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one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. we are truly, truly grateful for these men and women who are out here fighting all night for our little community. >> flames force thousands from their homes. how crews are desperately trying to control this fast- moving fire. a warning about berries linked to costco. and bringing in a crowd of thousands. good evening. a crowd of thousands filled san francisco all of them music lovers, all of them to hear a big name. [music] >> sting was the headliner tonight at the americaa cup pavilion. part of the concert series. dunot have to have a tick tote hear the music. we go to san fran where concertgoers are pro active. >>and you really can not hear a pin drop right now. you can hear the streetcars and car horns, to hear what it was like when sting was performing it is kwaoeuet. so, sound remains -- quiet. so sound remains a concern. some are saying it is loud enough and some say maybe not loud enough. >> reporter: as the show opened, news crews got inside long enough to record a few minutes of music. [music] >> a sellout crowd filled 9,000 seats. tickets went for $50 and $60 with vip's playing in the hundreds. but these folks, the well amped music was free. and better with a couple of beers on the pat wroe next door. >> we love sting. one of our favorite bands, peer -- pier 23. >> i adore sting. i saw him 15 years ago in oakland. i few him a few times. i can tell you it is exciting to see him for free. [ laughter ] >> reporter: but those on boats idol up to the edge for free were gently nudged away by a police boat. some who live in the area are more concerned about the level of sound intruding into their private lives. the neighborhood association says monitors put recorders in some homes to track the sound. >> there are others who are running to our roof tops saying, well, i wish they would not cutback on the sound level. we are occupy here to listen. so, you get two different points. >> sting was not expected to offend, friday night dragon concerts plan to have both hands on the audio control. >> it was nudged down. >> it appeared it was brought down from the initial sound check, yes. >> shortly after 10:00 the cop cert ended and the fans came out on the embarcadero. many heading for home in their cars. >> it did not turn out to be too bad. those cars are moving along well right now. it looks like the police plan worked out fine. it was to put officers out th-t on the street and set the lights to green and they all got out of town okay. >> all right, thank you. thousands of people are out of their homes tonight as the so-called powerhouse fire north of los angeles rages on. it charred 40 square miles since it broke out on thursday. the officials say that the wildfire has destroyed at least 6 homes and damaged 15 others. roughly 3,000 people were forced to evacuate. the l.a. county sheriff's department says those evacuees may not be able to return home until tomorrow or tuesday. another 1,000 people in the community of green valley can be forced out if their homes -- forced out of their homes if the fire moves closer. nearby residents say they can not believe what they are seeing, some are calling it the worst fire in decades. >> i am -- i am completely humbled. it is really hard to see your community like that. >> this is the most devastating fire i ever experienced. it is -- it is terrifying. >> the fire is about 20% contained. the cause is under investigation. we first told you about this late last night. now we are hearing from the witnesses who saw a 60 foot tree split in half at a san jose park. they say it was like watching a tsunami of debris coming down on people and cars. kpix5 is here on what it could mean for the rest of the trees in the area. >> i never seen anything so violent happen so fast. >> that is how one witness describes the sudden falling of what was once a towering old oak tree at the park in san jose's willow glen. >> it is just like a tsunami of debris and loafs and it went ahead of us. it is just -- an incredible thing. >> the tree split in half saturday afternoon. one half fell on the cars parked along ramone. the other half on bowling green where the coaching staff of the 49ers and their wives were having a private party. >> we all ran for our lives. >> two people injured but they are expected to survive. the incident likely totaled this woman's car. >> reporter: she does not have full coverage insurance but she has been told the city will pick up the tab. >> the project of cut up the tree and cheering it out will last through monday when arborists can start to figure out why the tree fell. it is more than 100 years old. >> it looks like maybe there was decay and the innards of the tree. we will do studies and find out what the problem was. >> seeing the roots of this tree causes concern for the others still standing. >> what the park will do now is a hazard analysis. >> now i am scared of the trees in my yard. they are really old, too. >> they miss the old tree. >> putting up a new tree will take forever. >> the age where unforeseen danger can creep in. kpix-5. >> an unusual crash in san francisco early today. a car ended up inside an internet cafe. the police got a call just after 6:00 a.m. about a car sitting at an intersection of alameda boulevard before the officers got this the driver took off and crashed. nobody was inside at the time and the people in the car was questioned and released. two men charmed in a gang rape on a 16-year-old girl on a school campus are heading back to court tomorrow. opening statements begin in a