Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20240621

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some clouds out there, a little bit of fog. but we will see some sunshine as the day progresses. temperatures right now in the mid-50s, upper 50s in some spots at this hour. so we are going to see the clouds, the fog moving on out today and sun, especially away from the coast, in the south bay as well. a wide range of temperatures and a real warm up on the way for the east bay. a look at that coming up in a few minutes. but a few big events going on in the bay area today. here is a look at your traffic. good morning, a lot of events hatching throughout the bay area this weekend. may cause some traffic tie ups. first off, a full freeway closure at broadway from midnight to 6:00 a.m. through the weekend. and sunny vail, artnd wine festival is also happening. streets will be closed in downtown sunnyville near washington avenue. also, wisconsin have the nba finals, game two for the warriors and the cavaliers. and delays in and around oakland. bart may cause a bot by the of a--a bit of a problem. and the union street festival is happening over the weekend. streets will be closed out there. a bicyclist was killed after colliding with a police patrol car at a park ally in san francisco. the police spokesperson said that it is too early to tell who caused the crash but we did get some details on the police car that was involved. >> the officers were again, just driving regular, not lights and siren, not going to a call, just regular, routine driving, approaching the intersection. >> we are told that the officers were not hurt. a fire near the laurens liver morganton lab burned about 300-acres in an open field. crews had it surrounded in about and hour. no homes for buildings were in dangerrer. a bay area mother, a stranger took her child from a library. now the boy was found safe and hour later in fremont. a bus driver became a hero. >> reporter: chopper 5 video shows the final moments of a tense one hour search, a hooded suspect is in custody, the police say it was a close call. >> this could have had a very, very different ending. >> reporter: so lettest go to the beginning, the library was full of police accumulation around 10:30 a.m. after a call came in that a 3- year-old boy was missing. someone saw a man walking to the child to the exit. the mother was beside herself. >> the mother was in the lobby and she was standing, i think, standing with her husband and both of them looked really upset. >> reporter: accordings to the police, a breakthrough came when a valley transportation authority bus driver gave them a call. he believe that had the suspect and the child were on his bus. the fremont police got there and waited for the bus to come to a stop. >> and as the suspect, holding the child came off the bus, and we recovered the child. >> reporter: a 23-year-old pittsburg resident was taken into custody. the child is back with his parents. >> the buss driver is a hero. an absolute hero and i credit the authority for receiving the information to us quickly, disseminating that to the bus drivers in the field. >> reporter: the child with us unharmed. right now, investigators are still questioning the suspect. the police are telling female joggers to be alert. the man in this sketch groped two women jogging on the miranda west trail on monday. in boast cases,--in both cases, the women were not hurt. and a serial bank robber has been found. the man in the photo is 48-year- old gilbert, he was wanted in at least seven bank robberies in san francisco and ante okay in march and april. witnesses say he would show tellers a gun or a knife. he was arrested in a hotel in la. the woman behind a high profile says now demanding $2.7 million not to afeel the jury verdict against her. >> reporter: in march a san francisco jury ruled in favor of a firm, finding they did not dis-cripple face--discriminate against pow. >> i am grateful for my legal team and to everyone around the world who reached out to support. >> reporter: but now, pow has filed a notice of appeal and today, pow has asked for $2.7 million in order to drop that appeal. law students says that post trial negotiating is common. but california law only permits a plaintiff to recover fees and costs if he or she call i will wins at trial. >> she has no right to win her fees or costs. if she won, she would have the right as a plaintiff. she does not have any right to her fees. but she does have a right to appeal. >> reporter: but that appeal is a powerful incentive. if pow wins any position of the appeal, she could recover her costs and fees. and they could maybe pay up. >> she can still leave her appeal at any time and her chip, of course, is what is that worth to them because an appeal could unseat the verdict and that could expose them to the millions of dollars that caused her. >> reporter: in a statement, the company said that pow is obligated to repay a portion of our lilos. we have no intention of accepting this demand. well, pow now has 40 days to actually file the appeal and explain why she thinks the verdict is incorrect. the above is taking a tougher stance on the drought, they are going to fine cities 20 1-0 thousand dollars a- -cities $10,000 a day. and he is not kidding around. >> [ inaudible - low volume ] [ laughter ] >> you know, i would not expect that from you. but, yes, we are serious. >> governor brown was speaking at a meteorologisting yesterday. he expects the state to meet the target set last month and he will use the fine if he has to. u.s. safety regularlators are looking into new jeep grand cherokee suvs for robs with an- -for problems with a braking system. the making system is design today