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Medium cheddar with your bare hand. I didnt say tough, i said hungry. If youre so hungry, eat this thick slice of medium cheddar with your bare mouth. Their a family rescued at sea is on their way home and new tonight, the parents are defending their choice to sail around the world with a baby and a 3yearold. Kpix5s brian webb has more and what the family is telling critics tonight, brian . Reporter the family, first, thanked the rescue teams. In defending their actions wrote this. We remain confident we prepared as well as any sailing crew could. The ocean always has the poe tern to overcome those that live on or near it. Good for them, californias 129th rescue wing was on stand by to save lives. Reporter this is video from thursdays operation that went off without a hitch. Pararescue men, equal parts para trooper, scuba driver, paramedic, 100 heroes. Ask the family of the little girl they saved. Between crying and jumping up and down i am really excited for that moment. Reporter the family of four on the latest leg of their around the world trip when their 36 foot sailboat lost steering and communications capabilities. At the same time, the 1year old developed an infection with fever and rash and not responding to medication, the nearest doctor, 900 miles of water away. They are some of the most skilled individuals if it is scuba diving or jumping outave plane. Reporter californias Air National Guard got the call for help on thursday morning and by days end four team members located the plane by emergency beacon, jumped out of a c130 airplane, deployed a rubber zodi ak, reached the boat. I am sure she is keeping them on their toes, we are excited they responded to the treatment they given her. Tonight, the family is on the way home. Improving her family by her side. Another Mission Accomplished no thanks necessary and no charge. What you value is human life. We to us it is priceless. Reporter the family statement included they lived on their boat for seven years and are still proud of their choices and preparation, by the way, the boat was left at sea. They are expected to arrive in san diego by midweek. Other big news, a possible breakthrough for the search of the malaysian jetliner. They picked up sounds that could be from the plane. The cautious leader of the search effort called it the most promising lead and the best information so far. On this occasion, 2 ping returners were audible. Significantly this would be consistent with transmissions from both the flight recorder and the cockpit voice recorder. Those devices are the keys to unraveling what happened at flight 360 now missing for a month. The Task Force Leaders are saying more work is needed to pinpoint the ping that was detected. Then an underwater vehicle can be sent in to investigate. Searchers are looking for a missing woman. Rangers released this photo who went to the park for a hike a week ago. The police are looking into an unconfirmed report. The woman updated social media web site since then. The search remains focused on the mountain trails. Missing persons. Hikers using the parking lot are asked if they have seen anyone matching this photo. A 33yearold from menlo park. It is believed he drove it here after telling a friend she was going hiking. The car is still on the lot. But he has not been seen since. We began the search yesterday, now you are seeing similar right now of 100 trained search and rescue personnel from all counties all over the bay area. Brian fox and his dog came from tracy. What do you have today . It will be west peak. Right in this area. Cover. It looks like 40 acres. Do the search. An apprentice drove all night from loss loss to go through the search. The whole goal is to find the person. That is what we want. Everyone is aiming at the same goal. Crews scoured remote parts of the acres climbing up to the 2500 foot level. They found views of the bay area but nothing of the missing woman. Surveillance video shows him walking across the boot jack parking lot last sunday afternoon. This image captured by a camera in an owl box up in the tree. Visitors like that it was hope that someone might of seen something. By midafternoon, nobody returns to the ranger station has seen or heard anything promising from other hikers. The weather is not the greatest. A lot of rainstorms, it was cold. For someone to be out a week in the elements, you know, might not be a good scenario. The Sheriffs Office is asking anyone with information to give them a call. Don knapp, kpix5. They are investigating a homicide after a body was found at the preserve, a hiker discovered the victim last night. The police have not released any information about the victim. Palo alto Police Arrested a man suspected of going on a Violent Crime spree naked. 18yearold man is facing charges of felony battery and misdemeanor trespassing. The police say he went on a rampage through this neighborhood on friday night. They think he was on drugs when he allegedly broke into 2 houses on colorado avenue and started attacking the people inside. He is also accused of beating a woman who is walking her dog. Starting tomorrow, General Motors will start repairs on the millions of vehicles under recall for faulty ignition switches. The first repairs are available for the chevy cobalt and the hhr, pontiac and saturn ion and sky. Model years 2003 through 2007. Other models will be add later on. They are tied to at least 13 deaths. Today the feds promise to see the recovery through during a tour of the landslide disaster area in washington state. And, state and federal officials scoured the scene from 3 blackhawk helicopters. The feds have a well cord nateed response, fema is asking those affected to apply for loans. Hillary clinton will be making several stops in the bay area this week. On tuesday, the former secretary of state will give a keynote address at a marketing sumit in san prapb. Then, thursday, she will give a