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Down, it caught fire. Flames started shooting into the air burning nearby trees. Some rioters grabbed metal barriers police had set out to use as crowd control and used them as weapons to break the windows of the student union. It sends the message that under no means will we allow any of this to go on anywhere near berkeley. I definitely think the students went way too far. They crossed the line by vandalizing property and putting things on fire. Reporter one student with a make America Great again hat walked into the crowd. Protestors surrounded him rallying against President Trump. Just before 7 p. M. Police announced the event was canceled but even after Police Officers demanded that the crowd disperse, hundreds of people stayed, others then moved the demonstration on to city streets and vandalized more properties. Several banks were vandalized. A bank of america, a chase, and again the cleanup and Damage Assessment continues this morning. There were some arrests made. We havent gotten numbers yet from University Police on that. Several people were injured but none of the injuries were terribly severe, possibly. When the visit was canceled Milo Yiannopoulos posted a video on facebook. So i was evacuated by my security detail and by the police tonight from uc berkeley. Ucberkeley of course being the home of the free speech movement, so its ironic and sad that this campus appears to be nowhere no friend to free speech anymore. He went on to defend himself saying he is not racist or sexist. And this morning, President Trump tweeting about the protest two hours ago wrote, if ucberkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view, no federal funds. End quote. All right. 5 02 right now. Thems fighting words, right . [ laughter ] well, thats twitter for you. Yeah. The president. All right. We are tracking the storm. We are under storm watch. We are kickstarting the month of february very similar to how we started january. The only difference, these storms arent as potent as the ones we experienced at the beginning of the year. But we will see some significant rainfall from them and also some very gusty winds. Its live hidef Doppler Radar. You can depend on it. This is actual rain as rain hits petaluma. No rain at the Golden Gate Bridge right now. But moderate rain in sonoma. We dont anticipate flooding. But the area of major concern just a couple of weeks ago. Another cell is popped up outside due west of the crockett area heading towards martinez, benicia, also we do have some rain showers around bay point. Also some light rain showers heading out highway 80 as you connect with 680, as well. We have some snow thats falling around bear valley and also just outside of kirkwood. Its rainsnow mix in arnold. So all activity lifting from the south to the northeast. We have a wind advisory in effect in the blue area just bent tire bay area. Some gusts up to 50 Miles Per Hour in the highest elevations. Calm in santa rosaif you grab the umbrella today hang on to it tightly. Rain winds throughout the day. Temperatures 50s and 60s. How much rain to expect and this will make an impact on your weekend . Details at 18 minutes after the hour. Lets send it to roqui. Thank you. We just got rid of a traffic alert. Now the rain is coming down. This is the Richmond San Rafael bridge. Same across the span of the bay bridge into downtown San Francisco. No metering lights yet. Make sure youre driving safely and very slowly this morning throughout the bay area. Heres a live look at the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city. A quick 15 minutes. But again, carefully driving. And heres a look at the Altamont Pass. If you head across the way youre moving at 50 Miles Per Hour not too bad until north flynn road where speeds go down to 30. Okay, lets talk about mass transit now. We have an earlymorning bart delay on the richmond line 10 minute delay into the fremont millbrae areas due to an earlier track problem. Ace and muni are on time. If ac transit is part of your commute [ sneeze ] bless you, kenny. Thank you. Starting today ac transit is relocating the bus stops in the area. So actransit. Org is where you can find more details about relocation of bus stops on international boulevard. Be careful of the wet roads. Ill send it to you. All right, roqui. Thank you. President trumps secretary of state Rex Tillerson is set to deliver remarks at the state department this morning. A day after he was sworn into office. Yesterday the Trump Administration put iran on notice for conducting a Ballistic Missile test. It was a signal the administration could impose new sanctions on iran. San franciscobased uber is taking another hit. Protestors plan to rally outside its offices today calling on the ceo to resign from the president s Economic Council. Kpix 5s maria medina is live in palo alto with more on their demands reporter and these protest plans across the nation including in oakland and San Francisco and here at the