Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 11 20121020

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a little punt down the third baseline. great play. and another one for the giants! >> do or die for the giants. and they came up big. the 126 million dollar gamble that took six years to pay off. >> good evening. i'm dana king. >> and i'm ken bastida. yep. the giants win one in convincing fashion, meaning that game 6 of the national league championship series comes home to the bay area. cbs 5's dennis o'donnell is still in st. louis. >> reporter: dana put the finger on the spot there. ever since he signed that $126 million contract, he has been crucified, vilified and nullified among media and bay area fans. so tonight, with the giants backs against the wall, he pitched for his life. the pitcher lance lynn grounds into the double play. the cardinals did not get on the board. the momentum happens in the fourth inning. hunter pence throws the ball directly into the second base, into center field it goes. marco scutaro scores on the error. one of four runs in the inning for the giants. pete kozma was struck out to end the seventh. zito struck out six and walked just one. afterwards, zito reflected. >> i tried twitter a couple years ago and it was a pretty devastating experience for me. i learned to not check the in- box. and so i got off twitter. but, you know, i'm excited that the fans are fired up and, you know, they're going to bring all that momentum into the stadium these next two games here. >> reporter: barry zito was referring to having to quit twitter because he was so vilified. and tonight he is a hero on twitter. so barry zito is the star. we'll have reaction, more reaction coming up later in sports. >> all right, dennis o'donnell, get home! we got a game 6 on sunday. >> reporter: i'm ready. >> we'll see you then. something else exciting. get ready for the kind of weather we haven't seen since last spring. meteorologist paul deanno is in the weather center with a timetable for some significant rain. >> it is going to be significant. every six hours we get new computer model information. i just looked at the latest stuff and it says, yes, the rain is still coming. we're gonna see more rain than we've seen over the past six months. coming up dry tonight. not gonna be the case sunday night and monday morning. the last time we had a widespread quarter of an inch of rain, we have to go all the way back to april 25. we will perhaps double that because of a big area of low pressure. details coming up in a few minutes. and the weather is not expected to interfere with work on the san mateo bridge. right now the bridge is shut down in both directions, and it's going to stay that way all weekend. the closure is so that caltrans can make much-needed seismic repairs and fix a crack that appeared about two years ago. >> we had a cracked girder. a girder is shaped like a wish bone. at that time, we put in a temporary fix. but now, in the years since, we've designed a permanent fix, which is just basically a complete redesign of the whole area. >> the bridge will be closed again next weekend. the plan is to have the bridge back open at 5:00 monday morning just in time for the commute. caltrans says your alternate routes are the bay bridge. over a million people in south bay are going to have to dial a few extra digits if they want to make a phone call. say hello to 669, the new area code being introduced. there have been ads and announcements for months. sharon chin found out apparently some people still haven't gotten the message. >> reporter: does 669 mean anything? >> no. >> no idea what 669 is. >> 669? this is the first time i've ever heard of it. >> reporter: only a few people would identify 669. >> is that... >> reporter: like beverly ryan. >> i used to be a switching engineer for bell, so i know all about that. >> reporter: starting tomorrow, the new 669 area code officially joins the nearly exhausted 408. because both are existing in the same region, no one will have to change their area code. but now, for the first time, people in the combined 408 and 669 region will have to dial one and the area code if they're dialing to the same area. >> not good. >> why? >> means more work. >> reporter: if you don't dial the 11-digit number, you'll get this. >> you must now dial one plus your area code. >> reporter: it's a little different if you're using your cell phone. you don't have to dial the one when calling the area code and phone number. some people are just realizing they'll have to change the numbers they've programmed to automatically dial. the 408 area code was created in 1959 when 415 needed to be split. some people say they're not looking forward to getting 669 in the future, saying it doesn't have the same high-tech silicon valley image as 408. >> people that are used to 408 and are used to a 408, they're not gonna be happy with it. >> some people may not like it, because it's like the devil. >> that's 666. >> yeah. but still. >> reporter: 408 is expected