Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 6PM 20110409

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his 50s that had been shot. and, of course, paramedics were called in and unfortunately the male who turned out to be the owner of this location was diseased from the gunshots. >> reporter: as the owner of the restaurant and other businesses in the area the 58- year-old man is well known and highly regard and appreciated for his service to the community. >> this used to be a warehouse here and he bought and cleaned it up. i mean the man worked 30 years. he used to be a cook at mexicala rose. he worked seven days a week, 16 hours a day. he ends up here. it is not right. >> reporter: compost was praised by a city council member whose personal relationship goes back about 40 years. >> he probably owned quite a few businesses in this area and definitely a person that gives a lot especially to opd and to the city and to the people that got to know him. >> in the hours at a killing in a restaurant just a few blocks away the mayor jean quan and other city officials met with angry community leaders to answer questions about crime and safety. >> it is a sad day in our community it took the life of somebody so dedicated to improving our businesses. we give a lot to our city, to the city of oakland in terms of tax revenue to finally get us together to realize that this is serious. >> reporter: serious enough for city government and police to respond with a news conference. the mayor says she has worked with compost on family matters and with her family dined at his restaurant dozens of times. >> he was a well known leader of our community. clearly a leader of the fruitvale area. >> reporter: quan says she expects the governor to up the $10,000 reward offer to $50,000 with $20,000 from four local merchants adding up to $70,000 in reward money. the police chief says his department is already spending $150,000 a month on overtime to put extra officers in hot spots including international boulevard and he will spend more. >> we are really going to inundate that area in the very near future to make sure that residents are safe and kept safe and keep focus on the area. >> reporter: the suspects are described by two african- american males age 21 to 35. they fled the scene in a grey pontiac or buick regal, 2000 model. they do say they have leads but they are asking for help from the public. anybody with information is asked to call the police. >> and there is a reward. let's hope maybe if someone needs that incentive that works too. >> reporter: i'm certainly the biggest reward is knowing somebody got caught for this crime because people regard this man so highly here. >> don knapp in oakland. thank you. no verdict today in the barry bonds perjury trial. jurors went home just a couple of hours ago after spending the day going over mountains of evidence. joe vazquez with more on what the jurors seem to be focusing on during their deliberations. joe? >> reporter: dana, the jury deliberated all day and left here about 4:00 p.m. no verdict so far. late this afternoon another development. greg anderson got out of jail. the judge ordered him released from the santa rita federal facility just as the jurors were asking the judge questions about his interactions with two key witnesses, brother and sister steve and kathy hoskins. joining me is cbs5's legal analyst paul henderson. let's take these one at a time much the jury asked for a transcript of the recording steve hoskins secretly recorded talking to anderson about steroids. the jury wants to see the transcript. >> that's a frequent thing. when a jury starts deliberating going after the evidence oftentimes there is communication back and forth as to how people remember the testimony so what they are allowed to review is the evidence that they already heard which is what was given to them instead of the actual transcripts. the second transcript they asked for is what you call the lynch pin of the face, kathy hoskins, that's steve's sister, a personal assistant to bonds claims she saw it with her own two eyes anderson injected barry bonds with a syringe. it only highlights, again, why she is so important to this case because in my opinion it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the prosecution about one of the perjury charges that the jury is focusing on. >> before the trial we have been talk about whether barry bonds knowingly did steroids. the second one though, number 2, the one you're talking about, that's the one that says barry bonds but no one but a medical professional injected him. >> correct. then that testimony we have direct evidence from a third party that says she saw someone actually witness someone giving him an injection. >> it is impossible to know what's in a jury's mind but given the questions today what's on your mind? >> i think the thing that stands out is they have zeroed in and started quickly in the deliberation process to focus on one of if not the strongest witness from the prosecution's case and as a prosecutor you want them to concentrate on your strongest evidence right away because it tends to indicate that they understand your argument and they are focusing in on the evidence you presented in terms of proving guilt or liability in a case. i think that will be very relevant. i'm sure that people were excited that's where they were focusing, although again you never know what a injure jury is going -- never know what a jury is going to do. >> reporter: the judge is not allowing the jury to take the transcripts back into the juryroom but they will hear kathy hoskins' testimony. the judge will read it out loud first thing monday morning, 8:30 a.m. and they will deliberate every day until 3:00 p.m. until they reach a verdict. a caretaker who killed her pleasant hill client will spend at least 31 years in prison. a contra costa judge gave diane warick the maximum sentence for the murder of the woman last june. she was hired through a craigslist ad to be a home care taker. she didn't know that warick had a criminal history. 