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The league player get. Plenty of player. a budget for that musical interlude We now want to return folks to the in progress push of a radio archives broadcast that will go to 9 o'clock please stay tuned and donate if you can. In 1960 Pacifica was there on the March from Selma to Montgomery Alabama it took a month to strategize and actually get across the bridge and get to Montgomery but the result of that summer was the Voter Rights Act well that I know well you were there you see that's the thing Pacifica was there the entire time not just when the fun stuff was happening for the National t.v. Cameras but I understand how this whole you know on the ground work together that stuff you can't get anywhere and it's moving it's powerful but it's what let me get let me ask you amazing So let me ask you what the voter shenanigans going on today did the Scalia decision majority decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act that allowed. Local municipalities to to obstruct the the possibility of voting access to voting. Did that have anything to do with what we're experiencing today with. You don't get it if you don't understand that what's happening today has been building Ok has been building and there is a path we can take which is in these files we've got to get back to where we started with these movements and I'm looking even just you know feed your brain Margaret Mead. And Sylvia Plath I mean this is gone and nighest Nin when you talk about women writers and Gypsy Rose Lee. Fully clothed. And you've got the Judy Judy Chicago talking about the dinner party I mean you have a you know so if you're talking about a world in which we have the the ultimate feminist grasping short fingered vulgarian ogre in the White House stretching his fingers towards you don't you want to don't you want to hear with Judy Chicago and a nice note have to say about characters like this this is really really important and it's great it's just good fun stuff there is amazing. Amazing I'm just going page after page after page you know just like I'm randomly reading stuff you've got . Galliano you have one of my favorite poems by this is me Alan Watts but these are them this is not people reading their stuff this is there's a there's Jimmy Carter you know we've got you've got stuff Sojourner Truth with Dr Joy the girl I and we've got we've got the original Black Panther Party tapes you've got Maya Angelou here I'm literally going through this to smile read oh my God and of course Dr Martin Luther King lots of Dr Martin Luther King Ameri Baracoa Doris Lessing. Doris Lessing my friends if you haven't read the 4 good city you don't know nothing and so here's Doris Lessing Lessing So Ok so you don't have time to work it's that you stop reading because you've been in the gym but you listen to podcasts so listen to Doris Lessing herself in this it's 250 bucks I'm going to tell you something this is like like 700 theater tickets do you understand that right 807350230807350230 thank you anonymous and Ohio. Here you can be anonymous we love to say your name though let us know $250.00 cheap cheap cheap it is so cheap it is so good am I allowed to do a match myself I'm going to get one if someone else gets one who's going to match Greg Palast I'm putting up my 250 bucks right now even though I've already got one for free I'm going to get one because I want to have a gift for someone is that Ok Mark Ok 807350230 I know what it is Greg Palast the next person who calls in right now at 187350230 Greg Palast is putting his money where his mouth is. Absolutely 187350230 is the number we have a goal of getting 30 people to call right now we're going to get a tab on this because our executive board producer Gary is going to be checking in and he's going to be holding up fingers every time there's a phone call 187350230 be the person that calls in right now from New York Washington d.c. Houston Berkeley San Francisco Oakland or somewhere in southern California that matches that gets their pledge matched by Greg Palast best selling author you will get the Greg Palast match Ok you know it and you then you can listen to Greg Palast on this tape for the. Stuff I've put in that I've donated to the archives join me Greg Palast people say How can I help you work this is it and I have to tell you the archives to me is the heart and the soul of Pacifica and I want people to know like your w. You know in New York w b I which I know has been struggling you know what the archives been a big factor in keeping w.b. Ai on the air let's all say thank you and by the way the take over Alcatraz Radio Free Alcatraz you've got this amazing broadcast from a Radio Free Alcatraz every day John Trudeau with the communications director he would go on to be a wonderful poet and musician a good friend of Jackson Browne for many years he's gone now but he was president at our 50th anniversary party and I have a picture taken with with John and that was an incredible endeavor how dare you date of Americans try and. Land which was guaranteed to you by treaty How dare you but they dared I got you know what I'm going to tell you right now right this minute Ok I would get this for one single thing that 2 $150.00 is worth it for giants of journalism Gary