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And Niren Yacoob says I love this unbiased news station the range the depth of news it's all amazing Keep up the great work thank you thank you NY Thanks everybody has given so far but if you haven't yet you need to be a part of it right now on the last day the last night we've got just 5 people to hear from are we going to make that challenge that's up to use literally please give now k.p.c. See dot org. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Americans for the Arts for more than half a century committed to transforming America's communities for the arts and arts education in partnership with local state and national leaders learn more at Americans for the Arts org This is a $9.00 page b.c.c. Pasadena loss and a community service of Pasadena City College named by the Aspen Institute one of the top 10 community colleges in the United States learn more at Pasadena dot edu. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer President Trump wants his former national security adviser Mike Flynn to talk to the congressional intelligence committees as N.P.R.'s Tamara Keith explains they're investigating Russian interference in the election and possible connections with Trump associates flan is the former national security adviser who had to leave the post after less than a month because he misled the vice president about contact with the Russian ambassador during the transition in a statement Flynn's lawyer said he had quote a story to tell but that he would need assurances against unfair prosecution in a tweet Trump echoed the lawyers language suggesting the investigations are a witch hunt at the White House briefing Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about the president's tweet and he believes that that might flinch you go testifying he thinks that he should go up there and do what he has to do to get the story out asked whether the White House is concerned about the story Flann has to tell Spicer said nope Tamara Keith n.p.r. News the White House attorney general Jeff Sessions and homeland security secretary John Kelly are criticizing the chief justice of the California supreme court the judge complained immigrations officials are targeting California courthouses to arrest people N.P.R.'s Richard Gonzales has that story in a joint letter to Chief Justice Tony Kunti will suck away sessions and Kelly say they are troubled by a letter she sent earlier this month saying federal immigration officers appear to be stalking California courthouses the administration officials rebuked the California chief justice saying that the word stalking is a legal term involving following or harassment with the intent to produce fear of harm in a statement County also Kuwait said she appreciated the admission that immigration agents are in state court houses making federal arrests and she said victims and witnesses will fear coming to court houses to help enforce the law Richard Gonzales n.p.r. News San Francisco National Transportation Safety Board investigate. Others say they've begun their probe into yesterday's crash between a church many box and a pick up truck that left 13 people dead investigators say most if not all of those aboard the minibus wearing seatbelts when it slammed was slammed into head on by the pick up there been reports The pickup driver who survived the crash may have been texting at the time the lead n.t.s.b. Investigator Jennifer Morrison says they can't confirm that we'll be looking at many factors in our investigation that will include the drivers of both vehicles and any city distraction or impairment with the drivers will also be looking at the mechanical condition of again both vehicles there are also some reports the pickup was driving a radically just prior to the crash on u.s. 83 about 80 miles west of San Antonio I'm honestly low or close on Wall Street today to wind down the final trading day of the 1st quarter of Dow drop 65 points 220663 the s. And p. Was down 5 points this is n.p.r. And from k p c c News I'm Nick Roman with the stories we're covering at 7 o 42 bus stories for you the saying able Valley Tribune says the gold line commuter rail extension from Pasadena to a Sousa has been so popular in its 1st year that Foothill transit might eliminate bus routes that parallel the goldmine for They'll Transit says a lot of bus drivers bus riders have switched to the train the plan to drop some bus routes isn't set in stone quite yet what Hill chance it will hold 6 public hearings to get public comment starting next Friday in Clermont and Long Beach trance it today began running 3 electric powered buses on the city's passport route it's the one that winds to downtown Long Beach passes by the Aquarium of the Pacific in the Queen Mary arrived on the passport route is free and soon it will be smog free once the city adds 7 more electric buses sunny upper seventies this weekend big surf the beaches will get into the eighty's by Wednesday it's our spring membership. Drive on 89.3 k.p.c. Scene at 7 o 6 from the Mon broadcast center at Southern California Public Radio this is the Frank the daily report about art entertainment and culture. Hello and welcome to this special membership drive edition of the frame I'm Libby tanks been filling in for John Horne Today we're talking about a new t.v. Series that looks at the world's oldest profession from the perspective of the women who lived it in 18th century London harlots launched this week on Hulu it's a British production that's co-created by more. She's a playwright and screenwriter whose movie credits include the 2001 adaptation of Jane Eyre bustle like in the show to Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette in style others have made comparisons to the sharply modern feminist commentary of Orange Is The New Black right from the start harlots makes the statement in the opening shot of the 1st episode these words flash on the screen $763.00 London is booming one out of 5 women makes a living selling sex when I reached before any at the b.b.c. In London this week that's where we began I mean we found that an astonishing statistic when we when we discovered it we knew that London in the set in the 17th sixty's was on a date for much longer than that was the sex capital of the world but we didn't know quite how prevalent it was but one in 5 women sending sex or in associate trades for example condom make has the people who cleaned Brussels cooked in Brussels you know perhaps what a retire it courses on a whole would do would be to cook meals for the working Goethe So in these associated traits really this was a huge part of womankind state in London in the 760 s. I wonder how you went about pitching this show and did some of your research factor into that pitch Well I mean we pitched it several times the 1st time. We pitched it was to Alice and I were