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the bay area from vacaville it fairfield, moving into concord, san francisco, light rainfall. heavier rainfall into santa rosa and just along the cost line here. these showers heavy at times. we could see that by the yellow and orange that you have moving into santa rosa also impacting bodega bay, inverness and this system is moving from the southwest to the northeast. also moving into petaluma and novato. mill valley getting showers, san francisco half moon bay, but look at who is still dry: hayward, fremont, milpitas, san jose, sunnyvale, palo alto. no rainfall for you just yet. could be a couple of hours before it reaches san jose as this storm system, this cold front yet again, moving from the southwest to the northeast. it will be sinking slowly to the south. we'll have more in a few moments. here's elizabeth with your traffic. >> thank you, tracy. well, flooding is causing the biggest problems right now especially in san francisco. it's enough to cause a full ramp closure. the closure is southbound two the two ramp to southbound 101. we had at least three accidents along the stretch. the chp just closed the ramp altogether. no estimated time when they will get that stretch of road re-opened. in the meantime we are also getting flooding reports at the bay bridge toll plaza not unusual when it starts to rain especially collecting in the middle lanes. the carpool lane is especially flooded. so far no huge delay and no metering lights if you are heading towards the bay bridge. we'll take you live to the san mateo bridge. traffic is okay. we had several spinouts including one northbound 101 at 92 in san mateo. that is now cleared. golden gate bridge, slick roads but so far so good all the way through marin county from novato into san francisco. actually our marin county commute has been problem-free compared to the rest of the bay area. back to you. >> thank you. this morning, the giants head to texas with a 2-0 lead in the world series along with strong pitching, the offense came through once again big time. >> here's the 0-1 pitch. rent me yeah, launches one into left. down the line into the corner. edgar renteria is going deep, 1- 0 san francisco. >> oh, yeah. that was edgar renteria's first homer in six weeks. he drove in three runs last night against the rangers. --the giants blow out the men in blue 9-0. game two more exciting than game one. a complete recap of the game coming up at 6:30. right now time 6:03. the investigation and status of the pipeline that exploded will be the hot topic in san bruno. congresswoman jackie speier. mark sayre reports about the town hall meeting for tonight. people are concerned about a possible increase of pressure on the pipe. good morning. >> reporter: that's right. pg&e and state regulators are discussion the possibility that the gas line pressure might need to be increased if we have a cold snap. >> reporter: we'll have details on the town hall meeting in just a moment. first the other development is the issue of pipeline pressure. the potential that the pressure on the pipeline that runs through the area might be increased. at the public utilities commission meeting yesterday both the puc and pg&e said the line pressures may need to be increased if there is a cold snap this winter because the line that exploded and two others are operating at just 80% of capacity under the puc order. if demand increases, it's possible that some customers like hospitals and other commercial customers could lose gas service because they are considered noncore customers. but, of course, the entire concept of increasing the pressure has residents very concerned. >> i don't want my daughter's death to go in vain and i want continue to work with the community and consider safety first. >> our top priority is always safety. we completed a thorough leak survey of all our lines on the peninsula in preparation for our work with the commission including the independent commission, president peavy and all the commissioners here to evaluate whether or not it is safe to raise pressure. >> reporter: now, also the federal emergency management agency has denied governor schwarzenegger's appeal to get federal disaster funds to pay for the clean-up. fema has agreed to pay for 75% of the firefighting cost. they say local resources haven't been overwhelmed. that's the analysis at fema. on to this town hall meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. here in san bruno to be held at saint robert's church hosted by the city council, the ntsb which is investigating, the puc, many other agencies will be here to give residents an update on the progress here. juliette, back to you. >> we will be there, as well. thank you, mark sayre. a new bridge tower is rising above san francisco bay getting taller by the day. anne makovec is on treasure island checking the work that's supposed to be finished today. but anne, i don't see the umbrella anymore. what do you think? >> reporter: it's one of those arenas where it's like do you ever the umbrella or do you not? because it's not really heavy enough to need it. but yeah, so i decided to go without it at this point. and this is the kind of conditions that caltrans is having to work under as they decide whether or not they are going to finish doing the work today. it's been going on all week here. now, this tower that you see behind me the lit-up tower is just north of the current bay bridge and that's going to be the anchor of the new bay bridge. and today, we were scheduled to have the