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World and she plays with a Number One Team in the world, the u. S. Womens. But despite their achievement, the players say theyve been discriminated against, paid less and treated worse next to the u. S. Mens team. Odonnell do you think you should be paid more than the mens team . Lloyd yeah, absolutely. Odonnell why . Lloyd we win. Were successful. We should get what we deserve. Logan bruno mars may be the hardest working man in show business. And when you hear how he grew up youll understand why this throwback never takes anything for granted. Your house. I just really care about what people see. I want them to know that im im working hard for this. The artists that i look up to, like, you know, michael, prince, james brown. Theyre not phoning it in. Theyre going up there to murder anybody that performs after them or performs before them. Im steve kroft. Im leslie stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im lara logan. Im norah odonnell. Im scott pelley. Those stories, tonight on 60 minutes. Cbs money watch sponsored we mesh express open, proud supporter of growing business. Quijano good evening. Workers at Ohare Airport in chicago expected to announce plans to strike tomorrow. More than 137 million americans are planning to shop during thanksgiving weekend, most of it on black friday. And a rare cartoon sold for a record 1. 6 million. Im elaine quijano, cbs news. You dont own me dont try to change me in any way oh dont tell me what to do just let me be myself thats all i ask of you the new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. You dont own me toyota. Lets go places. So we know how to cover almost almoanything. Hing, even a rodent ridealong. [dad] alright, buddy, dont forget anything [kid] i wont, dad. [captain rod] happy Tuesday Morning captain rod here. Its pretty hairy out on the interstate. Traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. Getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. December 14th, 2015. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i wanted to know where i did my ancestrydna. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Kroft when donald trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, hell be forced to deal with a lot of complicated international issues, especially turkey. Its an indispensable but angry nato ally right now, led by an assertive, strongminded president who you will hear from shortly, recep tayyip erdoan. Hes been making noises lately about perhaps going his own way in the middle east, and is being courted by russia. If it sounds byzantine, it should be noted that the word was coined to describe the complicated history and politics of this land. With war raging on two of its borders and inundated with refugees, turkey is right in the middle of things, as it has been for the past 2,000 years. Its largest city sits astride the bosporus strait, a body of water that separates asia from europe, east from west, and the islamic world from christendom. It was known as byzantium at the time of christ, and constantinople in the middle ages, before the ottoman hordes overran the city, converted the cathedrals into grand mosques, and ruled an empire that lasted 600 years. Today, istanbul and the republic of turkey still have a foot in both cultures, a muslim population, a westernstyle democracy and natos second largest army, in the most dangerous neighborhood in the world. Describe the relationship with turkey right now . James jeffrey extremely important, extremely complicated, at the top of the next president s agenda. Kroft because . Jeffrey first of all, its location. Location is everything. Kroft former u. S. Ambassador James Jeffrey spent much of his diplomatic career in turkey, a country that shares borders with syria, iraq, iran; and the black sea to the north with russia. But more importantly, turkey also plays host to the United States and other nato countries at a number of critical air bases like incirlik, that serve as staging areas for military operations in the middle east, and are vital to projecting us military power all the way from europe to india. And how important are those bases . Jeffrey theyre extremely important. We could not be doing the campaign against isis right now in Northern Iraq and in syria without these bases. Kroft so the u. S. Cant afford to lose those bases . Jeffrey absolutely not. Kroft this is the man who allows the u. S. Access to those bases, president recep tayyip erdoan, the conservative, nationalistic some would say autocratic leader who has governed the democracy for the past 13 years. We met him last month, at the brand new 1,100room palace in ankara, which is emblematic of erdogans admiration for the grandeur of turkeys ottoman past, and his ambition to make it once again the most powerful country in the region. But erdoan is upset with u. S. Policies in syria, that he says have led to a clear and present Security Threat on his southern border, interfered with his ability to defend his country, and inundated