in our producer monumental who straightaway got it and just said yes I want to do this week a few Harris's list of common garden ideas which is this amazing kind of Yelp gawin if you like to to London's prostitutes yes and I'm going to sleep writing in the 1st episode it's like this it's his guide to the quality and the experience of visiting various brothels and various prostitutes that is an actual document I mean our little reviews we kind of wrote to fit the actresses we cast but it's very much in the style often in the language of the original Horace's list our strap against it scuttle any by my stuff. Was stopped in la. Catechism in charge of our shop. For a mate of the hour so we sort of gave this to us and I went in and told her our idea she got it straight away now there were all the channels that we pitched it to who found it very hard to grasp and what they found hard to grasp was the turn of the series which is somewhere between high drama and comedy and I think what they found particularly hard to understand was that women in such a dreadful situation could have humor and wit and to us that was absolutely essential Yeah and I'm glad you brought that tone up there is absolutely a version of this story that would be much more bleak I mean the 18th century London it was an easy place for women and there are a lot of our real sad stories to tell you're able to weave that in amongst this lightness and humor and keeping the women spirits I mean we think it's about women who are dancing on the edge of a new base the life of a cortizone and the life of a street whore that short so these girls have to make the most of their brief. Years of beauty. And some of them do very well out of it and others full right off the wheel of fortune into the into the gutter and the abbess and an early grave so yes it can be very very bleak but but they are dancing on the edge of a new base and right from the word go we thought we would show them dancing rather than just paper into the abyss. And I think I think the great thing about women when they are and people generally when they are in very extreme and difficult situations is that humor and Camerata re other things that get them through I'm also curious if in the course of your research you say you found this Yelp guide for prostitutes which is fascinating did you find anything that was told from the perspective of the women who actually worked in the sex trade is that as easy to track down there's very little written by women that survives from the era we found one. Autobiography of this fantastic woman who ran a sex shop the kind she was marvelous to raise to rasie affiliates she was called so we found her autobiography and there were a couple of other 1st hand accounts but most of the writing about prostitutes was by men so you kind of have to sort of do a kind of sort of twisting around. On that and imagine yourself into the position of the woman that they were writing about and think What does the world look like from where she stands so it's a kind of leap of the imagination there's there's a lot of marvelous material written by men about women selling sex but hardly any of it by women so we we we did that leap of the imagination and really try to put ourselves in that position and think What would our lives have been like and really although 763 seems a long time. I'm ago there are still cities in the world where sex is the biggest industry for women and where if a woman is not looked after by a man she has similarly narrow options I'm interested behind the scenes because I know that you had all women directors women writers What were those conversations like it was great we interviewed women and men writers and at the end of the day we picked the people who responded best to the piece but we didn't set out to have a female writers dream from the word go but then once we did we were really really glad that we did because. It facilitated a kind of opening up and a shorthand and a sense of humor it was at times quite a raucous place. And it was a definite decision to have female directors we knew right from the word go that they say would really work. Seeing from a female. And we thought that was very important to get female directors on board and we got really used to it really quickly it just didn't seem that unusual or especially you know unique. And it wasn't until one of male actors on the set said to me one day as we were filming he said I have never been on a set like this in all of my career he said you have no idea how extraordinary this is and it wasn't until then that that is sort of a cat to me that it was unusual. In the 2nd half of the show Moira says the sex and her new show harlots is like the violence in The Sopranos. The frame is produced by Southern California Public Radio more after this. If you're the kind of person who turns on p.c.c. The moment you wake up why not just get the app and set it to be your alarm clock wake up to your favorite hosts and reporters and start getting informed right away what's relevant what's trending what you need to know the k.p.c. App makes it easy and convenient for you to access the quality programming you need whenever and wherever you are you can even rewind if you miss something. In the App Store to download it today. Everybody John Araby here in the middle of the frame with Mary Plummer asking you to give for the show that you love the frame and every week day it gets you in-depth on entertainment news and it's just part of the picture here see along with Off-Ramp and All Things Considered take to an air talk right now we've got a $5000.00 challenge that will help a lot in paying for all these shows that you love and we need to hear from you were 75 calls and clicks away from me. In that $5000.00 challenge this is the final hour of the challenge we'd love to hear from you right now and also if you call right now you'll also be interred in to our Apple i Pad Pro sweepstakes every single call and donation right now get in turn to win this someone has to win it why not you have met folks who have won the sweepstakes items before it really will be given away and you could be the winner of this Apple i Pad Pro and it's only a 3 hour sweepstakes So your chances are much better than a lot of those other sweepstakes call this a flash sweeps and yeah this is a quick one exactly so k.p.c. Dot org is the Web site or you can give us a call at 866-888-5722 our listeners when they give that k.p.c. Dot org or call 866885722 leave comments about why they gave what they think about the station so sharing Peters a new member from Woodland Hills says I trust the stories in reporting done by k.p.c. See it gets to the heart of the matter without fanfare and sensationalism I enjoy the mix of joyous stories and raw reporting I want to ensure that the truth in reporting is honored and sustained in this country it starts here thank you so there's somebody seeing that they have an important role in making sure that there is good journalism out there still give now at k.p.c. C dot org Our audience and our listeners are so important and so crucial to the work that we do smart and smart Yes exactly and you know so much of our reporting is really informed by our listeners and our audience as well I did a segment called The Human voter guide where we you know relied on our audience to tell us what they had questions about and we've been answering those questions throughout the many elections that have been going on here in Southern California fornia over the last 6 months or so and you the public are crucial to our work here we are looking to unlock this $5000.00 challenge you can help us do that 866. 