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The guy who rejected it rejected any warning to the nation about cyber security and were used to allow Russia to be named when President Obama and his intelligence staff were running around preparing for Russia to intervene in the election this guy is working with the enemy like Trump they have no that whatever comes out of this this will benefit them yeah they don't care about the national security of the United States he has made he made this political an August 26th when he for political reasons refused to defend this nation now that is why we have got to have televised impeachment inquiry make the case to the American people other if we're just counting on the we're going to have a free and fair election and when oh yeah and then by the way this whole. Sorry Italy story as you tweeted must read I warn you in plot to destroy democracy but again this is not just here obviously your 1st book was the plot to attack America the 2nd book the plot to destroy democracy you said Russia was taking over Europe and USA political parties now read the full transcript of the Italian far right in Russia oil deal meeting. This really means Yeah go ahead well that's amazing you really have to go on Buzz Feed the transcript of these representatives of the Italian government the Salvini or the guy who calls himself the trump of Italy and how they were secretly negotiating to take almost $15000000.00 of Russian oil money and the statements made by the Italians are stunning you know it's funny because all the time I get on my Twitter feed you talk too much about your books you don't plot to destroy democracy you're not going to make me any money I'm not getting rich off I'm not selling a 1000000 copies of this thing that book is effing terrifying Yeah I read it just before I did Bill Maher last year I could not believe how dark and dismal the world really. Really is and it was about how Russia has been using all of these active measures to buy the worse and intimidate and elect European. Political parties and now are backing these ultra right specialist parties and then came to the United States last. This transcript they used the very words that I used in this book they're talking about we need to create Alliance was not for Russia but floor own submarine they'd be so rendering to Russia he talks about how he works with the French the British the. Germans right fascist already who will line into an axis what's Russia it's I guess I want I wish I had said This year ago but it's had a great better starts my but this is their plan it's not just the United States they are destroying democracy worldwide and they he literally says in there that they are going to create an alliance an axis of autocracy Yeah yeah Carol. You know I say this you have mentioned at the Michael Isikoff story but again since we're not going to get any help apparently from McConnell and Republicans it is really important to understand how this happened and how it's going to happen again right let me just the beginning of it in summer of 2016 Russian intelligence agents least secretly planted a fake report claiming that the d.n.c. Staffer ceteris was gunned down by a squad of assassins working for Hillary Clinton giving rise to a notorious conspiracy theory that captivated conservative activists and was later promoted from inside Trump's White House Russia's foreign intelligence service here so it circular they phony bulletin disguised to read as a real intelligence report about the alleged murder of the former d.n.c. Staffer that was in July. That was 3 days after Rich was killed in what police believe was a botched robbery walking home the purported details in the account seemed improbable on their face the rich a data director and d.n.c. Voter Protection Division was on his way to alert the f.b.i. To corrupt dealings by Clinton when he was slain in the early hours well so now we find out Of course this all started with Russia went right through Bannon stone all the usual suspects to Sean Hannity right but. In plot to destroy democracy which I'm going to push right now because really you can really need to understand how they're doing this I discuss all of this I discuss how Russian intelligence crafts what we call propaganda products and use these things and inject them into the information bloodstream and house rich and the Republican you know the Republican Party were using all these tropes at the time that it was an actual crafted Russian propaganda product does not surprise me yes showed me just how deeply they understand our our political operations here in the United States more importantly you can almost feel that that particular story was designed to clean the back of their laundromat which was Wiki Leaks Well I was going to say I was going to say my you know Isikoff writes Obviously the same stuff that was in your book before the election but just so I just want to so people understand what we're talking about all of it over the course of the next 2 and a half years the Russian government on media organ organizations are t. There they are again and spun replayed repeatedly played up stories that basically basis baselessly allege that rich a relatively junior level staffer was the source of the Democratic Party e-mails have been leaked to Wiki Leaks It was a nice idea 1st floated by your Our good friend Julian Assange and who announced a reward for information about Rich's murder saying our sources take risks. The Russians are conspiracy theories have had devastating effect on the rich family I mean this whole story it's just it's so disgusting is they were saying he didn't even have access to this stuff they said he was a bird a disgruntled Burney guy that's not true he don't even you know have a preference in the primary right you know it's a brilliant it's a brilliant piece of propaganda you know the funny thing is prior to this election the Russians in the Soviet Union back in the old days they had a very hard time getting us to believe their propaganda products and the most successful one right up to the stuff rich now now the most successful want to rich conspiracy prior to that it was the story from the 1980 s. That the CIA had created the aids virus to kill