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The talks are strategy chief that the Union of Concerned Scientists said quote You never have icing the almost total disconnect we've seen here at Comp $25.00 in Madrid between what the science requires and what the climate negotiations are delivering in terms of meaningful action and frys the climate negotiator for the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu whose existence is threatened by rising sea levels cold out the United States for watering down the final document even though President Trump is withdrawing the us from the Paris agreement this is an absolute tragedy and the. Effect of the impacts of climate. Of people. Around the world. He is suffering from the impacts of climate change. Could be interpreted. To be a crime against humanity Thank you. Lance an indigenous leaders blasted the United Nations for marginalizing civil society groups over 2 weeks of negotiations welcoming polluters at the climate summit this is clear a sure way to Reagan a Maori representative from the indigenous peoples organisations at the cop when you silence us you deny yourselves the learning from our ways and you continue to sideline those who have real solutions for all communities. It puts on a climate we have a. Few words of nature we know the legitimacy of Al boys and it's about time that you recognize that to hear our stories and our histories talk taking up space with you will follow solutions and get out of our why more of the failures of cop 25 climate summit will be joined by acid rain from line. As well as tossing out police executive director of the Climate Action Network from Cape Town South Africa on Capitol Hill the House Judiciary Committee has reached its report explaining its decision to charge President Trump with 2 articles of impeachment for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress the 658 page report released this morning details Tromso efforts to withhold military aid in order to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival troop Biden on Wednesday the full Democratic controlled House is expected to vote to impeach President Trump sending the charges to the Republican controlled Senate which will then hold a trial on whether to remove Trump from office on Sunday Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer proposed terms for an evidentiary trial that would start on January 7th and go beyond the investigation conducted by the house witnesses who could be called to testify include former national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this comes as top Republican senators face calls to recuse themselves from Trump's impeachment trial late last week Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Fox News he was quote taking my cues quote from the White House and on Sunday Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was questioned by Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan about coordinating with the White House on impeachment it said Republicans in the Senate really be taking their marching orders from the person being investigated you know I understand the president's for us Gratian but I think it was best for other countries to get this thing over with . Clearly. Not trying to hide the fact that I have disdain for the accusations in the process the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has said he may not have any witnesses at the Senate trial we'll have more on Trump's impeachment later in the broadcast with Nader long time consumer advocate corporate critic and former. Presidential candidate the trumpet ministrations reportedly planning to withdraw 4000 u.s. Troops from Afghanistan with person and Trump set to make an announcement as early as this week the drawdown would leave between 8 and 9000 u.s. Troops in Afghanistan continuing to fight the longest war in u.s. History now in its 19th year and this comes just days after a major exposé by The Washington Post revealed senior u.s. Officials allies throughout the war in Afghanistan about progress while hiding evidence that had become unwinnable in India the death toll from a crackdown on demonstrations has risen to 6 as massive protests rage against the citizenship amendment bill which many have denounced as a major step toward the official marginalization of India's 200000000 Muslims among the dead were 4 people shot dead by police in some states biggest city Guwahati where government imposed curfews closed schools and brought commerce to a halt the citizenship bill passed by the upper house of the Indian Parliament provides a path to citizenship for immigrants from Afghanistan Bangladesh and Pakistan unless they are Muslim and English Desh at least 10 people were killed after a fire tore through a factory near the capital Dhaka Sunday a local fire official said the 3 storey building clearly had no safety measures the deadly blaze came just 4 days after a fire to Dhaka plastics factory killed 19 people in Lebanon government forces fired tear gas and water cannons at thousands of protesters who flooded the streets of Beirut for a 2nd straight day Sunday just bursting a peaceful rally calling for an end to official corruption and economic inequality protesters responded by throwing rocks and setting trash cans on fire dozens of people were arrested this is protester Nagin. We will not leave until they submit towards America so they are the ones who stole the country they are the ones who brought us to this point not us we are citizens who want our rights in the current . We are asking for is not something that the political elite it is like for our own right so they took away from us Lebanon has been rocked by weeks of massive anti-government demonstrations that forced Lebanese Prime Minister Saad had 80 to resign back