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he felt like he was kicking a steal wall. >> reporter: somehow tarantino made it to shore helped by surfing buddies in the water and on the beach. >> and when i came over the top he just started yelling ." >> sarge: shark." >> reporter: they say he was lucky and no one knows that more than tarantino himself. >> i want to thank everyone on the beach, the paramedics especially who did a great job in the ambulance, obviously everyone at the hospital. >> he is a young man so he should he'll very well. >> reporter: he should be able to get back in the water. >> i joked with him this morning about being able to go back in the water. elizabeth, no one is closing the beaches around the city of marino where this happened but warnings are being posted in that area to warn surfers and other beach-goers to watch out because there could be a great white shark and no one knows that better than mr. tarantino. >> absolutely. he is incredibly lucky. i know there is a big sur having competition going on starting tomorrow, the rip curl championship in san francisco, so a lot of people are going to have that in the back of their minds. >> that's right. when the surfer is sitting on that surfboard waiting for the next set to come in i have been told that it -- he looks an awful lot like shark food from coming underneath. that's usually what happens. i've also heard that a lot of lot 0 of the sharks spit them out because they are expecting a or something. >> very, very lucky. thank you len. at least 1 person is dead following a chase in pitsburg. it was said to have hit the red suv and that mangled dark green pick up head into an edge. they had to cut off the roof to get to the driver. four people were taken to the hospital. no word on their conditions. oakland occupiers are planning their best against corporate greed. kristin ayers on how protestors plan to pull off this masstive strike. >> reporter: they just had a press conference a short time ago. that strike is set for wednesday, hoping to shut the city of oakland down. if you look behind me you can see how the tent city on the city hall lawn has expanded some small businesses in the area are now worried about what it could mean for their bottom lines. >> we're drawing the line, now, we're saying no moritz a build up to a strike that could impact the city of oakland. thousands of people are being urged to walk out of school and work to join occupy oakland. occupiers are planning by repairing and rebuilding putting in walkways. >> while the pallets are nice, they are not spaced properly. >> fire inspectors combed the camp and found things they said needed to be fixed. >> 10-foot spacing. >> reporter: over the weekend the massive movement brought fringe groups to a protest that has been mainly peaceful. occupy oakland is distancing it. >> we could not support violent action in any way or shape. every time i have been involved in a march and things get tense one of the things we always chant is leave businesses alone because local business is part of what we're trying to help. >> reporter: some local businesses chose to the camp say they support the movement but the occupation has them pinching pennies. >> less customers, butts you know, it is what it is. >> reporter: shoe shiner melvin deal has had to shut this shoe repair down more than once since observation pay oakland began. oh he says they have been kind and peaceful. but what he would like even more. >> interview: start getting their shoes shined. >> reporter: that would help here? >> interview: a lot. >> reporter: and as far as the general strike goes, the city is saying city employees can participate, so can employees of oakland unified school district. they cannot however use sick days. >> i understand that they had some sort of permission from their supervisor, is that true? >> reporter: that's correct. the city is only saying that they must go through the proper channels with whichever department they are employed with to make sure they can have that day off. >> reporter: kristin ayers, thanks. well, things are a little pressure you might say over at the occupy san franciscoen camp. . for days the occupiers and visitors have been complaining about the overwhelming stench. portable toilets were overflowing and unuse able, also considered a public health hazard. well, today, a crew got out there and was cleaning the plaza including those toilets, no word yet on who paid for those toilets because the portable toilets were given to the protestors by private donors. california parole officers will be among those knocking on doors across the state tonight. it's a program meant to keep trick or treaters safe from registered sex offenders. as joe vasquez shows us, that program has expanded this year. joe? >> reporter: and it's expanded to include homeless. it is a state-wide program. behind me you can see the san francisco center where they, right now, there are about 3 dozen people upstairs at this none descript building on 12th street. they are calling these roundup centers. the plan is to make sure the homeless, sex offenders are off the degrees between 5 and 10:00 p.m., far away from children. officials say this roundup is an enforcement of jessica's law which prohibits them are from living within 2,000 feet of a park or a school. that means there's very few places they can live. there's an inordinate number of sex offenders. it has jumped from 87 in 2007 to more than 2000 today. now, as you mentioned, this is part of something called operation boo. it's been a halloween tradition for the last 18 years, for state parole officers to knock on the door of a sex offender, make sure they are not making contact with children, but state officials say they have 550 law enforcement officers fanning out across the state. now as for these homeless the sex offenders, what they did is they sent a message to the gps subsidy vice that they have around their ankles, and they told them they had to be here this afternoon. >> the idea there is that we would rather have one evening where we know where they are, where there are children all over the neighborhood walking around, some supervised, some unsupervised, we don't want an spent accidental crossing when we know the majority of the children are out during those hours. it would be a, probably an inefficient use of doing everything single night, but tonight is a little bit different. >> reporter: you know, although it is extremely rare for a sex offender to attack children on halloween, and in fact even more rare for homeless sex offenders to attack