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. He calls it the werewolf. And when i heard it it sounded like the werewolf. The werewolf. From. . Milwaukee man . . Led a fairly decent life . . Made a fairly decent living, had a fairly decent wife . She killed him . . Sushi knife . . Now theyre shopping for a fairly decent afterlife . Reporter at 75 his voice is as strong as ever. And with it comes lyrics only rhymin simon could deliver. . The winners, the grinners with moneycolored eyes . . They eat all the nuggets then they order extra fries . . The werewolf is coming . . The werewolf is coming . . The werewolfs coming . At a time when you could be playing your greatest hits, you could be not worried about sort of exploring new things, and yet you still are kind of trying to push the envelope. Im not trying to push an envelope. I have no agenda other than to follow what my ear tells me is interesting. Its very much trial and error. And i have ive learned to have a lot of patience with the errors. A lot of errors. . Hello darkness my old friend . . Ive come to talk with you again . Reporter hes been at this songwriting business a long time. Since he was 13. Teaming up with his childhood friend, art garfunkel. . That was planted in my brain . . Still remains . . Within the sound of silence . As a team they wrote anthems for a generation with lyrics that seemed wise beyond their years. For a while there i had my finger out and the pulse of finger and everything i touched became a hit. . I am just a poor boy . . Though my storys seldom told . . I have squandered my resistance . . For a pocketful of mumbles such are promises . Sometimes you get into that flow where you feel like youre plugged in and stuff is just coming through you. Does one ever arrive in a flash for you . Occasionally. Like with what . Remember ever writing that had any length to it was slip sliding away . . Slip sliding away . . Slip sliding away . . You know the nearer your destination the more youre slip sliding away . Which i wrote in about 20 minutes or a half hour. And the same is true with bridge over troubled water. . Like a bridge over troubled water . And when i finished it, i thought thats whered that come from . Thats better than thats better than i usually write. Reporter bridge over troubled water was simon and garfunkels last album together. Their often rocky collaboration ended in 1970. I dont spend a lot of time thinking a garfunkel. But given the span of years of my career, its only its a relatively small proportion. So does it feel like ancient history sort of . You know, nothing feels like ancient history. Its one of the cliches of getting older, is like you remember everything as if it just happened. At the end of this field way back there is another path and beyond that is another field reporter how could he forget their massive reunion in central park back in 1981 . Ladies and gentlemen, Simon Garfunkel [ cheers and applause ] reporter half a Million People crammed onto the lawn that night to see the duo together again. . And heres to you mrs. Robinson . . Jesus loves you more than you will know . . Whoa, whoa, whoa . It was a total through the city like that. There was something something quite extraordinary about it. Reporter art garfunkel, however, wasnt so sure. We came off stage, and i said to artie, how do you think we did . And he said, disaster. Really . It was like a giant hit. And so were simons solo songs. He had plenty after the breakup, enough to bring an even bigger crowd back to central park in 1991. . Mama dont take my kodachrome away . But nothing was quite as popular or quite as different as his south africaninfluenced graceland. . I can call you betty and betty when you call me you can call al . . People say shes crazy . . She got diamonds on the soles of her shoes . It was the biggest learning experience of my musical life, no question about it. Reporter being a father has been his other learning experience. He has four children. And he married a musician. Edie brickell. Who has a successful career of her own. . His band to play each song old or new as if for the very first time. If youre bored, youre probably not playing it well. You could be playing it perfectly but that doesnt mean youre playing it well. Reporter his latest album, stranger to stranger, debuted at number 1 on the billboard charts this summer. Thats historic even for him. What im thinking of is how to end things well, not just a career but a whole thing, the whole life, you know. And if i could do it gracefully or beautifully, well, i would be very grateful. That doesnt sound like youre dwelling on it. Its not my favorite goto subject. You know, when i want to cheer myself up. But on the other hand, its probably worth it to be at least somewhat prepared. How to end a career well. Come january 20th, donald and Melania Trump along with their 10yearold son barron will be moving into their new home, 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Margaret brennan has more on that. Reporter during wednesday mornings acceptance speech donald trump was surrounded by his most trusted political allies and advisers, his members. Theyre definitely breaking the mold. Washington will see a family theyve never seen the likes of before. So i want to thank my family very much. Really fantastic. Thank you all. Just as he is brash and very vocal, his wife melania is the exact opposite. Melania will present herself as an elegant, more