in the United States a state judge in Wisconsin has ordered 234000 names to be purged from the voter rolls ahead of the 2020 election and move to cry by critics as a Republican backed effort and voter suppression under the ruling registered voters who did not respond to a letter within 30 days asking them to confirm their home address will be forced to reregister or will be ineligible to vote next year according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel a majority of the voters who were sent the letters were in districts that lean Democratic and the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump won in Wisconsin by fewer than $23000.00 votes that year then we're clear the chair of those constant Democratic Party called the purge of quote product of a right wing legal and political strategy to prevent eligible voters from voting adding it should be a concern to anyone who believes in the core idea of democracy he said. Jersey Democratic Congress member Jeff or any Jew will switch parties and become a Republican then Drews announcement came over the weekend after in that President Trump at the White House Friday after news of his defection broke 5 of the injuries top staffers resigned in protest venture was opposed to the impeachment of President Trump and media news the hallmarks Channel says it will resume airing advertisements from the wedding planning companies Zola that feature same sex couples Mark initially banned for ads featuring brides kissing each other while accepting 2 similar ads that featured heterosexual couples after a backlash Hallmark's c.e.o. Mike Perry reversed course and apologized Sunday night saying in a statement we are truly sorry for the hurt and us. Appointment this has caused. Pentagon officials say they're investigating students at the Army's West Point Academy on the u.s. Naval Academy after they were filmed flashing white power hand gestures at the Army Navy football game in Philadelphia Saturday army cadets and Navy made Shipman in the stands were seen repeatedly making the signs which resemble an Ok gesture and one such incident was broadcast live by e.s.p.n. . Last year the u.s. Coast Guard reprimanded an officer who used a similar hate symbol during a t.v. Broadcast and executives at Boeing are reportedly considering ending production of the troubled $737.00 Max passenger jet and an announcement could come as early as this afternoon after markets closed Boeing 737 Max airplane has been grounded worldwide after 2 crashes and Ethiopia and Indonesia killed all 346 people on board the 2 planes last week former Boeing manager Edward Pearson testified to the House Transportation Committee he tried to warn executives about safety concerns for months before the 1st steadily crash as well as before the 2nd crash but as warnings were ignored. A risk request that I want to warn meeting with the general manager on July 18th I repeated Mark recommendation to shut down the factories for a brief period of time. When I would mention that I've seen operations in the military for lesser safety concerns I will never forget his response which was the military is an approximation organization. We'll get response from consumer activist or our fader who lost his granny's sunniest to know who was on the Ethiopian flight and those are some of the headlines This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report any good. Christina honest Ed here with a quick interruption of democracy now to ask for your support of k p f a this listener sponsored radio station 180-439-5732 is the number to call to pledge support to k p f a and to give what you can this holiday season we're on the tail and of k p f A's winter holiday pledge drive it ends tomorrow our overall goal is to raise. 835-0000 dollars we still need $80000.00 left so is just over $40000.00 a day for the next 2 days we need to raise on average we raise about $25000.00 this pledge drive a day so we really could use your supporting your help in the last 2 days push to raise $80000.00 to help keep this station afloat to help keep the power on the lights on to help keep this p.f.a. Disseminating programs like Democracy Now the number to call is 180-439-5732 now to help kick start the spirit of giving. For this hour broadcast we have a match Andrew in Pacifica has says I will do a dollar a day he has put up well close he's put up $360.00 a $360.00 pledge 30 dollars a month to k p f a and he wants other listeners like him to support. The station and step up and do your part as well 180-439-5732 we were way behind last week due to largely due to impeachment coverage hearings and the week before but you guys have come through big time and we've helped close the gap and now we're asking the rest of you listeners to step up and do your part and help us fully close the gap to raise the 20 $500.00 I've been tasked with during this hour of democracy now 180-439-5732 is the number to call we have one listener who has gone to the lines and said I will give if we can have a couple more step up and join Andrew in making this match 368 dollars 180-439-5732 as Amy mentioned she's talking with Ralph Nader we have His latest book Hot off the press that is for a pledge of $150.00 breaks down to $15.00 a month it's called fake president decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general Bowl. With an expletive 18043957321804395732 back to Democracy Now we are just back from the trade Spain where cop 25 the United Nations Climate Summit and did in a minute mental failure Sunday afternoon go shaders failed to agree to a deal that would limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels a key goal of the Paris Agreement scores of civil society groups and Dan governments and the European Union Australia Canada and the United States for a gale that