off blacks and there were websites with that story this story won't be around for decades and no matter how much we expose this there will always be this core group of people that will believe this but most importantly like I said this as an intelligence product you can see that they knew Wiki Leaks was going to be in trouble and that they would need to do what we call tail cleaning they clean the tail of their laundromat by creating a false narrative that to Republicans it's not believable then the truth after half the d.n.c. You know brought out Julian Assange here he really thought out a flash memory yeah here's the thing this detail should have been you know in any reality based world to put this to bed immediately his job gave him no access to the e-mails that were on the d.n.c. Server I mean it's just rice and fact also that there had been a string of these same kind of robberies that he had bruises and all that stuff that that's not a hit that was obviously a botched robbery and it and Fox had to you know retract the story but I think what I'm trying to say Malcolm is just going into 2020 be where this stuff you're going to see happening again these big at least. Yeah that's the least of what we're going to see I've already seen an explosion of trolls they're not they're doing a lot to calmly Harris already. Got a camera houses under siege we've been tracking this group that was real people African-Americans who were destroying this tiny group who came up with this kooky race this idea that if you weren't dropped off the slave ship in Charleston South Carolina you cannot be legitimately be called a black or African-American and therefore cannot be voted for yeah the ructions and right wing television you know Candace Owens Loic in will have exploded this mean from these crazy people and are now using it to attack comedy her wrist and Cory Booker It's crazy yeah I listen Malcolm And that's all we can do is arm ourselves with knowledge and that's why as you say reading plot to destroy democracy is almost like required reading before 2020 you know I gave a speech yesterday you know university and just information got this class and this information is designed to alter the reality of the listener and you know we know everybody has a touch of conspiracy theory in them but what they've done is they've weaponized the law and they inject that into the bloodstream of the troops and what that does is that alters the reality around you so that if you see everything that you see it's within a different context right and now one 3rd of this nation refuses to believe the facts that they see before their eyes have been rescued is good you know Trump is great and any person who doesn't agree with you is a traitor to the constant tension I keep talking about Fox News roll they put this right into the mainstream is coming from you know this used to just be the fever swamps of the far right Malcolm Now it is the Trump White House Trump himself Fox News to I mean it's just that we're yeah I love you and I am. I'm really late I'm really late all right I've never turned up next time I can ever get enough time with you love you but it goes 52 minutes after the hour I know so I know. Whether. It's the Stephanie Miller Show. Me your favorite shows on. No problem shows are available to stream live listen to on demand or even download. Audio archives quality content at your fingertips when it's most convenient for you. To know. 'd if that old junker in your driveway is a lost cause you can always donate it to keep the auto donation program it's a simple as calling 877. And asking the operator to assist you in arranging for a pickup total way and will mail you all the necessary paperwork for you to write it off your taxes call us now 877. Or donate online. By clicking pledge support. Package. My buddy of course is America. With you. Everything. You know what you are always a woman a good 5 to 10 minutes ahead of your time because we are all about the women's soccer I'm telling you my last part half is you know I'm not that kind of lesbian you're not as I don't follow sports I got yeah I guess I'm just about it for our 2 lipstick But Meghan repeal repeal part one like I'm so excited you know right up saying the Democratic Party needs to take a page someone actually made him a piano and the women's soccer team if someone actually there was a tweet about somebody unity there was a tweet last week when you know went up against Trump and this guy was basically like at this point making Rypien no reach into her sock and pulled out even a likely health care plan she would be the front runner of the Democrat there right to the. Right she's not going to run Can we talk about how cute how cute Rachel Maddow I was at the Internet interview when she shook her hand and turned into a group of the schoolgirl like you rarely see Rachel Maddow lose her composure he was so brutal reeling against a really nervous Zerlina Maxwell was talking about she finished an interview and ended up in the green room with Megan Rypien when she couldn't even speak to her she got all giggly she just does my friend Lisa Bloom tweeted about the Rachel and . Meghan interview and she goes please can this go on forever you know it's a little bit in 3 mm sequins I'm like Are You Kidding Me politics and sports soccer yes please yeah but I was saying really it is interesting in this unfortunate just this moment of democratic disunity or whatever you want to call it that you go back that they have diversity they have teamwork when right when she want to love when you know Meghan said she said you know we're united we're strong we're and we're crazy will do anything to win I was 80. When they won the championship I was 9 rows back behind the goal when Megan scored that 1st one and then when Roosevelt came in score that 2nd one was amazing because I didn't want people to be like oh they want on a penalty kick yet so when Roe scored again anyway regardless as soon as it ended you start hearing them go USA and then the loudest chant equal pay came into. People Yeah not just Americans not just the Dutch but you want about how long we've been trying to get that done legislatively and look at that that's grassroots activism that that you know and