Zimmerman verdict. Good afternoon, im michelle griego. Frank is on assignment. This was the scene in oakland last night where hundreds of protestors chanted and marched through the streets of downtown regarding the zimmerman verdict. This second night of demonstrations turned violent when a waiter was attacked trying to guard a restaurant. Protestors with signs and bull horns filled on to the nimitz freeway stopping traffic. Police were outnumbered and called in the chp to move people off the road. Kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran tells us what oakland Business Owners are doing to prepare for more violence tonight. Reporter once the sun came up you could see the damage from the protests all over downtown oakland. Businesses wasted no Time Starting another day of clean up. This morning, the sears in downtown was nailing up more wooden boards to protect windows and painting over graffiti. There is an element thats using protests for conceal and cover for their desires which are just anarchist. They want to break windows, light fires and cause mayhem. Reporter shotgun phil made headlines in 2011 when he camped in front of the rotunda building with a shotgun. He stood down occupy protestors who attempted to break into his building. He says if more protests happen, he hopes Oakland Police officers and city leaders have a better plan in place. We really are hopeful that we can put an end to this behavior because its not productive and it doesnt reflect the change thats needed in the greater sense of the word. Reporter tagami says last night he and other Business Owners and local merchants came to this restaurant flora to support those businesses damaged by the protests. When they came back, they found out that the waiter who served them was hit in the head with a hammer by protestors. This young man who is basically working hard to support himself and maybe his family now has a new set of issues to deal with. Reporter plus tagami came back to his building to find it also damaged by protestors. Now that the wooden boards are up, the question he has, is the city prepared for more . In oakland, cate caugiran, kpix 5. That waiter is expected to be okay. Protests got out of hand in los angeles, as well. Demonstrators filled the streets last night tore down fences and even attacked a news photographer. Cbs reporter marlie hall on the push for peaceful protests. [ screaming ] reporter Los Angeles Police say they will not let scenes like this play out again today. Overnight, officers moved in as people protesting George Zimmermans acquittal rammed through the streets attacking people, businesses and cars. Civil rights leaders are calling for more peaceful demonstrations. Al sharpton says thousands will gather in 100 cities across the nation this weekend in justice for trayvon vigils. We are not having a two or threeday anger fit. This is a social movement for justice. Reporter sharpton and some members of congress are joining the naacp calling on the Justice Department to pursue criminal civil rights charges against zimmerman. Attorney general eric holder will address the Naacp Convention here in orlando this afternoon. He confirms federal prosecutors have an open investigation into the death of trayvon martin. But they will have to prove zimmerman was motivated by racial hatred. Jeffrey martin is attending the conference and says, there needs to be justice. I believe personally that mr. Martins civil rights were violated by the actions of mr. Zimmerman. Very disappointed with the verdict. Not surprised by the verdict. Reporter but one of the jurors who helped acquit zimmerman told cnn race was not a factor. I didnt see it as a racial thing. I saw it as a murder case as a seconddegree murder case. Reporter George Zimmerman has not been seen since the verdict. His parents say they are also keeping a low profile because of Death Threats against the entire family. Marlie hall for cbs news, orlando, florida. When jurors first started deliberating, three of the vicks voted for conviction of either manslaughter or three of the four jurors voted for conviction of either manslaughter or seconddegree murder but followed the judges instructions and found him not guilty. Lester chambers was performing at the hayward russell city blues festival saturday when a woman suddenly jumped on stage and shoved the 73yearold singer. He fell to the floor. For the short time that i did fear, she just screamed, you mother f you started this boom. You know . And i was down. Band members tackled the woman and held her until Police Showed up. The woman from barstow did not explain her actions to police. Alameda county prosecutors will eventually decide whether to charge her. Chambers is recovering at home in petaluma. Stevie wonder is boycotting florida following the George Zimmerman acquittal. I decided today that until the stand your ground law is abolished in florida, i will never perform there again. Stand your ground allows people to defend themselves with force if they feel threatened and thats not just on private property. For more on the zimmerman verdict including raw video from local protests and reaction from across the country, log on to our website, kpix. Com. San Francisco Police have arrested a shooting suspect after an earlymorning standoff in the mission district. Police cars lined up around an apartment complex on bryant street near 22nd after a man was shot there. Residents were safely evacuated during the nearly 3hour standoff. Investigators say the suspect and the victim both lived inside the building but they havent said what sparked the incident. Nearly 100 cats are killed in a san jose house fire. The fire started early this morning on polvidero drive. The woman said she almost didnt make it out alive. Im fine and bunny is fine and she saved me. Reporter shortly before 2 a. M. , carol millers dog bunny started barking. As soon as i stood up on the couch and turned around, i could see that flames were coming from one of my bedrooms. Reporter they ran to an end closed patio in the back of the home and waited for firefighters to rescue them. The fire was under control in about an hour but crews had to deal with dozens of animals found inside. She had over 100 cats in the residence. They have nowhere else to go, they come to me. Reporter she takes in elderly vulnerable feral cats. Some need individual care, others just need to be in a secure safe location, which i thought my home was. Reporter most of the 100 cats inside the home died in the fire. Miller says they were well cared for and were like her children. My friends and i will take all of their little bodies and soon i will drive them up to napa where i have many, many animals buried. Reporter she credits bunny a rescued animal herself for saving her life. There just arent enough good homes for them. And they come home to live with me, as well. And oh, my. At last check investigators tell us the cause of the fire is still under investigation. In bay area news, we are getting our first look at the man police say killed two women inside a San Francisco jewelry store. 