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Good evening it's Friday March 2nd congressional action on stronger gun controls to a halt even before going gets started following the Florida school massacre after President Trump appears to back off his telephone professions of interest in such legislation on Wednesday the White House says the Department of Justice is investigating if Oakland Libby chef violated the law with or warning a last weekend of the upcoming federal immigration sweep in Northern California Immigration and Customs Enforcement says the total number of people rounded up in the raids is now $232.00 the European Union and Candidate 2 of the country's biggest trading partners to retaliate against U.S. Exports in response to President Trump's imposition of tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum Southern California's population of otters say a battle in their struggle for survival at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals the trap administration with a legal maneuver to. Fight for 15 movement it franchised food establishment and major winter storms batter the nation's northeast and the California Sierras from Pacifica Radio K.B.'s they Berkeley. This is the evening news reader miracle. It looks like any significant response to the Florida school massacre by the Trump administration or the Republican controlled Congress is all but dead. Last night President Trump met with top National Rifle Association officials the Group Executive Director Chris Cox tweeted afterwards that Trump and vice president Mike Pence support the 2nd Amendment support strong due process and don't want gun control then today White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that she believed Trump had arranged the N.R.A. Meeting she said Trump's thinking on guns had not changed since Wednesday but she said that at the moment Trump supports an incremental proposal from senators JOHN CORNYN And Chris Murphy It's the so-called fix NICS bill though Trump could possibly go beyond that she said Trump wanted to strengthen background checks but did not commit to universal background checks she also said that while Trump conceptually supports age limits to purchase certain weapons he also knows there's not a lot of broad support for that without a clear path forward for any legislation Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today shelved and a gun debate for now saying the Senate would turn next week to other measures McConnell had been preparing to push ahead with a proposal from CORNYN And Chris Murphy but even that measure faces Republican opposition in the House speaker Paul Ryan has shown no inclination to consider gun control legislation more from reporter Richard so Verman the White House appears to have backed away from the president's call for comprehensive gun legislation he made that call during a televised meeting with members of Congress on Wednesday the next day he met with representatives from the National Rifle Association whose top lobbyist says the president made assurances that his continued a Lightman with the N.R.A. Today the White House softened its tone with press secretary Sarah Sanders telling reporters the White House is still deliberating on what type of proposals that will support in the wake of the mass shooting at a high school in Florida 2 weeks ago Rachel Silverman. Public pressure against companies connected to the gun industry following last month's school shooting in Florida has hit and unlikely target R.E.I. The outdoors co-op better known for its public lands advocacy liberal return policy an annual dividend for customers the Seattle based retailer which does not sell guns announce that it will at least temporarily stop ordering ski goggles water bottles by chemists and other products from some popular brands including camelback Jiro and bold because their parent company that's the out door also makes ammunition and assault style rifles. That is sitting came a few hours after our Canadian counterpart. Mountain Equipment Co-Op took a similar step but a Georgia sheriff's reported taken by the Associated Press today reveals that a teacher accused of firing a gun in his classroom had his guns taken away after setting his family car on fire 2 years ago the report says deputies brought him to the hospital for a mental evaluation and seized 3 rifles for safekeeping after Jesse Randall Davidson torched the Mitsubishi Outlander on August 13th 2016 his latest report shows he was hospitalized at least 3 times as people worried about his state of mind Davidson allegedly fired a handgun out of his classroom window adult and high school on Wednesday no one was hit but it caused chaos the additional details about Davidson's past run ins with law enforcement emerged as the school reopened today. Federal immigration authorities now say they've arrested $232.00 undocumented immigrants in Northern California since Sunday I said in a statement the arrests range from the Bakersfield area north to the Oregon border ice complained again about California's sanctuary state legislation saying it left the agency with no choice but to continue to conduct at large arrests in local neighborhoods and at work sites with the inevitable result of additional so-called collateral arrests the eye statement also complained about local politicians an apparent reference to Oakland Mayor Libby shaft who warned on Saturday night that an immigration sweep was coming White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Justice Department is reviewing chaffs action I think it's outrageous that Maryland circumvent federal. Ortiz is certainly cut down in danger by making them live such as that and it's currently under review by the Department of Justice. Shaft has said she does not regret sharing the information reporter John Yoo has more than merely the shaft made headlines this week when she learned presidents to the upcoming I saw operation she received backlash from ice to Rector Tom Homan and the Justice Department is reportedly reviewing her conduct to determine if the