888572 to you or our website keep e.c.c. Thought or a little bit worried we have $75.00 people to hear from in this hour and that wraps up the challenge the 5000 dollars challenge but the needle hasn't move or start we start of the hour 75 and Ryssdal 75 maybe you're just liking our banter or something maybe voice something's going on but give Now we're counting on you please give Now please give now as I'm hearing that number I'm also getting a bit nervous he thinks Thanks 857 to you to you or keep e.c.c. Dot org It's also 5 bucks Friday and we have the key p.c.c. Camping mug to give away finally I've asked us to get some mugs for giving away during the fun drives and finally they've come to joking yes this is a this is one you haven't seen before it's white it's steel with an enamel outside has our logo on it 12 ounces and it has a handle that I don't think is going to get real hot even if the contents are hot and that sometimes a problem with steel mugs this is great you take a camping and take it outside it's not going to break that good a little perk of the steel mug I like bad good news Don Yes the numbers have gone down a bit we're at 71 to go thank you to whoever just heard our pleas for cars and thank you for calling in and please join them right now 866885722 we've got Dios and Rios we've got Monica very yelled. They deal us from Los Angeles who says k.p.c. She's my favorite radio station and trusted source for news and we've got Katia Delos at Leo's from Gardena a new member who says I'm an immigrant but also an American citizen I became 18 years ago I feel included. That's nice I feel included by k.p.c. C.n.a. Really appreciate that thank you some of these comments are so incredible and you know if you call in and donate right now please do leave a comment we want hearing from you and just as a reminder every single person every single donation right now get the and on this Apple i Pad Pro sweepstakes every single donation and call right now is in her to win the. Yes k.p.c. C dot org is the Web site to go where you can donate right now or you can pick up the phone and you can call us that 866888572 have 68 to go that was a good good little reminder there to read these I have a break up there in the middle of it Brandon Gill bracket sustainer from Glendale who says I love and support biased fact based reporting and. Go from Ca to hey thanks very much saying k.p.c. C. Is the news source I trust that's Julia sorry Julia thank you very much for giving from kind of a Thank you Julia We really appreciate everyone who has called in already and we are in the midst of this $5000.00 challenge as John has mentioned it's the last stretch here of the challenge we need to get behind and please call right now 866-888-6572 extension 2 or you can go to our website keep or again thank you so much for your support thank you. Supporters include Pacific symphony presenting Ellis Island April 6th or 9th that remain Henry Segars Strong concert hall in Peter Boyer's Grammy nominated work Ellis Island the dream of America actors and projected images convey the hopes and fears of immigrants as they arrive in Ellis Island the program also includes the Dharma at Big Sur by John Adams for tickets to Ellis Island you can visit Pacific symphony dot org. Welcome back this is the frame k.p.c. Sees daily arts entertainment and culture show I'm Libby dank men sitting in for John Horn it's the last day of our tripod promotion suggest a podcast that you like to a friend and let us know about it on Twitter what you recommended were at the frame and please use the hash tag tripod that is t r y i Pod now will pick up on my conversation with more Europe afine. Creator of the new Hulu show harlots which is set in the sex trade of $763.00 London for a show about prostitution the action in the bedroom mostly takes a back seat to the personal and professional drama between 2 rival brothel owners Samantha Morton stars as the scrappy Madam Margaret Wells whose house of ill repute squares off against a wealthier posher rival run by Lydia quickly played by Lesley Manville before the break but Feeney was saying that behind the scenes they were determined to hire women directors here she explains why that was particularly important on harlot's if you look at a lot of sex scenes the cameras pointing down on the woman and when you are a woman you are quite aware that your position in the bed is often looking up at the man. And you see that more rarely on screen and I think that's just we just won to that difference of gaze and I think we got it also I think with the sex it is a job for the goals it's like the violence in The Sopranos which is a job for those gone these it isn't do well to pawn it isn't google refined it isn't really anything it's what they do you know someone doesn't pay up and they get violently beaten and then the guys you know may have a drink and moan about their wives Similarly in this case the sex is a joke on the mundanity of it was really really important the show is about gender the show's about sex but of course it's also about money and power and I wanted to play a clip from the 1st episode and it's Samantha Morton who plays the mother and $1.00 of the 2 rival brothel owners depicted in the show she tries to convince her eldest daughter to sign a contract the eldest daughter is already rather successful prostitute at this point and Samantha Morton character wants her daughter to sign this contract to be sort of like a kept woman by this higher class gentleman a lord and I identifying that correctly the situation Yes that's right that's right if a woman signed a contract a guy would basically look off to her and it was quite a good deal for a woman but it meant she was then tie you to that gaudy Ok let's listen to the clip and then we'll come back and talk about it I'm sorry. Are you running. Around. I want to. Say oh yeah. You're right. This was a wild in which women had absolutely no economic power a woman who was moderate was her husband's property a daughter was her father's property under Gail who was who had no man to look after