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Hedley says Don't run away from tough topics as the hills of the American West are getting a lot of snow now if they could only find workers It's Thursday November 28th Thanksgiving birthday for Jon Stewart the comedian 7. News is next live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst in Hong Kong police started clearing out the Polytechnic University where dozens of pro-democracy protesters had been barricaded School officials say they believe no one else was in the building after a 2 day search yet Ming is a spokesman for the Hong Kong police he says officers recovered dangerous items from the campus the campus has been filled with a lot of dangerous items such as. Meanwhile China says President Trump's signing of the Hong Kong human rights bill will undermine cooperation between the 2 economic power houses China's foreign ministry says the bill will impact ongoing trade talks legislation mandates sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials for human rights abuses in Hong Kong prohibits the police from carrying certain non-lethal weapons and will require an annual review of the Chinese territories favorable trade status the House Judiciary Committee is set to take over the next phase of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump N.P.R.'s Windsor Johnston reports congressional Democrats scheduled a hearing next week as they continue to push for a possible vote on charges against the president the hearing next Wednesday will feature legal experts who will examine questions of constitutional grounds as the House Judiciary panel considers whether to write articles of impeachment against Trump and of so what those articles will be this comes as the Intelligence Committee is wrapping up the investigative portion of the inquiry and preparing its report for the next phase the probe centers on whether Trump used military aid and other inducements as leverage to press Ukraine to open investigations into a political rival Democrats are aiming for a final House vote before the Christmas recess that would likely set the stage for a Senate trial in January Windsor Johnston n.p.r. News Washington President Trump plans to declare Mexican drug cartels terrorist organizations that came as welcome news to members of the northern Mexican community impacted by a recent massacre but some are worried about the implications from the frontiers desk an air must see 0 if you would house from member station has more family members of the 3 women and 6 children killed in November 4th ambushes in rural Sonora recently put together a White House petition urging that designation organizers of the drive celebrated trumps announcement and see it as an important tool in the fight against organized crime in Mexico but others are concerned it could undermine it. Ongoing bi national investigation which the f.b.i. Is assisting with the bigots we need. People to walk just. Walk right well. Work well work in a war that's Matthew Langford who sister was killed in the attack he says he trusts u.s. And Mexican authorities to bring justice and doesn't think they need any new labels to do that for n.p.r. News I'm Murphy wood house. Wall Street is closed today in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday You're listening to n.p.r. It's 604 this is the news I'm Suzanne quietly the c.h.p. And Caltrans decided to close Interstate 5 through the grapevine overnight drivers are not able to go from Northern l.a. County into the Central Valley because the snow and vice versa northbound drivers are being turned around it has only Canyon and people stuck on the freeway north of there are getting an opportunity to turn around at Lake Hughes road southbound drivers are not able to get past Frazier Mountain Park Road since more snow is falling that route remains uncertain throughout Thanksgiving Day drivers are urged to use the one Freeway as an alternative headed up through the Kohona pass expect possible delays due to snow several inches are predicted to fall through today creating dangerous driving conditions Terry causing a with Caltrans says they expect snow to hit the home pass in the early afternoon they have not yet decided if they'll need to shut down Interstate 15 it will usually be something right in accident or a vehicle start getting stuck. And now when we are in a c.g. To make decisions on whether or not we can chop big breaks or whether you ask or or whether we close the road Caltrans crews will work through the holiday break in Riverside and San Bernardino County as to keep roads clear of snow and other debris if you're traveling to the San Bernardino National Forest communities you will need chains Lisa Phillips with the National Weather Service says the rain could be a problem for folks living near burn scars from recent fires including the Getty fire in West l.a. In this week's k. Fire above Santa Barbara if we do get heavy rain on that area a quick mudslides and the reef was that something to be aware of all the time if you live near a burn area the threat will continue all day but a significant weather advisory for the l.a. County coast expired about 30 minutes ago what about people living outdoors. Says more than a 1000 beds for Las homeless opened up early and are available now due. The storm is a joint effort between the l.a. Homeless Services Authority are lost along with the city and county there are listening at church and community centers that aren't usually asked to service shelters losses hitting the pavement to get the word out and providing rides to the shelters for people who need them regularly scheduled winter shelter program will be up and running Sunday that's. Robert grove by the way temperatures today will be on the cool side as you might imagine in the fifty's you can expect some lingering showers tomorrow mainly in the coastal areas and again I want to emphasize the snow up to a foot of snow is expected in most of the mountain areas though the San Gabriel Mountains could have as much as 2 feet of snow Angeles Forest highway is closed it's 607 support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include a hands donating 250000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters in all 50 states and more than 3000000 pairs since 2009 information on how to help the homeless is that hands dot com slash sock dry. Eye Marin shrink religion and Diaspora reporter when President Trump cut the annual refugee cap to an all time low of $18000.00 faith based groups that helped resettle refugees told me it was devastating for the refugees and asylum seekers they serve. In person event where we'll explore America's split on dealing with refugees it's December 4th at the Crawford family forum. Slashed in person. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep how if at all Could a new u.s. Law change the fight for democracy in Hong Kong China's government has summoned the u.s. Ambassador for a conversation it is safe to say that Chinese officials are telling Terry Branstad of their displeasure President Trump signed a law passed by Congress that law promises sanctions on Chinese officials who violate human rights in Hong Kong David Rennie is with us this morning to talk about that and more he is the economist's Beijing bureau chief Welcome back to the program David a look 1st I have to ask as best you can tell is Beijing symbolically upset or seriously upset by this law but they are seriously upset and you can tell that's because if you are based in Beijing and you have off the record conversations with pretty senior Chinese officials as I have in the last few days they are full of the idea that all of these protests are being whipped up paid for organized by the CIA or by the British government by hostile Western forces that is a plot to contain and destroy China by trying to foment a revolution in Hong Kong they have promised consequences if the United States goes ahead with implementing this law which could end up sanctioning some Chinese officials could also affect the broader u.s. China relationship and particularly the trade talks over u.s. Tariffs you can see when you talk to the Chinese that they feel a bit stuck it's very interesting the extent to which when they fulminates about senators members of Congress the vice president Mike pencilled a section of state and they say how outrageous this new law is they say how outrageous in recent very tough speeches about China that you've seen from the vice president and the sector state the one thing they don't do is really go off to President Trump they pull their punches and the reason for that is that they would like to do a quick and dirty trade deal without make. Really painful concessions about you know the way they do Kathleen is a more the way that they operate and they think that in that fight Donald Trump might be something of an ally in a way that the machine around him the kind of the American Deep State as they see it is not an ally Wow So they are looking still for an opportunity to get out of the trade war without the fundamental changes the u.s. Is demanding but let me circle back to the other part of this Hong Kong and this theory by Chinese officials that this is a United States plot a CIA plot isn't there a huge piece of evidence against that just in the last few days because Hong Kong held local elections and while they are for advisory positions local council positions they were overwhelmingly won by pro-democracy forces by people who were against the power of the central government how are Chinese officials explaining that and how are they responding to it well it's very telling that the kind of state propaganda machine which we've seen you know for months now this drumbeat of propaganda about the violent protesters how they're bent on revolution how they're in cahoots with the Americans after this election result which was not just a kind of landslide it was a white guys you know you saw 17 out of 18 councils change hands against the probe aging policies they went silent so the real crisis for the Communist Party in Beijing is that the people of Hong Kong they have this hybrid identity it is legally part of China but it is one of the Great Western world's cities it's a vibrant financial city I'm sure many of your listeners have been there and if asked to choose between that Weston liberal uncensored free speech style of life and being part of a kind of rising China in a much more like another city in China the people of Hong Kong on making it absolutely clear that even as China gets richer and stronger they want to be part of the western world not part of that Mainland China. That's a gigantic snub to an otherwise very self-confident Chinese government on the mainland now I do know that the probe aging chief executive of Hong Kong gave a kind of humble statement saying that she would respect the results of the elections but what does that actually mean is yes China actually likely to give ground here the really tragic truth is that it could turn out to be a pyrrhic victory because these district council elections that symbolically a gigantic kind of sign of discontent by the people of Hong Kong but these districts they control things like refuse collection and boss stops they don't have much power and it is entirely possible that the calmness these in Beijing will look at this election results and say Ok then we are never giving these people meaningful democracy because look what they do when they have any ability to choose their leaders and so it may be tragically that although in many ways we should share this kind of fantastic brave election result it may be the last time they get to vote in that way David Rennie of The Economist thanks so much thank you climate change is making sea levels rise that's become very clear this fall in some areas along the East Coast where high tide levels are breaking records in many areas there's been flooding during so-called king tides times when because of the moon's gravitational pull tides are higher than usual N.P.R.'s Greg Allen reports from the Florida Keys where for months king tides and sea level rise have left a community flooded. To want to call butlers house it's best to wear rubber boots did you see the no excite the no wake signs for drivers not boaters there are several inches of water on his street and others in this Key Largo neighborhood Butler has lived here 25 years and has seen this kind of flooding before it used to happen like once a year during king tide but it would only last for like a week or 10 days of this year it's been going on for about $75.00 days I think Neighbors say it's been. 80 days and counting the water doesn't drain because there's nowhere for it to go during king tide another neighbor Brian Boylan says sea water overtops the canal in his backyard this is actually just the bay that's even with the better you can see it coming right out of the ground sometime you can see it bubbling Needless to say Borland and other neighbors aren't happy that they're now surrounded by water the biggest problem just driving through you know you ruining your vehicles much less all rusty underneath because it's salt water and gross salt salt water Yeah you know we wash it off and you can't get it you know the price will probably go making things worse the neighborhood was built on Phil and residents can point to areas where the ground has settled but Borland who's lived here for 40 years says it's clear Another factor is rising sea level obviously saved it's going up because I can tell from from my doc when I built that dock it's probably up that 6 inches higher than it used to be not far away on Virginia key scientists are also charting the rising sea level so there's actually 2 different kinds of tie gauges here one gauge in Miami belongs to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or Noah it's just outside the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School in Reno and atmospheric science where Brian McNulty is a researcher Bignold has been monitoring this cage and comparing it with historical records he says for 5 months running the average here has broken past tide records right now are running about 8 to 9 inches above them but there have been times in recent weeks we've been up to 18 inches and that deadly is impactful increased flooding from high tides is a problem not just in Florida but also in other low lying coastal communities around the u.s. Boston Charleston and Norfolk are just 3 cities that have seen flooding this year during exceptionally high king tides William Sweet is an oceanographer with Noah who released a report earlier this year warning of the increasing threat