16 cases in contra costa county have been dropped because the officers are involved in a widening drug scandal. more charges were filed for the former sheriff deputy. he is involved in the conspiracy scandal along with the commander of the narcotics enforcement team. he is accused of stealing drug evidence. today he was charged with three counts of conspiracy. >> conspiracy to sell steroids. conspiracy to obstruct justice. conspiracy to falsely arrest. >> the false arrest charges stem from the so-called dirty duis, a scheme in which attractive women were allegedly hired to lure men into bars and get them drunk then it is alleged the officer would have the men arrested for drunk driving when they left. a chp officer is recovering in the hospital tonight after getting hit by a suspected drunk driver. it happened just before 2:00 a.m. this morning on interstate 880 at baskin avenue. the chp says officer skyler teesh was helping a driver when another vehicle struck him. a man was arrested for dui. >> driving impair and poor roadway conditions it just takes one second of inattention and we have a situation like this. >> officer teesh is at valley medical center. he has to have surgery for a broken leg. the pomp and circumstance of opening day at at&t park. the building stood for generations. it was gone in seconds. what comes next for the site of the now demolished naval hospital. waiting for a deal. the last-minute negotiations in washington as a shutdown looms at midnight. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at at&t park, since bringing home a world series title five and what a game it today is the day giants fans have been waiting for. their first game at at&t park since bringing home a world series title five months ago. what a game it was 12 innings. dennis o'donnell with more on the finish in just a minute but first linda yee is at at&t park with all the fanfare. hi, linda. >> reporter: you see behind me very happy fans coming out of the ballpark right now. you know that all too familiar feeling came back. torture. something the giants are really famous for. but this was a special day. this is the first time the fans were able to celebrate their world series win in their home ballpark with the home team. this was the hottest ticket in town. >> reporter: it was their victory walk to the ballpark. thousands of giants fans still feeling like champs on opening day. and willing to pay anything to get in. >> world champs. world champs. $60 value. $200. i don't care, i'll do it. >> reporter: the streets, bars, restaurants all parked hours before the first pitch. inside the park the world series opening day celebration continued. >> let me welcome all of you to at&t park. the home of your defeating world champion san francisco giants. >> reporter: ppouncing around with the belt. >> giants are number 1. >> reporter: the screaming got louder at team members were introduced. [ cheers and applause ] . >> reporter: it wasn't hard to notice the dedicated fans, team colors, of course there is no accounting for tastes. not this day. >> we had a couple of tuxedos made for the giants. >> we got them fit because the price was a little lower over there. >> giants, baby, number 1. >> reporter: the presentation of the championship banner wowed the crowd. players passing it down the line. running across thecross the field to the flag pole where the banner will fly for the entire season. >> goose bumps. great. long time waiting for it. goose bumps. raising the flag. brian wilson. that was awesome. >> reporter: really turned out to be a great day for giants fans. as you see they are still continuing to pour out of the ballpark. right now i'm here with dennis o'donnell. you know what, dennis, torture. >> yes, it is going to be the sequel i think this year. the torture. year 2. because that's exactly what it was today, linda. it was supposed to be a well- kept secret but the closer brian wilson was in the middle of all the celebrations today including the game. he takes the 2010 championship flag and runs it himself to the flag poles in center field. great moment for giants fans. then it was time to play ball. third inning giants down 1-0. his first at bat at at&t. miguel tejada. game tied at 1. just like that. freddy sanchez sinking one down the right field line. sanchez who doubled earlier comes around to score. 