that's what I love about Meghan Rypien was just that not just a she obviously a fantastic soccer player but you know she's you know such a sort of champion not just for the equal pay issue for gay people I mean I think it will make it and if you haven't listen to my last podcast liberal fans go on to this I say liberal network. And listen to it because we talk about Megan but in the interview is to with Bryana scurry Yes So Brian was the goalie in the 99 er's who blocked the Chinese penalty kick and then testing to her shirt off big lesbian moment anyway the 99 er's were the team and I'm not saying that this team hasn't like right now the 1999 er's decided after they won the World Cup and they got a new contract because they were about to have a friendlies tournament and their pay did not increase after they won the World Cup They said enough we're not going to do this so as a team they actually got together and said we will not play unless you negotiate our contracts so they started this and then about I think 3 or 4 years ago may get in for other players including Hope Solo and then 3 of the current players and one past they've put a law suit up against the e.e.o.c. For equal pay so yeah this lawsuit is actively happening yeah this isn't just you know everyone's like oh being an athlete doesn't make you a hero I hate racist Barbie Tommy Lauren because she's like being an athlete doesn't make you a hero everything Meghan's doing off of the field is what's making her hero that's what's happening yeah did you as I don't know who said this 1st but anecdotally but the. But he's a little boy asked or you know asked him Daddy do boys play soccer too. They need to start calling it soccer and men's soccer now. And here you know and you know there's a different reason that everyone loves to beg and I love because she clearly was drinking champagne all day all day all day and still give a fantastic species you know I mean starts everyone. We have to be better we have to love more hate less We've got to listen more and talk less We've got to know that this is everybody's responsibility every single person here every single person who's not here every single person who doesn't want to be here. Every single person who agrees and doesn't agree it's our responsibility to make this world a better place yeah I mean good on her misuse this moment let's hear a little more how do you make your community better how do you make the people around you better your family your closest friends the 10 closest people to you 20 closest people to you the most 100 closest people to you it's every single person's responsibility there's been so much contention in these last years I've been a victim of that I've been a perpetrator of that but if I would be better isn't sorry for some of the things I said not all of things but it's time to come together this conversation is that the next step I mean good on one thing that the current occupant of the White House never does is take any responsibility for any of anything saying you know I've been a perpetrator of it to no less or better Let's listen more let's talk less Let's not not here because I'm a talk show but other places. My nephew said that to me once they're like well they don't call listen radio. The thing would say really interesting in the stadium after they won as well as he had their Salvatore this big you know thing it was incredible Well the fee for a future president went onto the stage and I haven't heard booing like that since Trump since people booed trump the future president was booed by the 5455000 people that night you know it and he should be it's ridiculous this argument now it where you know now people are coming about well the men make more money they don't for the last 3 years our women's u.s. Soccer team our national soccer team has pulled in more revenue than the men's soccer team you know they've won 4 World Cups in the history of this tournaments Yeah the men placed 3rd in 1930 that's the highest they have placed in the World Cup And yet the women's team who wins wins in this was in 4 years ago it doubled this year to 4000000 to 4 years ago the winning team had to split a $2000000.00 purse to win the men's team that lost in the 1st round got 9 $1000000.00. There's something happening and it's all I think going to becoming one story it's the you know the most qualified person in history getting right after out of the president's Yeah the legitimate president Hillary Clinton white up through the women's March to this blue wave you look what happened we just learned that you know Warren and Harris are rocketing up the the rankings I mean with the with women soccer just and feels like don't doesn't it feel like it's something bigger than the others I mean when you see me Meghan dancing with that little girl with my heart explode little girls and and that what they're talking about this women's soccer team is not just little girls it's also these little boys this little boys are seeing that these girls are powerful and they're strong and how to treat them on the field in the respect and one of the things that they were talking about and Brian was talking about Brian a screws talking about these girls Megan specifically she may never see the result of the work she's doing on stage right now and what Bryce said is that one of the biggest legacies they have if they're fighting for people that they may never meet she's almost Twitter and Carol Burnett approved age of 3534 now so that's the thing is she's not even old enough to run for president which is amazing that she's doing so much change in this world and they can still you're short of actually being legally allowed to proceed she's got 3 years to wrap it up so there you go here's the thing I was saying about just because of this you know the peril stories in the Democratic Party right now she could been talking about the Democratic Party but just take a listen this. Is so resilient is so tough has such a sense of humor this is so bad there is. Nothing they can phrase this group which chillin. Tease. Celebration. We have pink hair and probably hair. We have tattoos dreadlocks has memorized the I like. Everything you tell me. Thank you for gay girls was you know my favorite song was