of high tide flooding he says unfortunately the predictions are already coming true and now sea level rise decades worth of it has caught up in these sort of garden variety of that's you know seasonal high tides winds blowing all. Off shore that used to not be a problem our problem although it's a global issue for now it's local governments that are faced with the challenge of addressing high tide flooding in Monroe County home to the Florida Keys local officials are hoping to get $150000000.00 in federal funds money that supposed to the area rebuild stronger after 2017 hurricane Erma they want to use it to raise roads and buildings and improve drainage one of the projects would be in Paul Butler's long flooded Key Largo neighborhood but that will take years in the meantime he says residents are making their own adjustments Well it's kind of tough to go out walk your dog unless you have hip boots on and there is people that are going to work that will drive their vehicles through here and they park up to the grocery store it up on us lawn and they'll walk up Butler and other residents say if history is any guide flooding should subside soon in their neighborhood at least until the next king tide Greg Allen n.p.r. News Key Largo Florida every day as many as 500 babies in sub-Saharan Africa are born with HIV Now a study out of Botswana finds that if newborns are given treatment right away the virus becomes almost undetectable N.P.R.'s Ping-Pong reports if the baby tests positive for HIV standard practice and many sub-Saharan countries it's a give them treatment but not for weeks or even months after they're born the concern is that newborns can't tolerate these powerful drugs for some time though researchers about a hunch that cheating right at birth is better Deborah for side as of Iraq just at Johns Hopkins and she wrote a paper 6 years ago about a baby girl in Mississippi with HIV who was treated 30 hours after birth that baby was known to be infected went off and then for 27 months there was no I 80 but researchers weren't sure at the submarket other babies and the clinical trial in Botswana gives an answer 10 HIV positive baby. Were given a 3 drug cocktail within their 1st day's writing in the journal Science Translational Medicine the researchers report that 2 years out these babies have very little virus in their bodies Dana Korecki is a study co-author and a doctor at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston says the kids aren't cured yet but likely that we may have set them up for the possibility of long term remission of their age or the kids that started drugs months after birth had 200 times more virus in their blood than those given treatment right away precisely at Johns Hopkins who was not involved in the study says it shows that giving drugs soon after birth keeps the virus from taking firm hold in the body giving this very early treatment limited establishment of along with a reservoir Well it's great to know that treating earlier is better Krzycki says one of the biggest hurdles will be getting drugs to babies that need them you really need the kind of infrastructure that exists in Botswana or in countries like the United States in order to be able to identify and rapidly intervene and these children about half the babies in sub-Saharan Africa and fact of the HIV don't have access to antiretroviral drugs researchers say that needs to change Ping-Pong n.p.r. News. You're listening to 89.3 k. P.c.c. On this Thanksgiving Carol Curran wants to bust a myth Pilgrims were not dressed in drab the colors and buckles like we're used to thinking about Thanksgiving the Pasadena business owner and member of the California Mayflower Society sos her own Pilgrim costumes and appears before groups to talk about her ancestors and clear up misconceptions about their attire Well if the Victorians decided that Pilgrims had to have black clothing and buckles and white collars and that's what's carrying forward but in reality they were tailors and they were makers. And so they used materials and color had lots of color fun colors like which is a dark blue green they wore. Turd green which was kind of green the war mater red vegetable they would be elderberry kind of colors colors they were from nature you see the Victorians were viewing pilgrims through the lens of old portraits by early painters like the blue was very expensive so they would do artwork with darker colors because the paint was cheaper the coming year 2020 is the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower landing the California Mayflower Society is celebrating with a float in the upcoming tournaments of Roses Parade here in Pasadena Well Happy Thanksgiving we have Turkey confidential coming up for you between 9 and noon today our staff is standing by to answer all your cooking questions on this Thanksgiving morning it's 621. With news. K.p.c. Supporters include Foods Market colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menu Whole Foods Market. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from capital. Of credit card options with features for It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin Wishing you and yours a very happy and peaceful Thanksgiving and I say peaceful because we all know holidays in general can be tense you gather with family that you may not have seen in forever you may not really have anything in common with them outside your d.n.a. And then you add in different political idiology and things can get stressful layer on top of that the possible impeachment of the president and well you've got yourself a thanksgiving for the ages and not necessarily in a good way you know who's really smart about this stuff Celeste Headlee veteran public radio journalist and the author of the book we need to talk and we are so lucky that Celeste is in our studios Hi It's great to see you so nice to see you so you talk about how people's anxiety about just the mere possibility of having intense exchanges with friends or family around the holidays is not based in reality what does that mean well it means that you know they do a Hugo of Huff Post poll a survey on this topic and I turns out that the number of people who say it's quite likely they'll get into an argument is 4 percent yeah it's a very small amount and sadly the reason for part of this is because we are so it is a logic Lee separated people tend to marry people who agree with them people tend to hang out with people who agree with them so that means that less than 25 percent of Americans are going to sit down at the table with someone who doesn't agree with them on politics but it also means that for the vast majority of Americans again 96 percent not likely to get into an argument because we're self-selecting but we're self-selecting but also. So we're we're basically polite. You know yeah which you say isn't necessarily a good thing I mean you want people to talk about complicated subjects and you say we shouldn't be afraid to discuss politics yet you know instead of avoiding topics like politics and religion because you're afraid of a fight I would rather people learn how to talk about those things without fighting because what ends up happening when you avoid these subjects is it just makes you particularly ignorant about those particular subjects and so yes I would very much rather people