turkey with nearly three million refugees twice the number that has flooded into europe. Erdoan translated we have addressed these issues, discussed them with president obama and Vice President biden. They failed to rise to the occasion and handle these issues seriously. This is quite upsetting for us. Kroft you seem very frustrated with the United States. Erdoan translated well, let me be very frank in my remarks, and ive been known for my candor. I wouldnt speak the truth if i said i was not disillusioned. Because i am disillusioned. Kroft president erdoan is not the only one in turkey disillusioned with america right now. So are many of his countrymen, who feel that their western allies care more about their own interests than turkeys. Most of the tension and anti americanism can be traced back to the night of july 15, here in the heart of istanbul. Factions of the Turkish Military shut down the bosporus bridge that connects europe and asia, and launched a coup to overthrow the elected government. It wasnt long after that f16s commandeered by a rogue faction of the air force streaked fast and low across the skies of istanbul and ankara. Sonic booms shattered windows. The plotters used tanks and troops to seize strategic buildings and military bases, and shut down istanbuls main airport. And in something never seen before in the capital of a nato country, the parliament in ankara was bombed, and helicopter gunships strafed the president ial palace. Soldiers stormed television stations and announced that turkey was under martial law. President erdoan was on vacation with his family when he learned a coup was underway. He wanted to address the country, but had no access to the media. So he used the facetime app on a borrowed phone to call in to a Turkish Television station. He pleaded for people to take to the streets and fill the squares. Tens of thousands responded, facing down tanks and helicopters. As volleys were fired into crowds, erdogan boarded a plane and flew towards istanbul. Were you afraid for your life and the lives of your family members . Erdoan translated steve, in our faith there is a concept. We surrender ourselves to death. If youre the leader, you have to communicate the message of immortality to your people. Because i believe, if a leader hides behind a rock, then the people will hide behind a mountain. Kroft his return to istanbul proved to be the turning point. By daybreak the coup attempt had failed. More than 200 were dead. Erdoan immediately blamed the revolt on his archenemy, an elderly and exiled cleric named fethullah gulen, whose followers had infiltrated the highest levels of the Turkish Military, judiciary, and civil service. For the past 17 years, gulen has been leading a reclusive life in the United States on a 26acre retreat in the pocono mountains. For months, erdogan has demanded that his american ally return gulen to turkey. Erdoan translated this man is the leader of a terrorist organization that has bombed my parliament. We have extradited terrorists to the United States in the past. And we expect the same thing to be done by the United States. Kroft the u. S. Is insisting that the extradition process must be handled through u. S. Courts to evaluate the evidence. The delay has created widespread suspicions here that the u. S. Government is protecting gulen and that its intelligence agencies may have been involved or had advance knowledge of the coup. Members of erdogans government have suggested that publicly. The u. S. Has denied it. Do you believe that there was any u. S. Involvement . Erdoan translated im not going to blame the United States. But thats what my people will think. Why are you still keeping that man . So as long you harbor him there, im sorry, dont get offended. But this is the perception of the turkish nation and the turkish people. Kroft im taking it from your answer that you have done nothing to discourage the turkish people from believing that. Erdoan translated i cannot deceive my people. I cannot deceive my people here. Because im suffering right now. The United States is not suffering. But im suffering because of the 241 martyrs that we have buried. Kroft erdoan had begun a crackdown on the Gulenist Movement and other perceived enemies before the attempted coup. After it, he used a state of emergency to begin a massive effort to purge them from government and turkish society. More than 30,000 people have been arrested or detained, including generals, judges, prosecutors, mayors, members of parliament, teachers and journalists. Another 100,000 people have been fired or suspended from government jobs, and 150 Media Outlets have been shut down. Some critics in turkey and some people in the United States have said that this is an overreaction. This is a crackdown on the political opposition, not a crackdown on terrorists . Erdoan translated in turkey, they attempted to destroy my state. And of course, we could not remain silent. We could not remain indifferent. And these measures are being taken by prosecutors and judges in full accordance with the