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Very difficult for you in this election cycle and that it was because they were chairman that were chairmanships that were vacated but Jeff Flake was a chairman of a committee and Paul Ryan also retired this cycle so why do you think that is whose fault it is it that there was never last patients me pure and simple I retired him I'm very proud of what I did the country a great service go ahead give him if he's retired I'd like to call it another word but we're going to treat him with great respect. Thank you Mr President like that's another beauty. 2 questions please 1111 up too many people right so right you seem to enjoy this venue very botch are you going to make the standard press conference a staple of the remaining 2 years or no will you have more briefings with Norah Sanders you know when I don't do the I think there is fantastic Where is there where Sarah Sarah is so great I think Sarah you've represented me so well and been abused that she's been horribly treated by a lot of oh she's going to stay on in the press are it's very interesting because there was that we're talking about the other day so I had a period where I figured you know what I'll do I won't do any will interview that and then there's I say why is he doing why you know they're all coming up with Ok then over the last couple of months I decided I'll do a lot with top of the helicopter will do this will do a lot of and then they say why is he doing so many press conferences what's wrong what So when I don't do him you say what's wrong when I do do you say what's wrong and when I go in the middle you say what's wrong but in the mean do you know that you're right yes or. No no you did I choose very well you complained about access when I purposely just stayed away from the press for a while because I wanted to see how it worked and could I be honest we it didn't work well Mr President it didn't work the question so Sarah will stay on as press secretary Ok please go ahead. I'm 1st off I personally think it's very good to have you here because the free press in this I do today actually I do too it's vital to told to beat it it's worth billions. So I have 2 questions for you if that's all right rare opportunity 1st as a point of clarification on the tax returns issue you brought up the audit that doesn't prevent you from releasing them I know you're right I did say it prevented b. I said lawyers will tell you not to do it but you had What's your next question if let's go just on the exciting question the. That play 2nd one Michael Cohen recently said you called black voters stupid that's false Omarosa has accused you of using the n word and the rapper that's the rapper Littlejohn has said you called him Uncle Tom what's your response I don't know who Littlejohn is I don't I rose on The Apprentice I don't know how he was Ok Oh I see have you ever I don't exist remarks No I would never do that and I don't use race and remarks and you know what if I did you people of you would have known about it I've been hearing their tapes for years and years their tapes number one I never worried about because I never did I never use race as I have never used racist remarks Ok but one point you don't know what you told her you why are you so quiet among I can America it's just 8 percent star single digit she when you talk about division it's people like this that cause division great division great no point of fact is that I've never used a racist remark that's the point of fact where who you from Yahoo Yahoo is good i hope the I hope they're doing well. Where you from. Lebanon 11 Yes Thank you Mr President we're so happy to be as well have this opportunity Mr President the gun said he's not going to follow your sanctions and he's going to keep buying oil from who said the president of the ground turkey I know and you can I meet him as soon as can understand his Ok you can I meet him soon or you can have this talk and some countries are going to take the same steps that present our guys doing so let me just say about you Ok so when we imposed this recently the strongest sanctions in. The history of our country just about oh I guess North Korea is there too. But I gave some countries a break on the oil I did it a little bit because they really asked for some help. But I really did it because I don't want to drive prices up to $100.00 a barrel or $150.00 a barrel because I'm driving I'm down if you look at oil prices they've come down very substantially over the last couple of months that's because of me because you have a monopoly called OPEC and I don't like weight and I don't like that monopoly I don't like it and oil prices are coming down so rather than deciding to be as tough as I am on most of the sections what I've done is I said we're not going to do it that way we're going to let some of the u.s. Go out to these countries that really do need it because I don't want to drive the oil prices up to 100 or 150 which could happen very easy it's a very fragile market very very fragile I know it very well and it's the absolute right decision and they'll get tougher as time goes by Maybe but I don't want to have any effect on the oil prices worldwide where I drive them up because I consider that to be a tax and I don't like taxes I have a peace process because in Palestine the peace process is over who. Congratulations to Jon Tester think graduations I'm sure you're very unhappy about the. Go ahead. Can you address the will take a couple of more than will go can you address concerns in places like Georgia where people waited in line to vote for hours where voting machines weren't working in certain districts and think that's a reason that the candidate lost what there are concerns being raised that that was I was one of the your I know but I'm going to add other than I love the state president of the United States are you concerned about the access that people are having to voting I heard it was very efficient in Georgia I heard it was very efficient but again