thoughtful woman. Reporter as first lady melania promises to fight cyber fragile. Reporter she limited her Campaign Appearances to be a stayathome mom for 10yearold barron. Its unclear how much that will change once that home becomes the white house. People really didnt understand that her priority is her son. So its going to be interesting now that she is going to have to be a first lady, and her priority is going to have to become the country as well as her son. Reporter my father. My father is a fighter. Reporter before Donald Trumps closest confident during the campaigas daughter and businesswoman in her own right, ivanka. Ive seen quotes that youre his favorite child. Daddys little girl. Reporter when ivanka talked donald listened. Convincing him to advocate for federally financed maternity leave. Daddy, daddy, we have to do this. And its true. Shes very smart and shes right. Reporter ivankas husband jared also stepped in as a key adviser, overseeing the campaigns digital strategy. I predict that ivanka trump important couple in the new administration. My fathers a winner. And he believes in winning. Reporter eric trump often worked as his fathers surrogate for interviews, and his brother donald jr. Was also a constant presence on the Trump Campaign trail. But now the brothers are expected to take over their fathers business interests once he becomes president while daughter tiffany is said to be pursuing a law degree. The trump family that we saw on the campaign trail is a really close one, and they heut i think well continue to see a trump family that helps support him as he runs the country. Reporter and barron trump will be the youngest boy living here in the white house since jfk jr. So we will get to see another side of donald trump as the father to a preteen, raising his child in the spotlight. And thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning from the Broadcast Center in new york city, im elaine quijano. The transition begins. We now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed then the country succeeds. Mr. President , it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. The 44th president welcomes the 45th to his new office. The incoming first lady gets a tour of their new home. This is what democracy looks like. Also tonight, protests against the election results. Definitely enough to bring me to tears. Great expectations. And the plays the thing at the toy hall of fame. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. There they sat, side by side, the worst president ever and a man uniquely unqualified to replace him. Of course thats what they called each other during the campaign. But if the first meeting was awkward, it didnt show. It seemed cordial and respectful as one man welcomed the other into the most exclusive address in the world. Heres major garrett. Reporter Water Cannons saluted president elect donald trump today as his jet prepared to take off for washington. A short time later mr. Trump sat beside president obama in the oval office. In their first ever meeting the two spent 90 minutes alone discussing foreign and domestic policy and the logistics of handing over power. I believe that it is important for all of us, regardless of political preferences, to now come together, Work Together, to deal with the many challenges that we face. Mr. Trump echoed those sentiments. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. And it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. Thank you. Reporter as reporters were ushered out, trump complimented his longtime foe. Very good man. Thank you, guys. Appreciate you. Reporter the oval office civility bore no relationship to the campaign trail. Our president is incompetent. On the economy donald trump is uniquely unqualified to be our chief executive. Reporter White House Press secretary josh earnest. The president s views havent changed. He stands by what he said on the campaign trail. But the American People decided. The election is over. Reporter animosity between the two has simmered since mr. Trump stoked rumors that the president was not born in the u. S. Smooth transition and those efforts were on display today. White house chief of staff Denis Mcdonough was seen walking with mr. Trumps soninlaw and trusted adviser, jared kushner. Kushner cannot serve in the white house due to nepotism rules. Scott, we have learned that steve bannon, hard conservative and Trumps Campaign ceo, is under consideration for chief of staff. That appointment, should he get it, would send a distinctly antiestablishment signal to alf could not be said of the other person vying for the chief of staff position, rnc chairman reince priebus. Major garrett in the White House Briefing room tonight. Major, thank you. The president elects next stop was at the other end of pennsylvania avenue, to meet the Republican Leadership. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and House Speaker paul ryan. Heres nancy cordes. Let me just say how excited we are about these opportunities for the country. Reporter a pragmatic House Speaker tabled months of inaugurated and even employing mr. Trumps campaign motto. We are now talking about how were going to hit the ground running to make sure that we can get this country turned around and make America Great again. Reporter mr. Trump said he would be doing spectacular things with ryan and Senate Leader mitch mcconnell. Whether its health care or immigration. So many different things. Reporter during the race both ryan and mcconnell routinely condemned their own nominee. I regret those comments that he made. He uttered a series of outrageous and unacceptable statements over the last week. Reporter their new detente is a fragile one. Mr. Trump wants to build a border wall. Ryan doesnt. And deflected a question about it today. Were not going to do a press conference here. Reporter but they do agree on dismantling obamacare, right away. They can start as soon as january. They can start as soon as the spring. Reporter former gop senate aide Christopher Condeluci says republicans will move to repeal the law first, then debate how Congressional Republicans as well as the Trump Administration will pursue some sort of transition period. Is it one year . Is it two years . That remains to be seen. But immediately people are not going to lose their insurance. Reporter democrats picked up a few seats in the house and senate, but not enough to block repeal. Senator Elizabeth Warren told a union group today she is gearing up for a new reality. We will stand up to bigotry. No compromises ever on this one. [ applause ] whether donald trump sits in a white house, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever. Reporter her colleague Bernie Sanders argued democrats need to do some selfreflection now as well, tweeting this evening, scott, that the party needs to be more focused on grassroots america than wealthy people attending cocktail parties. Nancy cordes on capitol hill for us tonight. Elections outcome. Demarco morgan found that two days later some of them are still angry. No racist usa reporter like a rolling wave, protesters voiced their anger all across the country. Fires raged in oakland, where 7,000 gathered. While an effigy of the president elect burned in l. A. In chicago protesters shut down lake shore drive and activists lit up a better than bigotry message outside the white house. A Trump Building theres an antitrump protest. Not my president we are the popular vote reporter here in new york that mood was echoed in union square. Huge disappointment in our nation and the results of the election. Reporter daryl stone made clear this isnt just about politics. Its personal for me as a woman. I dont want anybody telling me what i should do with my own body, what choices i should make reporter postelection emotions have triggered groups like this one in new york, where subway riders write up postits proclaiming their love or hate for trump. While others across the country are going online with hashtag ptsd tweets. I think theres something very fundamental about what he said that makes people feel like when he gets into power whats this guy going to do . Reporter robert cohen is a professor of Political Science at new york university. You never hear about students they feel threatened by the president or president elect. Thats never happened before. If you went to one of these demonstrations, youd find a diversity of concerns because its a Diverse Coalition of people who hes offended and alienated. Reporter scott, when i asked protesters how long they expect to continue, they said theyll do so until mr. Trump walks back on his language hes used in the past to describe certain groups. Demarco morgan in manhattan for us. Demarco, thank you. The cbs overnight news will be some of what president elect trump promised to do he can do with his own pen. Deporting illegal immigrants, for example. But other priorities such as repealing obamacare will require congress. Like president obama eight years ago, the people who put him in office have great expectations. And heres mark strassmann. I had the best nights sleep i ever had after it was over with but reporter we sat down with three trump voters at the minute grill, where diners have chewed over politics since 1963. If donald duck had been running against hillary, i would have voted for donald duck. Reporter Harold Martin is retired navy. Joe may is a soybean farmer. Theyre both lifelong democrats. Not this year. How can donald trump make dublin great again . Putting more money in here. I mean, money the money is everything. Reporter was that your big issue, jobs . Yes, sir. Reporter trumps message of america in decline resonated in dublin, georgia, population 16,000. This midpoint between atlanta and savannah was once a manufacturing hub. On Election Night americas rural areas voted overwhelmingly for trump. Urban areas were clinton country. She won 81 of georgias metro vote. The trump vote in dublins Laurens County mirrored much of rural america. He won almost 21. If i could be anybody, id want to be donald trump. Reporter lance hooks is a 39yearold registered republican. Hooks remembers when Trump Campaigned in rural georgia back in february. He was smart enough to come rally his base. And you know what his base was . It was the workingclass america. And thats the reason he got the electoral vote he got. Than verizon. Reporter hundreds of people here work in three foreignowned factories. Scott, trump won counties like this one because many workingclass americans believe, despite trumps antifree trade stance, that this country needs a ceo. About 60 million of them. Mark strassmann, thank you very much. The trump election, however, sent shivers through mexicos economy. Days. Mexicos foreign minister said today that she is willing to modernize the north American Free trade agreement, nafta, but not renegotiate it. Manuel bojorquez is in mexico