rare duel jury trial. two say they are innocent. in october 2009 the teenage girl was beaten, robbed and raped reportedly after leaving the homecoming dance with a group of guys. she is expected to take the witness stand in this trial. two other men have made plea deals for their involvement and they were sentenced to 27 and 32 years in prison. park rangers in yosemite are searching for a 19-year-old who scept over a 600 foot water fall. the teen was swimming from the edge of the nevada fall yesterday afternoon. a parks spokes woman says that he was caught up in the currents of the river. >> all we can do right now is pray, hope for the best. it is all in god's hands right now. >> he was at yosemite traveling with a church group. several bay area red cross volunteers are heading to oklahoma. the tornadoes on friday night killed then people inincluding three veteran storm chasers, the storm predictions center says it believes the deaths are the first time scientific researchers have been killed while chasing tornadoes. several people are still missing. new tonight, an outbreak of hepatitis a linked to hepatitis-a. a woman was hospitalized last month. it is believed the townsend farm frozen berries came from a farm in oregon. costco voluntarily removed products from shelves but at recall has not been issued. a new survey shows sport fish caught in the sacramento delta have high-levels of mercury. in fact, they have the highest levels of fish caught in california. state water officials say they found high-levels of mercury and three types of bass. mercury is unsafe for frequent consumption for children and women of child-baring age. a reminder to give yourself a little extra time if you are traveling the richmond bridge tomorrow. cal trans, closed interstate 580 approach to the bridge this morning, westbound lanes are shifted to the median to share the eastbound lanes. now, the traffic shift is located on interstate 580 east of the toll plaza. they are doing this so crews can replace the westbound approach to the bridge. caltrans says the job can take three months. all right, you can buy all sorts of things on ebay how about lunch? with a billionaire? how the money helps a bay area charity. and getting through the fight against aids. how the cyclists are spreading awareness across the state. gear up for hotter weather. good evening, everybody. from the kpix weather center, sure a cool down now but i will pinpoint the day topping off 100 degrees as the news continues right here on kpix-5 well... someone how much would you pay to eat lunch with the world's wealthiest men? well, someone bid $30,000 on ebay to have a private lunch with warren buffet. the prize is a meal up to 8 people with him in new york city. it benefits the glide foundation that fights poverty in san francisco. it was a favorite cause of his late wife, susan. >> she brought him to glide. and, he saw what we were doing. became very interest inside what we have been doing. >> reporter: in the past 13 years the annual auctions have raised nearly $15 million for glide. the online auction ends june 7th. did you get to see the america's cup? it was a one day event. the trophy was originally 22 inches tall but was extended in the 1950s and '90s to allow more engraving. for the next week, thousands of cyclists will make the ride from the bay area to los angeles all in the name of hiv and aids awareness. if is parts of aids life cycle. people are pedaling their way to raise money. kpix talked to some of the riders who say despite the progress the fight against aids is far from over. >> as dawn broke. i quiet outside of the cow palace did not last long. >> are you ready? [cheers and applause] >> reporter: inside more than 2700 bike riders, for this. the 20th annual aids life cycle came together for the 7 day 545 mile trek from san francisco to los angeles. it is a high energy send off forren event designed to wake people up to the fact that aids is still among them. >> as we are riding down the coast as we are going from community to community it is really about raising awareness that this disease is still with us. we have a lot of work to do. >> it is about raising money, a lot of money. >> $14.2 million. [cheers and applause] oh my god! >> that is this year alone. since 1993 the aids life cycle has made $182 million for medical research and services for those with the disease. as the riderless bike is wheeled through the crowd in memory of those who have died, it is a testment to these efforts that hiv is no longer the automatic death sentence that it once was. >> i am here for future generations, every child coming of age has to deal with this. we want to find a cure. not just about helping those who have it but we want to find a cure, stop it. >> reporter: with that, the ride begins. a physically grueling, emotion alley taxing labor of love. for riders who share a common commitment. >> the fight is not over. the fight is not over until everyone with hiv gets the care they need and until we find a cure. >> reporter: it is a message that requires making a little noise. it is ironic that something as quiet as a bicycle could make a loud statement. in daly city, kpix5. the weather cooperated as they started this morning. hopefully they continued. >> that is on my bucket list. >> you would be great at it. >> can you imagine, mobile weather and myself? >> drive? >> i rode 45 miles today that was pretty good. we saw the sea breeze kicking in today as far as livermore. you can feel the westerly breeze knocking back the temperatures a good 5-15 degrees today. good evening, everybody. let's head on outside. look at