you'd have to ask the state governments because just one of those things you can have to ask them. Yeah go ahead place. Thank you thank you Mr President you expressed some concerns about social media companies unfairly censoring conservatives during the election do you anticipate working with Democrats to regulate these companies or are you sad what I would do there I would look at the various I think it's a serious problem at the same time you start getting into speech that's a very dangerous problem that could be the beginning so it's very dangerous Believe it or not I'm one that really likes free speech lot of people don't understand but I have a big believer in when you start regulating a lot of bad things can happen. But I would certainly talk to the Democrats if they want to do that and I think they do want to do the. Former President former President Barack Obama famously said that he and you are still listening to President Trump taking questions from the press corps at the White House do you see yourself using executive power to get some of your immigration agenda done. I do I do I think that some of it I can use executive power on some not all but I mean he certainly. He used it on DACA and when he did it he said something to the effect that I'm not allowed to do this it will never hold up but I'm doing it anyway and he did it and they found judges that approved that we also found judges that didn't approve it so it's obviously going to be determined in the Supreme Court and if the support if the court rules in favor of what President Obama thinks they should rule which is what he said then I will probably have a deal with the Democrats in a very short period of time we were very close to having a deal until we got that very strange ruling. You also made some promises about immigration during the campaign I want to know if you're going to follow through with them are you going to address when you're talking about birthright citizenship are you going to sign an executive order they are looking at it very seriously absolutely is yes or no and I go I believe we have the absolute right but that's another case that will be determined by the Supreme Court of the United States are you to send 15000 troops the border you've been reading the same documents as I have you know exactly what I'm doing you know exactly what I'm doing so what's your next question also undertook a shogi matter with more than a month since the death of Mr Show you the journalist very sad thing very terrible thing do you think Saudi Arabia is guilty of of having him murdered and if so how come are stronger on you know on that subject over the next week and I'm working very closely with Congress we're working together some very talented people and we're working with Congress we're working with Turkey and we're working with Saudi Arabia and I'm forming a very strong opinion. Mr President just a quick follow up you said something about Nancy Pelosi said the Nancy Pelosi she loves our country. Do you regret some of the things you said during the campaign of interest times you said Democrats want to put a wrecking ball to our future will I believe where a country live that with their current policy they're using a wrecking ball in our country I believe that 100 percent this would be a wrecking ball but I think there's a compromise somewhere and I think that could be really good for a country about one more at the ad to get the ad that you did that was branded as a racist ad even though it was wouldn't be see wouldn't it works surprise you ask me that question I do not go ahead please not. Thank you sir and I think we'd all love to have more of these if you're willing. In 2017 shortly after you took office your Homeland Security Department shuttered a program to counter a homegrown right wing extremism white supremacy. Ism and related terrorist groups domestic terrorist groups and redirected that funding towards fighting Islamic terrorism do you believe that white supremacist terrorists right wing terrorists these homegrown terrorists on that side of the spectrum are a problem sir and what is your ministry. I believe all hate is a problem but I do believe that is a problem and it's a problem we want to solve how say what are you going to do about it sir sir sir what are you going to do about it you cut off the funding. Mr President you know that given funding for that a lot of money but I do believe it's a problem and again I tell you it's a problem that I don't like even a little bit. City as with hers television you've said pretend I'm on the ballot yesterday you called it a referendum on your presidency many local districts across the country rejected your midterm message particularly suburban women how do you bridge that divide now also with the in. Turn will receive I mean just look at the results midterm elections are disasters for sitting presidents of the administration's this has been a very successful and look you can write it any way you want and if you disagree with this has been an incredibly success when you look at the races How about Ohio I didn't even mention I mention Florida I mention Georgia How about the governor of Ohio fantastic women voters a fantastic man who is down in the polls and everybody was talking about this person that was so great and I went up there and I did a rally and they have a great governor here going to have a great governor of Ohio for hopefully a long period of time but for 4 years and Mike De Wine is a fantastic person and I went up there for 2 reasons because I felt that his opposition was not a good person and we know a lot about him and I felt that Mike was a fantastic person and he won and not only did he win he won easily so add that to Florida and add that to Georgia and add that to all of the other races that we won outside even of the Senate races which were the biggest of all because these were races that and Mike Pence could tell you and some of the folks over here could tell you these were races that. We're going to be unopposed we're going