2-1 giants. jonathan sanchez was just as good on the mound going five innings striking out seven only giving up one run. we go to the sixth inning now. pat burrell. dead center. at the time it was an insurance run to make it 3-1. but then brian wilson comes in, got the first two outs. but loaded the bases and then a single to left. two runs scored and st. louis takes a 4-3 lead. down to the last out. pablo sandoval bails wilson out with a game-tying base hit scoring aaron rowan to make it 4-4. then, bottom of the 12th, two outs, bases loaded and it is aaron rowan again. deep left center. off the wall. ballgame. the giants in a thriller win their home opener 5-4. and as linda yee said, it was torture part ii. what a story for aaron rowan. kim coyle is inside the giants lockerroom. she will have complete reaction coming up in our sportscast in about, oh, 35 minutes from now. guys? >> you were cheering them on. your horse is getting a little bit hoarse. i know that voice. >> i was screaming today. i'm part of the world champions as well. it was great. >> dennis o'donnell and linda dennis o'donnell -- lindsey lohan lee, linda yee, thank you very much. the fan who was brutally beaten at the season opener in los angeles last week. they will be collecting donations for the family brian stow family. he will be in a medically induced coma for at least three more days but there is no way they say they could miss today's game. >> it is going to be a very emotional day. it is going to be a very emotional rollercoaster for a long time. but we are here today. brian would want us to be here today and represent limb. he would be in the stands with us screaming and cheering on the giants and that's what we are going to do all day. >> talked about it all winter long. couldn't wait for this beautiful day. >> as i mentioned the giants will hold a fund-raiser for stow's family during monday's game against the dodgers and the reward for information leading to arrests is now getting close to $150,000. >> wow. all right. gorgeous day for baseball. certainly. robert is here with our latest forecast. >> what's going on, juliette. turned out to be an absolute picturesque day. just 24 hours ago it was one- inch deep hail falling in parts of the bay area, the north bay to be specific. take a live look outside right now. we see blue skies and high clouds. that cold front that pushed through yesterday is digging well to the south. it is leaving behind some breezy conditions and some chilly temperatures. but this is setting the stage for an awesome weekend. as a matter of fact, as we take a look at high-definition doppler we saw a little bit of shower activity in the santa cruz mountains but as i mentioned this system is easily moving out to the south and as it does it is clearing out our skies. we are going to keep a slight hint of showers in the forecast for overnight as we take a look. that is just an indication that some clouds will still be out there. just to protect ourselves there might be some slight shower activity but we don't expect anything drastic out of this. some breezy conditions. the low pressure system continues its exit out of the bay area. out behind it this high pressure system continues to build and as it does it will return our temperatures back to seasonal averages. overnight won't be as cold as last night but still chilly. 37%. tomorrow we warm up into the 60s. it will still remain mild at the coastline. pacifica at 68. san francisco at 60. concord at 66 degrees. fairfield at 64. only promising to get warmer as we move through the weekend. sunny skies. again, high pressure is maintaining in control. now, we do have a very slight chance of some shower activity for the start of the workweek on monday and i mean very, very slight. so we put that out there just so you know what's happening but we do expect the new workweek to be mostly dry and an incredibly pleasant week even if you've got to return to work. still a nice week on tap. that's your pinpoint forecast, allen, julie, back to you. >> thank you so much. an oakland landmark out with a big bang this afternoon. that's in 2 minutes. ,,,,,,,,,,,, you want to get a great looking lawn like this, but trying to grow grass from seed in tough areas like deep shade, along the driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now. with scotts ez seed. it's scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. grow grass anywhere. naval hospital" in oakland came crashing down earlier today--- landing in a heap of rubble and dust. take a look at that. the naval hospital in oakland came crashing down earlier today landing in a heap of rubble and dust. demolition crews imploded the 11-story building so construction can start on a new housing development. why some are actually very sad to see the old relic go. >> reporter: the blast capped a bitter sweet build up for this nurse. >> reporter: she came to witness a final death. >> i think of how many babies were born there and people who died there. and families who were rejoicing and families who were sad. >> reporter: now it is her turn to grieve. the hospital was her training ground as a young trauma nurse in the 80s here during the gulf war and when the hospital shut down in 1996 and has watched its sad decay in the years since. but not everyone is mourning. >> i'm really excited. >> reporter: excited, the councilman larry reed, says to be making way for a new development that he believes could change the face of east oakland. >> this is the last time 167 acres of oakland for redevelopment. >> reporter: wanting it tear it down for years. finally, the siren sounds. the countdown begins. and the hospital is history. crumbling from the ground and from the air. as neighbors celebrate frich is near tears. >> so many years here. so many people i knew and took care of. >> reporter: there is talk of housing and a new shopping center but developers say it is soon to tell when. frich says there is nothing to do but move forward. >> it is permanent and real. >> reporter: the rebuilding won't start for several years. there is still an entitlement that needs to happen and the housing market will