simply learn to talk about these subjects together and allow other people to hold a different opinion realizing that there's no stakes right nothing no policy is going to change because of your argument about politics look at the relationship change yes absolutely the issue isn't what relationship changes after the conversation what I really have a problem with is when people go into a conversation or choose not to on principle right I'm not going to talk to this person because their opinion is so outside the pale right that's the problem because what you have to understand is most arguments are caused by trying to change someone else's mind. So let me just free you of that forever if you will not change their mind so then the purpose if not to change someone's mind is to is to understand right empathy Exactly and you're right it's not if you come armed with stats and reports like you know this particular uncle is going to show up at Thanksgiving and you know he feels this way about this issue and print out all the news articles that's just not going to work no I mean that means you're coming prepared to talk right you're not coming prepared to listen I mean if you want to say hey it's going to be tough for me to listen to what my uncle says I think about what I need to do when I start feeling angry when I yell at him let me prepare for that but bringing in all your statistics is probably a waste of time what if someone stirs up trouble. So I try not to ignore that it happened let me give you an example from my personal life when I was very 1st meeting my fiance's family I'm mixed race and his dad told an extraordinarily racist joke and he looked at my fiancee looked at me like oh God. And I turned and I said you know what I'm part black that was a really racist joke so let's between you and I let's find some more jokes that you could tell because I don't want you to ever tell that one again and of course he was like oh no I'm not racist I was like Well that was a really racist joke I mean there's just no way around that but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and let's move on right and let's talk about something else you can do I mean I also tried to diffuse it with humor only exactly right which people say all the time and I understand those who say you know Jani right it's not funny right and yet you have to ask what your goal is right what is your goal in calling out that person is it to feel better about you and and to get that feeling of sort of release of yelling at somebody or is it actually maybe build a bridge where there isn't one a bridge of understanding Ok so we've talked about you know politics and religion and race and identity Those are big issues that immediately get provocative quick what if it's just an uncomfortable question that someone asks you you know like hey you know what do you guys going to have a kid when I get a grand baby or hey you seem to have dropped a ton of weight why even so much on things giving Yeah so here's what I often say to those things when people ask inappropriate questions I turn around and say well that's a really personal question why do you ask. Or if somebody says Are you still on that diet and I'll say yeah yeah it's going fine house how's your eating. I mean if. You did the 7 you put it that way it's likely what exactly is in you and I think sometimes people. Just say stuff and they mate again I try to give them the benefit the doubt and assume they don't realize how inappropriate is but in classic journalist fashion if you turn the question back on them it may make them go oh I don't like answering that. And it might actually get them to stop asking that question again but that's usually what I'll say some version of why do you ask if you have to you can say wow do you like to be asked about your diet I sure don't but I would say don't don't ignore it but that's what I love about all of this advice just don't ignore it just kind of acknowledge things and be respectful come from a place of love call things out when you need to and no one who has a loved one of whatever permutation of loved one that is knows you don't agree on everything it may be something Latin like how you load the dishwasher right which it turns out is a huge bone of contention in a lot of partnerships so of course these people that you see once a year or twice a year you're not going to agree on a lot of stuff that's Ok it's not the end of the world Celeste Headlee she is the author of We need to talk thank you so much my friend my pleasure my friend. This is n.p.r. News on 89.3 it's k.p.c. Tracking the storm for you there are bands of heavy rain moving onshore in Ventura County and coming up through Central Los Angeles County also hitting the coastal communities of Orange County right now and remember if you're traveling up north Interstate 5 through the grapevine is closed in both directions due to the snow at last check however Interstate 15 remained open coming up on Morning Edition as former DEA special agent talks about Mexican drug cartels as possible to. Organizations. Supporters include talk to talk believes there's nothing more magical than childhood and their doctors and nurses work to preserve that magic by keeping kids healthy everyone at Chalk is dedicated to defending childhood from illness and injury so they keep wearing kids of today can grow up to become the heroes of tomorrow with multiple locations across Southern California chalk team stands ready to help learn more at c h o c dot org chalked children's long lived childhood live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly The Washington Post reports President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani had been in negotiations with Ukraine's top prosecutor earlier this year to line up work for his firm at the same time Giuliani sought Ukraine's help to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son the post says Giuliani was negotiating to have his company represent the prosecutor as the prosecutor sought to recover money believed stolen from Ukraine's government Post reporter Matt Sepic spoke to N.P.R.'s Morning Edition at the same time that route Giuliani is pressing this Ukrainian prosecutor a guy named Yuri let Sankoh to help him investigate the Bidens he's trying to kind of a side deal where Yuri let Sankoh will pay $200000.00 or $300000.00 as a retainer fee to help Yuri with Sankoh with this kind of asset recovery mission on social media Giuliani says he did not pursue a business opportunity in Ukraine and that no deal was ever done it's unclear whether former White House counsel Don McGann will be forced to testify to House lawmakers last night a federal appeals court issued a stay of a lower court's ruling that ordered McGann to comply with a congressional subpoena and appear on Capitol Hill the appeals court will consider a longer stay at a hearing in January this is n.p.r. News from Washington on $89.00. 