palo alto office. The protest is called hashtag uber rides with hate. Now, this comes just days after uber took some serious heat on social media during protests at airports last weekend after President Trumps travel restrictions. Taxi drivers refused to pick up passengers at jfk where two iraqis are detained. Uber however said it would not only pick up people but turn off its surge prize. Many of them protested by deleting the app and now today protestors plan to and in ubers ceo step down from President Trumps Economic Council and stand with immigrants, refugees and drivers the Company Relies on every day. Now the ceo is trying to identify his drivers who cannot get back into the country and he will continue to pay them. Also important to note that this protest, these protests across the nation, are on the eve of President Trumps first meeting with the council that kalanick is on and kalanick promises his customers that he will bring up his concerns to President Trump tomorrow. Live in palo alto, maria medina, kpix 5. Two Southern California High School Students accused of plotting a School Shooting bigger than columbia have been taken into custody. Police say witnesses overheard the 16yearolds allegedly discuss the plot at a sporting event in fullerton tuesday night. Investigators also checked the suspects computers and say they found evidence that they had researched weapons and past School Shootings. Parents of students at the school were alerted yesterday. Some of us got texts and some phone calls immediately from the school. Its a shock for me but now i feel maybe more safe for my son. The teens have been charged making criminal threats and conspiracy to commit a felony. More than 100 people are hurt after a factory fire in the philippines. It started overnight at the House Technology industries. Authorities saying that nearly 15,000 workers were on duty at the time. Crews are on scene looking for survivors. Investigators are trying to determine the cause. And this morning could be the end of a homeless encampment in oakland known as the village. It is near the interchange of interstate 580 and highway 24. The city has posted an order that it will be bulldozed this morning. A woman connected with the encampment says it includes some tiny houses and thats whats attracted the citys attention. According to punxsutawney phil, there are going to be six more weeks of winter. He saw his shadow this morning at gobblers nob in pennsylvania. Thousands gathered to see him. He has his own twitter account. He just tweeted, quote, im so sorry, folks, six more weeks. Oh, that punxsutawney phil. Time now 5 09. Coming up, an outofthis world experiment. Well introduce you to the students putting their science skills on the International Space station. And well show you the new robot that could make sick days a thing of the past. Good morning. We are under storm watch as we enter a series of storms in the bay area. Well talk about the effect on the weekend. And what are the effects it will have on your morning commute today . Heres a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza looking good so far but well keep an eye on it when we come back. Did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Enter sleep number. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. Right now, save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Those january storms. California relies on the snowpack today will be the First Official Sierra Snowpack survey since the january storms. California relies on the snowpack for onethird of the Drinking Water supply. The state analysts say its now at about 177 of historic average. The best in 22 years. The official measurements are taken monthly during the snow season near echo summit in el dorado county. A new robot could mean no more sick days. I dont like the sounds of this. An Australian Company created it. Instead of going to work people can put on a headset and participate through the robot. Price tag is about 4,000. No. Then you never get a day off. I mean obviously, your sick days you have to be sick but still if you are sick you want to be in bed and resting. Not using your brain. Yeah. [ pause ] taking nyquil. Taking a nap. Trying to rest your body. Thats the best way to get better. You know because you have last month i was sick several times. I apologize. No to the obot. No to getting sick at all. Lets just stay healthy and come to work every morning. [ laughter ] 5 14. Lets check the bay area roads. Starting in the south bay we have a new crash to tell you about. Northbound 85 connector to northbound 87 is a twocar crash blocking the left lane and theres some other cars out there on the shoulder so we are not sure how they are involved but this is out there now. No delays within the south bay. Heres a look at 101, 280 and 87. Down to 30 once you hit north flynn road. North tracy boulevard to the Altamont Pass will take you about 25 minutes. It does free up through livermore per usual and then expect slow traffic along