that. the lights are still on. a lot of people asking, when do they turn the light office? >> they light them up at disk and go until 2:00 in the morning. this will be the scene on the western span until march 2015. a reminder for you there. a reminder on the other side of the bridge, due east, oakland, 54. sanfrancisco, 53 to the west. and to the south, san jose in the middle 50s to the north santa rosa, 56 degrees. boy, big time cool down today. especially in santa rosa. down from 97-87 degrees. but, just equally as much of a cool down with san skwroes a10 degrees cooler today. down from 96 to 88 in livermore. we certainly if he want a difference due to the return of the onhoar push. tonight overnight, 50s, we will notice the marine layer moving back onshore. the bottom line is tomorrow morning we will wake up with a little bit of patchy start at the coast and in the bay otherwise it will be show to clear out at the coast during the afternoon hours. but the end of the work week, fire danger possible, take a look at the temperatures. today we drop down a good 8 degrees in livermore. tomorrow, cool down, tuesday, cooler. then, we begin to go upwards. up to 100 degrees and we will not see this by the end of workweek. this is the marine layer. tonight, overnight, it should deepen to 2,000 feet deep. that is why i am thinking places of the coast and around santa cruz, backing all of the way to the bay it would be slow to cheer out. keeping the temperatures in the low 60s. meanwhile, you see the stratus building along the seashore. keep in mind, high pressure firmly in mace. as it builds over the western states, we will have cloudiness through tuesday. but, then, we will be stratus free by thursday. the numbers are going down. 60s at the beaches. 60s, 70s peninsula. west winds, 18. 76 degrees in santa clara. a couple degrees warmer than san jose. that will be below average. spinning around to the eastern portion of the bay and once you get away from the bay of water, 82 degrees. tracy, discovery bay. blackhawk, pleasantton. forth of the golden gate bridge to 80 degrees. which is seasonal in santa rose a. here is the extended forecast. again, all eyes focused on the end of the workweek. thursday, friday, no june gloom there in fact. near 100 degrees leesly. all of the way through saturday. fire danger will be high. >> roller coaster for us. yes. all right, thank you. >> bringing aviation history to life. where you can experience these classic planes. >> art lovers light up to get one last peak. what the modern art museum will look like after the expansion another amazing day for the a's while the giants try to avoid the sweep. >> and vern glenn goes one-on- one with missy franklin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "san francisco museum of mo art." today was the last day to c it out before the big renovation. admiss you will have to wait a couple of years to visit the new and improved museum of modern art. today was the last day to check it out before the big renovation. admission for free for people who lined up to get one last look at the exhibit. it is shutting down so an extra 225,000 square feet can be add to the exiting building. here is what the new and improved museum will look like. a new 10-story edition will be along the back of the build approximating. it will feature a glass wall gallery facing howard street. it should be completed in 2016. a piece of history is coming back to life in the bay area this week. today, the foundation brought the wings of freedom tour to sacramento honoring world war ii veterans and giving visitors a living experience. guests had a chance to board, explore and learn about a few rare bomber and fighter aircraft. >> people can come out skphaoer they can actually experience something about the airplane. and get on the airplanes. >> the tour stops through the sanoma county airport wednesday through friday and from friday through sunday they will be set up at the cannon airfield in concord. we'll be right back. can actually see like a human ] a cat using stereoscopic cameras ♪ and even stop itself if it has to. the technology may be hard to imagine... but why you would want it is not. the 2014 e-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. through mercedes-benz because what you dont know can hurt you.urance, what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. red carpet... but today actress angelina jolie got more attention. jolie attended the london premiere of brad pitt's new zombie thriller, "world war it was her first public appearance -- since he today, actress angelina jolie attended the preme of brad pitt's zombie thriller. it was her first public appearance since her announcement last month that she had a double mastectomy. she says she is feeling great and is humbled by the outpouring of support. >> i have been happy to see the discussion about women's health expanded and that means the world to me. >> keeping the family alive and safe and together. she did that for us. i get a bit teary eyed. >> she had her breasts removed after discovering gene mutation that puts her at high risk for breast and o srar kwraeupb cancer. - - ovarian cancer at 56. disneyland parks went up. a single day ticket to disneyland or california adventure in anaheim will now set you back $92 per person. that is up from $87. ticket fist are kids between 3 and 9 are now $86. up from $81. parking is going to ,,,,,,,, look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. the box office for the seco weekend in a row. it raked in 34 and a half million dos this weekend...

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