3 It's k.p.c. See news at 632 I'm Suzanne quite late depending on where you are right now Thanksgiving Day is bringing rain flooding strong winds or heavy snow the National Weather Service has just issued a flood advisory for Los Angeles County which is getting steady rain for the next 3 hours or so so far there detecting rainfall rates between point 2 inches and point $33.00 inches per hour flood prone areas such as Seal Beach could get up to 3 inches of rain some of it falling at a rate of half an inch an hour thunderstorms are also possible Lisa Phillips with the weather service has this warning for drivers if we get really heavy rainfall we could be minor flooding roadways and so if you're traveling check road conditions before you leave check out the road conditions that you're going to be driving over a pass for example Interstate 5 along the grapevine was closed overnight in both directions the pass is also prone to icing up but remained open at last check lower elevation communities in the Inland Empire are facing the greatest risk of flash floods today the weather is expected to be a bit drier tomorrow but more stormy weather could move in over the weekend for some people the holidays can bring up stress anxiety and depression Alyssa John Perry brings you tips on how to get through the season it's hard to go anywhere right now without turkeys on display sparkling lights and. The right to carry blasting through speakers in every store it's exciting for diehard holiday enthusiasm but for others the holidays can mean exhaustion financial stress of buying gifts and traveling or confronting awkward family situations earing Rafferty Ryan is with the National Alliance of mental illness in West Los Angeles she recommends that when you feel overwhelmed searching out for people that can sin portray you with those things like friends family support groups if you're feeling anxious or you're feeling depressed trying not to. Yourself to other people she says you might want to schedule extra therapy sessions during the holidays if that works for you you can visit the website Nami l.a. Dot org for more tips covering health on Melissa John Perry you might be stressed out about preparing the Thanksgiving meal if so the folks at Splendid Table have your back with the world's only live Thanksgiving cooking lifeline that's Turkey confidential from 9 to 11 this morning here on 89.3. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from t.i.a. Committed to the idea that. A favorite. Lifetime income in retirement should learn more it. Never run out. J.c. . Be impacted charitable giving. Customized philanthropic solution. J c dot org. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin it feels like a familiar story the explosions at a chemical plant in Texas on Wednesday 2 huge blast sent plumes of dark smoke above the city of Port in h.s. 3 workers were injured and thousands of residents have been evacuated the disaster comes days after the trumpet ministration reversed a series of chemical safety regulations Matt Dempsey is a data editor on the Houston Chronicle investigative team he's reported on the regulatory failures of the chemical industry and he joins us now thanks for being with us thanks for having me so what exactly were these regulations that the trumpet ministration has now reversed. Yeah as my reporting partner and I read last week the new rules would make it so that companies are no longer required to do 3rd party audits or root cause analysis after an incident they will also not have to provide the public access to information about what type of chemicals are stored in these facilities either so just to be clear that's the situation now that the trumpet ministration has reversed Obamacare rules Yes Ok got after they were yes this is after the reversal Ok we should know the safety regulations as I noted they were introduced under President Obama in response to a 2013 explosion at a fertilizer company in Texas 15 people died in that I mean what difference did those regulations make when you think about that disaster right I mean to start the Obama era regulations never actually went into effect they were designed to be implemented over a series of time but they were rolled back before they could be fully implemented and on top of that those regulations were fairly industry friendly it mirrored industry group standards are more reporting and analysis require companies to consider safer technology but it didn't require them to do those things like to change the tech they were using there were just wasn't a lot of teeth in the roll back regulations. So in your reporting you said the story of chemical incidents in the in the United States has a history of quote near misses explain what that means right so in the last few decades the u.s. Just hasn't seen the worst of what a chemical incident could be so even in incidents where people have died or properties been destroyed we've been fortunate that those cases weren't worse and like for example this week's explosion if it had happened when school was in session last week or if it happened at one in the afternoon sort of 1 in the morning we'd be a completely different scenario when it comes to fatalities and injuries so what's the bottom line here I mean if if the previous rules were too lax didn't really make a difference and were going really implemented and now the time to ministration has rolled those back I mean what's how safe are chemical plants in Texas right now. I mean the companies are very tightly regulated but they're not really police very much so the e.p.a. And OSHA don't come in very often so we have to rely on companies doing the right thing 100 percent of the time and like airline crashes these are low freq low frequency but high consequence of events but unlike airline crashes this could kill thousands or hundreds if something goes really wrong so it's really important for facilities to be operated properly and for government regulators to be onsite and do something when something goes wrong before something goes wrong it's really interesting too because you say the onus is really on these chemical plants to police themselves and that was the situation with Boeing after these 2 deadly crashes it came to light the Boeing too much of the responsibility for its own safety checks resided with the company itself yeah I mean that's a really good example our analogy because one of the things people talk about a lot here is well 1st responders aren't getting all the information they need about hazards before they come in well even if they had perfect information about what was out of necessity they have to lean on the individual facility tell them what's actually happening we still don't know the next day what's happened at the t.v. Exposure for example right now Dempsey report at the Houston Chronicle Ma We appreciate you sharing reporting on this thank you so much and Happy Thanksgiving to you thank you happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the traditional start of the ski season in the United States there's usually enough snow around for resorts to open by now but ski areas need something else seasonal workers who are becoming harder to find Wyoming Public Radio's Maggie Mullen reports David Byrd the National Ski areas Association says for a long time ski resorts had one big incentive to attract all the workers they needed each season pass those days are long gone that's true says Lauren Duke with steamboat spring. Ski Resort in Colorado she says it's tough to hire with unemployment around 4 percent nationally the resort industry usually trends with the economy here at the base of the Christie peak express lift says that means resorts have to do more I think everyone in the history is always looking for ways to make their workplace the best work place has increased base wages to $12.50 an hour about a buck 50 above Colorado's minimum wage seasonal workers stay on for 9 to 11 months get benefits like health insurance and pay time off and parental leave those only on for the ski season get perks like warm lunch or dinner for 3 to 5 dollars in discounted lift tickets for friends and family plus their season pass can be used at other resorts in the area Deb Holloway a $26.00 season veteran of Steamboat ski patrol says she's seen affordable housing become more of an issue the amount of reasonable rental properties I think is certainly diminishing over time and that's tough as 2nd homes and services like air b.n. B. N.v. Are b.