her was incredibly vulnerable. You couldn't have bank account. If you were divorced you you were a pariah. The only woman really lucky enough to have any power and able to keep her decency was a widow if she had money if she was left money by her husband and she didn't remarry and she had a male she had a little bit of power but the only other kind of woman who was able to look after her own money was a prostitute a governess would have earned between $15.30 pounds a year housemate would have and 2 pounds a year and a prostitute could upwards of 200 pounds a year so you can really say that this was the only choice for a woman to keep her dependents in any kind of. It was just to put a roof over their heads and food in their mouths in an independent fashion for me this is absolutely a show about economics. And women have fought for a long time and really really hard for economic freedom and on a show like this I think I think looking back on how women used to live it just makes me think every day every day just be grateful for the economic freedom that we have and to think we must hold on to it with all our money. Because when you don't have it those are your options I'm a huge fan of the costume period drama but most of depictions of this era they include women that use their sexuality as sort of a subtle weapon it's still being used for power for money for economic betterment but in harlots your protagonist are really out in the open about it they're able to use sex really as this blunt instrument. Just felt like to me like the flipside of a Jane Austen you know period drama Yes I think it did use that to show this different side of the female experience than is usually addressed in the period drama yeah yeah I think so I mean you know when a woman has no other power no political power no economic power no power within her relationship the only power she's got is sexual power and these girls do use it. Unfair play to the you know. And yes I think I think this is the flip side of of of the Jane Austen novel. Is that there's a high class brothel run by a woman called Lydia quickly in the drama and there's a character one of one of her girls who is called Ann Pettifor and our ideas and Pettifer was that she's Lydia Bennett you know one of the daughters from yeah and Prejudice absolutely my favorite Yes rescued by Mr Darcy she runs off she later Mr Grant Mr Wickham Mr weaken doesn't marry her until he is painted heftily by Mr Darcy now what would have happened to Lydia Bennett without a shadow of a doubt if Mr Darcy hadn't rescued her is that she would have ended up in a house like Mrs quickly and and so all drama is about the Lydia Bennet's of this world who don't get rescued by men and the girls who have even fewer economic choices than than Lydia Bennet more of a funny thank you very much. For joining us live pleasure and enjoy the rest of the series. And that's our show for this week the frame is produced by Oscar Garza Darby Maloney Michelle lands and Monica Bushman are in turn is Jonathan Shiflet and our engineer is Valentino Rivera thanks for joining us then thanks so much for supporting k.p.c. Steve I'm Libby dank and John Horn is back on Monday have a great weekend. Libby thank you very much for another great episode of the frame really important topic getting into it in-depth that's what they do My name's John radio I'm here with Mary Plummer I host Off-Ramp She's our politics reporter but we're stepping out of those roles right now to ask you to give to be a part of the success story that is k.p.c. C Make a contribution right now at k.p.c. Dot org And your gift to us is worth an additional $5000.00 that's because we're in the midst of a $5000.00 challenge right now this is the last day of our spring member drive or really coming down to the finish line here and we're turning to you to ask for your support to help us unlock this 5000 dollars challenge want to give you a quick update on the numbers here 43 people to go to help us unlock this challenge you can help us do that by heading to our Web site keep e.c.c. Dot org or by picking up the phone eat 668885722 put a fine point on that number 43 to go in the next 32 minutes if we only hear from $42.00 people we don't get the $5000.00 if we hear from $43.00 or above we get the $5000.00 so one person here can make a difference please give it k p c c dot org But now we're down to 41 Same goes though we got to get 41 we can't get 40 please give 866-888-5722 Thanks Scott Fisher a new member from 1000 Oaks Let's hear it for real news here. That's what we do I couldna said it better Scott thank you and Alex Marshall Brown a new member from North Hollywood n.p.r. And Kaye p.c.c. He writes are my education and I'm grateful for such an affordable source of knowledge that's a great way to think about it 5 bucks a month for k.p.c. 5 bucks a month for k.p.c. I also want to thank Shonda Loesch of Los Angeles Shawn writes and I hunger for knowledge and keep e.c.c. Is a buffet for my brain and ice and that's a great way to think about it I'm loving the hot if you're listening right now please please please don't delay 41 people to go to stay on track it's crucial that we hear from you right now so that we can unlock this $5000.00 challenge we've been counting this down hour by hour and that's how we do this we it's hour by hour but now we're we're at the homestretch here and it's really crucial that we hear from you right now to unlock this challenge 866-888-5722 Rebecca across hot chick I think from Los Angeles thanks very much a new member who says that she appreciates the announcers and thinks of them as friends as do many other people in Los Angeles I mean really nice you know we do we give of ourselves we really what you're hearing is no b.s. This is the these are the people we are and we know that you know you guys connect with us and we really appreciate it so thank you k. P.c.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722 I realize we don't talk like this all the time. 866880 I have 72 that's the phone number to call or you can go to our Web site which is key p.c.c. Dot org Thank you so much for your support Hi this is Carrie Brownstein from partly India and Slater County and I listen to k p c c No matter where I am in fact I travel all the time and one thing that keeps me feeling ground in informed and enlightened is the k.p.c. Out which I tune into almost every day whether I'm on the East Coast Midwest or up in the northwest. They have great host great programming for more information or to become a sustaining member go to Cape p.c.c. Dot org Thank you very much Kerry thanks for taking us along with you thanks for getting the message out to all your fans were fans of you works like that k.p.