to we were not going to oppose certain of the people running certain senators they said they couldn't be beaten they said Heidi could Dappy Pete please don't do it they couldn't this was a year out of that in the Suburban just right now don't forget to tell them that you tell me about popularity they said many of these people when I said 9 out of 11 but I said when many of these people these weren't like easy race these were tough races and so I think the level of popularity of the 1st question I was asked was about well what have you learned what about your own popularity I think that's what I learned is my part I was very well received by this great country by the people of our great country and I'm very proud of it because I love the people of this country these people we are the greatest people I love the people of our country the women and I'll tell you something when you look at the races that we won in Florida which we were expected to win and Georgia which we weren't expected to win and Ohio which we weren't expected to win and won I mean you look at some of them the number of votes that we got is incredible so I'm really happy with not only the way it came out but the response to me as your president and as your president. I've made our country safe I've rebuilt and Evan the process of rebuilding our military and the jobs are here every one of them built here. Will have to struggle virtually who can have the strongest military our country has ever had I've done more for the vets than any president has done certainly in many many decades with choice and with other things as you know with other things but the our vets are doing better than they've ever done but if you look at choice choice alone I mean just take a look at what we've done with yours but the people of our country are very happy with the job that I'm doing and you know one of them and it's one of those one is one of the things that they want so much is security they want security both at the border they want it with our military they want it with law enforcement they want it with ice you know we've take it out thousands of m.s. 13 gang members thousands out of it hard to believe thousands out of our country women of our country who are incredible people they want security they want safety it want financial security also we've done that but they want physical security and we've taken out thousands of people that shouldn't be in this country but we have to get strong immigration laws so they don't come in we want laws where they don't come in where we don't have to take them out per se and again I'm very honored to be with all of you. It was a great day yesterday it was a great evening I think we had a tremendous success and hopefully the tone can get. Better hope that hopefully the tone can get a lot better and I really believe it begins with the media I really used to call it the press is a big I mean really surprise I really believe it begins with the media if you would cover there was a very interesting story written in a very good paper recently that talked about the fact that it isn't good what the media is doing and that I do have the right to fight back because I'm treated very unfairly so I do fight back and I'm fighting back not for me I'm fighting back for the people of this country thank you all very much that. That was President Trump holding a post mid-terms press conference at the White House you're listening to Special Coverage from n.p.r. News on 89.3 k p c c a very good morning to you I'm Larry mantel welcome to where talk for the next 36 some minutes we're going to talk about the election results specifically here in Southern California also the major national trends you just heard in a news conference lasting well over an hour President Trump lashing out at Republicans who distanced themselves from him also you heard his criticism of news media which has been a standard part of any of the news conference that he's had particularly pointed this time around though coming up at 11 o'clock it will be a state wide call in program part of our California dream collaboration California Public Radio stations and the nonprofit news organization Cal matters that's coming up in our Levon o'clock hour right here on $89.00 k.p.c. Say other president in that news conference said that Republicans defied history in the midterms he talked about the additional seats that Republicans appeared with picked up in the Senate at the same time the House of. Presented is of course now with the Democratic majority in the White House East Room news conference the president also warning Democrats about spending the remaining years of his presidency investigating him and the administration he talked about working bipartisan Lee on a number of initiatives but very pointedly said that wouldn't be happening if Democrats launched investigations Joining us to talk about the president's news conference as well as the overall results Cal-Tech professor of political science Michael out Michael good morning good morning thanks for having me on so 1st of the president's comments he seems particularly delighted despite the fact the House has gone Democratic Well I think that you know again like most elections these days or seems to be a lot for both sides to be happy about I think Democrats are happy that they've retaken the house and we still do have a number of outstanding races so there their margin come January could be even larger on the other hand you know I think that Trump is pretty happy with the fact that Republicans did quite well number of Senate races in particular in Senate races where he had put a lot of of energy and his personal stake in those All right Michael Alvarez with us we have a wide range of guests will be joining us now we listen to Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi can people. Biggest winner in last yesterday was health the health care for American people for our seniors who harbor who in the form of health care was on the ballot and healthcare won yesterday in American