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Country condemning racism, chicago, new york, salt lake city. Kpix5s Katie Nielsen s us now. Rarely have we seen a jopresident ial News Conference like this one. Thno. Havent ally was e really believes happened. The president was supposed to atd be a tabout infrastructure ru dmpr raweheatedin exchange with reporters. The statement i made on saturday, the first statement, was a fine statement, but you dont make statements that direct unless you know the facts. It takes a little while to get the facts. As i said on, remember this, saturday, we condemn in the strongest possible terms this d it has no place in america. Then i went on from there. Reporter the president unloaded his frustration and doubled down on his assertion from saturday, that both sides, the white supremists and the counter protesters, are to blame for the violence in virginia. You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent and nobody want to say that, but ill say it right now. You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent. Those people, all of those people, excuse me, ive condemned neonazis. Ive condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neonazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, robert e. Lee. Reporter are you putting what youre calling the alt left and white supremists on the same moral plane . Im not putting anybody onm group on one side and a group on the other and they came at ch her with clubs and it was vicious and a horrible thing to up 0, but there is another side. Theres to watch, but there is another side. Theres a group on this side you call the alt left that came violently attacking the other group. Reporter congresswoman jackie spears says the president is showing he is unfit to lead. The president is unhinged and you just have to watch him in these impromptu press conferences that he has when he goes off. Reporter shes pushing for political leaders to invoke the 25th amendment to oust President Trump from office. Day by day he just has given us a mountain of evidence to suggest that he needs to be removed. Eporter but tonight local Republican Leaders say the president simply needs to clear up a miscommunication. The president needs to be more clear that he does not support right sumpremacy, that he does not ppsut orscanfahim s do that is irresponsible and inappropriate. During that press conference the president s new chief of staff john kelly was standing off to the side. As you can see, with his head down and arms folded. Tonight that photo has Many Political insiders questioning kellys able to keep trump on message. Katie nielsen, kpix5. Tonight these five ceos have now quit the president S Manufacturing council over his response to virginia, the two most recent, scott paul, president of the alliance for american manufacturing, and richard trumpka, president of the aflcio. They follow the ceos of in tell, under armour and merck. The president tweeted this response, for every president that drops out of e col untake grandstanders should not have gone on. Exes, lp ng now plan to stay on the council. Tonight right being with protesters have their sights set on the right wing protesters have their sights set on the bay area for august 27th and next saturday, august 26th. The Extremist Group behind the San Francisco event is called patriot prayer. Christy field part of the Golden Gate National Recreational Area under jurisdiction of the park service. Congresswoman spear had just gotten off the phone na alonwit National Recreation agency tonight. They will decide thursday whether to issue the permit after meeting with San Francisco and park police. Law enforcement believes there is a credible threat to public safety, they can deny the permit. Gring fetyonces abt e ar next sundays rally. Tonight kpix5s Christin Ayers asked the mayor how do you plan on keeping the peace this time . Reporter tonight berkeleys mayor is bracing for the worst, yet anr othe a call to violence masquerading as free speech. When you come dressed in helmets wearing shields and with weapons, youre not cehe e thats where we put our foot down and say violence is not thy. E cturin orsame organizers are planning an unpermitted rally in berkeley august 26th. If they requested one, i would say they should not be given a permit. Reporter he worries scenes like this will be repeated at the park and said this time berkeley will be ready. Well be prepared to protect our community and stand up for values we believe in. Reporter does that mean doing anything differently than the city and police has done before . Were exploring all legal and Law Enforcement options. Reporter illegal weapons will be confiscated and protesters and counter protesters separated. He says hes working with ay on chancellor counter protest that day on champs and the new chancellor campus and the new chancellor told reporters safety is her highest priority. He with all share concern and grief about what happened in charlottesville. We do not want that to happen on our campus. Reporter tonight a banner paid tribute to Heather Heyer who was killed in charlottesville. Were a city of equity and justice. Were going to rise above this. Were not going to be threatened or intimidated. Tonight a fire that tore through a Mobile Home Park in san jose claimed the lives of oplepebe their grandfather. San jose firefighters were called to that fire about 12 30 at golden wheel Mobile Home Park. You can see whats left of the home is barely standing while cr workewonede fl amttes. You can rebuild a house, especially the lives, mom and kid, i cant even imagine, forget going through isvery different thing, about its a just thinking of that like mom and kid was inside and all of a sudden its no more. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. In San Francisco a Security Guard opens fire a suspected shoplifter. It happened outside a Burlington Coat factory at fifth and howard streets, a busy part of soma. It all started when a Security Guard confronted the men for stealing, but things quickly spiraled out of control from there. I heard three gunshots and then i heard a lady screaming and three to five minutes later a bunch of cop cars. Reporter you said you looked over and recognized him . Yeah. I recognized him. He was getting handcuffed and put in the car. The suspected shoplifter is in Critical Condition tonight but is expected to be okay. An oakland couple facing deportation will have to leave the u. S. Tomorrow. Their stay has been denied. Maria Mendoza Sanchez and her husband planned to leave for mexico earlier today, but they pushed back their departure once senator Dianne Feinsteins office got involved. According to the application for their deportation stay, senator feinstein had told them she would introduce a private bill once congress is back in session next month. While youre here you have to try everything you can because once youre not here theres nothing you can do once youre out of the country. Couples deportation. Saying quote keeping fami oakland mayor libby schaaf is calling on federal government to reverse the deportation of the couple saying, i believe in keeping families together. We will doeverything in our power to keep maria with their family. Now the company says theyve been trying to gain Legal Immigration status for years. Neither of them has a criminal record. They will take their youngest child to mexico with them. The other three will stay here. Coming up fired for refusing to turn over important documents, how whistleblowers are fighting back. Plus why multiMillion Dollar homes are selling faster than you might think in the bay area. Its a project in teamwork and science, googles effort to get a who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Donstop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Tweeted late closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. A nationwide march on google has been postponed. The organizer tweeted late tonight that the decision was made due to credibility alt left terrorist threats. The march was in response to google firing the engineer who wrote a manifesto about women in tech. Protests had been planned at google offices around the country. We reached out to google for a response. Tonight their job was to make sure the air we breathe was safe, but two whistle blowers say they were fired when they refused to destroy evidence of emissions violations. They are now suing. The target ea air ofQuality Management district, it is responsible for making sure Big Companies like chevron, shell and other refineries arent polluting our air. And we have to monitor these public agencies to make sure theyre doing their jobs because if they dont, the air we breathe suffers. Reporter jamie walkers clients Michael Bauman and sarah steele filed a new lawsuit today against the bay area ristdior derectd them to destroy public documents. They came out as whistle blowers in february. Our clients allege that the district was destroying public records and when they complaed about it persistently, they were investigated and then fired. I worked with these people for 16 years. Excuse me. And its really hard to think that this type of stuff is happening. Reporter its often People Living near these refineries that complain of smells of sulfur or rotten eggs and call the air quality district to complain. Thats happened to chevron in december. It received four violation notices as a result. These are the exact types of complaints that whistle blowers worry being destroyed. The complaint alleges reports for the chevron and shell and other refinery in the east bay were placed in a dumpster. Bach man said it could hurt us if we have a record of what was destroyed. Bachmann states documents that were supposed to be inventoried and maintained were improperly destroyed even though they were subject to a subpoena related to current litigation against pacic steele casting. Its the way that we enforce our laws and we have to keep records of how thats done so that a refinery who is a repeat offender can be punished accordingly. Bachmann and steele are suing for damages including lost wages and emotional distress. Tonight the air Quality Management district says it does not respond to pending litigation. Susie steimle, kpix5. Tonight a new report shows what would happen if President Trump was to end crucial subsidy payments to Health Insurers. Insurance premiums for the popular silver plans would go up 20 next year and would be 25 percent higher by 2020. The report also estimates the f by 194 billion by the neck decade. Those payments made next decade. Those payments made to help Health Insurers help low income families with out of pocket costs. The San Francisco Bank Wells Fargo is changing up its board. Elizabeth duke will be the new a chairwoman next year making her the first woman to hold a top position in a u. S. A bank founded. 165 years ago. Last september wells fargo admitted to creating some 200,000 fake accounts. The feds fined it. The median price of a house in the bay area has nearly doubled in five years. In 2012 you needed a yearly salary of about 90,000, but now its up to almost 180,000. Thats not stopping some people from buying. In fact, according to the business journal, sales of yefury homes are up 50 year toh kp. Y ar Million Dollar homes that are sell multiMillion Dollar homes that are selling fast. Reporter this is what nearly 10 million will buy you in the hills of los altos and while multiMillion Dollar home sales were once something of a rarity, all the money generated by the Tech Industry is rapidly redefining the bay areas housing market. Luxury home sales, properties selling for 3 million or more, those have increased over 54 year to year. Reporter in june 78 homes priced at 3 million or more sold in Santa Clara County compared to 52 the same month last year, a 50 increase, and they arent staying on the market long, on average 37 days this year in july compared to 33 days last year. The days on market is an average for all properties over 3 million. This particular property is going on the market tomorrow for 3. 