This is kpix 5 news. Sheriffs deputies salute one of their own, a bart Police Officer accidentally shot and killed by his own partner. Tonight weir getting our first look at who the fallen officer was. And we have Team Coverage beginning with joe vazquez. Joe. Jewel yet, i spoke with officers brother right outside the hospital here tonight, and he told me his brother is well loved, well known throughout the Bart Police Department and, in fact, is known to our viewers, as well, as we have interviewed him in the recent past. It appears there was words exchanged. Just last year, detective Sergeant Tom Smith was on kpix 5 telling our viewers about a shooting at a bart station. He was 42 years old, a member of a Law Enforcement family. His two brothers are cops at two other bay area Law Enforcement agencies. His wife, kelly, was his colleague, a bart police k9 officer. Sergeant tom smith leave bes hind a young daughter. Condolences goes out to immediate family and friends. Toms brother told me that tom was a great guy with a wicked sense of humor, loved his 49ers. Just this past weekend, he and his brothers were comparing notes about how far off they are from retirement. The Alameda County Sheriffs Department will be conducting this investigation. We ask that everyone please give us a chance to catch our breath, grieve, and well be doing an update probably tomorrow morning. Sergeant smiths brother, who is a cop in the newark Police Department told me that theyre taking this as well as they can. They have talked about this possibility as Law Enforcement family, but still it hurts, and they are going to have to inform this young girl that her father is not coming home. Reporting live, im joe vazquez, kpix 5. After the shooting and the initial investigation, the body was taken by Police Escort from dublin to the Alameda County Coroners Office in oakland where the autopsy will be performed. Officers saluted again as the casket was taken into the building. Andria borba is at the scene where this all started, an apartment complex in dublin. Andria well, just about eight hours after this investigation began, it wrapped up 15 minutes ago with investigators hopefully having the information they need to have some answers. Hours after the shooting, Alameda County sheriffs Crime Lab Technicians were still looking at this dublin apartment. Were in the process of of going through the whole scene and and trying to reconstruct what happened and ultimately find out what led up to this. The tragic shooting began unfolding at 1 07 when four bart officers were conducting a probation search at the home of a bart robbery suspect in the park sierra apartments. The officers all wearing ballistics vests went in, and as is standard protocol, had their weapons drawn. They knew the suspect was in custody, but they were doing a probation search of his apartment in connection with the robberies so then they went in, and obviously you dont know whos inside somebodys apartment so thats why they did the way they did. Less than an hour after the search began at 1 59, one of the guns discharged firing a single round and mortally wounding sergeant smith. Rob lived across from building 17 where the shooting happened and tells kpix 5 the complex was then flooded with grimlooking officers. A few minutes i was here, looked like somebody that was a bart supervisory type of officer showed up looking very concerned with a couple of people in civilian clothes with him, and so definitely could tell something out of the ordinary was going on. The shaken officers were possibly already aware of the terrible news, that sergeant smith, rushed to ede N Medical Center in castro valley, had already died and become bart polices first in the line of duty death ever. Andria, im wondering, i think most people would believe that bart Police Officers work pretty much on the system on the trains. How often are they involved in these kinds of offtrack, if you will, probation searches . Well, ken, they are, in fact, full Police Officers in the state of california even though, in fact, they tend we tend to think of them as transit officers so any time theres an investigation, they are allowed to go within any city in california, any county in california and conduct investigations. Now, thats typically in conjunction with the local agency, and in this case, Dublin Police were out front when this incident happened inside this apartment here in dublin. Understood. All right. Andria borba reporting live. Thank you. As we mentioned, this is the first time a bart Police Officer has been killed in the line of duty. Before today, the last bart Police Shooting was twoandahalf years ago. Involved an officer shooting and killing a homeless man with a knife at a San Francisco bart station, then, of course, there was the nowinfamous oscar grant shooting five years ago. The officer said he was going for his taser. Instead he pulled out his service revol ver kilg an unarmed passenger. Bart has since made a lot of changes. Officers now receive 40 hours a year of training on the use of force. 70 more than they used to. Take a look at this. Youre looking at the damage when a pot heist went south. Betty yee shows us the incredible part is how the guy tried to make his getaway. Betty. Juliette, it seemed like he had it all planned out. Police say the burglar is familiar with this pot club behind me because hes actually a customer here, but he wasnt prepared to run from police. Thats why he ended uptaking an elevator out of service. He was in the elevator shaft because he was refusing to come out. This is how Police Officers confirmed a pot club burglar was indeed hiding for at least two hours this morning. They broke through the wall to find him trapped between two floors on top of the elevator car in west san jose. That was the hard part. We needed to force open the elevators and then convince him to come down. It was apparently a small, cramped space. So this is the stuff he was after, marijuana from the haze dispensary about three doors down in the strip mall on hillsdale avenue. Police say he broke in through the roof and tripped the alarm around 2 15 this morning. So he got up on his tiptoes, and he broke. 