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the thieves stole more than $100,000 of equipment and other items. >> there was three shotguns that were not loaded, but still obviously dangerous a weapon that was outstanding. multiple tools, multiple electronic parts. totalling approximately $100,000 taken from the building itself. >> reporter: police arrested six people at the bunker and say they shut down an unsafe location and the criminal activity that was going on there. >> it's completely an illegal site, dangerous, hazardous to the health of those who were attempting to live in that location. and overall, completely invisible to the usual common eye. >> the big question now is what happens to the bunker now that it's been discovered. there is no clear or easy answer at this point. it is not mostly or even entirely up to the police department. city hall has a say. the homeless department has a say, and they'll have to decide if they're going just leave it as it is, fenced off the area, or if they're going to plan to demolish it so that no one else can use it in the future. in san jose, devin fehely, kpix 5. developing story in contra costa county. people in pittsburg are being urged to stay inside due to poor air quality. that's because of a fire that's been burning for weeks at bay point and pittsburg. anne makovec is here with more on this lingering problem. anne? >> it's not the fire that's the problem here. it's not threatening any buildings. there are no evacuations. it's that unpredictable smoke that is causing the hazard this evening. still some pockets of thick moss burning in that marsh. chopper 5 over the scene this afternoon checking the hazy conditions. this is what people in east contra costa county are dealing with, prompting that health advisory for pittsburg today. check out this flare-up. this was saturday afternoon, sending a huge plume of smoke billowing over the area. cal fire brought in helicopters to drop thousands of gallons of water on it. access to that burn area is very limited because the ground of that marshland is just too soft for vehicles. >> it's pretty rough. we're trying to skate. yeah, it's a little bit harder to breathe. we should probably have our masks on anyways. >> these marsh fires can be virtually impossible to extinguish, and firefighters are mainly leaving to it burn itself out. so it can be unpredictable as to when things will flare up again. >> that's causing localized smoky conditions, and especially overnight when the winds are dying down, it's sort of smoldering and building up overnight. >> people who are especially vulnerable, older adult, pregnant women and people who have asthma, lung or heart disease. the air quality district thinks this could be an issue on and off for the next several days. sara? >> all right, anne, thank you so much. fire crews are making some progress in battling that big fire in yosemite park. more than 600 firefighters working nonstop to protect the park's famous sequoias. it's burned more than 23,000 acres, it's 22% contained. the fire is actually moving away i from the large trees and into a more remote area of the park. crews are restrategizing, and they're starting small fires known as back burns to try to move the flames down the hillside. >> the crews will go up to the actual uncontrolled fire's edge and start working off that uncontrolled edge bringing fire down the slope. >> some sequoias are still being threatened. firefighters are working to establish a perimeter around those. meantime, the evacuated residents from wawona hope their homes will be there when they go back. >> it's the community will get away and it burns out the community. i have a house there that my father gave me that we built together during the '70s. don't really want to lose that house. >> yosemite superintendent says the fire was probably started by people, but that is still under investigation right now. video from citizen app shows black smoke from a grass fire reportedly sparked by some downed power lines. this happened in south san francisco. it started around 2:30 near 101 and east grand avenue. firefighters said one person was injured, but we're still waiting for details on that. people who live in a south san francisco marina now being told they need to find a new place to live. the boaters live at oyster cove marina. many have lived there for decades as kpix 5's max darrow tells us. several fear if they are evicted, they won't have anywhere else to go. max? >> reporter: there is a lot of development going on at oyster point in south san francisco. and because of that, the company that runs the oyster cove marina behind me is reevaluating its long-term use for the marina. but that means all the people who live on the boats in the oster cove marina are being forced out of their homes. matt klein has lived on a boat in the oyster cove marina for 17 years it's where he's found a home in the bay area. >> it's not just because it's a low income, low impact. it's what we want to do. >> reporter: but he and the others who live here will have to find a new place to live, and they don't have much of a choice. >> we are going to be left homeless. we were given a very, very swift notice after very little warning. >> reporter: on june 16th, klein and the rest of around 110 boats here received notices like this one from the property owner. as the surrounding neighborhood develops, they're reevaluating the long-term use of the marina and terminating all leases. residents have a choice. sign a document to agree to leave by october 15th or be faced with an eviction notice. >> there is no right of return on the eviction notice. >> it's basically saying go somewhere far, far away and uproot your life. >> reporter: lucia lives at the marina part-time. she has plan, place to go. but says many of her neighbors who are retired or veterans on fixed incomes don't. >> most of my neighbors have said i can't sleep. i am so terrified of what the future holds because i don't -- i don't know how the manage all this. >> reporter: 14 of the tenants with live aboard status, meaning they can live here full lime like klein