fourth and final leg tipped and slid into place to join the other three legs that have been put in this week. the work started on monday. it's been going almost around the clock ever since. at 7 p.m. last night the third of four sections was landed, and today workers are scheduled it continue around 8:30 this morning. with the fourth and final leg. it's a 16 to 20 hour procedure. >> it's an interesting thing to say we are doing this amazing thing but don't look but there was really no way to screen it. and we looked into it. but there was no way to put any screening out there that wouldn't cause a bigger safety risk so it was better to get the word out that we're doing this work today and if they want to know more they can go to our website. >> reporter: each piece is 100 feet tall and weighs 617 tons. 16 to 20 hours to lift each piece 300 feet into air and bolt it into place. it's a project on a gigantic scale. the tower is standing 525 feet tall when it's all said and done. it's an impressive sight, the new bay bridge is going to be impressive. we have a few more years until that is completed. back to you. >> you know, anne, it's so hard to say don't look because then people want to look but especially today with all the rain and -- it's going to be bumper-to-bumper traffic so be careful. >> reporter: westbound drivers have the best view of it so just try to keep your eyes on road. >> don't want to start your weekend off with a fender bernard. thank you very much, anne makovec at treasure island. this morning, a any rail line is under way for bart. groundbreaking is started for the pittsburg-bay point station to antioch. the trains will be smaller than regular bart trains and will be scheduled to meet regular trains at the bay point station. service will start in 2015. today a controversial pay hike is expected to be approved. a retiring supreme court justice will decide on a 3.5% raise for 1,000 employees of the administrative office of the courts. it's located in san francisco and the total cost more than a million dollars. it comes at a time when many courts close one day a month to save money. >> it is inappropriate. it is wrong to grant pay raises when we cannot even keep the doors of our courthouses open. >> the judge who is chairing the committee recommending the pay hike is on the ballot to become the next chief justice of the california supreme court. our time now 6:08. just four days until the election. and one voter is announcing his decision loud and clear. >> meg whitman and -- wow! pretty intense. >> it's the attack ad so offensive, we can't even show it on tv. and it's happened again. the new burger war in one bay area city. ,, [ female announcer ] after forty years in politics, what are the facts... about jerry brown? fact. as governor, jerry brown supported seven billion dollars in higher taxes. he called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip-off." fact. under brown, the unemployment rate nearly doubled, to 11%. fact. last year, brown said taxes should be raised again. in a recession. jerry brown: he failed on jobs before, can we afford to let him fail again? i'm among 30,000 employees he failed on jobs before, who used to work for hp. i was supposed to retire there. carly fiorina changed all that. fiorina laid off 30,000 people and she shipped our jobs to china and india. i had to pack my bags and i was out the door that night. we even had to train our replacements. she didn't need 5 corporate jets. one hundred million for herself. fiorina never cared about our jobs. not then and not now. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. new this morning: morning: lawmakers are pushing for more safety after a nurse was killed >> welcome back. chopper 5 is showing us a live look at 101 near sfo. conditions have improved as some of the rain showers have pushed through the peninsula. coming up a check of the bay bridge and update you on that earlier full ramp closure caused by flooding in san francisco. traffic in six minutes. >> thank you. thanks to chopper 5. 6:12 now and new this morning, lawmakers are pushing for more safety after a nurse was killed in martinez. they have introduced a measure to strengthen protection for medical facilities for inmates. on monday an inmate hit a nurse on the head. he is charged with murder. a new field poll shows barbara boxer with a larger lead in the senate race up 49 to 41% over carly fiorina. boxer's lead is 3% higher than the one she had last month. a well-known bay area attorney is making a controversial statement about two political candidates. this contains a four-letter obscenity and the names of republicans meg whitman and carly fiorina. this sign is visible from broadway and kearney streets in san francisco. whitman was asked about the sign yesterday as she campaigned in walnut creek. >> what i have been called in this race? i have been called a liar, a nazi, a whore. i have run a campaign on the issues. >> whitman trails democrat jerry brown in the latest polls. 