-o. Are reducing housing stock in resort areas more resorts are offering workforce housing steamboat offer some staff rentals 435-2450 dollars a month about 2 thirds cheaper than the lowest and local free market rentals plus steamboats units are right next to the resort Norman Nickerson says that kind of proximity is important you're not going to drive from Denver all the way to Vail every single day as worker Nickerson directs the University of Montana Institute for tourism and Recreation research and I know that some of the ski resorts have said well if we don't get full staff or were you know right on that edge and then of course somebody gets sick they can't be there for a few days the administrative people are out there doing those jobs just to fill land and when that doesn't cut it she says resorts cut down on services like reducing restaurant hours and. Closing particular runs you're leaving money on the table they don't want to do that but they're forced to another wrinkle in industries labor market resorts have traditionally depended on foreign workers in the u.s. On j. $1.00 visas but a trump administration executive order placing restrictions on that program means that pool of employees has also been reduced David Bird says it's not just a problem across the Rockies what I see are a lot from ski area owners and operators and it's true from large resorts down to small resorts we're not selling close to all the jobs that we have that are available and if you do land one of those jobs you'll still get the season pass but ski resorts now know that alone just isn't a sweet enough deal anymore for n.p.r. News I'm Maggie Molen in Laramie that story came to us from the Mountain West News Bureau. This is n.p.r. News if you are planning to ski locally on this Thanksgiving holiday check with the resort 1st to see if it's even able to be open not only are the mountain roads closed to vehicles without chains this morning but the weather conditions are preventing some local resorts from opening as they had planned stay tuned for international headlines from the b.b.c. And hear what Europe's space agency is planning in the study of black holes and then on Morning Edition schools struggling to balance academic freedom and free speech rights following incidents of hate speech stay tuned It's 643 good morning from the b.b.c. In London I'm in line with b.b.c. Top line a few stories we're following right now leaders of the NATO military alliance including President Trump are preparing to gather near London next week as NATO celebrates its 70th anniversary but there's disagreement about future priorities. Today the French president Emmanuel McCall has called on NATO to renew its purpose is not of the full can usually is considered Sheen as the biggest want to go settle to go to Disney Company president said he disagreed with those who identified Russia or China as enemies adding that the joint enemy was terrorism North Korea has launched 2 projectiles from its north east coast into the Sea of Japan Japan's prime minister has said Pyongyang's repeated missile launches what a threat to the whole international community the short range projectiles I let me to be from a supposed large multiple rocket system according to the South Korean military souls Joint Chiefs of Staff one that this type of act did not help efforts to alleviate tension on the Korean Peninsula lot of the care in Seoul and today Europe's space agency is meeting in Spain to approve 2 missions to study the vibrations that massive black holes give off when they collide the European space agency is planning a huge x. Ray telescope but also a constellation of satellites called Lisa which will sense these wide Russians when they happen to miss a nameless in Spain in London I'm old Rita in line at the b.b.c. Broken down old car in your driveway may be useless to you but it's useful to k.p.c. See if we can take it off your hands handle the paperwork and use it to fund quality independent news and program to get started Ok p.c.c. Dot org slash cars to p.c.c. Supporters include raise a child welcoming the l g b t Q community and all people equally to learn about the advantages and support available to today's foster and adoptive parents at events now through December 8th our expatriate raise a child dot org Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Haynes donating 250000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters in all 50 states and more than 3000000 pairs since 2009 information on how to help the homeless is at Hains dot com slash stock drive and from Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Developing ways to use the p.d.l. One pathway in immunotherapy to treat cancer committed to making contributions in cancer treatment for 72 years Dana Farber dot org slash everyone. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin campuses around the country are struggling to balance free speech with incidents of bigotry and hate speech this month at Indiana University Bloomington the provost condemned tweets from a tenured professor named Eric Rasmussen the provost described the tweets as racist sexist and homophobic but she said the school could not fire him meanwhile Syracuse University in upstate New York is dealing with a run of anti-Semitic Islamophobia and racist incidents on their campus N.P.R.'s Anya Kamenetz has been following these situations and joins us now hi Anya So let's start with Syracuse what's the back story there so it Syracuse the f.b.i. And local law enforcement are investigating a dozen different incidents including racist graffiti threats and slurs being yelled at some students at least in some cases by fellow students and in response anti-racist protesters held a sit in lasting several days and once your case Professor I talked to you called the campus at patter cag and Indiana University so it Indiana an economics professor Eric Rasmussen and he shared an article from a right wing website on Twitter with a headline about women destroying academia and some of his previous public statements were unearthed been found to be racist sexist and homophobic and this is where reintroduced the provost of that school right Lauren Robles she she condemned this right she issued a kind of unusual statement in which she said that no one would be forced to take classes with this professor but that the university wasn't going to fire him because as a public university they're bound by the 1st Amendment and Rasmussen has responded on line should say he said that and he's been mischaracterized. He called the whole thing a kerfuffle So Anya there isn't any