>> reporter: do you still feel the feelings so many years later about what happened? >> of course. you never get rid of it. >> reporter: william lynch is >> reporter: william lynch bailed out of jail and plans to plead not guilty to all charges. he is accused of tracking down and beating his 65-year-old former priest at the sacred heart center a rest home for priests in the los gatos hills. lynch is accusing father jerold lindner of abusing him and a younger brother on a catching -- while on a camping trip in the santa cruz mountains in the 1970s when lynch was still a child. friends who were on the same camping trip were some of the protestors today. >> my parents had joined christian family movement in an effort to bring a spiritual awareness to their children and have appropriate role models around they are. father jerry was our family priest. he was there at all of our home masses and all of the campouts. and he raped four of our children. >> it's just horrible that a -- i was there and i didn't even know. i mean, we could have buried him in the woods that day if we knew. and i would have had no problem doing that. >> reporter: after bringing allegations in 1997, lynch and his brother received a $625,000 settlement but lindner never faced charges for that or any other case involving the abuse of children. lindner who was not seriously injured in the attack continues to live at the los gatos center. >> the allegations of sexual abuse that have been made against father lindner go back to 1975. they were first reported to us in 1997. and at that time, we removed father lindner from ministry and he lives a quiet life of prayer and service in our community here and lives under a supervised safety plan. >> reporter: mr. lynch did not make any statements to the media here in san jose after his very brief court appearance today. he said that the incident back in 1975 really destroyed his faith throughout all of these years. he will enter a plea next month. len ramirez, cbs 5. the parolee suspected of posing as a utility worker and murdering a socialite pled not guilty today. gar roy scott holland is charged with beating an stabbing kathleen horan in her apartment in the russian hill neighborhood two weeks ago. in the wake of the san bruno plastic, prosecutors said holland went door to door to check for a natural gas leak. he is held without bail. charges include attempted rape and robbery. teen pregnancy and how to prevent it is a problem all over the country but a highly praised documentary on the issue is pulled from a bay area theater. as don knapp shows us, the theater's explanation has sparked outrage. >> it was personal to me. i was a part of the abstinence movement as a teenager. >> reporter: at just 24 years of age, cassie jay has produced a documentary on teen pregnancy that's winning awards across the country and even overseas where it took the top prize at the cannes independent festival for low budget films. >> he is daddy's little girl there to take a vow of chastity. >> reporter: daddy i do takes on a controversial subject comparing the success of abstinence only programs with comprehensive sex education. too controversy for some board members of a theater. they have pulled the film from their program. >> we have never had any objections or censor ship of a film, never been pulled from a screening before. we have screened in the southern states in france, in canada, and we never had an issue until marin. >> reporter: jay say she was told that two board members had an issue with two of the story lines. >> one was a single latina mother of two and the other was a single african-american mother of five. and apparently the board members didn't think that those stories were pertinent to marin audiences. >> reporter: lark theater board chairwoman told cbs 5 the film was not the caliber of film they want for marin audience but she said jay would be allowed to rent the theater and screen her film on her own but no promotional materials, not even a title on the marquis would be allowed. cassie says there is a meeting tonight and hopes they will reconsider and that the film will event on the marquis of the theater. back to you. >> thank you, don knapp. it was an electronic scale. today that's what oakland police officers said that they mistook for a gun when they shot and killed a man on monday. protestors demonstrated again outside derrick jones' barbershop today. officers responding to a domestic dispute say that they thought jones was reaching for a gun when they shot him. investigators now say the object was a silver colored scale commonly used to weigh drugs. jones was on parole for a gun violation. the officers involved are on paid leave. well, the transfer of power in oakland has begun. mayor-elect jean quan is moving on up getting her transition team in place. sherry hu in oakland where quan will thank her volunteers. >> reporter: after a hard- fought campaign this room will be packed. people are ready to party and celebrate. hundreds of volunteers will help celebrate