rule of law. Kroft there are not many people in turkey today eager to publicly criticize the government. Soli ooozel is an academic and a prominent political commentator. Soli ozel i think this has gone beyond s only the gulenists. A lot of teachers have been dismissed who probably have nothing to do with the gulenists. A lot of newspaper people have been dismissed, although they have nothing with the gulenists. And i think a lot of people who really had nothing to do with the coup attempt itself are now being burned. Kroft do you think the government is becoming more and the presidency is becoming more authoritarian . Ozel we are moving in that direction, yes. The presidency has now accumulated a lot more power than is stipulated in the in the constitution. And it will continue to accumulate more. Erdoan translated this is misperception. It is out of the question. We have saved our country from the hands of a heinous coup, and we are very much determined to protect our democracy. Kroft there is a strong bent of authoritarianism that runs through turkish history and turkish life, and erdoans message and actions have played well with the public. After the failed coup, his Approval Rating jumped to 68 . Much of that support comes from more traditional, conservative muslims, who have long been marginalized in turkish society. Erdogan has embraced them, courted them and included them in his government. Ece temelkuran he is a brilliant politician when it comes to talking to Common People and with their discourse. Kroft ece temelkuran is a turkish writer who chronicles the countrys cultural and political changes. She believes this is all part of erdogans vision for a new turkey. Temelkuran the new turkey does not ask you to be more religious. It asks you to be more obedient. It has to be obedient. It has to be male, conservative, religious and, you know, supporting the governing party. Kroft erdoans new turkey as been a source of concern in washington. While the two nato allies still share the same goals of replacing the Assad Government in syria and defeating isis, each country has its own special interests and priorities. And in some cases its own allies. The United States is obsessed with isis. Turkey is obsessed with kurdish separatist groups that have been waging a decadeslong war inside their country. This is where it gets complicated. The u. S. Is supporting and arming kurdish groups that turkey considers bitter enemies, and they have responded by bombing the u. S. Allies. Erdoan translated you cannot defend another terrorist organization just because they are fighting isis as well. You cannot make a distinction between a good terrorist organization and a bad terrorist organization. But this is something that we did not come to an agreement with the United States about. Kroft into all this acrimony between erdoan and the United States has stepped russian president vladimir putin, one of first World Leaders to express solidarity with turkey after the failed coup. Since then, the two countries have finalized a major pipeline deal, and agreed to step up military and intelligence contacts. Are you reevaluating your alliance and relationship with nato and the United States . Erdoan translated right now, such a thing is not in question. We are moving in the same direction with nato that we have always done. Kroft according to one informed observer, what erdoan is really looking for is an answer to this question is the u. S. Truly committed to use all of its power, including its military, to preserve order in the region, stop terrorism and protect the interests of turkey. Yes, or no . Its a difficult question to answer, because the middle east is such a messy place, but right now it looks like the answer from donald trump may be yes. His aides have described turkey as a vital ally and called for the extradition of fethullah gulen, and trump himself has suggested he has high hopes for a closer relationship. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive uick before santa sees hushed hey does santa know we shopped at sears . 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They hope a victory will help close the gap, not just in sport, but in any job where women do the same work as men for less pay. Carli lloyd we feel like were treated like second class citizens because they dont care as much about us as they do the men. Lloyd will try a long hit what a goal for lloyd odonnell carli lloyd is considered the best female Soccer Player in the world and captains the u. S. Team. We recently spoke to her, co captain Becky Sauerbrunn and their teammates Christen Press and morgan brian. Theres a long history of athletes battling their employers for more pay. It happens in the n. B. A. It happens in the n. F. L. Whats different about this fight . Christen press this is a social movement, i think. This is about j gender discrimination and i dont think that positive change occurs in the world unless it has to. Odonnell how does this fight rank in some of the competitions youve been in . Rebecca sauerbrunn its the