help avoid collisions. so far, the ntsb is looking into nine complaints. facebook launched a new lighter version of their social media app in asia. it uses less data and lets people around the world with slower network connections to use it. this slimmed down version will be available in parts africa and europe in the next few weeks. the economy added $280,000 in may, jobs in the construction, retail, and health care industries are all up. but wages grew only 2.3%. the unemployment went up a bit to 5.5%. a talk about a power lunch, one bidder got a date with warren buffet. >> this years $2,345,678--yes! yes! yes! >> yes, you heard that right, 2.3 million dollars, it is all going to the glide foundation of san francisco to help the homeless. so who is the big spender? an ongoing gaming company from china. the city of san francisco is going after a landlord. >> here is a look at the lawsuit. >> where am i going to speak next week? i have a kid, the sweetest little six and a half-year-old girl. >> reporter: gail duncan and his wife and daughter have until next week to find a place to live. gail owns a busy word shop and has lived on hill street, this this rent controlled important for more than--apartment for more than 20 years. >> it is where you can go and be part 069 fabric of the city. >> reporter: but the family says they are being forced out by the landlord. >> destroying lives for the sake of their business interest. >> reporter: the san francisco city attorney has filed a lawsuit against the land landlord. --landlord. she is charged of trying to get rid of them--to get rid of them through fraud, abuse, false accusations, and the list goes on. the city's lawsuit notes when one disabled person complained that something needed fixing, he was told expletive, for the peanuts you pay me, i am not going to do anything. dale showed us the laundry room, she had it boarded up. supervisors say that she owns five properties. >> this kind of behavior is not acceptable. it has no place in san francisco, it has to stop. >> it is hard to explain. >> her big thing is can we quit talking about the owner? we are just trying to do the best thing by our daughter and our community. >> reporter: kpix5. >> and the attorney said she done nothing illegal. still ahead, had basketball not been an option for seth curry, he may have had a fall back career. >> and a new law for every california woman on birth control. >> coming up, how does the injury to irving change the warrior's game plan in the finals? >> and history is made on the mound. there is pitcher who makes his day debut. >> --hiss debut. >> and now a--his debut. >> and a live look at the bay bridge. we will have sunshine today and a warm up on the way. your weather forecast is coming up. welcome back. it is about to get a lot easier for women in california to get birth control pills. and maria says it will not require a doctor's visit. >> but without a prescription, it is great. >> reporter: it is a law that other states are watching closely to see how it plays out, pharmacists, not doctors prescribing women birth control pills, the patch, and the ring. >> i love the fact that we have more access. >> reporter: this doctor, in her 23-year-old year as on obgyn, she says it is easier for a woman a pharmacy is not a doctor's office. >> what happens if there is a problem? what happens if they do not tolerate that birth control and then they go back and talk to them about side effects? >> reporter: for some moms, they want to know how easy it will be. >> it makes me nervous. >> reporter: the details of the law are still being worked out but california is the first state to find a solution to a shortage in doctors, especially after the passage of the affordable care act. >> we have under utilized our pharmacists so i think it is actually a good thing. >> reporter: still, some woman women say that nothing compare today talking to your doctor. and pharmacists will also be able to give out vaccines to those three years and older and prescribe medication for those who want to quit smoking. lawmakers in both oregon and congress are also making a second look at birth control laws. it only takes missing a little spot of sunscreen to get a bad sunburn, despite people's best efforts, it is said that 37% of people rarely apply sunscreens to their backs. others miss the scalp, neck, ears, lips, and back of the hands. >> back of the hands is important to cover with sunscreen because it is a place that is not covered by clothing and every time you wash your hands, it washes off. >> you need to put sunscreen on before you leave the house. maybe need that for later on this week. we will warmer terms coming up. buffier, a live shot of--but first, a live shot of san jose. it is partly cloudy to start after your saturday. so heading out the door, sunshine today around the bay and inland. but the clouds are going to stick along the coast, and we are going to have some warmer weather, that is coming up later on this week. first a look at the highs for today, into the south bay, where we are going to see some low # 0s, 84 in campbell, santa clara, 81. 