requires far less action then needed to avert catastrophic climate change denier. The strategy chief at the end of Concerned Scientists said quote Never had I seen the almost total disconnect we've seen here at cop $25.00 in Madrid but tween what the science requires and what the climate negotiations are delivering in terms of meaningful action in front of the climate negotiator for the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu whose existence is threatened by rising sea levels due to global warming called out the United States which worked to water down the final agreement even though President Trump is withdrawing the us from Paris agreeing that it is an absolute tragedy and a sure way to Reagan and now really representative from the indigenous peoples organizations at the cop when you sign it so you deny yourselves the learning from our ways and you continue to sideline those who have real solutions for old communities. But on climate we have a kite yappy the sewage of night we know the legitimacy of Al Boyce is and it's about time that you recognize that to. Hear our stories to learn our histories stop taking up space with you all so solutions and good out about why for more on the outcome of the un climate summit we're joined by 2 guests who were there. Now in London acid rain and is executive director of War on Want and from Cape Town South Africa. Is executive director of the Climate Action Network International She joins us from Democracy Now video stream we welcome you both to Democracy Now Kathleen let's begin with you you were there right through to the and you organized the response on Sunday when the final cop closed Can you talk about why it's being described as a monumental failure even by negotiators and then though these 6 or their. Unprecedented level of organizing that's going on coming out of the summit. Is Amy thank you very much for having me on the show. For one's I think across the board to the parties and civil society organizations and activists from different constituencies the stage union movement indigenous peoples women and added one voice about the outcome. And that it is the stadia the. Gap between the and the outside of this prose is whether that is the signs that become clear to the $1.00 it bold it is the voices of many citizens in many countries across the world you Mundine a sponsor the planet emergency and in addition to that the impacts all of the being felt in countries across the world disconnect inside the holes of the human it's a bull seed was she current is like a new lease. Was phenomenal and not only. You know these countries the key because in the process we also Brazil added to that mix as well and so. It's very clear that the commitment to addressing this climate emergency and in fact the commitment to the pet is the dream and was not demonstrated at all and clearly points in that direction President Trump is pulling the u.s. Out of the parish climate agreement it would officially be pulled out the day after the election next year yet how did they wield so much power at this crop. Well they still have to they are not out of the poses yet to that will happen next . And wielded a lot of there was stories about negotiate as in the loss and damage negotiations saying they were really being bullied by the u.s. Negotiators so they've played an extremely destructive little teetotally in the loss and damage negotiations that the painting to finance for us and damage and so you know this is unbelievable it is I mean I'm always trying to break down you and language loss and damage. This is the impacts of climate change the losses that you would and as Bill Readdy witnessing across the aisle with as little as 3 lads the damage that. Expedience Davis 18 times looms as we've seen for example in the Philippines they position goes is as we have seen you know say so to the losses and the damages are latent to that it's not only about the existing. Days that was lost and damaged but something also so sea level rise for example would be so. Unsafe it's not to say and exclaim even to that that is all at once and this is exactly what the small island states of docking about in terms of. This is a viable. And have been forced to move so. I didn't see is also part of the impacts of climate change that would need to be addressed I said Raman we're speaking to you in London you actually left a few days before the end of the summit yesterday because you went back to London to deal with well the election that took place there the landslide election for the Prime Minister Barak's Johnson over the Labor leader Mondeo have called the Climate election but can you talk about any your time there and we see every year at these climate summits the significance of why this year was so devastating and so monumentally. A failure. Well I mean we come into these climate talks with governments having no precedents of Monday from their citizens before you remember millions of people have been marching on the streets calling on their governments to take action to take action on the climate of an agency we've seen the scale of the impacts television screens in every single country in the world we've seen the impacts of floods and droughts of Mainz and of course at the same time we've also seen unprecedented protests taking place around the world economic inequality it's clear that the world is broken governments need to act so you would have expected governments to come knowing that this was a critical moment and come with ambition and they said we saw the United States aided and abetted by other rich developed countries take a wrecking ball to those icons So 1st of all confidence came not willing to take action in terms of the last decade when that literally did nothing. In the previous decade which has meant that the