to run out of numbers early next year. and new phone lines are supposed to get 669 in the middle of next month. california's unemployment rate has fallen to the lowest level in three and a half years, and the bay area is getting credit. last month, the state's jobless rate fell to 10.2%, down from 10.6% in august. in the bay area, there was a net increase of nearly 5,000 jobs, almost all of the growth came from alameda and contra costa counties. >> we saw four sectors in particular gain jobs, education and health services, financial, even leisure and hospitality. well, the political cease fire didn't last too long, after playing nice at a charity event last night. today the candidates were back at it. president obama delivered his harshest speech yet, repeatedly using terms like sketchy, snow job and sales pitch. tonight, mitt romney hit right back. campaign strategists say it's only going to get worse. >> i mean, he's changing up so much, backtracking and sidestepping, we gotta name this condition that he's going through. i think it's called romnesia. >> the president accused romney of switching positions on abortion, tax cuts and energy production. >> and if you come down with a case of romnesia, and you can't seem to remember the policies that are still on your website, or the promises you have made over the six years you've been running for president, here is the good news. obamacare covers preexisting conditions! >> reporter: vice president biden picked up on the romnesia riff, saying that romney's running mate, paul ryan, had also contracted that disease. the romney camp is firing back. a senior advisory tells cbs news he was stunned by mr. obama's romnesia remarks, calling them unpresidential. and on the campaign trail in florida tonight, romney tried to turn the attacks back on the president. >> have you been watching the obama campaign lately? it's remarkable. they have no agenda for the future. no agenda for america. no agenda for the second term. it's a good thing. they won't have a second term. they have -- they've been reduced to petty attacks and silly word games. just watch it. the obama campaign has become the incredible shrinking campaign. >> reporter: i don't know about you, but i can't wait till monday night when the candidates face off in florida. it will be their third and final debate. we'll have special live coverage, beginning right here at 6 on cbs 5. it's completely full. >> uninsured and left waiting for hours. a new film gives an unprecedented look inside the waiting room at one of the bay area's toughest hospitals. bike thieves, your favorite trick won't work any more. the easy new way to recover your stolen bike. i just lit up on fire, everywhere. sunscreen recalled after people burst into flames. see what happens when firefighters tested it out. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why shop t.j.maxx and marshalls? one. you get all the awesome brand names. two. you get them for less than department stores, and that's awesome. three. she'll think you look stylish and awesome. four. you'll actually be awesome, which is awesome. t.j.maxx and marshalls. two awesome ways to score. a trip to the er can be infuriating. long lines. not enough doctors. but imagine if you had nowhere else to go for your medical care. a new film gives us a one-of-a- kind look at one of the busiest emergency rooms in the area. christin ayers takes us inside the waiting room. >> the emergency department is completely full. the beds in the hospital are full. so nobody moves. >> reporter: it's called the waiting room, an intense documentary that captures a harrowing day at the hospital. captured in over ten weeks in the waiting room. >> tragic moments. it's really the human condition. >> reporter: highland hospital gave unprecedented access to its emergency room, which is stretched thin by 250 patients per day, most of them uninsured. >> it really did give a really good interpretation of what happens when you walk through the waiting room. >> reporter: a highland hospital nurse knows first hand the hustle of highland and the triumphs and tragedies that happen here in the waiting room. >> you're really trying to serve as many people with the greatest amount of good that you can. >> my achilles tendon, completely ripped it. >> reporter: the frustration of being a patient at highland, injured, uninsured, and left waiting for hours on end. >> i just wanted to get in and out. and i did, you know, seven, sometimes eight hours later. >> reporter: nick says his goal was to capture the human side of the health care debate. >> this conversation on health care has been dominated by media pundits, politicians. the people in these waiting rooms, their voices haven't really been represented. >> reporter: until now. >> my eyes have opened wider from seeing this. >> reporter: the film is just the beginning. both a mobile app and an interactive platform has been set up at highland hospital will allow people sitting in waiting rooms to express their fears and frustrations. and it