Webb Bob Perry Pete Burton gone but they're still here with the archives of the greatest journalist by the way the 20th century and if you don't know who they are now's the time to get that's the special archives it's just insane in the fall of the next record is after them is George Carlin doing the w.b. I've been if it then John Ritter him and Harry Shear. Them and each a Howard's then you just went past that w b benefit you didn't really and by the way excuse me I've got to stop you right now we've got Sun Ra and the history it oh my God I can never listen I should I'm ashamed of only paying $250.00. Donation for this it should be $1250.00 but at the moment I'm a little bit short but I'm not but you're never so short that you can't do this yeah $250.00 I know it's a reach but this is something that is so important son rar Kister so you get the music you get crazy stuff you know Ok Well listen you pass by George Carlin really quickly you didn't get a lot of George going on you did not mention the fact that one day in 1975 or 6 I can't remember exactly George Carlin hosted the very 1st Saturday Night Live 2 days later for a dead new being I benefit he raised money he gave a free performance he was at the height of his popularity he gave a 100 percent free performance to raise money for w b I's legal fees resulting from the playing of George Carlin's 7 Dirty Words like the one w.b. Ai and somebody complained went to the f.c.c. For indecency and we have our 7 dirty words a restrictions thanks to the Carlin case but George Curry I got to tell you back to visit by doing this wonderful benefit show which we have in the archives and this is yours if you call right now at 807350230 take away our incredible collection of voices that changed the world I think George Carlin changed the world in his own way well you've got all these world changers on this 1400 hours of the archive it's just absolutely nuts I mean I'm just I'm just you know I'm. Let's see who else do you have because you know we're going to play next we're going to take a little bit of a break around we're going to go to our 2019 November Fannie Lou Hamer disc which has 3 Leonard Cohen tracks and we're going to play James Baldwin Angela Davis Bonnie Morris Holly Near it just goes on I mean. You know how could you not want this how could you not want this and George Orwell's 1980 for the reading it's insane Jimi Hendrix the bio the. You got Harriet Tubman series this is stuff that's it's not just like good for you this is like crazy great enjoyable Radio you're listening to 2nd rate pod cast while you're on the Stairmaster I'll tell you what you want to tighten your tush listen listen to myriad Baracoa do his poems man listen to Noam Chomsky tell you like it is Ok Well yeah they call 80735023 here do it right now look I got to tell you there's an hour and a half left of this whole thing and I know you're saying Oh oh god it's fundraised get out and this is a one this is different day a year a vent you can't get it otherwise you're never going to get anything like this I mean never and I don't care you know. You know what other premiums year a year thinking about this is everything in one place I didn't know why they're doing this because there's it's like. Pacifica drive Gwendolyn Brooks with Le Roy Jones before even change his name Quentin Chris Jack Spicer. It's Gerry Allen quite amazing for those who know her agree. Andrea Dworkin Nelson Mandela I mean you realize of people I'm I'm listing $250.00 a minimum donation make it a minimum Hey can someone come up with $500.00 Remember I'm waiting for the person have we got a match for Greg Palast I'm putting up $250.00 is someone going to come up with me will listen together. This is so call 807350230807350230 You think I come into the studio you know how much I get paid for this 0 except I'm putting up $250.00 because I believe in it I want to hear it I have I have one of these already but I need another because of the great gifts this is Christmas and Hanukkah. And everyone whatever even whatever else you want let me tell you this is really truly a mix donnish ing ultra ultra gift you've got to get 880-735-0230 just for just for the gore of a dollar and the Upton Sinclair I heard the Upton Sinclair thing it's insane Ok Well we're going to take a little bit of a break will we go check and make sure that somebody called and did a great Palast match but while we're doing that we're going to play a little something from Leonard Cohen Many people do not realize that Leonard Cohen was an award winning poet and he wrote a couple of songs that he gave and were actually published and he was encouraged to take his guitar and play at a w.p.a. I benefit show in 1988 he writes about it in his biography and he got halfway through his song and stopped because he thought he was failing and the artist brought him back up and said no and they played it together. And and he doesn't talk about that in this interview but Leonard Cohen has always been partial to w b I for launching his music career who knew that a poet could turn into a old legendary artist I guess Bob Dylan did it but Leonard Cohen didn't know that he could do it but he did so thanks to w b a I you're going to have your little some of this by the way while we're listening call 