her victory and get ready, too, for the road ahead. jean quan still going nonstop. she is moving up in oakland city hall one floor to be exact into the mayor's office. >> i'm hoping to get some transitional help and team and the interim people have been very general with us. i have been using volunteers and quite frankly given the budget of the mayor's office they have a lot of volunteers. >> reporter: on january 3, kwan hits the ground running. today she squeezed in us between meetings and other interviews. she says at the top of her priorities, crime, jobs and youth. >> if you don't give young people hope in this city, crime is never going to go down. and if you can't get good schools you're not going to get good jobs and we're not going to be able to turn around the economy. they are linked. >> reporter: and linked to getting the job done finding the money. >> pension reform, pension negotiations with our police are critical and if i can get them as to pay their fair share i'm hoping to be able to bring back most of the laid-off officers. >> reporter: quan started in local politics in the late '80s. she served on the school board and city council. >> i'm one of these people who actually believes knowing people and having experience makes a difference and i know that some people think that that's not true but this is a very complex city. very few people know as many people and have walked into as many schools and libraries and knocked on as many doors as i have and i have to think that being a mayor of a city and knowing people in every neighborhood, every part of the city, rich people, poor people, immigrants, people who have been here in the city like my family for over 100 years, has got to make some kind of a difference. >> reporter: on inauguration day, quan will make history. oakland's first female mayor, first asian-american, first asian-american woman to become mayor of a major city in the country. >> actually winning an election and winning an election in a diverse city like this is very important to a lot of people across the country who see this as the asian-americans finally having arrived. my great-grandfather and his three sons came to oakland in 1906 in chinatown when san francisco was burned down with nothing but the clothes on their back and they stayed at the family association on "h" street that's, you know, about 7 blocks from city hall, that my mother and my mother-in-law and my sister worked in garment factories about six blocks from city hall that my dad was a union cook at the hotel lehman about four blocks from city hall. our family has been a part of oakland history for a long time and we are so proud. >> reporter: oakland certainly used to the spotlight with so- called celebrity mayors like jerry brown and ron dellums and allen, jean quan may be more of a local household name now, but when she takes office and makes history, i would be willing to bet that the spotlight is going to stay right here on the city. >> big agenda. sherry hu, thank you. a chemical weapon is being used in a string of robberies in san francisco and this crime spree stings literally. but police are reluctant to talk about it. simon perez is where the latest attack happened. >> reporter: it's a strange series of robberies, three on wednesday night two last night and basically here's how it goes down. the robbers will come up to the victim, spray them with pepper spray, and then run off with their purses backpacks and wallets. >> i heard a scream first and foremost. >> reporter: the first attack happened in the san francisco mission district on florida street near the spca. the attackers made off with the victim's cell phone. trey smith heard the first attack wednesday night around 9:00. >> they looked very organized so i'm not shocked. >> reporter: describe organized, how? >> they --only one of them attacked her here. the other two were in their vehicle and they kind of coordinated. he took off this way, and very quickly jumped in the car and they sped away. >> reporter: the second attack happened here in san francisco's lower haight neighborhood. on this one they made away with a wallet, a backpack and an ipod. this is where the third attack happened at the intersection of pine and larkin streets in nob hill. this is what the attackers got, a wallet, cash, credit cards, and a cell phone. this is pepper spray attack scene number 4 at bush and scott streets in lower pacific heights. this time the loot was a cell phone, a purse, and cash. and attack number 5 at filbert and pierce in ritzy cal hollow. this time loot was a purse. we're here at scene number five which happened last night at about 9:50. attack number 4 happened just 10 minutes before that. san francisco police aren't talking saying they didn't want to encourage more of them. they did say, though, that they are not sure if these attacks are related even though they were all committed with pepper spray. in san francisco, simon perez, cbs 5. >> simon perez, thank you. san francisco police are looking for two men