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>> it makes everyone suspect. >> people criticize it and sometimes rightfully because you would love to be able to negotiate every detail in the public square but that has to be balanced with the reality of trying to get something done. >> the reality, at least according to the senate president, of trying to get something done, is that if you aired everything in this and got the public unions up here and had them have their say, and work the legislators, there's a chance it would not get enough votes so what they're trying to do is pull out of committee tomorrow and runs through the legislature between now and friday so that everyone has a chance to say " yes " to it but no one really has a chance to block get. >> i was just thinking about the unions, they have not weighed in publicly? or had a chance to do so? >> they have had hearings on this, but i was speaking with the union people today and they say that it they're not happy at all and what really has them is that it is democrats that are usually the biggest union supporters and the one the union support, that are turning on them on this and going for pension reform. but as lawmakers tell us, they do not have a choice because the public wants a change and if there's any hope for them to get the tax is passed on the ballot in november, they have to have pension reform, and real pension reform or they figure voters will just a note to everyone. >> thank you so much. >> the man selected as the next archbishop of san francisco apologizes tonight. the bishop elect was arrested for d u i over the weekend, mike sugerman is here with why his mother is saying that she is partially to blame. >> you are right, and happened late this afternoon, the bishops said that he drank too much and drove. he was at a party with some friends, and his mother, and things, he drank too much and got in a car. >> i am humbled by the confidence that pope benedict the 16th has placed in me ... >> is he made news last month when you went from being bishop of oakland to the next archbishop of san francisco's archdioceses, unfortunately he has made news again. >> he was very embarrassed and sorry, i can filling his glass, i did not want to seem like a posse mother, i should have told them that he was drinking too much wine. >> his mother was with him when he was arrested over the weekend in the college district of san diego, driving under the influence of alcohol, pulled over after midnight saturday and released from jail before noon that same day. >> it just shows me that he is a human might call us. >> in a statement he says " i apologize for my error in judgment and feel ashamed for the disgraced ever on the church and myself, i will repay my debt to society and ask for forgiveness for my family and my friends and co-workers at the diocese of oakland and the archdiocese of san francisco, i agree that god in his wisdom will bring some good out of this ". >> no one is perfect. and so, we all have a lot of house cleaning to do. >> he is considered a hard-liner and same-sex marriage calling it bad for children and he is against the death penalty and in favor of the november ballot measure to to make it tougher for teenagers to get an abortion. he is supposed to take over as head of the entire diocese in october, might this stop that? what is the churches' stance here? >> yes, give him another chance. >> it is not up to the people of bay area orchards parishioners, the decision rests with the vatican. and he is supposed to take office of the archdiocese, he in october. there is precedent, speaking to some religious scholars, of the vatican changing their mind, but it is now just a matter of time. >> let's see what happens, thank you. our radio partner spoke to him last week before word of his arrest broke, you can listen to that in-depth interview on cbs sf .com. >> a manhunt for two suspected robbers in the south they forced several schools into lockdown. police say that armed robbers hit up wells fargo in san jose a few hours ago and took off. police caught up with the suspects, recovered bonds and cash. the lockdown for six schools has been lifted since then and fortunately no one was hurt. officers were able to catch robbery suspects thanks to what they stole. fees-the woman smart-phone this morning. police tracked the gps signal as it went across the city, first at the balboa park bart station, but the chase ended on eighth avenue. >> called the case of a phone that refuse to be lost. after two robbers stole a cellphone and got away, the gps kept putting out signals, and with the help of special software subscribed to by the victim, police were able to track them to 3 1/2 miles from where it was stolen. >> he turned to the officer, with his hands concealed. >> a police spokesperson said one of the suspected robbers made a sudden move so officer opened fire. >> i heard someone shouting " stop right there ". and then it escalated to " stop or i'll fire ". then i heard a shot .. >> the shot missed and the officer was injured in the chase. police surrounded