like Rocky Horror with. Just like lighting a light or throwing rice Oh you know this part I do I mean I've only heard it twice but it's one of those things that it resonates within you like the you know what it reminds me of Obama you know you know we worship an awesome God in the blue states we got some gay friends in the red states like one of the things that I love about Meghan So obviously she came to notoriety and in a bad way for a lot of people when she started kneeling Megan said in an interview she's starting to see the intersectionality between gay and straight the black community the marginalized communities this intersectionality of all these marginalized communities in this country when you Neal you're kneeling for all of that just hate this country and I talked about this with Chris so when Trump came out and he remembered his tweet when he was talking and he was like someone tell her what I've done for prison reform and what I've done for black unemployment I know my favorite 2 was does make you do when you can talk but one of the things that no one acknowledged Trump for the 1st time publicly acknowledged he knows why Megan is kneeling Yeah and it's not because of the flag and it's not because of the military it's not who she hates this country if he's trying to tell her Look what I've done for the black community he knows damn well all these athletes are nearly not because they're I can't say the word but because of the systematic racism in this country and no one acknowledged that his tweet that for trying for the 1st time he only panders to his base he actually acknowledged but that seemed to know and I will add one more story that the whole There's something happening in terms of. I wore my sisterhood teacher yesterday in honor of the soccer team but also these Jeffrey Epstein victims his victims everywhere of these gross you know men because it pedophile you know pedophiles and better file enablers This reminds me a little bit with these big. What happened like with the women's gymnastics team you know when. Reitman came forward with it was that I think you started the thing with the gymnastics team that look thank you for looking it up but what happened is all of these athletes all the sudden got the courage to come forward and say it happened to me to you and that's what's going to happen with this Epstein thing and it's horrible that these young girls and stop calling them young women these are children it's not really it's under age women and don't call it sex with if they were raped exact If you're having sex with under age girls you are raping children period I've been saying it all week Hello Michel in l.a. You're on with Dana. Oh are you doing good go ahead. And I just want quick quick quick banks were we need to stop and change the narrative or they will Cavil are calling what not normal that do not right this wrong Yeah because normal not normal is what got elected want to different but yeah the wrong difference that's very important but you have to define a lighter note picture that no picture of the truck in a classroom with a mark on it with a pointer going to cut that right and in the background there's a Rocky Mountain my production can't meet in the house. Right all right I want to pick your trumpet a smock at all with any kind of a pointer here this just you've got to hear the kidney has a very special place in the heart it's an incredible thing people that have to go there's people that have loved ones that are or are working so hard to stay alive they have to work so hard. To Speed Of course this is spirit like you see rarely on the web so I just want to thank all of you folks. Except I'm about to blow up healthcare for everybody with preexisting conditions Yeah including those related to the kidney which apparently isn't the this we're like words like anatomy word salad of things that aren't even real words right so he's playing a game of operation and it's like weird medical advice. At the funny bone where is that it's in my it's in my my funny it's in the heart Ok you are right Travis he is actually even for him having a Twitter 6 pass out of epic proportions this morning knowing it wasn't all over the place yet something truly pierces right something's up with your bank remember a big I did use a go the no badly written about maligned Deutsche Bank was one of the. You mean the money laundering right there is getting bad reviews for being money laundering Oh yeah for many years I was one star one star for money laundering Yeah I guess got bad Yelper Some happened there Ok they also want to have a good one interview the highly conflicted to go up the most motor again he said he was done after isn't his 9 minute speech in the beginning and nothing more to say outside of the no collusion no obstruction report enough to really get back to work he doesn't sound worry does the about Mahler testifying at all oh you were talking about Malcolm in the last hour we're talking about he's going to do something crazy because of Mahler we've already seen it there due to the I was we know you and I see partition again they're threatening so exposed to start on Sunday dollars from owners testifying Monday what do you think now is Wednesday Wednesday it's still 4 days yeah. Which one and then and today oh let's see at the conclusion of this whatever stupid social media is whiney little bitch fest they're going to have a food can at the tiniest violin there it be good food know the right wingers. Stop being hateful it might not we'll go to the beautiful rose going for news conference on the census and citizenship that's where he's going to buy us a Supreme Court ruling and be unconstitutional right and issue an executive order to put the cent citizenship question in the sense Ok Oh and then he also guess he's also getting nervous about the polls showing Elizabeth Warren rocketing up can you imagine if maybe Joe Biden are very nervous and skinny Virginia Pocahontas is you. Even Know what that rather than what you have know so great looking and smart a true stable genius Oh my God no no no. Just pictures of that man makes me gayer and his son all of them. They're all we talk we cover the surly didn't we Travis they're all horrible garbage. By the way it's