23yearold barry white, jr. , faces multiple murder and attempted murder charges. Jewelry mart is back open for business after fridays deadly shooting. Police say white, jr. , was in the lobby when he killed two women and stabbed a man. Officers say it was a random act and not a robbery. Oakland police are releasing new photos of a missing girl in hopes of finding her. She has been missing since last wednesday. She was last seen wearing orange twopiece pajamas with pink hearts. Her father told police she was abducted from his parked suv while went inside the gaza supermarket on wednesday. Search teams have been looking in the Oakland Hills and have expanded the search to include areas the father and daughter were known to visit such as trails near their home. New details now. Russian officials now confirm u. S. Fugitive Edward Snowden has asked for temporary asylum. Russiasrussia plans to review the request within 3 months. He said he may seek permanent asylum in venezuela, bolivia or nicaragua. He faces espionage charges for leaking classified information about Surveillance Programs. A lawsuit against the federal government demanding an end to nsa Surveillance Program that snowed blue the whistle on. The Electronic Frontier foundation is joined by different groups. They want the government to return and destroy any information that it obtains through telephone surveillance. The lawsuit also calls for a jury trial. Attention shoppers. How retailers are using your smartphones to track you. Plus the royal family drops a new clue on when Prince William and kates royal baby may be done. Im in london, details coming up. Hi, im meteorologist Lawrence Karnow in the kpix 5 weather center. Enjoy it. A lot of fog out there and Cool Temperatures now. We have a heat wave coming in our direction. Well talk about it coming up. ,,,,,,,, outside saint marys hopsitn london await the birth of pe william and Kate Middletons first child. One member of the royal family is talkg tement. Cbs the royal baby may be born anytime now. Hoards of photographers are awaiting the birth of the child. One member of the royal family is talking about the excitement. Cbs reporter alfonso van marsh is in london on whos spilling the beans. Reporter royal fans lined the streets of cornwall to welcome Prince Charles and his wife camilla, the soontobe new grandparents. A little gift for your grandchild tore. Reporter the stepmother said its an anxious time for the royal family. Kate was said to be due last week but the palace never confirmed the due date. Camilla told crowds the arrival of the future king or queen could be soon. By the end of the week he or she will be there. [ laughter ] reporter kate is expected to give birth in the private wing of Saint Marys Hospital here in Central London but just when that will happen is still anybodys guess. Next week. When do we think the baby will come . No idea. Who knows . Its her first baby so they tend to be late. Reporter outside the hospital a dancing teddy and this lookalike uncle prince harry say whatever the due date, its time to party. Teach that little kid so many different skills. Im going to play operation and mousetrap with him. Reporter its not time for games inside the hospital. Employees are all about getting ready for the royal arrival. Its unclear where kate is now but some reports say she is at her family home in buckle berry about an hour outside london. Theres movement in the u. S. Toward ending the fight about filibusters. Both sides are discussing a plan to have prompt confirmation to executive branch apointees. Republicans would still have the right to filibuster future appointments. A new report says the proposed keystone xcel pipeline would raise gas prices in the united states. Representatives from consumerwatch dogs laid out their findings today in San Francisco. The pipeline would carry oil from the canadian tar sands and they say the true goal is to drive up the price. According to the report, spikes could be between 25 and 40 cents a gallon. You dont get one more thing for that 25 to 40 cents. Youre just getting a gallon of gas and sending 25 to 40 cents to a company in canada and that means you dont have 25 to 40 cents to buy food, buy clothes, go to the movies. Backers of the pipeline say it could make america more energy independent. But opponents are concerned about the potential environmental impact. Our gas prices would go up even higher . I dont want higher gas prices. If they go to five bucks, that is it for me. I mean, that is crazy. Its a good thing we walked today, right . Yes. Because its a little cool outside. We have low clouds and fog sweeping onshore but i think by the end of the week you may wish we had more fog as the temperatures are likely to soar getting very hot into the afternoon in some spots. Ill tell you what, we have some cloudy skies out there right now. Looking fairly gloomy back toward the city of San Francisco. And probably going to stay that way the better part of the day. Temperatures warming up inland though getting a little more sunshine there. 69 in livermore. 