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Mr. Trumps 99th day. Florida Republican Marco Rubio will join us along with the person new polls say is the most popular politician in america. Hes trying to help the Democratic Party find itself. Republican john kasich has a new book out. Two paths. America or united. As any well have plenty of government. Welcome to face the nation. Well get to this weeks news in a moment but first we want to tell you about next weeks broadcast. Saturday marks the official 100day of the Trump Administration and well be spending that day were the president. Well interview him at the white house and then travel with him to a rally in pennsylvania. First pat of our interview will air on face the nation sunday. That broadcast will originate live from the white house. Along with our interview charlie rose, gail king, and nora odonald will be talking with Administration Officials about the first 100 days and looking ahead to the next 100. First congress will have to agree how to fund the government for the rest of the year. We begin this morning with republican senator marco rubio who joins us from miami. Good morning senator. I want to start with that government shut down. The fight from the white house perspective is overfunding for the border wall. Is that an issue worth fighting over right now if a government shut down is possible is a possibility . First understand were just trying to finish out the current cycle, the current budget year. And so i i thats a conversation worth having for 2018 and if we can do some of that thatd be great. We have a potential Crisis Brewing with north korea. Weve seen whats going on. The ongoing crisis in syria. That could pooesh throw the european union. The last thing we can afford is to send a message to the world that the United States government by the way is only partially functioning. That would have a catastrophic impact on global affairs. And so we should keep that in mind going into this week. Let me pick up on north korea. Ill ask you a question that was sent to me by a source. Are we going to war with north korea. I hope not. Obviously we have to ask ourselves a very fundamental question and that is is it acceptable. Can we live in a world where king john unexists. Can we live in a world like that and the answer is yes then i suppose theres all sorts of things we would not do. If the answer is no then the options br are truly quite limited and none of them are good. None of those options are good. But it is my view at the end of the day we must do almost whatever it takes just about anything to prevent king junk unagainst the mainland of the United States of america. So what is the end game there, senator . Is that removing all missiles . What would be the best possible outcome . I think the best possible outcome would be he walks away from his long range Nuclear Missile problem. In the middle of the country where you go that email from and potentially washington d. C. That is an unacceptable risk. That cannot happen and so the end game, the real one in terms of the show down was that he walks away from the long range missile program. If he continues to make testaments. Senator, the ratcheting up about conversation of north korea thats been taking place is that because of the rhetoric or missile tests in north korea or as you understand it is north korea closer to to an intercontinental ballistic missile. Theres no do you think theyre closer and they continue to get closer. Thats always a part of moving forward. Possessing a long range missile is not technologically prohibited. You have to understand the people in north korea are starving to death. There are literally people starving to detdz in north korea into the development. They potentially have some of that capability now. So ultimately this is not something thats prohibited and its one of my biggest concerns about eye ron as well. Let me ask you about President Trump. Jeff morales has been in charge of the embattled project for the last 5 years. He plans to stay on until june. Voters approved nearly 10 billion dollars for a bullet train from la to San Francisco in 2008. But the project has been plagued by ballooning costs, legal challenges and uncertainty over federal funding. This week. The state announced it sold more than a billion dollars in bonds to help pay for construction in the Central Valley. And morales said because the project is in a good position its the right time for him to move on. Meanwhile. Senator dianne it is a right time for him to move on. Meanwhile senator Dianne Finestein is pointing the finger at republicans for delaying critical funding to upgrade caltrans tracks. And shes pleading with Silicon Valley to keep the project alive. This is the only full Funding Grant agreement that has been denied a signature. By a secretary of transportation. Finestein told a group of Silicon Valley ceos that republicans from the Silicon Valley had wrote a letter to the Trump Administration protesting the aless if i indication of caltrans. This were to kick in 50 million for the democrats. The protest could delay construction and drive up cost. This particular project is like its taylor made for the funding that exists and to have it be a political football is undemocratic and unamerican. The project would create 9600 jobs. Supporters say thats aligned with president Trumps Campaign promise to add more jobs. And speaking of President Trump his 100th day in office is coming up in saturday. Yesterday, he and the first lady visited a Veterans Hospital in maryland where they presented a purple heart to a sergeant. The surprise visit comes as the president tries to beat the clock on some big Campaign Promises within the 100 days. Promises like repealing obamacare and reforming the tax code. Since day one i have been fighting for the hardworking people of this country. Trump