fight, you know . I mean, we have been in some some major some major battles on the field, but this is this could be the fight that we are a part of. Odonnell the team is made up of the best female Soccer Players from around the country, and for 25 years theyve ruled the world. Goal odonnell in 1999, when Brandi Chastain scored to beat china in the finals of the world cup, her celebration announced the beginning of a new era in womens sports. For the 2015 final, an estimated 30 Million People watched on tv in the u. S. As carli lloyds three goals sealed a huge win against japan. It was, and remains, the highest rated soccer match in american history, including games played by the u. S. Men. Lloyd were Americas Dream Team and, weve been at the forefront. Weve been at the top and i think the Number One Team in womens sports history. Odonnell how has u. S. Soccer federation helped you guys make it to where you are . Sauerbrunn when you compare this federation to all the other federations across the globe, they have invested the most money in this womens program. They have, and thats why weve gotten as far as we have. But to be paid equally, you know, its its not about what they think its fair; its its what is fair. chanting u. S. A. odonnell after their 2015 world cup triumph, the team was honored with a parade down new york citys canyon of heroes. But behind the ticker tape, their relationship with u. S. Soccer was breaking down over a new contract. Outspoken goalkeeper hope solo was on the team for 19 years. Hope solo time and time again we asked, that we wanted to be paid equally to the men. And ill never h odonnell youve been asking for that for many years . Solo yeah, we have, we have. Every time we brought up the men, it pissed them off. It annoyed them, and theyd say, dont bring up the men. Dont bring it up. Odonnell globally, mens soccer is undeniably more popular and profitable than the womens game. When germany won the world cup in 2014, fifa, the Sports International governing body, awarded them 35 million. A year later, when the u. S. Women won the cup, the u. S. Soccer federation received 2 million. Big run to the box. Odonnell men also make Major League Salaries playing for brand name club teams. Womens pro clubs have struggled financially, so the women say they rely on their National Team income to pay their bills, unlike the men. How are they paid differently . Theres two different pay structures. The men get paid per game. Whether they win or lose, they get paid. The women were on a salarybased contract. Odonnell its a pay structure the women themselves wanted and agreed to, in 2005 and again in 2013. A consistent salary of up to 72,000 a year, and bonuses for wins of 1,350. They also get Health Insurance and maternity leave. The men enjoy no guaranteed salary and fewer personal benefits, but they can make as much as 17,625 dollars for a win. We wanted to compare two of the top players. Salaries vary, but in 2015, hope solo was paid about 366,000 in total by u. S. Soccer. In 2014, also a world cup year for the men, team u. S. A. Goalkeeper tim howard was paid 398,495. She played in 23 games for the u. S. He played in eight. Solo when you break it down per game, i think its about three times as much. Odonnell two years ago, hope solo convinced the team to hire lawyer rich nichols to try to get them a better contract. Rich nichols and i said, look, you are in control. This is your business. You have to take control of it. And you can be in control of it, but you have to be unified. Youve got to get a new deal. Odonnell what kind of deal would the women accept . Nichols equal. Equal pay. Odonnell well, what does equal mean . You want the same agreement the men have . Nichols we want the same money that that the men are making, exactly. Thats 5,000 minimum thats that 8,000 bonus if you tie a game, and the 17,625 if you win. We want equal money. Morgan brian we have to win and perform in order to even make 1,350. Odonnell youre professional women. You signed this deal. You look back and say, why did i agree to that deal . Or . Sauerbrunn a little bit, but its also when it comes down to it, we just kind of had to be like, oh, youre just going to say, no, to everything that were putting on the table . We didnt know how to fight, and and in which ways we could fight. Odonnell do you think you should be paid more than the mens team . Lloyd yeah, absolutely. Odonnell why . Lloyd we win. Were successful. We should get what we deserve. Odonnell last year, the top female players did make more money from u. S. Soccer than the mens team, but their lawyer rich nichols says thats only because they played and won more games than the men. Nichols when you subtract the bonus money that that these women made in 2015, you know, theyre probably making 72,000, 80,000 apiece. Odonnell so you mean, had they not been winning, they would not have made anywhere close to what the men made. Nichols thats right. Despite being upset at last summers olympics, the women are still 1 in the world, according to fifa. They say their