city. Reporter in this workingclass neighborhood some fear the effects of a Trump Administration. That your life will change. Why . Reporter because mexicos economy is so tied to the u. S. , he is racist. He just talks about hating people. Reporter aside from insulting national pride, trump has threatened to tear up the trade agreement between the u. S. And mexico, putting millions of jobs at risk. He has also vowed to build a giant border wall and make mexico pay for it. Claudia ruizmassieu is mexicos foreign minister. We would not consider paying for any wall that puts barriers between our integration and our competitivenes but if a Trump Administration seems to be putting up a fight, is mexico ready to fight back . Well, mexico is ready to protect our people, but we are also ready to work with the next american administration. Reporter mexican senator Armando Rios Piter isnt taking any chances. Hes drafted a law that would stop mexico from using public funds to pay for a border wall. He also said mexico could retaliate by revising security agreements with the u. S. Functioning right now have a lot to do with the decisions that have been taken in terms of protecting the united states. It sounds almost like a threat, some would say. No. The threat is what trump is doing. Reporter the nations central bank believes mexicos economy is Strong Enough to weather through the pesos drastic drop. But scott, today it remains at its lowest level in more than two decades. Manuel bojorquez in the mexican capital. Manuel, thanks. Some whove made it here from mexico and Central America are now agonizing over their future. Carter evans has that. Reporter immigrants are determined to keep president elect trump from following through on his Campaign Threat to deport millions, like yamilex rustriam. If i get deported the day after tomorrow, i have nowhere to go. I have nowhere i obviously have family, but i would feel lost. Reporter shes afraid her so many were the last two times the u. S. Government forced out immigrants en masse. Its a tough feeling, not to know the person that was your father. This is my father. Reporter former u. S. Congressman esteban torress father was one of an estimated 2 Million Immigrants who were shipped out of the country as part of a Government Campaign to save american jobs during the great depression. It was called mexican repatriation. They just rounded them all up. Rounded them all up and shipped them back to their home country. Reporter just 3 years old, torres was allowed to stay in the u. S. With his mother because he was born here. But roughly 60 of those sent across the border were americanborn children. It was rough. I remember living in shacks, you know. My mother couldnt afford anything better. Reporter and it all happened again in the 50s during Operation Wetback when another quarter Million Immigrants were sent back across the border. Ucla professor raul u. S. History. These roundups did capture break up families that have consequences even today. Reporter torres never saw his father again. It left me with a taste of how cruel authorities can be. Reporter he just hopes President Trump doesnt repeat history. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. Well, today we caught a glimpse of the candidate who won the popular vote but lost the election, and from the looks of it not running for president is good for the soul. A hiker, margot gershener, and her daughter phoebe ran into secretary clinton in the woods near her home in chappaqua, new york. God only knows how many times clinton smiled for the cameras on the campaign. But this one seems to be just for her. Still ahead, meet the incoming lady of the house. Issso dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. With lotion to soothe and softness to please. January 20th america gets a new president and a new first lady. 46yearold Melania Trump. Michelle obama showed her around the white house residence today. Mrs. Trump was born in slovenia and became a u. S. Citizen ten years ago. Heres margaret brennan. First lady. The only one to grow up in a communist nation, the former yugoslavia, and only the second born abroad in nearly 200 years. The former fashion model, who speaks five languages, will soon have to decide how to use her new platform, according to anita mcbride, who served laura bush. I think that shes given us a little bit of a hint of what she thinks she would like to work on, and that is the issue of social media with Young Children. Fragile. Reporter mrs. Trump gave only two major speeches during the campaign and one, her convention address, plagiarized from mrs. Obamas 2008 speech. Shell follow the highprofile first lady, who championed Healthy Eating and did star turns on latenight television. Its a Position Description that gets rewritten with each person. And we will adapt to it. The white house will adapt to its new occupant and the reporter one thing in common both will have raised Young Children in the white house. 10yearold barron trump will be the youngest boy in the executive mansion since jfk jr. White house spokesman josh earnest. Mrs. Obama has talked before publicly about the stresses and anxieties of moving to a new place, living inside a fish bowl, living inside a museum, and raising her family there. And im sure that mrs. Trump is feeling many of those same anxieties. Reporter and mr. Trumps children from his first wife are among his closest advisers, especially daughter ivanka, who has championed a proposal for paid family leave. Scott, she is expected to have a key role. Margaret brennan at the white house for us tonight. Margaret, thank you. Ugh, its only lunchtime and my cold medicines wearing off. Im dragging. Yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. No thank you very much, shes gonna stick rs . Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Is that a bisque . I just lost my appetite. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours . Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. From the first moment you met it was love at first touch thats why only pampers swaddlers is the 1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanketlike softness and premium protection mom . Oh hi baby . So all they feel is love wishing you love, sleep and play. Pampers . Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fastacting, longlasting relief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, gaviscon. The stock markets have replaced their preelection trump trepidation with optimism. The dow jumped 250 points yesterday and 218 more today to close at an alltime high. Ahmad rahami limped into court today to face federal terrorism charges for allegedly and new jersey. In september a bomb went off in midtown manhattan, wounding more than 30 people. Rahami was injured two days later in a shootout with the new jersey police. Today cook county, illinois which includes chicago, joined the growing list of local governments to pass a soda tax, a penny an ounce on all sugary and artificially sweetened drinks. Soda taxes have already popped up in philadelphia, san francisco, oaknd coming up next, whats become of the toys we grew up correspondent Jericka Duncan always comes to play. So we had just the right assignment for her the latest inductions into the toy hall of fame. Oh, theres the picture. Lets take our pictures. Reporter whether its popping bubbles on an interactive screen or using a 42inch modernday etchasketch that will take a picture, there curator chris bensch. Whatever your age you are sent back in time. Your own childhood, your grandparents. And its great to discover the ways that toys, dolls, games connect all of us. Reporter there are more than 15,000 toys on display, childhood favorites like barbie, monopoly, and silly putty. Silly putty was not a toy at all at the start. It was going to be a rubber replacement in world war ii wheh materials. Reporter toys are treated Like National artifacts because of their unique contributions to american history. At todays 19th annual toy hall of fame the swing yes, like the one your kid sees every day at the playground the roleplaying dungeons dragons and fisherprices the Little People made the cut. Little people finally made their way in after being a finalist seven times. And the spokeswoman for susan lucci of the toy world. If youre not a soap opera watcher, you might not know how many times susan lucci was dissed by the emmys in not getting an emmy award. I also think in a year that the chicago cubs finally won a world series its great that fisherprice Little People get into the National Toy Hall of fame. Get in the hole reporter enduring play things that stand the test of time. Reporter Jericka Duncan, cbs news, rochester, new york. And thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Im elaine quijano. Donald trump landed in the Nations Capital for the first time as president elect. He arrived on his private jet and spent the day shaking hands with leaders of the washington establishment, nearly all of whom were opposed to his candidacy. Mr. Trump met with president obama at the white house. He sat down with paul ryan and the Republican Leadership on capitol hill. And through it all struck what some might say was a very untrumplike conciliatory tone. Major garrett begins our coverage. Reporter Water Cannons saluted president elect donald a short time later mr. Trump sat beside president obama in the oval office. In their first ever meeting the two spent 90 minutes alone discussing foreign and domestic policy and the logistics of handing over power. I believe that it is important for all of us, regardless of party and regardless of political preferences, to now come together, Work Together to deal with the many challenges that we face. Reporter mr. Trump echoed those sentiments. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. You, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. Reporter as reporters were ushered out, trump complimented his longtime foe. Very, very good man. Thank you, guys. Appreciate you. Reporter the oval office civility bore no relationship to the campaign trail. Our president is incompetent. On the economy donald trump is uniquely unqualified to be our chief executive. Reporter White House Press changed. He stands by what he said on the campaign trail. But the American People decided. The election is over. Reporter animosity between the two has simmered since mr. Trump stoked rumors that the president was not born in the u. S. But the president has promised a smooth transition, and those efforts were on display today. White house chief of staff Denis Mcdonough was seen walking with mr. Trumps soninlaw and trusted adviser, jared kushner. Kushner cannot serve in the white house due to nepotism rules. Steve bannon, hard conservative and Trumps Campaign ceo, is under consideration for chief of staff. That appointment, should he get it, would send a distinctly