807350230807350230 Greg Palast saying listen to Leonard Cohen make that call well the years go by you change I think. In terms of the actual musical style record. A great deal of it is due to. But it's a success. Or not is of course a matter of taste I think it's quite successful. And that comes from working with a man named John the sound. To be rooted in arranging was playing piano Gagan sit next to my mind the most interesting musical mind I've come across in many years and it was very and. It was very exciting to be retrieved through security it was really quite a change and I think his work is going to be very important and will. Certainly surpass what he's done for me this is a matter of. Structuring way. Oh well acquainted with the music of all ages at all times and is completely fluent in all the baby I'm certainly. Going to want. Them babies to work with and for. That I Want. To move in. In the sunshine and. In the nightstand. That hired you. To come and try. To bring you down there in a month of May feel bad when it is not the case and. I read that is a brief moment from the Leonard Cohen interview in fact it is so valuable that a p.b.s. Subsidiary came to us and they were doing animated shorts to audio that had no visual component and so we suggested Why don't you do this Leonard Cohen interview that would be pretty cool and then really they were really hot on the idea and then Leonard Cohen dies a couple of years ago and the week that he dies the person called us up and says All right we're going to we're going to do that. We're going to do that animation to Leonard Cohen interview and you can actually see it online. If you look at p.b.s. And Leonard Cohen There's an animated short 2 hour w b I interview from 1973 but please this is just one of so many. Incredible artists and I'm going to tell you no let me put it this way let me introduce you yes Greg Palast author of Best Democracy Money Can Buy and it's being there's a lot of money being spent right now so your volume must be getting extra big as well let's put it this way if you go to 2 track p z o 83.07 4th 1400 hours on here you'll hear an incredible dance track called Silence of the media lambs with Greg Palast this was put together by the Archives has this amazing thing where they took people statements like Greg Palast and Fannie Lou Hamer Angela Davis to recall Igor of adult Bob Dylan Rachel Carson and Noam Chomsky him put them to dance tracks it is quite it's absolutely stunning in fact I was going through New Mexico listening to one of the affiliates and. Am and I'm hearing this guy on a dance I said this dancer is cool and then this guy's making complete sets I say boy I agree with that guy turned out it was me from this track that was created you can get these amazing tracks with believe me I'm not Bob Dylan but you will have Bob Dylan on here you'll have George like I say George Carlin Angela Davis the amazing poet William Carlos Williams who is half I don't know is your 1st music track right and a guy named Charles to count if you're in k.p. If you don't get this just for the big Caskey I'm coming to your home and I'm going to play it outside your window real loud when you have to play it through here i Pod call 807-350-2302 extension 50 dollars gets it's like amazing it's like having an entire like circus of political geniuses musical geniuses poets storytellers and just wonderful people to have around you will have electronically and you can stick it in your you know in your back whatever pull out things you want load him up on your pods and you know get to the gym or be cruising down the highway and you get is just amazing stuff I just never run out of things to listen to because of this I don't have to hunt around for junk I'm listening to great stuff all the time everywhere I go on this planet I was in the Caspian Sea listening to Dick Gregory because I have this wonderful disc and there's the and in like I say go for it all by itself is worth it Leonard Cohen you heard Jane Fonda you have Michael Moore and bin Bush that was turned into a song by the archives you also have Muhammad Ali Dennis the Senate. Oh no Dennis Kucinich Well he's here in the archives we put him in this little tiny thumb drive very small but he fits in 1400 hours of the best I mean this is the best stuff you'll ever hear and of course. The. This whole like biography of Beethoven you have the reading of those from underground and of course you have the astonishing. Bloomsday from the readings from Joyce's Ulysses I mean which is stunning That's an era by the way several years of the home I got in fact that's another one that got Pacifica in trouble by the way if you don't know this story Mark I'm going to tell you but Pacifica by reading were neither reading of us I'm not going to read it now that I'm reading of of Joyce's Ulysses but you can get it and if they won't shut you down because you'll have the drive no matter what they do to us and this keeps this precious thing going and by the way it's always a match here because you know if we can get the archives rolling now this stuff is now becoming very valuable and it's going to keep the rest of the network alive the archives is actually the people don't know this the archive is a financial locomotive of the Pacifica Radio Network but right