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I'm Robin Young I'm Jeremy Hobson It's here and now Alabama is taking a major drug maker to court over the opioid epidemic Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall alleges in a new lawsuit that produce pharma the maker of Oxycontin fueled a public health crisis with deceptive marketing practices and Attorney General Marshall joins us now from Montgomery Attorney General welcome and what exactly is your case against the company. Well I think it's a broad based allegation one of which is if you look at the most current data Alabama's number one per capita in the country relating to opioid prescriptions almost $1.00 per person we've seen our overdose deaths quadruple since 2006 and we continue to see the impact it has on communities throughout our state as a result of not only the addiction that we see more importantly the loss of life why do you think it's so bad in Alabama Well I think it's a great question and one that we've just spent the last 4 months as part of an opioid council that I was one of the co-chairs where we really sort of tried to take a deep dive into Alabama and try to come up with answers as to how we got into the situation we're in but more importantly how it is that we're going to be able to continue to move forward and I do think that there are still many unanswered questions one things that we do know and we heard quite frequently from physicians who are the way they deem to be the law is that they were told and trained in over the years whether it be that there was no dosage too high of a no go way that could be given to a patient or that even this concept of a pseudo addiction that if somebody appeared in an office and demonstrating signs of addiction that that truly was just meant that they needed more pain medication and so you know not only did we understand and hear from families but we heard from those who were practitioners that they felt like that over the years they had been deceived as to how this medication was to be used in the importantly the length of time in which a patient should receive it are you finding in Alabama what other states are finding which is that many people who end up overdosing or dying after being addicted to opioids started out with a prescription for a legitimate reason yet I think that's what the data is telling us that roughly 80 percent of those who have an overdose from phenol or heroin abuse and opioid before they begin using those drugs and so. You know we believe that there's a direct connection between that and it's one reason why you know we continue to see the rise of heroin phenolic orphan all in our communities around the country because that is really if we look at this significant reason for the overdose is those are the drugs that are causing it but that there is a direct connection between opioid in those particular illicit drugs so why target producer in particular Well the largest manufacturer in what we've seen at least from our data is that they supply the majority opioids in our state and have done so historically and one things I think it's lost is that when when people see that there's a complaint filed against a company they just sort of assume it's for money damages and although our complaint seeks money damages it's the injunctive relief that I think is the most compelling is that if we look at the ways in this country that we're going to be able to deal with this problem there really sort of 3 areas that we focus on prevention being one treatment being the other but also the supply of opioids in our communities and so if we're seeking injunctive relief we need the assistance and agreement of those manufacturers in that effort and was very impressed as I spent last Wednesday in Cleveland which pollster who is the m.b. L. Judge for all of these cases nationally and in a brought together groups of manufacturers distributors as well as state attorneys general and other plaintiffs to really talk about this idea of how are we going to reduce the loss of life in this country and so we want to be leaders in trying to be able to not only talk about the financial harm that suffered in our states but how it is that we can go about saving lives you say that they're the largest manufacturer but in fact they say that they only count for a tiny fraction of all opioid prescriptions and I guess that's what litigation is about in so we'll continue to have that discussion there's no doubt that there are other manufacturers that are in this field. But when we look at oxy cotton we look at m.s. Cotton Dilaudid those type of drugs. And the way that those drugs are marketed to physicians and others I mean I think that's going to be part of the discussion in these complaints as well as many other complaints that have been filed I think about other cases like this in the past it almost seems like you're going up against one of the tobacco companies to go up against a pharmaceutical company how difficult is that they they've got you know tons and tons of lawyers who will say that they didn't do anything wrong they do I mean that's like any any litigation that we see you know I've always believed someone it's tried cases most of my professional career the facts matter you know I've heard that old saying that facts are stubborn things in that regard listen the quality of your lawyer Nobody can change the facts and I do think our complaint sets out a very compelling case for how we got into this situation and then we will begin to be able to make our claims in court to the extent we have to litigate it and believe very confidently that we can do that and it way that allows us to prevail but my hope is that these these cases bring people together to begin having that discussion of where we are going forward and to the credit of manufacturers and distributors I heard them say that they want to be a part of the solution and so was just simply hope that people can come together in come forward with not only a strategic plan