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Just a bit actually running a landfall right outside the Mississippi River so running into some of those little delta islands Fox meteorologist Adam Klotz Nate coming ashore 3 hours ago in New Orleans missing the brunt of the storm so the Merrow lifted her curfew and he's warning people vote as shelter in place because the city will still get tropical storm force winds and this storm is a bit unusual because it's going to go back into the Gulf and then take aim at land again it's going to eventually make a 2nd landfall on the Mississippi coast here in the next little bit of slow down a bit but still fast mover moving north at 20 miles an hour typically you see a storm like this maybe 10 to 12 miles an hour so this is been fast moving and the storm expected to make landfall for the 2nd time sometime late tonight or early on Sunday morning a vigil to remember the victims of the Los Vegas massacre as the president often says when one part of America hurts we all heard Vice President Mike Pence speaking Saturday at the Faith unity walk in Los Vegas and one part of America cries out for help we always come together no answers yet on why Stephen Paddick fatally shot $58.00 people and wounded nearly $500.00 although investigators believe he had an undiagnosed mental illness they're asking the public for help putting up billboards asking if anyone knows of a motive like other mass shooting this once working calls for more gun control we cannot be silent We cannot become places we cannot wait for the next Shruti Congressman John Lewis during the Democratic national weekly radio address and the Pentagon and then follows the 4th soldier killed earlier this week in the West African country of Niger he was Sergeant David Johnson from Miami Gardens Florida Fox News there. My name is Dale presence here I'm 19 years old and this is how I live United have always been kind of a computer geek and I found a way to use those skills to help the homeless in my community for people facing hard times computer skills in their super resume are so important may seem like a small thing but it makes a huge difference in people's lives so it's united way of creating a program or a work of the homeless together we go through their whole job history write a resume and then save on the very own u.s.p. Trying to provide workbooks and transfer to Africa I even budgeted for cupcakes so we can celebrate as a class from one of our people gets a job that's huge when somebody says payment by a job they only apply for I got it to actually live in the United States like to me my name is Dale position to help people achieve financial independence so I don't just wear the shirt I love it every kid volunteer living on it go to living on a daughter work Bracci by United Way and the Ad Council president trying to revive health care talks he's reaching out to Democrats but Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer says repeal and replace on Obamacare is a non starter working together with Democrats will only be even more difficult after what the trumpet ministration just did it expanded the exemptions for the Affordable Care Act contraceptive mandate to include moral objections in addition to the religious exemptions that were already in place so before the exemption was limited to Target is now it's been expanded to any business nonprofit or even publicly traded company was seriously held moral objections as well speaker Ryan he called it a landmark day for religious liberty but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi she calls the development despicable Fox's Kristen Fisher Republicans failed to repeal Obamacare twice this year so the president is slicing and dicing the parts that he can among other things he's slashed funding for Obamacare advertising an outrage and he's come. Enrollment period in half a big health issue turns into a personal issue for a mayor who's running for reelection a problem. Opioid abuse New York Pennsylvania Mayor Kim Bracy is blaming her son's opioid addiction for his assault of her she was punched in the face knocked to the ground and kicked several times in the head face and back before a bystander at a campaign headquarters intervened the suspect her son Brandon Anderson he's charged with misdemeanor assault Bracy releasing a statement saying her son is battling an opioid addiction she says no family's immune from the drug epidemic and we must do everything in our power to solve it Tom or gaudy Fox News and The Washington Nationals even up the National League Division Series at one game apiece beating Chicago Cubs $6.00 to $3.00 tonight in d.c. 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Coast to coast am sure sounds great in the middle of the night but you don't have to be nocturnal to a new view of the world with coast to coast am I get lots of being mail people who say you are a liberal because you did that or you had that guest on and then the next day I might have somebody who's a right winger on her thinks differently and then I get accused of being I mean none of that all I want to do is bring out different themes that we either agree with or we don't but you get to hear and the fact that we put them on doesn't mean we endorse it at all but that's not what the show is if you want me to argue with every guest I've ever put on the air I can do but I'm not going there which I have decided to make his show informational show you can make up your own mind when you hear something but I'm not going to muffle somebody because I don't agree so I'm going to. Happen just because you're going to reveal something that's I mean one trump nobody learns anything. The new version of the coast to coast am amp is here now available for Android as well as i Phone for Coast insiders it offers the ability to download the most recent shows so you can listen to the mature leisure of the new app also has Listen live in streaming features plus recaps contacts and upcoming show info Coast insiders with Android system for dot over and above or i Phone check out our new app at the Google Play or I didn't stores or