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722 marry where do we stand we have 39 people to go in order to meet the challenge this is where we get a bit nervous you know where the stakes are a bit higher here if you could please help us out keep e.c.c. Dot org is the Web site or please call right now eat 668885722 you're going to make sure that we make this challenge you can even kick in a little bit extra and that would count as well the the anonymous donor Mrs x. Will call or Mrs x. Didn't say how much she had to give and it's cool if it's somebody who's kicking in a bit extra or a new member or somebody renewing their membership just make contact with the station and give a little right now Ok p.c.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722 then Mrs x. Will contribute $5000.00 I like that Mrs x. a Little mystery there I really like that please woman of Mr don't. Fall behind right now we're really close and we need your support crucially right now to make that 866-888-5722 you also every single person who calls and donates right now even if you've already given in any amount extra that you get right now you're interred in this Apple i Pad Pro sweepstakes we're going to be giving this away we want you to be in the raffle so to speak in order to have a shot at this key p.c.c. Dot org is the Web site where you can get in turn by calling 866-888-5722 good Dinner Party Download Coming up it's coming up it's a great show helps support that station pay the head give it k.p.c. See dot org or 866-888-5722 but please do it right now take the time 2 minutes to help your public. Radio station we're stuck on $39.00 that's no good we will get that $5000.00 challenge if we don't hear from you right now you know that our federal funding is under attack right now in Washington one point $3000000.00 that sort of boils down to for us which is equal to the budgets for take 2 and air talk now we're going to continue doing the news but we're going to have to figure out some way to make up that gap let's just do it right now k p c c dot org 866-888-5722 right now is the time to do that we're stuck at 39 members to go we really need to hear from you right now to get unstuck so to speak help us get on stock and also it's 5 Black Friday which is really fun it means that we are giving away some of these thank you gift that lower amounts than they normally go for and one of those is our portable phone charger This has the key p.c.c. 89.3 headphones logo on the side of it this is great for throwing in a backpack or your purse or your pocket and charging our Smart smartphone when you're on the go this is an awesome little small token of our appreciation 866-888-5722 or keep e.c.c. Dot org My kitchen of a jam and it might also let you listen to k.p.c. See on the app if your power was gone so you can just plug it in and pick up right where you left off with the news please give now we're quoting a new bridge a boat gave us sustainer from Santa Monica thanks very much it's important she says to have a good news source and she's grateful for k.p.c. We are grateful to Britta to all of you who have given and if you haven't given yet we are counting on you to do it right now please a k p c c dot org The c.c. Supporters include Torrey Pines bank offering business banking solutions to small and mid-sized companies through its offices in downtown l.a. And Beverly Hills Torrey Pines bank is a division of Western Alliance Bank member f.d.i.c Torrey Pines bank where business gets done the Rosenthal Family Foundation in the belief that arts education is not disposable in fact it's the answer. From member supported Evie 9.3. Nick Roman with news is your heading home well it's March 31st the halfway point in California's water year the rain and snow we get from October through March accounts for much of the water we use so how did we do in the past 6 months k.p.c. Season Aran Mendelsohn breaks it down even though March has been relatively dry the previous few months were anything but since October we've gotten 20 percent more rain than we typically get in an entire year that's according to data from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography prepared for the start of winter have been above average within the normal range of her ability definitely which is good but not exceptionally high That's David Pierce a climatologist at Scripps he crunches numbers from 20 rain gauges cross the Los Angeles Basin to come up with a regional picture and according to his data are rainfall has been enough to make this winter the 16th wettest since World War 2 But while we've had above average rain Northern California and the Sierra Nevada have perceived near record levels of precipitation that's good news for Southern California's water supply and spin enough to help alleviate the 5 year drought in much of the state America the wet winter wasn't a bonanza for all of Southern California's water supplies We'll explain on Monday join us for our special drought to deluge coverage all day long smoking gets a little more hazardous to your wallet tomorrow in California that's when the state's cigarette tax goes up by $2.00 a pack taxes are going up for other tobacco products too in a nice cigarettes and various babying products higher taxes are expected to raise $1400000000.00 a year for Medicare an influential group of experts is calling for an aggressive government Poor's to eliminate hepatitis b. And c. By the year 2030 k.p. Cc's Rebecca Plowden has details. On the report from the National Academies of Sciences engineering and medicine the report calls for a large scale initiative to invest in and coordinate prevention and treatment the author say eliminating hepatitis b. And c. Starts with preventing new infections that means boosting have to take his b. Vaccination rates the report says only about a quarter of adults are fully immunized there's no vaccine for hepatitis c. But new drugs essential cure it the authors recommend providing these medications to people at all stages of the disease which doesn't happen now the problem is that these drugs are very expensive the report suggests having the government pay to provide these medications to medicate patients and prison inmates more than $20000.00 people in the United States die from hepatitis b. And c. Each year covering health I'm a back up plan in the Los Angeles City Council today okayed money for a pilot program to get homeless people into shared housing more from k.p.c. Season appalled to the move comes as the city of l.a. Is poised to spend $1200000000.00 to construct permanent housing for the homeless Proposition 8 h. Which passed in November is expected to pay for about $10000.00 new units but that could take at least a decade says l.a. Councilman Mike Bannon I've always been concerned about what do we do tonight what do we do tomorrow some are looking to build more homeless shelters Bonnin wants a different approach a permanent apartment but with roommates sort of like boarding houses where formerly homeless can