about how we can deal with this nationally but again being able to allow that to be focused on how we save lives in this country and you know it's concerning when our you know average life span is reduced in the last 2 years and this being the principal reason why and we've got to be able to make a difference in this issue nationally that Steve Marshall who is the attorney general of the state of Alabama which has filed a new lawsuit against Purdue Pharma that's the maker of oxy Cotton thank you so much for joining us thank you very much an imitation and produce pharma declined our request for an interview in a statement they said we vigorously. Denied these allegations and look forward to the opportunity to present our defense where we want to look now at a coastal phenomenon in the Pacific Northwest extra high tides in winter king tides which push water right up to the edge of some homes and businesses and climatologists say these tides will only get worse as sea levels rise Earth Fix reporter Eilish O'Neill visited vulnerable communities in Oregon and Washington state. Tom and Marie course live on the far east side of Port Townsend on the north east point of Washington state someone picked peninsula we are on the beach. Since the course his house was built 3 decades ago ice caps have been melting and the ocean's been expanding as it warms up the courses got a taste of just how close the sea might come to their home in March 26th team when a massive storm blew into Port Townsend At the same time as a king tide a king tide as an extra high high tide that happens in the winter when the moon is closer to the earth scientists say king tides can give us an idea of what normal high tides will look like within a couple decades that day in March 26th team just before dawn 60 mile per hour winds pushed the end usually high water toward the Course's haps we probably had $4.00 'd to $6.00 foot waves coming ashore here there was a lot of spray hitting the east side of our house and you could feel vibrations coming through the house I got out of bed and came out and looked and I thought Oh my goodness this goes on we're going to have to move the house on the West Coast nearly 200000 people live on land that's likely to get flooded during the next few decades and it's not just houses that are risk it's billions of dollars of infrastructure sewage treatment plants could be destroyed by salt water and need to be modified or moved to the port of Tacoma and other highly contaminated Superfund sites could soon be underwater. And hundreds of miles of roads might get regularly flooded the implications of civil rights are more expensive than we could ever imagine having budget to cover. As an expert on flooding and climate change adaptation at the University of Washington he says even if we stop emitting carbon tomorrow we're virtually guaranteed to get 6 inches of snow rest in the next 50 years it's more than a foot above where the sea was in 1900 which is when a lot of the region's infrastructure was spelt more she adds even though the west coast storms aren't as dramatic as storms on the East Coast communities here are just as vulnerable to sea level rise because homes and infrastructure are built so close to the water. One way to get a glimpse of the future is to look at a king tide today that's why I headed to bed in late during one of January's king tides to meet Christensen who does sea level rise planning with the city of Olympia public works department we're looking at but in the in the city of Olympia. But in what's on the very southern tip of peach it sound we've got a tide coming in that should be at about 17 feet which happens few times a year or so with a foot of sea level rise we could see this happening maybe 30 times here a few times a year we'd see water creep over the shore and and flood up to 2025 square blocks of downtown Kristensen says a tide like today's pleasant 6 inches of sea level rise scientists say we're guaranteed to get could mean you'll begin to see water in the streets with this corner here will flood Columbia Street the next block over the flood the parking lot that you parked in you wouldn't want to walk too far Kristensen estimates it will cost $60.00 to $65000000.00 to protect downtown Olympia from a rising sea but if the city does nothing to prepare the damage will cost billions sea level rise is inevitable and sea level rise is going to change the landscape This is my community and I feel. I strongly typed. Back in port towns and Tom in recourses short term plan is to keep building the berm between the beach and the house higher and higher but long term these houses will probably have to be moved that's probably the final outcome but it won't affect Marie and myself because we'll be gone for here and now I maybe shaky I'm. Going to listen to here now. Ok p.b.s. Museum arts briefs are supported by the San Diego museum Council and the Japanese friendship garden presenting the Cherry Blossom Festival an opportunity to enjoy traditional Japanese customs the Cherry Blossom flowers food booths cultural performances and shopping tickets at end a dot org You're listening to member supported k p p s where news matters at 89.5 f.m. San Diego and online at k p b s dot org. Jack Levy our Senate leaders have reached a deal on a long term budget to avoid a government shutdown tomorrow the nearly $400000000000.00 budget contains large increases for spending on defense and domestic programs and raises the debt ceiling it is unclear whether the measure can pass the House where Democrats are demanding a vote on dot com a review by the Associated Press finds nearly 12000000 people signed up for coverage this year under the Affordable Care Act That's about 3 percent fewer than last year as the White House shorten the time to sign up and took action that raised premiums European Union says Serbia will have to make nice with Kosovo if it wants to join the Bloc e.u. Officials say Serbia will have to formally recognize Kosovo which declared independence