were offered $10,000 to leave if they signed the deal within two weeks. that deadline has since been extended to the end of july. so far 11 of the 14 have taken the deal. a statement provided to kpix 5 on behalf of the marina owner says in part we understand the uncertainty that these changes will introduce to our "boat owners, which is why we are working with them to make their transition as painless as possible. we are providing all boat owners with four months to prepare for their next move while offering to waive their rental fees in the interim. but realistically it's going to take more money and time for most residents to find a new place to live. >> i'm a live aboard here. but my live aboard won't transfer to another marina. >> it's a huge not just endeavor, but it's a life change for people who have been here for decades. >> reporter: south san francisco manager mike futrell says they're trying to help, but there is not much the city can do in an official capacity. >> it's a private marina. it's up to the private owner on what they do to accommodate. but we are asking them to be fair. recognize that for the live aboards, it may be difficult to find a legal live aboard spot. >> reporter: while some people are making plans to go, klein isn't ready to sail off just yet. >> so as far as what am i going to do? the fight's not over yet. >> reporter: in south san francisco, max darrow, kpix 5. we take a life look at washington, d.c. where the house january 6th committee tried to tie former president trump to extremist groups that overran the capitol. cbs reporter skyler henry with more on that and a new allegation that the former president tried to contact a committee witness. sk skyler? >> that's right, sara. good to see you. that witness did not answer the phone for the former president. instead, they called their attorney. now all of this information will actually be sent over to the department of justice. but earlier today, the seventh public hearing in this series here trying to get to the bottom of why so many people were here in washington in the first place. one of them a witness here today who testified that he hung on to the former president's every word. the latest public hearing into the january 6th assault on the capitol led to new questions of possible witness tampering by former president donald trump. >> president trump tried to call a witness in our investigation. that person declined to answer or respond to president trump's call. and instead alerted their lawyer to the call. >> reporter: on tuesday, the committee heard from former white house council pat cipollone for the first time. clips from his private deposition last week. >> your question is that i believe he should concede the election at a point in time, yes, i did. >> reporter: cipollone detailed a contentious meeting in the oval office focusing on seizing voting machines in battleground states. >> it's a terrible idea. >> reporter: far right groups and conspiracy theorists immediately latched on to a tweet by then president trump on december 19th summoning supporters to the capitol. >> trump's pump was to mobilize a crowd. and how do you mobilize a crowd in 2020? with millions of followers on twitter. >> reporter: house committee members say president trump lit the flame, igniting the january 6th riot, galvanizing radical groups who showed up with body armor, bear spray and even bats. former oath keeper spokesperson addressed the committee. >> this could have been the spark that started a new civil war, and no one would have won there. >> reporter: as did steven ayers, who pleaded guilty to illegally entering the capitol. >> the president got everybody riled up, told everybody to head on down. so we basically just following what he said. >> reporter: court documents show ayers suggested civil war will ensue with former president trump didn't remain in the white house. and so to follow up on what the former president did in terms of trying to reach out to one of those january 6th witnesses, we reached out to the department of justice. they declined to comment. as for the next public hearing, that's set for next thursday, july 21st. it will be in prime-time. the committee says that they will lay out minute by minute what the former president was doing or wasn't doing while thousands were attacking the capitol. we're here on capitol hill, skyler henry, back to you. >> working late for us on the east coast. we appreciate it, sir. twitter making good on its threat, now suing elon musk for trying to back out of his $44 billion takeover. and a complaint filed in a delaware court, twitter says musk refuses to honor his obligations because the deal no longer serves his personal interests. it goes on the say musk apparently believes he is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value and then walk a way. on friday musk's lawyer claimed musk was in terms of the deal and accused the company of holding the number of bots bought and sold on the platform. twitter is seeking a four-day trial in september. still ahead on kpix 5g "cbsd gunmakers accountable and how it's already being challenged. plus, the stunning new images shedding light on the evolution of our galaxy. we hear from the bay area scientist who helped build the world's most powerful telescope. it's only the middle of summer, but are you ready for some football? preseason just 30 days away now. what 49er fans can expect this season as we count down to kickoff. as promised, inland temperatures several degrees cooler than yesterday. in fact close to 15 degrees cooler for inland parts of the east bay. a little warmer on the peninsula along the coast. we'll take a look at how long this average july pattern is wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. through project up, comcast is committing $1 billion dollars so millions more students can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. look live at the state capitol, governor newsom has signed a new lawsuit that will allow victims of gun violence to file lawsuits against gunmakers. that will require gun makers to block sales to anyone they believe have a reasonable