mayor broke the law on Friday and there chef stated that she did nothing illegal and that she was simply informing residents of their legal rights his recent operation in the Bay Area by ice cold data demonstrates that the majority of people that they don't read. Know I Know That is a warning to my dad. You're. Immigrants are dangerous. If the law it is right and we must stand up against that the Immigration Enforcement Agency and said that $115.00 of the $232.00 arrested had felony convictions for serious violent offenses I said it focuses in Foresman resources on those who pose a threat to national security public safety and border security crisis San Francisco field office administers the area from Bakersfield north to the Oregon border in a statement these and see highlighted the offenses of some of the detained the convictions include child sex crimes weapons charges and battery I still don't give more information on the 65 detainees who had a criminal record but not for serious or violent offenses the agency did not provide information on who was arrested and under what circumstances it is uncertain how many of those arrested were intentionally targeted and homebody. So-called collateral arrests. Here is the executive director of the services immigrant rights and education network we've seen a number of collateral taking place where they're actually looking for her and then they begin in parroting. Other people around you know they've gone into apartment complex the company has interviewed people that are hanging around or you know living in their home and just taking individual. Say they're from another country and more like taking people away now and asking questions later the Rapid Response Network in Northern California denounced what they call due process violations committed by ICE agents during the raid the activist coalition is investigating claims that officers denied access to legal representation and coerced legal permanent residents to sign deportation orders on Wednesday ice refused to provide information to attorneys about the specific people it had detained last Sunday the ice field office on 630 Sansom Street was used as a processing center but denied attorneys access to detainees Sandy Vallance Ianto is a statewide coordinator for the California immigrant used justice alliance they were the physically harassing full then kind of prevent them from recording their rise and I would be them now I actually having war and I'm to take an individual but as part of the thing that they have the war and not actually showing it and so you know these are many Paktika and usually them trying to say that they think you have to want to arrest someone and majority of the time they actually sometimes don't even have the wire and so unfortunately this is some of their tactics that they try to do to get people to open a door the spokesman for the ice field office James Schwab could not be reached for comment reporting for safety if a Pacifica Radio in Berkeley I'm joining you the American Civil Liberties Union is pushing back against what he claims is increasingly heavy handed out. Since U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents across the country there are reports the group filed suit this week against ice and the U.S. Marshal Service in response to what it refers to as SWAT style tactics deployed on a Utah family living in Heber City last April Starling Marshall co-counsel in the suit says no one in the home which included 4 small children was ever accused of doing anything illegal or think that the force they used Latin they are going to the door when the family kept asking you know do you have a warrant to come into our home do you want for them when here they said oh we don't need one and when the family continue to add that you've been watching tonight you know that you know and according to testimony by family members during the 1st of 2 incidents agents forced the children to wait outside without shoes and coats in cold weather the next night at least 10 federal agents dressed in military style gear entered after breaking through the door with a battering ram Marshall says agents told the family they were looking for the grandfather suspected of illegal reentry Utah's U.S. Marshal's Office is said they could not comment on pending litigation ice did not respond to a request for comment Marshall notes that re entering the U.S. Unlawfully would be a nonviolent charge she adds law enforcement is generally prohibited from entering a family home unless they have a warrant or unless the family consents Marshall adds that rare exceptions for example if authorities are in hot pursuit of a violent criminal do not apply in this case the suit alleges that agents violated the family's constitutional rights to be free from unlawful searches and the use of excessive force if they don't have an urn Saturday right to do whatever they want whenever they want it they have an obligation to their law enforcement obligation in compliance with the constitution and they failed to do for the air marshal says while it's brace for this family to come forward she fears there are more unreported cases. Excessive force she adds entire communities are put at risk when law enforcement abuses its authority because trust is broken and victims or people who have witnessed crime don't feel safe contacting authorities for public news service I'm Eric Alas the United States is making permanent is decision last year to withdraw a 60 percent of its diplomats from Cuba because of what the State Department calls health attacks affecting American diplomats the State Department in October ordered non-essential personnel and all family members to leave have Ana amid unexplained illnesses that harmed at least 24 Americans by law the State Department can only order diplomats to leave temporarily for 6 months before either sending them back or making the reductions permanent the thinks months expires Sunday so the State Department is setting a new permanent staffing plan that maintains the lowers staffing level family members