critical actions required in the coming decade are much much harder they came attempted to block any support for poor developing countries if you just head for the I mean this is absolutely outrageous what they were actually asking for not just the United States but the European Union as well is basically to have lie ahead no liability for the damages of their inaction is causing a new low teeniest and that is not only are they not putting anything on the table in terms of genuine emission reductions all the desperately need to finance what they wanted was loopholes so that their big polluting companies could continue to pollute Lupo's I would basically both the budget for the $1.00 degree guardrail so we come in here with governments was no willingness to act and actually acting not in the interests of their own citizens but acted in the interests of that big polluting companies and it was an absolute disaster so the question I must ask we must ask ourselves What will it take for. Voices to be heard the climate talks move to the u.k. In 2028 on precedented moment we're at the end of the decade the last decade and I we're in the beginning of the new decade if governments don't come without willingness. Which we can only as citizens force them to hold our own governments to account to a national level so that they come with the right mandates I think we're talking about not just losing the $1.00 degree but the 2 degree just to put that in context as I totally agree with you sometimes these climate words don't quite have the residence but the difference between the Ice Age and only 4 degrees and already in the pledges that we've got for the powers agreement we see warming that will lead to 3 degrees we have absolutely no idea of what the world will look like but all we can say is that the impacts of the poorest people on the most vulnerable run the world will be absolutely devastating as seen as something Cape Town South Africa we give you the last word here and it is around. Where ness especially young people have brought to the world around the urgency of this problem and where you see that activism going now even if the comp was a monumental failure. Yes We we are ignoring is that this is going to be in our hands so citizens across the world the Us indigenous women the workers all of us have to be united it is amazing. The use in leadership under the past year of was putting. The science firmly on the fact that we are in a climate emergency and so together with that arising of young people to day and they to many many peoples of the world when been fighting this on the front lines who have been losing their lives full. For predicting then Biedermann then 2 days. To begin does it is that the fossil fuel companies destroying the planet and 2nd Feis their lives all of this this kind of because no unity is becoming more and more clear and stronger and I think. The protests. Going on we can justices and these social injustices that what we can with this and vote to do with this is a much bigger powerful. Cross the world and building government into account but not only just the cult ability there has to be consequences for the interactions I think Amy We are going to see I believe much stronger movement and get only grow stronger and stronger Tasneem aside I want to thank you for being with us executive director of the Climate Action Network International speaking to us from Cape Town South Africa where she has just arrived back from the dread cock and I said Raymond executive director of War on Want speaking to us from London to see all of our coverage of the u.n. Climate summit we've just returned from Madrid you can go to Democracy Now oh ard she when we come back patron with Ralph Nader Stay with us. Christine honest Ed here in the studios of k p f a with a quick fundraising update we have made the match want to thank those who have given and those are Marlene in Oakland Thank you she said so deeply grateful for Kay p.f.a. If that sentiment resonates with you let us know 180-439-5732 basic membership take a p.f.a. Start at 25 dollars 180439. 5732 Conny in Berkeley thank you cannae an anonymous listener and San Jose also gave an anonymous listener and San Francisco gave this morning thank you for your contributions we still have a ways to go we still have about $1500.00 left to raise the number to call is $184395732184395744.00 and to continue the push for the spirit of holiday giving Anthony n. Berkeley who loves k.p. F.a. And democracy now has put up a $900.00 challenge to other listeners to step up and do your part as well give what you can at your level at 180-439-5732 that number again is 180-439-5732 we have a $900.00 match on the line we have just under $2000.00 left to raise this is really going to give us the final push if listeners like you will step up to the plate and do your part k.p.s. Face not brought to you by the coal or the oil and gas industry when covering issues of climate change as we've just heard is not brought to you by the Trump Mar-A Lago hotel Golf Resort and Casino it's brought to you by the listener there are no government bailouts for k p f a Unfortunately our support 95 percent of our support comes from the listener like you so we rely on listener contributions several people have given online this morning I'll give out the website again that's k p f a o r g k p f o r g u. Can also call 180-439-5732 extension 2 pledge your support we have a $900.00 challenge on the line right now not one listener has gone to the phones we are in the 2nd to last day of the holiday pledge drive so we just really need to get that pushed out for listeners maybe you've let your membership lapse or maybe you're no longer a member of k. P.f.a. Maybe you've never become a member maybe you've never given a well I'd like to make