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have contributed to the family fund including barry bonds and also, lincecum donated $25,000. tonight several lawmakers agencies are searching near the golden gate bridge for a missing danville teenager. 15-year-old allison bayliss was last seen at 8 a.m. yesterday near her locker at san ramon valley high school. about quarter to 5:00 this morning, her father found her bicycle locked up to a bike stand at crissy field in san francisco. he says a note found on her computer shows directions from the embarcadero bart station to the golden gate bridge. that led him there. police are describing bayliss as an at risk teen. the u.s. coast guard is helping police and the national park service in the search. a violent home invasion leaves an elderly menlo park man unconscious. tonight, police think it may be connected to two other incidents just miles away. kiet do with how neighborhoods are still on edge. reporter: menlo park police say there is a crew of guys running around town kicking indoors and trying to rob people. it all started sunday morning and it happened at 3 homes, the first of which right here on windermere avenue where the guys tried to ender in through a side door -- ender in through a side door. police say two people kicked in the door and confronted the man who lived at the home alone. he is 88. intruders hit him on the head, knocked him out and ransacked the house. the incident on windermere happened at 5:15 sunday morning. 25 minutes after that, someone tried to kick in the front door of a home on the 600 block of central avenue a mile away but didn't get in. and then 10 minutes after that one, intruders once again unsuccessfully tried to kick in the front door of a home around the corner on laurel avenue. does it freak you out? >> a little bit. a little bit. >> reporter: neighbors say they are forming neighborhood watch groups and trying to be more vigilant but say crime is happening more often in the area. >> of course i'm concerned, as a homeowner here in this area. but i think, you know, this is a -- it's not unique to this area, i would say. it's probably a sign. times, i agrees something was taken out of my car not too long ago. my son was a victim of having a window broken and the house behind us was broken into, so, yeah, it's happening but from what i'm understanding, this is not typical for this neighborhood. >> reporter: investigators say while there is no concrete evidence given the timing, the m.o. and the suspect description, there is a very good chance that all three incidents are related. if you have any information, menlo park police want you to give them a call. in menlo park, kiet do, cbs 5. well, bart is considering arming every one of its cops with a taser. an outside consultant made that recommendation to the agency following the oscar grant shooting death in 2009. bart says giving every officer a tase we're make them more familiar with the weapons. passengers we talked with today seemed to be okay with that plan with conditions. >> can get kind of hectic up here in times. i understand they need to have protection. >> they need protection but as long as the train is there the proper train is there. >> right now, bart police check tasers out of a common pool of weapons. the plan would cost about $140,000. the bart board will meet thursday morning to consider that proposal. some other news around the bay. firefighters have gotten a handle on a four-alarm fire at an apartment building in san leandro. flames broke out shortly after 3:00 this afternoon on lewelling boulevard. no word on what started this, but the building, we're told, was evacuated and nobody was hurt. and the chp says that the brakes on a tour bus that crashed yesterday near fairfield did not malfunction. the bus was heading from sacramento to san francisco when it careened across several lanes of interstate 80 crashed through the fence there and then ended up on the service road. 13 people were hurt. the driver had told the highway patrol she swerved after she sensed the brakes were failing. she will now get a ticket. tragedy in oklahoma. at least two people are dead after a violent tornado touches down during the evening rush hour. take a look at this video companytured by a local tv station just outside oklahoma city. -- captured by a local tvs station just outsidessed side oklahoma city. you can see the twister snapping power lines. it's part of a massive storm system moving through the area. meanwhile, joplin, missouri is still staggering from the ef-5 tornado that tore through the city on sunday with winds greater than 200 miles an hour. the death toll has now reached 124. joel brown is in the middle of the devastation. joe. >> reporter: yeah, good evening to you. the national weather service tonight confirming what a lot of people here in joplin had already suspected. this was an ef-5 tornado, 200- plus-mile-an-hour winds, the kind of massive storm that could send telephone polls shooting like missiles that could chew up and spit out entire cars that left joplin shell shocked. reporter: there is nothing left of melissa mccoy's home. >> i don't know where to begin. >> reporter: sunday's massive tornado flattened everything including the small closet where she rode out some very terrifying moments. >> it hit, mine, it was just -- the cell phone flew out my hand, and i shut my eyes as tightly as i could and that was about it. i kept screaming, please, god, please, god. >> reporter: me i could is severely bruise and add -- mccoy is severely bruised and has stitches, but otherwise she is okay. >> this is everything i had. >> reporter: her home is one of about 2,000 buildings in joplin simply demolished. the massive twister that tore through here is the deadliest tornado to hit the u.s. since 1950. >> we have raised the ef scale ratings to greater than 200 miles an hour and it is now a ef-5. >> reporter: with dozens of people still missing, search teams are using rescue dogs as they pick through debris. construction crews are using heavy equipment to remove some of the larger pieces of rubble. >> we are heaping to find more folks and that's why we're doing these searches. we want to make every opportunity we can to find everybody that is still in the rubble. >> oh!! >> reporter: mccoy is a nurse and her hospital, st. john's regional medical center also took a direct hit. >> hopefully, i'll be back to work. i'm sure not there. >> reporter: she is now living with her brother as she tries to figure out what to do next. a lot of people here in joplin not sure what they are going to do next. 122 people confirmed dead, 750 people injuries. and the hundreds of volunteers who descended upon joplin aren't giving up. the search and rescue efforts here will continue. live in joplin, missouri, i'm joel brown, liz, back to you. >> joel, do you know what the forecast is for the rest of the week? >> reporter: well, i tell you what. we're looking at the skies right now. we are told those lines of storms that rolled through oklahoma a little earlier this evening may be headed this way. we're not sure it's going to be as severe as what struck oklahoma or hopefully not what struck here on sunday. but forecasters have their eye on the skies and so do we. we're prepared to take cover any minute, liz. >> all right. joel brown in joplin, missouri, thank you. next, the bay area's newest area code just announced and already it's controversial. >> then, stores caught shortchanging their customers. >> it's outright fraud. >> how to make sure you're not getting less than you deserve. and fish used to tease students a lesson in diversity. why it's causing a stir. ,, ,,,,,,,, different lesson is being taught to some oakland kids -- one ch d i pink is for girls, blue is for boys. now a very different lesson is being taught to some oakland kids, one challenging that gender rigid mentality. christin ayers on the divide created by a diverse school thought. >> reporter: it's so controversial that media outlets from fox news to "usa today" have all come to this school redwood highly elementary school because of that lesson plan. it teaches there are different ways to be boys and girls. this looks like any other elementary school. but it's what went on inside the classroom today that made national headlines. >> we realize that it would be controversial for some parents at the school level. we didn't expect necessarily to steve national level attention. >> reporter: students from kindergartennen to fifth grade learned from this lesson plan like boy, girl or both, books called princess boy. >> our work is to teach them how to be boys, girls, both or neither. >> reporter: this person spent an hour teaching second and third graders that even sea life can have blurry gender identity. >> like seahorses where the female actually deposits eggs in the male and the male gives birth or geckos in hawaii that are entirely female. >> reporter: only the parents of three students chose to keep them out of class. >> the kids get this. they are accepting. >> reporter: the conservative pacific justice institute in sacramento not accepting. an attorney fired off a statement accusing the school of failing to notify parents properly saying, "this instruction does not represent the values of the majority of families in oakland." but the principal says parents expressed broad support for the programs funded by a grand from the teachers union. >> my question is, how is it pushing the agenda to teach kids to be caring and kind to one another and accept themselves for who they are? ro. stone says she will continue the program and gender spectrum which conducted hundreds of these classes is picking up steam. >> we teach the material. it doesn't change because of controversy. >> reporter: the program costs $1,500 and principal stone says she will pursue further funding. the pacific justice institute says they have no plans to interfere. their only corner is to make sure parents are aware of what's being taught. live in oakland, christin ayers, cbs 5. 