use their social security or disability income to pay rent pastor Regina Weller of the Venice homeless task force has been doing this for years she says it's a good stepping stone for many formerly homeless it's not the target Mahal but it's way better than what the initial pilot funds to housing cordon nadirs in Venice to find willing landlords and get people into beds if it works spawn and hopes to expand citywide covering the social safety net a marina palter Rico and. Brendan with the Dinner Party Download it 8 o'clock but 1st we're in the last few hours of our spring membership drive and it's the perfect time for you to make sure that your favorite public radio news and information station stays strong but don't take my word for it take the word of k p c c s politics reporter Mary Plummer and off ramps John Raby Thanks Nic Hi everybody it is now 739 and we have 21 minutes to hear from $28.00 people that's more than a call or a click every single minute but we're getting there when we reach $28.00 more people we get a $5000.00 challenge from an anonymous donor in Los Angeles and we would love to have you help us get there if you've been hanging out with us on this Friday night you know that we have been counting this down hour by hour 5000 dollars are on the line right now your support helps us unlock it 8 thick thick 888-5722 you or you can head over to our website keep org Another reason to give right this very moment as we're nearing the end of our Apple i Pad Pro sweepstakes 20 minutes left in it to 20 minutes left to go and that any call any donation right now interest you to win the Apple i Pad Pro call 8 thick thick 885 fab into teal do it right now please k.p.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722 we're stuck at 20 you know now it's 25 to go 3 calls or clicks just came in take care of it now please you've got a fun Friday night lined up for you or maybe just want to sit home read a book and drinks a camel tea but whatever it is you want to get to it right so please give now so that we will be here tomorrow morning when you turn on the radio k.p.c. Si dot org or 866885722 remember that you are k.p.c. Fees largest and most important source of funding you know we really rely on our listeners for a huge part of our budget you really fund and fuel and drive this public radio station invest in you. Our community and vast in Southern California Public Radio you can do that right now by calling 866885722 we've got 25 folks to go to help us unlock this 5000 dollars challenge we're getting close but we can't get there without you 866-885-7222 extension 42 go another call or another click just came in Sarah Perl did her part already she's a new member from Laguna Niguel and she wrote and you can do this too we want you to do it when you contribute tell us why you listen and the way she wrote Sarah Palin did k.p.c. She's programming as thoughtful analytical and unbiased it's attention to local stories as they were and she by the way use the proper it's with no apostrophe it's attention to local stories as they relate to broader governmental changes is the type of responsible coverage that helps contextualize changes in Sacramento in Washington thank you k.p.c. See Sarah thank you very much for coming through for us for understanding how important you are right now to the every day running of k.p.c. See and for keeping real journalism strong at a time when it is absolutely under attack so please give right now folks if you agree with Sarah and everybody else k.p.c. Dot org join Sarah and call right now 866888572 that's our phone number and also it is 5 Black Friday which means we've got a lot of great deals going on our popular think you get like the k.p.c. Beach towel and this is the bright orange you know really soft cool it's now on ring spun that's the phrase I was looking for that's how we describe it it's a great beach towel check it out a key p.c.c. Dot org And you know these thank you's are really kind of a token of our appreciation and your donation means so much more we really value your time and your commitment and your you know belief in this public radio station k p c c dot org is the Web site where you can donate right now or you can give us a call and eat 668. 5 to 7 to 2 that number again 886-688-8572 extension 2 Ok I just checked with member you Mary made a good point earlier she said this is the kind of towel it's really nice you want to toss a couple into the trunk Yeah I'll give $10.00 a month and you can have to tell you I like that today though k.p.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722 do it now that's perfect because there's you know there's the one that has the sand on and then there's the one that's dry that you can drop off on without giving yourself the really great idea of a sat for some reason that seems very exciting a couple times. On the beach it's fun at a time when there's a danger you know you put over your head when it gets a little sunny That's a great way to do it and by the way they're orange so they really stand out on the beach you're not going to lose them Ok give Now enough about the towels you know of how is what we're talking about is the programming but you know what the programming is too and you know what the c.p.b. Cut so how come you haven't given it a little worried that your contribution may not be worth enough well right now it's worth an additional $5000.20 to go right now your contribution pays for important journalism that's being done right now give please k.p.c. Dot org And also right now you will be entered to win this Apple i Pad Pro every single person who calls right now is in turn to when there is a donation in any amount gets you entered to win 886-688-8572 extension 2 you someone is going to go home with this Apple i Pad Pro he would love it to be you the way to do that is by going to keep e.c.c. Dot org which of course is our website or by calling 8 Fix thanks 888572 tail it just remain a few of the names that you have don't tell me what they said but if you I'm sorry please share of her thigh Well Edward Chu I we've got Shonda Loesch Brandon Stoller Jeremy glob these are all people who've given just recently won Ramiro Sarah Pella Fred Mercado Katie Martell brought a boat to Alex Marshall Brown Scott Fisher Rebecca crying My point here is that if you are feeling sometimes and it's easy now sometimes you're feeling alone you're not alone when you give decay. See you're part of a big community of people who really care about high quality journalism there are people on the right and the left who really want to find solutions who care about their kids who care about the environment who care about all these things and are worried about them but we're getting together and finding solutions and and I really want to drive that home after reading the comment from the person who emigrated here and is now a