children on halloween, state officials say they have justified this massive operation, elizabeth, because they believe it's important to send a message to parents state-wide. i will tell you coming up i spoke to a homeless advocate that called it a big dog and pony show that is deemimizing homeless people. in his final moments he repeated a phrase three times. the last words steve jobs spoke before his passing. i have never sexually harassed anyone. herman cain on the defense, what the presidential hopeful does admit happened back in the '90s. the girls' independence. everything will be okay. >> overcome with emotion, the day before the surgery, the heartfelt ordeal leading up to these girls' independence. ,, he bought insurance and then got stuck with a huge bill. the fine print you should look out for, tonight at 6:00 on cbs5. ,, ,,,, "eyewitness news" is sponsored by que rig, choose, brew, and enjoy. ave come back to ha i have never sexually harassed anyone. number 2, while at the restaurant association, i was accused of sexual harassment. falsely accused, i might add. >> her main cain fights allegations from the 90s that have come back to haunt his campaign today. anonymous sources told po lit eye company that they settled complaints from two women. >> he says the charges are base let's. the republican presidential frontrunner also says if there were settlements he is not aware of them. the allegations drew attention away from cain's real reason for visiting d.c. today. to promote his 9-9-9 plan to overhaul the tax code. >> do you think that one of your rivals might have helped to put this out there? i've told you this bulls- eye on my back has gotten bigger. i have no idea. we have no idea the source of this bramwich hunt, which is really what it is. a new des moines registered poll has him leading the pack of presidential hopefuls but just barely beating out mitt romney. steve jobs' family shares the apple co-founder's final words, she talked about him as a loving person in the yule gee she gave. she said in his final moments he looked at his children and his wife then he looked over their shoulders past them and say "oh would you wow, oh wow, oh wow, he died earlier this month of pancreatic cancer. the 49ers are putting their stadium plan on the fasttrack. they hope to approve the team's financial approval. the nearly billion dollars stadium could hope in the year 2014, that is a full year earlier than the current target date. for the fifth straight year, there will be no official halloween street party in the castro district t last big bash in '06, that's when a shooting injured 9 people. technologies that, the large halloween gatherings have been indefinitely banned. police say they will be out enforcing the laws against public drunken necessary tonight. i never have any worries. >> but there is also hope, the major operation to separate these bay area sisters. >> they are filled, totally filled, nobody can go in 'em any more. you have to hold it. >> potty problems and more for passengers stranded on a plane the carriers promises of a pay- back. no trick, definitely a whole lot of treats tonight with your weather forecast, but a big change? i'll pinpoint the day to expect it as "eyewitness news" continues right here on cbs5. ,, conjoined twin girls complicated... a tomorrow, surgeons at lucille packard children's hospital at stanford will separate conjoined twin girls. >> and that operation is going to be complicated and going to take quite some time. dr. kim mulvihill joins us with more on these two little angels. kim? >> well allen and elizabeth it is expected to last up to 9 hours. these 2-year-old girls are joined at the chest and the belly. the riskiest part involves an important organ they share. angelica and is a bucca met with a crush of reporters. the two-year-old conjoined twins will be separated during a complicated surgery. >> you never been any worried come the surgery but i am hope and pray that everything will be okay. >> reporter: in their hair angelica wears a white rib on the and the other a pink. >> reporter: and gel cais the talkative one and angelina is the silent one. >> reporter: they are joined at the chest and the abdomen. they share a breastbone and a liver. >> we think the most risky part of the separation is the liver. it's essentially one liver we have to split. >> it's risky because it is full of blood vessels both large and small. >> there will be literally hundreds of small vessels that we come across during the process of separating the livers. >> reporter: they were born in the philippines but are being raised in san jose. their mother first learned they were conjoined when she was 7 months pregnant. she prays the surgery will be successful. >> they will recover and i'm -- and i hope that they'll live a good life. >> reporter: more than 20 doctors and nurses will be involved. a liver transplant team objection on standby and while there is always a risk for surgery, doctors expect this one will be successful and that two healthy little girls are go home from the hospital in a few weeks. >> wow, they are so young, i mean, they can't really know what's going on? >> their mom said today that she has tried to explain to the girls, using their dolls, put the dolls together and take them apart, over and over again, this is what you guys will be like, together and apart, but close. she is not sure they understood but it's an attempt and we wish them every -- all the best. >> thanks. hundreds of thousands of people in the northeast are still without power tonight following that wicked early season storm this weekend. the death toll is now up to 12. mostly from falling trees and downed power lines. power isn't expected to come on for many until late this week. hundreds of schools, meanwhile, are shut down and shelters have been opened for those without power and heat. and that snowstorm left some major airlines facing potential fines today on the consumer watch. julie watts explains the department of transportation is launching an investigation into two major airlines following this storm. julie. >> that's right, liz. >> reporter: jetblue and american airlines are facing fines of $27,000 per passenger after their jets stranded hundreds on a snow-covered tarmac in cons this weekend. nearly 200 people in an american flight and more than 120 passengers on this jetblue plane were stranded on the tarmac for more than 7 hours. some with no food, water, or working bathrooms. eventually the pilot on the jet blue plane resorted to begging the air traffic control for help. >> i got a problem here on the