79 in mountain view and 78 in union city. in the east bay, 84 in brentwood. walnut correct, 76: danville, 74. almeda, 67, cooler, 62 in san francisco, in the north bay. we are seeing woman high 60- -some high 60s, low 70s. so today into tomorrow, it is going to be this warming trend. into sunday, the early participant of the workweek on monday, monday is looking like the temperatures are going to max out and start cooling off later on into the week tuesday, wednesday, thursday before they rebound for a nice weekend. the cavaliers didn't just lose game one but their point forward is going to miss the remainder of the series. he suffered an injury in game one overtime. he is expect today be out three- -expected to be out three to four months. so can the war cary companies relax a bit? >> the minute we start to think that way, we are in big trouble. it never enters our mind. we have to, we have to do what we did last night only better. we have to complete like we did last night but we have to execute bet. now toe baseball, pat is making his major league debut in boston. here is a bunt--here is a bunt and the throw is wide off first. and one scores and it is 3-0 red sox. and here is two scoreless innings, becoming the first pitcher to throw with both arms since 1995. and a philly's fanatic is greeting fans. and now the game is tied at three. it is the fourth homer of the year for him. and seventh inning, tied at four, it is buster, he connects and gives the giants a 5-4 lead and that is the final in the game as san francisco snaps their five game losing streak. and bum garner is on the mound today. that is your morning spots. well, before he was mvp of the nba, seth curry was just a kid in college. >> and check out his singing skills in this video that we found. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> oh, boy, that is curry back in the stay. they built a parody video about the school's commons and the cafeteria area. not bad. >> no, not bad. i was digging the glasses. >> just stick with the basketball. >> yes, we love him on the court. well a chance at the history is coming up in just a few hours. we are going take you to the belmont where american ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. well, today's tip of the day, many different varieties of plums are coming on to the market. the black variety is just one of them. but these look beautiful when you cut them open. take a look at this. is that abuttedful looking plum? and it is sweet and good looking when you cut them in half like this. the juice, oh, incredible. when you buy them in the market, you want to make sure, here is the key now, dark color all the way arnold. very important, a slight give to the touch but the skin is clean. when you bring them home, store them on the counter, not too long. is there a lot of sugar. and buy them and enjoy them within two or three days. the plums, delicious, loaded with flavor, you will enjoy them. and there are so many. we will talk about them as time goes on. always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. all right, thanks, tony. a live look this morning at the golden gate bridge, fog is obama campaign securing the powerrer--is taking over the tourers of the--the towers of the bridge this morning. and there ask the festival going on all weekend long. it is always a good time, 62- degrees. american pharoah could win in new york. >> he would the first triple crown winner since 1978. >> reporter: american pharoah got in one last workout before saturday's belmont stakes. then he enjoyed a not so private bath. the trainer says that the horse is relaxed and ready to become the first triple crown winner in 37 years. >> we are just enjoying it and keeping him happy one more day. and i am holding up really well so far, which is good. >> reporter: yes, how are you doing? bob is ready for a win. he trained three horses that won the kentucky derby and preakness but could not take the belmont. american pharoah is the only horse in this year's belmont to run the first two legs of the triple crown. he is facing seven fresher horses including some great contenders. >> i think he ran good in the kentucky derby and he deserves another chance. >> reporter: if you bet on american pharoah, the odds are against you. if he wins, you are going to take home less money. and chris is still going to bet on the favorite. >> it is going to be the test of the chauvin and we will--of the champion and we will see. >> reporter: fortune far row is now--american pharoah is now getting some rest. but the cameras will be back. cbs news, new york. since aformed won the triple crown back in 197 #, 12 horses have within the kentucky derby and then the preakness. >> the winner of today's race gets # $.5 million--gets $1.5 million. coming up, there was stolen checks and bingo at this church. >> and a bay area teacher is under suspension. >> a live look from our mount bacca cam, looking at the central valley this morning. your weather forecast is coming up. live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. welcome back. it is just about 7:30 a.m. on in sad saturday morning--on this saturday morning. it is going to be a nice day to start off the weekend before a real warm up early next week. a live look right now from the camera, looking at dublin this morning, cloudy skies, temperatures in the mid to upper 50s all around the bay area. our cool spot this morning in the north bay, santa row is a, only 52-degrees. so we are going to see the morning clouds and fog sticking and. sunshine away from the coast today. a wide range of temperatures but we are going to see 90s starting tomorrow. more about the warm up coming up. and there are a few events on on in the area today. here is a look at traffic. good morning, a lot of events happening throughout the day area this weekend. we may have some traffic tie ups, burst off--first off, at broadway from midnight to 6:00 a.m. through the weekend. and art and wine festival is also happening. streets will be closed near washington avenue and murphy avenue. also, we have the nba finals on sunday. expect delays in and around oakland along 880. and bart has tracks closed through the weekend. and the union st. louis feetful is happening. and a buy sicklist was killed. a police spokesperson says it is too early to tell who caused the crash but we