dictate just how quickly this area is rebuilt. in oakland, cbs5. people living in big sur have been roughing it managing only what they can carry cut off from the outside world because a chunk of highway 1 broke off at rocky creek bridge about 12 miles south of carmel. mark sayre shows us how they are coping. >> reporter: highway 1 may be one of the most scenic roadways in america. but these days it is doubling as a foot trail for those stranded by a washout. just ask bill nye who is hauling a week worth of supplies in his cart. >> well, i've got 5-gallons of water. i've got my flute. camera. some groceries. laundry. >> reporter: big sur was cut off from its main supply from the north when the highway literally dropped into the ocean on march 16th. the closure means dozens of students have a very unusual trip to school getting dropped off at the very edge of the road collapse then students walk around the washout to be picked up by another bus on the other side. >> is it cool, scary? >> cool. >> better than taking a bus the whole way? >> yeah. >> reporter: the walk around the washout zone occurs twice a day at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and then again at 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon. >> so being able to walk was, yay. >> reporter: ned and ginger calahan hitched a ride on the cart but said their shopping trip was full of tough choices. >> you have to carry it so maybe i won't get it this time. >> reporter: sarah row was towing a load of flowers for delivery to a hotel. >> is this part of your normal routine to hike like this? >> absolutely not but we are having fun, making the most of it. >> reporter: and this unusual site of bikes, luggage, kids, groceries and dogs will go on for at least another month. that's the earliest cal-trans says it expects to be open even one lane on highway 1 for vehicle traffic. in monterey county, mark sayre, cbs5. almost quite literally the 11th hour and still no deal. we are going to have a live report from washington, dc. what a shutdown would mean for members of the military and some of california's top tourist attractions. we were told it was going to be american military aspects used to support a no-fly zone so why is there suddenly talk of american forces on the ground in libya? >> do you carry a work phone? better be careful. how that phone can dial up trouble for your credit score. ,,,,,, when your eyes are smiling... ,,,,,, you're smiling. and when they're laughing... you're laughing. be kind to your eyes... with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably... and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun. ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you. each side is blaming the other for the impasse. for the first time in 15 years a government shutdown is just hours away and right now each side is blaming the other for the impasse. danielle knottingham is on capitol hill about what all the bickering is all about. danielle? >> reporter: right now lawmakers have been working around the clock working working right now to hammer out a deal. if not the government will have to shut down in less than three hours. democratic lawmakers say there is only one thing that is keeping republicans from agreeing to a budget deal. the gop wants to cut funding for women's reproductive health even though the federal government does not pay for abortions. >> if that sounds ridiculous it is because it is ridiculous. >> reporter: but republicans say that's not what the fight's about. >> there's only one reason we do not have an agreement as yet and that issue is spending. >> reporter: president obama has repeatedly summoned leaders from both parties to the white house. this morning he spoke to both sides on the phone. the president canceled a planned friday trip to indianapolis and stayed in washington where his administration began the complicated process of shutting down parts of the government. hundreds of thousands of employees don't know how long they might be out of work. >> i'm living from paycheck to paycheck. i have a family. three kids. it will affect my household tremendously. >> reporter: state department workers protested on their lunch break. >> it costs people money when they shutdown. >> reporter: it is not government employees that are the only ones that will feel the hit. this barber shop is normally packed with soldiers. >> if they don't get paid, guess what, we don't get paid. >> reporter: those off work and on vacation a shutdown could close many popular tourist attractions. >> reporter: we just got word tonight that house republicans will have a meeting in just a little while and when you're looking at this whole situation we are so late into the night if lawmakers come to an agreement it would most likely be they have to pass some sort of short term bill to keep the government running through the weekend and they can hammer out the details of that final clean bill for the budget. back to you. >> thank you, danielle. well, if the government does shut down tonight what's going to happen to military families and veterans? some saying they undoubtedly will have a tough time without their paychecks. >> we have two young kids and we are living paycheck to paycheck. >> reporter: making ends meet will be a challenge for this mother of two if her husband's military pay is held hostage by the federal government. >> reporter: what are you going to do to balance things out? >> we will have to live off savings. i stay home with them so it is our only