fight is only with u. S. Soccer, not with the u. S. Mens team, who are ranked a respectable if unspectacular 24th in the world. President obama this team taught all americas children that playing like a girl means youre a badass. Odonnell on stage at the white house in october 2015, they were National Heroes celebrating their latest world cup win. Back on the job, they were disgruntled workers whose negotiations with u. S. Soccer had ground to a halt and grown increasingly bitter. The women decided to change tactics. Enter the federal agency known as the e. E. O. C. , or the equal Employment Opportunity commission. Why file this suit with the e. E. O. C. . Sauerbrunn we wanted to put pressure on them, and so with the e. E. O. C. Complaint, its seemed like a nobrainer for us. Odonnell their complaint accuses u. S. Soccer of violating the equal pay act and title vii, which protects employees against discrimination based on sex. The commission has the power to award damages, issue the right for workers to sue, or do nothing at all. This has never been done before . Nichols no, not not by professional athletes, no. Odonnell why is this case so different . Nichols because its theres never been a situation where the same employer has has hired men and women to play the same sport under the same working conditions. Odonnell like the w. N. B. A. And the n. B. A. Are two separate organizations. Nichols correct. Same same employer, same job, same work conditions, same everything. Odonnell the federations lawyers responded to the e. E. O. C. Complaint by saying, any differences in the compensation paid men and women players are driven by factors other than gender. Coming to you, live. Odonnell major factors according to u. S. Soccer are revenue and tv ratings. They say mens games, on channels like espn, average audiences four times larger than the women. chanting u. S. A. but the federation sells both teams to broadcasters and sponsors as one entity, this year for about 45 million. The president of u. S. Soccer is sunil gulati. He teaches economics at columbia university. We requested an interview with mr. Gulati, but he declined. In a statement, the Federation Said they are actively working to reach a new agreement with the womens team. Sauerbrunn and theyre looking backwards, you know . Were looking to go forwards from now on, and weve shown and theyve projected in their own financials that we we are going to make them money. So its, i think, unfair to pay us less based on performances in the past. Thank you. Odonnell according to u. S. Soccers own projections for this year, the women will net about 5 million from ticket sales, while the men will lose about 1 million. But it turns out this labor dispute is about more than just money. 60 minutes has learned the e. E. O. C. Is also asking questions about the differences between the men and women when it comes to playing conditions, equipment, and travel. How do the women travel to games . Lloyd well, we fly in coach. Odonnell the men, though, is part of their agreement, fly first class . Lloyd yes. Brian to be able to perform like we do and to be the best in the world, we should be treated the same as them. Odonnell we were curious what this fight means to a Younger Generation of female Soccer Players. Asia horne, analiese schwartz, Sarah Sullivan and joelle kelly told us they closely follow the Womens National team on social media. They play for marymount, an all girls school in manhattan, and for local soccer clubs, where theyve also noticed differences in how the male and female teams are treated. Asia horne the boys teams would get more field time than the girls teams. We would have to share space with other age groups while the boys would have full field. Odonnell so, joelle, given what the disparities that youve noticed and what youre witnessing the u. S. Womens soccer team do, whats the lesson that you learn from that . Joelle kelly what theyre doing is for us. So we can have that equal pay, and that so that we can be on the same level as men. Odonnell the womens contract with u. S. Soccer expires this coming new years eve. Whether or not the e. E. O. C. Decides in their favor, they say theyll remain focused on their goal with all options on the table. If you dont get a ruling from the e. E. O. C. , if you dont get what you want from the soccer federation, will you go on strike . Sauerbrunn it would be a discussion that we would have to have. Odonnell theres a possibility that they may strike if they dont get equal pay. Would you support that . Yes. Odonnell why . Because nothings going to change. If they dont stand up for what they want, theyre never going to get it. Odonnell would you like to meet some women on the u. S. Womens soccer team . Yes, yes hello. Odonnell what does it mean to meet these guys . The world lloyd this is history making, what were doing, what were fighting for. It not only resonates with this team and with generations to come, but its global as well. Odonnell carli, you keep saying youre united. How far are you going to take this . Lloyd until we get what we want. This sports update is brought to you by ford division. Im james brown with the scores from the nfl today. Dallas sets a franchise record with its ninth straight win. The giants shut out chicago in the second half to win their fifth in a row. The titans lose. 