citizen who says that she feels included by k.p.c. See everybody's included here we just want to have conversation and work things out so please give now that's so important right now you know it you know and I don't want to feel alone I want you to feel like you're part of something which you are when you listen to Kate p.c.c. And helping to support k.p.c. Makes it even stronger k.p.c. Dot org And that's my sermon now let's go back to the show thank you Capital Public Radio Ok b.c. She is supported by the scholarship for college savings plan scholar share a way for Californians to save for college or information about the planet sculler shared t.i.a.a. To wish an financing plan manager its members supported 89.3. Nick Roman in a rare verdict against a law enforcement yesterday a jury in San Bernardino found a deputy guilty of assault now former San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy Charles Foster was involved in the beating of a man who had a Vedic deputies by stealing a horse in the high desert a couple years ago maybe you saw the end of that chase on t.v. It was captured by a tele copter 2 deputies captured Francis Pusat after he fell off that horse they began hitting him and after Pusat was handcuffed to foster struck him John Nelson covered the trial in the closing arguments with the San Bernardino Sun newspaper we spoke with him today and asked him for the shorthand version of how a chase on horseback turned into a criminal trial night 2015 there's a team of sheriff's deputies serving a search warrant up in the high desert. And Francis Pusat pulled up to this residence and saw the cops there and took off in the car so the police started chasing him fast beginning this nearly 3 hour pursuit on city streets in speeds up to 90 miles an hour and then he crashed a car and fled on foot in the process had made his way into these this Hot Springs area and stole a horse leaving the deputies on a chase into the hilly rugged terrain of the desert when it came to an end this deputy's Mike Phelps and Nick Downey 2 with a 1st to have contact with him and keep in mind the whole time there's n.b.c. Helicopter hovering 8000 feet in the air filming the whole thing and it had been following the pursuit for a while and that the Phelps should stay or dart at him and that takes him down to the ground 2000 and that's when you see them start punching and kicking him and then about a minute or 2 later bunch of other deputies come in and so you have the 2 deputies Phelps and Downey who then end up on trial along with a 3rd deputy Foster Charles Foster but when the verdict comes down Phelps and Downey are well the jury deadlocks on their verdict but they find foster guilty what did he do differently from the other 2 Foster was one of the approximately 10 deputies that came to the aid of Phelps and Downey and it was after 2 sock was handcuffed and hauled that you see in the video Foster kicking you in one swift kick to Kusaka and it was because to sock it already been handcuffed and hobbled that it was unnecessary for that kick and that's why he was convicted and found guilty and I just want to make sure that we get our definitions right when you talk about hobbled what you're talking about is that blue socks feet were tied together and couldn't move yeah it's a device that kind of loops around looks like a rope with the with the lube on the end and. It's used to bind or be together at angles we're talking with John Nelson of The San Bernardino Sun and Joad those other deputies they weren't acquitted the jury deadlocked they face another trial it hasn't been announced officially whether the district attorney's office will retry them but the judge to schedule a pretrial hearing in a tentative trial date of May 8th Tell me about the comment that was made by the prosecuting attorney supervising Deputy District Attorney Robert Block who had mentioned during the trial about a culture of violence in the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department that has really straight up a problem so on Tuesday in his rebuttal closing made comments telling the jury that there was a culture of violence that Affairs Department that was perpetuated by a code of silence and so the sheriff's employees Benefit Association there the union that represents sheriff's deputies they should ments essentially demanding that work apologize for their statements and he that he made this sweeping allegations. This culture of violence that prompted an apology from Bork and in a statement from the district attorney himself Mike Ramos that he tweeted out what did Ramos have to say well Ramos essential a said that his views do not reflect those of or in there he has most respect for some of your character of the permanent activities and that they're the best in the nation we have a sentencing hearing for former deputy Foster when does that come up again Foster's sense you know scheduled for April 28th and by the way let's turn our attention back to Francis Poussaint the man who was who stole that horse and was eventually taken off the horse and was arrested where is he. Today he's got several criminal cases pending against him not just connected to this case so he reached a settlement with the county but that didn't end his legal troubles by any means obviously not John Nelson is the reporter for The San Bernardino Sun newspaper thanks so much thank you one more note former San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy Charles Foster faces up to 3 years in jail when he's sentenced in April he is appealing his guilty verdict Welcome to the film week Marcie I'm learning that's what critics Peter Rainer Amy Nicholson and Charles Solomon 1st up ghost in the shell starring Scarlett Johanson directed by Rupert Sanders Charles well she's original Ghost in the shell is an important visionary landmark film and animation history I think the live action is much less interesting lacks the vision lacks the content and just feels like another Hollywood explosion movie yet in the animation here is so dense and so complicated I admire the pixels and effort that went into it but it feels like there is no soul I guess ghosts in the style of the snow in the depiction of what seems to be a mash up of dystopic. Tokyo and Hong Kong is impressive but the movie itself beyond that I think is is just sort of a wasted. Missed opportunity ghost in the shell rated p.g. 13 and wide release the animated film The Boss baby directed by Tom a graph Amy listen if you are going to watch a movie about a baby who wears a suit and Zacarias and mixes up his milk in a martini shaker this is that movie I feel like as dumb as the present sounds every 15 seconds they put in some visual joke some great line this is as good as this movie could possibly be so give it credit for that I think it has its moments some sharp funny stuff but could be a lot more