accompanying diplomats will remain prohibited the State Department says the U.S. Still lacks definitive answers on this source or cause of the attacks here listening to the Evening News from Pacifica Radio Katie have a Berkeley K P F K Los Angeles K.F.C.'s Fresno online K.P.S. They dot org. President Donald Trump's plan to slash taxes on steel and aluminum imports was branded today as absolutely unacceptable by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada the United States his biggest foreign source of both metals Trump hasn't sparked a trade war yet but his provocative action is raise the risk of an all out conflict that would pick the United States against its friends and the entire global financial system it helped create after World War 2 A Trump announced yesterday he was unpleasing a 25 percent tariff on steel 10 percent tariff on aluminum on national security grounds he set into motion the possibility that trading partners would fight back with tariffs of their own the rebuke still livered today suggests that some countries were prepared to retaliate if necessary treated as stressed in his comments he was prepared to defend Canadian industry and that the tariffs would also hurt U.S. Consumers and businesses because prices would rise 28 countries in the European Union could respond by taxing goods that are core to the American advantage he said just bourbon whiskey blue jeans are Lee Davidson motorcycles said John Claude younker president of the European Commission we're strongly regret this step which appears through the representative but it's an intervention to protect US domestic industry not to be based on the national security justification. Protectionism kind of be the answer to our common problem in the steel sector instead of providing a solution this move don't provide much of a you has been close to charity and I don't feel as for tickets we don't sit idly what our industries it's what I'm for measures to put thousands of European jobs at risk for the E.U. a Reaction from me and Cummins are at the 2 different. Interest younger told German media I don't like using the world the word trade war but I can't see how this isn't part of warlike behavior reporter Jack parent has more from the E.U. Headquarters in Brussels in what risks to be the beginning of a major trade war the European Union says it will react family to the American tariffs with kinds of measures in line with the World Trade Organization President Trump says steel imports it will pay a 25 percent tariff and 10 percent on a new Mini and a move he things will protect American jobs Germany exported 1400000 tons of steel into the U.S. Last year the terrorists could mean the tradition of the strong transatlantic trade relationship deteriorates swiftly China is also expected to retaliate by stopping terrorist on imports from the U.S. Jack Parikh Brussels member Joe I surveyed Oh the director general of the World Trade Organization warned that a trade war is in no one's interests China the world's largest deal producer and that's then simply trumps primary target stayed quiet about how it would respond today trumps fellow Republicans urged caution Doug and arrests A and A for House Speaker Paul Ryan said that Ryan is hoping the president will consider the unintended consequences of his idea but Trump appears to be in battle mode he views the tariffs as a way to pressure trading partners in to submission and wipe away the longstanding U.S. Trade deficit trade wars are good and easy to win he said on Twitter Trump made his announcement on tariffs yesterday without formally imposing them Politico reported that multiple administration officials said Trump was unable to sign documents imposing the tariffs yesterday because key paperwork had not yet been completed the White House is promising more details next week when the president signs the tariffs into law. Public interest groups in Washington are mobilizing to try to read the upcoming congressional spending bill of special interest writers Kerner good reports at a press conference this week held by the clean budget Coalition members of Congress and coalition leaders demanded that there be 0 tolerance for harmful policy riders in the March 23rd federal funding package a policy rider is a measure attached to legislation that has nothing to do with the purpose of the legislation opponents call them poison pills or dirty riders and the March 23rd funding package is the last chance before the November elections to try to force them through public citizen spokesperson Emily Peterson kissin explains We want to make sure that the American people know and members of Congress know that she's there for budgeting budgets are not for these poison pills that you stand a chance of taking the whole thing and they're not for inappropriate pieces of legislation that would never pass on our own. You know Congress need to do their job and fund the government like we sent them there to do and they need to do it without an appropriate poison pill writers one of the year's most egregious poison pill writers has banned scientific research into gun violence at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since 1906 and you Rosenberg from the Union of Concerned Scientists this is a public health crisis and we should be allowing or a best public health researchers to help us address the problem so that going research damn order is a great example of what happens with these poison pill provisions that get attached to appropriations bills once they are in there are extremely hard to get out no matter the public outrage no matter the consequences no matter the. Scale of the crisis this is exactly why we must of all poison pill writers and among the hundreds of other dirty writers that must be removed from the funding package according to the clean budget coalition are measures that would do lasting harm to women's health civil rights workers health and safety immigrant communities the campaign finance system the environment and Wall Street reforms that protect consumers and the economy Robert Weissman