not just him we're talking about it's not like personally he's on tape saying if event wasn't his daughter he later. What he also said they asked What do you have in common he said sex I don't know whether that was supposed to be a joke or that someone actually said it in it and this is just this is going to be an arguable point I know that we may go at it on this and some listeners and I mean is there a point if she is a victim of her father and being the vodka I think I don't know what's right and then you're going to have any empathy for her if she actually was in sexual victim of her own father. And then when Tiffany was born we told this story that he said Oh we'll know or she's going to have her mom's boobs or not but I know she looks to the extent of her Mom's legs choose a space thing it's disgusting Ok but wait I got to go back to this remember the so the feud between Vanna Ivana assistance me oh and and also me and her tell you next husband and how we hates the kid he danced on Jr I located a war between Trump's children and about his ex-husband started the day she married him after John Junior made a bizarre toast at their wedding reception he said were construction company we have job sites we lose people he joked during a toast you better treat her right because I have a 45 min to shovel and then he went on to dwell upon his mother's great boobs. John Jr did there just garbage people there is all gross Can you mention talking about your mom's rack at her wedding too. So well. My mouse actually started to water like I may vomit it. Michael in Oakland you're on with Dana is this my pro Boehner lawyer. Yes it is don't you think you know the one thing when Trump was talking about a cause that you said you felt badly for a cause he always does he always feels bad for you know rapists and pedophiles and wife beaters really not as bad as he feels for Nazis. Right but remarkable that he didn't seem to feel badly for the actual victim of this massive French free and I think I think that scuse me kind of is maybe the moment for Democrats right now is just acknowledging that it's not women versus men it's women and men together finally and that means that in the argument ought to be looked to cure man are not threatened or scared or worried about the fact that there are smart affective talented women who are winning on the world. And a lot of the leading us because they actually aren't there's no precedent they're qualified and I said this when the whole me 2 things started is I said we should start and also thank you good guys campaign because there's a lot of a lot of you good guys out there that I think you're right it's this is not just about men are bad because as Joel Stein points on his book I'm a really bad lesbian I'm flirty particularly with men because I like men and I And you're right like I'm not of that sort of like all men are Jeffrey Epstein's they're clearly not there's a lot of I want to heroes out there right what will if you're a Honestly I don't even I agree with you but. In a way why should anything be that that you know point other words but I mean any band in his forty's fifty's or or younger for sure that if they're professional they've been working alongside women if they're lawyers they're there in front of women judges women prosecutors and the idea that there's something unusual about that or they're just right for it that that ship should have sailed long ago Ok And when it comes to athletes in politics you know Jackie Robinson was a civil rights leader the hollowed out league lead people paid attention to him you know I can repeat I think honestly I think make it work you know was the mob at all we of our age right now of our generation that's right and I was saying that about you know I was saying. You know my friends Glen and Rob both of them have stories were not only did they not take advantage of a woman who'd had too much to drink and they could've they got her out of dangerous situations brought her home took her calls a put her to bed and made sure she was at major and now you have that idiot politician that won't let that female journalist follow him right on his campaign trail because the city of Mississippi because he doesn't want to be you is faith in his marriage he won't be alone with another woman I'm like Are you really that worried about you raping somebody or touching them inappropriately just like me doesn't make you sound like a man of faith it makes you sound like you don't know how to control your sexual inclination you thank you Hey Mike I got a quick question for you so sure the quote unquote asterisk scare quotes president later today is going to announce an executive order to order these citizens to question be put on the census in. Direct defiance of a Supreme Court ruling help Mommy what. What has how happened what is about to be did happen my school will presumably what he's trying to do is to say that it is within the purview of the executive branch to determine what should be on the stand Ok Their theory is that they've been told not to do it for the reason that they stated. They wanted to do it which was some mature going to thing about the particular points from which are going to you could learn a lot actually cocked is probably a better word right at the point he's caused a lot of Michigan up in this mission and what's what will happen now. What. That meant because we had something to do with the Voting Rights Act basically stuck discovered you know Ok So their argument is well if we put it on for some other reason that'll force the other side to litigate. And that's what he's that's 'd that's their game plan to the problem there are several problems with that but the larger question. At a certain level to think of it this way is ordering is arguably is ordering isn't ministration to violate a Supreme Court order one yes that's what I don't understand I understand all the reasons all that Michael how he can't do this I don't understand well east is to be able to say that his legal argument is going to treat the argument seems to be that he can order this as long as he orders that or a different reason Ok if it back that may be a place of an argument but the reality is that there's a certain level in the way the 