explicit connection between these 2 situations at least on the surface Ok so what do they have in common Well they're both examples Rachel of an increasingly common trend where racism and bigotry are rearing a head on college campuses and colleges are struggling to respond because colleges have this institutional commitment to freedom of speech and actually a diversity of thought and ideology and debate and so some experts are saying that Rasmussen's case is probably best understood as a question of academic freedom and not only the 1st amendment meaning on campuses there's sort of a super 1st Amendment the core of what it means to be a scholar is to be able to research and debate unpopular ideas and not be silenced and what about Cirque use so the same values Rachel our intention also is here accuse you know there's a history here the hashtag of the activists that they're using is not again as you because there isn't isn't about a year and a half ago a fraternity members were suspended for creating racist videos and since then the campus has been reviewing its policies on free speech and civil discourse and also trying to increase diversity and inclusion but you know there's a bigger picture here as well the f.b.i. Reports that hate crimes are on the rise on campuses nationwide since 2015 in fact just in the last few weeks there's been incidents involving swastikas and nooses and other messages at the University of Georgia at all Burnett Iowa State and the University of Wisconsin Yeah so what the activists at Syracuse are saying is that this is part of a pattern and they don't want this to be swept under the rug and the university leadership is accepting many of the activist mans but there's still a lot of dissatisfaction This is Jen Jackson She's an assistant professor of political science at Syracuse the probably purpose of university is to teach students and to prepare them for the world if it is a place where they can. Then the university is not really its primary. She told her students of color immigrant or Jewish students they're scared and that's not conducive to learning or free debate. N.P.R.'s Anya Kamenetz thank you so much for your reporting on the Sanyo We appreciate it. This is n.p.r. News on 89.3 k p c c looking for ways to get over your Thanksgiving food hangover host of k.p.c. Seize the frame John Horn says there are a few movies in theaters that are worth your time if you want to go away and kind of forget everything and have pure escapist fun the movies I'd recommend are Ford versus Ferrari frozen 2 for the kids and the Fred Rogers movie Beautiful day in the neighborhood if you're happy talking about things you may be arguing about things when you get home I would suggest Jo-Jo rabbit marriage story dark waters queen and slim maybe the 2 popes and then if you want to go off the beaten path movies that you might not have heard of but are definitely worth checking out I'd recommend pain and glory parasite and Honey Boy John hosts the frame 5th anniversary special this afternoon from 2 to 3 pm check it out as you're setting your Thanksgiving table the rain is not stopping thousands of runners trying to work up a sweat before their big Thanksgiving dinner a series of 5 and 10 k. Runs in Los Angeles and Orange County's are expected to go on as planned that includes the $21000.00 Turkey Trot Los Angeles 5 k. And 10 k. Run that is set for downtown Los Angeles where there's some significant rain coming down right now also the Anaheim Turkey Trot Angel Stadium in the tricky Trados c 5 k. Run walk in test and Happy Thanksgiving from your friends here echo. Katie's easy supporters include Center Theater group presenting Matthew Bourne swan like this modern interpretation of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece turns tradition upside down by replacing the traditional female Cordy ballet with a male and samba called a global phenomenon by The Times of London Matthew Bourne a new adventures productions deliver a passionate and contemporary Swan Lake for the 21st century performances begin December 3rd tickets at Amundsen the iter dot org. Consumer spending growth slowed down last month income to what is happening Marketplace Morning Report is supported by t.d. Ameritrade you can get smart with your investing with customizable tools and education design for you at t.d. Ameritrade where smart investors get smarter member s.i.p.c. . From marketplace in Washington I'm sorry Ben a short in for David Brancaccio All right so this Thanksgiving holiday is not kicking off with particularly strong numbers after adjusting for inflation consumer spending was up just a 10th of a percent in October that is a slowdown that's just half the pace it was at the saw in the summer incomes are about flat and if you just adjust for inflation they are down a 10th of a percent Diane Swonk is chief economist attacks an advisory firm Grant Thornton She joins us to go through this hi diane Happy Thanksgiving happy Thanksgiving. Why would consumer spending appear to be slowing Well what we're seeing is a couple of things happening consumers have gotten more cautious on their discretionary spending the only services increases in spending that we saw during the month of October was actually people spent on heating their homes because it was a cold month we actually had snow here in Chicago on hollowing not that much fun it was actually blanketed much of the country before that in the Midwest and out west and so those things took out consumers by Jake instead of more discretionary spending like going out to dinner this is something we saw start over the summer in reaction to the trade wars and this caution has continued into October something we don't want to see right as we go into the holiday season yet nor do we want to the income declining by a 10th of a percent after just for inflation why why is that happening Well it happened was a 0 point one percent decline in incomes is largely due to farm subsidies coming out through the end of September the federal budget continue to pay the farm subsidies to offset for the tariffs the farm subsidies have now exceeded the bailouts for the automakers during the height of the crisis in size and those coming off was a big blow to income in the month of October so we've got is a situation where consumers are being a little more cautious as we move into the holiday season and that's something we worry about because there's only 26 days between today and Christmas Day We also had a spate of bad weather this week which is something that retailers really worry about when in fact we have so few days they're much more susceptible to weather shock and people not showing up at the stores you can still order online but it doesn't fully make up for that loss in foot traffic in more traditional brick and mortar stores Diane Swonk chief economist at the tax an advisory firm Grant Thornton good to talk to you get to talk to you. Speaking of the holiday season and the shopping holiday season tomorrow is Black Friday the Amazons and Wal-Mart's and best buys are already with deals and free shipping and whatnot but what about the little guys what about small businesses how do they compete from k u t in Austin marketplaces in a ular spoke with a couple business owners their whole earth provision company sells outdoor clothes and gear from brands like