president of Public Citizen says all of the writers have to go they just appreciate orally able to have it and give away other acceptable by definition need of measures that could not win. It all again here Mr I get it changed through their legitimate process to force the through against a democratic process in the next few weeks public interest organizations will work hard to get rid of these dirty riders and help protect the 10s of millions of Americans who could be harmed by these toxic riders should any of them become law for Pacifica Radio K.P.S. Say I'm Karen are good. And. Again before you tonight. Just the new. Here on this. Cold and dismal Friday evening. Is about to enter the final week of its fun drama. And if the weather is not. On suspicious. Well that it's not a specialist in one sense of that word hope it doesn't signify. Tonight we have to raise money towards our $700000.00 goal the goal being well not the money the goal is to keep this radio station on the air. The goal is the keep the news cast on the air. The goal is to keep the type of information that comes out over these. Frequencies on the way to your ear. 180-439-5732 or K P F A dot org If you believe that that is an important mission that should continue or asking you to support it financially we don't have what so many of the other programs here at Cape B.S.A. Have which is something to give you in return for your money we don't have a. Compact Disc we don't have any music to sell you or give us a thank you gift or it's a premium is there sometimes called we don't have the. Hours of speeches or even one hour or even one minute of a speech or a book we don't have a book to give you or D.V.D. a Film a documentary we don't have well now that either. What else do we don't have. Or tell you what we do have. The news that's what we bring you. And tonight we're going to try to launch the stocks for socks campaign. We're asking you to sell your stocks. And with the proceeds buy some K.B. Of a stocks. And you don't have to give us all the money that you get from the president selling your stocks you can put what's left over and use that. prolly be safer well i don't know if a to be safer or then the yet then the banks but it won't be use brick asia slee by the bankers 180-439-5732 extension 2 support the news and to drawing the stocks for sox cam playing these are k.p. If they sox i'm not making this up they fit all sizes it and i kind say they will hold a substantial amount of cash if you want to put your money in the sock 180439 find 732 k.b. Have they dot org i'm serious we don't have anything else to send your way tonight we don't have any other gadgets bells whistles incentives it's just you with a news here on a dismal friday night 180-439-5732 K.P. If they dot org And speaking of only having the news we're going to bring you as much as we can 180-439-5732 K.B.'s they dot org A big win for southern sea otters as a federal judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena has ruled that the government does not have to reinstate a failed policy of no otters zones that have been put in place to protect commercial fishing interests Susan Potter reports representatives of the sea urchin and abalone industries had sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to get them to restart a Reagan era policy of trapping and relocating sea otters from Point Conception to the Mexican border and to San Nicolas island south of Santa Barbara Steve Simic with the otter project says 140 otters were moved starting in 1970 all but 11 died swam back north or disappeared out to sea in retrospect the idea of putting lines across the water and saying that anymore even mammals should not cross that line just kind of doesn't make sense it was destined to fail from the beginning and. Environmental groups had to sue to get the feds to stop relocating the otters and then sided with the fans in the latest lawsuit to protect the sea mammals Simic estimates about a dozen fishing crews each make a half $1000000.00 a year selling sea urchins to sushi chefs in Japan he thinks it'll be 50 to 100 years before the otters eat so many urchins as to make that fishery unprofitable Simic also notes that sea otters are crucial to a healthy ocean environment if you take the otter out of the system the system often becomes overrun with urchin and you lose help for a few arteries bring back help to help forest health care. We're bringing back. Sea otters are considered threatened under the Endangered Species Act experts believe 12216000 of them once lived off the southern California coast but now just over $3000.00 are left for public news service I'm Suzanne Potter OK I have to clear this up right away because some people thought I was joking now we really do have socks I've got some on my feet right now these are K.P. If they socks they are emblazoned with the K B F A logo you know in their 71 percent cotton 23 percent elastic 6 percent nylon so that makes it real and they are vailable for a $60.00 pledge or more. Especially if you're selling your stocks to get the sock you probably want to give us more than just $60.00 they are available for a $60.00 contribution $184395732.00 K P F A dot org You don't have to take the sock. It's by the way it's washed it's not a dirty sock they're all clean 180-439-5732 K P F A but you don't have to take it you can subscribe donate be a listener sponsor simply for the news because that's the only other thing we've got here right now tonight 180-439-5732 K P F A dot org You are listening to the evening news on K.B.'s day in Berkeley K P F K in Los Angeles K.F.C.'s in Fresno online a caveat they dot org It's an hour long newscast airing at 6 half hour additions on the week and no commercials no corporate underwriting just the news 180-439-5732 help us complete our mission a P.S.A. Or go online a new report shows that nearly 2 thirds of bottled water come from the tap of some cities municipal water supply or take it off reports sales are skyrocketing for the bottled water industry but what are companies actually selling to customers