antiestablishment signal to all of washington, something that could not be said of the other person vying for the chief of staff position, rnc chairman reince priebus. Nancy cordes now with the president elects meeting with the gops congressional leadership. Let me just say how excited we are about these opportunities for the country. Reporter a pragmatic house trump a tour of where hell be inaugurated and even employing mr. Trumps campaign motto. Were now talking about how were going to hit the ground running to make sure were going to get this country turned around and make America Great again. Reporter mr. Trump said he would be doing spectacular things with rd whether its health care or immigration. So many different things. Reporter during the race both ryan and mcconnell routinely condemned their own nominee. I regret those comments that he made. He uttered a series of outrageous and unacceptable statements over the last week. Reporter their new detente is a fragile one. Trump wants to build a border wall. Ryan doesnt. And deflected a question about it today. Were not going to do a press conference here. Reporter but they do agree on dismantling obamacare. Right away. They can start as soon as january. They can start as soon as the spring. Reporter former gop senate the law first then debate how to replace it. Congressional republicans as well as the Trump Administration will pursue some sort of transition period. Is it one year . Is it two years . That remains to be seen. But immediately people arent going to lose their insurance. Reporter democrats picked up a few seats in the house and senate but not enough to block repeal. Senator Elizabeth Warren told a union group today she is gearing up for a new reality. We will stand up to bigotry. No compromises ever on this one. [ applause ] whether donald trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the white house, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever. Reporter her colleague Bernie Sanders argued democrats need to do some selfreflection now as well, tweeting this evening that the party needs to be more focused on grassroots america than wealthy people attending cocktail parties. Candidates who lose the Hillary Clinton continued that tradition. Chip reid has a look back at some recent candidates who fell short of the big prize. You know theres a long tradition in america of losing president ial candidates accepting their defeats graciously, but that doesnt mean the rejection is any easier to swallow. It was not the speech Hillary Clinton thought she would give the morning after the election. This loss hurts. But please, never stop believing that fighting for whats right is worth it. Reporter clinton failed to bust through the proverbial Glass Ceiling again. Just like in 2008 when she lost the nomination fight to barack obama. Although we werent able to shatter that highest, hardest Glass Ceiling this time, thanks to you its got about 18 million cracks in it. In a lot of ways these losses historian Doris Kearns Goodwin says losing candidates can be consumed by disappointment and secondguessing. They put their entire reputation on the line for one single night. And all that work may end up with a loss that will be seen in not only this country but around the world. Reporter mitt romney fully expected to beat president obama in 2012. I so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction. Reporter days after his loss he was photographed at a gas station looking disheveled and was roundly ridiculed. I want conservatives to win. Reporter he and his wife, ann, appeared on cbs this morning one year later to reflect on his campaign. It was a fabulous experience. I loved it. Look at that. Reporter john mccain was vanquished by mr. Obama in 2008. We fought as hard as we could. And though we fell short the failure is mine, not yours. Reporter mccains campaign stride because the result was widely expected. I dont think you ever get over losing a president ial campaign. He moved right on. He was a sitting senator. Although im sure there were days when he looked on the tv screen and saw the president and said i could do a better job than he can. Reporter clinton now shares a dubious distinction with al gore. In 2000 he also won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college. As for what ill do next, i dont know the answer to that one yet. Reporter a defeated gore grew a beard, wrote books, and launched a failed Cable Network but never ran for Public Office again. He spoke to charlie rose in 2007. I acknowledged earlier i dont think im very good at politics, charlie. And i think that i think that i mean, im willing to bear my responsibility for not being more effective as a communicator. Reporter Michael Dukakis has said being able to go back to his job as governor of massachusetts helped him return to a sense of normalcy. Including jimmy carter became more popular as expresident s than they ever were in the oval office. More doing chores for mom per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. After his private meeting with president obama, president elect donald trump was introduced to the White House Press corps. Howd that go . Have a look. Ready . Okay. Well, i just had the opportunity to have an excellent conversation with president elect trump. It was wideranging. We talked about some of the organizational issues in setting up the white house. We talked about foreign policy. We talked about domestic poly. And as