will be posted online. it's an amazing story about a california woman attacked by a black bear and lived. thanks to a survival trip. check this out. it happened just north of los angeles. a 50-year-old woman walking her dogs this morning when she surprised a black bear and her cub. the bear turned on her, scratched her several times, knocked her down, but lost interest after the woman played dead. the bear circled around, sniffed her a few times and took off. >> i'm not surprised. there's lots of bears around here. i've seen them. i've never had any issues. >> the state fish and game authorities say the bear poses a threat to humans, and if they catch it, they'll put it down. there have been 15 confirmed bear attacks in california since 1980. stolen bikes are usually gone for good, but that may not be true anymore. cbs 5 reporter elizabeth cook shows us the new way to track them down, no matter where they end up. >> reporter: if you plan on navigating the city on two wheels, don't get too attached. >> ever have your bike stolen? >> in san francisco, yes, a couple of times. >> reporter: according to sfpd, 630 bikes were reported stolen last year. >> probably 630 since we started talking. >> reporter: the folks at price came up with a program to get back your wheels. the site is aptly called the stolen bike finder. all you have to do is enter a description of your bike and it will send you an alert if a similar model is found for sale online. >> they ship them to seattle or l.a. and you don't know where it's going to be, so we check everywhere. >> reporter: it's only been up a few days, and it's working. >> people talking in forums about how they actually found their bikes using it. >> reporter: one person is skeptical it's going to make a difference. his advice? remove the temptation. in san francisco, elizabeth cook, cbs 5. gone in a flash. we're getting a first look at surveillance video from a daring art heist in the netherlands. look closely. you can see the suspects breaking in through what appears to be a side door at the museum, less than two minutes later, they leave. fleeing with millions worth of paintings by artists including picasso and monet. police got there five minutes after the alarm went off. too late. they were gone. here's why i love the weather, because yesterday we were talking about 90 degrees and record heat. tonight we're talking about a winter storm watch. skiers rejoice. monday night, a winter storm watch is in effect for the greater lake tahoe area. how much snow? about a half a foot to a half. yes, it is almost time to begin thinking about skiing, and certainly they will up there, as we're looking at snowfall coming up on monday. here's a look at the cloud cover. we're in the mid 50's, 56 degrees. san jose, 62. concord, currently 57. zooming down, strongest radar in the bay area, up and down the 680 corridor, dry now. monday morning, that's when the rain is going to move in. and we will see a lot of rainfall. high pressure, getting pushed farther to the south, giving us an onshore flow for the weekend. this shows you this, works its way from off the british columbia coastline right off to our west. that will give us the wettest weather since late april. monday, tuesday, wednesday, all three days with a solid chance of rainfall. for the weekend, morning clouds. rain will get here early on monday. and then we'll have on-and-off rain fall for three straight days. tomorrow, saturday, not a bad day, a high of 70. fremont, 68. walnut creek, 73. pleasanton, 75. 66 for san francisco tomorrow. so we're dry. partly sunny over the weekend. monday, tuesday, wednesday, three days with a chance of rain. we will clear out for thursday and friday. that is your cbs 5 forecast. and coming up, the popular kind of sunscreen being recalled after people caught fire. ,,,,,, [ female announcer ] this is the story of joycelin... [ joycelin ] it was a typical morning. i was getting ready for work, and then i got this horrible headache, and then i blacked out. [ female announcer ] ...who thought she had reached the end of her story. [ joycelin ] the doctor told me i had two brain aneurysms and that one of them had ruptured. [ female announcer ] fortunately, she was treated at sutter health's california pacific medical center. [ joycelin ] the nurses and doctors were amazing, and they were like a second family to me. and now i'm back to doing what i love. [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health. our story is you. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. boat sunscreen ar sunscreen is supposed to keep your skin from burning. but now, about half a million bottles of banana boat brand sunscreen are being recalled because of a fire risk. cbs reporter kate meryl with the story of one man who says he actually caught fire after spraying it on. >> i went in a complete panic mode. >> reporter: he says he never expected his sunscreen could cause him to catch fire. after using the banana boat continuous spray-on sunscreen sport, then walking near his grill, he literally caught fire. >> i don't understand why the product should be that flammable. i mean, for somebody just to completely, in less than a second, catch on fire everywhere, it seems like it's a little too flammable. >> reporter: his burns were exactly where he applied the product. for months, the company would not product. of all the aerosol brands tried, banana boat was the one that caught fire on pigskin when exposed near a grill. >> the flame source that we saw was very low in intensity and very short in duration. >> reporter: five months later, the company is reacting and pulling 24 types of their sunscreen from the store shelves -- and telling people to stop using it. they're pulling the product due to a potential risk of the product united on the skin if contact is made with a source of ignition before the product is completely dry. they aren't blaming the spray itself but the nozzle, saying they believed this issue is associated with the product delivery system, specifically the size of the spray valve opening on the affected products. it was a painful lesson for brett, but it's why he shared his story, to make sure it never happened again. you wanna know who really was on fire tonight? barry zito! i'm dennis o'donnell. we'll take you inside the clubhouse when we come back. ,,,, thirty-eight mean? funding. restores what we've lost... music and science labs. and your school. can get a world-class education. and sacramento can't touch it. me? the sky's my limit. don't miss your chance to get sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on the best brand-name mattress sets. but hurry! the best rest event ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ dennis o'donnell has our sports report, coming in live from st. louis. and i know, dennis, you've got your private jet ready to go. get home. game 6, sunday. what a night, huh? >> reporter: yeah. i take off in about 20 minutes, right after this newscast. the giants have never won a best-of-7 series when down three games to one. it was barry zito entrusted with bringing the series back to san francisco. in trouble early, lance lynn grounded to a bases-loaded double play. no score in the fourth. hunter pence, the double-play ball. but marco scutaro scores and the giants lead 1-0. same inning. two outs for brandon crawford, who had a bases-loaded single to center. it was 3-0, giants. barry zito gets in on the fun with a bunt single. four runs in the inning, to knock lance lynn out of the game. zito delivers in the biggest game of his giants career. angel pagan in center field. pablo sandoval hit a home run for the second straight game. giants win 5-0, behind seven and two-thirds inning to shutout baseball from barry zito. >> can you explain it? >> i don't know if you can really explain it. you know, i hope you guys enjoyed the game, because we love to play 'em. >> two runs. brandon crawford delivers. >> with zito pitching like that, we knew it was a big hit. >> everyone is saying that's the greatest start of your career. i just wondered how you would describe it. >> there's definitely some play- off memories there, but they were all in a different year for me, so this is probably the biggest one for me. >> i've been around enough, i've seen him struggle. but i see a guy that continues to work hard. he prepares as hard as anybody. >> so the pitching matchup is set for game 6 sunday right. ryan vogelsong for the giants, coming off his game 2 victory where he pitched seven strong innings. and chris carpenter for the cardinals got the loss in that game. the rodeo at the cow palace this weekend, during the day, folks can check out the livestock. in the evening, cowboys try to rope and ride the bulls. >> big night for mama's boys. we gonna find out how sore we can get so we can keep doing this next weekend. >> man, i'm telling ya, i love it, because i'm now getting paid for what my mama used to whoop me for doing. she said all this foolishness ain't gonna get you nowhere, boy. how do ya like me now while i wave my checks in the air? >> reporter: how do ya like me now? i don't know whether to go to the rodeo or to the giants game. >> that's right. >> maybe you can do both. >> well, the only whooping i wanna see is the giants whooping the cardinals on sunday. >> yeah. >> gonna be a busy day. don't forget, the raiders have qualified for a sell-out. that game will be on cbs 5. you've got the raiders first, followed by the giants. you can get all three. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, go giants. y'all have a good weekend, oh yeah!

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Fremont , California , United States , Netherlands , Marshall Islands , Florida , Sacramento , San Francisco , United Kingdom , America , Marshalls , British , Kate Meryl , Christin Ayers , Pablo Sandoval , Brandon Crawford , Barry Zito , Marco Scutaro , Pete Kozma , Los Angeles , Lance Lynn , Obama Romnesia , Beverly Ryan , Dana King , Paul Ryan , Elizabeth Cook ,

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