the dublin interchange. Heres a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. We have wet roads but traffic moving smoothly through the toll into the city. Those metering lights will turn on soon around 5 30 or so. Well keep an eye on that traffic for you. From the carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze that will be 20 minutes. No delay into the city. Heres mass transit. We have an earlymorning richmond line bart delay of 10 minutes and thats to fremont and millbrae. Ace train one is on time. Muni is on time. Ac transit buses if you take ac transit through oakland, starting today they are relocating the bus stops on international boulevard between 38th and 57th. So for more information go to actransit. Org. Roberta ill send it to you. Good morning. 5 15. We are under storm watch here at kpix 5 because we are going to see a series of rain showers push in and out of the bay area. Your biggest break will be about saturday afternoon until midday on sunday. Its live. Its hidef Doppler Radar picking up the rain showers for your morning commute. Right there, heavy rain being reported in santa rosa with areas of fog, as well. When you see that highlighted area of yellow and orange, thats a pretty moderate to heavy downpour thats occurring around highway 29 this morning hooking up with 12, as well. 121 anywhere from yountville through napa as you make tracks through cordelia heavy rain. We have light rain around rio vista. Thats the same little cell that breezed through brentwood and discovery bay. Paul smith says he picked up. 04 of rain with the passage of that front. Thank you to our weather watcher. Our live weather camera looking in the direction of the peninsula picking up some rain there. Temperatures in the 40s and 50s. Its mild because the winds have been out of the south and southeast. 14 now at San Francisco. 11 in oakland. Higher gusts over the bay bridge. 14 redwood city. 15 sfo. 17 san jose. Pretty much 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour except in the north bay calm winds but these winds will be increasing during the day today with pockets of heavy rain. We have a wind advisory in place until tomorrow morning at 3 a. M. Some of these gusts up to 50 in the highest elevations so there will be downtown power lines and downed trees. First front blowing through the bay area in the morning commute. Second wave with showers in the afternoon. And carrying over into our friday. So its kind of like a series of little impulses pushing in and out. Heres your futurecast. Looks dry during the early afternoon hours but then we get the other wave queued up out there. There you have it pushing through very soggy friday morning commute, as well. Another wave friday afternoon into your saturday morning. Then a bit of a break saturday afternoon. But by the time this first system pushes through, well see over an inch to about 1. 5 of rain throughout the urban areas. Still going with about 5 in wettest locations of our highest elevations. Snow is on the fly up to 4 feet in the highest elevations. 7,000 feet up in the high sierra. About 5,000 feet a foot of snow. We are even going all the way back through reno. Heres your forecast. You will need chains in the high sierra through sunday. Tahoe report rain and wind today. Rain and breezy friday. Tapers off midday saturday. Sunday night rain as you head out of the super bowl parties and make your way home and then rain lingers into monday chances tuesday, wednesday. All right. Are we going to your house for the Super Bowl Party . Okay. Lets do that. Im ready. Im game. Tamales. Go, falcons you know its going to be a mexican feast. Of course. All right. Thank you. Middle School Students in san jose are taking their learning to new heights. They are building experiments skyrocketing to space. Valley christian junior high is this weeks cool school. [ music ] reporter these middle School Students at valley christian are getting hands on with science. We really believe getting kids inspired in stem early on is a huge benefit to getting them to know that stem and science and technology is great and even fun. Reporter using robots, software and even legos, this class is creating experiments that will eventually get launched to the International Space station. This is so cool. Coming in realizing the gravity of youre actually going to sending is to space, its an incredible feel. Reporter this years class is creating experiments to dispel heat effectively on the iss by building a unit to heat a light bulb and then cooling it down the most efficient way. So in the end, we are going to be able to gather data that we can maybe post back to nasa saying hey we found a more efficient way to dispel heat in microgravity a big trouble in the iss. Reporter last year they looked at how vibration affects metal in space. Once it was launched the students monitored the experiment from the classrooms. This is the satellite tracking station so this is where students come and monitor the iss right here. And