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one you're watching cbs 5 eyewitness news in high definition. look at that rotation there guys on the ground. >> more tornadoes tear through the midwest. tonight we take you into the skies to show you one forming. placing a call will get more complicated than millions of bay area people will have to dial ten numbers instead of seven. >> we go under cover exposing the black market where people buy bus and train tickets for half the price. good evening, i'm dana king. >> and i'm ken. another series of powerful tornadoes to hit the midwest. >> tonight a rare look at one of them forming. this is what one news helicopter pilot saw in oklahoma. >> i would almost say with this rotation, guys, a tornado is going to be imminent here. there's a funnel. i believe we got debris on the guys. we have a tornado on the ground. >> that's a tornado on the ground. >> look at that rotation on the ground. that's amazing. >> the funnel is starting to grow. you have a vortex there on the ground. you have vortexes spinning around on the ground. it's got to be. we just had a big one out the window. there's a high likelihood of a tornado. could be back there on the ground as we are going to try to circle around. we have intense, intense crowd to ground lightning. clearly see the edge of it. this is a big tornado. >> 28 counties in oklahoma are under a tornado watch. meanwhile in missouri, two days after a tornado killed is 122 people, survivors are looking for loved ones. reporter liz is in the city of joplin, missouri. >> going pile to pile in a systematic grid, rescuers are working to find survivors. they are focusing on big box stores and apartment complexes. listen for any signs of life in the rubble. and x marks the spot already cleared by search teams. >> hello. >> family and friends are also looking for loved ones. michelle's 16-year-old friend was in a car with friends. >> he said he heard the swoosh, possibly where the car was being picked up and carried off. i need some confirmation whether he is dead or alive. >> steven campbell was in his home with his wife. he was hit in the head and hopes his wife may be an unidentified hospital patient. >> emotionally i'm gone. it is beyond gone. just too much. >> the national weather service upgraded this tornado to an e5, making it the eight deadliest in history. reporting live, cbs 5. well some new information coming out of the la area tonight on the brian stowe investigation. it seems the case against give giovan ira giovani is far from a slam dunk. accusing them of failing to provide adequate security. family says no dodgers security was present in the poorly lit stadium parking lot where stowe was attacked. and it took security guards at least ten to fifteen minutes to arrive at the beating. >> here you have a stadium that is supposed to be for moms, dads, and little kids and the last thing you need is no security. that's virtually what they had. they massacred the security budget. the lawsuit blames mccourt for living a lavish lifestyle, which eventually led to a quote, disturbing reduction in security staff for dodger games. the stowe family wants the dodgers to repay all of the donations, the public sent them except for a substantial gift from barry bonds who has pledged scholarships for stowe's two children. the city of san jose did not declare a fiscal emergency as expected tonight, but mark tells us that this doesn't mean this unprecedented action to slice public plea pensions won't happenin' chewly. >> it is a proposal that is receiving national attention. should san jose declare a state of fiscal emergency and ask voters to approve drastic changes to public employee pensions and benefits. >> shame on you. >> at yet another hearing today, many city employees spoke against the proposal. >> i think it's ridiculous to be making up emergencies. who makes up emergencies? >> the proposed ballot measures would doom the city to years, if not decades of dysfunction and litigation. >> some residents were in favor. >> it's time to change business as usual. >> by an 8-3 vote, the council decided to keep the concept very much alive, but decided to negotiate with union groups and wait until next month before trying to make it official. >> i think the budget process itself will be good evidence of the crisis we face and in need for a difficult action. >> in san jose, cbs 5. san francisco woman disrupted isreali prime minister, benjamin netanyahu's address to congress today. >> as we share their hopes -- >> you can hear her yelling in the background. the jewish american woman was protesting what she said were isreali war crimes against palestinians. the isreali leader went on to say he wanted peace with the palestinians, but nancy reports he then spilled out a list of demands. the palestinians say makes peace impossible. >> you got bin laden. >> congress greeted israel's prime minister with 29 standing ovations as he vowed he was prepared to negotiate a lasting peace. >> we'll be generous. >> but then, he layed out his term and it was a long list. a palestinian state, he said, must have no army of its own and palestinian leaders must sever ties with tamas. >> back by the palestinian version of al-qaeda. refused to compromise on the biggest prize. >> yule juiced to love him. must never again be divided. and called them a decloration of war against the pal stain january people. >> palestinians will have to accept. >> con grelingsal leaders made it clear whose side they are on. >> we stand side to side with israel. >> congress of course does not have to broker a peace agreement. while the white house must get both sides to give. cbs news, capitol hill. there is a vigil planned tomorrow for a missing danville girl whose bike was found today near san francisco. 