30 minutes later he made his way into dance boulevard through the window. This isnt exactly the work of a criminal master mind. From what i saw, he had dumped his stash, and he was just trying to escape from his own mayhem. The crook did quite a bit of damage to the office. At one point, he kicked down this door looking for a way out. I think he was high, and so he wasnt thinking straight. Hans smit is looking at more than a hundred thousand dollars in damage to his elevator. The thief is looking at jail time. He got away with nothing. He did complain of pain after being stuck in the spot for too long. We dont yet know his name, but police tell us that the burglar is 50 years old. Hes now at the Santa Clara County jail. Hes facing two counts of commercial burglary, one count of criminal mischief. Live in west san jose, Betty Yu Kpix 5. In oakland tonight, there has been a shooting involving a chp k9 unit. About two hours ago, an officer was chasing a suspect on foot. It ended on wentworth avenue near 54th with shots fired. The officer was not hurt, but the dog was. It was loaded into an ambulance. Still unclear exactly what happened. We dont know yet the condition of the k9. Also, a tense standoff in san jose today. It ended up with the police and the help of a police dog. Police say a manholed himself up in an Apartment Building after attacking two officers. Four hours later, the suspect tried to escape, but a dog with the k9 unit bit him before he could take off. Also, tonight weve learned there could be as many as three black widows planning to attack the winter games in sochi. Police are circulating this poster warning of the possible presence of two more suicide bombers. The name black widow refers to women whose militant husbands or brothers were killed by Security Forces who may be out for revenge. Russians say the woman on the left may already be dead. Theyre also trying to find the first black widow, who they fear is waiting to strike. Remember the polar vortex . East coast being pounded by round two of a winter storm. People in new york through boston could see more than a foot of snow by the time they wake up tomorrow. And the nations capitol was at a standstill today. The intense snowfall forced most government offices to close. Travel is also a nightmare. Airlines across the country cancelled more than 2500 flights today. And the frigid temperatures created this picturesque sight in new york city. Illuminated by city lights, the Empire State Building looks like it belonged in a snow globe. The snow is coming out fast and furious and started earlier on this afternoon. It will stack up quickly. Snowfall rates at 1 to 2 inches per hour. Spring seems very far away that part of the country. It could be early to mid february until that region sees any break from winters wrath. Some people brave the weather. These people in dcs Dupont Circle park engage in an allout snowball fight. All right. Taking a live look at sfo tonight, the airport cancelled a total of 57 flights today so call ahead. Derailing a new danger, fighting to keep this from happening to the most mrud polluted city in the bay area. Its missing walls covered in graffiti, but wait till you hear how much this bay area house is going for. That was immature, and i probably shouldnt have done that. The only thing richard the only thing Richard Sherman regrets,, i know, its a lot to take in. Thats why ive conducted this comprehensive analysis, comparing my prices to my competitors, so you know youre getting a good deal, even if its not with me pretty rad, right . What is she talking about . I have no idea. [ bell rings ] ill take everything. What . equal access to health care. Welcome to covered california. Now, you can no longer be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Blocked 2 private shuttles San Francisco this morning. Y this is becoming a familiar scene. Protesters blocked two private shuttles in San Francisco this morning. They say wealthy tech workers are driving up the cost of living. Well, now, those companies will have to pay a little. The mta just passed a Pilot Program that will charge the buses a dollar for every stop. We are getting our first look at what Candlestick Point will look like without candlestick park. Allen martin shows us whats in store for more than 700 acres of prime real estate. Weve said bye bye baby. We relived the catch, we even managed to conjure up a certain warm, fuzzy feeling for the stadium fawns love fans love to hate. Now, its time to pull back the curtain and see whats coming to Candlestick Point. I think well get the building some time between august and october of this year, and then so some time between october of this year and february of next year, that building will be coming down. Bonner and urban released this 30she could video to give us some idea of how candlestick will transform over the next decade into retail, office, residential and open space. There will be parks. There will be jobs. There will be housing. There will be housing for a variety of different incomes and family styles, and there will be retail and neighborhood amenities. I think bike