in april, this years class is going to be launching their experiment into space. Im mostly excited. I cant wait to see the results in space and compare it to our data. Reporter the program through the Quest Institute includes every aspect of engineering. Programming, electrical, mechanical, project management, and team work. All of the things you would learn in a traditional company, these kids are learning before high school. And now you have a full class on what College Students would do down to the Elementary School level. At first i didnt like science. I was not as interested as any of the other people would be. Since the school has given me the opportunities, i have grown to learn to love science more and appreciate it. Reporter its a program that inspires and challenges these young people to go beyond what they felt was possible. Even as far as space. Such a cool program. Talking to these kids, they are uber smart and whats really very bright, yeah. Yeah, very. And whats really cool about this is that this program started in valley christian and its available now to schools around the world. So later today i will put a link on my Facebook Page and if any student is out there and you want this in your school you can go to that link and sign up. Every year they do a different experiment so seems like a good program. Its cool. So thats why we call it a cool spool. And whats cool about your school . Email your nomination to us at coolschools kpix. Com and we may feature your school on the show. And im dennis odonnell. Coming up, could you survive after telling your boss you didnt trust him . The 49ers new gm certainly did and steph curry got sick on sunday. He was a different kind of sick last night. Highlights straight ahead. Grocery outlet is the home of wow savings. Wow means you save 50 or more. There are three stages of wow denial. Is this price right . Acceptance. And boooyah. Wait for it. Boooyah has three os. Grocery outlet bargain market right now, buy two assorted Frito Lay Party size chips and get one free. Good morning, everybody. Steph curry missed sundays game in portland with the stomach flu and you have to wonder if he can hit the porcelain as well as he does the net. Dell curry in town with the hornets like father like son. Did he call glass on that . Steph and klay scored 29 of the warriors421st quarter points. Warriors up 15and we are three minutes into the game. 2nd quarter up 16. Charlotte 15 threes in the first half with a franchise record. Steph 39 points, klay 29. Warriors win 126111. Kevin durant needs a calculator to make sense of the stats sheet. If it seems like john lynch hiring of the manager came out of left field it did. He asked ed york to keep their interviews under wraps. He explained his reasoning on knbr yesterday frankly quite bold. I made a big deal that this stay quiet. Part of the rumors are things fly out of that building so i wanted to i was getting engaged in these conversations, um, we cant beat around the bush. We got to get right to, um, do i want to work for these people . Pretty bold indeed. But i tell you what, if he was testing jed york 49ers owner got an a plus. Im dennis odonnell. See you tonight. [ music ] they are cleaning up this morning at and around uc berkeley after a protest turned into a riot. It was against a man who described himself as ultra conservative. Well tell you some of the damage next. Our blogs are buzzing about the designer smile. By colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. With a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. For four shades visibly whiter teeth. The designer smile. By colgate optic white high impact white. With advil, youll ask what sinus headache . What stiff joints . What time of the month cramps . What nighttime pain . 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Good morning from our kpix weather center. We fired it up. Its live, its hidef Doppler Radar. Well tell you how the rain will affect your morning commute. All right. We have metering lights on at the bay bridge toll plaza. It is now 5 30. So we have a new crash to tell you about throughout the bay area. Good morning, everyone, its thursday, february 2. Im michelle griego. Im kenny choi. We want to start with the protests in berkeley. Theres a lot of damage left behind. Kpix 5s anne makovec is live in berkeley this morning with the very latest. Anne reporter as you can see here behind me, the damage extends beyond the campus of uc berkeley. The windows here of this starbucks on center and oxford are boarded up. In fact, they are still boarding them up on the other side of the building here this morning. So theres a lot of damage right now both on campus and off campus. The protests started before 6 00 yesterday. And they really came to a head at about 6 00. Things escalated very quickly as you can see from some of this video. It all started in the middle of ucberkeleys sproul plaza. Rioters set off fireworks some aimed at University Police. The crowd of 1500 had gathered in