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Live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. Breaking news, a 5. 1 earthquake hits the los angeles area. It was centered a mile east of lahabra in orange county. Joe vasquez has more. Reporter ken and liz, check out this video off of instagram. Its a target store where you can see row after row of materials have fallen off the shelf. These are defects the effects. More than 6 Million People felt the earthquake. There are rock slides. In labrea, there are evacuations at the Embassy Suites hotel. Watch this. Vin scully was calling the dodgers game. A little tremor in the ballpark. Im not sure the folks felt it but we certainly did feel it here. Reporter bottles fell off liquor stores. Water sloshed out of swimming pools, items fell off of houses. All rides at disney land stopped. You may remember that quake two weeks ago that saw tv anchors diving under desks . This one was not only stronger, it was much stronger. This earthquake is about ten times larger in terms of energy released than the one two weeks ago march 17. The magnitude scale is not even linear. And it is not arhythmic. Reporter a broken water main was related to the quake. It was felt in six counties in the greater Greater Los Angeles area. I felt it rolls. You can see the floor rolling along. I felt the earth move under my feet an the sky tumbling down. All right, do you want to describe for us . It was the longest earthquake i have ever felt. It hit hard and kept going and going. Fantastic. I was excited. My first california earthquake. It was awesome. There have been as many as 20 aftershocks. Multiple water main breaks, scattered power outages. So far, no injuries but they are still assessing. They are and when you talk about magnitude three and four, we have had plenty in california. They are very common. There are 30,000 magnitude three or four earthquakes around the planet every year. Only 500 magnitude 5 earthquakes every year. So much rarer and much stronger. This one was rather shallow as well. A depth of only 1. 2 miles. Some of the towns feeling this the north were la habra. Anaheim felt it strongly. Disney, all the rides were shut down. 1. 1Million People felt shaking. The usfc has done research looking at older earthquakes. When you get to 5. 5 or stronger that is when structural damage usually occurs. 5. 1 earthquake. We will have the weather coming up in a few minutes. Thank you paul. Scientists at cal tech are looking at new instrumentation. They used it at the last earthquake. Tonight, the instruments worked again. The cal tech seismologists said they had four seconds warning this time. So they are working to perfect that and give people more time before the shake actually starts. In other news, tonight, a San Francisco 49er is under arrest. And he wasnt very happy when kpix5s betty yu tried to ask him about it. Betty . Reporter thats right liz. 49ers corner back chris coliver did not want this attention. The woman with him tried to protect him and actually ended up getting in my face. Reporter hey chris . He didnt say anything out of the jail, but the woman in the red baseball cap burst at the media and pushed me when i asked about his arrest. No. No. Get out of here with that. Reporter the corner back ducked from our cameras in the van. The trouble started after 10 00 this morning when he struck a bicyclist and took off. The 25yearold was driving with a suspended license. A witness then followed chris car to this residential street off center road. Police say he ended up hitting that witness car as he was trying to get away, but the car was able to block him in until police got to the scene. I heard screeching. All kinds of screeching. It was like a chase, somebody was blocking somebody, stopping somebody. Reporter Police Arrested coliver and found illegal brass muck knuckles in his car. He is facing hit and run and wreckless driving. I think its crazy. That professionals like that are supposed to be setting examples. Reporter culliver spent the last year fixing his image after he made homophobic comments. I dont do the gay guys. Are there any in the 49ers in. No. Reporter last week, he talked about how much he has changed. He has reached out to lgbt groups and that he would have no problem playing with gay teammates. He is now out on 36,000 bail. San jose police say the bicyclist hit suffered only minor injuries and was treated and released from the scene. Live outside levi stadium, betty yu, kpix5. Tonight the niners say they are aware of the arrest but because this is a legal matter, they have no comment. A senator is taking action against senator leland yee. He was in San Francisco as his colleagues decided his fate. Reporter senator yee is no longer returning from reporters. He is holed up inside his home. At least he was until this man, a constituent started talking to cameras outside. Pride, and fame, and politics, growing lots of people. Reporter just as the journalists were distracted, the senator quickly left his house, jumped in a car, and drove away. Its not a right to be on the floor. Its a privilege. Reporter yee did not go to sacramento where the debate didnt last long. Resolution is adopted. Reporter the vote this morning was almost unanimous that leland yee and two other state senators busted by the feds would be suspended with pay. None of the members mentioned in the resolution can serve another day in this senate. Reporter yee didnt have to go to court today, but several of his codefendants showed up in front of the judge to shore up their legal representation. One said you can bet he will fight the feds on the significance of the crimes presented by an upside cover fbi agent. This is typical in these cases that when you get to the facts, it is not exactly portrayed as it has been so far. Joe vasquez, kpix5. 