income. >> it is like getting a promise and somebody is not holding up. it is a shame. >> reporter: after 24 years of serving in three branches of the military this veteran al thompson has been through government shutdown before but back then banks supported troops. >> they went ahead and covered our checks and they would honor everything that we wrote until we got paid. >> reporter: he and his wife say times are much tougher now for military families already struggling because of the economy. >> we as taxpayers and the military are all out there doing our job and here we have got government who has been elected by us, they are being paid and they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. >> reporter: here where military families do their shopping it is the topic that is on everyone's mind. we just found out moments ago this will stay open despite the shutdown but all the military families are all on standby. >> not just the military, 800,000 federal employees will be affected. also people who work in and others who enjoy our national parks. and in the bay area that certainly includes alkatraz. if the government shuts down national parks will be closed so that means no tours of alkatraz. but 3700 tickets for saturday have already been sold. if it is shut down those who bought tickets for saturday would certainly get their money back. and as for places such as yosemit, yellowstone, other national parks and landmarks, visitor centers, hotels, access roads, lookout points, they will be closed as of midnight. anybody still in the parks would have until 6:00 p.m. monday to leave. employees will be temporarily out of work. in the battle in libya, ante-gadaffi forces are trying to recover from a major setback. nato pilots bombed a group of rebels in a column of tacks. alexis christophorus on how nato explains this mistake. >> reporter: these rebel fighters rushed to the hospital injured not in clashes with gadaffi's forces but in nato air strikes. nato admits its pilots made a mistake which killed at least five antigovernment fighters. a top official said he regretted the mix up but commanders explained in the past only gadaffi's forces had tanks. no one told nato leaders the rebels had captured armored vehicles and were moving in a column towards brega. >> it is very hard to pinpoint any of this military hardware without causing civilian casualties. >> reporter: nato says this video shows how careful pilots are to inspect their targets and avoid civilian deaths. but at times there is confusion on the battle field. >> the situation in the area is still very fluid with tanks and other vehicles moving in different directions making it very difficult to distinguish who may be operating them. >> reporter: fighters wounded rushed to the nearest hospital. antigovernment forces are desperate to hold onto this town. the fighters remain outgunned and have been losing momentum and nato's deadly mistake is another serious setback. alexis christophorus, cbs news. when it comes out of nowhere it can be downright scary. >> my credit had dropped from 750 down to 670. >> the cause of the problem a phone that wasn't even hers. a warning for anybody who uses a company phone. and the team was down to its last out. the remarkable save for cal baseball. of us have company issued ,,,, the internet on a plane! are you from the future? um, no. cleveland. listen cleveland, your savings account is stuck in the past! earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking baby! so instead of making peanuts, your savings will be earning three times the national average. oops. sorry. three times more? i'll have that! it is now safe to go online to what's in your wallet? buh-bye... call me. happens when you leave the job? on the consumerwach, julie watts explains, the companies unpaid phone bill could end up on your credit report. o years after she left many of us have company issued cell phones. julie watts explains how an unpaid phone bill of a company could end up on your credit report. >> reporter: a $76 charge still haunts her from a company phone. >> it shouldn't fall to the employee who is no longer with the company. >> reporter: she had no idea of the charge until she went shopping for a new home. >> my credit amount had dropped. i couldn't imagine what caused it. >> reporter: the phone bill was always paid for when she left. when she called the company to find out what happened they wouldn't return her calls or e- mails so she paid off the outstanding debt but then learned the late charge would stay on her credit report for seven years. >> i was shocked. i just couldn't believe it. >> reporter: well, what has happened here is hard to undo to tell you the truth. >> reporter: before you accept any company-issued product ask your boss if you're personally liable. they say yes -- >> my impulse would be say i'm not so sure i need this. what i'll do is i'll use my own personal products and i will ask you for reimbursement if that works for you. >> reporter: lisa remembers giving her social security number to verizon when she got the phone. something she thought was harmless at the time. the owner of the company said he tried to cancel the account but he couldn't because it was in her name. he wouldn't explain why he didn't answer her e-mails. it does say you should not supply your social security number for a company phone, instead give your company's federal tax i.d. lisa says verizon has since called her and removed the negative marks from her credit record. >> reporter: lisa checked all three credit agencies and her history is clear of any negative ratings but remember before you leave a company make sure your accounts are closed and there are no out standing bills and be sure to leave your contact information. do you have a consumer complaint? give us a call. >> you think that company phone as a perk. >> you would. you never know. exactly. >> thank you. after the break the late inning rally that saved the cal baseball team. baseball at u-c berkeley.. hit , [ female announcer ] it's the jcpenney absolute lowest prices of the spring! get unbeatable doorbusters like $3.99 home expressions bath towels and $4.49 okie dokie infant and toddler playwear! go to to see everything on sale. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney mmm. ahh. yeah. bacon. come celebrate baconalia! only at denny's. america's diner is always open. get unbeatable doorbusters like $3.99 home expressions bath towels and $4.49 okie dokie infant and toddler playwear! go to to see everything on sale. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney fundraising efforts have saved iversity sports fans who fought to save baseball at uc berkeley. they planned to shut down the 119--year-old program to save money but it just changed its mind after donors came up with $9 million to save the program. fund-raising efforts continue to raise even more money for cal baseball. that's not chunk change there. we are talking $9 million. >> you know what's more important. they did that in 30 days. >> you're right. we were covering the story out there saying it was caput. >> on from baseball to the weather. >> okay. >> it was picture-perfect weather. like that segway? 24 hours ago we were dealing with thunderstorms, hail, wind gusts up to 50 miles an hour. that's all gone. it will be gone for the weekend. cam showing just a few high clouds out there and what you see over the skies now is ultimately what you will see throughout the weekend. sunny skies. there were some isolated showers that were out there that were still sticking around but the upper lows that brought the thunderstorm activity and those slight showers to our area that's ultimately cleared out. we saw a bit in santa rosa about an hour ago and as well down in the san jose area. it is a thing of the past. tonight we can expect partly cloudy skies. temperatures largely in the mid-50s. we will see a few dips just below the 50-degree mark. 48 at the coast side. we will find some upper 40s inside the bay as well tomorrow. fantastic day on tap and it starts with high pressure that is building out over the pacific. this low pressure system that just dogged us for the last few hours it hitting southern california. high pressure out behind it will muscle it out. overnight breezy conditions. certainly something to keep a watchful eye out for. maybe take a jacket with you if you're headed out tonight. also because we will see chilly temperatures overnight. 36 for napa. mild at the coastline. 45 for san francisco. and for pacifica. we will see 36 in livermore. but we will warm up nicely tomorrow. temperatures. concord 66 degrees. still staying mild at the coast. 58 for pacifica. 60 for san francisco. we will see 63 degrees for san jose as well. here is what you really want to know. what will my weekend look like? well, easy. nothing but sun. you'll still see some high clouds out there even at the coastline you'll still see sun. chilly though. need a coat still. a pair of 65s for both saturday and sunday. now we do have another system that is scheduled to start moving into our skies on monday and it brings a very slight chance of showers with it. slight. it is still not that drastic. temperatures, however, return back to seasonal averages and that means we will continue to see a warmup through the workweek and i have to tell you this is good news, because i spent two and a half hours detailing my car. >> two and a half hours? >> two and a half. >> and fortunately i have not had any rain drops on it. so, you know, i sent a prayer out to the weather god. >> washing the car detailing it. >> you know what, that's probably $150 worth. >> i was painting the house. thank you, robert. appreciate it. a party with a purpose. coming up, eyewitness news 10:00 p.m. on the cw, 11 here on cbs5. how baked goods and face painting are helping the victims of the capital flood. ,,,,,,,,,,,, you want to get a great looking lawn like this, but trying to grow grass from seed in tough areas like deep shade, along the driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now. with scotts ez seed. it's scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. grow grass anywhere. you wanted a nail biter for the home opener. >> and lon game too. >> you got it. dennis o'donnell is out at the stadium. it was a good one. >> that was torture. that was the theme last year and theme again this year. brian wilson he was all over the place. let's start it off with knowing that every time you give brian wilson the microphone you never know what you're going to get. >> i have the final pitch right here. i've got a lot. believe me. cooperstown wanted this ball but i told them no. they can take our players not the ball. >> dedicating the ball from the last pitch of the world series. he wasn't done there. wilson takes the 2010 championship flag and runs it himself to the flag pole in the center. great moment. finally time to play ball. we go to the 3rd. giants down 1-0. first at bat at at&t as the giants -- miguel tejada, gone. game tied. two batters later. freddy sanchez with one down the right field line. jonathan sanchez who earlier doubled comes home to score. jonathan sanchez just as good on the hill. five innings striking out seven only giving up one run. we go to the 6th inning now. pat burrell. dead center field. watch it go. nothing cheap about it. they needed the insurance at the time. it was 3-1 giants. 