an appeal to this holiday season to look deep down in your heart and dig deep in your pocket and see what you can give this radio station let us know that you value the programming that you hear on k. P.f.a. Programs like Democracy Now and help do your part to keep the station afloat 180-439-5732 up next is an interview with Ralph Nader we are offering his new book fake president decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general b.s. By Nader and Mark Green It's a pledge of $150.00 that breaks down to $15.00 a month they cover some of his most scandalous corruption incidents as well as the what is it. 260 conflicts of interests will we'll have more on that with Democracy Now 180-439-5732 back to the show. Trump is set to become the 3rd president to be impeached when the Democrat controlled House votes Wednesday on 2 charges related to his effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden will send the churches to the Republican controlled Senate to hold a trial on whether to remove Trump from office on Sunday Senate minority leader truck Schumer proposed terms for an evidentiary trial in the Senate it would start on January 7th and go on the investigation conducted by the house witnesses that could be called to testify include former national security adviser John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this comes as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell faces calls to recuse himself from Trump's impeachment trial after McConnell said last week he's quote taking his Kira's from the White House this is McConnell speaking on Fox News. Do during Luzon coordinated with the White House counsel there was no difference between the president's visit. To handle those Meanwhile on Sunday Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was questioned by Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan about coordinating with the White House on impeachment. Republicans in the Senate really be taking on marching orders from the person being investigated you know I understand the president's frustration but I think it was best for the country is to get get this thing over with. Clearly made up my mind I'm not trying to hide the fact that I have disdain for the accusations in the process a new Fox poll says 54 percent of Americans want Trump impeached I repeat this is a Fox poll which also says 50 percent want him impeached and removed I repeat proxy. Poll says half of Americans want Trump removed early this morning the House Judiciary Committee released its full report on Trump's impeachment that's nearly 700 pages and explains in 4 parts the committee's justification for recommending 2 articles from page one against from abuse of power and obstruction of Congress for more we go to Washington d.c. Where we're joined by 3 time presidential candidate consumer activist and author warehouse Nader he's called for impeaching Trump for deliberately abetting the climate crisis among other issues his latest book written with Mark Green is titled take President decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general b.s. Except he spells it out Welcome back to Democracy Now Ralph. So 1st respond to what is happening this week it is historic What do you think about the grounds on which President Trump is about to be impeached. Are too narrow perilous if Nancy Pelosi wants to remove Donald Trump went on a very narrow base he is clearly not supportive of impeachment generally she took it off the table when it was for opposed to her. Friend. The criminal war criminals George Bush and Dick Cheney and he's come forward with a very narrow had a very narrow hand for the most of the trouble president of all time to go forward on the Ukraine important as it is because there are effects interference in the upcoming election by. Freeing foreign aid to interfere is not just. Cranor for he's actually said China Russia. Help help them but just think of all the other impeachable offenses some of them per se that are kitchen table offenses he's destroyed credit disabled the life saving Injury Prevention and disease reduction programs the federal government Environmental Protection Agency. OSHA protecting worker safety. Product Safety Commission. Is basically closed down to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau protection from Wall Street and other financial crimes against ordinary people consumers investors small savers. That is a critical impeachable offense according to the framers of our constitution a defiant refusal to faithfully execute the laws and go with that they enrichment of his family with foreign governments using his hotels the so-called the monuments cause time Dunc per se he didn't go with. A seizure of the power of the purse the appropriations power the Congress exclusively reserved to the Congress by the Constitution she didn't go with that he took $3700000000.00 from the Defense Department to build a law that's a clear impeachable offense and even gets worse Amy a month ago or so Speaker Pelosi came to a press conference and said the size of like that he committed bribery should well documented and he dropped the bribery impeachable cause the whole abstraction of Congress is restricted largely to the Ukraine investigation when he has the broadest contempt of Congress of any president. Including by the way. Force a 9 countries overseas with any congressional declaration of war and there is more as well so that the question is why is the Democrats didn't take a stronger stand and go with the strong hand that would have promptly increased public opinion because of the kitchen table issues the health and safety and economic. Situations that he is fostered just look average like life expectancy is down. Productivity labor is down manufacturing employment is down under Trump. These