link from the coast website into. Your listening to Art Bell Somewhere in Time tonight featuring coast to coast am from August 17th 1999. Bruce. They are you know on Ok you they are right I'll go I'm ready to go it's a new hour her right all right there once was a big name mate. Who was quite on aware of his face while living his life he suffered no strife but he still wound up on my plate I think I've seen that have you I have so you see there are whole there's poetry about. That somebody is somebody that yes I. Was really a poem about a slaughterhouse though is that well I mean in a way it is I suffered no strife but still wound up on my plate there's a there's a Wall Street Journal cartoon that's a very cute it was then I think about 2 weeks ago an animal testing cartoon and it said truly inhumane animal testing and it had the animals crammed into this room when all sitting up there sitting at their little table with somebody with a ruler up and say yeah I know that's horrible it's hard it's horrible We just want to fight with you on that I mean I know you're going to cram this information on us but I'm not going argue with you I think that any living thing should be given good conditions in which deliver the best that we can manage to provide stewardship as it is the answer so I I mean I'm told they do that doesn't it make sense that we don't participate in something that we don't believe well then how about Colby beef I mean Japanese people massage these animals in Kobe Japan where there are some of the best beef in the entire world and these guys get they get more and I get every day well then only by I mean as long as you like Alexander Coburn I don't know if you're familiar with him he's a leftist a journalist he writes and he writes for The Nation magazine among other things certainly familiar with the nation Ok well anyway he's one of the one of the nation's columnists he and Christopher Hitchens. Do off weeks they have sort of a column that they that they share week by week and he eats meat still but he only eats meat from a butcher that he knows who actually raises the animals and it's a huge move in the right direction and we certainly it is it isn't enough I mean is it enough for you well no it's not. And I'm going to have interest in the same way human beings have interest for years and here's another thing a vegetarian being a vegetarian does not necessarily make you a better person nor a more truthful person does it because here now I have in my hand from the u.k. News electronic Telegraph I bet you know about this don't your. It says half know it says half of all vegetarians are secret meat eaters Now what kind of horrendous hypocrisy I mean fully 50 percent of those that you claim are in your camp are lying their butts off well what happened I mean how they got that statistic is they ask people Are you a vegetarian when the person says yes and I say Have you eaten any beef pork chicken or fish in the last month and half of the people say yes it's not that they're lying it's that they have a warped notion of what it means to be a vegetarian Well they certainly don't have the purity of the of the word at heart when they claim to eat what exactly but you know they're not being intentionally duplicitous they're just you know they just need a better dictionary. Well how about this and how about this then again from the electronic Telegraph Ok vegetarian diet won't cut risk of heart disease is the headline claims by vegetarians that their diet is healthier than that of meat eaters are dismissed in a study which shows this now gross no difference in the level of heart disease it is a study of more than $11000.00 people over 13 years results show the difference in heart disease levels between mediators and vegetarians is to to Stickley in significant. I mean and that's clearly nonsense even the American Heart Association certainly not a radical organization by any stretch of the imagination dismisses that and says that a vegetarian diet is excellent in terms of preventing heart disease you can be an unhealthy vegetarian just like you can be an unhealthy need or certainly but again there are 2 people in human history who have ever reversed heart disease and we've both done it with the low fat the can actually completely vegetarian diet and you know the average of even cholesterol is 123 I haven't met anybody on a complete vegetarian diet who has a cholesterol level above 140 you ever heard of a heart bypass sure that'll clear it up to 100 that's true you know in all of medical history no one with the cholesterol level below 150 has ever had a heart attack and the complete vegetarian has an average cholesterol level of about 123 your web guy is awesome he's already linked to Ornish is a book I know it's really hot. Really good quote there. All right well that's one I guess that you say nobody with a cholesterol level of under 123 has ever had a heart attack under 50 or 150 under 150 is your average cholesterol level for even complete vegetarians is 123 why do they call them that sounds like you're from the planet and I know why not why not just vegetarians or vegans or well the. It's because the fellow who coined the term back in the 1940 s. He decided to founded the Royal Society and that's what he called it and what he said is it's got the beginning and the end of that you Terry and it takes vegetarianism to its logical extension from a cruelty standpoint there's nothing worse than x. Well then all right how about this let's examine let's look at the larger picture let's look at nature itself I went to Africa ever go to Africa you know it's really cool anyway we got to see all the big game the big 5 there current and animals were constantly eating animals now if Nature did not intend for us to eat meat. Then why would animals eat animals this might be the question we want to have on the air because that's one of this is one of the most popular of the questions while we're on the air oh I didn't even realize that. The short answer to that is that nature is cruel in nature lives on the laws of survival of the fittest Nature is cruel nature is cruel and nature