who they say opened fire during a traffic stop. officers say they pulled over a brown chevy blazer about 2:20 this afternoon on drug suspicions. this is in the hayes valley neighborhood. when one cop approached the drive, the man made a sudden movement. the officer grabbed his arm and the driver hit the gas pedal. that's when the other officer opened fire. >> we heard the sudden very loud pop. obviously a gunshot. to me it sounded like a shotgun, then a car immediately started racing away and very quickly thereafter, there was a police siren. >> the officer wasn't seriously hurt. it's not clear if the men in the car were shot but 20 minutes later the vehicle was found abandoned a few blocks away. at a time when many communities are seeing their business base struggle, one is choosing to be a little picky. why one town says a dollar store simply is not welcome. think there are strict rules about where sex offenders can live? think again. the changes that could soon allow them to live just about anywhere. a dollar store? not in my neighborhood. that's the ,,,,,, the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. thinking in one upscale bay area a dollar store? not in my neighborhood. that's the thinking in one upscale bay area community. now shoppers who like dollar deals are calling them snobs. neighbors tell robert lyles what they are worried about in the dollar store and what it's going to bring to the community. >> reporter: shakespeare wrote, that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. but shakespeare never tried opening a discount store in moraga. is this buy moraga residents being snobby, wanting to keep this kind of store out? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: the store is dollar tree and the roses are plastic poinsettias surrounded not by romeo but everything from birthday party plates to greeting cards to sunny delight and nothing is it over a dollar. >> people are looking for a bargain and this is the best source around. >> reporter: moraga wants to get in on the greenbacks by turning 10,000 square feet of shuttered storefront into their own bustling dollar tree but that's turned into an upscale battle royale with residents making accusations. what's wrong with dollar tree moving in? >> we were very concerned about dollar tree's extensive track record of not protecting consumers. >> reporter: loyal dollar tree shop, say that's a coverup to keep certain shoppers out of moraga. >> they are snobs. >> oh. >> well, they are. i know a few of them that's how i know. >> we do not discriminate on who comes into this town based on the services offered. but we do discriminate on retailers that sell hazardous and dangerous products. >> reporter: holly says she thought she was buying the name brand diaper rash cream at dollar tree but on closer inspection found the name was slightly changed and an frightening additive was inside. >> this product contains chemicals including lead. >> reporter: she says dollar tree has osha violations coast to coast. other worried moraga residents say they visited them in all various towns. >> i saw exits obstructed, boxes in the aisles. it was a dangerous situation. >> reporter: robert lyles, cbs 5. >> a dollar for some sunshine. >> then i'll give you 50 bucks. >> whoo! >> how about that. because we're going to have unseasonably warm weather here in the bay area just for your weekend but it does come a little bit at a price. this is our live cbs 5 weather center. official sundown at 5:00. beauty time it comes:at 6:40 we'll vin creasing winds but lots of sunshine. it's a starry night. lots of clear skies. temperatures dropping off into the 50s. it won't be as cold as lease night due to the winds increasing out of the northeast 10 to 20. and because of the win it kind of minutes the air mass. so 40 in livermore. 46 san jose. we have a wound advisory in place for the north and east bay hills anything above 1,000 feet tomorrow. those winds up to 40 miles per hour and this is all because of a ridge of high pressure that continues to build in. but the other side of the coin has to be the warmer conditions. 60s beaches, 70s san jose, 74 east of the bay. north of the golden gate bridge we are talking about 75 degrees in santa rosa where today it topped off at 71. breezy northeasterlies 10 to 20 during the afternoon hours. sunday walk tall for life justin herm mal plaza 62 degrees. should be a good time for automatic. also on sunday it's 49er action. what a great day, 68 degrees. what a great weekend. check it out a string of days with sunshine through thursday. the next chance of precipitation back into the bay area happens to be on friday. we are going to talk more about that and other events going on here in the bay area next time around. >> thank you, ma'am. more lawsuits in san bruno, fines for several bay area hospitals, and a resignation after a gasoline scandal. that's in two minutes. over the pipeline disaster. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, two more suits were file add two more lawsuits to the list against pg&e over the pipeline disaster. two more lawsuits were filed today. more than two dozen had already been filed against the utility in connection with the september 9 blast in san bruno. the explosion killed 8 people, destroyed dozens of homes. pg&e is requesting that one judge handle all the litigation in the hopes of resolving the cases faster. three bay area hospitals are being fined for missteps that could have had fatal consequences. in san francisco, ucsf medical center and california pacific medical center are being penalized. sonoma county, petaluma valley hospital. the state's public health department said the hospitals were caught not following proper procedures for surgery, medication distribution or both. fines range from $25,000 to $75,000. the three are among a dozen in california being penalized. the alameda fire chief who got free gas for years quit. it comes several months after dave kapler was on paid administrative leave. he used his truck and car for three years on the city's tab. he said it was part of a pay deal he cut with the former city manager but no one at city hall could find a record of that agreement. kapler indicated he might sue if the council does not agree to a settlement package. dozens of trees in cupertino might be cut down because they could pose a danger. mark sayre shows us the ones that are on the chopping block. reporter: in all, there are 53 trees along stevens creek boulevard. they are each marked with these ribbons. david miller enjoys walking here. >> trees are part of the community. i love them. >> reporter: as does kerry lane. >> natural beautiful peaceful thing to enjoy especially in the middle of the city. >> reporter: this public notice describes the scope of the proposed project at the cupertino citycenter office and apartment complex. of the 53 trees to be removed 18 will be replaced and 24 new trees will be planted but miller says, he is concerned. >> to take and rip out everything to try to put something back in even smaller? how long will that take to reproduce and grow back to where they are now? >> reporter: the removal of any trees must be approved in advance by the city. the city's community development director who will make the final decision says in the letter to the mercury news, only trees that create an extremely hazardous situation and condition be remedied by other means will be approved for removal. >> well, if they are diseased they need to, you know, remove whatever needs to be removed and save as many as they can so i agree with that. but that's the only reason i think they should be removed. if they are posing a danger to the structure. >> reporter: another resident said he would feel the loss of the trees. >> i like the view. i like walking here. >> reporter: a decision is expected next week but then there will be a 14-day period of appeal to the city's planning commission. in cupertino, i'm mark sayre, cbs 5. a lot of people are talking about the ranked choice voting and now you can add one more person to that list. >> they said you can't do that. and this is the incumbent mayor person. >> yes, it only gets more confusing. the incumbent mayor person's thoughts on the new democracy math. you are absolutely incorrect. >> well, okay. governor schwarzenegger's thoughts on california's latest budget shortfall. and why he thinks the voters are partly responsible for it. >> and the russian spy who seemed to come straight out of the movies. now her story takes a dark twist with shades of spy tales from the past. ,, ,, ercu moment happened when i parked near the castle at "medieval knight fest". angry peasants can mess up a car really bad. ,, matt, my mercury agent, helped me file a claim right away. turns out mercury not only saves me money, but they also cover medieval mob damage. they got my car fixed in no time. call 888-4-mercury or visit to get a fast free quote and start saving today. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? stay in the happy meal... at least for now. day, san francisco the happy will stay in the happy meal, at least for now. today san francisco mayor gavin newsom vetoed a citywide ban on toys in mcdonald's happy meals. earlier this year the board of supervisors passed the measure that would ban toys in fast food meals that exceeded 600 calories and lacked fruits and vegetables. >> i just think this goes too far. i think the idea of banning toys in restaurants gets into the private sector decision- making. >> newsom says steps to combat childhood obesity must still be taken but he says this bill is the wrong approach. he believes the decision-making should be left to the parents, not the government. the board of supervisors plans to override newsom's veto. well, at fairmont elementary school in san francisco mayor newsom also talked about ranked choice voting. he said he doesn't like it. it how jean quan won the mayor's race in oakland even though the main opponent don perata had more first choice votes. in two san francisco supervisor races, the two