is elected an extraordinary class up dynamic and diverse Democratic candidates members elected who reflect their districts and who embody the bountiful diversity of a nation and women lead the race victory with at least 30 new winning coming to the Congress is that not. And there still some races that are not finalized yet so there could be more. Democrats also security big wins in the governorships across the country and while that is my responsibility when House for the Democrats when it governorships is essential essential to good policy in our country at an open elections and the rest so victories in Wisconsin Illinois Kansas Maine Michigan New Mexico and Nevada we're very proud in New Mexico that our colleagues you know hunt Grisham is now the governor and Colorado Jared Polis is now the governor are from our county current colleagues even though that's a big place and a Democratic governor a great governor Governor Hickenlooper so that wouldn't have picked up a but it is a Democratic member there Jim Wallace in Minnesota our colleague and winning and in Minnesota so for us just seeing that the extraordinary leadership of these members going into governor's office and seeing the increased number of Democratic governorships it was a great night for the American people we won from that because from the beginning we focused on health care. 2 years ago today the day after the election not the same date but the same day after the election. Everyone came together and said we see the urgency we want to take responsibility and that gave us an opportunity to protect the Affordable Care Act that was so essential to the health and financial security of America's working families and we knew it would be a charge that of the trumpet ministration So just for you know that by that song that we have mobilized many of the groups outside they were itself mobilized as well but we all came together depending on where despite. Where we might be on the spectrum on other issues she said this was our focus in their plan to launch our campaign on the weekend of Martin Luther King and that is in January and we did after the president's inauguration as you know something the start happened in our country the women's March and much of that was about health care on its reproductive health. She's health care debate goes on over the course of that next year and a half working with the outside groups and they deserve a great deal of credit and I'm proud of our Democratic unity and the Congress of the United States and maneuvering that unity was essential to the clarity of our message and the difference. From the Republicans on that subject that working together. Voting together we were able to make our case the outside groups and we participated in some of this but the outside groups had 10000 events across the country speaking out about the risk that was involved in Republican policy in terms of health care in the country their assaults on medicare medicaid of assaults on. The benefit of a preexisting medical condition being taken away all of that so much more the issue about the cost of prescription drugs all of those issues by groups coalitions h. Can protect and care little lobbyist advocacy groups of. Patients to groups across the country labor unions veterans the list goes on and I want to so many people who were involved in that leading up to this being on the ballot and with some of you have said to me how did this emerge as the issue in the campaign. My answer is we made our own. Environment because we knew how important. Health care is not only to the good health of families but to the financial well being of the family's health care cost being such a major. Assault on their economic security it was a it was when we put together our for the people of gender our 1st priority was to lower health care cost by. Lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Leader Mitch McConnell went forth and really admitted that social Medicare and Medicaid and some aspects of Social Security. Disability Benefits were on the chopping block the president pulled its punch when it came time to lowering the cost of prescription drugs by its enabling secretary to negotiate for that so this is very important that was for the people of lower health care costs their paychecks by building the infrastructure of America integrity and governmental body reducing the role of big dollar money in the political spectrum that was our agenda our candidates ran with it but health care health care health care and every household in America is an important issue. Mend his pine now Speaker Tip O'Neill said all politics is local when it comes to health care all politics is personal and so again we made our own environment while the g.o.p. Tried relentlessly to distract and divide our candidates kept their focus on that subject and when I say our candidates are candidates for reelection as well the voters deliberate and raised sounding verdict against congressional Republicans attacks of Medicare Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act and people with preexisting conditions in districts everywhere in America they went in a new what a new direction a health that will now they want to a new direction a house that will work to make progress in the lives of America's families. On seniors Democrats play again a new majority of some powerful of the people agenda lower health care costs lower prescription drugs bigger paychecks building infrastructure taking up corruption to make America work for the American interest people's interest not special interest yesterday's election was not only a vote to protect protect America's health care it was a vote to restore the health of our democracy the health of our democracy under the Constitution I'm proud that the legislative branch is the article one the 1st branch of government a legislative branch right after that beautiful preamble stating our purpose article one the legislative branch there as a co-equal branch of the other branches of government and a check