15-year-old allison was last seen yesterday near her locker at san ramon valley high school. and missing persons flier said that she had left a suicide mote. law enforcement, the national park service searched for the girl today along the shoreline. a grown up of protesters arrested plans to sue police. a lawyer for the group says they are arrested without warning. some of them were left on a bus. up to six hours with no bathroom. they spent the night in a jail without being charged. the attorney filed claims against 32 police agencies. if you are a baseball fan and a vegetarian, the bay area is the best place to be. the the animals right group, peta says that is the most -- the oakland a's ball park came in 5th. well we knew it was coming. a new area code for the south bay, but now we know how the new 669 number will be assigned. elizabeth cook shows us the decision calling your neighborhood will soon be a more complicated affair. g if you dial a 408 area code, you know where you are calling. >> there are people who parade t-shirts that say 405. they are proud to be a san joseen. >> there won't be any left next year, so we have to do something. we have to bring in a new area code. >> voted 4-1 to recommend to the public utilities commission an overlay method with implementing the new area code. current 408 numbers would stay the same, but any new numbers would become 669. not knowing which area code you will be dying, which one is it? this is a new one or the 405 code. now that you are a 408 user, you'll only have to dual szen digits. under the new method, you'd have to doll all differents. >> just having to do these extra digits can be confusing knowing which area -- what area am i in? >> the areas affected by the area code switch include san jose and most of santa clara county. the supervisor who voted in favor of the method says change is inevitable. >> growth forces change. >> now ultimately, it's up to the california public utilities to decide. when and how they will implement the new area code. this time yeast year, all the 405 numbers are going to be taken. >> they are going fast. it has taken 60 years for someone to finally decide the n word has to go. tonight, why one group han told thanks, but no thanks. choice that could mean money in the bank. women have a choice when they get married. keep their maiden name or take their husbands. why it's a decision that could keep money in your pocket. >> the cash strapped kansas city slow. >> who is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ indistinct conversations ] wrap it up, boys. while i'm still young. ♪ two hours till bedtime. let's move it. ooh. you do your own stunts, right? well, i -- good enough. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. they know they have guns, right? historic wrong. well it has taken more than a half century, but tonight eldorado county voted to right an historic wrong. approved a plan to replace 36 cemetery headstones that are stamped with the n word. the u.s. army corps of engineers put the slur on those stones back in the 1950s when it relocated the graves from an old foothill town called the hill. when we first did this story, inmates offered to remove and replace the headstones for free. supervisors were very supportive of that idea, but tonight they backed off that plan after black leaders said the black community should be behind any changes. >> three teenage boys allegedly attacked a muni driver beating him over the head with a skate board because the driver refused to give them free transfers. the attack happened yesterday morning in northbeach. the boys have been arrested and the driver will be okay. this transfer is a hot commodity. but uncovered a black market where commuters can buy those transfers good for buses and trains for half hour. grews lee shows us these illegal sales are happening out in the open for everyone to say. >> they run a brisk business. at commuter hubs all over san francisco. selling tickets to ride the bus or train for half the regular $2 fare. >> how much? >> $1. >> the busiest black market hot spot, 16th and mission, where from morning tonight. seven days a week. >> every day. >> you can buy as many as you want. here's how it works. normally you hand the bus driver $2 and it gets you a gated ticket. it's only good for an hour and a half. this costs $2. if you buy it out here, it is good all day long and it costs you $1. >> won't the driver notice? >> no, no. >> the street sellers are more than happy to show you how to trick the bus driver into not noting. >> i do. you fold it. >> just in case an inspector gets on the bus -- >> when you see people coming in. >> so where do the tickets come from? >> we wanted to ask some of the street sellers. >> excuse me, i'm grace lee. continue a bop l of times out here. do you have anything to say about it? can you tell me where you get them from? >> you want me to talk about my attorney? >> in the past, it has been adds inside job. a police sting led to the arrest of a muni. he claims he got them from the garbage, but muni says he obtained them by virtue of his employment and made tens and thousands of dollars by selling him. >> he is left. he is a lieutenant nicking. >> despite that arrest, the problem is still rampant. >> this has been going on u unfortunately, for years. >> they look to be legitimate transfers to me. >> some of the illegal transfers are real, while others may be cont fit with the same serial number. >> maybe they are being sold from coffee and a possibility. >> so what is muni doing about it? spokesman paul rose admits the weekly losses huge. >> it is safe to say we are losing south of thea knew. >> he says muni pays the police depth $12 million a year to do sting operations. >> do you think those stings aren't work something. >> the 16th and mission. >> that's exactly where we found the