trails, i think it will be a very fabulous addition to this city. Theres more than 700 acres included in this twopart development, which includes both candlestick and Hunters Point shipyard next door. 100 acres will be parks and open space. Almost a million square feet will be developed into retail and office space, and there are plans for 6,000 homes on the candlestick property alone, which supervisor kohen says is badly needed for her district. This type of mixed income community, thats what youre thats the direction were trying to go in. Allen martin, kpix 5. Only on 5 tonight a bay area city is fighting to keep this from happening here. We first told you about plans to bring highly exclosive fuel to pittsburgh. Now, some heavy hitters are coming out against it, and Christin Ayers says they have science to back them up. What do we want . Now. They came here a couple of dozen people from pittsburgh to sound the alarm. These are like bombs on railroad tracks. When they derail, they imemployed. Theyre worried that this could happen in pittsburgh. Fiery explosions on cargo trains in north dakota and quebec. What both trains had in common . They were carrying fraked oil, a highly flammable, highly explosive type of crude oil that a Company Called west pack energy wants to start bringing to pittsburgh by rail and storing here before sending it by pipeline to the bay areas five refineries. But west packs plan may have hit a major snag. Attorney Generals Office just unleash add 12page letter criticizing it for failing to mention what type of crude its transporting and for targeting pittsburgh, a city listed as one of the most polluted in the bay area and that has the highest rate of asthma in contra costa county. West pack spokesman insisted to us earlier this month that the companys draft environmental report covers all those risks. Designed to be silent, odorless and safe. Tell that to the people of pittsburgh. We the people, the residents and voters of pittsburgh, ask you, our city council, to end this clear threat and vote against west pack. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] in pittsburgh, Christin Ayers. The Pittsburgh City council did not make a decision tonight. They did meet with environmentals and residents tonight and assured them the city is listening to all sides. Well, it didnt exactly scream out dream home. This house is more of a fixer, but it is for sale, and this is what you get for 1. 3 million. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths and sweeping views of the bay from every room. Okay. Well, theres a problem. Teenagers have been breaking in and using it as a party house. You can see the disrepair and the graffiti. Well, neighbors say the parties go on practically every single weekend with dozens of cars parked along the street. We talked to one angry neighbor who says the owner needs to do something about it. Its a problem in our neighborhood, and i know its filled with graffiti. Its been a problem for quite a long time. Weve called the owner several times. She claims the owner has refused to do anything about the house other than put it up for sale. Get ready. The worlds best surfers are on alert tonight. The organizers have issued a yellow alert. They say theres a good chance the world famous big wave contest could happen this friday. Strong swells have been breaking on the coast in recent days, and the waves are expected to get even bigger by the end of the week just in time for the super bowl. The drought could drive up the price of avocados. California grows about 90 of the nations crop, but the dry spring like weather is turning many of the trees brown. They have the frost problems, too. Others are already budding as if it really is spring. If the weather turns cold again, those buds will likely die. Theres no winning out here. Cant win anything. And dont mess with our guacamole. Do not. May have to go to sal sa for the super bowl. You can just add more salsa to the guacamole. Well, we need some rain. Thats well documented around here. It looks like early february. I know weir talking still 10, 12 days away. It looks like we may see a wholesale change. More rain fall, maybe consistent rain fall in the longterm forecast, but youre concerned with tomorrow, with the next week, and still looking pretty dry. San jose on a tuesday evening. It is mainly clear outside. Youll drop to the 30s once again. A lot of you have been flirting with the freezing mark away from the water, places like fairfield, vacaville and the north bay, but afternoons have been really mild. Livermore, your average high in the normal january, but whats normal, is 57 degrees. This january, 10 degrees warmer. 67 is the average high. Thats normal for early april, not january. What also is not normal for january, fire danger, but here it comes again, fire weather watch. North bay hills. Winds are going to pick up tourm night. Exceptionally high especially in the north bay beginning tomorrow night. Tomorrow in fremont, microclimate forecast 67, sunny. Thursday, 67 again and sunny all because of this huge ridge of high pressure. Weve got moisture to the south. Cant make it here. Weve got a storm system at the top of the ridge. Cant make it here. Bigtime storm, about a thousand miles away. No chance its heading up toward anchorage and juno, alaska. Not coming here. So simply put, we need it to move. Its not going to move. The pattern is stuck. Next week, week and a half, its going to be dry because that ridge isnt moving. February, looks like the ridge will move pushing to the south. Storms will make it here, but thats still about ten days away. Things can certainly change between now and then. This will be the driest january ever. Fire danger going upstarting tomorrow night. Watch out for that rough surf if you are heading to the beach either thursday or friday. Highs around 70 tomorrow. Again, san jose 69. Morgan hill, campbell low 70s. Low 70s for walnut kriek, pleasanton and concord. 