the neighborhood. as anxious parents drop off their kids, they learned that simple elementary school was on lockdown and the suspect got away again. >> that is disturbing. >> fortunately for police the phones gps giving a signal and attracted to 4 mi. away in the inner sunset district. officers found two men in a car, one in the front and the other hiding in the trunk. they found reason to believe they might be professional thieves. >> officers were able to locate the victims cellphone and also found a number of other cell phones. >> how many other telephones? police will not say but they do say that it will be charged with a felony and if the other from turn out to be stolen they could see serious prison time. >> other bay area headlines, tonight there will be a prayer vigil in san jose for families of reason murder victims, it happens a 7:00 p.m. outside of the city hall rotunda, the police chief will be among the speakers, san jose has had 33 homicides so far this year compared with 28 at this point last year. investigators and hazardous material crews called to a san mateo hotel after a woman was found dead in a room this afternoon. nearby rooms at the hilton garden inn were evacuated because of a possible chemical exposure. right now there is no danger of exposure to the public and the cause of death has not yet been determined. baggage screeners at sfo say the private company that they have worked for is skirting the rules, employees of aviation security tell the examiner that dozens of bags are mishandled every day. they say that luggage identified by x-ray machines as high risk and not on their plans without manual inspections. the workers say the company's emphasis is on speed instead of safety. the federal tsa is investigating. >> if you noticed a helicopter flying low to the ground, don't panic, the chopper is doing official government research. ann noterangelo has details on what this has to do with radiation levels around the bay area. >> people talk about being concerned about radiation and usually they refer to the man- made kind. rarely do we think that radiation also occurs naturally. >> it has always been here and always will be here. it surrounds us all the time. >> we don't think about it but there are natural radioactive elements in soil and rocks and vegetation and water. it is everywhere. this week the department of homeland security and the national nuclear security administration are covering nearly 70 mi. throughout san fransisco, pacific, an oakland, looking for radiation. >> we're looking at natural background radiation naturally occurring from the ground in from the air. we're measuring those background levels. >> is specially designed helicopter flies low to the ground and hovers only 300 ft. up, and in a methodical pattern it gathers data about energy. >> we have detectors mounted on the outside, and we simply count the gamma rays coming off of naturally occurring radiation. that number tells us how much there is. >> factored into the new data may also be radiation detected on beaches from the 2011 fukushima japan nuclear disaster. but the primary goal of this survey is to find out where we stand now, so that in the future if there's a natural or man-made disaster, scientists could quickly compare radiation levels. >> in the event there was ever a problem like what happened in japan, we could go back and determine the amount radiation release that had occurred. >> helicopter scanning will take place during the day along the oakley/berkeley border, and treasurerand treasure island. >> there's a lot of typography and duration in building types and ground cover, that is why the region was chosen for this survey. >> they survey the city of baltimore in may and chose to come to the bay area this time of year because of fairly predictable good weather. >> you know, i guess that i should be covered in all this but i am thinking what they find an unusually high level, what can i do? >> there's nothing that the average person can do right now but what it will do is collect all of this data and send it to scientists in washington, they hash it out and hopefully tell us what they found. >> they will get back to us? >> we will wait for their call. >> republicans kicked off their national convention in tampa florida today. >> it is my privilege to proclaim the 2012 republican national convention, in session, and call to order. >> than a minute later the convention broke for recess for the day, tropical storm isaacs' forced officials to postpone the activities even though the storm will miss the area. and although it was quiet on the floor of the convention today, one big-name republican was throwing some punches, political reporter grace lee is here with the details. >> republicans picked chris christie to deliver the convention keynote speech tomorrow night but he was already firing up republicans today including members of the california delegation. he is not known for being shy about his opinions and he took aim at california gov. jerry brown, he called him a retread implying that he is old and