and balance on other branches of government American people have put want to put an end to unchecked g.o.p. Control of Washington re storing again the checks and balances in vision by our founders that's of responsibility we have to take that oath to protect and defend the Constitution and we as Democrats are here to strengthen the institution in which we serve and not to have it be a verse that what President Trump House Democrats will honor our responsibility to the Constitution as I said have a punch to how we will that how we will do things we will open the Congress with a rule that will ensue and system openness and transparency so that the American people can see the impact of public policy on their lives putting an end to what the Republicans did with their tax scam in the dark of night the speed of light no hearings on a bill that would have trillions of dollars that the impact on our economy that's over we will strive in that openness with the American people as our partners because they will see the impact of legislation on their lives we will strive for bipartisanship we believe that we have a responsibility to seek common ground. Where we can where we cannot we must stand on the ground but when Ostroff and openness and transparency accountability bipartisanship a very important part of have we will go forward with the lead that's a responsibility we have to honor the vision of our founders they gave us in their declaration a call for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness how beautiful but it also gave us guidance on how to achieve that a play of the unknown for many want it couldn't imagine how many we would be home or how different 2 would be from each other but they knew that we had to strive for one is recognizing that this is a marketplace of ideas we have different views on the role of government and that's a healthy debate for the American people to witness and for us to have to do so with confidence and our values and our proposals but also with humility to listen and hear what others may have to say and so that will be that kind of Congress that we have one again that honors the gods and deployed those of us in them last night I had a conversation with President Trump about how we could work together one of the issues that came up was part of our for the people examine the building infrastructure of America and I hope that we can achieve that he talked about it during his campaign and really didn't come through with that in his 1st 2 years in office but that issue has not been a partisan issue in the Congress of the United States over the years we've been able to work together regionally bipartisan across the aisle profit capital and down Pennsylvania Avenue I hope that we can do that because we want to create jobs from sea to shining sea a good paying jobs whether it's about surface. Transportation water systems my colleague Congressman as she was here a champion on broadband always on high speed broadband across America and the digital especially into rural areas as well as urban areas and then schools housing and the rest those jobs those that have the initiatives will create good paying jobs also generate other economic growth in their regions so we hope that we can work in a bipartisan way and that way the other issue that that hopefully work on is lowering the cost of prescription drugs and that is something the president has talked about we had it not 60612 years ago when we won the House. Of those wall the one we couldn't get 60 votes in the Senate for was enabling the secretary to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices we hope to get that done now because that is a big impact on America's families budget and then the 3rd really caffeinated issue for us is integrity in government to reduce the role of dark special interest money and I commend all of our candidates for their commitment. To health care agenda to the bigger paycheck agenda also to the good government agenda they have written letters saying that they want h.r. One which is our better deal for America's democracy to be something they voted on but I said to them when you come here you will have an impact on what that legislation is you may want to make some additions or some tweaking but nonetheless our new Congress will be part of putting together how the agenda goes forward and we look forward to that integration of the Congress also spoke to this much Mitch McConnell the leader McConnell this morning. And how we could work together specially if the structure I did receive a call of congratulations from speaker Ryan and I welcome that and we discussed how it is to win and how it is not to grant the charge to his candidate isn't the concern that he was expressing was about for some of his colleagues who would no longer be serving on that point I want to make a couple of I say 7 because in winning this election I don't we were in the right side of history when the right side of the future this is where we have to go. But when we talk about the challenges that we face we had to jump over gerrymandered lines all over the country so when we talk about our success it's a bot the grassroots operation owning the ground. All of these groups that care about health care many of them out there to help elect people who shared their values about lowering health care cost the new movie cheap lifetime caps even annual caps on insurance insurance coverage and certainly to restoring the benefit of preexisting conditions not being a barrier to coverage Most importantly though of the quality of our candidates that are spectacular from every walk of life and some of them from a couple of different walks of life and when they come here they will bring their experience their knowledge and especially their values to the Congress we look forward to that this is no easy feat to win this election I hear the president attributing to this that and the other thing but when you think of how gerrymandered the country is. We hope to change that. But nonetheless how we were