works on survival of the fittest to rape rape happens in nature animals eat their young and nature and animals will battle to the death and territorial disputes in nature and we don't base our ethics on the laws of nature you already know your act the same way in life you've already given me that Cretu it's cruelty is not a good idea not no it isn't and that marks the difference between. You know intellect that we have and that animals don't see but but that goes back to my my contention that every time we sit down to eat we're making a choice misery or life or death and physiologically all human beings are intended to be eating animals every single carnivore shares that it doesn't traits we don't share and clearing 10 times the level of hydrochloric acid in their stomach so they can break down decomposing corpse Oh my God you were talking about sex earlier and the people who eat greens nothing but greens and vegetables have a better sex life sure now how long have you been a vegetarian a little over 12 years 12 years and how old are you I'm just turned 30 actually 3030 So in other words you're telling me that since you were what about 18 or something yeah I turned I turned completely vegetarian just before I turned 18 just before you turned 18. So you wouldn't even know. What a great big porterhouse and then sex is like because you haven't had it have you. I think I might take the 5th Amendment on that I grew up I grew up in Oklahoma and there's not really a lot to do in Oklahoma City police start kind of early. On sex or steak well on both actually I think the state's food in Oklahoma is the chicken fried steak and I ate an awful lot of those as I was growing up and you know back to the physiological or by the way what ran cross-country and played football in high school and I found that my cross-country time I'm kind of a bookie guy some across country Times never been that good but in the course of about 2 months when I went completely vegetarian my cross country time dropped from usually an average of about 45 minutes to an average of about 40 minutes on a moment so you said you mean to say you're not a complete vegetarian I am a complete vegetarian Well you said during a period. When you went completely Edgerrin 12 years more than 12 years ago oh I see I see you mean it when you were 1st. Drilling up alone forever for meter However you know I've had that happen for you anyway how do you get ruined for me like that well I read a book called Diet for a small planet by Francis more or less pay and she's the $1.00 who makes the argument based on environmental grounds she says look you put 20 calories into an animal you get one calorie out it's vastly inefficient find it's inefficient a lot of things are inefficient but gentle make them bad animals raised for food they produce they produce 230 times as much excrement as the entire human population they don't have waste treatment systems we feed as I said earlier more than 80 percent of our crops we feed the animals if you certify that your crops are going to be fed animals you can dump pesticides and herbicides on to them that you couldn't dump on to them if you were going to be feeding those crops and that seems to that again that pollutes our groundwater it erodes our top soil erosion mentally raising animals for food is the worst thing we do and that's the side well actually the way we do it I agree with you in North Carolina they've got a real problem with pigs and all the runoff into the ocean in the charitable things that's producing in the estuaries and all the rest of it and I'm very cows in California lately destroyed one of our best freshwater Aqua 1st has been complete rendered completely under in Kabul as a result of dairy cow right so if I were to bring you Bruce. Have you ever had Kobe beef Bruce No I have no it is unbelievable sensory experience that you would just I mean you could die for well all right they don't have now so so Cobi beef as I said is massaged by Japanese gals and maybe guys even but mostly gals this is it these cattle have all the room you want they are fed the very best or even given beer and then they are missing hand massaged you couldn't ask for a better life for a steak you just couldn't ask for a better life sounds good and if I were well does it really another words if I were to bring you Kobe beef would you be comfortable eating it of course not animal has rights and the animals have inherent interest in animals like human beings deserve not to be eaten the reality is that you know going back to the concept of democracy that I started on earlier to mock the concept of the social contract again you have the right to swing your fence but that right is limited you have limits on your rights wherever they conflict with the rights of others to be free from for example being hit by your fest and what we're saying is that animals also have a right to be free from exploitation at the hands of human beings and that includes slaughterhouses and that includes factory farms and circuses and rodeos and laboratories we extend this basic right to all human beings and we should also be extending this basic right to all beings who have interests and certainly at the very least we know that biologically physiologically mammals birds and fish all have biologically and physiologically the same pain response mechanisms that human beings do and they don't have the same right now they don't even eat fish no no if they're not for pain very interesting animals can fish suffer in the same way dogs and cats do we don't understand them as well they're not a few cuddly as puppies and kittens they're cute and cuddly factor is a very low but physiologically biologically the. The capacity for pain and for suffering and they deserve not to experience that human hands. Going back to the health argument again that no Scheiber no carbohydrates lots of saturated fat and cholesterol relative to vegetarian products and going back to Dean Ornish and Dr Esselstyn at the Cleveland Clinic no fish it's not good for you it's not good for the animals so why do it. Because fish is good. Well I grew up in Minnesota and