subversive Alec Baldwin as the voice of the baby is doing his Trump impression again. They liked it better than I did I particularly found the sort of meaningful feeling for moments just too wet to. Plough the boss baby is rated p.g. In wide release The Zookeeper's Wife stars Jessica chest pain and Daniel Bruel Nikki kero is the director Peter powerful subject conventionally may just be chest pain tries her best but I think the movie overall should be much stronger than it is given the strong background material if you both also action and very of the moment because it's about what do you do when the world is going from normal to absolutely insane and what lines even and on your own behavior I like the Jessica jesting character that how she navigated being a woman in this well that's the film really has that a strong viewpoint on husband and wife as zookeepers at the Warsaw Zoo trying to save Jews from the Warsaw ghetto at the same time they run the zoo the movie is rated p.g. 13 Angela Workman wrote the screenplay and it's in selected theaters and finally the documentary on jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan I called him Morgan Peter this is a marvelous documentary about a jazz prodigy Lee Morgan and equally about his common law wife Helen who shot him to death in 1982 and he was 33 years old it's a terrific portrait not only of that Jazeera but of these people and what they went through I called him Morgan is unrated Kasper Collin is the director and it's at a Monica Film Center in Santa Monica play out in Pasadena for our film we critics I'm Laura mantel if you have a wonderful weekend see a good film this weekend and join us every Friday at 11 for the full hour of film week on k p c c. Hey everybody you're listening to it 9.3 k.p.c. See if my name's John Arabia I'm here with Mary plumber Dinner Party Download coming up but before we go there we need to hear from 12 more people because if we don't hear from 12 more people we have to kiss goodbye a check for $5000.00 so your contribution right now you've left it to the last minute and right now it's worth an additional 5000 dollars so please give now at k.p.c. C dot org Or you can call 866-888-5722 you know we have made these challenges by only you know 2 people want one person last night just by one last night that's right I was trying to remember last night it was just by one person and sometimes we missed these challenges this is really on the line right now and you know whether or not we hear from you could make or break that 866-888-5722 hour you can head to our Web site where you can donate online that is key p.c.c. Dot org Give Now please k.p.c. Dot org or 866-885-7225 bucks a month right now will get you the k.p.c. Seed journal it is covered in a very nice leather like skin that has pockets and stuff and a lot of pages for writing it's perfect it's very nice looking at feels good in your hand that's yours for $5.00 a month and usually it's $10.00 a month give it k.p.c. Dot org But do it now and we have a $5000.00 challenge in the offing in danger of being missed by us and by you to put it all in the passive voice we have 11 to go 11 to go you can help us bring that number down to 0 right now this is in your hands 866-888-5722 our website which is keep the Fisi dot org Also we have this awesome sweepstakes going on right now this is the Apple i Pad Pro that you I had a pro the Apple i Pad Pro It's a new one it's a new one this is you know of course straight from Apple you know these i Pads We don't need to tell you all about it it's an awesome operates. Unity because not a lot of people are in this sweepstakes because it's short it's a flash sweepstakes this is going on quickly here and it's almost over so if you call right now you'll be entered to win 866888572 our website keep e.c.c. Dot org do it right now please recounting new nick nobles already gave He's from Kela Bassus a recent u.c.l.a. Grad with a degree in geography and Environmental Sciences and a new listener to the station someone new he says give Now please k.p.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722. I'm Mark from North Hollywood I just made my 1st foundation to the day because now more than ever in the political climate it seems like having good and fair journalism that I have expressed best to gain politically here is more important than that here thank you Guy. That's a great message to hear thanks very much for leavin it for us give it k p c c dot org or call 866-885-7229 extension 2 go we have 3 minutes will we make it we might miss the $5000.00 challenge we can't miss the $5000.00 challenge you say that so casually and I'm getting really nervous you know the I think that you're you get nervous and you get mad at us I mean listen some real numbers yeah and we're coming down we've got 9 to go here 866888572 or a Web site key p.c.c. Dot org help help me calm down if you don't mind if it's the sweepstakes it's the challenge we've got a lot going on right now and we would love to hear from you 86688572 till 7 to go we might miss it Mary I know. We might miss it oh no $56.00 to go. Keep b.c.c. Dot org is our Web site and how they mentioned were in the midst of this sweepstakes not being away. The Apple i Pad Pro anyone who calls right now is entered to win their 8660. 8572 you help us please help us and I could say I'm right we're 2nd Thanks it just went down to 5 who ever called me. For 8 thick thick 88857 to tell you there's great danger. We need you to give right now we have missed challenges in the past by just one or 2 we've made them by just one or 2 so put us over the top right now with your calls give now because Mary obviously cares so much my job is to be an anchor you know to be call Ming but I recognize we may not make it in $5000.00 is a lot of money that could go right into the show so don't think I'm not worried but I just don't show it quite as much k.p.c. Dot org or 866-888-5722 we are stuck on 5 now and now it went on for a little less nervous Nancy lamb a new member from West Hollywood California thanks for the thought provoking programming for making my commute both enjoyable and informative a lot of people have joined the station as listeners in just the past few months our numbers are higher than ever and that's wonderful and we're pretty sure it's because the election made a lot of people focus and they needed a source of good solid journalism and also now we have all new a lot of new members people coming through who recognize how important it is and that really made the point for them so please give now k.p.c. Si dot org You're joining a bunch of concerned and engaged people John I'm really excited because we just got a note that says that we made it it's so thank you thank you so much to everyone who called in thank you for all of your support and it really me.

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