in his new report take back the tap food and water wash researchers look at the booming business of bottled water which surpassed suit and sales in 2016 the group finds nearly 64 percent of bottled water comes from municipal taps and that it costs almost 2000 times as much as tap water and 4 times as much as gasoline Patty Lovera with Food and Water Watch says bottled water companies target demographics through advertising especially immigrant communities it is much more the norm in other countries where you have to go buy bottled water because basically just aren't there for tap water that's not the case in most American cities that are pretty predatory to convince people they need to keep spending their hard earned money to do that and undermining people's confidence in tap water bottled water companies say their water actually is safer the report also found about 70 percent of bottles are recycled and that $4000000000.00 pounds of plastic were used to produce bottles into. 16 that's enough to fill the Empire State Building $1.00 times activists also have raised concerns that companies that do rely on ground water are depleting people's local water supplies and hurting the ecosystem for a decade Nestle has tried to open bottling plants in the Columbia River Gorge but failed in 2016 people in Cascade locks voted to ban large bottling facilities says the company kept trying to open a facility in the town until Governor K. Brown killed his chances for good last year the governor weighed in and blocking terribly complicated deal that would have led to a water transfer to get access to the water facility in the Columbia River Gorge So it's a huge issue for communities when they see the volumes of water that would be removed there it says even though most tap water systems are safe the country's water infrastructure is in need of maintenance especially in places such as Flint Michigan and that federal funding is the best avenue for that but she has that it can be difficult to get support for this idea it's hard to build up a little well if people think that you buy water at the grocery store and you have to go take care of it that way we kind of undermine dissent of ownership and accountability for having it happen or system that works for everybody for a public news service and Eric take it off. As part of the deal being proposed for Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn to build a large plant in southeast Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is proposing that the city of or seen be allowed to divert 70000000 gallons of Lake Michigan water every day the water would be used in the manufacture of high tech electronic screens to Morsi reports conservation groups are opposed to the plan saying it's just the latest move to undercut the state's environmental laws going Amma's with it was going to League of Conservation Voters I think it's important that people understand. That part of con going to have on the state it's not just this particular thing it's an accumulation of damage and not just giving away acrylics water but really trying. To break apart and degrade the very spirit of the Great Lakes compact that compact is a multi-state bipartisan agreement regarding the use of water from Lake Michigan whacker and Republicans say much of the water which is the equivalent of $875.00 tanker trucks per day will be returned to the lake after treatment and that the Fox Conn plant will be a huge boost to the state's economy the Great Lakes hold 90 percent of America's fresh water and Dillingham says the diversion of this much water from Lake Michigan for private industry use is unprecedented under the Great Lakes compact of 2008 really diversion should be used as a last resort that's sort of the practice for things like recharging groundwater for families wells and municipal water systems the city of Milwaukee taps about 97000000 gallons of water each day from Lake Michigan for both residential and business use the Department of Natural Resources is taking public comments on the plan through the 21st of March for public news service I'm Jim Morris a reporting. Thanks to forests Nixon of San has a and in. Each of San as a for your contributions I don't know if you. They hold yourself of the opportunity to warm your own feet I don't know if it's a save the air day or not but in case you don't have a fireplace you can put on these. K.P. F.A. Sucks and keep your feet warm or put your money in the stock 180-439-5732 we have a goal of $1500.00 here on this lonely Friday evening when the audience for the newscast is at its lowest because people are off doing other things although maybe more people are staying home tonight because it's so miserable out there 104395732 or one 5th of the way to our goal 180-439-5732 K P F A dot org online 180-439-5732 K.P.S. a Dot org dozens of Bay Area McDonalds workers protests there in San Francisco today outside the offices of the National Labor Relations Board saying the fast food giant should be held accountable for the low wages of the poor working conditions in their restaurants but Donald says it's their franchises responsibility and the Trump administration is urging a settlement halting an ongoing case to improve wages and working conditions caveat days or weeks or what reports. Might Donal's workers from the Bay Area rallied San Francisco to announce what they say are bad working conditions I had that I may share a single mother of 3 has worked at one of the fast for giants restaurants in San Jose for over a decade. She say's she's occupied many positions and is now a manager and she's with lists working conditions worsen over the years McDonald's is a 2nd company. Second place. A good many good inventory gets really good. But not for us. We can deal with a minimum wage. The constant. Wage Donal's employees main demand is a $15.00 per hour minimum wage team Paulson the executive director of the San Francisco Labor Konsole says employees have filed Nemmers complaints about the fast food giant here in San Francisco we have a 15. Page So we've been able to