in 2008 and the 2 also need to sign an agreement resolving any ongoing border disputes You're listening to here in the. P.b.s. Is supported by Live Nation presenting Chris Stapleton all-American road show August 16th that Mattress Firm amp of theatre with special guest Marty Stuart and Brant Cobb on sale this Friday at 10 am at 2nd master dot com Jackson designer remodeling inviting you to the designer remodeling seminar Saturday February 17th in their Kearney Mesa showroom me j.d. Are designers and architects and explorer materials and trends in living spaces are as v.p. At Jackson design a remodeling dot com Israel prepares to deport tens of thousands of African refugees some say that's a pocket. If a country that was founded by refugees people but let your Of after the Holocaust a government plan that could expel 40000 people from Israel and the backlash that's next time on the take away from w. N.y.c. N.p.r. I Public Radio International 11 am weekdays on k. P.b.s. Where news matters. Funding for here and now comes from the listeners of w.b. You are Boston and Legal Zoom dot com providing public radio listeners and others with legal advice and guidance on business matters and estate plans through its network of independent attorneys more information is available at Legal Zoom dot com slash now. It's here and now today Senate leaders announced a new 2 year bipartisan budget deal that would increase military and domestic spending ahead of the government funding deadline tomorrow night here's Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer this budget deal is a genuine breakthrough after months of fiscal brinkmanship this budget deal is the 1st real sprout of bipartisanship last night the House passed its own plan but it's a short term spending plan that would run through March 25th here in our political analysts join us now Jamal Simmons Democratic strategist Jamal I How are you doing well and John Brabender Republican strategist Hi John hello and there's no immigration in this deal it sounds like Jamal is it a good deal should Democrats support it. Well depends on which Democrats we've already seen Nancy Pelosi wave the flag that without having immigration in the deal she'll vote against it and will encourage some of her members to vote against it I think if you're part of the base of the Democratic Party that can that is concerned about the immigration of the docket debate you're not going to be happy about this but for the broader Democratic electorate you may see people go along with Schumer just to move this along who what about President Trump here he is yesterday he also just as Nancy Pelosi wanted to vote on extending deportation protections for the doctor recipients to go along with this vote Trump once immigrant reform he's linking in action on immigrant gang violence and border security to shut down listen if we don't get rid of these loopholes with killers are allowed to come into our country and continue to kill gang members and we're just talking about him Mr King there are many gang members and we know he's imagine if we don't change it let's have a shutdown we'll do a shutdown and it's worth it for our country but John Brabender we just heard that there were the sprouts of bipartisanship and that Mitch McConnell is joining with Schumer on a plan that doesn't have immigration reform I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that word bipartisanship did you find it sprouted that before now I mean look I think 1st of all the White House has signaled that because there's increased military spending increase spending on opioids that they are willing to move on this I think Jamal is right in the sense that the ultimate battle on this is going to be in the house and not the Senate on 2 fronts we're going to have Nancy Pelosi has been playing a below bit of a game of chicken on immigration in the dreamers and you're going to have some of the conservatives in the house on the Republican side concerned about how much spending is going to be in this so there's still a ways to go I would argue though that choom are probably felt that the shutdown worked against them the 3 day shutdown worked against the Democrats and felt some pressure to get something done so I think this is both a good sign. That it's there's some unity but I also think it's politically driven in many cases but John we're talking about increasing spending both domestically and for the military in this deal the Republicans just passed this tax cut plan which also adds a ton of money to the debt is there is that concern just gone in the Republican Party at this point do you think what not in the house or won't be and that's why I'm saying there's work to do on this and that this will give pause to quite a few in the conservative side of the Republican Party particularly fiscal conservatives who say this is not what I ran for this is not what I signed up for and so that's why I think whatever the Senate agreed to is unlikely to be the final passage in fact let's listen to North Carolina Republican Mark Meadows who's leader of the conservative House Freedom caucus he told c.n.n. He for this reason opposes the deal he does think it'll pass a bill if Listen I'm afraid that the numbers will get so high there and then the debt ceiling will get added then it will be a Christmas tree of spending and that a lot of votes will be bought as well so concerns there about spending as you said John but Jamal I just I just want to touch again on the concern of you know what's going to happen to the dock a vote it had been sort of leverage for both sides for different reasons it runs out March 5th What's your sense of what's going to happen there is this just going to be something that they will do a standalone vote on while McConnell has promised to move the docket deal forward the stumbling block here is Paul Ryan and Paul Ryan seems to be completely owned by the Freedom caucus and by the and by the White House he sort of be doing the business of these 2 different