2nd you're ordering the violation of her or her. Yes Ok all right I don't I can't I don't one of the things that bothers me yet with this whole census thing is all these people that are like we need to know if people are citizens Ok let's take that I want that person to be arguing just as loud that people should be counted in the census because we reserve representation in funding in this country so if you're going to argue for one I want to say you are doing it just as hard for the other for people that are actually legal us citizens in this country if this is me I need some water Ok Ok. Would you prefer some top shelf liquor you know what I just actually for some really good tequila morning well good for you Ok I have a question trust oh no we can allow him to just suck this country dry What are you time up pence or oh sorry so his I was going to have been the thing a gram 4th of July 8th to me celebration cost the d.c. Government $1700000.00 an amount that combined with police expenses bankrupted a special fund that is used to protect the nation's capital from terrorist threats and provide security at events Israelis and state funerals the d.c. Mayor warned the fund has now been depleted is estimated to be running a $6000000.00 deficit by September 30th she also noted the count was never reimbursed the $7300000.00 from Trump's inauguration day doesn't he say his curation bring in more money than any other inauguration ever and yet they pick up his belt and city of Washington d.c. Imagine there's a human that has not had enough of this cheap con man grifter predator traitor and what is that a 6th or 7th. Do that to the Constitution I was always really worse than what he's doing. You are better than that stuff you know how I talk you know what you go by for that you need to stand up that way more than I did by her throwing form then I think it was Ok but I don't know where you. I think Don it's possible got moralistically a softball through and she was going more for a free throw Yeah I don't know what that was either way I don't throw the nominee Please please read it Bob Nashville hello good morning guys I want to apologize I never ever missed this show yesterday I had to keep turning back and forth to the parade and the celebration when I was watching the parade and celebration these wonderful women I would just get this a minute feeling of joy and pride in love and American spirit and I flip back over to you for commercials and I instantly run into just a still get Sure thing with Trump and his world Alex I. Take every once in a while is jump because like I always just put Trump on the back burner yet though a little bit wiser than some happiness somewhere Yeah well you know you know what that's why God invented the stuff Castle me for $95.00 a month if you buy your in a bag I will be watching Dynasty as this show is over listening to the dinosaurs the shows of Bob I would like for you to record an audio book because you have one of the calmest most soothing voice is heard calling for the show and I think that it might actually relax mean I wouldn't have to drink so much you don't hear me when when I'm just watching the show it's Christmas. I love a woman refers to drinking as an imperative Yeah Ok you and I see it differently. And. To say I was a boy those gals were didn't love the Mag Did you see that you every day after drinking the champagne and going I deserve this you should. Party in the locker room because I follow a lot of them on social media it was a dream sequence like they were literally pouring champagne down each other's throats I was like This is better than porn Ok then Goldberg's here so everything's better everything's alright everything else on the Stephanie Miller Show I know it and it means that I like the sound of it it's the Stephanie Miller Show. Tune in to suggest a chance to say to Friday 7 to 8 am on Pacifica Radio. You will hear reports analysis and more on local national and international policies and stories that affect us all drawing out how those of us most impacted communities of color and other communities are responding from our the cli roundtables to our coverage of news headlines weekly Earthwatch of Earth minutes south of the border and Africa series The latest movement for change in the United States and around the world to specials on costs and literature really work hard to bring new cutting edge voices and points of view. For some punk. Tuesday to Friday 7 to 8 am our priority is new the listener thanks for your support this is your host market. With. Stephanie and my van. It is the Stephanie Miller Show. Women's Soccer team like not the Canyon of Heroes in New York City yesterday another girl power news a little bit more in common with Harris passive Bernie Sanders in a new poll Joe Biden now leading only by 5 points. Over the speed a little again and go blue no matter who but I'm all about the girl power today to get. Biden at 22 percent now Warren in 2nd at 17 Harris closely following at 14 percent. Of 4th place with 11 percent. Yeah and of the debates coming up why 30 of them 31st. Yeah Who was it Jake Tapper I think seen him yeah no no yeah c.n.n. But I forget the host. I think it's Anderson Cooper Jake Tapper I will figure it out all right so very exciting and I was just saying Democrats take a page from Meghan yesterday this. Is so resilient it's so tough. Has such a sense of humor this is so bad like there's nothing nothing that can faze this group we're chillin. T's. Celebration. We have pink hair and purple hair. We have tattoos dreadlocks. We go when I get my ged and everything in it to me. Thank you again yeah. All right all right let's yeah let's get into all this Democratic disunity that got . With Karl for here with. Karl. Karl 1st. Democratic strategist. Karl Priest dot com. Oh it is I'm sorry I called Sorry Travis was good calling inaudible who is it the moderators Dana Bash Don Lemon and Jake Tapper will moderate the next debate and we love Deneb as you know why because she loves me. Let's talk with her boyfriend Spencer Garrett Ok who is by the way all over the trailer for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood he's sorry Carl we're talking about star self Oh good morning Karl how are you warning