3-2 in the 9th. bring on brian wilson. foul ball after ball. wilson blows the save. giants have two men on. bottom of the 9th. pablo sandoval base hit to right. comes through to tie the game. time for extra innings. bottom of the 12th. aaron rowan comes around to score. he launches one to left. it is a walkoff single. the giants win the game. thrilling fashion once again. come on in, kim. we just came out of a packed locker room. and everybody was waiting. rowan. we didn't see him. you got to talk to brian wilson. >> we did talk to him. there was a lot of national media in there and brian didn't disappoint. a little bit frustrated he wasn't able to cope his composure today after that blown save. >> you looked angry. >> great assumption. i was a little pissed. emotions are flying, it is opening day. got kind of hot there for a second. oh, well. you know. that's what happens. you get a little angry. i vented, got it out of my system then sat downstairs and watched the giants come back. they picked me up. i don't want to harp on that kind of a negative. i mean the only negative thing is that, you know, my e.r.a. went to 1 billion but i don't really care. both times i have given up runs, we have won and ultimately that's really what matters. >> reporter: it is not quite a billion what brian said. his e.r.a. is 3.75. cody ross looked great this morning. he met with doctors today. they cleared him to do a little bit more. told him not to push it. he swam. road the bike today. he ran and is looking pretty good. comeback should be sooner or later. >> not going to be tomorrow for wilson. he threw 34 pitches today and a real labouring effort that wasn't good for him but ended well for the giants. oakland as. brett anderson on his game. 8th inning giving him the most trouble. single to right to tie the game at 1. joe mauer base hit to left. twins take the 2-1 lead and as now rocked to 2-5 off to a slow start. six games into the season and ramirez is calling it quits. he failed another drug test which would result if a 100- game suspension. rather than that he has announced his retirement. let's hit golf. rory with an opening 63 at st. andrews at the british open then followed up with an 80 so all eyes on him at augusta. see how he would follow-up yesterday's round. he became the youngest winner in masters history and keeps ending shots like his approach on number 9 he will be wearing that green jacket on sunday. he shoots a 69 and is 10 under for the tournament. jason day had the low round of the day. 8 under 64 to get within two strokes of rory. phil mickelson was unable to move up the leaderboard. lefty staying at 2 under after an even par 72. however, tiger woods is on the prowl. from just off the fairway on 18 he hits a shot. tiger puts it on the green. getting a friendly roll to leave himself with a chance for birdie. tiger would indeed sink the putt and finish his round with seven birdies on the final 11 holes shooting a 66 and heads into the weekend just three shots off the lead. so rory and day will play in the final group tomorrow. round 1 leader shot a 73 leaving him four shots behind rory. as for tiger he is ready to end the drought. >> what beyond your place on the leaderboard does this day give you heading into the weekend here? >> i'm right where i need to be. i've closed the gap after yesterday's round and hopefully tomorrow i can piece together another good round, stay patient and modify way along. >> through two rounds rory continues to make me look good. there are the anchor picks. ricky fowler in 7th. dana. robert. our director wayne. they will need a lot of help this weekend. but, you know, at least you guys made the cut. we can't all have predicted rory to win this tournament. >> come on, everybody knows the masters doesn't start until sunday afternoon the back 9, right? >> right. thank goodness for y'all back there. >> i still stand by dana's bubba pick. >> watson is a big hitter come sunday. did he even make the cut? >> yeah. >> good luck. >> i'm going to wait for aaron rowan all night if i have to to get the guy coming off. >> get back to us later. >> aaron. >> "eye on the bay" is next. >> have a good weekend. captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: r. and no mess. icy hot spray. don't mess around with pain.

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Oakland , California , United States , Fruitvale , Washington , New School , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Berkeley , Pacifica , Colorado , Pontiac , Libya , Santa Cruz Mountains , Monterey County , Capitol Hill , Pleasant Hill , America , British , American , Jean Quan , Paul Henderson , Miguel Tejada , Pat Burrell , Larry Reed , Pablo Sandoval , Ricky Fowler , Allen Martin , Linda Dennis , Joe Mauer , Joe Vazquez , Juliette Goodrich , Brett Anderson , Al Thompson , Kathy Hoskins , Steve Hoskins , Freddy Sanchez , Brian Wilson , Becky Lyon , Don Knapp , Cody Ross , Greg Anderson , Kathy Hoskin , Los Angeles , Phil Mickelson , Dan King , Kim Coyle , Aaron Rowan , Santa Rita , Linda Yee , T Miguel Tejada , Jonathan Sanchez , Lindsey Lohan Lee ,

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