28 to one the vote. So the one senator voting against his suspending, he wanted him kicked out entirely. He says given the extraordinary circumstances of these cases and todays unprecedented suspensions, the best way to restore Public Confidence is for these to resign. Jerry brown. Andria borba with the new twist in this Corruption Scandal tonight. Reporter well liz, when senator leland yee was speaking to one of the undercover agents, according to the documents, he said he wanted to offer daily city dennist wilson lent several layers of protection against the alleged International Arms deals they were brokering. Tonight, both men are facing federal charges. Theres a no trespassing sign on this office. It features the final name listed. Dr. Wilson lim. He was identified to an undercover fbi agent as the source of the illegal weapons he wanted. Smuggling . Thats what hes accused of. Thats big. Thats a big thing. Reporter according to the fbi, the 60yearold dentist seen in this sketch met with yee and the undercover agent at a restaurant in San Francisco where they allegely set up the arms deal for m16s and shoulder weapons. Oh my god. Thats not good. Hes a dentist and then, what shall he do with the guns . Reporter lim ademptionedly asked for a list of weapons that they wanted and said they would come from the Philippine Military through his nephew. He also claimed he could hook the agent up with the islamic liberation front. You know who mils is right . They are terrorists in the philippines. But i dont know that the dentist of my son is also one of them. Reporter in daley city, andria borba, kpix5. Raymond shrimp boy chow is also involved. Hes in jail now because a judge denied him bail. A new post on face book says if you want to post something on my page, keep it positive. There is too Much Negative in the world. He is not supposed to have access to phones or computers in jail, so someone else may have updated his page. We just got word that search planes looking for the missing malaysian jet are now over the new search zone. Buoy markers have been dropped in a new area of interest north of the previous search zone in the indian ocean. A Chinese Naval vessel will try to recover the objects tomorrow. Two of the items spotted were the same color as the plane. The death toll of the landslide in Washington State could jump drastically. 70 bodies have been recovered, but 90 are still missing. Authorities have been digging through the mud looking for survivors. Even the search dogs are helping out. You can see this little guy is coated in mud. Heavy rains continue to plague the rescue effort. A bay area charity attacked by the taliban. The threehour gun battle. And napping in his car when boom, tonight, youll hear from the bay area guy who survived this freak accident. A lot of rainfall to the north. All of this will be down in the bay area overnight tonight. Find out how much of your weekend will ,,,,,,,,, now been felt in the los ans hit just after nine oclock t. At least 20 aftershocks have now been felt in the la area after a 5. 1 quake hit just after 9 00 tonight. Tonights quake hit on the same fault as the deadly wittier quake in 1987. There is at least one water main break and the Embassy Suites hotel has been evacuated. We have the latest on our website, kpix. Com. An attack on a san rafael based charity in afghanistan sparked a violent threehour gun battle and left one teenage girl dead. Security forces stormed this guest house to fight off taliban insurgents. Children had to run for their lives. The assault on the charity is part of an overall surge in violence ahead of next weeks president ial elections. Five attackers were also killed. Its such a tragic day and we mourned the loss of the innocent blood due to terrorism. An innocent girl crossing the street, age 16 was killed. No one from root peace was hurt. It is a nonprofit that works worldwide to remove land mines and replace them with orchards. It has worked in afghanistan the past decade. Tonight, we are hearing from a bay area guy who survived a close call. Juliette goodrich on why the man has a cell phone to thank for his survival. Reporter a man was napping in his car when something exploded. The driver was in and out of the hospital today. In fact, we found him at home. We didnt know what to expect. Jose castillo invited us into his home and told us what happened. A big explosion about two blocks away. Reporter he says at the time, he was taking a little snooze before work. I was in the front seat. The drivers seat. Reporter the chunk of debris came from alco metal across the street. It exploded when workers tried to recycle it. But look at you, not a scratch on you. Reporter casillos son says this was Close Encounter number two for his dad. He was in a car accident a few years ago. I was shocked. Reporter castillo says hell get a new car eventually. Does this seem surreal to you . Reporter he said yes. And this ordeal earned him a threeday weekend. His boss told him to take monday off. You feel lucky . Yes. Reporter juliette goodrich, kpix5. Authorities are investigating. A big change in tesla tonight its installing titan yum titanium shields underneath the cars. The new shields will be installed in about 16,000 cars. Also tonight, tesla founder is opening up about what he says is the darkest year of his life. 2008. His new car company was bleeding money and he was begging investors to save it. When we called people asking to invest, we would be angry they just called. It was not just no. Lots of expletives. Maybe now they wish they had called. Any way, you can watch the whole interview on 60 minutes this sunday on kpix5. A bay area civil rights icon is finally getting a shot at the silver screen. Sylvia lopez spoke with caesar chavezs son. I learned we would have to share my father with others. We dont need you. We want you back in mexico. Get the hell out of our country. Now, paul chavez is sharing his fathers story with the world. Reporter caesar chavez, the first motion pictureabout the icon appears in theaters this weekend. He brought attention to the deplorable conditions of farmers. You came into this world, i see the clarity i needed. Reporter but also, his role as a husband and father of eight. And i hope that one day, you can be as proud of me as i am of you. The letter