ineffective, the new jersey governor did offer of two california republicans by saying that he is living proof that a conservative republican can successfully govern in a blue state. but he did say the sharpest critics for the california governor. >> and now i need to sit at the national governors' association with this guy and have him come up to me and say " stop telling people that i want to raise taxes ". i'm not trying to raise taxes ". and i said " yes you are, jerry ". and he said that it wasn't, he would put on the ballot and let the people decide. that is leadership, isn't it? >> so in a glance we have a line of the speakers for the convention, chris christie giving his address tomorrow night with mitt romney's weiss, vice presidential candidate paul line will address the crowd wednesday and mitt romney will speak thursday night and you can bet that the convention organizers keep a close eye on the tropical storm, they lost one of the convention and they're hoping to stay on schedule for the rest of the week. priestly, cbs 5. >> stay with us for continuing coverage of the republican convention, a live report from tampa in 20 minutes. >> still ahead, hundreds of earthquakes rattled southern california and they're expected to keep coming. >> they did not win the whole thing but there is a triumphant return for the petaluma little league team, they rode home from the airport and style. >> they're calling it " oakland loves its sports teams " week., >> a movement to support civic pride and economic development in oakland is being wrapped in team spirit. kristin harris is live with the latest on the effort to save owen's professional sports teams. >> today it talks are ongoing about keeping the oakland raiders and the a's in oakland. the mayor kicked off " oakland loved its sports teams " week. it starts september 10th and it seems like a way for fans to try and convince teams to stay in oakland. >> from the sound of it, it could have been an oakland a's game. but this was a city hall rally with one mission. >> keeping all three teams in oakland, the a's, the raiders, and the golden state warriors. >> a tall order for a city that watched the team planning to move to san fransisco in five years. >> the a's are in limbo as well as exploring a move to san jose that could deal a crushing blow to the city, the mayor wants to teams with plans to expand the coliseum. >> we're still actively talking and i'm optimistic. >> for all the chanting and cheerleading. that this was not exactly a sellout crowd. >> hopefully we will get a few more people to sneak out of work. >> the same problem plaguing the oakland a's until recently, and the stands and the perception that east bay fans don't care about this team. the president of the grass-roots group " save open sports " blames the a's management. >> have consistently said that they don't want to be here anymore and that has run the fan base. >> deal was state warriors played to sellout crowds for years before announcing the move to sever cisco, a move that the all the mayor is still hopeful will collapse. despite the fact that the project reportedly just hired an architect. >> to me, personally it is just talk. >> that is keeping the diehard fans hoping for a miracle. >> i don't want my team to go. >> keep them here baby. >> they are no water talking to the warriors, pushing courage is the oakland a's and the raiders fans to fall out in full force. she wants them to sell out both of the stadiums. we'll see if that happens >> a thrill ride through the little league world series earned the petaluma national team to a rousing welcome home, greeted by a stretch limousine at sfo, and a nice police escort through san fransisco and orange county and up into sonoma county. the city of petaluma and rolled out the red carpet for the third best team in the entire world. john ramos was there for the homecoming. >> petaluma! >> i do not know if you are aware of this of the town of petaluma has been excited lately. but today it was really off the hook. the boys of summer were coming home. as the team advanced to the national finals at the little league world series, this whole town got to live a dream and when they came from 10 runs down to tie the game in the last inning, some here say that they carved out a piece of baseball immortality. >> in 10 years if anyone asks who won the world series, they will not remember japan, they will remember the team that came from 10 yds behind. >> we could not move 10 ft. in an hour because everyone wanted a picture or an autograph. >> you guys are incredible. >> if there's any concern about the adulation going to their heads, don't worry >> i can still see them going back to their normal cells and a couple of weeks. a couple of weeks. >> i miss my bed. and i never knew that i would say this, but i miss my sister. >> the comeback kids have come back home and given this town a season that will never forget. it is their world now, we just live in it. in petaluma, cbs 5. >> congratulations team, i'm sure that none of those boys will have a problem scoring a date for the school dance. 