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This is the cbs evening news with jeff glor. Glor and this is our western edition. Good evening. It is looking more like the president will get his christmas wish, a tax cut bill. Republican leaders today rolled out the final version of their plan. They expect the house to vote on tuesday followed by the senate. Key g. O. P. Holdouts fell in line today, and nancy cordes is on capitol hill. We have delivered for the american people. Reporter the bill republicans filed tonight reflects months of haggling and g cades of g. O. P. Yearning for deep tax cuts. The final plan retains seven personal tax brackets, though the rates would drop for almost everyone. A family making 75,000 a year would see its marginal rate go from 15 to 12 . With so much at stake, the bills authors were tightlipped until the very end on what was in and what was out. What has happened to the Child Tax Credit . Im not going to comment on the content of the bill. Reporter Republican Leaders made an 11thhour change to secure the support of two g. O. P. Senators. They boosted the refundable portion of a new supersized Child Tax Credit to 1,400, meaning lowincome parents pocket that cash, even if they dont owe taxes. Another holdout, tennessees bob corker, set aside his concerns about the bills cost calling it a onceinageneration opportunity to make u. S. Businesses more product and i have competitive. The bill slashes the Corporate Tax rate permanently from 35 to 21 . Most of the personal tax cuts would expire in 2025. I do predict both the house and senate will approve this tax reform bill. Hey, guys, how are you . Reporter but its still unclear whether two ailing g. O. P. Senators will be able to return for next weeks vote. Can you pass this bill without john mccain . Well, i i dont want to go there because i think john mccain will be here. Reporter if this passes, it will secure two other big g. O. P. Priorities as well repealing obamacares individual insurance mandate, and opening up parts of alaskas wildlife refuge to oil drilling. And there may be more tucked into the 500page bill which lawmakers will now have a single weekend to read. Jeff. Glor nancy cordes, thank you very much. Jill schlesinger is our cbs News Business analyst. Jill, good to see you. Which part of this bill affects the most people . I think its the near doubling of the standard deduction, 12,000 as a single, 24,000 married filing jointly. This essentially is going to mean that about 85 of taxpayers are going to be able to claim this deduction, makes filing much easier. Right now 70 claim it. Glor what about home owners here . This is interesting because we had a lot of wrangling about state and local taxes. So under this combined plan, whats going to happen is state and local taxes are going to be treated to a little bit of a mishmash. You can deduct up to 10,000 of state, local, property, or sales tax you get to decide how. Now on the mortgage interest, this is a big change as well. The house plan had 500. The senate plan had 1 million. Now you will be able to deduct mortgage interest up to 750,000, and thats the new level, and it applies to both your first as well as a second home. Glor yearend now what will people be doing to try to accommodate this . So this is going to be a real yearend scramble. One idea would be if youre going to lose some of those state and local tax or property deductions, you may want to prepay them. Now, the problem with that is if you do that, it could change some of your tax filing for this year. Some people may want to accelerate their charitable contributions, again, if theyre going to lose them next year. Best advice, though, you should really consult with a tax professional. Some of the moves you may make you might outsmart yourself for last year could hurt you this year. Glor and as nancy notes, people still reading through all of this to understand all of the details. We will be as well. Jill, thank you very much. President trump lashed out today at the f. B. I. Whose former director he fired and whose agents are investigating the trump campaign. Heres julianna goldman. Well, its a shame whats happened with the f. B. I. Reporter moments before departing for an event at the f. B. I. Training academy, President Trump lashed out again at the bureau whose reputation he had said is in tatters. The level of anger at what theyve been witnessing with respect to the f. B. I. Is certainly very sad. Reporter mr. Trump seized on this weeks revelation that an f. B. I. Agent involved in the russia investigation sent Text Messages disparaging then candidate trump. That agent was fired by special counsel robert mueller. Despite the president s harsh criticism, today attorney general Jeff Sessions praised the f. B. I. I dont share the view that the f. B. I. Is not functioning at a high level. Reporter it was sessions recusal from the russia investigation that led to the appointment of the special counsel. The president said the russia probe is a democratic hoax and an excuse for Hillary Clintons loss. There is absolutely no collusion. Reporter he also opened the door to a pardon for his former National Security adviser who earlier this month pled guilty to lying to the f. B. I. About his russia