Patagonia and Birkenstock it's got 7 stores in Texas Vice President Hollande Jones says they're running a few specials this week 25 percent off all North Face leases 25 percent all solemn and shoes and boots the list goes on Jones says they do it because customers expect it you know the customer can feel like a participating and they get away and but it's just not as big a part of our business he says his customers rely on employee expertise for planning a camping trip they want to shop there tomorrow just because the prices Gabriel Trinidad runs lighting incorporated in north Austin he says he's in the same boat people who shop there are looking for a personal touch so he doesn't even bother with Black Friday we know what we're really good at and what we're not good at is trying to get out the repeat with somebody on a Black Friday or whatever the case maybe we might be missing the boat but I don't know he says there's a reason his company's been around since the 1950 s. And offering door busters isn't one of them I mean dealer for Marketplace let's do the numbers. The Footsie in London is down 4 tenths of a percent the Dax in Germany is down 4 tenths of a percent the Nikkei closed down a 10th of a percent u.s. Markets are closed for the holiday. Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more fidelity dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services and I'll see you can buy progressive insurance offering a way to buy home. Surance but their home poet Explorer tool custom quotes and rates are available on line learn more progressive dot com or 1800 progressive Now that's progressive. Airlines expect more than 31000000 people to fly this Thanksgiving break and they've been adding hundreds of extra flights that though is hard to do if you are an airline that depends on the Boeing 737 Max which is grounded so how are they pulling this off with fewer planes Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer explains the Thanksgiving travel period is always a logistical nightmare for the airlines Henry heart of heads Atmosphere Research Group and analyzes the travel industry he says for airline employees it's all hands on deck the airlines do their best to limit the number of employees who are out it's also all aircraft on deck the airlines try to get most of their planes in the skies during peak holiday times but Southwest American and United have maxes in their fleets and can't use them so hard about says they're flying their other planes more it's like someone trying to squeeze the very last drop of shoes out of a lemon to make lemonade customers on airlines that don't use the max can expect typical packed holiday flights Haley Berg is an economist at the Mobile travel app Hopper it typical consumer they won't see any and dimed praise it is right there delete you have all the days but they may not arrive on time airlines are more likely to wait for passengers on late connections because with flights so full those people would be stranded you have a real problem because you can't just recommit a month later flight everything is full for the rest of the Joe Schweder meant is a former airline official who now studies transportation not De Paul University he says the biggest problem caused by the Mac's likely more cancelled flights if a plane has a mechanical issue you can't slide another plane. Despair you can't judge all this flight or God flight and you know sort of improvise because everything is flying to a full extent about a quarter of the flights on the Sunday after Thanksgiving last year were either canceled or late according to Transportation Department data and that's back when the airlines were still flying the 737 Max Happy Thanksgiving I'm Nancy Marshall Genzer for Marketplace happy things getting a body in Washington I'm sorry Ben ashore with a Marketplace Morning Report. From a.p.m. American Public Media well even if you've done a dozen times Thanksgiving meals can be a cool and airy nightmare if you're the one of the kitchen Take heart though you're just a couple of hours away from your live Thanksgiving cooking lifeline Turkey confidential the folks at The Splendid Table have your back from 9 to 11 this morning Francis Lam takes your calls and brings in experts to help including some may know strata wrote the hit cookbook salt fat acid heat that's Turkey confidential this morning from 9 to 11 here on 89.3 k p c c It's 7 o'clock. The c.c. Sponsors include 1st Republican bank which provides business banking clients with personalized care and attention along with revolving lines of credit loans and more learn more 1st Republic dot com member f.d.i.c this is a 9.3 p.c.c. Pasadena Los Angeles a community service a Pasadena City College offering over 50 free noncredit courses with flexible schedules dream come do you learn more at Pasadena dot edu. Good morning Rudy Giuliani reportedly pursued business deals with Ukrainian officials The news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst in a symbolic show of support for pro-democracy demonstrators President Trump signed a bill aimed at preserving the special status of Hong Kong N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports Trump try to soft pedal the gesture offering kind words for Chinese President Xi Jinping Trump said the statement he was signing the bill out of respect for President Xi as well as China and the people of Hong Kong he said he hopes the leaders in Hong Kong and Beijing will be able to settle their differences amicably the pro Hong Kong Bill had overwhelming support in Congress and appeared likely to become law with or without the president's signature it authorizes sanctions if China escalates its crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators Trump also signed a 2nd bill that bars the sale of tear gas and rubber bullets to the Hong Kong police the signings come at a sensitive time the u.s. And China are trying to negotiate a mini trade deal to soften the effects of their ongoing tariff battle Scott Horsley n.p.r. News Washington it's still under unclear whether President Trump will be represented at the next round of House impeachment hearings and here's Brian Naylor reports the inquiry shifts to the House Judiciary Committee next week according to House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nat'l or the hearing will feature expert testimony on the historical and constitutional basis of impeachment and the framers understanding of terms like High Crimes and Misdemeanors Nat'l or has sent a letter to President Trump inviting him or his attorney to take part in the hearing and question any witnesses but it's not clear if the president will participate it will be up to the judiciary panel to determine whether to draft articles of impeachment Meanwhile the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee California Democrat Adam Schiff as said he will release the results of his committee's investigations into the president's actions regarding Ukraine after Thanksgiving Brian Naylor n.p.r. News Washington despite the weather and the high winds that threaten to ground them the iconic balloons of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade took flight as the event kicked off in New York City at this hour when Hogan from member station and why see her.

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