now we're in a dash against national law which is requiring us to digitize all this amazing amazing stuff I'm waiting up there I just saw up there Sly Stone last recording and his hand notes which are in the archives here under Mark Tori says Care course he always kind of slipped it in his pocket and walk out with a pen absolutely 807350230 Now this is Greg Palast I'm telling you right now 80735023087502301 day a year this is the only time I pitched this is the only time Pacifica Radio pitches this this is to me the most important. I think you can keep on the air because if we can keep the archives they can't take this away from us they could take We're signals they could tear down our intent is they've blown up our intent as a cape Gifty twice all I can tell you is this they can't take this away this is our memory please make this call to get your your Dylan your I think you've got William Burroughs in here somewhere if I remember and we've got the Margaret Mead we've got and I is then we've got to recall Levy we've got just you know buzzing through this Gary Snyder the great poets Leonard Cohen you just heard. Edward saïd and of course lots of Martin Luther King Ralph Abernathy. It's just it's stunning and some of these things are just. And the coming death of Carol Chessman which is a if you want to know the history of capital punishment. Rubin Hurricane Carter. And it is just absolutely stunning the material you have your in the music the poetry the drama the. Audio books I don't think there's just nothing like it there's just absolutely nothing like this in in America and that's and by the way if you understand this is the resistance weapon of all times you can go through this and you can this is the amazing stuff here that you can then send off your friends Bit by bit These are real true resistance bullets the good kind the kind that go into your head and change them instead of taking your head off that's what we need yeah the morning of 107350230807350230 You make me come on man we're going to make the call right now the calls are coming in thank you very much we got a match for Greg Palast I'm getting another my 2nd my 2nd thumb drive of 1400 hours of mind blowing Ok forget the acid This is the real thing this is what's going to change you for ever 807350230 Call now Greg Palast saying Call now you know arm yourselves with with an arsenal of knowledge that I think that's what Greg is trying to say in his own way that the more that we are educated the more that we are prepared by by understanding the strategize or that came before us in all of the movements whether it was the civil rights movement the Chicano movement the. The women's movement the l.g.b. T.q. Movement the movement for freedom of speech all of these movements that took place had strategy they had leaders they had community they had community building they were all the union building movement that was huge in America you know we had child labor laws we had children working 20 hour days you know we are still working on livable wages we're still working as a temp employees without benefits they're figuring out ways to weaken the labor force and we need to fight back and the only way that we can arm ourselves is through knowledge what did the people do before us what did Upton Sinclair have to say what Dr Martin Luther King up to say what it say's her child is in dollars worth they have to say about organizing union workers what about the 2nd wave of feminism What about the Women's Building in Los Angeles and San Francisco some of this is just so cool to listen to you got read to me Brown if you're great and it's author Gloria Steinem Kennedy lectures you've got. I'm just looking around here of course I just said Charles do Koski man and if you don't know is over there on the East Coast you better learn you don't there's very very very few recordings of Koski I knew him when I was here as a kid. And people were recording him except for the sefer of the crazies here it k p f k you can get this on his thumb drive 1400 hours whether it's corporate all the wonderful readings of James Joyce by Geraldine Fitzgerald and Lawrence Terrelle. I just it's just the stuff you get here looking Diantha primo I mean I'm going all over Lena Horne. Discusses her career you don't get a trap Brown Stokely Carmichael Francis Copple Harvey Milk I'm just literally breathing through these things Coltrane Coltrane was not a man of many words he put his thoughts through his horn but if you want to hear his words which are really important try this out call 807350230 at $250.00 donation keeps allows us to digitize one more one more of these extraordinary items and we've got more coming we need to preserve this national memory of long resistance it just didn't begin with the 2016 election we have a lot to learn we have a lot to say and it's just fun stuff it's interesting stuff it's just good stuff I'm not going to ask you to get it because it's good for you stuff this ain't you know p.b.s. White guys in front of bookcases telling you their truth these are the these are the resistors themselves telling their own stories when no one else you know that you Martin Luther King can get on the air in most places that's right except for Pacifica you have to understand public enemy number one yeah yeah