63 in concord. But a cool 59 degrees in San Francisco. Well, that sea breeze is kicking up and its been Strong Enough that we have seen the sea breeze all the way inland carrying cool air into the interior valleys and temperatures staying well below average even fog stretching through the delta. A strong breeze there continuing to 25 Miles Per Hour in fairfield. Cloudy skies along the coastline, cool and breezy toward the beaches and inside the bay and low clouds and fog likely to make a return for tonight. But i think High Pressure starts to build in so warmer weather is on the way as early as tomorrow at least inland. You can see the surge. Low clouds and fog early on and a thick deck. We have had drizzle at the coastline all ramped up by this area of low pressure off the coast. Finally thats going to give way but not before leaving some below average temperatures running a good 5 to 13 degrees below average for this time of the year. Numbers by this afternoon with some sunshine in san jose we should see 75 degrees. 74 in sunnyvale. Cool 59 in pacifica. East bay numbers up in the 70s, maybe a couple of low 80s and thats it. Then inside the bay still some lingering clouds into San Francisco and breezy there too. 61 degrees, about 68 in san leandro and about 70 degrees in santa rosa. Next couple of days, we are going to watch the temperatures warming up getting hot in spots inland. These numbers soaring near triple digits. Wouldnt be surprised to see if we hit that and saturday and sunday but as much as 30 degrees cooler at the coastline numbers in the 60s with patchy fog. Its going to be great beach weather. Thank you. Coming up, how some Major Department stores are tracking your every move without you knowing it. , well, todays tip of the day is going to be is with beefsteak tomatoes. They are beefsteak big tomatoes. Easy to cut about an inch thick and right now they are homegrown in the backyard, they are coming in all over the place. Prices are great and so is the quality. Look at the beautiful display. When you buy them, you want to be sure look at this one here big and red all the way around. Free from any greening whatsoever and heavy for their size. Very, very important. Want to make sure free from any shriveling. When you bring them home, store them on the counter not in the refrigerator. These tomatoes besides putting them in caprese salad, they are great to grill. Put them on the grill for 30 seconds each side Olive Oil Salt and pepper and thats it put them in a salad or sandwich. And the natural sugar comes out when you grill them. Im tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. And always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. Look at this. Its a beautiful tomato. Big brother can be as large as the nsa or as small as your Favorite Clothing store. Retailers are collecting your information. Department stores are already tracking your Shopping Habits online and with rewards programs, but a more sophisticated system is on the way. Retail next is a new program that stores will soon be able to use to gather information. If you are not looking happy and they can track from your previous movements that you buy chocolates when you come into the store at a certain time of the day they can also send you a coupon to your phone that says, hey, feeling down . How about some chocolate . This is the same Technology Used by the russians and other government agencies. Why people are relying on palm surgery for better fortune. And call our hotline if you have a consumer problem. 8885helpsu, volunteers are there right now. [ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. Tminus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at ts newly expanded advanced Digital Network and connect more wifienabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get uverse high Speed Internet starting at 14. 95 a month. Or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play 3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] get more speed for wifi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get uverse high Speed Internet starting at 14. 95 a month or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play 3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. Hurry offer ends july 27th. [ male announcer ] uverse high Speed Internet. [ man ] where all systems are go. Marriage could give califos economy a big boost. In fact its already happen. That sto coming up at 5 00, the recent rulings on samesex marriage could give californias economy a big boost. In fact its already happening. That and more at 5 00. Well, nine years after comedy improv show whose line is it anyway ended its tv run, its back. Some of the original cast will return but new host aisha tyler takes over reins from drew carey. We talked to her about the big role she is filling. I loved the original whose line is it anyway . Im good friends with wayne brady and drew carey and it was a huge honor to be asked to take over for him. He has been incredibly supportive and he is such an amazing guy. They were huge shoes to fill. I just wanted to get in there and try to do my best and also just support these three amazing improv comedians, wayne, ryan and colin who were all incredible monster talents and just kill it this time. They are so funny. They are funny. Whose live premieres on our sister station on 44 cable 12. Dont miss it, should be good. All right. Palm readers say they can tell you how long youll live and how successful or rich youll be by looking at the lines on your hands. Now inp. , people are trying to change in japan people are trying to change their face to get Plastic Surgery to change the lines on their hands. Thats cheating. Thats not right. I dont think their fortune will be correct. Plastic surgery wont help you. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com [ female announcer ] for the freshest produce, you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. [ rooster crows ] thats why safeway works closely with local growers. The folks whose hands are in the soil. Planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered to safeway every single day. Fresh from our farmers. This week, locally grown red lion nectarines are just 99 cents a pound. At safeway, ingredients for life. Karen so, how does it feel to be the newest c. E. O. Of Spencer Publications . Katie overwhelming. Karen well, thats what im here for to be with you every step of the way. Katie [ sighs ] bill made it look very easy. Karen he was a better c. E. O. Than a husband. Katie well, now hes not either, so. Karen he betrayed you with your sister. You did the right thing. Katie im not sure what the right thing is anymore. But i have employees and i have shareholders counting on me, so lets get to work

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