i said last night, my number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president elect is successful. President elect trumps wanting to work with my team around many of the issues that this great country faces. And i believe that it is important for all of us, regardless of political preferences to now come together, Work Together to deal with the many challenges that we face. And in the meantime michelle has had a chance to greet the incoming first lady, and we had an excellent conversation with her as well. And we want to make sure that they feel welcome as they prepare to make this transition. And most of all, i want to president elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed then the country succeeds. Please. Well, thank you very much, president obama. This was a meeting that was going to last for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, and we were just going to get to know each other. We had never met each other. I have great respect. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half. And it could have as far as im concerned, could have gone on for a lot longer. We really we discussed a lot of different situations, some wonderful and some difficulties. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. Hes explained some of the difficulties, some of the highflying assets and some of so mr. President , it was a great honor being with you. And i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Were not we are not going to be taking any questions. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Heres a good rule. . . What . Is he gone . . Finally, i thought hed never leave. Tv character why are you texting my man at 2 a. M. . No. If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like youre sleeping. Its what you do. If you want to save n percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Tv character taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model. Half a century. His new album stranger to stranger debuted at number 1. Lee cowan paid simon a visit at his studio. . Reporter to watch paul simon rehearse is to watch a big band leader in action. Dont just stay duane eddy the whole time. Okay. Reporter he has some of the best musicians in the world at his fingertips. . And when its time to play they create a sound that is uniquely his. . A long time ago yeah . . Before you was born dude . . When i was still single and life was great . My music is containing more and more elements from im collecting. Reporter sounds and not just the silent ones have always spoken to paul simon. These are vietnamese. They go . Reporter he has shelves full of exotic instruments in his studio at his home in the connecticut countryside. So i use it like this. As like a ch sound. Reporter each one of them an auditory music. I always called it a twanger but it turns out its from i think india and its called a gopicha. . Reporter youll hear it very clearly on the first song off simons 13th solo studio album. . He calls it the werewolf. And when i heard it it sounded like the werewolf. The werewolf. You know. So thats where i took the title . Milwaukee man . . Led a fairly decent life . . Made a fairly decent living, had a fairly decent wife . She killed him . . Sushi knife . . Now theyre shopping for a fairly decent afterlife . Reporter at 75 his voice is as strong as ever. And with it comes lyrics only rhymin simon could deliver. . The winners, the grinners with moneycolored eyes . . They eat all the nuggets then they . The werewolf is coming . . The werewolf is coming . . The werewolfs coming . At a time when you could be playing your greatest hits, you could be not worried about sort of exploring new things, and yet you still are kind of trying to push the envelope. Im not trying to push an envelope. I have no agenda other than to follow what my ear tells me is interesting. A lot of trial and error. And i have ive learned to have a lot of patience with the errors. A lot of errors. . Hello darkness my old friend . . Ive come to talk with you again . Time. Since he was 13. Teaming up with his childhood friend, art garfunkel. . And the vision . . That was planted in my brain . . Still remains . . Within the sound of silence . As a team they wrote anthems for a generation with lyrics that seemed wise beyond their years. For a while there i had my finger out and the pulse of popular music ran under my . I am just a poor boy . . Though my storys seldom told . . I have squandered my resistance . . For a pocketful of mumbles such are promises . Sometimes you get into that flow where you feel like youre plugged in and stuff is just coming through you. Does one ever arrive in a flash for you . Occasionally. Like with what . The fastest song that i can remember ever writing that had any length to it was slip sliding away. . Slip sliding away . . Slip sliding away . . You know the nearer your destination the more youre slip sliding away . Which i wrote in about 20 and the same is true with bridge over troubled water. I wrote it in a night. . Like a bridge over troubled water . And when i finished it, i thought thats whered that come from . Thats better than thats better than i usually write. Reporter bridge over troubled water was simon and garfunkels last album together. Their often rocky collaboration ended in 1970. I dont spend a lot of time thinking about Simon Garfunkel. But given the span of years of my career, its only its a relatively small proportion. So does