cause to believe is at substantial risk of using a gun illegally or harming themselves or others. madison key with the details and the pushback from gun owners. >> reporter: governor newsom's signature on gun laws comes less than a month after the u.s. supreme court ruled against restrictions on carrying firearms in public. a win for second amendment advocates like those that make up the gun owners of california. >> the laws that are being proposed by the legislature and are being signed into law by governor newsom have absolutely nothing to do and will have zero impact. as a matter of fact, it might have a negative impact on the misuse of firearms in the public. >> reporter: the group's executive director said they've already challenged and plan to challenge every bill the governor signs when it comes to firearms restrictions. >> they choose not to address the crime problem and the gang problem in any meaningful way. >> and instead they put all the blame on the lawful gun owners. >> reporter: groups say the laws only impact lawful gun owners and make it harder to promote safe gun use and ownership. and what the laws don't do address the problem of misuse of firearms. ask a survivor. the legislation is a step in the right direction. >> and i cannot tell you how ecstatic i am about our guns, lawmakers in california that this bill has been passed. i am a survivor. >> reporter: mary is an advocate with moms demand action. she saw the bill that allows private citizens to sue firearms manufacturers as a chance to honor her daughter, who was shot and killed. >> even a day to day local shooting event in sacramento, it is a pain on my heart. and i just don't want anyone else to have to deal with that. >> that was madison key reporting. governor newsom heads to washington this week for a four-day swing that includes accepting an award on behalf of the state from an education group. the trip is more exposure on a national stage for newsom who has outspoken in defense of gun control and abortion rights fuels talk of his political ambitions. speculation about a possible presidential run. >> newsom won't be crossing paths with president biden now. he leaves tonight for a long expected and politically delicate visit to the middle east. the president's first stop is israel, where today an israeli military band and troops were preparing for his airport arrival. during his three-day visit, biden will meet with the israeli prime minister. he will also hold talks with palestinian leaders. then the president will visit saudi arabia to meet with crown prince mohammed bin salman. in japan, thousands of people lined the streets of tokyo to say farewell to japan's longest serving prime minister, shinzo abe. a hearse carrying abe's remains took him one last time past parliament where he served as a lawmaker. he was assassinated on friday while at a campaign rally for another candidate. the suspected gun did it because he said he had a grudge against abe for supposedly having connections to a church that bankrupted his family. frustrating for riders in the east bay as their train got stuck in the berkeley hills tunnel for about an hour. this is chopper 5 video of that train final climbing out of the tunnel. bart says it all happened around 11:00 this morning. the train on the antioch sfo line lost power after running over debris on the track. the good news here, no one was hurt. >> i don't want the get stuck in a tunnel for any reason. transbay? >> it's not the one under the water. >> yeah, that would give me heart palpitations. >> i think i would be okay unless the power went out on the train. >> why are we on -- we're on this worst case scenario. >> sleep well tonight. >> the weather isn't so bad, though, right? >> it's actually really nice out there. temperatures back down to what's normal for this time of year. and we have more of the same tomorrow. and no major changes even later this week once temperatures warm up a little bit. basically, it's just kind of a tug-of-war between two big features in the atmosphere that are nearby. one is the big h. that's the heat dome over the desert southwest. it did get close enough to us to push temperatures well into the 90s inland. yesterday that drifted away today while allowing the other area of disturbed weather hanging out over the northeastern pacific that occasionally sends a little rip until the atmosphere towards the bay area. it's not close enough to squeeze out anything more than a couple of clouds. but it does help to produce a gustier onshore wind and the lack of weight in the atmosphere on top of us allows the marine layer to get a little deeper and push farther inland. that changes subtly. it's a back and forth pattern. modest warming inland late this week as the heat dome backs up just a little bit. but close enough to boost temperatures inland back up to around 90 degrees. right now we're seeing that fog along the coast. something interesting happened earlier today. dry air in the higher elevations got mixed down to ground level and pushed away from the coast for a little while. hope you enjoy that sunshine because now the fog is back. it's going to roll across the bay. barely see the golden gate. temperature in san francisco is at 64 degrees. just at 70 degrees right now in oakland. and only 73 in santa rosa. a little cool on the cool side for inland parts of the north bay today. upper 70s in san jose and 81 for livermore and concord. not bad for the warmer spots. temperatures will drop another degree between now and the first pitch of the giants game against the arizona diamondbacks. the fog rolling in. it is going to be breezy. make sure you have enough layers to withstand cooler temperatures once the sun goes down, dropping down to the lower 50s later on. the fog is going to be widespread and pretty thick, pushing well into the inland valleys. but like today, it's going the back up towards the coast as we head towards late morning. should see good visibility as we head towards midday and into the afternoon. temperatures tonight dropping down to around 60 degrees. not a whole lot of variation. this is normal for this time of