85 degrees in petaluma today, let's take a look at notable numbers. highs banking from 70 in san fransisco, 85 degrees and center fell and low '80s in san jose and 90 degrees in livermore with the coast currently seeing clouds gather and overcast conditions there, even localized drizzle. livermore at 87 degrees this evening, in the mid-70s and santa clara as well as san jose. tonight overnight into the 50s. and a veil of clouds lining the coast to work its way into the bay. mostly clear in inland areas, the weather headlines, besides localized result, we start tuesday with coastal cloudiness and then seasonal in the inland areas. a blue moon on friday. two full moons in one calendar month with the last one on august 1st. tomorrow's ties 50's and '60's with clearing up the beaches. sixties and seventies around the peninsula including south san fransisco into belmont, 78 degrees in los altos. 89 in pittsburgh east of the day. as you get closer to the bay we're talking about '60s and '70s, mid-70s in richmond and low '80s and sandra kaul, 87 degrees in sonoma with the extended forecast calling for a slight cooling under a collapsing ridge of high pressure. we but the some pitchers ever so slightly on monday, and we will talk about isaacs' and when it will become a hurricane later on in this newscast. >> thank you. a swarm of earthquakes that southern california has not seen in decades, what this means for the volatile san andreas fault? >> it is designed to launch,,,,, >> officials have temporarily taking west lee shermantine off of death row, one of the speed freak killers, allowed to leave prison from time to time to help detectives find the bodies of other victims. he blames his former friend loren herzog for the murders but admits that he helped hide several of the victims' bodies. >> southern california is in the midst of an earthquake storm that has set off more than 400 tremors in the past day. seismologists say the swarm of activity began yesterday with an event. the largest earthquake measuring five or five magnitude, it begs the question here in the bay area, will we be next? >> the chances of it triggering the san andreas is pretty small, but if it did that would affect a larger area of southern california >> the first day of school was postponed today as building inspectors checked for damage. city leaders say the earthquakes have knocked at least 20 mobile homes from their foundations. oftentimes the next big technology idea that sweeps through the silicon valley starts in a cramped garage. >> as don ford tells us, building inspectors are now cracking down on the improvised offices of start up companies. >> it is the sound of silicon valley heard throughout the world, the sound of new ideas, of software startups and hardware shakedowns. this is the latest hot spot for peaks, but is having problems with a different kind of code, building codes. >> we have to fire sprinkle the entire building, it is definitely a laundry list. >> a list that will cost a quarter of a million dollars to sixth, money the start of this not have, so they've drummed up help from google and kick started, raising $190,000 so far. open 24/7 with a 100 megabits fiber line, they attract some of the brightest, yet broke, hopeful entrepeneurs and the valley. andrew is building mobile investment tools. >> we are boot strapping the startup and currently we do not have a lot of capital. >> douglas bower dropped in all in from houston. >> i came out here to learn and meet people and network. but really, to learn to read >> he cannot avoid safety rules and cramming 100 people in a space designed for half of that but the city is sympathetic. >> we want to work with them and we have been and i think it we continue to make sure they're successful because they're good for mountain view and weird just trying to make people in that building safe. >> tropical storm is it did not do much damage in tampa but it did put a damper on the republican national convention. how will they manage with one less day for those speakers? >> and for the south, isaac is gaining strength as it heads for louisiana, people are preparing for what could turn into a hurricane. >> a lot of what they're telling you the seafood is, it actually is not >> inspectors take a close look, >> a quiet night at the tampa bay times a forum, the home of the republican national convention was supposed to be buzzing with gop delegates, but opening day was forced into recess. it danielle nottingham without tropical storm isaac rained on today's plans. >> lives, the convention floor is empty right now but republicans plan to rev things up tomorrow after canceling all official business today. the new jersey gov. chris christie will give the keynote speech and mitt romney will also address delegates and they say that they are ready to get their message out to the country. >> the first day of the 2012 republican national convention officially lasted 32 seconds. >> the 2012 republican national convention, stands in recess, subject to recall of the chair. >> fears that severe weather would cause