he was a communist Yeah and so the thing is he couldn't put him on the air you get your station shut down but Pacifica did. Care We're going to put them on here with a trap Brown. You know we've got looking we've got Father Eric steed of Haiti himself on here we're also going to get that they got Father Berrigan we talk about religious leaders you got Alan Watts. You know stunning stunning stuff here fun stuff enjoyable stuff Ok We're going to ask Tyson we're going to we're going to play one of the fun clips as we go and check on our numbers here we have a goal of 30 people calling and we're going to go check and see how many we need to do in this final push while we're going in checking on those numbers we're going to listen to Alice Coltrane It's an interview that I did with k p f k music director Bagul peak in 2006 it was just before she died and she told us some incredible 1st hand stories about her time with John Cantu I met John King to John Coltrane and and we're going to listen to this track called Working with John Coltrane we want to think Jonathan Wachter we want to thank Dennis Miley from to hunger for joining and pledging what a dentist. Ok great. Number so fast nobody can hear it except a chipmunk 807350230 That's 807350230 that's my daughter's middle name 7350230807350230 Make it $250.00 donation make it $500.00 and and get 2 of these wonderful $1400.00 our thumb drives which have just stunning to look at Jane Fonda Tom Hayden . James Baldwin Angela Davis Judy Chicago Holly Near just literally going through these lists don't think Trumbo. Just insane stuff so please make that call 807350230 Glenn Gould Oh my God. Yeah one of the great answers for in crazy how poorly is that guy Mohammad Ali who was he Do you remember him Ok Carlos cast the Neda boy if that doesn't move things and then I got some guy named Bernie Sanders we had Bernie here we had burgers Buddy Yeah and that's this is important great Cuban music music of the night in Chicago Memphis slim live at the gate this stuff is insane Oh yes 200 $50.00 minimum donation make it now 807-3502 we're going to take a there we're going to take a short break keep those phones ringing 187350230 we're going to listen to Alice Coltrane talking about her time working with John Coltrane and we'll be right back but keep those phones ringing. How is John as a band leader. Yes he was very kind to everyone he never went and stood on anything he is very mild mannered his character is of the highest order. I never seen him have an eye young man with Annie one. I heard him explain things when they're needed to be clarity about a certain subject but there was never a anger or. Sort of the phrase reactionary tone in his voice it was just always very kind very even. Tempered very balanced is his manner and I think that he was respected by the musicians for that I respected him also for that because I've seen leaders sort of under the pressure of the leadership and the responsibility and all that I've seen them just not be able to being good control and he was always whether we traveled or something about that to getting. The kinds of contract he was just just very mild and very even minded even tempered Did you ever have an experience out where you're playing with with John where you were able to pause for a moment and almost not believe what you were hearing. Creating I think not which I think is interesting because some people think how could you even play anything seeing slide you only been in our of sit in a position next am playing this music here or here is a creator and aware of a sound that was just so beyond our thinking and to sit in that seat also McCoy Tyner I felt is a great musician and a great innovator Believe me I never and any qualms about. And I feel the reason is the is Sharon's came from him from John and he said you know I really want to invent because he asked me I was surprised the day that he asked me because you have been had gone on their way separate ways it surprised me I didn't know why I would not even take time out of find someone to take the position that McCoy And when you said I want you you know join the van be with us play with us so I said Ok that's fine by me if this is what you want so I didn't have a fear a doubt I knew I had a lot to learn but oh what a great opportunity to learn you know I wouldn't want that for fit for anything so. I gladly accepted and it was beautiful it was a great experience I think it lasted about a year because of his health and everything but and and. Just for us to you know play music together in the house is what we did most of the time . Once the little ones will sleep so we did in the evening you go over music child new music read some of the scores and whatnot like Stravinsky share and where we look at their their friends and it was just it was nice time to be was someone who was at such a level of high respect and high achievement you know it's Ok I feel great to walk along beside someone and you both can relate to each other because you're sort of at that level but it was great respect for someone who was so to leave. In their field and that you don't expect. You know you don't expect that this is someone that's looked upon with such. Great honor and deservedly so I mean we've never heard music that we've never heard