advance of the 7 00 event featuring ultraconservative Milo Yiannopoulos. Most demonstrators held signs but some Wearing Masks and started vandalizing property. Flames burned nearby trees after a light pole fell. They used weapons to break the windows of the student union. A lot of us wondered if we should protest. We thought we should just boycott. But its not free speech. Its hate speech. Reporter a lot of the rioters say those who were causing the damage were coming from outside of the group. Perhaps intent on damage. Several people were injured during the protest, many from projectiles amongst the crowds, some with bloody noses or hits to the head and concussion. A lot of them were supporters of the speaker who say people ganged up on them. Police officers demanded that the crowd disperse at 7 p. M. Hundreds of people stayed others moved to city streets and vandalized more property including several off campus banks. Now, President Trump tweeted about this riot and said, if uc berkeley doesnt allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view, no federal funds . Question mark . So thats obviously a threat from the president because of this riot. University police really stood back throughout the beginnings of this event and they didnt make any arrests until a couple of hours in. They were between a rock and a hard played not wanting to between a rock and a hard place not wanting to inflame the crowd. Im sure well hear about that today. Anne makovec, kpix 5. Time now 5 33. Lets talk about something we can all agree on. Thats rain on the way. [ laughter ] yeah. Its already here. We are already seeing some pockets of moderate to heavy rainfall. But we are going to be in and out of the showers throughout all the day and into your friday and at least the first part of saturday morning. Good morning, everybody. Its our live hidef Doppler Radar. When you see the green on the screen you need your umbrella. Shades of yellow is heavy downpours. Light to moderate rainfall in glen ellen. Heavy towards sonoma. Rainfall from vallejo 780 into benicia, same into 680. All this activity is lifting up from the ocean into the northeast direction. Snow is now on the fly in the kirkwood area. Its a rainsnow mix around around arnold. Wind advisory in effect until tomorrow morning at 3 a. M. Sustained winds 30 gusts to 50s in the highest elevations coastal areas will be buffeted today. 14 currently at San Francisco and redwood city. 17 Mineta International airport. For the most part of the winds are 10 to 20 but will be increasing to 30. We have a wind at 10 in napa. Live weather camera we are looking towards the peninsula. Two raindrops temperatures in the 40s and 50s. Everybody gets wet today. High temperatures into the 50s and 60s. Well tell you how much rain to expect coming up. Right now heres roqui. Reporter it is 5 35. Lets take a look at the bay area roads. They are wet and they are slippery so you make sure as you head out the door youre prepared to drive safely. Get a good breakfast. Okay . Southbound 101 at 37 at novato a rollover crash. Well get updates from chp on that. This traffic is blocking the left and right lane but no delays there in the area so youre looking good traveling through novato. A live look at the Golden Gate Bridge from marin into San Francisco from 580 in san rafael to the toll plaza will be your normal commute of 15 minutes. The bay bridge metering lights are on now at the toll plaza. So give yourself extra time to get through there into downtown San Francisco. 80 westbound from the carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze will be about 20 minutes and expect a 10 to 15minute drive across the span of the bay bridge. Ill send it to you. All right, roqui. Thank you. U. S. Secretary of state tillerson is set to speak this morning at the state department. It comes a day after his swearingin and a day after the Trump Administration issued a warning to iran for conducting a Ballistic Missile test. It was a signal that the administration could impose new sanctions on iran. Iran is now feeling emboldened. As of today, we are officially putting iran on notice. Meanwhile, theres a growing number of reports about a contentious phone call over the weekend between President Trump and australias Prime Minister malcolm turnbull. Last night President Trump blasted an obama era deal with australia to allow more than 1,000 refugees in australia to resettle in the United States because australia didnt want them. If judge gorsuch is confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice California could see significant legal changes. With gorsuch on the bench, the Supreme Court would have a conservative majority. Since Justice Scalias death a 44 split between both parties has sent few hearings to the court. But issues like immigration and gun control could soon take shape based on federal laws under a conservative Supreme Court. Still, some california based law experts are optimistic about gorsuch as a nominee. I think quite frankly a