said in an interview on friday that the Health Care Reform is still on going. He also says the tax proposal could be announced as early as wednesday. The president added it would be bigger than any tax cut ever. Meanwhile barak obama extended post president ial vacation is about to end. Hes headed to chicago tomorrow for his first public event as a former president. Phil matir and i asked former mayor of San Francisco willie brown. I think that most formal president s will do what bill clinton did and that was adopt the role that hes going to go help free the world. Thats kind of like jimmy carter who stepped up to the plate and said i want to do something about the health of man kind particularly those who do not have shelter. Im going to build houses. Thats usually when expresident s actually do. They dont make comments on their successors. They do not. Under no circumstances. As a matter of fact they dont even respond to attacks by somebody like trump upon them. Obama has said nothing about all the trash thats been coming from the Trump Administration to him. Traditionally in modern president ial history expresident s wait about a year or so before they start waiting back into public discussions. Whats going to be interesting to see at this university of chicago event im not sure thats a way for him to get through it without talking about donald trump and addressing some of these attacks on his plan about health care. Pretty severe attacks up to now have to at least comment and wait in there andreak a bit of a tradition thats been going on for most important president ial history. Theres enough illness in had this world, though, that skies who write about the speech will do the extrapolation from what he says to what he meant to say in terms of implied criticism period. Okay. But on brass knuckle politics right now president obama is the leading democrat in the country, correct . Yes. Hes a person that can draw a crowd. Hes the person that can draw attention. There is going to be pressure on him in the coming months to help with the up coming elections. What are the dos and donts of that. He will not do it. He didnt do it to any great extent when he was the president and there was not this era of expresidency. Barack obama will do what barack obama does best and thats sell barack obama not some other candidate. Its interesting what willies saying there no matter what he says we and pundents and commentators will say this is what he meant to say. Although ill say the Democratic Party could really use some help right now. So i know theres a lot of people that think barack obama could have and should have done more for the party. Maybe hes got time and is able to do in his post presidency. We will have to wait and see. Up next a terrifying tumble into a ravine. The emotional reunion between a giant orpf and the bay area. And a woman who says a fitbit exploded on her wrist. ,,,,,,, neighborhoods. Are taking in the east bay some residents tired of seeing trash pile up in their neighborhoods are taking matters into their own hands. Theyre making earth day every day in oakland. Illegal dumping is a big issue in oakland. And instead do something to fix the frob. In a period of five months volunteers with Oakland Community organizations picked up 24 tons of trash from city streets. The more that people take a part and clean up the city and other people see that we can be part of a Culture Shift that there allow other people also to stop dumping and be a part of cleaning up this city. You can start by cleaning up your own block. And a giant clydesdale horse reunited with the firefighter that helped save him and his trainer. You want to say hi. Today daniel is a healthy horse at more than 2200 pounds and full of muscle. But last june he looked like this on his side for hours after tumbling down 20 feet. He is a clydesdale which means hes much bigger than a normal sized horse and tougher to rescue. For the First Time Since that night daniel reunited with the men from the alameda fire department. Daniel spent weeks recovering at the u. C. Davis large animal intensive care unit. It was a little touch and go there for awhile with him and due to the fact that he did have an injured leg. Were just hoping for the best and obviously today is a great day. Any time we can leave on a happy note and bring some closure thats god. Carol order nan was the first to assess daniels injury. There was times where we were like is daniel gong to make it. Helped host todays thank you luncheon for firefighters. Seeing them all here its actually a little bit of an emotional thing for me because it was a really frightening thing to think that this might not make it and i was going through my own recovery and that was a really tough thing to go through. Trainer louisiana also flew off the back of him landing in the creek bed and fracturing her leg. She is feeling 100 . Daniel is back out being ridden almost every day of the week getting stronger and also developing his gate. In Castro Valley kpix 5. And a family of geese also reunited after taking a short trip down highway 101. Police carried four baby geese in a cage while their irate parents followed close behind yesterday morning. The family had been hanging out by an off ramp and drivers were concerned. Im glad they are very safe now. Taking a look outside at the forecast. We are seeing blue skies over the Golden Gate Bridge this morning and temperatures in the 50s pretty much area wide. Were at 46 right now in santa rosa. Heres whats going on. We do have a separate level troph we might see some breezy conditions along the coast for some later on today but overall sunshine is the story. Certainly more sunshine today although temperatures remain cool than we saw yesterday. So heres a look at the future cast. And you can see most of those clouds have mixed out. Then i take us to monday