groups of people but before we leave this idea of the budget deficit this is why Republicans are so 2 faced when it comes to this they just passed a tax bill that is going to explode the budget deficit by $1.00 trillion dollars and we're arguing over whether or not those members in the House are arguing over whether or not we can increase infrastructure spending by $20000000000.00 if they were so concerned about the deficit they would. Stop that tax bill well we're expecting to get the trumpet ministrations infrastructure spending plan on Monday John do you think it's going to be just pennies or will it be something significant Well look I think Trump is is honestly dedicated to doing something that substantial I think he's right in saying that our infrastructure is crumbling I think the challenge is going to be how the heck to pay for it I think that's where a lot of were concerned about paying for it when it when when you were passing a $1.00 trillion dollar tax bill that we don't need is putting more money in the hands of wealthy people who don't need it and now we're starting to see what I got out of that idea they're going to make the u.s. Treasury this week a mound said 91 percent of taxpayers will get a tax cut there's already $3000000.00 people who have got a bonus we saw that Apple is bringing it over 40000000000 back to the country to be reinvested and we see that we have the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years so you know what the proof has it wouldn't rate say anything about the stock market this time Johnny the engine talking about the market let's talk about that then the stock market went up again yesterday it went up going up today from my understanding and that there was a correction because people are worried about how well the economy is doing in the aflame and that comes with that and so I think that most people that are now seen their pay you take home pay going up in their paychecks are probably not going to do a lot of complaining and and frankly I think most people feel they deserve more money in Washington deserves less and I think that's what the president did with his tax cut let's remember we're borrowing $1.00 trillion dollars from the Chinese and other people to put 15 or $22.00 a week in someone's paycheck Well they had just less than 70000 dollars John kept that off well look all I know is that the deficit and debt everything exploded under the Obama administration and now that Trump is doing anything that turns around the economy gets it going to the level that it is it's like all of a sudden the. But the Democrats have become these these fiscal hawks that didn't exist for the last 8 years Ok so we're going to leave it there there's going to be a lot of disagreement in the cyberspace about what you just said but I want to move on to some other things that we've heard this week because some of them were just came seem to come out of nowhere what do you make of White House chief of staff John Kelly described what why he thinks some of the young immigrants brought here illegally as children didn't apply for the Dhaka program and again this is the program that shields them from deportation some would say they were too afraid to say I know I was returning to a city to get off their asses but they didn't sign up. Would that come from it if there's one thing that people across the board and across the political spectrum say about the dreamers or the doctor recipients is that they are hardworking while some would say that the chief of staff is a bigot or is playing on prejudice I'm not sure who's People are but some might say that I think that this is this is a shame because people look at John Kelly as someone who is going to be a moderating influence on the president and help control his worst impulses and what we're learning bit by bit week by week is that perhaps John Kelly share some of the president's worst impulses and will not in fact be moderating influence that looks out for people in the country versus playing to the narrow base that is this worried about immigration the way the president what about the military parade we have to talk about that John the president wants a military parade which is very unusual in this country it's not unprecedented but it's unusual and it's unusual in a lot of countries that are not sort of totalitarian What do you think about that well I think it's got to be viewed under what context we're going to do it I would agree that if this is the a display of just might then I don't think that's the purpose to do it if this is the show a display of that we will never be bullied by anybody that we are going to stand up all around the world when we see somebody being bullied that we're going to on. Honor our veterans we're going to honor the people who serve this country and it's going to show a unity around that idea that's fine but I do it does trouble me a little bit if this is certainly what we see in other countries from time to time which is nothing more than just a show of of might and heavy metal seems an awful lot more like the president is asking for the troops to honor him then it is for him to honor the troops if you really want to know the troops the president would go to Iraq or Afghanistan right do not believe he has been yet where he could go see those troops with their inaction and sacrificing for the country John b. I want to look ahead to the vice president certainly been all over this country but the president of United States has not always wanted war zones if it's true one president for every don't know what this is really at so I mean I think it's unfair to the president to try to imply something it may not be John Brabender You mentioned Mike we know the president has not been to the war zone to visit the troops that is a fact why can't the president go visit them for a I feel it's here I feel pretty confident that if you were to do a poll among the troops today versus the troops 2 years ago how they feel about this president and standing