able to succeed in this election is a tribute again to the quality of our candidates that determination about grassroots folks across the country and the values that we share with the American people in terms of working with the president. I just would say that I worked very productively with President Bush when we had the majority and he had the presidency we passed one of the biggest. Energy bills in the history of our country we passed one of the biggest As we tax bills in terms of stimulus for low income people as well as middle income people in his presidency and the list goes on PEPFAR he wanted help for we want to have so many issues that we were together and opposed to the war in Iraq but the point is is that we worked to gether the president said I'll wait for them to send me something but we have ideas and we can send them something but the fact is if we would like to work together so bad legislation will be back to where it is and we're not going for the lowest common denominator going for the boldest come in and they're our position will be a consensus within our own party of what we can support but also welcoming of their ideas so we look forward to a new kind of a new era in terms of what has happened it's this the past 2 years that seem like a very very long time in terms of the path that it's taken us down and I think of our founders and their courage their vision that they had in mind for us the players as it were for many wanted when I think of the American people and how beautifully diverse we are and how newcomers to our country have constantly very invigorated America and I think of our beautiful planet Planet and course our own. Own Country God's gift to us and how it has been neglected and degraded in this past couple of years I think that there's plenty of opportunity for us to match our legislation with the rhetoric of that we know that we are here and it might surprise you if you're just joining us this isn't your special coverage of the 1st president Trump's press conference and now soon to be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the results of the meter. Reader The whole quote that I'll be just one paragraph on Reagan said this is the last speech that I will make as president of the United States and I want to. This term one final thought an observation about a country which I love flat speak that's quite a headline or write your business model Reagan's last speech he said thanks to each new wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity we're a nation for every young forever bursting with energy and new ideas and always on the cutting edge always leading the world to the next frontier this quality is vital to our future as in fact it is going to say that if we ever close the door to new Americans our leadership in the world would soon be lost every close the door of your ship would soon be lost so in that respect for the vision of our founders the diversity of our country the beauty of and the values in our constitution 1st and foremost we think there's an opportunity to work together one sign of good faith on the part of the president to work together with for them to withdraw their assault on and preexisting condition benefit which other Republican attorneys general cross the country have put forth and which this administration has said they will defying the law of the land and lawsuit that's just more as Jess room said we think that it's again as a sign of good faith and and. In with what they're saying on the campaign trail for . Withdraws a lawsuit so that would be one place that we could start in any event next week with the floor to welcome the new class of freshmen the. Celebrate their diversity the freshness of their thinking and the rest and they both can immediately be incorporated into our building for instance it's in how we go forward in a very open transparent bipartisan unifying Congress and the questions yes or have I cause that interview last night. But there are very few you. Can revert to. That what would you want if. We read that there are all of the. Only thing that could hurt. You. Or. Apologize for the audio quality of the questioning but reporters there at the Capitol live now asking questions of Nancy Pelosi the Democratic leader as well the. We have a constitutional responsibility to have oversight that's the balance of power I'm appropriator was one of the places I was forged in the Congress on Appropriations Committee as well as on the Intelligence Committee both places where these hallmarks were bipartisanship nothing we could always left our own devices find our solutions that of course has changed now when the POWs and pills rained down from one high but in appropriations and in all and many of the other commit all of the other committees we have a responsibility to put oversight and hopefully in the course of. Asking for information we can just make the request in the. Commission will come in the concern about what's happening at e.p.a. For example to degrading of the air we breathe the water we drink to spy with the president said today that's why only one example I don't think they'll have any scattershot. Freelancing in terms of this we will have a responsibility to honor our oversight responsibilities and that's the path that we will come down we again try to unify our country. That that's yet when our committee I'm a big believer in the committee system always have been our committees will make their decisions and make their recommendations to the caucus but you can be sure of one thing when we go down any of these paths to know what we're doing and we'll do it right I did say is that. For him or. Her. We've been listening to a live news conference on Capitol Hill Nancy Pelosi the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives and with Democrats taking the majority in the House Nancy Pelosi leading candidate it to regain her former position as speaker of the House not to say though that she might not have some competition for that position as well prior to hearing