even a sound like that and you know we are great people we force Lester Young. All of those great players and they had their unique sound which was a gift. When John came out that we heard him we heard a sound we heard something that hadn't been explored it hadn't been played and I'd like. To. Try and Dale's apa friend and supporter of the Pacifica Radio Archives where you can hear the voices and music of people like Julian Bond Maya Angelou Duke Ellington and my husband Frank Zappa The only way that a person could buy into their argument is if they had gone through 12 years of an American education anybody who comes out of the school system could be just numb enough to think that these guys had some merit in their argument when they're wrong their apartments Duke Ellington was on the same bill and Frank had gone into the office and overheard this conversation where Duke Ellington was asking for a $25.00 at Vance and the promoters said no that's out rageous we are so lucky to have people that give their time and their energy to preserving the tapes made by these really grand masters in the truest sense of a word. I this is Dan Ellsberg encouraging you to support the Pacifica Radio i kinds which contained 60 years of social history of the United States that doesn't exist anywhere else I supporting the Pacifica Radio Archives you can help put these priceless resource materials in campus libraries and classrooms throughout America. You know Dan Ellsberg is I believe Dan Ellsberg says that's a great idea for a $250.00 donation in the 2nd the last hour you can donate one of these incredible jump drives to a school a grammar school a high school a junior college a college or university around your school library and give them 1st hand source materials what a great gift for this holiday season giving these incredible resource materials to schools and colleges in your neighborhood or around the world 187350230 then Gail Zappa a friend of the Pacifica Radio years ago and Frank Zappa her husband was a friend of Pacifica Radio we have a recording of Frank sample from 1983 and he's been a friend of Pacifica radio ever since Please get to the phones now 187350230 We seriously need 20 people to call in the next 10 minutes that's 4 people in each of the 5 listening areas k p f k in Los Angeles keep a in Berkeley California. New York City w p f w in Washington d c k p f t in Houston Texas please get to the phones right now in the next 9 minutes and call 18735020 This is not a time to sit on your hands this is the time to get up get to your phone or go to work secure online website at support a dot or g o r g that is our secure online website where you can get this incredible gift of hand curated materials 1400 recorded programs from the Pacifica Radio Archives I'm here with bestselling author and filmmaker Greg Palast on. They are of the best democracy money can buy we're down to the final 8 minutes in this hour and we need to compel 20 people people in each of our listening areas to get up the New Yorkers are up. You know they don't go to sleep until the sun comes up you know. Listen to this this is Greg Palast we've got 7 minutes you have got to do this $250.00 minimum donation This is reach this is your number one resistance weapon 807350230807350230 just dancing through this over 1000 hours you've got a master class in acting with the credible Rod Steiger you've got Jane Fonda you've got Tony Morrison and Walter Mosley would Julius Lester you've got Bob fast with Bob Dylan you've got Cynthia gooding with Bob Dylan you've got Pete Seeger who was raising funds for. Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers music you don't get anywhere else incredible stuff Judy Chicago Maya Angelou and by the way 2 things that that got me going as a member of Pacifica when I was a kid I was listening to the reports from the Mississippi Freedom Project which you're on here it's stunning it's stunning so you can mix that with the music while you're doing you know while you're driving your car while you're you know on your bicycle I was the to this on my bike while I'm biking around with Mark as you're huffing and puffing 2 guys through Griffith Park and again Charles book out skis on here to a furious specially k.p. If you don't donate just for that alone Shame on you 8073502308073502305 minutes to go 5 minutes to go. And we need 15 people giving us a ring 180-735-0230 we have the great match but we got that one actually Greg and I thank you so much for doing that for us but we'd like to have another person who can maybe afford a $1000.00 match give us a ring $87350230.00 several several people have done that throughout this day and we've matched every single one of them so please if you can afford to please do so some people have given us anonymous donations of a 1000 dollars or more thank you so much you're making this fund drive successful but we have a little ways to go we still need to get 15 people to give us a ring in the next 5 minutes 180-735-0230 Ok 14 people thank you caller for calling up where you're calling from New York San Francisco I want to thank some people let's get some names in here Ok and interview with Bishop Desmond Tutu. Dall Andrea Dworkin Nelson Mandela Alice Walker I mean this goes on and on Gary Snyder's poetry you've got