problems forced the planners to scrap monday schedule. several hundred delegates attended the opening session, notably absent were most delegations from gulf states in the path of isaac. >> it will overshadow it, and in his should because it is dangerous. >> the opening gavel started the national debt clock. mitt romney will officially receive the nomination tuesday evening, he will be the choice of the party but not of every republican year. mike wallace from main supports ron paul. >> i don't feel welcome here, there's a lot of negative energy that is being directed at delegations like may, that won't fall in line. >> congressman paul ryan enjoyed an enthusiastic send off from a hometown crowd in wisconsin. he said that mitt romney turned around failing businesses and he will turn around the country. >> when people are successful in business, that is a good thing. that is not something to resent. >> he is set to address the convention on wednesday. >> the speakers originally scheduled to address delegates tonight have been moved to other time slots or have given up their time slots, mitt romney scheduled to arrive in tampa tomorrow and time to hear his wife and speech. live in tampa, danielle nottingham, back to. >> if is it wreaks havoc along the gulf coast is there a chance that mitt romney could delay his speech? >> so far republican national convention officials have not ruled anything out, from the very beginning they say that they're keeping their eye on the storm, it originally canceled all business today because there were not sure how much damage is it would cause as it passed through florida. but they're very aware of a storm in the gulf of mexico right now and they're prepared to move forward if it does become something that is catastrophic, they say they have already put a plan in place to nominate mitt romney earlier, if something like that should happen. >> thank you. florida's republican governor charlie crist announced that he will be among the speakers at next week's democratic national convention. the move came after he officially endorsed president obama yesterday, a former governor cited the president's support for programs in florida as part of his endorsement. he withdrew his republican affiliation back in 2010. stay with us for continuing coverage of the republican national convention, we will have live reports throughout the weekend as always you can find the most up-to-date information on cbs sf .com. >> low-lying parts of louisiana west of new orleans under evacuation orders tonight as is it nears the gulf coastline. neurologist think it will be category one, possibly category 2 by the time in his landfall tomorrow. currently isaac on a similar path to hurricane katrina. with new orleans and its sights and people in louisiana were divided on whether they should stay or leave today. >> we went through katrina and had a bad experience with that. >> it worries me but i think i will stay. >> if isaacs' stays on course the storm will make landfall monday before the seventh anniversary of hurricane katrina and today the louisiana governor canceled his appearance at the republican national convention, so that he could muster the storm. let's take a look at the path of a storm, with roberta gonzales in the weather center. >> either a category one or a very weak category 2 hurricane as it makes landfall, basically splitting hairs of this is it, a relatively large hurricane, take a look at all that real estate involved. strongest thunderstorm activity to the west and southwest of the system, this is the projected path, either a category one or two making landfall in new orleans. either tomorrow night or first thing wednesday morning, if that happens it will be exactly seven years to the day. interestingly enough once this hurricane hits a land mass, it will slow down considerably up to 20 in. of rain expected throughout the louisiana coastline. >> thanks, we'll check back in with you. >> a teenager in a maryland hospital after being shot on the first day of school. the baltimore high-school was evacuated after a 15 year-old student opened fire in the cafeteria, investigators believe he was being teased when he pulled out the gun. >> someone threw a sandwich at him and said " you are a dead man ". and he came and shot this boy in the back and one shot in the ceiling. >> we heard one shot and never want when silence and then we saw that someone had a gun and started stalking and running. >> baltimore police are thinking a teacher that launch that the students with a gun, they say that it was not for that her role attack, more shots could have gone off. >> dna testing for humans, and now for fish. inspectors want to make sure that what you order off of the menu is actually what ends up on your plate. >> already more than $1 billion from,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, apple's idea for the iphone and ipad. the list includes eight older model smart-phone including the galaxy asked to end the android charge. apple shares hit another record high today, the price jumped nearly 2% closing at $675 per share. the company continues to hold the title as the most valuable u.s. company. >> scientists are now using dna testing to sniff out another crime. fish fraud, when cheaper fish are labeled and sold as a more expensive variety, as julie watts tells us, environment lists are now focusing on catching seafood fraud in the bay area. >> when it comes to fish, environmentalists say that a lot of seafood sellers are telling fishtails. >> a lot of what they're telling you it is, it actually is not. >> in an effort to prove it they came to the fisherman's wharf to buy and take samples for dna testing. >> we have a few different types of seafood. >> among them commonly mislabeled fish like alaskan halibut, red snapper, local pacific halibut and white tuna served in sushi bars. dna testing in four other cities found between 30 and 55 percent of the fish they tested was incorrectly labeled. >> consumers are simply paying too much and simply getting ripped off, in terms of a health risk there's also a big concern about mercury and the contaminants of a lot of seafood >> the most common swap is farmed fish sold as wild or sustainably caught, imported fish sold as local and cheap fish like to lapierre and rockfish sold as expensive ones like snapper and halibut and this lovely switch. >> for love the way to being sold in a sushi bar, is actually escolar which is called the x lacks fish because it causes diarrhea. >> was to blame? seafood can change 20 to 30 times before ends up on your plate. >> what we're finding is that restaurants themselves are being duped by their suppliers and sometimes the suppliers are being duped by somewhere else along the supply chain. >> the test found the highest levels of seafood fraud in sushi bars in the lowest level at your supermarket. it is usually the case of fission fillets were defined as fraud where there's no skin or other way to distinguish what an official were getting. the bay area test results will be available in about eight weeks, but you can head to cbs sf .com/consumer watch to see the results from around the rest of the country. >> family cats disappearing in the south bay neighborhood, the predator responsible, some simple steps around your home that will protect your pet. ,,,,,,,,,, i'm so glad you called. thank you. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] wells fargo. >> a san jose neighborhood is on edge after reports from missing and mutilated cats. >> len ramirez on the predator that they suspect is to blame. >> so this is our stone ... >> the final resting place for a beloved pet on by gejennifer, found dead and partially devoured in this neighborhood. >> the cat was decapitated, and his body cavity was sliced open and it was just ravaged. >> she thought it was a sadistic killing of the neighbors noticed other cats missing and at the same time coyotes were spotted roaming the streets, searching for food in the morning and evening hours. >> did wait was through the university of california study, when coyote's go through more urban areas they become more aggressive. >> they rehabilitate thought six and injured predators and one director said it is the time of year when adolescents coyotes leave their family groups and a fan for themselves. >> cats get bigger on the food spectrum, but if they're having trouble finding food, they cannot differentiate between ipad and wild prey. >> she said the best solution is for pet owners to remove feeding and water bowls from yards especially at night because state law prohibits the trapping and relocating of coyotes >> coyotes don't have an agenda, they're not trying to go out, they're just trying to make it. >> neighbors are not convinced. >> we are very concerned about a 40 saying they cannot help, or they cannot trap coyotes, i think that really, at some point you need to take an exception. >> i hope that they do not let it go long enough that a small child is hurt. >> for now neighbors are free to go out at night and keep their pets and children close at hand. >> from the cbs 5 weather center, good evening everyone, what a day we had, much warmer than over the weekend and spot on as far as averages are concerned. look at this right here. that is what 70 degrees look like, that was the high temperature. 70 today in san fransisco, officials sundown looks like we may have stressed building along the coast, currently 66 in san fransisco. redwood city in the mid-70s, highs around the bay area 20 degrees banned from the coast to the interior valleys, 90 each, at the delta and in the valley. 79 in mountain view. the coast is relatively clear with clouds building in the foreground, currently 57 degrees in ocean beach with a western flow at 13 mi. per hour. we will have clouds along the coast, tomorrow a seasonal late summer day, blue moon slated for friday, that is what we have two full moons in one calendar month. the last was august 1st. that is an area of low pressure hanging off of the pacific northwest coast, some rain around british columbia and victoria and back through. we're keeping the cool air mass upstream, until the 7 day forcast, boss but i find this futurecast painting all the stratus in the form of low clouds and fog, offshore for the most part, by the morning commute. so we just call it coastal cloudiness with a marine layer: 1,000 ft. deep. drizzle over night with temperatures 52 in santa rosa and upper 50s in mountain view, 57 degrees in redwood city. mid-50s common thread the eastern portion of the district. 