669 will be the new 408 in the south bay for new phone customers. anyone in silicon valley with a 408 area code now will keep that number. today the santa clara county board of supervisors approved the method after signing area codes versus the alternative of -- of assigning area codes versus the alternative of trying to split up the geography. the new area code will be rolled out the end of next year. he predicted the world would come to an end on saturday and he was wrong. >> people want me to apologize. i can apologize. >> but now the bay area man is rescheduling the rapture. the new day he chose. and it's a common consumer habit keeping receipts for a full refund. an undercover investigation to the practice that a national retailer finds what you paid isn't always what you get back coming up on the consumerwatch. from the cbs 5 weather center, noticing the abundance of sunshine today. but we have a storm heading this way. the commute is will affect as eyewitness news continues on cbs 5. allegedly shortchanging customers who return items with gift receipts. the nation's largest retailer may be in hot water for allegedly shortchanging customers who return items with gift receipts. >> on the consumerwatch, julie watts shows us how an investigation uncovered the problem. >> reporter: a gift receipt should entitle you to a full refound but some wal-mart shoppers are only getting a fraction of the purchase price and that has senator barbara boxer calling for a federal investigation. [ pause ] >> look, i can't be judge and jury. but all i can do is alert the ftc. >> reporter: and that's exactly what barbara boxer is doing today, following this hidden camera investigation into wal- mart's gift receipts. >> you should get exactly to the penny what they paid. that is their gift to you. >> reporter: but cbs found that's not always what happens. our sister station went undercover in wal-mart stores in northern california and new jersey buying items and returning them with gift receipts after they went on sale. >> i thought it was more than that. >> but don't have a receipt with the actual price. i have to give you whatever comes up. >> reporter: after spending more than $100, wal-mart gift receipts returned less than 63. the total loss, 44.53. >> i think it's really reprehensible. >> reporter: sally greenburg is executive director of the national consumers league. >> consumers are cynical enough about company policy. this just toody their sense of mistrust. >> reporter: wal-mart says their employees seen in the investigation weren't following company policy. a spokesman provided cbs news this video statement. >> last week, we learned that there may be some confusion on how to process gift receipts. it is our expectation to refund the original purchase price when returning anite well a gift receipt. >> it doesn't come up with the price. whatever it scans in is what you get. >> it's fraud. >> reporter: consumer attorneys suspect wal-mart has made millions shorting customers with gift receipts. he is also exploring a class action lawsuit. legislatures are talking about a new bill and barbara boxer is going one step further. >> i'm asking the ftc to investigate this matter and if it is true, to take appropriate action. >> reporter: last week wal-mart issued this memo to managers reiterating that a gift receipt entitles customers to the full purchase price. they say the confusion surrounds a register button cashiers are supposed to press when they are processing the gift receipts. >> if you don't get it right away, get to a store manager or tell them, you know there is a gift receipt button? not all employees are aware if. >> thank you. the oakland preacher who made national headlines for his failed prediction of the apocalypse says he just missed it by five months. >> the whole world is under judgment day. and this is -- and it continue right up until october 21, 2011. and at that time the whole world will be destroyed. >> harold camping now says he made some miscalculations when he predicted the world would end on saturday. he says he does feel bad about the mistake. the head of family radio spent $100 million on a worldwide campaign to spread the word about the rapture. breaking news on the weather front. severe storms tearing through the midwest. now, we told you about tornadoes that hit late this afternoon in oklahoma near the oklahoma city area. we are told that weather experts in oklahoma city now are reporting at least seven people have been killed by those storms. the severe weather hit right during the evening commute in the oklahoma city, capital city and suburbs. this is just video from channel 4 back in oklahoma city one of the storm chasers. you can see the size of that thing. don't know what it registers on the f scale but we'll try and get you that information but again, 7 people confirmed. and severe weather, roberta, tearing through the midwest yesterday and today. >> i have been actually tracking those storms this afternoon, allen. and we do continue to see those tornado watches and warnings anywhere from arlington, texas all the way through oklahoma and those storms continue to track in the east and lift to the northeast direction so we'll continue to monitor those, as well. back at the ranch, locally at home this is our live cbs 5 weather camera looking out towards san jose. a rather unseasonably cool day today topping off in the upper 60s where currently it is 68 degrees. and that's down from the average high of 76. it is now 70 in santa rosa. winds have been gusting up to 17 and 23 miles per hour out of the west. a little patchy stratus next to the immediate seashore. sundown at 8:20. increasing cloud cover by then. 7:15, it's play ball time at at&t park as our san francisco giants play host to -- actually that's going to be the florida marlins. game time temperatures in the mid-50s and the winds out of the west at 13. overnight increasing cloud cover, temperatures in the 40s and 50s. winds begin to