from Nancy Pelosi we heard from Donald Trump the president in a news conference in the East Room of the White House went very combatively against newsmedia was critical of Republicans who distanced themselves from him and he also touted his successes the put it for the gains that Republicans appear to be making in the Senate the course the Republicans lost the House of Representatives with the election results of yesterday just very briefly look at the Southern California how . Races there are 5 of these races that are not defended fully decided but 4 of them look very well on their way to being decided in the 25th Congressional District which straddles Los Angeles County North l.a. County and Ventura County Katy Hill the Democratic challenger to Republican incumbent Steve night with 51 percent to 49 percent over night in the 39th District straddling orange l.a. And San Bernardino County as this had been Ed Royce the Republicans district his staffer young Kim also Republican appears poised to become the 1st Korean American woman member of the House of Representatives as she has a lead over Gil Cisneros the Democrat in the 45th district in Orange County Mimi Walters a 52 percent to Katie Porter the Democratic challengers 48 percent Walters appears poised to hold on to that seat for the Republicans but again there are still votes to be counted in the 48th District way too close to call this race Democratic challenger Harley Ruta is leading a neck coastal Orange County district over Dana Rohrabacher the 30 year incumbent 51 to 49 percent just under 3000 votes separate with Rue de in the lead and in the 49th District which had been Darrell Lysis district north San Diego South Orange County District Mike Levin the Democrat 52 percent to 48 percent over Dianne Harkey the Republican but only 66 percent of the votes are tallied However what's outstanding is San Diego County there which would be expected to break toward Levon So $7000.00 votes separate them but Levon an excellent position to take that seat for the Democrats so it appears at this point the 4 of them are split 2 Democrats 2 Republicans and they end the $48.00. Coastal Orange County Robach are in Bruta too close to call let me bring in our experts to talk about the results with us for Nanda Gara. University professor and director of the Center for the Study of l.a. Also a member of our s. C.p.r. Board Professor good to have you with us again your thoughts about what we're seeing with these Orange County races Well it's incredibly more and more democratic every time we take a look at every election cycle for California I would never have thought this you know little 6 years ago but it's been incredible while there while there were certainly somewhat of a blue wave maybe a blue ripple throughout the nation it was not only a little wave but a blue synonymy in California in terms of the statewide elections legislative elections etc Democrats did extremely well in California your thoughts about the Los Angeles County sheriff's race where again that's too close to call but I think to the surprise of many the challenger Alex v. In a way the. Just about 5000 votes ahead of the incumbent Jim McDonnell again many votes to be counted we probably won't know who the sheriff is until late next week but surprise me in a way that is so close this is Sheriff in Los in California just don't lose that it's very tough to beat them this is going to be historic and it really several trends number one the growth of the Latino vote in l.a. County the dominance of the Democrat Democratic Party the you know I had that endorsement that continued strength of labor unions in both their money and organization they played a role in the you know of a. Victory I think victory and in the changing narrative in public safety it's no longer about just fighting crime it's about you know changing the rules and not incarcerating as many people all those trends I think he'll be and and also the fact that he had. A bout a designation that also said Sheriff and so all of that I think played played a role and the fact that McDonnell was never really a personality and able to be a household name he had a very low name recognition and even though he outspent he and Leva in l.a. County with so many races going he needed a lot more money to dominate the airwaves and it just didn't come close Kel-Tec political science professor Michael Alvarez Let's talk about Orange County here we saw the district attorney's race won by Todd Spitzer who would actually work with Tony recall because the incumbent d.a. In the past but Spitzer 6 percentage points ahead of Rick caucus that I don't know if you'd call that an upset but again for a you know a long time Da to lose particularly rather decisively that may be a surprise you know and I think that Fernando put his finger on something very important which is I think that in California and also across the nation we are seeing a change in the public narrative about public safety right we're seeing much more many more challenges in Sheriff's races in disarray attorneys races we're also seeing it in elections for justices and for court officials so I think the public perceptions of these these elections and these contests are changing and I think we're seeing that there are many more challengers who are willing to step up and to go after incumbent sheriffs and yes you know Orange County where is that there was actually a race for the sheriff's office there there was thought that Don Barnes the undersheriff sort of handpicked by Sandra Hutchens might have won the primary but he ended up just shy of that however he was a pretty easy winner in the general yesterday Barnes 57 percent to Challenger Duke new wins 43 percent say challenger Bines wasn't technically the incumbent but was almost running as though he was because of his close professional. Lation ship with Sandra Hodgins also want to talk about what we saw in the ballot proposition Shaun t. Walsh Republican political analyst Sean your thoughts about the gas tax repeal