speech at san jose state university. She refused to take questions from reporters on her stops here. Her press reps say it is because she is a private citizen now. State senator yee will be back in court on tuesday in the corruption scandal. Tonight getting new insight into possible defense. There is a chance that one of the defendants might turn on the others. Senator, senator. Reporter when you go from prominent politician to federal he indicted accused criminal who knows what is next . Especially when one of your alleged partners in crime is raymond shrimp boy ciao. He could turn 75. Keith jackson can pull it together. It is in his interest to do it to make a deal for himself. He spoke on kpix5 sunday morning, a public defender who knows a lot about the criminal history of him. We always had sort of a suspicion that he actual he may have been in bed with the federal authorities in some way. Reporter because he walked free and was given a visaa to stay in the u. S. Despite vie visa to stay in the u. S. Despite violent arrests. We are are trying to accumulate all of the evidence provided the defense. The indictments handed down public corruption and gunrunning charges including evidence from an undercover fbi agent. It says as recently as march 11th the defendants met with punching weapon from the philippines to import into the u. S. Baker says that is the best type of evidence there is. Generally with Corruption Case s it is about the oneon one interaction with the official subject. If it is a recording or audio or video. Reporter he expects more indictments to come. The fact that they have been dribbling in and dribbling in. The characters caught in the net. They now are giving information, some of them are trying to buy their way out. I would think that there probably is a number of people still to come. In the end, the legal maneuvers expected to be filed could take months or even years. In the news room, kpix5. That scandal prompted a flurry of reform bills in the legislature. One would amend the state constitution on unpaid constitutions for lawmakers accused of corruption and proposals to limit gifts, cap travel expenses and increase Campaign Finance reporting. Mickey rooney passed away. The pint sized star was best known for his role in the andy hardy movies in the 1930s and 40s. Most of his life in show business and was married 8 times. According to tmz he has been ill for sometime. No word though on his official cause of death. He was 93 years old. Still ahead, rain on your wedding day is lucky. Yes. Fire, not so much. One couple said i do and narrowly escaped these flames. A different kind of glow this eruption came from the sun. We had our own blast of heat in the bay area as we look live at Treasure Island and the skyline of San Francisco, it keeps getting warmer of the forecast after a break ,,,,, building went up in flames. S a wedding was taking place inside fortunately everyons able to make it out safely. Jerry cibley justice of t peace 18 28 as i pronound them husband and wife, and proceeded to go down the aie one more time, all of a sudn we noticed there were some s of smoke. The building is considered a total loss. Investigators say a careless smoker may have started the fire. 00 04 oooh glass breaking cell phone video captured a chaotic scene in isla vista. Near C Santa Barbara last night. Fs broke out. Car windshieldse smashed. And tear gas was thrown. During an annual sg break party. That party turd violent after someone hit a Police Officer in the face a backpack full of alcohol bottles. Erika van sickel uC Santa Barbara student 21 i was terrified. What is happen 27 kelly hoover Santa Barbara county sheriffs dept. 1 54e have a huge problem with pe coming from out of town to e area for deltopia. Theyre t invested in this community. They dont have a problem w ripping up stop signs and vandalizing. 2 03 more than 100 people were arrested. Dozens more including pole arrested. Dozens more including pole officers were injured. Get ready to pay more to crs the golden gate bridge. Tomorrow. A get ready to pay more to cross the golden gate bridge. Starting tomorrow, 1 increase means most fast track users will pay 6. Drivers that dont use it will get a bill for 7. The bridge district is trying to chip away at a large short fall. No more free sunday parking for walnut creek. Starting tomorrow, they will have to feed the meters 7 days a week and the rate of meters will double from 1 to 2. Enforce will enforcement will start at 8 00. A less risky option now. Reporter stepped in of the county event center this weekend. A bag for each of you. Reporter and it is wallto wall franchises. We have message, green spa, we have minute man press, we have a variety. Reporter judy got all of the franchises under one roof. Her job, a matchmaker of sorts. The hope is people interested in buying their own franchise can learn a little about the business and see which franchise suits them. It is hard. People come here happening i have to have a certain thing and then they find out my goodness there is so much here, you know i may want to do Something Else as well. Reporter one option fire health subs, it started in florida and hope to expand more here in the bay area. They believe in the franchise business models. Franchises gives people a great opportunity to be their own boss and control their own destiny. You dont have to be wildly wealthy to get started. Less than 100,000 and financing can land you your own place and with a franchise you are promised a shoulder to lean on. A nice perk considering the bureau of labor statistics reports only half of Small Businesses survive their first five years. If you are starting a obvious your own, some cases you are learning on the fly. With franchising we are a phone call away to assist you with issues that you have or questions that you have. Reporter it sounds like the kind of career jake sanders wants. A business student and franchise employee. A believer in the business