where future cast is painting a chance of showers for the north bay. Cant rule out for the second half of the day into monday evening a stray shower or two farther south and an unsettled tuesday through sunday most of the shower activity will stay north of the golden gates. And certainly we are going to call it unsettled for really through midweek. So what to expect . Mostly clear and mild for today. Unsettled monday through wednesday with shower chances mainly to the north. But then late week a warm up. We could see temperatures 10 to 15 degrees warmer by saturday than we see tomorrow. A big warm up for us as the High Pressure builds in the second half of the week. In the meantime temperatures are right around normal for this time of year. Maybe just a little below normal for a couple locations today topping out in the upper 60s near 70 degrees for the warmest spots. Were in the low 70s for folks in the south bay. 71 cuppertino and 67 today in union city. East bay temperatures topping out around that 70degree mark. Fairfield, pittsburgh pitsburg and oakland. 68 poid. Pedaluma and a look at your travel forecast shows temperatures really in the 60s for most of us today along the coast. A look at the extended forecast shows mostly sunny today. Unsettled monday through wednesday mainly north of the golden gate. And thursday temperatures dry out. Were talking about folks seeing that 80degree mark. I like the look of that. Sunny on the weekend. Rainy during the week. We have a scary story now for anyone who wears a health tracker. After her fitbit exploded on her wrist. The fitbit itself is totally melted. The bracelet melted. And i got two sets of plastic burned into my arm. Deanna mitchell said that shed only be using h fitbit lect two for about two wks when it suddenly melted down as sh was reading a book. She says there was no indication anything was wrong until it exploded. Fitbit says its looking into it and hasnt reefed any other complaints about the bracelets overheating. And now up next your capital consumer watch. And the new push to protect you from Smart Devices that may be snooping on your home. , states that have passed laws new californias response to a federal crack down on states that have passed law legalizing marijuana in a new strategy to combat fake news Kpix Melissa Kaen has more. Would prevent state and local police from helping federal agents crack down on marijuana activity that the state considers to be legal. In a statement the bill sponsors says well we cannot fully control what the tmp administration does we can permit the use of californias public dollars. A cbs news poll shows a number of americans who are pro pot is growing. 61 say marijuana should be legal. And the fight against fake news may soon be heading to your childs classroom. A new bill would require schools to start teaching Media Literacy in grades 112. The idea teach students how to parse fact from fiction by getting them to think critically about where the information is coming from. I think adults need education on this adds well. Educators will decide what qualifies as a reputable source. I hope not. Nobody wants to sensor news. What it just does is gets kids the Critical Thinking skills to be able to determine whether i believe that or i dont believe that. And contact our lives and childrens lives. Now at this point the bill has cleared the Senate Education committee. So far it has no opposition. And theres a new push to keep Smart Devices from snooping on you in your home. Earlier this year the federal trade commission announced that vizio tvs were spying on customers. Now one lawmakers wants to make sure our devices arent spying on us at least not without our permission. From dolls that talk. To teddy bears that pass along messages. To home devices that run your life and respond to your every whim. Alexa order pizza. Interactive internet products are picking up plenty of personal information and that worries people like jim stier. Your kids information or your familys information or many other peoples information can be hacked. Hes supporting first of its kind legislation that would require socalled smart products sold in california to come with Privacy Protections. Its been dubbed the teddy bear and toaster act. Since we are the leading state in the country let alone the world in terms of Technology Innovation we should lead on Privacy Protection as well. The bill sponsored by Hannah Beth Jackson would require products notify users through a sound or signal when theyre gathering data. Products would also have to obtain a users consent when transferring information and it will require notices that warn the devices are capable of collecting sensitive data. How does that sound . Now opponents of this measure say its a one size fits all that threatens to kill innovation. Most connected devices do come with privacy notices that do disclose what happens to your information though. Of course no people dont read those and certainly dont check through the fine print. Hear from a lot of people when we do these stories that say hey i dont have anything to hide. There is one thing to note and excerpts will point out that often were learning that they are gathering information and aggregating it and sell interesting to Third Party Data sites. So its not clear how that might effect you down the road if they know youre looking for an up coming vacation might you start to get those advertisements and might they charge you more when you go to your browser. Its just not clear how this could affect us in the long term. You think theyd want to give us money. I also like the fact that this bill would put something on the outside of this box. Its not helpful at the point of purchase once youve already bought it now you get to see what they are and are not doing with your data. And if youd also like the idea of an alert. Thank you