same brisk business stiling going on every day. the mechanic who was caught red handed worked out of this yard for 24 years and he didn't serve a jail. he only had to be 60 hours of community service. despite that case. where are these ticks coming from? the police say they don't know and when he still don't know today. >> those dollars add up. >> yes, they do. thank you very much. >> all right welcome if you news your name when you say i do, you may be missing out on a bus of money. a few couples have a choice. it turns out the choice could affect your earnings. a european study found that women who keep their maiden names make a half million more over a lifetime. >> they have a brand that will help them in their career. that's what trant lates to the higher salary. >> if you google someone's knife, you find their work experience. you risk wiping that out. a study done here the u.s. keeping their sur james umped from 4% in 1975 to about 25% today. roberta gonzalos. high today across the bay area, very cool. 59. 76 degrees in gilroy. tonight the falling down to the 40s and 50áz already dropping down into the mid 40s in danville with the westerly. kind of hard pho believe we are becoming mostly cloudy jour night tonight and that will lead to rain showers tomorrow. maybe make sure you have that umbrella. here's the situation now. we have this area of low pressure. it is bracing up against the northern eastern quadrant. rain showers due north and south. the bigger picture shows that the core socialed with this air of low pressure is way out over the pacific. that is posed to swing him bay tomorrow morning and as earlly as sun. the rain slice is across the bay right around the lunch hour. then that, you'll bulk of the drey is green. the snowfall, to inches exebbinged. our rain follow totals over our wednesday, a third to the golden gate bridge. others will be measuring the precipitation. now the other side of this story is a very cool air mass. temperatures coming back substantially in the 50s and mid 6 0áz. southwest wind up to 15 miles per hour. we have another chance rain on thighed night into friday afternoon. mostly cloudy friday with partial clearing sunday. that is your pip pointed ,,,,,,, tonight's good question: yeah, at some point or another, you have seen our news trucks driving around your town. that's tonight's good question. how do we get our stories from the field back to the station? look mayor, i don't care. i got a deadline, pal. >> the pressure of being a television news reporter. well all that work in the field means nothing if you can't get your work on tv. >> we turn the transfer to on. we put the mask up and bingo. you get back to the news. >> all right, i'll translate. microwave. you have seen the dish on top of our trucks. we send the trash back to the station. >> and code it into the may cowaif at the speed of light. >> cbs's 5 manager says that signal is bounced off one of seven received sites ashed the area. back to the station, two far from home, we have to go to the suburbs. >> 22,000 miles up in space. that is back down to earth safety and bingo. >> ftg cards are being used. all of it eventually ending up in our electronic news catherring center where it can be taped for play later on. >> magnetic at 2 billion times a second. >> yeah, that's basically how so, what's the snapshot discount? it's pretty revolutionary. patented, actually. it takes a snapshot of your good driving habits, so you can save money. like a snapshot? 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[ female announcer ] vets agree, a healthy checkup starts inside. our breakthrough iams premium protection formula is developed with vets with cutting edge ingredients for the lifelong health of your pet. [ dog ] healthy inside and out. come on, up high! [ female announcer ] iams premium protection. our most advanced iams nutrition. ever. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. ♪ woof. really incredible finish in game five. sharks, canucks. a serious that could be wrapped up in six words. cannot stand smelling the stanley cup finals. kevin beating the diving report and it is 2-1 sharks. with 13 seconds left in regulation, otto troys to deflect the puck. san jose thinks the puck goes out of play, but it catches who slams down the game winner. goes to center ice. the only player on the ice who saw it and he sent the sharks home for the season. >> we ran out of gas in game one. we get the game four and it's a matter of four minnesotas worth of penalties. >> let's not kid ourselves. plenty of chances. we didn't. >> after last night's six loss in a row. ripped his manager's communication skills. david this sum about the 8th flag ship station. >> you've been in the big leagues too long to act like that. it that i cans a lot of money and he hasn't isn't the greatest closure so zip it. >> ran case. this made the 1-0 shot. and brilliant on the mound. six shutout innings thanks to cocoa crisp. marlins and giants, nothing better. this little gold will lem enate. tas that's a fer said. big date di didn't come out very nice on this one. snap they lose 5-1. 2009 waist wasn't very hot. only 14 points against chicago. but sealed the victory for the heat. they take three gimmes to one peed. 93 took on florida for the national championship. the small looking for their win at home. it wasn't in the strangs. 'em bring ends it on ,,,,

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United States , Be San , Ha Afon , Israel , Oklahoma , Eldorado County , California , Missouri , Oakland , Santa Clara County , Florida , Danville , South Korea , San Ramon Valley , Chicago , Illinois , San Francisco , Palestinian , Han , American , Benjamin Netanyahu , Steven Campbell , Brian Stowe , Dana King , Elizabeth Cook ,

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