5 million. Its likely days on market will probably be in the seven to nine day range. Reporter Santa Clara County association of realtors president rick smith says it buyers a top concern today is where the home is and how close it is to wo a. Location that has a commute time from my house to my job that isdevin fehely, kpix5. Being shut off for three years a San Francisco landmark was brought back to life. The vinyl Court Fountain in vine Court Fountain in Justin Herman fountain is back up again. Theres a renewed push now to keep it on. The fountains infrastructure needs work for it to function. The cost to fix it, half a Million Dollars. Worth the money to fix item rather than have fix it up rather than have it be there stagnant. The cost really . We have a lot of other problems in the city, but i have to admit its really cool to see the water running out of there. San francisco seems to have a love hate relationship over the fountain. There have been several proposals over the year to demolish it. Tonight kpix5s kiet do shows us the cool way google will document the solar eclipses path. Reporter this coming monday the earth, the sun and the moon and technology will come together like never before. Im uncomfortably excited. This is a hard deadline. Reporter uc berkeley and google amassed and armed 1,000 astrology engineer 1,000 astrologists to catch the clint. Astrologists to catch the eclipse in the path of totality. As you get right to the period of totality. Reporter the two google engineers are key members of the eclipse mega movie project. They spent the past year getting the algorithm and systems ready to store, adjust, to theit gethm erof the eclipse our mockups look promising. We generated some amazing test data. Reporter the mega movie will give scientists a valuable look at the suns corona, but to get a High Resolution look and turn it around the same day is unprecedented. Google promises a three minute movie ready the day of the eclipse. This is an amazing opportunity to do Citizen Science and collect amazing data to help scientists understand the corona better. Our ken bastida will be reporting from the path of totality up in oregon leading up to and, of course, during the solar eclipse, his reports beginning saturday on kpix5 news. The big question, paul, will we be able to see it . San francisco, half moon bay, likely not, but east out toward antioch and walnut creek, yes. We are clear in san jose. Thats a change. At the s. A. P. Center looking go evening, san od isthjose 61, l 7, san jose 55, oakland 59 deth s,below normal temperatures and normal is not warm. The average high is 68. Since friday weve been below that mark, yesterday and today 6 degrees below average, San Francisco tonight foggy, drizzly night and morning, san jose tonight 59, vallejo 57, fremont overnight 58 degrees. Area of low pressure to our east moving away from us, that was the reason why we were breezy and chilly and cloudy yesterday. We were brisk today, temperatures still 10 degrees below average away from the water. We have something new moving in, this ridge high pressure, but notice way off to our west by about 1,000 miles. It will take about three days for the center of that ridge to make its closest pass. Cloud cover overnight tonight. Its already there in many locations with the Santa Clara Valley the exception, but theyll burn off earlier tomorrow as we get less and less ocean influence, a lot of sunshine at the beach tomorrow, a few showers of sunshine at pacifica and bodega bay. When does that ridge make its closest pass friday and saturday . We will be warmer by the weekend, gradual warmup continuing tomorrow, 80s away from the water. Mondays eclipse mostly cloudy. Got to head inland. San jose tomorrow a high of 80 degrees, union city 73, redwood city 79, low 80s concord, edayextereek, san ramon. Ndre and saturday. We will stay chilly, clouds in the morning anywhere near the water. Thats summer. Summer in the bay area. Well warm up soon. Still to come a bay area restaurant getting some national recognition, the latest hotspot you will want to check out. Here are vo jacks got your back. Jack somebody craving my smoky jack burger . Vo the smoky jack burger combo for 4. 99. Vo hickorysmoked bacon, smoked cheddar cheese, vo all on an artisan poppyseed bun. Vo plus fries and a refreshing drink. Vo all for just 4. 99. Man thanks, jack jack youre welcome. Vo the new smoky jack burger combo for just 4. 99. Vo only at jack in the box. America. Mister juis is numbe tonight a bay area restaurant has just been named one of the best new restaurants america. Mr. Chus is no. 3 on the top 10 te f Waverly Place in San Francisco. The restaurant serves both high end chinese cuisine with style. The executive chef traveled the world cooking in shanghai and restaurants all over the peking turkey and the wolf in new orleans took the no. 1 spot. You been there . Im hungry. Starving now. The crazy crab sandwich at at t, ill take it. Good sandwich. Or the potato bowl in center field. Now we know who has been eating during the games. Can you name the two ght consecutive games . And is a raider quarterback gearing up for a the nissan sports report coming up next on kpix5. Did you figure it out . The Major League Record for consecutive games with a home run is eight held by dale long and ken griffey, jr. John Carlos Stanton was hoping to join that group. This kid went off a foul ball. All he got was a bloody knee. Stanton homers for the sixth straight game. This time madison bumgarner, his 44th in the year tying the game 2 2, but giants go back in front 64 in the 8th. The rookie ryder jones get his second career home run. The giants bang out 14 hit and beat the marlins 94. Have things gotten so bad for the as that fans have resorted to dumpster diving . Oakland trailed kc 84 entering the 8th. Its 86 when matt joyce went downtown, six runs in the inning and they won 108. How about that. Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch has yet to address the media about sitting for the National Anthem on saturday, but his teammate tight end jarrett cook said lynch has his full support. Everybody has a voice especially with whats happened in charlottesville just the night before. I think its important for men in our position to step up and speak on unnecessary situations that we find ourselves in as young minorities in this country a lot of times. So im proud of him, man. Not only a greater quarterback derek carr getting ready for the 2017 season, today he tweeted hes about to drop his first music video. [ music ] yeah, carr caused quite the stir when people believed he was starting a music karrar but not to worry, raider career, but not to worry, raider nation. Hes promoting his upcoming ads for Central Valley bank. Did you hear that song . Who sang turn of a friendly card . What album was that . Come on, paul. I got nothing. It sounded like that who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Tomorrow morning at 430. Michelle griego and kenny choi will have all the news you ne good nig the late show with Stephen Colbert is up next and our next newscast is at 4 30 a. M. Paul came up with the announcer thfollowing is a paid advertisement for

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