first choice leaders also lost. ranked choice let's voters pick their top three choices. many voters are confused how this works, including mayor newsom. >> half are ranked choice on the ballot, organizers weren't? why aren't the judges and the state folks? can i do one, one, one? if i only do one does that hurt the candidate? do i second choice or third or should i do a second? that's not what democracy is. we are making it harder and less transparent. >> newsom says that he would like to see that method go away. he says that there are people working right now to come up with a way to repeal ranked choice voting. so how do you trim the $6 billion budget shortfall? a special legislative meeting will be held december 6 the day new lawmakers will be sworn in. today governor schwarzenegger deflected the budget blame on the legislature and california voters. >> i'm sorry to correct you because we did not know when we did the budget that the people in california would vote in favor of not being able to take $2 billion from local governments. that's one decision we didn't know. we also today we don't know if the federal government is going to give us the money that they owe us or not. >> the governor says they'll work with governor-elect jerry brown to close the gap. right next to your child's school or their favorite park a known sex offender might be allowed to love. right now it's illegal under jessica's law. anne makovec explains why that law just might actually put more kids at risk. >> i think there's good reason why we do have limits around parks and schools. >> reporter: the concept of jessica's law is simple, protecting children from sexual predators by monitoring them and restricting where they live. the unintended consequences, the restrictions may be making things more difficult for law enforcement. >> it's difficult to track them because they are moving a lot. >> reporter: since jessica's was passed by 70% of voters in 2006, which banned sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of schools or parks, more than seven times more offenders are listed as transient. this police captain doesn't think that part of the law should necessarily be changed but admits it's a challenge. >> someone who is a transient who goes from town to town, they still are, you know, required to register within their city of residence so it becomes an issue of which department is responsible for tracking them. >> can appreciate it if they can't keep track of them. i don't like the idea of them close to the schools but they are going to find the schools anyway if that's the way they behave. >> i hope they are getting more community input. >> reporter: the state department of corrections which order the task force that issued this new report says this is just one of many recommendation it's looking at to protect children in a time of dwindling budgets. and some say it doesn't hurt to take a second look at the rules. >> feel bad for the sex offenders who have been accused, you know, at a young age and can never get that off their record making it hard for them to find somewhere to live. >> i think there are plenty of places to live other than within a certain distance of a school or playground. >> reporter: we are still waiting for that official report to be released from the state task force. this recommendation is one of many. there will be a lot of discussion going forward. in burlingame, anne makovec, cbs 5. numerous charges have just been filed against the suggestion respect in yesterday's bay bridge standoff. among the charges faced by the suspect, craig carlos valentino, making a false bomb threat, kidnapping, child endangerment and brandishing a firearm. he surrendered and hour after he called 911 and threatened to blow up the bridge while his daughter was inside his suv. the threat shut down the upper deck resulting in a huge traffic mess. earlier, he sent a text message to his sister saying that he had killed himself because he believed his wife was having an affair. he is due in court on monday. still incredibly close in the california attorney general's race. but tonight, we have a new leader. according to the latest numbers from the secretary of state's website, san francisco district attorney kamala harris now leads her los angeles counter part steve cooley by fewer than 6,000 votes. there are still mail-in and provisional ballots to be counted so again, stay tuned. one of the best spy stories in recent memory, and it just got a little hotter. waiting for the next spy to drop in on the russian caper that just keeps getting better. it was anything but your typical off day for the warriors and it's a new era at the hilltop. the former stanford star is running the show at usf. that's coming up in sports. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after failing to strike some deals at an economic summit in south korea, president obama is going to spend the night tonight in japan. his ten-day overseas trip didn't go as well as the white house wanted. joel brown on the tough talks still ahead for the president when he return to washington. >> reporter: while g20 leaders toasted what they called a successful summit, president obama left south korea with little to celebrate. he failed to strike a deal with the south koreans on a free trade agreement that's been delayed for years. >> do we have a deal that works for us? that's my first obligation. >> reporter: the president had no luck convincing world leaders to put more pressure on china over its undervalued currency. after the setbacks in south korea, reporters traveling with the president asked him if he had been hurt by the punishment his party took in the midterm elections. >> the answer to the second question is no. >> reporter: things won't get any easier when the president gets back here to the white house. next week, he will sit down with congress' newly empowered republicans to talk tax cuts. while the president want to let the bush era cuts expire for taxpayers making more than $200,000, gop leaders are pushing to extend the cuts for everyone. >> i think extending all of the current tax rates and making them permanent will reduce the uncertainty in america and help small businesses begin to create jobs again. >> my hope is that somewhere in between there we can find some sort of solution. but i'm not going to negotiate here in seoul. my job is to negotiate back in washington. >> reporter: when the talks do begin, there won't be much time to negotiate. if no deal is reached by the end of next month, everyone's taxes will go up. joel brown, cbs news, the white house. there is a new twist in the russian spy scandal. it turns out that a russian double agent blew the whistle on those ten sleeper spies living in the united states. and mark phillips reports, they are not longer keeping such a low profile that they had held for so long. >> reporter: anna chapman didn't so much come in from the cold when her spy cover was blown. using her new celebrity status to open a moscow boutique this week she seems to have come into the cold. chapman when she picked up an english husband during her time in husband and took his name is the center page spread of the spy story from last summer. she was one of 10 long-term sleeper spies living apparently normal lives in the u.s. when they were exposed and swapped in a vienna airport scene reminiscent of the cold war for four russians serving time for allegedly spying for the u.s. but none of the spies was exposed like anna chapman has been exposed. she is on a men's's magazine. the russians are record to be scouring the world for a mystery colonel the head of eye secret department of russian intelligence who fled to the u.s. just as president medvedev was due to visit and who allegedly betrayed his spies to u.s. authorities. in the manner of the historic era leader josef stalin who dispatched an assassin to kill the renegade bolshevik leon trotsky, russian sources say he has been certainty to find the traitor. anna chapman isn't the only thing keeping this spy story in public view. mark phillips, london. it isn't a secret around here. it's sunny and bright this weekend but the advisory you need to know about. hang out and stay with us. eyewitness news continues right after this. ,, i spend three hours on my 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[ laughter ] >> it's giants day today at the holiday ice rink so if you come out wearing anything giants, including panda hats, you get in free. how about that? and it usually cost about $9.50 for adults, 5.50 for kids under 10, and then the skates for 3.50. it's totally free tonight. if you want to go out there, they are open until 11:30. they are making lots of great ice out there. . looking towards san francisco current air temperatures at 57 degrees after a high today of 66 degrees. if you are out and about make sure you have a jacket. we have temperatures falling off very quickly but it won't be as cold tonight as last knew the because we have increasing wind out of the northeast offshore 10 to 20 that mixes up the air mass. so not down to 35 as it was last night in livermore. rather, 40 degrees. upper 30s santa rosa, 46 san jose, and mid- and high 40s common in the central bay. we have a disturbance, clouds masking some of the sunshine today but nevertheless, we are still under the influence of high pressure. it will be brighter and sunnier for your saturday. and with those offshore winds, they are going to get gusty. anything above 1,000 feet in elevation. so therefore we have a wind advisory in effect for our north and east bay hills from saturday, 7 a.m., until monday at 10 a.m. could see some power outages and downtown trees. across the state you saw that sunshine across the northern half -- i'm sorry, i just quick draw on the trigger here. we have a red flag warning in effect for santa barbara and los angeles, gusty winds up to 55 miles per hour. locally with the breezy conditions during the day, 60s at the seashore, 70s san jose, low 70s in milpitas. east of the bay 71 in alameda, 74 brentwood, 73 san ramon. by the way in pleasanton, it's the final show for the year, it's the good guys car show. 73 degrees tomorrow. 