6:13. things are getting a lot more personal at the airport. >> in just a few minutes we'll have a live report on the new patdown procedure that allows security agents to go where they have never gone before. >> the rainfall is moving across the bay area this morning. here's a look at our hi-def doppler, green showing light rainfall and yellow and orange heavy downpours moving into the bay area. which parts of the bay area could see 1.5" of rainfall through tonight? i'll let you know coming up after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, good morning. let's go back out to chopper 5. i believe they are near that 280/101 interchange where there was a full ramp closure earlier this morning. it seems like things have quieted down near san francisco and the peninsula where some of the rain showers have pushed through. we had several spinouts including one accident involving a taxicab and another driver. so again, just about 15 minutes ago they reaped that ramp which is good news if you are commuting into or out of san francisco. drive along the peninsula looks better, as well. let's go to our maps. we can tell you about -- again, that ramp re-opened. let's go out to the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights are still not on. earlier we were getting reports of flooding approaching the toll plaza and some of those middle lanes where the water tends to collect as well as one of the carpool lanes likely things have improved a bit here, as well. again, since the rain showers have moved through things are drier out there. here's a live look at the upper deck of the bay bridge. moving fine into san francisco right now. along the peninsula, 101 and 280 mostly in the green meaning mostly seeing top speeds. same thing in the south bay. we can show you a live look at traffic coming out of downtown san jose. looking good so far right there as you approach that 880 interchange. today may be the morning you want to avoid the roads altogether it may be wet, want to use mass transit. everything is running on time for bart, ace, muni and caltrain. you can get the very latest traffic updates. remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. that's a check of your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. i know these rain showers are moving north. is that right? >> yeah. they are headed toward the northeast. not our typical movement when we typically have a cold front coming in. it normally goes west to east. this particular one is moving from the southwest to the northeast. that's why many locations in the south bay and east bay are still dry. north bay locations, you're not dry. you're wet. santa rosa looking at heavy rainfall, bodega bay looking at heavy rain as well as inverness. and more moderate to heavy rainfall moving into the petaluma and novato area. as you move down a bit you can see the green light rainfall through mill valley and san francisco and oakland. but also take a look at what's still off the coastline here. that's going to be moving in through the morning. hayward, fremont, milpitas, sunnyvale, san jose, you are still dry for now but we are expecting light showers for you later on this morning. forecast for today, going to sum it up. cloudy with rainfall. temperatures inland near 60 degrees. 52 to 60 degrees. 53 to 60 around the bay and 53 to 57 along the coast. for this afternoon, not as warm as yesterday. near 80 degrees in some spots yesterday well inland. today 60 to 70. cloudy with showers expected. 63 to 65 degrees around the bay and 58 to 63 along the coast. cloudy with scattered showers expected for the afternoon. also expecting something else, a few scattered showers for tomorrow. here's what's causing all this. cold front coming in that's what's basically dumping the rainfall across the bay area. that's going to give us up to 1.5" in the north bay up to a half inch in the east bay or up to an inch in the peninsula, up to three-quarters 6 an inch in the santa cruz mountains. up to three-tenths in the south bay through tonight. five-day into the seven-day forecast, scattered showers expected tomorrow we start to dry out sunday, plenty of sunshine monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday with warmer temperatures. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. it is 6:20. you have probably experienced a patdown at one time or another at the airport. get ready for a new screening technique that's way move intimate. >> courtney dempsey is at the sacramento international airport to explain the, quote, hand swipe, which sid and i don't quite -- >> it sounds a little creepy. >> a little bit. >> reporter: well, i don't know what your relationship is now with your friendly current tsa agent but it's going to get cuddlier because starting today they have instituted this new technique that goes hand in hand with the traditional hand patdown. a lot of people here have no idea this is going into effect today. tsa says they are adopting this hand sliding motion to go along with the traditional patdown and it's a more invasive patdown that will include breasts and genital areas for both men and women. they say there is a regular review they go through every year to figure out how their screening procedures are working and whether they need to update. they say now they need to do this update and it's crucial for them to do so. as far as how this works, you usually have a chance to opt out for the body scan and do the hand patdown. in this case they will do so. you have the option of going to a private room to have this done but they will be instituting this new hand sliding technique as well as going in areas that people have not been familiar with before. so this is a brand-new technique goes into effect today. lots of people are disconcerted with it. >> i would say so. all right. thanks for the information. it is a battle over burgers in one bay area city. >> the restaurant that wants to move in and why neighbors say not in my backyard. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we have heavy rainfall out there moving into the north bay. santa rosa and san rafael, heavy rainfall expected for the morning. light showers in san francisco moving into fairfield and vacaville. how much rainfall can you expect today? there are still a few showers expected for the weekend. we have all the numbers and your weekend forecast in just a few moments. >> i'm sorry, i wasn't listening yesterday and my raincoat is at home. 6:25. a neighborhood in walnut creek is in a burger war with the golden arches. neighbors until the woodlands community are opposed to a plan for a new mcdonald's although it hasn't been formally proposed it would be across the street from other fast food chains. opponents say it's not so much the mcdonald's they have a problem with as its drive through window. they complain it will bring unwanted traffic. 6:25. here's a question for you. how much do you tip when you go out to eat? >> a new report says people in san francisco are some of the worst tippers in the country. the national average is 19.2% but in san francisco it's 18.6%. the worst are in hawaii and the best in new orleans. >> there you go. >> why do you think some people are such bad tippers? irene writes in the cost of living in the city affects our cost of giving. send your answers to mornings at cbs com. we are also on facebook and twitter. hawaii gets tons of tourists from japan. >> send your answers to or you can post your answers on our facebook page. we're also on twitter. >> that tipping depends on the service, as well. usually i think the standard is 20%. i know you overtip. >> you're nice. very generous. >> of course you are. >> it's hard work. >> it is. believe me. 6:26. as the giants head to texas, one player won't be with them. >> we'll tell you who is under investigation and the advice major league baseball gave the giants. and this on-and-off rain we're seeing this morning could have a major impact on the big project going on. the bay bridge project, the fourth leg was scheduled to be hoisted into place this morning but will it or will it not happen? coming up next. and chopper 5 is live over the bay bridge toll plaza, where we were getting earlier reports of flooding but as you can see, things have improved now in the carpool lanes, metering lights on. so we are getting those brake lights and delays approaching the pay gates. more on your morning commute coming up. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. she's against banning assault weapons... and that's reckless and dangerous. she's for risky new oil drilling that could threaten our jobs. fiorina's plan would mean slashing social security and medicare, which would devastate seniors. and she'd make abortion a crime. no wonder fiorina is endorsed by sarah palin. carly fiorina. just too extreme for california. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. caption colorado, l.l.c. good morning. it's friday, october 29. >> good morning, everyone. it is 6:30. usually we begin with a check of traffic because the weather is a affecting our friday morning commute, let's starts with tracy and find out how long we're going to have this rain system. >> heavy rainfall at times. hi-def doppler all over it. take a look. the green showing the light rainfall extending down to redwood city. more importantly, the yellow the orange, that's where we have some pockets of heavy rainfall moving into santa rosa headed towards sonoma, petaluma, novato, inverness looking at heavy rainfall here illustrated by the brighter shade of orange and all this moving to the northeast. as we move down to the south light rainfall in mill valley san francisco illustrated by the shade of green but just off the coast we have a pocket of heavier rainfall that will be shifting in. sunnyville, san jose, milpitas, where's your rainfall? it's coming. it's going to take a while. this system is moving from the southwest towards the northeast so we'll be sinking down to the south ever so slowly. for many in the east bay you're waking up there is no rain. if you're moving into the city there will be pockets of rainfall for the morning. scattered showers expected for the afternoon. how much rainfall when it's all said and done? we'll look at the numbers in a few moments. in the meantime, elizabeth is busy with traffic. >> i know. you know it's going to be a ba morning on the roads when tracy brings out those colorful maps full of yellow and green. things have quieted down a bit. some of the rain showers have moved through the east bay and south bay but now in the north bay so we're watching our accident count up there. at the bay bridge toll plaza, they turned the metering lights on. so you can see we're starting to see delays now. it is busy for a friday backed up looks like about to the end of the parking lot for right now. sluggish up the incline. so far no problems at the bay bridge. earlier reports of flooding it looks like most of that has cleared. still wet out there. let's go to our maps. more live traffic cameras. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. again some of the rain showers are moving up towards the north bay. so to we'll be watching the roads on southbound 101 from novato down into san francisco. live look at 880, this is not too bad. the nimitz freeway as you pass the coliseum. move up into downtown. and mass transit by the way on time. good morning to use it. back to you. >> thank you. 6:32. shut out by the giants in game2. the texas rangers just arrived home this morning. the giants are headed to texas for game three of the world series tomorrow. as dennis o'donnell explains, another player came through for the giants. reporter: good morning, sydnie and juliette from at&t park. and the beauty of the san francisco giants team there seems to be a different hero every night. matt cain brilliant on the pitching mound once again. but it was light hitting edgar renteria who came through with the big hit. >> here's the 0-1 pitch, renteria down the line into the corner. edgar renteria has gone deep, 1- 0 san francisco. >> reporter: renteria hits his first home run in six weeks. he drives in three runs in a game for the first time this season. giants blow out the rangers 9-0 and they take a 2-0 series lead. >> i couldn't be happier for edgar. it's been a tough year for him. the ups and downs, the injuries, he would come back and, you know, reinjure something else. and, you know, he's a leader in that clubhouse. >> it's no surprise that, you know, edgar is coming through. he has been --probably one of the biggest hits in world series history. the guys obviously clutch. he knows what he's doing up there. and everybody respects him in this club. and you know, we're just so happy to see him come through. >> reporter: now i have a flight to catch headed back to texas but juliette, sydnie, the bottom line here is the giants are just a better team. they are better offensively and defensively and better in the bullpen in the starting rotation. so this is no surprise at this point. the giants should go to texas now and look to win their first world series title. reporting from at&t park, i'm dennis o'donnell, back to you juliette and sydnie. >> the rangers fans will be waiting for them. game 3 is in texas tomorrow. fire up the barbie. starts at 3:30. jonathan sanchez against colby lewis. the feds are investigating outfielder hoe a guillen stemming from shipments of human growth hormone allegedly sent to his wife, who lives in the bay area. major league baseball advised them to keep jose guillen off the world series roster. people want answers about the investigation and status of the pipeline that exploded in san bruno. tonight they will have a chance to voice their concerns at a town hall meeting. mark sayre is in san bruno. >> reporter: let's tell you about the gas line pressure increase something that both state regulators and pg&e say may be necessary if there is a cold snap this winter. now, that's because the pipeline that exploded here in san bruno and two others are currently running at just 80% capacity under puc order those pipelines serving the peninsula and also san francisco. the concern is if there is a heavy demand for gas, it's possible some customers like hospitals and some other commercial customers that are considered noncore customers could actually lose gas service. any discussion of increasing the pressure in a cold snap is of concern to local residents. >> i feel a little better than did i before i walked in because i know that the president of the commission said that he would go to the experts for their advice before he had to make the decision. he doesn't want to make that decision. >> our top priority is always safety. we completed a thorough and comprehensive leak survey of all of our lines on the peninsula in preparation for our work with the all the commissioners here to evaluate whether or not it is safe to raise pressure. >> reporter: so the president of the public utilities commission has been given the authority to authorize a pressure increase if it will happen. the public can ask questions about this at this town hall meeting tonight. it's going to be at 6:30 this evening at saint robert's church here in san bruno. the city council, the national transportation safety board, and the puc, they will all be here to update residents on the situation on the recovery here. >> i'm sure a lot of questions. >> thank you, mark sayre in san bruno. the signature tower that will eventually hold up part of the eastern span of the bay bridge is growing by hundreds of feet this week. let's go to anne makovec. she is on treasure island, where the work is supposed to be finished today. commuters are supposed to be watching the road. it's raining again. >> reporter: it's this on- again, off-again rain the kind you don't even even know if you should put up your umbrella or not. i'm sure caltrans is having a difficult time deciding whether or not to continue the work. it's been going on all week. the beginning of the tower on the northern side of the bay bridge, people driving westbound have a very good look at it. today the fourth and final leg of the tower is scheduled to be tipped and slid into place to join the other three put in this week. the work started on monday. it has been going almost around the clock ever since. at 7:00 last night, the third of four sections was landed and today workers are scheduled to tip the fourth and final tower at around 8:30 a.m. it's a 16 to 20 hour procedure because they don't want the water to slosh around too much with the weight of the tower. that's 617 tons. >> you can't practice this. it's the biggest thing. i don't know what an analogy would be. it's like the super bowl. you can play the season all the way through and you don't practice that hard before something this big. >> reporter: each piece is over 100 feet tall. it weighs 617 tons. again, 16 to 20 hours to lift each one of them. 300 feet into the air and then bolt it into place underneath that tower. when it's all said and done, the tower is going to be 525 feet tall and will be the real centerpiece of the new bay bridge. it's an impressive sight behind me. keep your eyes on the road instead of the construction. whether or not it goes on this morning, we are not sure. >> thank you. anne makovec at treasure island. 