Constitutional Court is going to allow the states to go their separate ways as the constitution originally envisioned. So if california wants to experiment with a marijuana law, you know, they ought to be able to do that. Gorsuch still needs to be investigated by the Senate Judiciary committee where california senator Dianne Feinstein serves as the highest ranking democrat. First protestors deleted the uber app and now have demands for the companys ceo. Maria medina medical is live in palo alto where the protest planned across the country at the companys offices. Maria. Reporter good morning, kenny. These protests planned for this afternoon and they are called hashtag uberrideswithhate. This comes just days after uber caught some serious heat. Formulas weekend during protests at airports because of president Donald Trumps travel restrictions, taxi drivers refused to pick up passengers at jfk where two iraqis were being detained. Uber picked up people but turned off its surge prices. So many protested uber by deleting the app and now fast forward to today. Protestors are demanding ubers Ceo Travis Kalanick step down from trumps Economic Council and stand women grants and refugees the Company Relies on every day. Now, kalanick is responding. Trumps first meeting with the council that kalanick is on is tomorrow. The first meeting is tomorrow. Kalanick promises his customers he will bring up his concerns about the travel restrictions to trump. Also want to mention that the protests are planned nationwide including in oakland, San Francisco here and at the palo alto uber office. The protest starts at 1 p. M. Live in palo alto, medina, kpix 5. Today, the ucberkeley engineering professor who signed off on the now sinking Millennium Tower is expected to testify at a San Francisco board of supervisors hearing. He will testify before the boards government audit and Oversight Committee regarding the buildings design and approval process. City Officials Say the tower has sunk 16 inches since it was built nearly ten years ago. The hearing starts at 9 30 a. M. Following President Trumps executive order on immigration, ceos of Major Companies spoke out over human rights and economic consequences. Cbs News Business analyst Jill Schlesinger is here to break down the Economic Impact of immigration. So jill, whats the economic case for immigration . Reporter you know, research has found that immigration leads to innovation and a better educated workforce. Now, just look at tech giant apple, ebay, oracle all founded by immigrants or the children of immigrants. From countries that are part of the trump order. Many American Companies especially those in the tech sector are relying on educated immigrants to staff their operations. Think about this. The ban could cause talented people to go elsewhere, where they are more welcomed. In addition to stricter immigration Corporate America is quite worried that trumps agenda on trade could cut off the u. S. From the world and isolationism is not a good thing for a multinational global business. Even if you look at a u. S. Based manufacturer, i spoke to a few this week, they say they have come to rely on the seamless supply chain thats been established through nafta. Thats why experts are warning that costs could go up for many goods if President Trump were to implement a tariff and thats could even impact American Workers according to the chamber of commerce 6 million u. S. Jobs depend on trade with mexico alone. And jill just going back to, um, what immigrants bill gates recently said that the greatest imports that the u. S. Has ever had has been immigrants. Um, jill, critics also say that Many Americans have lost ground because of open borders and free trade. Reporter well, you know, theres a mixed case on that because theres definitely some data that shows us that native born u. S. Citizens bear significant costs especially in an Education System when you get a big inflow of less educated low income immigrants. There is no evidence that immigration leads to lower wage growth for americans. In fact, it was the advent of automation and technology which displaced workers. That accelerated with the arrival of the dotcom economy in the 90s and 2000s. Some jobs were lost due to trade and globalization but the real culprit is technology. Its eliminated more jobs than any other dynamic. Economists say that those millions of manufacturing jobs just are not coming back to the u. S. And even if a fraction of them do come back, the factory floor will be largely robotic. Thats a scary thought. Cbs News Business analyst Jill Schlesinger, thank you. Time now 5 41. Still ahead, a year in space apparently can change your dna. Well explain. ,,,,,,,, shane hort posted this video to youtube. He says his daug look at that. Some sea lions got a ride when they hopped on the back of a boat in mexico. Shane posted this video on youtube. His daughter was having a blast feeding the sea lions some fish. They grabbed on the back of the boat and held on for several