are not impeachable offenses but the point is that he's vulnerable on these point. Where is Congress on that they got rid of Franken and John Conyers for one percent of what Trump has done is embroiled in all kinds of lawsuits by women sworn under oath that he's assaulted them arrest them as outre then you have the bigotry and the racism which he follows up with I mean his policies coming down very hard on minority and the poor and then you have his incitement to violence if he's in page civil wars will be riots in the street and then you cluster those under serial line he lies by the hour lies by the day he's averaging 22 lies over 14000 since he came into office and you have an abuse the public trust people understand that they don't want to have neighbors in or want to raise their children with this kind of model in the White House lying beside Jenny racism incitement to violence so she has forfeited a huge opportunity not just to impeach Trump but to remove him what's the point of just impeaching him if you don't use the full Arsenault of impeachable offenses and what a lot of people don't know I've been down on Capitol Hill and most of the Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee. Opposed her narrow approach but they were overruled they were even backed by the chair of the Foreign Relations Committee Mr Engle by the chair of the Financial Committee Congresswoman Maxine Waters the obstruction of justice in the Miller motor report where he had about 10 documented of structure of justices that was even supported by her deputy the number 2 person standing a whole year from Maryland so she overruled them Oh and as a result I don't think she's protecting those 10 or 12 new members of Congress. From Trump he's going after them already and he's crowing he's he's taunting Are you saying Nancy Pelosi has a majority and. Didn't go forward with all these charges and don't you know why because they're all low is they're all fake That's why I've done nothing wrong so he's dinner and he will do it before hundreds of thousands of people in his rallies in the coming months huge lost opportunity around fader You also wrote a column saying Trump should be impeached for his climate policy. As we come out of this cop $25.00 this un climate summit in Madrid that has been called a monumental failure with many blaming it partially on the United States even though the Trump denying Frezza the climate denying President trunk is pulling the u.s. Out of the accord not before they help to water down these negotiations he's done a lot worse he's completely unleashed the fossil fuel industry drilling in the Arctic drilling drilling overseas drilling rather under shores he's unleashed these massive greenhouse gases he had an opportunity as president either to. Ignore climate disruption and climate change should never be used as a climate crisis climate violence climate disruption we're going to use the right words here he could have ignored it he could have worked to diminish greenhouse gases Instead he's actually expanding greenhouse gases the Pentagon years ago declared climate disruption as a national security danger and he continue to do so even a Federal Reserve is beginning to speak up on this but Donald Trump calls it a hoax he calls it a Chinese. This is instability this is a psychiatric problem this is a president who does not the country against a fossil fuel unleashed ravaging nature with massive droughts and massive floods and ocean currents begin to change it melting glaciers and all kinds of critical assaults on the security the United States and its people on farmers on the poor on the shore. And that's not an impeachable offense I mean. What's what's the Congress up to here we're doing here yes let me ask you even if they haven't gotten him on all of these different issues let's go back to Nixon one of the articles of impeachment that was being drafted that was not approved was for the secret bombing of Cambodia or a guard last he was gone on for example abuse of power alternately here he resigned and he didn't go through that impeachment process. But we're guard less of what he is charged with does it matter if he isn't and then talk about what this means as it goes to the Senate where you have the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell saying he probably won't call witnesses although I think that's in flux saying he's consulting with White House lawyers etc Talk about why it matters if he is impeached. Over matters certainly for some people in this country the House of Representatives in effect indicted him under its concert or authority is sent over for trial in the Senate Mitch McConnell is a total dictator the Senate is a no he's actually invited the defendant Donald Trump to the rules of the trial. By the senators who are the jury I mean. I don't know whether Chief Justice Roberts once approach is a big and such a kangaroo court but the tragedy is there aren't enough articles of impeachment that should have been passed through the house we have a 12 count articles of impeachment on the website Nader dot oh r.j. Developed by Constitutional law. Experts including Bruce Fein and the legendary constitutional law expert for a liar Congress now are tired of fish or for those of you who want to see the missed opportunities here when you go after a president you want to remove them you don't go after him with the narrow hand and a get over it get it over series of hearings as to this truly tragic to see this opportunity and he glories in it he's doubling down he's going to continue nourishing nice. Fences not like Nixon for Lincoln back into the corner he's going to turn it into an advantage for him to the extent that he can. You've been listening to go to Ralph Nader he is the 3 time presidential candidate