airplane. i'm going to need to have the cops brought on pored the airplane. >> you know, we can't seem to get any help from our own company. i apologize for us, but is there any way you can get a tug and a toe bar out here to us and get us sowed somewhere to a gate or something? i don't care. my priority right now is a tug and a toe bar. just give me a welding shop, i'll be willing to make one myself. >> the so-called tarmac delay rules implemented last year limited the amount of time passengers can be kept on the tarmac for 3 hours for domestic flights and four hours for international. the airlines blame it on intermitt end power outages at a small airport that was unprepared for 23 diverted flights but jetblue has reportedly offered to refund 126 of its stranded passengers, the d.o.t. has not yet issued any fines. well it seems like the airlines clearly violated the tarmac rules. is there a chance they may not be find? >> actually, yes. there are some exceptions to this tarmac delay rules for safety and security. an american blames customs officials who it says was not manning their station at riley international. it says it couldn't legally have left those passengers off that flight from paris until customs showed up. they called numerous times. >> they went home. >> they weren't there. >> so much for the passenger bill of rights. >> we'll have to see how the d.o.t. happeneds this one because there are some grey areas. >> thank you julie. i think a lot of, roberta, a lot of trick or treating canceled on the east coast. >> on the east coast, but on the right coast, or the left coast, right, a lot of people say, we have the right kind of weather for your trick or treating plans. good eveningsh. this is the scene, look at our camera, we had a layer of fog that worked its way under the golden gate bridge. since then it has retreated over the open waters, we have mainly clear skies for trick or treaters and temperatures pretty much into the 60s across the board this evening, tuck into the 40s and 50s, for overnight lows. we have those for you. let's look at some of the current stats as kids get ready to head out the door. mild, in the 70s in the santa clara valley. experiencing a high of 83 degrees there, it's still in the low 80s in antioch, 80 in concorde, the relative humidity is right around the 27% mark so it is on the dry side, the winds are out of the northwest at about 10 miles per hour. san francisco has cooled to 62 degrees, salsalito is still at 70. here are your forecast overnight lows. with a mainly clear sky and a waxing crescent moon, temperatures into the 40s and the 50s, now the bottom line is we have lots of treats tonight, no tricks in this forecast. but rain and cold weather return, right here to the san francisco bay area, by thursday. even the possibility of snow down at 3,000 feet, thursday night, into friday, piers up an area of low pressure pass to go the north of us is out of here but this is the cold front and all of the computer models are in complete agreement on this one that we have two more days, tuesday and wednesday, to enjoy the sunshine before the bottom falls out. and i do mean bottom falling out. you're gonna notice the difference in the temperatures. tomorrow's temps, into the 70s, and low 80s east of the bay, numbers stacking up, 81 degrees in san rafael. check out thursday. look at the drop in the temperature with the windy conditions and the showers here in the bay area. chance of showers each day from friday pretty much through sunday so we end october on a dry note and we enter november, for the first couple of days dry, before we -- it starts to fill in. >> didn't mean to interrupt. do we change our clock this weekend? >> sunday morning at 2:00 we fall back one full hour so we have an extra hour of a chance of rain. [ laughter ] >> thanks roberta. earth reaches a milestone. who is being celebrated as the world's 7 billion person. from 20 leading brands, including barista prima. it's the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. way to brew. plunged 276 points today. investors are concerned a out to contain the gre stocks closed out october with a steep loss. the dow plunged 276 points today. investors are concerned, a brokerage might collapse, and details still need to be worked out to contain the greek debt crisis. today's losses stopped the dow from its biggest monthly percentage gain in a quarter century. a shortage of medicine for those who need it the most was the focus of action at the white house today. >> the president signed an executive order addressing shortages of drugs used in cancer treatment, emergency medicine, and anesthetics. now dwindling supplies have forced hospitals to buy directly from retailers at substantial markups. >> there is a combination of tools that are going to be contained in this executive order, they can make sure that life-saving drugs are available, and if we start seeing shortages that we're able to catch those ahead of time. >> a san francisco cancer patient was there to witness today's signing tv oval office. the order also gives the justice department more power to investigate claims of price manipulation. doctors are now changing their recommendation for who should receive regular hive testing. the american academy of pediatrics urges all sexually active teens to get tested regularly once they hit 16 years old. in areas with higher rates of the infection all teens over 16 should get the test. early testing leads to early treatment. being treated, they say, greatly reduces the risk of it being passed on to someone else. earth hit a milestone early this morning and we are now 7 billion people strong and meet the baby symbolically chosen to be the 7 billion human on earth. danika was born in manila in the philippines second before midnight sunday. she weighed in a mere 5 pounds 5 ounces. again, she is just a symbol of the milestone, other babies born all over the world are also being celebrated as the 7 billion. this is this is today republican candidate herman cain acknowledged he was accused of sexual harassment in the 1990s. charges that he denies. can his campaign handle these accusations of sexual misconduct? that story tonight on "the cbs evening news." ,,,,,,,, [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. for eyewitness news at 6. a chance to own a piece of solyndra's assets. what the bankrupt s i'm dana king, here is what we're working on for the 6:00 news. a chance to own a piece of solyndra's assets. what they are about to sell to the highest bidder. hit with

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