I'd like to hear our piece for Violet from Willy Wonka she passed away oh oh yeah thanks for bringing us all down there oh. Ok All right yes Spencer Garrett fantastic So let's get into this so there was a story in The Hill and then also I guess Washington Post this morning so it was about this closed door meeting right with Palosi and all the Democrats were she basically scold them for publicly taking shots at each other played for unity as they had indicated Bates in the coming weeks she said you got a complaint you come talk to me about it but do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that's Ok she said I'm here to help the children meaning at the border when it's easy and when it's hot. Some of you are here to make a beautiful pâté but we've got we're making sausage most of the time without that unity we're playing completely into the hands of the other people that I agree she was you know she said I hope they'll be some level of respect and sensitivity for each individual experience that we bring to this caucus you make me the target don't make our Blue Dogs or New Dems the target of all this because we have important this to pry I mean I take her point all that girl in Mark pro can who I love you know who's a Progressive Caucus who we have you know we've had on many times that Sexy Liberal with us he tweeted the about the centrist problem solvers caucus has become the child abuse caucus that is not helpful and I love Marco come on but you know so anyway she's she's basically obviously trying to hold together her caucus which is not easy but I think some of her comments were not helpful in the New York Times the problem solvers caucus 1st and foremost. Is really just the big business caucus it's not right they were the folks that tried to undermine policy before she even had the gavel. And so right she's defending them and they were the ones that were trying to give the big gavel to the conservative like yourself Multan So I mean so yeah and I the way the a.o. C's of the world had her back during that leadership fight Carl right they did and this largely plays into the hands not just of Republicans but the media you know it doesn't matter how unified Democrats are the 2nd we show disunity right the media bounces and run stories about it take Democrats in crisis Democrat disarray and call it takes focus away from you know. Annorah blowing up the Iran deal in June is toward war child predators you know likely in the White House and is surrounding him them enabling it what's happening at the border I mean you're right don't give them any oxygen when when we're literally in crisis every day constitutional and otherwise Right yeah well I mean and what's happening at the border cannot be fixed or made better by Democratic caucus that is pertained as this unified. And if we know that that is what media is going to run with because it's one of their favorite tropes we can't give them an inch Yeah and and so I don't I'm not saying that the members of the March lockstep together they have to agree on everything right. I just think we have to be very careful about how we articulate our differences yeah and mind you I am from the left on these issues need to know that's what that's what I mean I get I get Palosi saying look you know you she's trying to keep the caucus together and you can't legislate on Twitter right if you only have 4 votes for something that's not helping anybody you know mean in terms of trying what we're trying to get done on the other hand I think these women like Ailes they're communicating with the younger our younger generations on Twitter you know very important way too don't you think well I'm beyond Twitter I think that they're communicating with a very essential part of the progressive base right I don't think that most even a fraction of the Democratic or progressive electorate is Twitter is Facebook it's a very small piece Yeah but they are communicating the views of many of us you know I well I look at what else he's doing on the House Financial Services Committee and I applaud her and you know it pollutes he's right to say take it out on me because she is a good foil for all of these these types of attacks you can withstand but just keep it behind closed doors I guess it's like family right family family family well we err argue. Family but we have a radio show so we have to but other people. Write Yeah we did mention Rapinoe syrup or Peano So yesterday about it we should listen more and talk less which I can't do Carl because I have ears I have a talk show reason you are but anyway yes most anywhere also you know echoed police's comments so Roe Conn a Progressive Caucus said he said come to me criticize me in person but let's be unified when we're dealing with McConnell the real obstacle which I agree with is Mitch McConnell our fire should be directed at him John Yarmuth arch ugly friend said standing gave a very impassioned unity talk just a few minutes ago talking about how important everybody is to getting our agenda done and if we have problems with each other we ought to dress each other not quote side after after pointers message was directed applause the Palosi Yarmuth chuckled because that's what he does these are talks like and he said it was directed at everyone they know who they are you know Pelosi needs to take the medicine that's being served up for our new members to write in and if she's got a problem with people she needs to bring it to them directly write it Shangri you know she knows better than to have what she presumes of some kind of a private conversation with reporters it's going to get out so. She can she can lead by example in that regard yeah and she I mean and she has been doing I think a great job of mentoring these young women and so that's why this is particularly disappointing I know a o.c. Said in The Washington Post piece she said when these comments 1st started I kind of thought she was keeping the progressive flank at more than arm's distance in order to protect the more moderate members which I understood but the persistent singling out I got to a point was just outright disrespectful the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color and I agree that that we've all got to be really careful