did get some details on the police car that was involved. >> the officers again, were just driving regular, not going to a call, but just regular, routine driving, approaching the intersection. >> we are told that the officers in the crab were not hurt. --in the crash were not hurt. people in colorado are bracing for another round of storms and they are still ascesessing the damage after tornadoes touched down on thursday. hail piled up like snow on some blocks and surrounding areas were completely clear. the storms will reach as far as nebraska and minnesota today. a new study says that translation services topped the list of the fastest growing industries. that is going to increase 36% over the next five years, rounding out the top five fast owing industry, residential remodeling, specialty hospitals, home health care, and the wine and beverage industry. and now speaking of jobs and the economy, 280,000 were added in may. the governor release that had may jobs report this week. jobs in the construction, retail, and health care industries all increased but wages grew only 2.3%. the unemployment rate did tick up slightly to 5.5%. new details on that almeda high schoolteacher accused of offering students extra credit for taking selfies with sex toys. >> it made a difference that we spoke out. >> reporter: this high school mother says that her daughter finally feels safe in geometry class now that the teacher is off campus. >> he will not be at the school again through the end of the school year. >> reporter: back in april, he offered up and extra credit assignment that was far from right. >> it was to go into your parents private drawers to seek out sexualities or con dumbs and to take a selfie with it. >> reporter: that was to from our story on wednesday. and it happened in april, he was still teaching until thursday. the district put him on leave. why did it take so long? >> i can not talk about that because this is part of the- -about that because it is part of the investigation. >> reporter: nothing happened until we started to ask questions. >> oh, that is not true. there was an ongoing investigation oink before you started to ask questions. >> reporter: but he was still in the classroom. >> yes, he was. but again, i can not speak to that. >> reporter: they are looking into into his grade--look into his grade books. there is only a week left in the school, kimberly is happy that her daughter can focus on school. >> i am happening there is some resolve to this. >> reporter: the district's investigation is supposed to wrap up next week. and we try today speak with him and we were unable to do so. >> students say this one classmate did complete the assignment and it was shown in class. well, there are now three people who say they were sexually abused by the former house speaker. one of the victims is listed as individual a in a federal indictment against him, he is charged with evading bank regulations by withdrawing money to try to pay off that person. a montana woman came forward about her brother. >> and i asked him, when was your first same sex experience and he just looked at me and said it was with dennis. >> her brother, steve died of aids in 1995. china is responsible for one of the largest security breeches every at federal government. 4million workers may have had threapers knowledge information stolen. hackers inserted mall ware into a government system last december and it was not discovered until april. >> we are still trying to determine exactly the scope of this. >> it is more espionage. >> the white house will not awho is be--now sat who is--not say who is behind the attacks. and embezzling scream involving church bingo is busted in san jose. more than 300 insurance checks were stolen. they were cashed at a bingo hall inside of this church. the church treasurer and secretary were said to have been in on it. >> the checks were cashed in exchange for a tip to the employee cashing the check. and then a requirement on her part to support the bingo hall or the church fund raiser. >> it was busted when the dentist noticed that insurance checks were being cashed but he was not getting the money. they pocketed more than $300,000. they are all charged with multiple counts. a new tool meant to level the flaying field for college hopefuls. >> high schooler can get help preparing for the s.a.t. for free. >> this is the page that students will see when they come to the official s.a.t. practice. >> reporter: a new s.a.t. study program just went online, it is run jointly by the con academy and the college board which administers the test. the partnership is going produce the best prep course available and it is all for free. >> in the past, you know a student may have had to pay a lot to get access. but now we have the best resources working with the folks to make the tests themselves. >> and we are really excited that this is getting equal access to the resources that need to be successful. >> reporter: some at this high school in east san jose, it is an example of what the prep courses can do. the small charter school has built s.a.t. practice into the curriculum and it is one of the reason all of the seniors have been accepted into a four year college. >> i think these online courses are going to you know, really give us a level playing field in our communities. >> reporter: kpix5. coming up, it is hard to think about anything wrong with this adorable puppy. but the owners got devastating news. we will show you youring rights. >> plus, finding others to share her love of the outdoors. how one bay area woman is helping the community enjoy nature and the peace that comes with it. >> and a live look this morning in san jose, some sun is peaking through the clouds. a