going down to defeat and the expansion of rent control going down to defeat in California surprised by either not surprised by either I mean those were the 2 races or 2 ballot propositions that were supposed to drive both Democrats and Republicans to the polls I think honestly I wouldn't be surprised if one of the groups tried to sue the attorney general for the ballot doesn't nation for the gas tax it was very very confusing but you know that said roads are in terrible shape in California and I think people want to see them repaired with regards to rent control I think the bottom line was that there were too many mom and pops to rent out their rooms and that was just a bridge too far so the 2 kind of partisan issues that were supposed to drive voters just didn't materialize the way I think the parties wanted them to day before the election when we were talking your analysis was that it wouldn't likely be a Blue Wave but I think you said blue tornadoes where it was sort of targeted Democratic gains Did did this unfold this as you thought it likely would well if you want to replay the tape as they say I predicted between $4.00 and $7.00 pickups for Republicans in the u.s. Senate I think that's probably going to come out around 4 possibly 5 and that that's fairly unprecedented the 1st time in 100 years that Republicans will have 55 seats with regard to the house it turned out about what I think I predicted I think you're going to see probably 15 to 17 seat majority from the Democrats and I think Larry what is really telling and what Pelosi said in her comments is the fact that they are so close in the seats that they picked up are in places like Texas and Arizona that tend to be a little bit more conservative that she has to play it a little bit more. You know. Nonpartisan if you want to hold those seats number one and number 2 it's going to be interesting to see whether the real activist group in the Democratic Party fight with her with regard to her more moderate rhetoric both last night and her press conference today Michael average just quick a final thought on on the national takeaway from the election Oh well you know again as I said at the beginning of the show I think there's there's a lot here that both sides can look to in I think you know the Republicans made the strong gains in the Senate I think the Democrats again took the house with a very slight majority majority in the Democrats also appear poised to pick up some some of these important governors seats to across the country so you know it's a real mixed election you know the referendum on Trump I think has kind of had a mixed result Michael avarice thank you so much for joining us this morning as well as all night last night with our election coverage a Appreciate it thank you I Cal-Tech professor of political science Michael Alferez Joining us our thanks to Fernando Gara professor of Loyola Marymount University political scientist and director of the Center for the Study of l.a. At l m u a member of our board of trustees and our thanks to Republican political analyst analyst John t. Walsh as well coming up in just a minute a statewide call in program part of our California dream collaboration I'll be hosting it from right here in Southern California. And we'll be continuing to bring you election coverage throughout the day here on coming up at noon it's Fresh Air with Terry Gross how u.s. Law enforcement failed to see the threat of white nationalism and now doesn't know how to stop it Terry talks with Janet Reitman about her article in The New York Times magazine which says they focused on Islamic extremists and ignored far right extremists It's 11 o'clock at 89.3. Who came to us for political coverage before the elections stick with us for these days after the elections as we. Figure out what they mean for America. You're listening to biggest and most interesting conversation talk on 89.3 k. P.c.c. Pasadena Los Angeles thank you for listening and supporting. From the moment broadcast center it k.p.c. See this is the California election the day after a statewide special good morning I'm Larry mantel for the next hour we'll look at the election results here in California and ask what role you want to see our state take on issues of national debate health care immigration the environment and civil liberties just a few of the divisive national issues in which California is moving in an ever more progressive direction outgoing Governor Jerry Brown's position to stay opposite the federal government on the environment the legislature has positioned itself opposite the feds on immigration what course will Governor elect Gavin Newsome take we'll hear from listeners from San Diego to Chico all coming up right after the news. Ly from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying armed with an incoming majority in the u.s. House Democrats are putting a bipartisan foot forward former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who is on track to retake the gavel says she spoke with President trouble about cooperating on the nation's infrastructure and shoring up the Affordable Care Act yesterday's election was not only about to pitch up protect America's health care it was a vote to be store the health of our democracy but President Trump says he thinks the G.O.P.'s performance in the Senate angle to Tauriel races is proof Americans like the job he's doing N.P.R.'s Winsor Johnson reports that in remarks at the White House a short time ago Trump said Republicans stopped the blue wave in a post-election press conference bragged about the Senate gains for Republicans as night the Republican Party defied history to expand our Senate majority while significantly beating expectations in the house Trump says he's looking forward to collaborating with Democrats and encourage bipartisanship when working to secure the border protect the military and improve the nation's infrastructure Trump also reiterated his warning to Democrats against investigate.

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