up for people who are in the military I think this president do quite well we'll see John Brabender you mention the vice president he's going to be attending Friday's Olympic opening ceremony with the father of course the American college student who died after the treatment he received in North Korea you have Vice pence look it is is this the place to politicize you know the opening ceremony I don't think he has I think what he's doing is if you look at for example the the North Koreans when they arrived it was the biggest p.r. Event that anybody has ever seen the weeks and weeks like that of North Korea we do and what what lieutenant governor our governor the vice president is there to do is to remind people that while we're seeing sort of this charade on one hand that every day including this very moment there's a clock ticking where they are moving closer to a nuclear bomb that could reach America and he is not. You know let them fool the rest of the world in fact I believe they are going to announce even harsher terms in dealing with North Korea because time's running out John Brabender a Republican strategist Jamal Simmons the Democratic strategist taking a look at the news midweek and John Jamal thanks to you both thank you thank you it's here and now. On the next Fresh Air Jordan Klepper host of Comedy Central's The opposition a satirical political show in which he delivers commentary in his persona as a far right conspiracy theorist whose views are in sync with Alex Jones and Breitbart News it's all about creating enemies and it's them versus us they hate me and I am under attack Join us Monday through Thursday at 8 pm on. Where news matters. All the excitement of soul concerts from the comfort of your own home the new season of Live at the Belly Up brings you the best from the world famous. Only. Stephen Dubner the next Freakonomics Radio using data to measure the genders they get so the fair itself is determined by an algorithm which is gender blind dispatch itself is gender blind and we could rule out those theories from the beginning one of those a to say you know we found something very surprising That's next time on Freakonomics Radio. Saturday afternoon at one k. P.b.s. News matters. P.b.s. Radio news brings you the stories that matter to you every day thank you for listening and for supporting p.b.s. Where news matters. Funding for here and now comes from the listeners of w.b. You are Boston where the program is produced and your n.p.r. Station from Staples with storage solutions for business including file folders bankers' boxes and storage bins for getting organized more at Staples stores or Staples dot com Staples it's pro time and wisteria video hosting and w.b. You are presenting endless thread the new podcast that brings stories discovered on Reddit to listeners ear buds of vailable on Apple podcasts this is here and now from n.p.r. And w.b. You are I'm Jeremy Hobson gaming officials in Massachusetts are meeting today to review the winning casino slated to open near Boston Harbor next year the meeting comes a day after casino mogul Steve Wynn stepped down as c.e.o. Of his company following allegations of sexual misconduct spanning decades when has denied the allegations he said he's leaving because of a quote avalanche of negative publicity Joining us now is Alexander Burns on of the Wall Street Journal she's in Las Vegas and Alexander you're one of the reporters who broke the story about Steve Wynn last month with his explosive allegations against him what has the reaction been today to his resignation. I mean I think it's quite an extraordinary development and probably quite shocking at 1st to people here because Steve Wynn it's hard to overstate his importance to the company that has his name and his signature on it but also to the global casino industry in the state of Nevada he's really considered probably one of the most important people in the history of Las Vegas in terms of just the development that he did there so I think there's still a lot of grappling with you know a lot of people are saying this is kind of like an end of an heir but he still you know as far as we know has a very hefty stake in the company and so it's not quite as completely separated I mean I think there's still things to play out in and be determined here and do we know what he'll be walking away with what his severance packages I don't mean that's clear at this point but I are understanding is that he will still be living in his villa on the site for at least a year and that he or for a year and that he. Does still retain this very sizable ownership in the company what does this resignation mean for his empire overall Well he has it's a huge change I mean you have they have a number of projects that they're working on in Las Vegas that are in the planning stages so you know there had been a kind of notion with a win that he's really the visionary and is incredibly important to the company they have been you know had that in there as c.c. Filings you know statements about how important he is to this company should and should he ever leave that would be a major impact the leave what we're seeing so far I haven't looked in the last few minutes but I believe the stock is actually doing really well so investors seem to be responding thinking that this will be a positive for the company but that certainly has not had not been the indication prior to this kind of situation. What questions do you have at this point as this story unfolds Well I think the questions will be how what happens with the company in terms of their response I mean at this point the board actually gave him quite an endorser men in their letter last night they said that they really had great admiration and respect or something along those lines so we interesting to see sort of how this all gets handled with his involvement in the company how the investigations go and you know if whether there's other people that come forward in terms of allegations or clarifying anything