look at your weather you wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. but since he can't... you rely on frontline plus. because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kill fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new infestation. its protection lasts a full 30 days. no wonder frontline plus is the #1 choice of vets for their pets and yours. after all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. frontline plus. the vet's #1 choice. ♪ (music throughout) ♪ sfx: (smash) sfx: (roar) ♪♪ sfx: (roar) sfx: (engine roars) well, this week's jefferson award winner loves the great outdoors. >> and we meet an oakland native dedicateed to helping everyone enjoy nature. >> reporter: [ inaudible ] with her group outdoor. >> here is the site of the oldest wildlife sactuary in the country. >> reporter: she grew up fishing and hunting and she has loved the outdoors all of her life. >> we have a very powerful scope. >> reporter: but as an adult, she tried to find african americans with the same passion. >> i found that i was the only one too much. so i decided to do something about it. >> reporter: she started a blog and discovered-- >> people are saying oh, me, too, me too. >> the beach is my favorite location. >> reporter: so she founded this group in 2009, so african americans can meet up and enjoy nature together. today, there are 1800 bay area participants. >> a great blew herron. >> reporter: and members are leading branches nationwide. >> they all want to connect other people to nature. >> they take water in. >> reporter: and this leader, clay anderson, says that she inspires them all. >> she brings an attitude of positivity that is unbounded. and we have only grown because of it. >> reporter: the activities are not just about connecting african americans with the outdoors but also with their shared history. carter recalls an outing where people pondered the legacy of maya angelou. >> it was just so much more than just the hike and just nature. it was really sort of a way of honoring our ancestors as well. >> reporter: and there were healing hikes after the ferguson riots. >> we did what african americans have always known that we could do, lay down our burdens down by the river side. >> reporter: so for connecting african americans with the beauty and power of nature, this week's jefferson award in the bay air going to rhue map. for the schedule, we have post add link at this afternoon could be a nice time to get out in the jut doors. and--in the outdoors. you can see the low cloud there is and we are seeing them to start off the day. but there is some sun and we are expecting more. and heading out the door today, sunshine today around the bay and inland. but the clouds are going do linger if you are near the coast today and we are expecting warmer weather coming up in the next few days. today, our highs a wide range, 81 santa clara. 84 in campbell. union city, 78. fremont, 79-degrees today. dublin, 76, walnut creek the same. 67 in almeda, the same for berkeley. and cooler in san francisco, 62. and north bay, some high 60s and low 70s. so tomorrow heading into monday, a bit of that warming trend, the temperatures are maxing out on monday. our tuesday is looking partly cloudy at this point. it is going to get cooler after that, into wednesday and thursday before the temperatures rebound into the following weekend. of course, there is almost an instant bond with a new pet. >> and julie talks about bringing home a pet and it is already sick. >> it was beautiful. he was just so cute. >> reporter: cathey says that copper, her mix was dead within six days of bringing him home. >> very upsetting. >> reporter: he died of parvovirus. >> that told me he had to have been sold to us that way. >> reporter: and she says that the craigs list seller refused to cover the nearly $900 vet bill. >> the legislationture saw a- -the legislature saw a need. >> reporter: 23 you buy from a breeder in california, if they sell at least 20 puppies in a year, you do have rights if the dog becomes sick, you can return the dog for a refund and get your vet bill's covered, exchange the dog and get your vet bills covered, or keep the dog and get up to 150% of the price to cover the vet bills but you do need proof of illness. >> you need the note. >> reporter: but this woman says she does not sell three litters a year. so she does not meet the definition and a short lime later, she disappeared. cathey is saying that cooper will be her last craigslist puppy. >> i never ever do this again. >> reporter: her vet recommend that had she wait at least three years before she gets anotherring to to make sure that her home is parvo free. if you have a consumer question, or a problem, call us at 8885 help you. well, school is out for the summerrer and that means signing kids up for day camp. but before you dish it the cash, do some homework. they are not require today be licensed or leglated in california, not the way that resident camps are. and some counties do regulate day carnes as well, there is no set standard statewide. >> i just assume that had yo know, any place that you are going to send your child to is regulated in some way, so that children are safe. >> new a new bill may soon require all day camps to be licensed. but until then, you may want to find out if your camp is accredited. we have a list at and is a mateo--and san mateo county is trying to get benefits for veterans. they can now get an id card, like that, verifying their veteran status. that way, they can get services and discounts offered to veterans easier. prior to that, they had to show their discharge papers to prove that they served. >> fishing around for this big piece of paper, now you can have the id card