6:38. california consumer confidence is starting to improve and silicon valley residents are more optimistic than the rest of the state and the nation. kcbs radio's matt bigler has more on the survey out of san jose state university. positive news. good morning to you, matt. [ pause ] >> reporter: according to the survey two out of five households have reported some sort of job losses since the great recession began about three years ago. that's according to the survey and policy research institute out of san jose state. now, of those who reported job losses, over half said they are still having trouble finding new employment. there are a lot of factors here. the biggest is probably the economy. but mike splinter the ceo of applied materials said recently that many silicon valley jobs have been outsourced to asia. >> little by little, people figure out, well, we can do more things in china. we can do more things in india or taiwan or japan. and it's this slow erosion that i'm much more worried about than just the next 12 or 18 months. >> reporter: looking ahead, the survey also delved into consumer confidence finding it is up slightly here in silicon valley, higher than the rest of the state and the rest of the nation. but most of the people who were surveyed still say that they expect to have a sluggish economic recovery in the near future. i'm matt bigler live in san jose for cbs 5. >> thank you. another check of your traffic and weather when we return. >> and it's a good time to be a baseball fan in the bay area. what the giants have in common with jerry brown and the republican party. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, numbers on inflation this morning. good morning. back out to chopper 5 live over the eastshore freeway showing us west and eastbound traffic on 80. so far not too bad. it's been getting busier out there but drive time is 20 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. the metering lights are on by the way at the bay bridge toll plaza and traffic is inching closer toward that west grand overcrossing. there you can see golden gate fields in the distance. all right. let's go to our maps. our other hot spots highway 4 no surprise slow from a street to somersville road. they did re-open that stretch of highway 4 bypass in brentwood after an earlier overnight fatal accident. westbound 580 not too bad considering all those rain showers that moved through. still holding steady there about 16 minutes coming out of the altamont pass. it does start to slow though closer to the dublin interchange. you can see some of the slower sensors there approaching 680. it is hi-5 time. today's hi-5 is in honor of halloween this weekend. we are going out to redwood city. and in this redwood city neighborhood, there is one house halloween decoration that are the talk of the town. he began creating this papier- mache' halloween dragon a couple of months ago and it sits on his roof and over the phone with us is aaron. good morning, aaron. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> good. thank you for joining us. i have so many questions for you. [ laughter ] >> why did you decide to create this halloween dragon? >> uhm, i don't know. i just, uhm, we were out camping this last august and i just decided thinking about disneyland and i remember the dragon over at the fantasmic show there and always liked the scary part of it where it is very subdued and stuff and i thought, yeah, i'd like to do something like that and try to theme it for halloween or something and we just started from there. >> that's cool. the video we are looking at now is actually video you posted on youtube so people can do a youtube search and check it out if you want? >> yeah, my wife put that on there. i'm not very computer literate that way so it's more of a nighttime dragon where videotape doesn't go very good during the nighttime so we did a daytime one but at night it's spooky. >> thank you, aaron so much for joining us over the phone today. dragon creator. i just want to let folks know there is a dragon rehearsal tonight at 7:30 for anyone who actually wants to see this dragon live and in action. [ laughter ] >> tracy, are you looking at this? >> to does look a little spooky and on halloween night rain or shine they are going to have that dragon lit up. >> can you imagine your kids seeing something like that? >> i think that would be a house i would avoid. [ laughter ] that's just me. . laughter ] that's just me. >> trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat... okay. hi-def doppler this morning. we have some rainfall out there folks. plenty of rainfall. the green showing light rainfall from vacaville down to san francisco. the yellow and orange we have heavy rainfall moving into santa rosa inverness, pushing into sonoma, headed towards napa also impacting novato and moving towards san rafael and mill valley. as we move down to the south not as much activity. san francisco some light showers. yellow showing pockets of heavier rainfall off the coast. they will be moving into san francisco within the hour. and also expecting down to the south not so much. yeah, dry conditions from hayward to fremont milpitas san jose and much of the east bay still dry. why? the system is moving from the southwest to the northeast. so the bulk of the activity in the north bay today, but we are still going to kept a chance of rainfall for the south bay locations for the morning and the afternoon. out the door, cloudy with rainfall. temperatures this morning essentially from the lower 50s to near 60 degrees. a good chance of rainfall for the bay and also for the coast. this afternoon, widespread rainfall will taper off to scattered showers. we'll see temperatures cooler than yesterday. lower 60s along the coast, mid- 60s around the bay and near 70 degrees well inland. cold front coming in that's what's causing the showers that you're seeing. they will be in the forecast throughout the day and even some scattered showers tomorrow. how much through tonigh? seven-day forecast, scattered showers in the forecast saturday. sunshine for sunday. plenty of sunshine monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday with warmer temperatures expected. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. wall street's watching the new numbers on inflation this morning. >> economic growth picked up the pace in the last quarter and here's jason brooks with kcbs and >> good morning. the economy did grow in the 3rd quarter at 2%. that's better than what we saw in the 2nd quarter which was 1.7% but still, a fairly anemic pace at that. that's not enough to make a dent in unemployment, which is at 9.6%. if there was a positive it was consumer spending. it was up 2.6% in the quarter. that was the best showing in almost four years. a big drag continues to be housing. that brought the number down. housing sales really fell off in the 3rd quarter. big earnings coming out this morning. chevron saw its profit dip 2% to $3.77 billion. that mainly came from some charges to foreign currency exchange rates in the quarter as well as the moratorium on drilling in the gulf of mexico. chevron did see its revenue rise thanks to increased oil production as well as prices for crude and gasoline rising during the past couple of months. microsoft got a huge quarter. profit was up 51% to $5.4 billion mainly coming from windows 7 sales. also got a bump from its xbox 360. online services were still low losing $560 million. stock market right now fairly flat. the dow lower by about one point. nasdaq is up 6. s&p down about one. microsoft shares up 2%. going to be a quiet day ahead of the election and the federal reserve meeting next week. >> thank you, jason brooks with kcbs and have a great weekend. >> you, too. 6:49. the giants are on a roll and so are a lot of politicians on a roll right now. >> yeah. let go over to our desk over there and we have political insider phil matier and former san francisco mayor willie brown. gentlemen, good morning. >> well, good morning. and you've got it right. let look at the points. what do the giants, barbara boxer and jerry brown all have in common? >> they have a rude lady working on their behalf. >> they are all up. boxer according to this morning's poll in the "san francisco chronicle" is up 8. are you surprised? >> not at all. i have predicted all along that barbara boxer would defeat very easily fiona -- fiorina. there is no way she could ever come close to boxer. she is too conservative for this state. she has too much baggage existing identifiable. you don't have to make it up. you lost your job, you worked for hewlett-packard, she sent it overseas. >> big points though for her grid. she is out there campaigning in and out of the hospital. she is showing a lot of steel. >> except that you can't really advertise that. you know, you're supposed to play hurt anyway. >> oh, boy, you're cruel. move on, jerry brown up 9. surprised there? >> no, no surprise there. when september 1 came and after spending $120 million- plus, they were still dead even, it was over for her. she should have taken her -- folded her tent and gone home and saved herself $40 million. >> speaking of saving money giants are paying barry bonds $5 million a year and now they are in the world series without him. >> that's absolutely amazing. they are also paying zito $25 million a year and he is watching with me. [ laughter ] >> nothing is better. i should have been a ballplayer. what did my mother have in mind when she said, learn to count? [ laughter ] >> most amazing thing you have seen besides the weather when it comes to the giants games? >> the amazing increase in the number of people who think they know baseball. [ laughter ] >> they put on an orange piece and immediately they become a great giant. where were they when the giants really needed them? >> for me the most surprising thing i have seen since the world series started is the increase in parking charges down around the ballpark area. lots that used to be 20 bucks a couple nights ago are 80 bucks. >> it's 80 bucks a copy. and believe me, it's cheaper than the tow price. you park someplace you get towed. >> what did you do with your tickets? >> i stood on the streets and advertised them. >> hope you got a good price. [ laughter ] >> i'll never tell. >> thank you for joining us. >> have a good weekend. the time now is 6:52. the patdown procedures that start this morning at the airports. [ male announcer ] with jerry brown, it's just one dishonest smear after another. and another. just a dishonest politician, trying to hide his record of failure. the real brown plan? more spending on out-of-control state pensions. more favors for the big teachers union, blocking education reform. more job-killing taxes and regulations. more of the same old failure from sacramento. job killer jerry brown. always more taxes, more spending, and more lost jobs. pipeline that explod

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