage the son of a pulitzer prizewinning poet and novelist. And you win 20,000. Congratulations. Glor he earned instant fame and nearly 130,000 on a 14week winning streak on the prime time quiz show twenty one. Good night to Charles Van Doren, everyone. Glor rumors that the show was rigged led to a congressional investigation, which led to van dorens confession that he was given answers in advance. I was involved. Deeply involved, in a deception. Glor in 1994, van doren was played by Ralph Fiennes in the oscarnominated movie quiz show. He went on to work for Encyclopedia Britannica and write books. Charles van doren died in connecticut yesterday at the age of 93. Glor up next here tonight, he tried to steal. The owner tried to heal. E. U to finish her senior year. Things will be tight but, we can make this work. Now. Grandpa, what about your dream car . This is my dream now. Principal we can help you plan for that. 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Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Glor our final story begins with a robbery. It did not end the way you might think. Heres dean reynolds. Reporter on saturday night at this 7eleven in toledo, store owner jay singh spotted someone who made him suspicious. You can see hes turning here, putting something in his pocket. And i see him when he comes back, that his hands are empty. Reporter singh told an employee to call 911, and then he confronted the customer. He said, ill put it back. I said, no, no, no. Put everything on the counter. I want to see what all the things you have in your pocket. Reporter and he wanted him to answer a simple question why are you doing it . He said, im hungry. Im stealing it for myself and my younger brother. I said, you need food, ill give you food. Thats not a problem. Reporter and so he did, filling a bag of food for free and waving off the 911 call. If the police had shown up, you could have pressed charges. Absolutely. Reporter why didnt you . Theres no point in doing that, because hes a young kid. That will go on his record, that he was a thief. He cannot do anything in his life. He cannot get a good job. He will not this is not good, to solve his hunger problem. Reporter across the counter, Cedric Bishop was a witness. I just thought it was, you know, real amazing. Reporter so you went home and did what . Posted on facebook. There are over 1,000 shares. It brought tears to my eyes, honestly. Reporter we asked singh, who moved to this country in 2007, why he did what he did . Its basically our indian culture, that if you give food to a hungry person, thats considered a, like. God will bless you for that. Reporter amen. Dean reynolds, cbs news, toledo. Glor wow. That is the cbs evening news for tonight. Im jeff glor. We will see you tomorrow. Have a great night. A real tornado. At seven, a frequent event sense of debris for lying, one bay area teen captures and objects you might i pulled out my phone because the skateboard started flying. Plus, a geyser in the east basin the water everywhere including onto a home for what caused it . Residents are furious over five g, the meeting underway right now. We dont need these small cells and every few homes in our community took a call for new answers and a price tag. A 13 billion price tag placed on the bay area homelessness crisis. The new

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