76 degrees on sunday. north bay numbers stacking up in the mid-60s to the mid-70s. 68 in san rafael. holiday ice rink, 68 degrees on saturday and sunday. and we have 49er action. boy, kickoff at 68 degrees. gorgeous weekend any way you look at it but dry winds. so the potential for fire danger does increase. next shot of rain comes on friday. but until then, wow. kathy doyle you outdid yourself. keep the photos coming to make it a great weekend, everyone. >> thank you very much, roberta. and smile. and see just what could be. what would you look like if you lost five pounds? what about 15? tonight at 10:00 on the cw and 11:00 on cbs 5, the program that shows you what could be your future. the busy off season continues for the as but this time they add an infielder to the mix and find out how long the warriors will be without their new power forward. sports is next. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. have officially been sold... the warriors have to stop getting hurt. >> can you play? >> no. >> the knees have been shot for a long time. the warriors are sold. the nba's board of governors finally approved the $450 million sale joseph lacob and guber the new owners. david lee will miss two weeks after elbow surgery. he injured it wednesday night in new york when he knocked out wilson chandler's tooth. the $80 million man has averaged 14 points and 11 rebounds a night this season. the celtics reminded everyone that they are still the best team to beat in the east with another win over the miami heat. the big three of pierce, allen and garnett combined for 76 points. or 18 more than the trio of james, wade and bosh. >> and this time i'm going to take my talents to south beach and join the miami heat. >> count paul pierce among those who watched lebron's decision. after the game pierce tweeted it's been a pleasure to bring my talents to south beach. [ laughter ] now on to memphis. >> the celtics will play the grizzlies tomorrow night. the as continue their busy off season. today think claimed edwin encarnacion off waivers from the toronto blue jays. he drove in 51 runs with the jays last season. we likely start at the hot corner. jennifer was successful as a player at the stop of her career, stanford, wnb and even the ab will. but this season she is in for a whole new challenge, head coach at you. sf. >> hello. i'm going to sit in your living room with my gold medal on come it to usf. >> reporter: not many college coaches can make that kind of recruiting pitch. she won awards including a 1996 gold medal but her coaching resume' was blank. so why did she take the job at usf? >> i have been asked that more than anything. why would i take this on? the team won one game in the conference last year. and it's a huge undertaking. but it feels right for me. >> reporter: she may be making her debut on the sidelines this season but she is no stranger to the hardwood. she led stanford to it first national title in 1990. so it's no surprise she considers tara vanderveer her coaching mentor. >> i played for her longer than anyone else. what stanford experience and then on the olympic team, learned a ton. she has been extremely supportive of me through this process and making this transition. she has been a great resource and, you know, so i got to play for the best and that's definitely going to inform the way that i do things. let go, let go! >> they all now know, i mean, you know, when they started to look up the things from, you know, from my career, they were -- it's, you know, it's instant credibility, whether or not they know my name or not. and i think as we go out and recruit, i mean, i was on one losing team my entire career. so i want winners around me. >> reporter: turning around a program is nothing new for jennifer. when she arrived at stanford the cardinal were 4-28. three decades later they are one of the most respected programs in the country. now as a coach, she is hoping to build another winner at the hilltop. >> just the other day i had someone send a bottle of wine over at dinner like, thank you for everything you have done in women's sports. i'm like who did this come from? so i appreciate that support in the community and i hope that, you know, as we move forward that people will come to usf and support the program here. we want to be the team in san francisco. >> of course, we'll have highlights of their home owner, they are playing u.c.-davis right now. they are in danger of dropping the opener but she knows it's a challenge. they asked her if she wanted to play stanford, she said sometime down the road. >> she is building the program. she does a lot of charity work. i have seen her at many a community event. hats off to her. >> good. we'll be seeing more of her. we are leaving for now but we'll see you at 10:00 and 11:00. have a good weekend. this one actually does it. 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