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To show us how he got there, bruno mars did something hes never done. He shared with us some of the toughest moments of his hawaiian upbringing, and gave us the opportunity to witness his extraordinary skills as a songwriter and producer. We begin with bruno mars, the entertainer. This show in connecticut last month was his first public concert of the year mohegan sun logan and he used it as a tuneup for the release of his new album and world tour to follow. uptown funk on every song and every note, from arenas to halftime of the superbowl, he and his band, the hooligans, perform full throttle. uptown funk his standards are high, because the legends of music set them. uptown Funk Bruno Mars i just really care about what people see. I want them to know that im im working hard for this. uptown funk the artists that i look up to, like, you know, michael, prince, james brown. You watch them, and you understand that theyre paying attention to the details of their art. And they care so much about what theyre wearing, about how theyre moving, about how theyre making the audience feel. Theyre not phoning it in. Theyre going up there to murder anybody that performs after them or performs before them. Thats what ive watched my whole life, and admired. Logan he is a throwback. You see it in the choreography on stage locked out of heaven and hear it in the songs themselves, descendants of the generations that came before him. locked out of heaven logan when i listen to your songs mars uhhuh . Logan you can hear all those people that youve listened to mars yeah. Logan over the years. Mars a lot of people are really quick to say, that song sounds like this. Or you hes tryin to sound like this. And im always like, youre damn right i am. Thats how thats why were all here. You know, we all grew up idolizing another musician. Thats how this works. Thats how music is created. Logan the musical education of bruno mars began in his hometown honolulu, hawaii. He was born peter hernandez, to a puerto rican father and philippino mother parents who were professional musicians, performing together in the tourist showrooms of waikiki beach. Their act was called the love notes, and when bruno was four years old, his parents included him in the family business. blue suede shoes he played little elvis and its when he first learned he could steal the show. hound dog the little elvis routine lasted six years, but the lessons of his parents vegas style waikiki entertainment revue, have lasted a lifetime. Mars you know, it was, like, school of rock for me. And it was just this kind of razzledazzle lifestyle. Logan thats real showbiz. Mars yeah, show business. You know . Logan right . Mars and if you wasnt hitting those notes and the audience wasnt freakin out, then you werent doing it right. Logan by the time he turned 12, his parents divorced and the family band broke up. Money was tight. His four sisters moved in with his mom. He and his brother lived with his dad on top of this building . Mars on top of this building. Logan anywhere they could. Mars my dad was just the king of finding these little spots for us to stay that we should never have been staying at. Logan but you were, like, Homeless People . Mars yeah. No. Yeah, for sure. We was in a limousine once. 1984 limousine. Logan sleeping in the back of a car, on top of buildings, and this place so this is where you lived . Paradise park, a bird zoo where his dad took a job. This was the first time hed been back here since. Even people who work with him havent heard this part of his story. Mars where we were staying at first logan yeah . Mars didnt have a bathroom. So wed have to walk across the park to this other spot that had a bathroom. Logan wow. Mars in the in logan and sometimes in the middle of the night. Mars in the middle of the night. Logan when the park closed, they stayed, moving into this oneroom building. This was your house . Mars yeah. Logan they lived here for more than two years. Mars just so people dont think were crazy logan yeah . Mars it did not look like this. Logan it had a roof . Mars it had a roof. Logan it didnt have plants growing inside . Mars it didnt have plants growing inside. I dont know what happened to the roof, but the bed would be right there in the middle. Logan yeah . And youd all sleep in one bed . Mars wed all sleep in one bed. Logan happy memories . Mars the best. Logan thats is kind of amazing, in that, what you remember about it is not the struggle or the things you didnt have. Mars naw logan its all the things you you had. Mars yeah. We had it all, you know. We had each other and it never felt like it was the end of the world. Its all right we dont got dont got electric today. Its all right. Its