julie. And coming up in our next half hour a free speech. Local farmers say they cant compete with mexico. Why some blame trade agreements for hurting californias crops. ,,,,,,,,,, President Trump hits the 100 day mark. Live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. One more week to go before President Trump hits the 100day mark. The busy week ahead for him and congress. And members of congress suing the commander in chief. What senator Pamela Harris says about the plan. And its asparagas season. Why local farmers blame their unfair trade for local crops. The time is 8 01. Good morning im melissa king. Well get started this half hour with a check of your forecast. Clear skies over the Golden Gate Bridge at this hour. Temperatures in the 50s. 52 santa rosa and 56 your current temperature in concord this morning. Future cast showing mostly clear skies throughout the day today. So we are going to see more sunshine though we do have a colder air mass in place and so thats going to help keep temperatures cooler than what we thought earlier this week. Maybe just a little bit on the cool side of average today. Plenty of sunshine lasting throughout the day. But tomorrow things change. Clouds roll in and we get a bit unsettled. In the meantime heres a look at what to expect later today. Your game tim forecast. The game on the miners 105. Temperature near 63 degrees with plenty of sunshine for you there. Breezy conditions along the coast later on this afternoon and again changes with a little bit of rain in the forecast. Ill talk more about that coming up in just a bit. Right now in france voter relation casting their ballots for the first round of the countrys president ial election. The election comes just days after a terror attack on police in paris. Observes say the attack could benefit the far right candidate marie pen. She called for the closure of all mosques and the reinstatement of french borders unless one candidate wins the majority today. So far la pen and Emanuel Le Cron have slight leads of 11 candidates. And this week is expected to be busy for the Trump Administration as the president s first 100 days in office come to a close. The president is pushing republicans to pass revamp health care legislation. Now the president also expected to make a big announcement about tax reform on wednesday. The president told Associated Press the package would include a massive tax cut for individuals and businesses. On friday, he signed an executive order to review the 2016 tax regulations and hes looking to scrap the ones that place an undue burden on taxpayers. People cant do their returns. They have no idea what theyre doing. Theyre too complicated. And the president also ordered reviews for parts of the dodge frank financial law and that deals with the failure of big firms. And members of congress are considering suing the president. The subject came up at a town hall meeting in San Francisco with senator diane finestein. A fellow democrat senator bloomingthal is trying to collect money from other members of the senate. The money is for a lawsuit against the president and his business conflicts. He says the hope there will be 41 senators suppoing the lawsuit. Confirmed that there han have en extensive krgss in the senate about taking legal action to find out whats going on with the president s businesses. I certainly talked with senator bloomingthal about legal strategies that might be appropriate to figure out whats going on in terms of the Trump Administration and any possible conflicts. And senator harris said that if theres a lenlt basis to file a lawsuit against the president shes open to being a plaintiff. The courts of our country may be in many circumstances the final place where justice will happen if it doesnt come out of the white house. Now weve repeatedly reached out to senator finestein and have also asked senator bloomingthal for information but neither have provided further details. I also asked senator harris about the International Trade for farmers. And one local crop in particular is being hit hard. Asparagas. Asparparagas hot dogs. The event was organized by tony nickosetti. Farmers went out there and built the levies but the asparagas farms in Central Valley are disappearing. In 1997 there were 24,000 acres. By 2015 there were fewer than 3000 and 88 drought. One agreement trade agreements with peru and mexico. Before napa there was a 20 import tax. Mexican asparagas is cheaper in california Grocery Stores than california grown asparagas. It makes it tough for the retailers to bring in california asparagas. One of the main differences is labor cost. Very labor intensive to harvest asparagas. There has been an attempt to invent machinery but so far it only works with as sp paragas thats relatively short and as you can see the asparagas that grows in the Central Valley is big. Its a delicacy you have to pick by hand. Says hell negotiate better trade deals for american businesses. Weve got to do everything we can to protect and to save our farmers. We asked california senator Pamela Harris about the effects of trade on Central Valley farmers. And i take seriously the concerns of our Agricultural Community and its something i Pay Attention to. Im not familiar with this issue about asparagas but it is something that i take seriously. Theyve got to work on it because its been a little lopsided for years and years. Today the asparagas festival is going on. And you said you love the asparagas ice cream. Its weird im really not into that kind of thing but it was delicious spriesingly so. Switching gears now. U. C. Berkley is bracing for a free speech show down this week. Conservative commentator ann coulter says she will give her speech on campus. It was planned for last thursday. But cal cancel tuesday because of security concerns. Its been offered an alternate date when classes were not in