subside. area of low pressure very unusual for this time of the year. winding up taking direct aim towards the state of california. as it does so it's falling apart at the seams so therefore we'll see an increase in clouds. we'll see the rain beginning by 4:00, 5:00 in the morning before sun-up at 5:51 north bay. slicing across the central bay during the morning commute. and then gradually moving to the south. now, as far as precipitation totals are concerned, about a third of an inch in fact wettest locations. temperatures tomorrow, stacking up unseasonably cool like that. and otherwise, the extended forecast does call for dry conditions on thursday, friday and as we enter the memorial day weekend, there is a slight chance of rain showers friday night to saturday, just a slight chance that's it. >> thank you. the royal treatment tonight for president obama. >> in london, queen elizabeth treated the president and the first lady to a state dinner at buckingham palace. earlier today, the obamas met prince william and kate back from their honeymoon. tomorrow president obama is going to meet with british prime minister david cameron. they will be tackling foreign policy issues especially afghanistan. i know you're worried about making your savings last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here -- to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way. call or come in and talk with us today. clothes. it involves your very own fat he body the latest kind of recycling doesn't involve paper, plastic or old clothes. >> no. it involves your very own fat. in return, you might get the body you have always wanted. dr. kim mulvihill joining us with details on that. >> reporter: are you interested, allen? >> not especially. >> reporter: well, this procedure has been very popular in manhattan and beverly hills and now doctors in the bay area are taking fat where you don't want it and putting it where you do. ginger copes coped with a flat chest most of her life. >> i was teased a lot as a child. >> reporter: she got breast implants but the scar tissue created a dent on one breast. >> it was probably, gosh, 2" quarter inch to a half inch. >> reporter: she fixed the problem with a unique solution. >> it's called fat grafting or fat transfer. >> reporter: the idea? surgeons take fat from a parted of your body where you -- from a part of your body where you don't want it and put it where you do. this plastic surgeon specializes in the procedure. >> most of our patients are bothered by the midsection, the love handles, the muffin tops. using liposuction techniques, you take the fat from one area and put it in another. >> reporter: his most popular procedure the brazilian butt lift. that's when a patient's own fat is trimmed away from say the belly or thighs in order to enhance the derriere. the fat develops its own blood supply and stays put. >> the secret to getting good fat survival is very small volume and very precise areas. >> reporter: with ginger, dr. williams' liposuctioned fat from her belly and put it in the breast filling in the dent even sculpting the shape. >> i can have large scars -- i don't have any large scars or nothing. it will be little tiny scars. >> reporter: fat transfers cost more than implants but dr. williams says they feel more natural and have fewer infections. >> where we can we like to use fat because it is your own body. it feels just like breast tissue. >> reporter: as for ginger, she got a firmer belly and a more womanly figure. >> i got kind of a double deal out of it. [ laughter ] >> that's what i liked about it. >> reporter: now, body weight matters. some patients have to gain a little weight so there is enough to harvest. doctors want their patients to be in the range of ideal weight. if you lose weight after the procedure you could lose the fat graft, as well. we'll be right back. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care c. and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. hey marcel, watch this! [ buzzer sounds ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey marcel, watch this! yeah, marcel! -marcel! -hey marcel! are you listening to me? marcel! [ male announcer ] only at&t u-verse lets you follow your favorite channels on one screen. just $29 a month for the first six months -- dvr included. i'm dana king. here's what we're working on for eyewitness news at 6:00. no doubt, fixing america's broken education system is one big complicated problem. but every now and then, simple solutions come along that make the task seem a little more manageable. the scheduling change that can make a world of difference for students. you have heard of helicopter moms? you have probably heard of tiger moms. well, get ready for

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Arlington ,Texas ,United States ,Missouri ,Oakland ,California ,Afghanistan ,San Leandro ,Brazil ,Buckingham Palace ,Westminster ,United Kingdom ,Santa Clara County ,Florida ,Oklahoma City ,Oklahoma ,San Ramon Valley ,London ,City Of ,San Francisco ,New Jersey ,Menlo Park ,Beverly Hills ,Danville ,Sacramento ,Hawaii ,America ,Brazilian ,British ,Kim Mulvihill ,Christin Ayers ,David Cameron ,Los Angeles ,Joel Brown ,Allison Bayliss ,Sally Greenburg ,Frank Mccourt ,Dana King ,Queen Elizabeth ,Melissa Mccoy ,

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