50s and 60s along the beaches, 86 degrees today in santa cruz. upper seventies, and around campbell and los altos. otherwise upper eighties and low ninety's away from the bay into the eastern portion of the bay area. low ninety's in danville. no. a number stacking up from the upper 50s in stinson beach, with some clearing and the skies, low '80s in navato with the extended forecast calling for cooler air mass by friday as we slide into the holiday weekend, rebounding ever so slightly with seasonal,,,,,,,,,, >> the a's have won 32 out of 47 games since july 1st and they seem to be getting better with brad anderson back in the rotation. he was out with an injury. cleveland's pitcher was out with identity fraud. he had been pitching under a fake name and after three we community service and suspension, he is back. in the second, a solo shot, roberto hernandez was pulled in the third inning with a ankle injury. brett anderson had a perfect game when the umpire said that he beat him to the bag. a blown call also closed the perfect game but not the wind. anderson threw seven shutout innings and allows only two hits including that blown call. they beat the indians three/zero. after throwing in both games of a doubleheader yesterday in immensely, the 65 year-old bill spaceman lee was the guest on game day, he designed his own bats and sells them to current major league sluggers, his inspiration for the design came from barry bonds. >> i designed them with the big nobs after bonds. i thought he had the most beautiful swing i had ever seen. the sun, i pitched to the father. i jammed barry bonds @ arizona state university in phoenix, i jammed him so bad that you went down on one knee, and the funny thing is that he called me a gray-haired old man, and i got him out. >> peyton manning had his best game since 2010 at the expense of the forty-niners defense. it is just the preseason but listen to how one 49er defender summed it up. >> it has been a scary start. >> that is not good. two touchdowns that peyton manning through yesterday, completing 10 of 10 passes. one of them being blasted by harrison. >> i was just able to get free and give him a good hit. peyton manning is a hall of famer, i just want to hit him. i hit him before. >> have you gotten him? >> no, but i touched his leg today. >> those post-game pies in the face, routine but can be tried in baseball, much different story for packers quarterback aaron rogers >> with the wins, we just want to be in and out. that is it right there. >> they snuck up and got him. when does the regular season start already? >> if it was your son's birthday this weekend, here is what you missed ... olympic sprinter michael johnson got to ride along with the america's cup team, his first time on a sailing boat and he forgot there were no handrails. sebastian board game and joseph do guard at went after it, that is why they build higher barriers. no one seriously hurt. little league coaches have been telling you to use two hands and jason werth shows us why " two hands ". back to the 49ers in denver, the kickoffs art " ridiculous 1 mi. up because the ball kids going. and then it hit this guy in the back. in williamsport, petaluma raley's from 10 down in the sex, they lose in the seventh against tennessee. i was watching a game and i mentioned it was my son's birth is a we were watching that game and they were getting smoked. so he asked if we could just go to the gulf range, and i said " yes, let's go ". then i found out they did that. i'm embarrassed. >> who got michael jackson out of the drink? >> there is a security code that came by and pick him up. >> michael,,,,,,,,

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Louisiana ,United States ,Alaska ,Redwood City ,California ,Mountain View ,Sonoma ,San Diego ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Stinson Beach ,San Francisco ,Mexico ,Arizona ,New Orleans ,Baltimore ,Maryland ,Japan ,Tampa Bay ,Florida ,Tampa ,Oakland ,Ocean Beach ,San Andreas ,Wisconsin ,United Arab Emirates ,Williamsport ,Tennessee ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Denver ,Colorado ,New Jersey ,Danville ,Sonoma County ,Phoenix ,Houston ,Texas ,America ,Alaskan ,Californians ,British ,Gulf States ,John Ramos ,Lee Shermantine ,Jason Werth ,Petaluma Raley ,Brad Anderson ,Sandra Kaul ,Mike Wallace ,Romney Weiss ,Ron Paul ,Michael Johnson ,Aaron Rogers ,Charlie Crist ,Don Ford ,Jerry Brown ,Douglas Bower ,Loren Herzog ,Roberta Gonzales ,Michael Jackson ,Danielle Nottingham ,Chris Christie ,Peyton Manning ,Brett Anderson ,Oakley Berkeley ,Kristin Harris ,Roberto Hernandez ,Paul Ryan ,Len Ramirez ,

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