about the past as well that's Alexandra Burke is on of the Wall Street Journal speaking with us from Las Vegas about Steve Wynn's resignation from the company he founded Alexandra thank you thank you so much and you're listening to here now. A p.b.s. Visual arts briefs are supported by the Spanish village Arts Center in Bel ball park and the power way arts and crafts guild presenting the boardwalk craft market an opportunity to shop handmade items crafted by local artists on the 1st Saturday of every month more info on the city of power a website your listenings u.k. P.b.s. $89.00 f.m. San Diego where news matters you can view our daily and weekly program schedules online Ok p.b.s. Dot org. Jack the top u.s. General in the coalition against the self-proclaimed Islamic state group says u.s. Forces will remain in the Syrian town of Monday's Turkey has demanded they be removed as it takes military action against u.s. Backed Kurdish forces Lieutenant General Paul Funk says a u.s. Troop presence will help to deescalate the situation elsewhere in Syria Russian and Syrian government air strikes have killed at least 70 civilians over the last 2 days those figures come from opposition activists operating in a besieged rebel held region east of the capital Damascus the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says nearly 400 people have been killed since late January u.s. Lawmakers are demanding that me and Mar be excluded from upcoming military drills in neighboring Thailand makers want the White House to take that step to ramp up pressure over atrocities committed against Rohingya Muslims You're listening to hear and now. We were absolutely forbidden from falling in love with Muslims I mean by the time I was that I knew that when a christian arab go falls in love with a Muslim one or all of the following would happen she is this own my mother gets a heart attack on it she dies in an honor killing join us for stories about the things we do in the name of labs That's next time on the mosque Radio Hour from p.r. At 9 pm on Friday and 8 pm on Saturday on k. P.b.s. P.b.s. Is supported by the San Diego Jewish Film Festival running February 8th through the 18th with 37 features 21 shorts from 16 countries including films featuring Sammy Davis Jr heavy Lamar and Daniel Radcliffe tickets at s t j f f dot org The Joan and Irwin Jacobs fund for reporting excellence training the journalists of tomorrow today you're listening to p.b.s. F.m. a Public service of San Diego State University leadership starts here. Funding for here and now comes from the listeners of w b u r Boston and Geico offering the Geico mobile app the Geico mobile app stores id cards and Abel's bill pay and submit policy updates and claim reports directly from a user's cell phone learn more at Geico dot com and Home Advisor matching homeowners with local home improvement professionals for a variety of home projects from repairs to remodels homeowners can read reviews of background check pros and book appointments online at Home Advisor dot com. It's time now for the here and now d.j. Sessions. Travis Holcomb the original here and now d.j. Sessions d.j. Is back with us once again he's at k.c. R.w. In Santa Monica Hi Travis Hey Jeremy how are you I'm doing well and it sounds like you have brought us the funk today as you are absolutely. Always All right well let's start with the band superorganism this is their song Everybody wants to be famous. Doesn't cut it. For you what do you. Want to see you know for the. Desert. I like that very poppy it is and this group actually has a really interesting genesis it's an 8 person group with a bunch of New Zealand ex-pats living in London who happened to meet an 18 year old Japanese girl going to boarding school in Maine and she wrote some lyrics to some to a song that they were kind of stuck on and it slowly started generating a lot of hype online it was their 1st single something for your mind. And this was all like around this time last year like January of 2017 so I don't think they planned for any of the success but they have their day. You album coming out on March 2nd and everybody wants to be famous is the 1st official single from that hour and what do you like about it I you know it's just it's super catchy it's there's like a whimsical fun little kid she element of it that reminds me a lot of kind of early back like older lay and loser era back that sort of it's like a looseness in the fun that's to it that I really like right next to you have brought us to Sydney with not but for you on. The sense. That. You. Know Sydney we read was going to classes in college at the same time she was putting out this album what else should we know about her yes she is a 20 year old undergrad from Boston went to Northeastern University while she was recording this album I guess and it came out on New Year's Eve You can pick it up over on her band camp page but I just it's so catchy and funky it's got kind of like a Tom Tom Club genius of love feel to it and that's probably what drew me into that song in particular on this album and pitchfork by the way highlighted her self-deprecating wit and melodic complexity Yeah I mean I think this song in particular is about just liking some guy who doesn't really know you exist so I feel like it's you know was she the themes that she kind of takes on throughout the album or just sort of every day stories kind of like that Ok Up next we've got the song Follow me this is by. The Queens based on the shouts. actually also stars Shannon wise the singer is featured in a brand new Apple commercial but on their website they say the shacks are like the 5 Keys and that Neil Young not fit to record with breezy Bardot but in English and I think that's a really apt description I mean this song that we heard follow me. Feels like if someone told you this was a single from 1967 that just became on earth you would really bad and I had a very kind of like vintage feeling that the shacks and you know it's got a dreamy sound to it too