year. another day of normal temperatures tomorrow. mid-60s along the coast. a mix of 60s and 70s around the bay. inland temperatures mostly in the 80s, except a more of a mix of upper 70s and low 80s for the north bay. but the very warmest spots around antioch and brentwood staying below 90 degrees for one more day. a warming trend begins to kick in on thursday. the warmest days of the seven-day forecast will be friday and saturday. only a couple of degrees warmer in san francisco. but up to the mid-70s for oakland later this week. in the mid- to upper 80s in san jose. the warmest spots will be inland in the north bay and east bay. around 90 degrees for a couple of days. but 90 in july? it's pretty close to average. and then back down to almost exactly normal temperatures by the middle of next week. >> it's refreshing. >> yeah. it's not bad. we can stay as long as it wants to stick around. the marine layer does knock down the fire dang area little bit. >> that's nice. >> paul, thank you. still ahead, the white house could change its covid booster strategy to fight the rise of these new contagious variants. and how a northern california taxi cabdriver went out of his way to steer a veteran way from his scam. >> coming up on cbs news bay area, our full interview with cbs' catherine herridge. you can whenever, - you okay? - there's a flex alert today so i'm mentally preparing for the power outage. oh, well we can help stop one because we are going to reduce our energy use from 4-9pm. what now? i stepped on a plug. oh that's my bad! unplugging. when it comes to preventing outages the power is ours. the white house is reportedly considering a plan to expand second booster shots for adults under 50. the white house covid-19 response team did not address the idea at its briefing today, but they did emphasize the importance of boosters for people 50 and over and immunocompromised. people who get boosted now will still be eligible to get a variant shot in the fall. >> if you have not gotten a vaccine shot this year, go get one now. it could save your life. >> the warning comes as cases are surging driven by the ba.5 omicron subvariant. the cdc says it makes up 65% of new cases in the u.s. first lady jill biden apologizing for comments she made about latinos during a speech in san antonio. listen to the last part of her remarks in this clip. >> the diversity of this community, as distinct as the b bodegas of the bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. >> well, some people took issue with the comparison of the latino community to breakfast tacos. the national association of hispanic journalists have responded by saying the first lady and her speech writing team needs a better understanding of the latino community. adding we are not tacos and do not reduce us to stereotypes. in response, the first lady's office issued this statement. the first lady apologizes that her words conveyed anything but pure admiration and love for the latino community. well, coming up all new at 5:30, are you ready for 49ers football? ryan yamamoto is. one month until the first preseason game on kpix 5. and a new starting quarterback is just one of the stories this season. a preview of what we can expect as we count down to kickoff. and more amazing images from deep space. that story i my tribe has lived on this land for 12,000 years. we call it oleyumi. you call it california. our land, our culture, our people once expansive, now whittled down to a small community. only one proposition supports california tribes like ours. while providing hundreds of millions in yearly funding to finally address homelessness in california. vote yes on 27. tax online sports betting and protect tribal sovereignty and help californians that are hurting the most. when you need help it's great to be in sync with customer service. a team of reps who can anticipate the next step genesys technology is changing the way customer service teams anticipate what customers need. because happy customers are music to our ears. genesys, we're behind every customer smile. you're watching kpix 5 at 5:30. >> right now on can i have, streaming on "cbs news bay area," more local news at 5:30. amazing new views of the cosmos. the bay area scientist helping capture the bay area like never before. using her brush to paint a more inclusive look for an east bay neighborhood. a message from the muralist. but first, the countdown is on. we're officially one month away from the 49ers' first preseason game on executive. the nine take,ing on the green bay packers august 12 at levi's stadium at 5:30. we've got it down to the time. >> yes. >> good evening. i'm sara donchey. >> and i'm ryan yamamoto. kpix 5 is your home for the 49ers preseason football. >> a lot of fans waiting to see how trey lance will fare as quarterback this season. they'll get their first taste at niners training camp practices. >> the dates now say the team will report to training camp in just two weeks on july 26th. fans can watch 11 open practices. the first ones on the 27th and the 28th. and we posted the full schedule on where it's all leading up to the first preseason game of august 12th. >> we have team coverage on all the excitement for the season, including some updates on key players. we start with kpix 5's len ramirez with a preview of what fans can expect. >> well, the excitement really starting to build at levi's stadium in two weeks. the players report in for training camp. and that year fans will be allowed to watch several of the practices, all ramping up to that first home preseason game, right here at levi's stadium and right here on channel 5. the 49ers faithful are hoping to build on the excitement of last season's play-off run, but with one

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Arizona ,United States ,Berkeley ,California ,Japan ,Tokyo ,Washington ,Sacramento ,Whitehouse ,District Of Columbia ,San Antonio ,Texas ,Capitol Hill ,South San Francisco ,San Francisco ,Francisco Marina ,Matt Klein ,Mike Futrell ,Max Darrow ,Pittsburg Anne ,Trey Lance ,Ryan Yamamoto Kpix ,Cove Marina ,

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