that Mario Mario Savio at the original Free Speech Movement demonstration. People he wanted to give your grandpa something to remember when he was a resistor. Get him the Mario Savio tapes are just absolutely amazing there's a gigantic Angela Davis collection you just got to have it you got Yoko Ono and I surely chiseled and Adrian rich Gloria Steinem Bella Abzug And that's just one gender on this disk of their of which there are many. And. I'm getting knocked out here 180-735-0230 is the number we have 3 minutes left in this hour and we need 10 people calling in thank you all of those who have called in this hour we need 10 more people to reach our goal. I way Betty Davis 180-735-0230 It's very hard to impress Greg Palast is best selling author get when he reads through the 1400 names in this collection each name is a new. Impresses him in a new way oh by the way Laurie Anderson I'm a big Laurie Anderson fanatic you don't get this stuff anywhere else recondition stuff from original stuff at Laurie Anderson call 807350230 Corretja Scott King Fannie Lou Hamer. Margaret Mead I'm just going on leak is a good. Music poetry you're hearing some of the music from by the way right now. So we're going Brooks It sounds like one of those jukeboxes that Charles become the beat would hang out listening to while they were being inspired to write poems please get to the phones now a minute and a half to go we need 5 more phone calls 180-273-5023 extension 0 if you've called in or thank you from the bottom of our hearts if you've yet to call in now is the time to do so only 3 minutes left or 2 minutes left in this hour we got to go thank you so much for calling but we need for more phone calls 180-473-5023 extension 0 I was New Yorkers come on let's go Brooklyn. We Queens Let's go the Bronx New Jersey 180-735-0230 if you're listening w p s w late night listeners I know you're listening underneath your covers because you don't want anybody listening to what you're what you're hearing right now 187350230 k.p. F.t. Or let's hear from you at k.p. If they in Berkeley thank you for calling all. They long in this final minute please 2 more people 180-735-0230 members of the Merry Pranksters say absolutely Rosa Parks Pauline Kael Christopher Isherwood Kenneth Rex wrong Isaac Dortch or does this is not since your main Greer Edward Saeed and Greg Palast design here to tell you their. Tennessee Williams It's just it's completely nuts and Reilly. Anyone in the Bay Area who doesn't give this shaman you're going to tell boots boots Riley with Amy Goodman that now there's a rap duo that you can never forget 187350230 Greg Palast author bestselling author of Best Democracy Money Can Buy thank you for joining us this hour I know you've got something cooking for this election season are you going to let our listeners know what you're going to be reporting for The Guardian USA and of course for the Pacifica Radio Network that I do as a volunteer would you volunteer with me hey I put up my 250 bucks this hour I'm getting my 2nd thumb drive the good stuff this is the best stuff you don't even need a razor blade to break it up you just stick in your machine and you are high on resistance music poetry Rod Steiger telling you how to act man you can't beat this 807350230 this is the absolute best premium that Pacific has ever had this is insane this is what you got to get it's actually a bargain Usually these things you give a few bucks get a little gift is a giant gift 807-350-2304 the Pacifica Archives 1400 hours of resistance music poetry conversation crazy stuff dance tracks. It's all there 875-0230 Thanks Great Balancing I donated tonight join me right now right now I want you to join me. 807350230 Thank you Greg Palast Stay tuned for our final hour of our Pacifica Radio Archives national broadcasts and fun drive time. In town. Selling cars. And bed thank you for listening and keeping our history alive on the radio every donation today helps us more than ever every $250.00 donation helps us preserve and digitise another historic recording that already includes some of the greatest names in history Lorraine Hansberry Langston Hughes Howard Zinn Edward Saeed on indicting Roy Fannie Lou Hamer Maya Angelou's Cesar Chavez Dolores where that and so many more in return for your donation we will give you our voices the change the world u.s.b. Drive with over 1200 hours of the best of Pacifica's historic collection simply call 187350230 thank you and stay tuned for more great programming on this day to preserve the history of Pacifica Radio since 1949 and new. Talent. Puzzling. And the. Bed. You were listening to the Pacifica Radio Archives voices that changed the world national broadcast fun drive heard on all 5 Pacifica stations our flagship station k p s a 94 point one f.m. Berkeley k.p.s. Beat 89.3. Berkeley k 24897.5 f.m. Santa Cruz Cape Point 7 f.m. Los Angeles. 90 point one f.m. Houston Texas w b i 99.5 f.m. New York City and w.p.s. W. 89.3 f.m. Washington d.c. Please call 180-735-0230 extension 2 pledge your support for this endangered American treasure or go online at support p.r.a. Dot org Your donation today helps us more than ever to do our work preserving digitizing and caring for this historic collection since 949.

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