with this we have a big tent you know but and and Hoyer made a you know a good point that the border stuff. Carl is emotional and rightly should be in n.c. Pelosi teared up talking about it so and I don't think we can accuse to call the are the moderates the child abuse caucus is also not helpful because they all we all care on our side the Republicans don't care that's the difference Mitch McConnell really doesn't care hearing yesterday when an undocumented mother talked about how she was torn apart from her child and her child died in ice custody. You know anybody who listens to that thinks that the Republicans have the way out of this is bonkers right this is a study where said there are some strong feelings people are very very upset with the humanitarian abuses that are occurring at the border that every American ought to be ashamed of so there were some strong feelings and they were manifested but there's no about doubt that the bill was going to pass so you know I get everyone's point but you're right this is just the only way we're going to do this is create a bigger blue wave in 2020 right in the you know well you know it starts in 2019 to do under 2020 and you know it can't just be about defeating Trump you know Trump is part of the issue here but a Democratic president needs a team in Washington to work with so we need to make sure that Trump is out of there if he's not out there already by 2020. And we need to make sure that there's a Democratic caucus and Senate to work with the next president yeah. Well you know and we've got Mitch McConnell of course basically saying he's not going to do anything about election security blaming Obama when we all know no wonder he was the one who stopped Obama from from. Fully informing the American people I mean it's just I honestly I would say this crowd never hated anyone but I and I Some days I actually wonder if I hate Mitch McConnell a talent in this because they are just going right lets out you know this is the message to Democrats if you're like me in your progressive Yeah you have problems with the moderate Democrats on various policy issues if you're if you're a moderate Democrat you've got a problem with progress is on the policy issues. But the one thing that we both agree on is that Mitch McConnell will do anything in his power to hold onto his power and that he cannot be trusted to do what's right for the American people and that when we take control that will be the beginning of good quality change but we can do that provided absolutely look for Karl dot com You can start there helping the good guys who talk to you next week or already have a go at You Tube like 49 minutes after the hour roll along toward not Samantha or Dana Goldberg toward goodness and general puppies and rainbows much better as a King Jeffrey set everything up he's in rainbows with Democrats. And unicorns that park litter. Box right back on the Stephanie Miller Show. Keep it together keep it together to get to get together to get the Stephanie Miller Show. This agenda truth show on k p f k or hosting an event in Los Angeles with Dr Gerald Horne Dr Horn will be speaking about 2 of his latest books jazz and justice racism and the political economy of the music and white supremacy confronted us imperialism versus the liberation of southern Africa from Rhodes to Mandela the event takes place on Saturday July 20th at 2 pm at McCarty's memorial Christian church for 103 less Adams Boulevard l.a. 90 below one e. Award winning author and historian Dr Gerald Horne the Morris professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Houston in Los Angeles Saturday July 20th at 2 pm and so on books is a co-sponsor donations welcome as a fundraiser for k p f k radio get more information at the o r g. P s ported by well gears comes 21000 repertory season featuring outdoor performances of Shakespeare's classics and place June 1st there September 29th and Topanga Canyon shows include a Midsummer's Night Dream night Moby Dick rehearsed an enemy of the people the skin of our teeth and the gin game more information is available at. Home and the dot com. And chant host of impact on keep. Immigrants on Americans discuss America have today we bring to exciting hot topics that will get you talking to. Amazing immigrants in fact America great music entertainment from around the world this Join us every Sunday at 1 pm fun exciting discovery don't hurt boys this week immigrants who are listening to Pacifica Radio in 1007 a family must Angeles 98.7 f.m. Santa Barbara 93.7 f.m. . And at $99.00 f.m. Which press and streaming around the world. Supported by the Skirball Cultural Center presenting sunset concerts every Thursday evening July 18th through August 22nd the season kicks off one Thursday July 18th with a Spanglish folk soul of God. Playing songs about love and the immigrant experience . The. Stores open at 630 more information a good view of a large. Large could be as gay as a proud media sponsored sunset concert a disco ball. This is not. 90.7 f.m. Los Angeles. Welcome to Richard thank you for staying with us this is your host Margaret Prescott today on our weekly roundtable with next weeks of Robert Muller before Congress how is. The Trump administration preparing well 1st Donald Trump insisted there had to be a citizenship question on the u.s. Census then he attempted to turn around his defeat on getting that citizenship question on the u.s. Census somehow into a victory in language that will appeal to his base he has threatened to round up at least 2000 undocumented immigrants and ice raids in 10 u.s. Cities he got into a spat with the British ambassador to the u.s. He released a tape of him kissing a woman that was supposed to prove he didn't kiss her or at least not on the lips so who in all of the noise talking about potential damage to trump of Mahler's appearance before Congress about on the mainstream media earned Bernet of c.n.n. Seem to be the lone voice questioning whether Trump is carrying out a diversion plan to take attention away from Mahler Bobino even though it might be a diversion that the Trump administration is just carrying out this his usual race base and divisive attacks with among.

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