minutes worth of snacks. They should be careful. Isnt that where the Carbon Monoxide is that comes out of the yeah. But for the fish, you know, they are happy to take the fish and the Carbon Monoxide, as well. Seals deal with it. Researchers have released the first results of their unique study on astronaut scott kelly and his twin brother mark. The study was conducted during scott kellys year in space while mark was on earth. Chemical modifications of his dna increased in space but returned to normal on solid ground. Marks dna shifted around slightly during the study. Hm. Okay. A lot of things can happen in space. Ha ha. Like this. And float. Eating food that floats. And eating food out of these vacuumed sealed packs, right, turkey mea wasnt scott at a speaking engagement at one of the schools talking to kids . One of them. One of them. I wanted to crash the class third grade. [ laughter ] michelle and i we have discussed this. Were landlubbers, right . Yeah. Hm. Not time to go up in space. Id go in a heartbeat. I know you would, roberta. I would go in a minute but i would miss burritos. [ laughter ] all right. Lets take a look at traffic. We have a crash in novato. Slowdowns in novato. A multicash crash involving a rollover here so if you are heading out this way make sure you give yourself extra time to get through there. We just got some slowdowns just now as we started the report. Moving over now to the Golden Gate Bridge, if you are heading from marin county into San Francisco, that will just be your normal commute of 14 minutes or so from 580 in san rafael to the toll plaza. And we have metering lights at the bay bridge toll plaza so give yourself extra time to get through there to get through here because we have metering lights and wet roads. So from the carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze, thats 23 minutes and expect a 15minute drive from the toll plaza into downtown San Francisco. Okay. Moving over to the south bay northbound 85 that connector to northbound 87 theres a twocar crash out there still blocking the left and the right excuse me, still blocking the left lane, excuse me, on northbound 85 and we dont have any delays just yet. But well keep an eye on it for you and if you are heading out into the south bay at all heres a look at the conditions throughout the area. 101, 280 and 87 are looking good. Moving over now to bart, bart is recovering from a richmond line delay of 10 minutes so if you are heading out that way, give yourself extra time to get through there. Ace on time, muni on time. Ill send it to you. All right, roqui. Thank you. Live hidef Doppler Radar picking you have showers around santa cruz mountains. Can you see that green on the screen there . Thats where we anticipate up to five inches of rain by saturday morning. Thats up to 5 inches pretty much two to three inches throughout most areas. Rain spilling out of the santa rosa area is now beginning to dry up there but we have the rain now shifting towards forest knolls. Heavier activity around sonoma, napa and yountville for the morning commute traversing around highway 29 connecting to 221. Rain showers in rio vista up to. 05 of rain. Rain in the Transamerica Pyramid looking south towards sfo where there will be airport delays today. Not only just because the light rain showers but the gusty winds and also the low ceiling. Temperatures now in the 40s and 50s. Not bad. Winds have been increasing around the rim of the bay. 11 in oakland, 14 San Francisco but once you go west over the bay bridge, wind gusts up to 25. 15 now at sfo. 14 at the coast. 17 Mineta International airport. Most winds southsoutheast 10 to 20 but well see them increasing as the day wears on. So a wind advisory today through 3 a. M. On friday morning. Some sustained winds up to 30 and gusts up to 50. When you have winds that powerful there will be some downed power lines and the possibility of trees, as well. Extended forecast, unsettled. Heres your satellite and radar. This is the front on approach. As it continues to slice through the bay area well have some lingering showers throughout the day today and this is the core of the center of the area of low pressure. This is is going to slide close enough to the bay area where well see another wave of heavy rain and gusty winds on friday morning. Heres futurecast. Scattered showers throughout the afternoon hours. Hitandmiss showers throughout the evening commute. That right there is that core of the center of the area of low pressure that wants to blow through the bay area tomorrow morning at this time leaving in its wake a whole lot of scattered showers. So we are going to be wet today again tomorrow. All the way until about saturday morning. Then well buy a bit of a break from about lunchtime saturday to about 1 00, 2 00 p. M. On sunday. Cloudy but dry until the next batch of rain moves in. So for the most part this wind blown rain will produce up to about an inch, inch and a half throughout most urban area, higher amounts in the highest