68 sunshine in santa rosa tomorrow with a high of 70 degrees and more of the same thursday. Friday, partly sunny, dry, weekend go outside, maybe a little barbecue in the backyard. Highs around 70. We are dry through next tuesday. Long range says not dry. The next week says really really dry. Okay. Here we go february. Here we go february. Yeah. ,,, 3q i cant stand these spots. Those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. Gross. Jetdry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. Jetdry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. And drove home with the vicm we well, a young driver. He has a little bit of explaining to do. Just a little bit. He hit a bicyclist and drove him with the victim wedged in his windshield. The accident threw the wisconsin man off of his bike and right into the car with his feet dangling outside. He says the 20yearold driver kept going, running a stop sign, hitting another car along the way. It wasnt until the driver parked in front of his house that he noticed the guy he hit. When he saw me sitting in his car, and he said, who are you . What are you doing in there . I said, im the guy you hit on the bicycle. I went through your windshield. The driver was arrested for dui, hit and run and not helping the guy he hit. What are you doing in my car . I went through your windshield. Richard sherman, what are you doing in my face is what crabtree said. It remain it is topic not just locally but nationally. Everywhere. Big story for super bowl. In fact, riven ard sherman had more to say tonight. We got it for you. Jim harbaughs final words of wisdom for,,,,,, [ superfan ] were hitting the road to help america discover the new helper. Youve got to try this sweet sour chicken helper. I didnt know they made chicken. Crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna . Can i get another one of those actually . [ superfan ] hey, america, were here to help. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant for ovnights can feel califolong and lonely. Dren, i miss my sister. I miss my old school. I miss my room. I dont want special treatment. I just wanna feel normal. To help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a Foster Childs night a little cozier. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. I wonder how many 49er fans are going to root for the broncos in two weeks . A lot. Look what im wearing. Blue. Yeah. Theres a lot more bronco fans than there were, like, three days ago, right . Peyton manning versus russell wilson, old versus young, but seahawks corner back and public enemy no. 1 for the 49er fans. He talked for the first time about his outburst two days ago following the seattle victory. There is much about it i regret. You know, mostly i regret the i guess, the storm afterwards, the the you know, the way it was covered, the way it was perceived and the attention that it took away from the fantastic performances from my teammates. That would be the only part of it i regret, the way its covered. I probably shouldnt have attacked another person. I dont mean to attack him, and that was immature, and i probably shouldnt have done that. I regret doing that. The way its covered, not what i said. Not everyone is against sherman. Former home run hank aaron tweeted his support tweeting hang in there. Keep doing as well as you played sunday. Excellent job. You have my support. And for the third year in a row, 49ers coach jim harbaugh gave his nienl press conference with the media following a loss. I had not experienced a good loss. A fabulous year of football. I thought the way our superb year of football. Well, i guess you cant say superb, but it was the players played superbly why did you have to take out superb . Well, superb, youd be super bowl, win the super bowl. That would be id classify that as superb. That is feelgood story. Alex smith is a probowl quarter bashg for the first time. The former 49er turned kansas city chief was named as an injury replacement for tom brady 49ers rookie safety eric reid also going to replace seattles chancellor. Became the first canadianborn player to reach the semifinals at the Australian Open with a rise in popularity, the 19yearold was asked about her dream date. Justin bieber. Ken, youre used to rejections like this, right . Remember your prom . Your prom date didnt quite work out. Lsus dor january mickey with the rejection. No. 3, check out the bird man with the reverse jam. Chris anderson, the put back in the heats win over boston. Wow at no. 2, jonathan hol ms, win it for texas at the buzzer. Longhorns over kansas state at the end 6764. And to no. 1, dwan wade on the receiving end of the dunk can courtesy of lebron james and the first lady first Lady Michelle obama. The dunk was one thing, but the the best ones every day. Need to perform and stuff against a better athlete. Who runs that household, huh . I love it. I like it. Good for her. Made quite a name for hearst, by the way, right . I mean, terrific job as first lady, i ,,,,, our next newscast is tomorr thanks for watching. David letterman is next with michael b. Jordan. Thats not Michael Jordan the ballplayer. Equal access to health care. Welcome to covered california. Now, you can no longer be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Enroll now at coveredca. 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