and it makes it easier for them. >> the county also vote today form a veteran's commission, working to coordinate and improve services to veterans in that area. well, we are going to meet a kitty that you can take home when we come back. he is quite the guy. we will hear all right, now a live look outside right now in san jose, it is going to be a nice day down there. all be it, a little bit warm, temperatures in the 80s and 9 art and wine festival is also going on in the south bay today and tomorrow. it is going to be nice, temperatures 83-degrees. well, the next story is showing us that you are never too old to finish college. we are going to meet a 99-year- old woman. >> reporter: daniels has waited a long time for this moment. >> 99, here i am. >> reporter: daniels is now holding her associate degree in social science. >> it feels like your heart is going to burst. >> reporter: daniels lived through the great depression, world war i i, the civil rights movement, and is now making her own history as the college's oldest graduate. >> i just wanted to do it. a lot of people live to be 100. but how much graduated at 99. >> reporter: she started classes in 2009, decades after she last attended school. >> i had several bumps, i had a stroke and i fell. and i had to learn how to walk again. and i failed some classes and i had to take them over again. >> reporter: but daniels studied for hours with tutors trice a week. >> i want to do it. i want to do it and nobody else can to it for me. so get up and get doing. >> reporter: her next goal is simple. >> sleep. >> reporter: daniels says it proves you are never too old to learn. cbs news, california. after all of that studying, her sons are taking her on a surprise vacation to celebrate her college graduation. all right, i am here with long john. he is not very long, though, actually, he is not living up to his name but he is the sweetest kitten and amber is here from the spca, thank you for coming in today. >> thank you for having us. >> he is the sweetest. and he is so brave. you brought him in here, he is not scared. >> know, he road in a taxi cab this morning. he lives with a dog in his foster home so he could probably to well with that. >> i love brave kitties. i mean, i could see this guy walking on a leashing more. >> yes, take him out in your backyard, if you do indoor, outdoor safely, it can be really fun. >> okay, and so he came in with a litter of kittens and they have all been adopted? >> yes, they were in foster homes together. he is the last one. he has just been neutered and he is ready. >> okay, very good. if you are thinking about adopting a kitten,--he is ready for a close up. what should people keep in mind? >> we do ask that you are allow today have pet where is you live and--allowed to have pets where you live and kittens take a lot of time. you know, if you are gone ten hours a day, an older cat is probably better for you. >> priceless. >> all right, long john, we wish you luck. i think you are going to have an exciting life. we have more information on how adopt from the san francisco spca on our website, we will be right back. well, coming up tomorrow, our political insider is talking about the war owes possible--the warriors possible move to san francisco. >> they have try today be smart, they have gone to jerry brown to get included in the speed for decision making. but believe me, the quality of the legal team on the other side raises serious questions. >> and we are looking at a housing problem that is causing rotes and big time political riffs. join us tomorrow morning right here at 7:30 a.m. >> and also this week, the temperatures are heating up. the highs for today, not as warm as later on. but 892 in san jose. and the north bay, you are going to get to 68-degrees and san francisco, a cooler 62. so today, the sun is coming out. it is going to start warming up sunday into monday. dips a little bit, partly cloudy on tuesday, before we, it is going to stay cooler wednesday into thursday. and then the temperatures are going to rebound into the 90s for our following weekend. >> summer is finally here. >> the lights are bright on broadway for the 6 9th toney awards--tony awards. >> you are going to see performances into your living room for a solid three hours and as i have said before, everyone loves musicals. and if you say you don't, you are lying. >> i do. you can watch them right here, 8:00, here on kpix5. >> thanks for joining us this saturday horning. again, we are back tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. >> bye bye. narrator: today on lucky dog... brandon: look at you. you're very friendly. narrator: a petite poodle mix with a charming personality learns the value of paying it forward with her new owner. brandon: do you want me to train rosie as a therapy dog? lori: definitely, i want to help people that just don't have all the help that i had. narrator: but can this cancer survivor who's handled the challenges of life... lori: sit. narrator: ...handle rosie? lori: i failed. i literally am freaking out at this point. i can't get my dog to do anything. brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing

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Fremont , California , United States , New York , Montana , Brentwood , Oakland , Kentucky , Mountain View , Central Valley , China , Boston , Massachusetts , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Oregon , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Berkeley , Nebraska , Danville , Colorado , San Mateo County , Americans , American , Gail Duncan , Santa Clara , Maya Angelou , Clay Anderson , Jerry Brown , Tim Morehouse , Brandon Mcmillan ,

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