with big dreams. To be mcdonalds, that is my dream. Reporter mark kelly, kpix5. Franchise owners say success is not a sure thing. Like any business, starting one takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Computer hacking sounds like a bad thing. An event today enkourplged kids to tap into technology to encouraged kids to tap into technology. They created apes to locate places to place created apps to locate nutritious places to get food. 10,000 people pounded the pavement in sunny San Francisco this morning. Starting near the ocean and ended at civic center, San Franciscos chris mocho won the mens race with the time over one hour 10 minutes. Sanfrancisco, crossed the line in just under one hour, 24 minutes to win the womens race. Well, herding all of the runners through the streets of San Francisco was nothing compared to this. A herd of buffalo tried to make a break for it. They tweeted out a photo from stony point saying quote they did not teach this at the academy. Hash tag, home on the range. Where the deer and antelope play. We dont have discouraging words, sunny skies, this weekend, warm temperatures as well. You dont need to draw even though you will, High Pressure on the satellite map. It is it is obvious out there as we look towards the ferry building. It is a beautiful shot, isnt it . Well, if we go farther out on space and the time lapse here, High Pressure is there in the eastern pacific. Everying is out here going straight up over into western canada. Leaving us with a few low clouds not much. The temperatures tonight as we look at 880 over in oakland, concord right now, 61 degrees, oakland, 60, numbers are warm. Sanfrancisco, 60 degrees, san san jose, 62. Near record highs on monday. And, then, cooling off oned with. And here is how it looks for the weather at the door tomorrow morning heading to work. The numbers will be in the middle to upper 50s under sunny skies and then they just go up from there. The 83 degrees inland. And 78ing degrees around the bay. Around the coast, 70 degrees, and, here is how we look for the next couple of days. This is High Pressure on the map that shows that we have a strong high as a result of warm temperatures, it will be in record temperature territory. We probably will not break any. 5 degrees back tomorrow from the record highs. Plenty warm, though. Then, the high gets pushed aside later in the week and low pressure to the pacific northwest. And that will bring a no. So, cooler on wednesday. Between now and then, great beach weather. Just in time to go back to work. We have the temperatures in the 40s around the great lakes, 79 in sacramento, 78 in redding, and sfo tomorrow, we will be looking at sunny and warm conditions, winds out of west at 20 miles an hour. Overnight low of 52. For the rest, los angeles smoking in the southland, 90 degrees. In new york, 50. A mix of sun and rain. Look at the numbers back in the bay area tomorrow. Tomorrow, san jose, expect 82. 80 in redwood city. Out on the east bay, plenty of sunshine, 83 degrees in fairfield and 83 for livermore. Not that warm, middle to upper 70s. 79 at the marine center. 76 in santa rosa. Nice at stenston beach. Sunny all week. Cooler midweek. Numbers will still be warm near 80 degrees even wednesday inland. Cool it down towards the end of the weekend. By in large, it is as typical as it gets. Grand tradition in the bay area for warm weather in the spring. And speaking of grand traditions yes. Thousands of people came out to a bay area cemetery to is celebrate. Skyline Memorial Park hosted the annual gravesweeping festival. But the 2500yearold tradition is about much more than just sprucing up the burial site. Chinese families exactly and pay their respects to their ancestors, they have a deep belief in the memory of their loved ones, good fortune upon them and their future tkpwepberations. F uture generations. Still ahead, on the road with the royal baby. The overseas business trip that has william and kate packing up the diapers and bottles. Im vern glenn in nashville, tennessee, coming up on game day. Bottom of the hour, was it the end of the line for the stanford Womens Basketball team . A wrap up on that game from Bridgestone Arena in moments ,,,,,,,,, chunk of its atmosphere and aimed it toward earth. Nasa video shows the modest m c flare erupting on wednesday. Itll i a huge chunk of atmosphere. The nasa satellite oned with, interact with the earths atmosphere and probably do, not much. Stronger flares in the past shutdown power grids and knocked out communication to air force 1. Talk about a flair for the dramatic. Prince william and duchess kate arrived with their baby george in toe. First stop on a 3week tour of new zealand and australia. The skeupbg on add an 8monthold baby to the mix i suspect this trip will buy the monarchy another 100 years. Reporter as you might expect Prince George has no official schedule and could spend most of the trip tucked away with his nanny. Well be right back. ,, [ grunting ] im taking off, but, uh, dont worry. Im gonna leave the tv on for you. And if anything happens, dont forget about the new xfinity my account app. You can troubleshoot technical issues here. If you make an appointment, you can check out the status here. You can pay the bill, too. But dont worry about that right now. Okay. How do i look . Thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. Introducing the xfinity my account app. The 49th annual academy of country mu Country Music honored the biggest stars in vegas tonight. The 49th Academy Country music awards wrapped up shortly before this broadcast. The entertainer of the year . George straight. He last won it 25 years ago. Final month of his farewell tour. The band perry kicked off the party under a shower of confet confetti. Miranda lambert brought home top song honors. Hagart celebrated his birthday and celebration for his 5 decade career. Well be right back. ,

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