contacts. I dont want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet. Well see what happens. Reporter but ty cobb, an attorney for the president , quickly said there is no consideration of a pardon. Today, the top democrat on the House Committee investigating russias interference in the election said hes concerned that republicans are heeding President Trumps call to shut down their investigation. He said that republicans havent scheduled any witnesses after next friday. Jeff. Glor julianna, thank you very much. One of the president s nominees for federal judge became an internet star today for the wrong reasons. At his confirmation hearing yesterday, Matthew Petersen struggled to answer basic questions about legal procedures. This is petersen being questioned about his experience by republican john kennedy of louisiana. Have you ever tried a jury trial . I have not. Civil . No. Criminal . No. Bench . No. State or federal court . I have not. Okay. Have you ever taken a deposition . Glor the senate has not yet voted on petersens nomination. The white house did withdraw support from two other nominees for lack of experience. Fighting wars may soon change forever. David martin got to see a military helicopter that doesnt need a pilot in the cockpit or on the ground. Reporter the huey helicopter has been around since vietnam, but this one could be the start of a revolution. Its flying itself. That pilot in the cockpit is just a safety observer, keeping oss hands close to but not on the controls. The person telling the helo what to do is marine sergeant dionte jones. If the helo comes in, requests permission to land, i would give it permission to land. When its ready to leave or unload all the stuff that i need, it will ask me permission to leave. I give it permission to leave. And its really just that simple. Reporter Sergeant Jones is not flying the helo. He has no joystick to pilot it by remote control, just a tablet to issue basic instructions, no Prior Experience required. 15 minutes of training with the tablet, anybody can pick it up. Its real easy. Reporter the office of naval research, which developed the technology, says its placing a large bet that autonomous aircraft can take the place of humans. This is the flight computer that turns this helicopter into a selfflying aircraft. It took five years and 98 million to develop, and it can be installed on any helicopter. That pod on the nose is constantly scanning for obstacles, warning the computer of hardtosee hazards, like power lines. The initial concept is to use selfflying helos to deliver supplies to marines in the field, freeing up pilots for other missions. This vietnamera huey will fly into the future when it starts training with marines in california this spring. David martin, cbs news, quantico, virginia. Glor in baltimore today, a helicopter crew for cbs station wjz captured the dramatic end to a police chase. The driver of this gray car fired at least five shots as he swerved through the city. Two people shot at random survived. The gunman finally was stopped and tackled. Police found a pistol and a rifle in the car. The suspect was wanted for two other shootings. Ten days before christmas, many retailers tried to lure shoppers today with free shipping. Estimated deliveries this Holiday Season will top 1 billion packages. Heres michelle miller. Reporter tis the season to be shopping. Thank you so much. Reporter and shipping. At lilac chocolate in brooklyn, where more than 20 of their sales will be shipped for the holidays. Coowner anthony cirone. Getting the gift there on time is super important. They just cant be late, so we really rely on the carriers to deliver, you know, when they promise they will. Reporter this year, christmas lands on a monday, giving retailers one less day to get gifts delivered on time. U. P. S. , fedex, and the u. S. Postal service are working on overdrive to collectively deliver more than 60 million packages a day, even weekends, a 50 increase over normal volume. D. H. L. Hired 6,000 additional workers to keep up with demand on this years shipping orders. They climbed up 26 over last year. Jeff ivory is Vice President of sales. Are you seeing any glitches in your Delivery System . One of the challenges we always have is are people going to actually be home when we go for delivery side of things . Certainly weve coped with the volume in terms of putting on more flights and making sure we have the appropriate amount of Seasonal Workers for delivery. Reporter its been nonstop for shipping companies this Holiday Season. Ecommerce orders have exploded. Today will only add to that craze as Many Companies are offering free shipping. Phoenix groups chief economist max wolff says shipping companies are struggling to keep up with online growth. The sheer volumes are so high, and if youre growing your ecommerce 30 , 40 , year over year, are you growing your trucks and drivers 30 year over year . The answer is no. Reporter the surge in Holiday Shipping has caused some delays. Companies will deliver packages right up to christmas eve, some even allowing customers to pick up their presents, jeff, on christmas day. Glor that might be helpful for a lot of us. Reporter im sure it will be. Glor michelle miller, thank you very much. 60 