session but then later revoked that offer as well. When we asked Lieutenant Governor and u. C. Rich gavston. I think ann coulter is odious, shes vile, shes foul and she has the right to be and i think they need to reconcile this. So that sediment is real and i say that as a progressive that its been on the receiving end of ann coulter. College republicans are now considering a lawsuit against the university. Meanwhile celebrity milo yonopolis is planning a come back at cal. Milos free speech week on the university campus. Now as you may remember his last appearance was cancelled when riots broke out. Hes now pitching a. I asked former San Francisco mayor willie brown what has u. C. Berkley gotten itself into. Obviously they have forgotten their history and their tradition. Its always been the heart of the free speech movement. When reagan was there he tried to shut it down and it was free speech and now suddenly the people who were defending their right to speak is trying to deny ann coulter the opportunity to appear on that campus. Total insanity. Its now surrounding the Decision Makers on the question of the First Amendment. What theyre saying is they cant guarantee the safety of these speakers who got a number of folks who are protesters who dont necessarily agree that the First Amendment is as broad as legally it is. And they say we want to shut it it down. This is no place on campus and if theyre willing to be violent and organized the police say we cant protect the speaks. That brings up the issue mayor brown. Public safety versus a mayor versus public rights. Where do you draw the line . I think the reason you do have to come down on the side of public rights. Believe me, when you start predicting that something really bad is going to happen if ann coulter shows up ann koulter cannot draw flies. She will have a very silent appearance. Nobody will be there except the young republicans all three of them who attend the university of california and i dont know why thats a problem. They had credible evidence of a specific threat to ann coulter and her supporters. All you have to do is say to ann coulter and her crowd we understand that somebody may knock you off. What do you want us to do about it . But what does this say. I obviously find it interesting that theres never a shortage of things for politicians in the great state of california to comment on. And the legislature made a past to resolution regarding this but i havent heard anything from our governor our our Lieutenant Governor or our attorney general. Or our mayors, our city council people. Everyone wants to stay away from this one because logically it would be inconsistent if they advocating ann coulter on and allowed Jesse Jackson to speak. Its sort of a darned if you do. Darned if you dont. They were criticized by the president himself for not presenting the riots when milo was there and now of course theyre being criticized for not allowing free speech. In their defense trying to prevent those riots. Theyre going to find themselves in the uncomfortable position of defending someone like ann coulter or milo yonopolis. So i can see why were getting ducked. Even though we did manage to corner gavin newsome. Staying out of it. Still to come after a criminal conviction and huge spike executives are getting raises and wait until you hear about some of the perks customers are paying for. ,,,,,, on september 9th, 2010, pg e learned a tragic accident we will never forget. Pg e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u. S. Pipeline safety act and obstructing an investigation. Pg ewas fined. Five years of probation and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. We are deeply sorry. Weve failed our customers in san bruno. While an apology alone will never be enough actions can make pg e safer and thats why weve replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipelines. Adopted technology that is 100 times more sensitive and built a state of the art gas center. Thats why were working every day to make pg e the safest Energy Company in the nation. Pg e executives just landed hefty pay raises in the same year the utility is raising rates for consumers. And usa might manage the utility is now being criticized for it. My favorite member of the Golden Gate Bridge. Shes pgsxee brand new c eo. I had over 70 pictures. And last year as one of the utilities top executives Keisha Williams earned 4. 2 million in salary and perks. Shes not the only pg e executives to rake in big bucks in 2016. Were not sure why these executives are being rewarded. The consumer advocacy some of the compensation is covered by shareholders most is paid for by customers if pgande was a good company these salaries would be excessive. And nicholaus don robolus who took in 4 million and got a similar rate. Williams pay rate last year included 120,000 and 8,000 to help her manage her money. Like money marg receiptta mitchell saw her rates skyrocketing this year. She doesnt think she should pay for to pad the pockets of pg e executives. The company was on trial and found guilty of criminal negligence for the 2010 san bruno gas line explosion that killed eight people. I dont think they deserve it. Pg e declined a comment. It notes the salaries and benefits are typical of those paid top executives at other private utilities and bonuses and incentives are tied to the companys stock performance. So basically theyre saying listen we need to pay these folks this much money to get the best and the brightest, the best talent. And yet, a black out the other day. This all happened right before the massive black out here in San Francisco that folks are a little bit upset about. Something youve got to wonder if they are getting the best and brightest when things keep going on like they are. All right. Well i know. Lets turn to weather now shall we. And were taking a look