elevations. You want higher amounts . Four feet of snow above 7,000 feet, a foot down to 5,000 feet which just encompassed the reno area. If you are heading to tahoe, you need the chains. We are going to have snow in the forecast through saturday. Dry on sunday for the commute home. Now through the afternoon hours the light rain is developing. Rain and gusty wind by tomorrow morning commute as well a bit after break by saturday afternoon. There is your sunup and sounddown and smack in between, temperatures pretty seasonal in the 50s and low 60s. The extended forecast, rain today, scattered showers, all the way through friday into saturday around lunchtime. Rain likely sunday night through your monday. Daily chances tuesday and wednesday. Real remain on storm watch. All right, roberta. Thank you. Time to see whats trending today. By now, you might have heard about beyonces pregnancy. The singer posted the announcement yesterday saying she and her husband jay z are expecting twins. Well, overnight, the post officially became the most liked photo of all time on instagram. Nearly 8 Million People liked it and it has only been online for 24 hours. Its beyonce. So. Meanwhile, actor aaron paul got a Second Chance to get the price right. James corden helped paul break on the set of the game show where he lost a car 17 years ago by overbidding just slightly. Total of 265 im not going to mess up this time. Im going to bid 26,000 and not a dollar more. All right. In the end, corden did some impressive match to figure out the cars worth after decades of use so paul lost his dream price again. Poor guy. One 11yearold girl scout is getting attention for her critical reviews of girl scout cookies. It was read online. Last and yes im sorry to say least, the toffeytastic is a bleak flavor less gluten freeways land. Im telling you, this is flavorless as dirt. Wow. Good writer. Should write here. This clip might affect sales because its been viewed over 8 million times. But charlotte isnt worried. She isnt worried about her rep, either, about the girl scouts because she sold 16,000 cookies already and now you can buy some of these treats throughout the bay area. Time now 5 52. Still ahead, a jewelry heist that looks like something out of the movies. Well show you the rest. ,,,,, Grocery Outlet is the home of wow savings. Wow means you save 50 or more on thousands of name brands. Wow. Youre gettin it there are three stages of wow denial. Is this price right . Acceptance. And boooyah. Wait for it. Boooyah has three os. Grocery outlet bargain market weyour most extraordinarybut withmoments happenses when you feel small. When youre completely outnumbered, overshadowed, and outshined. So what if you dared to explore this great big beautiful pond. What if you dared to feel small. Celebrate our princess anniversary sale with Award Winning itineraries. 7 day fares from 799. Visit your travel agent or princess. Com. Princess cruises. Come back new. So now im not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of 548 whoo i mean, whoo. Walked into a Jewelry Store and pretended to be new video showing a daring robbery in italy. Police say one of the suspects walked into a Jewelry Store and pretended to be a tourist. When he asked to see some of the jewelry in the back, he then attacked the woman and tied her up. Thats when the other suspect came in. They took all the jewelry from the safe and reportedly got away on some bikes. The Parent Company of mercedes has reached a deal with uber. Daimler will supply self driving cars for ubers network. They are expected to be available within a couple of years. San franciscobased uber already has a similar deal with swedish automaker volvo. Time now 5 56. A judge is expected to decide today whether to throw out key evidence in the case of three bay area jail guards accused of murder. And a protest turns into a riot at ucberkeley spilling on to the city streets this morning. The cleanup continues. There are a lot of questions about free speech. Well get you up to speed next. T you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. And right now save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. And im kenny choi. At uc berkeley a significant cleanu good morning, its thursday, february 2. Im michelle griego. Im kenny choi. At ucberkeley, a significant cleanup in store this morning after protests over conservative speaker turned violent and protestors took their cause to the city streets. Kpix 5s anne makovec is live in berkeley with the latest. Reporter a lot of questions this morning about exactly how police did and should have responded to this protest as they clean up here and board up windows, broken windows on the ucberkeley campus and off campus. This is the starbucks here at oxford and center that was vandalized overnight. Police are still assessing the damage. Lets take a look at some of the protest last night that really started coming to a head about 6 p. M. In the middle of

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