minutes and the Washington Post have a followup on their investigation of the Opioid Crisis which is killing nearly 100 people a day. A retired d. E. A. Agentturned whistleblower said the government was too lenient when it reached a settlement with a settlement with a major drug distributor accused of ignoring opioid shipments. He will tell his story sunday on 60 minutes. Now a look at some of the other stories we are following in this evenings newsfeed. Doctors without borders says nearly 7,000 Rohingya Muslims were slaughtered in one month by Security Forces in myanmar, also known as burma. Hundreds of thousands have fled what the u. N. Calls ethnic ethnic cleansing in the mostly buddhist country. Proctor gamble and kelloggs have ended their sponsorship of u. S. A. Gymnastics following a Sexual Assault scandal. Larry nassar, the former team doctor, pleaded guilty to abusing young girls. At least three olympians are among his accusers. It is flu season, and the c. D. C. Reported today it is widespread in 12 states now. Hardest hit are texas, louisiana, mississippi, and and there is much more ahead on tonights cbs evening news. Were not doing a good job in regulating radiation from these devices. In fact, were doing an abysmal job. Glor the date is set. It is the date of the f. A. Cup final. Reporter beaumont, texas was devastated by hurricane harvey, which is why secret santa made this. Hi, santa reporter . His first stop. Oh, my god god oh, my got god and we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum a trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home. With Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. Neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 . A 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Glor a recent study found 95 of americans use cell phones. Now california has put out groundbreaking guidelines to limit exposure to cell phone radiation. John blackstone has more on this. Reporter california Officials Say the warning about keeping a cell phone pressed up against your ear was issued largely because radio frequency emissions could be damaging, particularly to children. Now children, on average, are starting at the age of 10, and using cell phones for a lot of activities. Reporter Californias Department of Public Health recommends using the speaker phone or headphones, sleeping at least an arms length away from it, and avoiding keeping it in your pocket. The move comes after a three yearlong legal battle by Joel Moskowitz who forced the state to release a longsecret study of cell phone risk. Certainly there are those who say, this is going to cause panic. People are not going to give up these devices. Thats not what were seeking. What were seeking is that people take the appropriate cautions and reduce their risk substantially. Reporter californias warning says that while the science is still evolving, some studies suggest a link between high cell phone use and brain cancer, lower sperm count, and headaches. This is just like the history of tobacco. Now, unlike cigarettes, cell phones are actually useful for something. Reporter professor stan glantz uncovered longsecret Tobacco Company research that revealed the dangers of smoking. Hes watching the science on cell phones. The case is by no means closed yet, but theres certainly enough evidence to be concerned, to the point that i dont usually carry a cell phone. Reporter california is not alone in this warning. The food and Drug Administration says on its website the risk is probably very small, but suggests using speaker mode or a headset. And apple includes a warning of sorts on all iphones, but its not easy to find. You have to go to settings, general, about down to the bottom here to legal, then to r. F. Exposure where finally apple suggests using headphones or speaker phone to reduce radio frequency emissions in phones. Jeff. Glor john blackstone, thank you very much. Coming up, the word of the year. Glor coming up, the word of the year. Time for medicare, huh. I have no idea how were going to get through this. Follow me. Choosing a plan can be supercomplicated. But it doesnt have to be. Unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. Including the only plans with the aarp name. Well that wasnt so bad at all. Thats how we like it. Aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. As soon as i became a parent i changed as a person, drastically. I tried hard to quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Can you say thanks nicoderm cq . Every great why needs a great how. People are fighting type 2 diabetes. With fitness. Food. And the pill that starts with f. Farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Lowering a1c by up to 1. 2 points. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. If you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. Ask your doctor about the pill that starts with f and visit farxiga. Com for savings. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. door opening glor you will not hear that anymore. After 20 years the door closed today on a. O. L. Instant messenger. It was the first social medium for kids who grew up in the 90s, 90s, the first place they wrote o. M. G. Or l. O. L. Smartphones doomed the service which once had 36 million users. Now, there is nothing left to say but. Goodbye. Glor oxford dictionaries revealed the word of the year today. It is youthquake, a significant change arising from the actions or influence of young people. Maybe our favorite runner up milkshakeduck a person or thing that inspires delight on social media, until its revealed to have a repugnant past. You can circle saturday, may 19, on your calendar. That is when prince harry and Meghan Markle will be married at windsor castle. The date does present a conflict for harrys brother. It is the same day as the f. A. Cup final, the premier match in british soccer, and Prince William is the f. A. President. Up next here, Steve Hartman lets you in on a secret. Glor finally tonight, no one glor finally tonight, no one needs a Little Christmas more than the people of the texas gulf coast who lost so much in hurricane harvey. Fortunately, there is a santa claus. Steve hartman met him on the road. Reporter joann petty isnt exactly in the christmas spirit, and who can blame her. These are my christmas dishes. Reporter four months after harvey flooded beaumont, texas, joann and hundreds like her are still living in these conditions virtually homeless for the holidays. Which is why the man in red made beaumont his first stop this year. Im secret santa. Hi, santa you got hit hard, didnt you . Yeah. Reporter joann says she lost everything, couldnt even afford to buy her grandkids christmas presents, until now. Thats a secret santa 100 bill. And heres another one. Reporter he gave her 300 total, not much in the scheme of things, but plenty to restore some hope. God is with you. Reporter and thats what this anonymous businessman does every year with his own money. For real . Reporter travels the country giving out about 100,000 worth of 100 bills to random strangers. Thank you. Reporter but this year was a little different. This year he had a secondary motive, to call attention to the Beaumont Police department for their extraordinary sacrifice. Well, we had two feet inside the house. Reporter half the officers in the department had their homes damaged, too, and yet, like Sergeant Rick boaz here, virtually all of them showed up for work the next day. But you literally did not have the shirt on your back. No, sir. Reporter did you do it because you felt like you had to . No, because i felt like i needed to. I want the officers to know that their heroism, their sacrifice, is not unrecognized. So as a thank you, some of the most affected got several hundred dollars each, not to buy what they want, but for a greater joy oh, my god reporter . To give it all way. Thank you so much reporter Tiffany Patillo said shes had a few runins with the law before, but none quite like this. Oh, lord jesus reporter and for the officers turning those tables. No reporter . Breaking down those barriers, sharing these moments of catharsis. I know its stressful. Reporter after the year theyve had, this was just what everyone needed. Beaumont will now celebrate christmas with a fresh start, based on renewed trust and overwhelming kindness, thanks to americas secret santa. Steve hartman on the road in beaumont, texas. Glor how great is that . And that is the cbs evening news tonight. Im jeff glor. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org ioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh y ccess. Wgbh. Org captioned by only on 5. New talk of a workaround plan that could save yo kpix5 news begins with california fighting back at the republican tax bill. Only on 5 new talk of a work around plan that could save you money. The gop bill is set and they have the votes. Were now seeing the final version of the tax plan that could land on the president s desk next week. Here are some highlights. The Corporate Tax rate will decrease from 35 to 21 . Homeowners with new the standard deduction will increase to 12,000 for individuals, 24,000 for couples. Homeowners with new mortgages can only deduct interest on the first 750,000. The Child Tax Credit will increase from 1,000 to 2,000. The individual healthcare mandate is eliminated. Not to mention a strict limit on state and local Tax Deductions that will hit some californians hard. Kpix5 political reporter melissa caen found out are lawmakers looking at some maneuvers to actually try to soften that blow. Under the final gop deal californians can say goodbye to that unlimited state and local tax deduction, but the chairman of the Assembly Budget Committee Told kpix5 california is not going to take this lying down. We think the tax plan is a tax scam. If the gop tax bill becomes law, starting next year californians will only be able to deduct a together of 10,000 for both state property taxes and income taxes. In the bay area 39 of tax filings use these deductions and the average amount is well above that 10,000 cap. Its actually 24,000. This is according to the Government Finance officers association. Theyre taking away our state income tax deduction. So californians, whether you are the wealthiest or the poorest californian, you are going to be really hurt. As the chairman of the Assembly Budget committee, phil ting is ready to act. Were going in january. Well make it back in session

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