my older brother is reading where my father explains his motivations and tells them that i hope you understand that the sacrifices i made were because i loved you. What would your dad say about this movie . He would probably scold us for all of this commotion, but i have a feeling if he did see it, he would give a nodding wink of approval. Reporter while he knows younger generations may not be as familiar with his fathers extraordinary accomplishments, paul chavez hopes this film will change that. People mr. Be inspired to go out and improve their communities. Caesar chavez is playing across the nation. A lot going on weather wise up here. A little shaker in southern california. Act i. And we have the rain. This is the time of year when we have baseball practice, weddings. Lots of events, and now it decides to rain. Well saturday will be a washout. This will be over us tomorrow morning of the it is up to the north right now. Let see how far south it has gone. The best clarity. You can see the detail there. With kpix5 High Definition doppler. It is almost to you in clover dale. Almost to you in clear lake. Has been raining the past three hours in ukiah and all of this the leading edge inching its way to the south while we are sleeping. Heres a look at whats going on. This is a very wet pattern for us and it is not going to change any time soon. Its not going to pour, but what we will see is wave after wave of rainfall. Here it is. The moisture you follow it back. It goes all the way back to hawaii. It is tropical moisture. Lots of rain. San francisco, oakland, san jose. Half of an inch of rainfall. We are tapping into the tropical moisture. No blocking ridge. We are getting it. Now we get a break on sunday. Maybe your outdoer plans will be sunday. Get outside. Ridge of High Pressure hopping in, but only for one day because as soon as monday gets here, here comes the next storm. This one gives us more rainfall. Not that long between weather systems. Now we are talking two days out of three for the next couple of weeks will be wet. We are in a drought. East bay, half of an inch of rain. We need this rain. A little bit less as you head to the south bay. But in the north bay, one to three inches of rain by tomorrow evening. What to expect . It will be a soggy start. Plan on about four to six hours of a soaking rainfall at a minimum. When it starts, count six hours. Now sunday, different story. It will be partly sunny and dry, but two more storms are coming up next week. March will go out like a wet lion. San jose, 64 and soggy. Hayward 60. Wet in con ford. 63. And in marin, it will be a soggy day for you. Here is your extended forecast. Drier sunday. Look what happens monday. More rain. Tuesday, more rain. Rake on wednesday. More rain thursday and friday. Now all the plans go outside because its spring, we get the rain. But well take it. But well take it. , oh the name your price tool you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. I told you to wear something comfortable this is a polyester blend whoa uh. Little help . I got you unh its so beautiful man should we Call Security . No, this is just getting good. The name your price tool, still only from progressive. This giant new billboard oue levis stadium wow, tonight, we know exactly when superbowl will be coming to santa clara. This giant new billboard proudly displays the date. February 7, 2016. They say hosting the big game wont be easy, but its worth it. It brings money into the region. We are highlights everything from San Francisco all the way down to silicon valley. Even better, you can watch superbowl 50 right here on kpix5. It is on channel 5 . Yeah. [ laughter ] weve already begun planning that. 2016. Well the warriors have rough news. Injuries to big local athletes. And did the giants ,,,,,,, tim linecum that has everyo worried tonight lincec h an era starter jesse chavez threw against the giants but it is lincecum two had everyone worried. He left his first start of the year in question after he was hit on a come backer. He had to be helped off the field with a left knee contusion. The good news is xrays ruled out a fracture. Lincecum said he will see how he feels tomorrow about deciding his fate for his first start next thursday. As won 41. The raiders continue their free agent shopping spree. They signed maurice jonesdrew. He was one of the best of the league for years but struggled with injuries in his last two seasons with jacksonville. Im definitely capable of leading the league in rushing. I didnt get to train last off season, im definitely ready to go out there and compete and compete to play and do what i can to help this organization be successful. Are the raiders done . If not, they may want to look at another local product. Deshawn jackson was just released by the eagles. Jackson denies the claim that he he has connections to an los angeles game. Tied at 9393, a buckanda half to go. Andrew bogut out with an injury. Steph curry finished with 33. The warriors erase a deficit and win. Rick betino will not be celebrating a reteat championship. The louisville cardinals are out courtesy of kentucky. 7469 and the wildcats are moving off. And a signing at madison care garden. A twopoint victory over number one virginia. 6159. Our apologies to our colleague vern. Drake unable to win their first state title since 1982. Notre dame. Saint joes wins the Division Five crowd. The pine wood girls also win the Division Five. Gabby. They beat lajoya. And trevor john of monta vista. They lead the mustangs to a state title over centennial. Congratulations to all the local teams who won the state championship or at least got to the state championship. Quite an accomplishment. Exactly right. Danville will never be the same. You are from danville. You are from danville. Are they out on the ,, [ ] have a great weekend. David letterman is next with michael ,,,, cops, dide called the she accuse you i called the cops. You didnt want to get accused of anything. Exactly. The plaintiff. She said she hired tef

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