do that but many areas of the country fast food workers like McDonald's mistreated make much much less and often have to work 2 or 3 different jobs. Some suits against big. Unfair labor practices for the way they've been treating. The biggest ration of McDonald's The are going to make a deal to settle and not let this go to the full trial which is normally what should happen during the course of a case like this. That the Black Donnellys employees say that while the company to be held accountable for their poor wages and working conditions the fast food chain say's they are just a brand and the corporate headquarters is not responsible for what's happening in his franchise restaurants. An Obama measure could have held McDonald's responsible but it's going to be harder under the Trump administration since it recently decided to enter settlement talks with the fast food company that could mean the end of the case that's been going on for 3 years and he's now before. Judge. Imagine from San Jose say the situation is perfectly clear to her aid is very clear to me. That the corporate McDonald's has total control over for insurance McDonald's that I work. McDonald's controls everything including. The uniform. And even the way I pull the rock paper. McDonald's has faced lawsuits throughout the country for. Sick Children Rassmann and McDonald's routinely we retaliate against were groups who complain about. Them. Say you the trouble. Is allowed to settle the case the fast food company can keep denying wage increases and ignoring the sexual harassment claim 8 employees are denouncing. Workers also protested in Los Angeles and Chicago demanding the case for award. Reporting for K P F A Pacific i Radio from San Francisco I mean. A new analysis shows Hoover and lift drivers make an average of $3.37 an hour and 3 quarters of them earn less than the minimum wage in their state now it's just shows that 30 percent of drivers actually money once vehicle expenses are included it noted the annual turnover among Ober and lift drivers is estimated at between 50 and 60 percent there now if this was carried out by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research is based on a survey of over 1100 drivers a nuber spokesman claimed the method the methodology and findings of the analysis were deeply flawed. They Alameda County district attorney is moved to dismiss charges of vandalism and resisting arrest against University of California Berkeley employee David Cole called as a member of the campus union asked me he said he was attacked by U.C. Authorities during a union protest last month. So the state of Maine is now committed to making even deeper cuts in carbon pollution from power plants and research reports legislation passed unanimously by the Maine legislature went into effect at midnight Tuesday reauthorizing the state's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative or Reggie a multi-state compact that capture carbon emissions from the energy sector Kathleen meal with the Acadia Center says the 9 Regie States agreed last fall to new tighter pollution limits for 2021 to 2030 minutes now the 1st Reggie state to officially usher in the strengthened program really represents a strong step forward for being to continue to reap the benefits of Reggie participation Reggie capped carbon emissions and reduces that cap every year carbon credits are auctioned off to power companies and the proceeds are used to support energy efficiency improvements he'll points out that Reggie has been extremely successful at what it was designed to do cutting carbon emissions that fall the air and cause climate change they've declined in each of the last 6 years entered down the percent since the program on changed and a new cap will reduce emissions by an additional 2 and a half percent per year after 2020 in the past 5 years Reggie funds leveraged $88000000.00 in private investment in Maine yielding $277000000.00 in energy savings for homes and businesses Milos of by reducing carbon pollution in the air we breathe already has produced at least $5700000000.00 in health benefits throughout the region not reduction in bronchitis and asthma and watched were Deaves and premature deaths so there's really a tremendous impact she adds that as the federal government withdraws from efforts to curb carbon emissions programs such as Roger playing an increasingly critical role in addressing climate change for public new service I'm in various years. Indigenous people. Scientists and legal experts gathered recently at the University of New Mexico to discuss how to respond to climate change environmental threats and development in the Arctic and Tony Gonzalez reports can tape research professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks spoke about changes scientists have seen and Alaska from glaciers sea ice changes in vegetation thawing of the frozen ground we call permafrost and also changes and Wildlife a lot of things that you would expect if you get 100 years worth of warming what happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic you know this is a global climate that we are dealing with and so when you see this ice Alberto feedback for example see see increased warming in the polar regions that is tied to climate down here so yeah it gets warmer and Alaska and it's getting drier and warmer in the southwest and so those things are are linked which I am people talked about work to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from development under Trump and ministration plants much of the work includes educating the public about the area and the caribou which then people rely on says Bernadette to mentor what the questions during committee we're going to be doing more outreach locally and nationally we will be also be going to the United Nations forum or just basically going after probably more corporation because this is the last untouched unspoiled ecosystem in the world and you know it's it's not just for us what happens in the Arctic is going to happen now in this way you know we have to be concerned it's time