outside blue skies over the Golden Gate Bridge this morning. Temperatures are in the 50s. And were going to see a bit of a breeze later on today especially along the coast. Right now temperatures are relatively mild for this time of day. So overall future cast showing us that we do have clearing skies for us today. Were not going to see much in the way of cloud cover. We are going to see though a cooler air mass in place thats going to help to keep temperatures down a bit lower for us today and taking a look at what to expect as we make our way throughout the day. One more check on that game day forecast. Clear and mild temperatures in the 60s. So with blue skies and temperatures in the 50s for now, prepare for some bigger changes coming. We have this cooler air mass in place thanks to this upper level troph and that is going to keep us a little on the kwool side today. We are around arch for this time of year. And then we do have some changes coming some unsettled weather. Let me take you a little farther with our future cast model and show you after clear skies today we see unsettled weather beginning on monday. Most of the rain is staying towards the north gate. Unsettled through tuesday and really through wednesday before we start to see High Pressure build back in and temperature warm up. So mostly clear, mild, and breezy by the coast today. Unsettled monday through wednesday best shower chances to our north and late week well see a warm up. In fact temperatures increasing by as much as 10 to 15 degrees by saturday. Temperatures today however on the cool side of average right around average for this time of year topping out in the low 70s if for the south bay. Similar temperature range near 70 degrees for pitsburg. Around the bay temperatures are in the 60s today. And we are going to see temperatures in the mid 60s up north. A look at the extended forecast shows a Little Something for everyone. Sunshine today on the cool side and then increasing cloud cover with unsettled weather monday through wednesday. After that we start to dry out. High pressure builds back in. By next weekend were looking at some spots near 80 degrees. Now heres vern with your morning sports. Good morning everybody. Lets just get this baseball out of the way. The giants, yeah, another loss in colorado. The as five straight wins now. They beat seattle yesterday. They go for six straight wins and a sweep later on today. Thats my gig. Meantime lets go to the bay area playoff teams. One moving on and the other its vacation time. Youre looking at portland. Lighting it up at cj mccullomn. The warriors had to come from 17 down. They went awe all the way down. Steph curry from deep. Warriors won it 119113 they lead 30 in that series. Stanfords Christian Mccaffrey and david shall trying to figure out edmundton but it is all edmundton in the 2nd period. To make it 20. Sharks did cut the lead in half and desperately needed a goal as time ran out. Edmundton won the game 31. They win the series four games to two and how about this. His whole team. Oilers moving on to the next round and the sharks well it is sadly over just like that. Thatill do it for sports at this hour. I will see you at the ball park in oakland. Coming up a mission against hi v and aids. Meet a bay area woman giving people with the disease a safe and healthy place and meal. ,,,,,,,, they actually represent about half its hiv cases while African Americans make up 12 of alamedas county population they actually represent half of hiv cases. Made it her mission to bring those numbers down. This lunch warms the body and soul for People Living with hiv and aids. This is a good protein. The meal is a safe place to socialize, get Nutrition Counseling and be yourself. Its part of the aids ministry gloria color has led in oakland since 1994. Allen markered hiv positive for 20 years felt so welcomed he volunteered. Thats the way it is with everybody here. We dont think about the illness if you will. The aids ministry helps more than 1200 people a year. Many are African American who tend not to get hiv tested until theyre very sick. Most people of color still believe that this is a guy white mans disease when we know very differently. Gloria has worked on the front lines against hiv and aids in Alameda County for nearly 30 years. The oakland natives helped start the first citys aids in 9 toon 93 before protois. She helped launch the citys aids walk in 2004 and gloria led volunteers to zimbabwe every year for a decade bringing med to hiv. Dietitian cathy gelkin prass work on the local, state, and federal level. She deeply cares about this community. Shes willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that people get what they need to be well. For gloria,s simple. If we were to be there we would really welcome everybody into our doors and make sure that all of the sick got the help that they needed. So for decades of ministry to people with hiv and aids this makes jefferson award in the bay area goes to gloria crowwell. Kpix 5. Sharon chin. the jefferson award is proudly sponsored by dignity health. ,,,, thanks for joining us this morning. Face the nation is next here on kpix 5. Guests include mark rubio bernie sanders, john kasich, have a great sunday everyone. Captioning sponsored by cbs dickerson today on face the nation, as the first milestone approaches for President Trump, he ups the workload for a returning congress. Health care, tax reform, and avoiding a government shutdown. The sprint to the end of the 100 days began on a high note with traditional pump and pageantry, plus a basket full of promises. Hi, everybody. How are you going to resolve everything . It will be great. It will happen. Are you going to this health care and taxes . It will happen. Well see what happens. No particular rush. Dickerson blue but there is

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