consumer activist Well right now we're asking you to go to the phones were off Nader just talked about what President Trump should be impeached for he also has a new book out with Mark Green and the book is called Stake President we urge you to go to the phone we ask you to stand up for independent media your call makes a difference to make it possible for p.f.a. To happen the number to call is 804395732804395732 your call makes a difference you make it possible the book by Ralph Nader and Mark Reno is fake president decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general. B.s. That book is yours it's just hot off the press it's yours for a contribution of $150.00 or $1250.00 a month the d.v.d. Of our extended interview is yours for a contribution of 75 or 6 and trying to put it together for $200.16 and change a month you can do it in installments monthly installments it's yours for $200.00 a book fake president hot off the press and the d.v.d. Of our interview with we're all for Nader he was in a t.v. Studio in Washington d.c. We urge you to call 180-439-5732 we cannot do this work without you if you appreciated our coverage right through to today of the Madrid climate summit the amazing Taylan that went to Madrid I so appreciate each and every person who was not only in Madrid with us at the u.n. Climate summit but was back here in New York making sure that the show happened every single day if you appreciated that broadcast I'm so sorry I couldn't picture last week as we were running around the silent quo. It literally trying to bring you all the voices of people from all over the world that's the power of it I mean it may have been a monumental failure when it came to some action coming out of the climate summit in Madrid but in terms of grassroots organizing and hearing the voices of people from around the planet especially the young if you appreciated this we ask you to call 18043957321804395732 also as we come to the end of this year if you'd like to come to New York and watch the broadcast live we're back in New York and so love to host you here you don't have to know when you can do this it's dinner in a show we go hour to a fantastic meal but even better is the food for thought is the life journey conversation a p.f.a. Real only needs your support it's the 1st Pacifica station then you're in the show was a 2000 dollar contribution that goes directly to k.p. F.a. I can just tell you coming from Madrid the deep interest in independent media and Pacifica radio all over the planet the idea that it's not private it's not government run but it's listener supported fascinates people as in such an important role model right that it's not that you buy the oil gas and coal companies when we cover the climate crisis that it's not worth to buy the weapons industry when we cover war and peace that it's not broke you buy the insurance industry won't cover health care this is highly unusual Pacifica started it please call in right now support your station if you make that pledge of $2000.00 at least you know it's a tax deductible charitable contribution that goes directly to k.p. If a you don't have to know when you can come to New York but what counts is getting your name in the reservation but before it closes in these last few days of fund raising and say what did difference that makes and you need us know how you felt about our climate coverage this whole past week in Madrid but it's not just about Madrid it was about voices. From all over the world bringing you voices today from Cape Town South Africa from London I don't from Pakistan and from. The low from Poland from our young people or they are saying you are destroying our planet the eloquence of you for all over the world really urge you to call 180-439-5732 or pledge on line a k p s a dot org But make that pledge now I mean the good when we're back in New York Christine understand is in the studio is like a p.s.a. Martin Luther King way in Berkeley hi Christina good morning Amy good morning everyone we still have a 900 dollars challenge on the line and we haven't had any listeners give in the last 25 or so minutes 30 minutes 180-439-5732 is the number to call to give to k.p. a As you just heard from Nader Donald Trump has. Told more than 14000 lies according to The Washington Post fact checker 14000 lives and he's got 2600 documented conflicts of interest 2600 that's been uncovered by crew that's the committee for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. And these this is outlined in his book a fake president decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general bull expletive b.s. Essentially it's yours for a pledge of $150.00 to k p f a we have no listeners still on the lines we have one listener who has called 18043957321804395732 and we have an anonymous donor in Oakland too as pledged on line at the website that's k p f a o r g where you can give securely their k p f o r g So we have $800.00 left to raise to make this $900.00 match $184395732.00 and we only have about 6 minutes to do it in so the pledge of $150.00 to k. P.f.a. It breaks down to $15.00 a month so it's not too heavy on the pocket book but you're still giving Tecate p.s.a. And our thank you gift to you is fake president decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general b.s. It's by Ralph Nader and Mark Green the day it came off the press they sent a copy of it to President Trump with a letter and it said Hi we'd like you to read this book we've doc we're watching you we've documented your. Or corruption and your false half truths your lies some 14000 times the book talks about the more egregious. Instances it says here as the House impeachment inquiry unfolds based on a similar premise fake president de codes many of his worst scandals and twist to fit cations a Jefferson coinage is bound to get even worse as the house gets closer to actual articles of since it's nearly impossible to keep track of Trump's daily love of lies to 2 of America's foremost public advocates do the work for you it's your one stop shop that explains what the lion l.