for 8 now is the time for us to take a stand that's when it's too late demented says the Christian nation is not giving up or backing down in efforts to protect the wildlife refuge from oil and gas drilling I-Man Tonia Gonzales and this is the evening news and Katie have a of Berkeley K.B.'s K. Los Angeles K.F.C. And Fresno on line. I K P F A dot org with Glenda reader and Mark America. Everyone this is Brian upwards and I'm Kat Brooks weekday mornings we host upfront 2 hours of conversation about what's in the news and what should be politics technology presence police what's happening in city hall and at the statehouse in Washington and in the streets that's starting at 7 am right after Democracy Now on up front. So your stocks and buy socks from K B F A We have the caveat I stock down does raise the amount of money that's going to take to keep K.P.S. a. Upright walking. Standing 60 dollars donation and you can have they tape the F. A sock 180-439-5732 K P F A dot org thanks to Charlie Fischer and what Dacre Brandy trucker Petaluma Mike Briggs of Boulder Creek and Franklin Lamb bear or Lambert Marina we are 2 thirds of the way towards our $1500.00 goal we have nothing no we have a love and minutes still to go to try to make 818-043-9573 extension 2 K.B.'s they dot org You can get the K.V. F.A. Sock you can sell your stocks in order to afford it you can put the money left over that you don't donate to cave you have a in your sock you can stuff the sock in my mouth 1800 and shut me up 180-439-5732 or caveat they dot org That's all we got tonight is the sock. And the news and on a dismal Friday night were beseeching for your support help us get to our 1500 dollars goal 180-439-5732 or online K P F A dot org A coalition of Bay Area groups is demanding the city of San Francisco refused to give pay and benefit increases to the Police Officers Association in their current contract talks last the contract includes the coalition's demands to an Act provisions of hold police officers accountable for police misconduct the police union is currently bargaining for a 10 year union contract with the city can be a phase I will reserve Watch reports that. No Justice No Deal Coalition wants that demands to be included in the new union contracts for the San Francisco Police Officers Association or P O N A made of several Bay Area groups like face in the action and they said Francisco tenants union the coalition say as they fear the police union that he's currently in contract borough gaining could obstruct reforms to increase police transparency and accountability were formally to become mended by the U.S. Department of Justice a mania in with a No Justice No Deal Coalition says the reforms are supported by city officials and S.F. P.D. Chief William Scotts ses the police union should state that supports in the new labor contracts to guarantee the piano is commitments to these reforms and protect the immense investment the city has made in the reform process the No justice no deal campaign smear feral to direct the city's negotiators to include a provision in the new police contract ensuring that the piano it will not invoke meeting confer or interest arbitration were guarding any policy in October issued to implement the $272.00 recommendations in the D.O.J. Cops report the No Justice No Deal Coalition says the police union claims they support the reforms but are not implementing them they say that the O.O.A. Could go against city officials and their supervisors will they have gone in the past. Last December the police department Commission voted to let cops carry tazers but decided to wait at least one year so as to have enough time to implement safety policy says the P. Away released a statement saying they do not want to wait for a year because police officers have asked to have tasers for long enough the Union filed a petition to let San Francisco residents vote on the taser issue next June ballot initiative John Crewe former A.C.L.U. Police practice special East ses a police union questioning the decision of a police commission through a ballot measure is an appropriate the problem with special interest ballot measure campaigns you know we're not going to be able to spend anything close to what the opposition will spend here and they are intentionally misrepresenting people about what this is about so the question is will the message be able to get out will the electorate be informed and fundamentally on this sort of issue not every public policy question is appropriate to take to the ballot there is nothing more sensitive and complex than crafting a police use of force policy right there it's just that every word is in Horton's which is why the for you cannot have that sort of discussion at the ballot the No Justice No Deal Coalition wants that the O.O.A. To agree in the new union contract not to interfere with the decisions of the Police Commission when it has to do with the use of force tasers or police misconduct and discipline that B.O.H. Labor contracts last for 10 years the Coalition Ses due to this unusual length the union should wait until a new San Francisco mayor is elected in June to negotiate its contracts crew Ses acting. Mayor Mark Farrall has less than 5 months left in office he is an interim mayor he is going to be in office for just a matter of months and so the contract that D.H. Or is negotiating right now will be implemented by somebody who had news no say in US terms so just from that commonsense standpoint it makes sense for importantly though we've got a revolving door special interest lobbying situation here where his longtime adviser a political consultant by the name of Nathan Ballard Nathan Ballard used to work in the offices of Mayor Newsom and Mayor B. He left office and went on to the staff of the P. O. Way and is one of the key persons who has been managing and pushing and shaping the P.O.'s political strategy the last couple years the Coalition say if a police labor contract is agreed upon while he's in office the contract should have a duration off one year only they say renegotiating