yeah and she's got such a warm and casually seductive delivery that's just easy to fall for all right up next we've got the musician Ty Siegel This is called Everyone's a winner. They. Will. Says I. Very different very low fi this one Travis What do you like in the song. It's the cover of the hot chocolate song everyone's a winner and that is one of my favorite tracks of all time and when I heard the tie Siegel was going to cover it out I don't know if that's going to work because his hole is that it has a really fuzzed out in reverb drenched in the original by a hot chocolate is kind of like a very soulful funky disco feel but he pulls it off and when you hear it it makes total sense of the it is a choice of a cover for Siegel he kind of flips that guitar riff and gives it a new edge making the song kind of all of his own and this is going to be his 10th album by the way Tyson Yeah he's been very prolific You know he's well known in underground rock n roll circles but not really yet in the mainstream but I do feel like this new album freedom's goblin sounds a lot like what I feel like a lot of people wanted from Jack White when he was doing it solo work Ok we have time for one more and this is a Colombian American artist Kelly Lucius with after the storm featuring Tyler the Creator and Bootsy Collins. This is that Travis Holcomb sound although there are so many things that could fit into that category but let's start with Cali. Who is Cali which is so she's sort of you know I feel like the last year things started to come together for her she made a bunch of a couple really great singles had a couple guest appearances on some hope high profile releases by gorillas and Miguel and she even got a Grammy nomination for a song that she did was an artist named Daniel Caesar called hit you but after the storm this song is the 1st single from her proper debut album that's coming out this spring and in addition to Tyler the Creator and Bootsy Collins is also some some work from bad bad not good on this track which is a case of your favorite what do you think you get when you put so many different positions together on one project like this does it always work now doesn't always work a lot of times I feel like when you when you have a high profile guest the song can often take the personality of the guest rather than the artist who is putting it together one of the things about Cal you just that was I feel like even though Tyler and Bootsy Collins 2 strong personalities around this track it sounds like a Cal you just track it's Travis hole come d.j. At k.c. R.w. In Santa Monica Travis thanks as always a Thank you Jeremy. And you can find all our d.j. Session picks on Spotify just search for n.p.r. Here and now you can also find us on Apple music and here and now dot org. Get insight from local journalists on the week's important stories and issues when you want to catch up each week with a k p.b.s. Roundtable podcast. P.b.s. Is supported by urban discovery Academy public charter schools announcing select openings in t. K. Through 8th and their new design thinking focused high school program called ideate high now in rolling one through 11th graders for fall 2018 learn more Durban Estie dot com The Westgate hotel inviting you to the Westgate room on Valentine's Day featuring a 4 course French wine pairing dinner created for the occasion by Executive Chef Fabrice hard to tell for menu on reservations visit hotel dot com on the Next Radio Lab Are there more stars in the universe are grains of sand or is it clean of any the stick of the apple What's up with traffic jam we're going to try and answer some of these questions Saturday at 11 am on k. P.b.s. Funding for here and now comes from the listeners of w.b. You are Boston from linguistic a 360 with news a slow Spanish news and slow French a news in slow German programs weekly language learning shows with discussions of current events more news and slow dot com news and slow language learning through current events and Carbonite offering secure data protection solutions for growing businesses including automatic backup for servers and computers high availability and disaster recovery solutions and automated data migration learn more at Carbonite dot com. It's here and now the u.s. Speed skating team has a shot at redemption this Saturday night when the women line up for the 3000 meter race of the beyond Chung Winter Games the 2014 games in Sochi they were a disaster for American speed skaters who were shut out of the medal count and other disappointing day for speed skating for the United States matching a disappointing games the 1st time in 30 years of the u.s. Has not won a medal in speed skating the u.s. Speed skating team trying to make sense out of why it's heavily favored skaters are finishing so poorly in the games and a suspect is emerging the high tech racing through May by Under Armor we has the suit took the early blame but then a postal employee review by the u.s. Team showed the problem was actually the skaters weren't as good as everyone told them they were and Under Armor double down on its commitment to them Clay Dean helped design the new suit they'll be wearing this year he's under armor as chief innovation officer and Clay last year's mock $39.00 suit was called the fastest ever designed it was vindicated by the studies but was there still something you want to prove. You bet we have things to prove and to to come back and then a little bit every redemption of our technical capability and to prove that said that we do indeed creates and innovate and design great equipment we'll talk about this year's suit last time there was a vent some of the athletes complain that the vent that went down the back they were supposed to let the their bodies breathe a little bit was actually letting air in this year no vent and 3 fabrics talk about the fabrics and how they stitched together I think the vents you know whether the vent was an issue or not I think sometimes psychologically those things