temporary. Sayin, well, were going to figure this out. Maybe thats why i have this mentality when it comes to the music. Because i know im going to figure im going to figure it out, just give me some time. Logan as soon as he graduated high school, he left the waikiki showrooms, and hawaii altogether. You couldve stayed here, right . Mars and be logan and you could mars very happy. Logan yeah . And made a good living, and and done what your dad did, and been a big star in hawaii . Mars i wanted to go for it. Logan you wanted more . Mars i wanted more. And my family pushed me. And this island pushed me. Logan how . Mars these are my people, and this is my culture, and i want to represent them. I want people to think of hawaii and think of palm trees and laughter magical islands and and bruno mars. Logan so he headed for los angeles, where he was quickly signed by motown records. Gone was his given name of peter hernandez, branding himself bruno mars instead. Bruno, his childhood nickname, mars, shooting for the stars. The name stuck, but the record contract didnt. Motown dropped him. Mars i dont blame motown. I dont i i was sim its simply, i wasnt ready yet. I think everybody dont know what color i am. Its like, hes not black enough, hes not white enough. Hes got a latin last name but he doesnt have he doesnt speak spanish. Who are we selling this to . Are you making urban music . Are you making pop music . What kind of music are you making . Logan with no hit songs of his own and dead broke, he started over, writing and producing songs for other artists, with friends ari levine and philip lawrence. They were starving musicians. Inspired by the hustle just to pay for food, they came up with this song billionaire it led to another record deal of his own. just the way you are. his career as a songwriter and performer was finally on track. just the way you are. about that time though, he was arrested for possession of 2. 5 grams of cocaine. Logan from the outside, you really seem to keep it together and to be very professional and, you know, very committed, but you nearly threw it all away. Mars i did something very stupid. Im in las vegas, lara. Im 24 years old. Im, you know, drinking way more than im supposed to be drinking and it was so early in my career and i always say that i think it had to happen. That was the reality check i needed, and im i promised myself that that you know, you aint never going to read about that again. grenade logan headlines for hits, not drug busts have been his narrative ever since, capped by two superbowl haltime performances in three years; and three grammys, including record of the year for his collaboration with producer mark ronson, uptown funk. Its the biggest hit in a career full of them. uptown funk how difficult is it to write a song thats great . Mars uptown funk took us almost a year to write. And theres songs that taken thats taken us two hours to write. And we throw em away. Uptown funk was in the trashcan about ten times. Logan really . Mars yeah. Logan why . Mars because we made a lot of you know, you can make a left turn and all of a sudden this song is something terrible. Embarrassing, almost. But you have this one thing that keeps you going, this one part of the song that feels so good and it makes you want to keep going. And it makes you want ah, we should just try again. Lets try again, lets try again. Logan he told us the conception of much of his music begins, in this california recording studio. Mars this is it, lara. Logan over the last two years, he has been on lockdown here trying to answer the challenge created from his run of big hits. Especially his last one. Mars this album, it was daunting, because coming off of uptown funk was like the biggest song ive ever been a part of. And then, youre like, all right, now what are you going to do . 24k magic logan this is what he came up with. 24k magic his new album, 24 karat magic. The title song, out just six weeks, is already another massive hit. 24k magic he showed us how they built the song, from the drums up. Mars thats how it starts. Logan and then . Mars well, come on, come on 24k magic and then we could put some sparkle on it. Like, put a little magic dust on it. Hear that . 24k magic drums and base is locking, right . Logan yes. Mars feel good yet . Logan yes mars then you add the sauce, the secret sauce. You ready . 24k magic thats it. 24k magic 24 karat magic 24k magic showtime guess whos back again . Logan its easy to see that bruno mars loves the only job hes ever wanted, and that hes still driven, to get it right. Mars i was built for this, lara. Its dedicating yourself to your craft. Spending thousands of hours in a studio learning how to write a song, learning how to play different chords, training yourself to sing. You know, to get better and better. Logan are you there . Mars no. Im not even close. Goodnight, yall i got to look for inspiration. 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Then i will tell it to you all another time, everything

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