in the terms of the contract with the newly elected mayor next year is just common sense the coalition sends emails to city officials asking their demands be included in the police contracts or otherwise refused the pay and benefits raises police are asking that the O.S.A. Did not return K.P. Efface calls asking for comments reporting for K.P. If a Pacifica Radio from San Francisco I mean. There is some thing is causing a lot of problems here I've been asked to clarify now. We are talking TO SUCKS a pair of socks yes for your $60.00 contribution and you can get 2 sons one for each foot. We are not charging 60 for one and then to get the other way I'd like to get your sock or your left foot another 6 know you get a pair of socks that supply or old pair of socks sell your stocks get a pair of socks from K.B.S. Day 2 socks from K.V. F.A. One for each foot although if you like you can put both on the same foot no requirement that you are even aware in the ME to put your money in the stock 104-395-7321 extension 8 more serious note we're trying to raise 1500 dollars to keep this radio station on the air. As we enter the final week of the fund drive here K P F A with an astronomical goal of 700000 dollars we are within 230 dollars of raising our share tonight 1500 dollars 180-439-5732 if you can help us creep a bit closer to that goal tonight or you can do it online at K.P. At a dot org OK P.F.A. Dot org 180-439-5732 extension 4 people selling their stocks and buying K.P. If they socks at $60.00 apiece would get us to our goal 180-439-5732 date B.F.A. Dot org jury selection continues for the 2nd day in the federal trial of a woman whose husband killed 49 people at a gay Florida nightclub nor Solomon is charged with aiding and abetting her husband Omar Martine She's pleaded not guilty 19 was killed hours after the attack potential jurors are being asked how much they know about the pulse nightclub attack and for their feelings on terrorism guns and the recent Parkland mass shooting at the time of the polls attack it was the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. History but it was surpassed last October by the fatal shooting of $58.00 people in Las Vegas a nearly 5 year old lawsuit over the Indian Child Welfare Act is in the hands of a federal appeals court the Act allows native children to be removed from their parent's home under certain conditions exactly what constitutes those conditions as at the heart of the South Dakota laws Victoria Wicks reports from Rapid City the last it centers on hearings held within 48 hours after a child has been removed from parents or guardians. Plaintiffs say the court must tell parents what the allegations are and give them the opportunity to speak to confront witnesses and to consult a court appointed attorney instead plaintiffs say parents due process rights are delayed for as much as 120 days in brief filed with the 8th Circuit defendants say they have followed processes laid out in state law which was upheld by the state Supreme Court in 2012 and they say the Indian Child Welfare Act exams emergency hearings from due process requirements that are mandatory in subsequent hearings one sticking point has been the plaintiffs and defendants don't agree on how to interpret it quote language A.C.L.U. Lawyer Stephen peeve are said last June that requires the state to return children to their home if they don't face physical harm in an emergency removal the standard is. Imminent physical damage or are which changes the entire focus of the hearing it's no longer what would be in the best interest. If you keep the child in India and all well the child likely to suffer physical damage or are but defenders say B I A guidelines a lot of the state to keep children out of the home if there is a reason to believe they'll suffer certain non physical harm the A circuit will hear arguments from all 3 defendants with a response from plaintiffs for National Native news I Victoria Wicks in Rapid City South Dakota a minute 45 seconds left we are 205 dollars short of our goal 180-439-5732 K P F A dot org someone getting 3 and a half socks will get us to our goal 180-439-5732 K.B. If they dot org Please a blizzard warning has expired but the National Weather Service says with white out conditions are still possible around like Time 0 where 3 feet of snow already have fallen and winds gusting to nearly. 150 miles per hour shut down Interstate 80 a winter storm warning remains in effect until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning around town where up to another 20 inches of snow is possible I 80 reopened this morning but chains or snow tires are required. $175.00 short that would be 3 orders of SOX 180-439-5732 K.B.'s they dot org A nor'easter pounded the Atlantic Coast today with hurricane force winds and sideways rain and snow flooding streets grounding flights stopping chains trains and leaving one and a half plus 1000000 customers without power from North Carolina to Maine at least 5 people were killed when 84395732. K.B.'s they done org were still $175.00 short of our goal showers tonight and tomorrow in the San Francisco Bay Area 60 percent chance of rain tomorrow near 50 degrees and the central San Joaquin Valley tomorrow 70 percent chance of rain on your 53 showers in Los Angeles as well hi there 60. This is a listing of upcoming events for the Bay Area for the week ending March 11th events a wheelchair accessible please listen closely for contact numbers and artist reception for thin skin featuring sculpture by and you make fuller takes place on Saturday March 10th from 4 to 6 pm at Mercury 20 gallery for 7525th Street in Oakland for details call 510-701-4620 extension 8 workshop on the edible garden takes place on Saturday March 10th from 10 am to 12 pm I garden for the environment 1597th Avenue in San Francisco presentations will include tips on caring for the garden in colder months for details call 415-558-8246. The 20th Annual Aztec New Year celebration takes place on Saturday and Sunday March 10th and.

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