it feel like ancient history sort of . You know, nothing feels like ancient history. Its one of the cliches of getting older, is like you remember everything as if it just happened. At the end of this field way back there is another path and beyond that is another field their massive reunion in central park back in 1981 . Ladies and gentlemen, Simon Garfunkel [ cheers and applause ] reporter half a Million People crammed onto the lawn that night to see the duo together again. . And heres to you mrs. Robinson . . Jesus loves you more than you will know . . Whoa, whoa, whoa . It was a totally peaceful scene and it sort of spread through the city like that. There was something something quite extraordinary about it. Reporter art garfunkel, however, wasnt so sure. We came off stage, and i said to artie, how do you think we did . And he said, disaster. Really . It was like a giant hit. Reporter they were a hit. He had plenty after the breakup, enough to bring an even bigger crowd back to central park in 1991. . Mama dont take my kodachrome away . But nothing was quite as popular or quite as different as his south africaninfluenced graceland. . I can call you betty and betty when you call me you can call me al . . People say shes crazy . . She got diamonds on the soles of her shoes . It was the biggest learning experience of my musical life, no question about it. Reporter being a father has been his other learning experience. He has four children. And he married a musician. Edie brickell. Who has a successful career of her own. Exploration, pushing himself and his band to play each song old or new as if for the very first time. If youre bored, youre probably not playing it well. You could be playing it perfectly but that doesnt mean youre playing it well. Reporter his latest album, stranger to stranger, debuted at number 1 on the billboard charts this summer. Thats historic even for him. What im thinking of is how to end things well, not just a career but a whole thing, the whole life, you know. And if i could do it gracefully or beautifully, well, i would be very grateful. That doesnt sound like youre dwelling on it. Its not my favorite goto subject. You know, when i want to cheer myself up. But on the other hand, its probably worth it to be at least somewhat prepared. How to end a song well. How to end a career well. Come january 20th, donald and Melania Trump along with their 10yearold son barron will be moving into their new home, 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Margaret brennan has more on that. Reporter during wednesday mornings acceptance speech donald trump was surrounded by his most trusted political allies and advisers, his family theyre definitely breaking the mold. Washington will see a family theyve never seen the likes of before. So i want to thank my family very much. Really fantastic. Thank you all. Just as he is brash and very vocal, his wife melania is the exact opposite. Melania will present herself as an elegant, more thoughtful woman. Reporter as first lady melania promises to fight cyber bullying. Fragile. Reporter she limited her Campaign Appearances to be a stayathome mom for 10yearold barron. Its unclear how much that will change once that home becomes the white house. People really didnt understand that her priority is her son. So its going to be interesting now that she is going to have to be a first lady, and her priority is going to have to become the country as well as her son. My father is a fighter. Reporter perhaps Donald Trumps most trusted confidant during the campaign was his oldest daughter and businesswoman ivan ivanka. Ive seen your siblings quoted saying youre Donald Trumps favorite child. Well, daddys little girl. When ivanka talked, donald listened, convincing him to advocate for guaranteed federally financed maternity leave. Daddy, daddy, we have to do this. And its true. Shes very smart and shes right. Reporter ivankas husband jared also stepped in as a key adviser, overseeing the campaigns digital strategy. I predict that ivanka Trump Administration. My fathers a winner. And he believes in winning. Reporter eric trump often worked as his fathers surrogate for interviews, and his brother donald jr. Was also a constant presence on the Trump Campaign trail. But now the brothers are expected to take over their fathers business interests once he becomes president while daughter tiffany is said to be pursuing a law degree. The trump family that we saw on the campaign trail is a really close one, and they helped put him in office. I think well continse trump family that helps support him as he runs the country. Reporter and barron trump will be the youngest boy living here in the white house since jfk jr. So we will get to see another side of donald trump as the father to a preteen, raising his child in the spotlight. And thats the overnight . Its friday, november 11th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Thousands of prote the streets nationwide for another night of demonstrations against president elect donald trump. But in portland, a peaceful march turned violent. Gearing up for the transition, president elect donald trump goes from a meeting at the white house with president obama to capitol hill to meet with congressional leaders to map out a republican agenda. A postelection hike helped cheer up a Hillary Clinton supporter. It wasnt the fresh air that brought a smile to her face

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