play into it we think venting the body is still important and our materials do grieve which is important and you're exactly right there's 3 different types of material on the on the uniforms so when you see them in the games you'll see different colors so the main body of the suit is a dark blue color and we call that Erroll prints it's about 3 different layers polyurethane on the outside and it does create a little bit of a dimple look on the surface when you see it there is white material which you see on the arms and the legs and that is what we call h one and that's a proprietary material that we've developed here it. It's amazing when you look at all the materials used we looked at about 100 different materials in about 250 different configurations that we tested on the athletes tested in the wind tunnel to try to get the best combination of flow comfort movement and speed well and talk about the it's an asymmetrical design the seeming runs differently than you know normally we think of a seam that goes let's say from under your arm down to your ankle talk about the seeming Yeah I think one of the biggest innovations in the suit is really the configuration of the suit itself and how it's actually built we started to look at how was the athlete in motion where was where did he spend the most of his time and when you look at a speed skater they're leaning forward leaning to the left and that's about 80 percent of. Time they're on the ice and so we designed the suit that when they're leaning forward and we need to go left that was most comfortable configuration the suit quite honestly when you stand up straight in the suit which is how traditionally everything is fit that's probably that not the most comfortable position to wear the suit but down low to the left that's where the suit fits you perfectly so the outer the left the right leg is a little bit longer in terms of its material the seeming so women look at the around the waist band you'll see a rise from left to right so so it actually doesn't poll or tug on the body the suit is really cut and designed with all of it seeming down the legs to enable the right over left movement of the leg as you skating empowering away so it really for us makes us look at other sports in the same way of how would we maximize the athletes movement look it's so fascinating to see how much Under Armor is involved with this team and I'm presuming other sponsors do this as well but Under Armor also paid for a German cyclist who competed in a Tour de France to lead brutal bike workouts for speed skaters they brought in I think a tie chee expert a former Navy Seal to lead team building activities but when it comes to the suit do you worry about part of this is psychological and the athletes might think that just by putting on this magical suit it's going to make them when I mean how do you deal with the psychology of 1st overcoming that the suits didn't make them win 4 years ago and then pulling back on letting them think that it's going to be the suit that makes them win this time so that's a good question I think when we look at the whole activity the things that you mentioned the speed skaters have actually been skating in our suits and iterating with them for about a year so they're familiar with what the suits can do and what we've been able to do is to constantly fine tune it or 8 fine tune it or 8. So the suits that they're going to skate with in the Olympics this week really they're very familiar with They've been skating with them in the world finals in the world championships they've been winning medals we think they're perhaps more comfortable than they've ever been with the suit before and that helps the psyche of the athlete Well best of luck to you and then this weekend thank you so much really excited to watch competition is why we exist we think we give them some pretty good awesome equipment we wish you no wardrobe malfunctions thank you we appreciate that Clay Dean Under Armour's chief innovation officer ahead of the games in punch on clay thank you thank you very much appreciated pictures of the suit and here now dot org Jeremy I'd like when just to wear around the house here now is a production of n.p.r. And you are an association with the b.b.c. World Service I'm Robin Young I'm Jeremy Hobson this is here and now. For here and no. You are Boston College mind mentor selected from Columbia Rice and other universities high schoolers through peer peer mentor to discover interest build resumes and position themselves for college college find dot com. P.T.'s museum arts briefs are supported by the San Diego museum Council presenting Macy's museum month and opportunity to explore more than 40 museums in San Diego offering something for every age from art to history to science visit San Diego museum Council thought org k.p.s. Stretches the brains of San Diego ins with thought provoking programs on radio television and on line this work can be part of your legacy with a gift in your will trust or retirement plan anyone can make a planned gift and no gift is too small go to k. P.b.s. Done org slash planned giving for more information this is 89.5 f.m. K.B.'s San Diego 89 point one f.m. K 206 AC La Hoya and 97.7 f.m. K.q. Vo Calexico Good morning Mike Hancock here with a check out our freeways with slowing on the north 5 From. Dumb or Heights road to up towards Birmingham drive looks like fire crews have reopened the right lane just before Birmingham after putting out a small brushfire off the right side of the freeway and it's also affecting the southbound 5 from about the cost of down to and Snead us otherwise an easy drive around the county on the freeway just to be careful watch out for just a disabled some eye on the left shoulder East 52 just past the 15 traffic ports made possible by Wesley palms retirement community announcing new patio homes on 35 acres of ocean view Parkland now open visit Wesley palms dot org. Robbery theft stolen drug.

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