-y. And King means to our democracy Donald Trump has lawfully selected as the Us president but is still a fake president because he spent so much time golfing tweeting and see the thing is understandable that he doesn't get around to appointing one 3rd of all Agency inspector generals might as well expect a surgeon to be an opera singer 180-439-5732 we have 3 listeners on the lines let's see if we can get 3 more to pledge your support for k. P.f.a. 180-439-5732 Amy please call give us a call Phil the phone lines let us know you are in the house that's right this one day that we're offering Ralph Nader's grand new book it's called fake president an Essential Guide to help you understand the 2 biggest news stories of the coming year impeachment in the 2020 presidential election urge you to call right now as Ralph Nader writes If he spends so much time dancing tweeting and see the thing it's understandable. President of the United States doesn't get around to appointing one 3rd of all Agency inspectors generals we heard you to call right now we need to hear from Stanford and cow. Alto from Portola Valley and Ladera we need to hear from Oakland and Richmond and San Francisco from Arin we're urging you to call in right now send Rafelson Ramon We need your support and let's get someone to pledge in right now $2000.00 for dinner and a show we are going to sing dinners and a show I do this every single week and I would love to host you here in New York it's no expenses paid to New York but when you get here we treat you royally we so love opening to The Doors do we cure you through tomorrow you sit on the set you hang out with the guests in studio you get them to sign books if they have written a book you meet the gas you meet the king that makes the market know happened then I get to host you for a meal a wonderful restaurant but even better the food for thought a life journey conversation we have $184395732.00 it's a $2000.00 tax deductible charitable contribution think about this you want to give someone a really meaningful holiday gift and you don't have to write a card that says I've made a donation to k.p. If a and we're going to New York for dinner and a show please call right now 180-439-5732 forget Nader's book fake president brand new hot off the press yours for $1250.00 a month or 150 dollars 180-439-5732 fill every phone line if you appreciated our coverage from Stockholm Sweden and from Madrid Spain call and let us know pledge 25 or 50 or 100 dollars 150 gets round spoke faith President please call and right now your call makes a difference 18043957 tree to we cannot do this without you Kate Pacifica Radio care for its free 180439573 Q And thank you so much we have a minute and a half left I want to think Tom in San Francisco who has also given during this broadcast of democracy now and he's giving towards our $900.00 challenge we have a minute and 20. Akins left now we have a $900.00 challenge on the line that we need to raise in the next minute and a half one less than the 180-439-5732 we still have $650.00 left to raise to make this match that will put us over the goal of raising. $2500.00 during this broadcast of Democracy Now we have 5 listeners on the line let's see if we can get a 6th listener to go to the phones and pledge your support 180-439-5732 we still have $79000.00 left to raise $184395732.00 you can give online at k. P.f.a. Dot argy you can give securely that way k p f a o r g again for a pledge of $150.00 as a thank you gift to you we are offering fake president decoding trumps gaslighting corruption and general b.s. At breaks down to 15 dollars a month you can have the full interview that we had to interrupt with Democracy Now and Ralph Nader for a pledge of $75.00 that breaks down to $5.00 a month you can have them both for $200.00 or $20.00 a month 18043957321804395732 we have 50 seconds and we have just made 300 and. $75375.00 so we still have $250.00 will say we have $250.00 left to raise and $45.00 for 30 seconds left 180-439-5732 thank you to Adrian in San Francisco who has given an anonymous donor who is given from San Francisco on line at. Oh Archie We have 8 listeners on the line if we can have a few more people go to the website k.p.s. Fade out o. r G m pledge their support there I think we're going to make our match and our goal so thank you for those who have given today this is k. P.s.a. 94 point one f.m. In Berkeley k. P.f.b. 89.3 f.m. In Berkeley K.F.C.'s 88 point one f.m. In Fresno k 24 it b.-r. 97.5 f.m. In Santa Cruz were in line to. This of a super radio's letters in politics on today's show and so let's say you have a. Really good idea to make that city state and the people crime a year great idea and the other is depressing the landed people tearing their hair and saying this is no good for us you know we want to. Be a Liza States and this is going to disrupt. So they didn't really approve of democracy being the kind of thing which everyone could have a vote for and they tended to. These. Creeks and various stages these seats to get rid of the steel Crissy. There are 2 particular occasion in the 5th century when the democracy is. Periods. If you please and Socrates tools these. Biographical sketch on the ancient Athenian philosopher soccer teams and what made soccer teams soccer teams Our guest is our modern day teaches classical studies at Oxford University the author of The Times That's next on letters and talks. But 1st the News I'm Eric sprinkle with these have blog.

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