fish and I all ruined fishing for 12 years land of 10000 lakes and I can tell you that they didn't require any training to go out there into the hook into the water and when you oftentimes you know especially kids you end up ribbons that sometimes the fish will swallow the hook bleed to death internally if you throw the fish back oftentimes you rip the fishes entire face right off it not good I'm nobody's in favor of that referred only been in favor of it but it won't happen if you're fishing and here's a here's Anthony Anthony writes to you. Bruce if animals were not made to eat then how come they're made of me well Anthony for the same reason that you're made of meat human beings are made of meat and animals are made of meat that's a similarity that we share with animals and I'm not going to come over to Anthony's house even if he smaller than me I'm not going to come over there and you know to let him and he also shouldn't be flanked cows and pigs and chickens and other animals dogs and cats are made I don't just really do draw a line even though I love animals I have 3 cats and I love them I dearly love them but they are not the same thing as human beings they are they have personalities. I give you that they have feelings I believe a feeling motions but I mean to compare that for example to a fish. Well biologically only fishing and as you're aware a cat is a mammal and biologically and physiologically cats and fish experience pain and pleasure in the same way all and you can't understand 5th. But that doesn't take away from fish their uniqueness and their interestingness and their capacity for suffering Well then why are ways you know hard enough not to buy the worm on a hook forgot they had a deal where seafood comes from they have these 40 mile long drift nets they come the bottoms of the ocean and in addition to destroying the Aqua ecosystems on the oceans they also just sweep up everything in their path and half of the stuff is said to cows and pigs and chickens on factory farms and interestingly we also feed all of the downer cows and pigs and chickens back to cows and pigs and chickens so we've turned these naturally vegetarian animals not just into carnivores but actually into cannibals we're feeding cows to cows and pigs to pigs and chickens to chickens and also half of the sea life that these factory trawlers dredge up from the oceans half of that also goes into cows and pigs and chickens natural naturally again vegetarians and it's so unnatural and it's such a complete perversion and the amount the immensity of the suffering is so vast that from a strictly animal welfare standpoint people of good conscience should not be taking part in this stuff. I say you're going after McDonalds arch. We are going after McDonald's McDonald's is lying to people it's the most remarkable thing they actually say on their website and in their correspondence that they meet all government regulations for Animal Welfare Well maybe they do how do you know they're lying because they have produced a video that advocates breaking the law they have produced if you know it's really just unbelievable the 1st thing is they're conveniently ignoring the fact that there are no regulations for animals on farms or during transportation I happen to love McDonald's every among of all the people that actually make hamburgers McDonald's probably has the best tasting hamburger of them all hold on Bruce will be back it's bottom of the hour you'll get to respond Stay right there here it is again as I can't get it out of my listening to our somewhere talk tonight's intrigue. From August 17th 1999. Are you putting your retirement savings in a 4 a one k. 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Dot ac free mac 27 dot com That's a Sci Fri mag 27 dot com Get your free copy today at a Sci Fri mag 27 dot com You're listening to Art Bell Somewhere in Time tonight featuring coast to coast am from August 17th 1999. I'm sure that Bruce you're going to say all the things about McDonald's You've been saying about the other meat manufacturers and I suppose you're after McDonald's because they're the biggest Right well no we're after McDonald's because in June of 1997 a British high court judge after the longest trial in British history ruled that the Donald was culpably responsible for cruelty to animals in this judgment that is the same thing you're saying but about these others oh well I mean you spent 2 hours you know that certainly McDonald's is not the only one but McDonald's claims to care about the treatment of animals on the farms and in flutter houses and McDonald's flies about they want to shout about that because they're quarter pounders are better there hamburgers are better tasting they have some formula that they use or Bruce the way they treat animals the way they treat animals that is abominable then why are there times so good and simmers about it they claim that they require their suppliers to meet all federal regulations they conveniently ignore the fact that there are no federal regulations on the farm or during transportation and they have paid to produce a video of that and it actually advocates violating the law and it's just the most remarkable duplicity the most remarkable and I'm not saying it's not you know you just said there were no regulations there's one regulation that has to do with slaughterhouses there are no regulations on the farm there are no regulations during transportation. So the British High Court found McDonald's culpably responsible for cruelty to animals spelled out in over 80 pages 6 the right way the fair to McDonald's I mean look you're complaining about slaughterhouses all across the United States sure and you're saying that they're all doing this roughly the same way cruel according to you right absolutely but if McDonald's is going to claim to want to be a leader in animal welfare as last Friday's Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press story that hit the wire last night client they say they want to be a leader in animal welfare they refused to even look at the half a dozen ways that the judge spelled out that they're cruel to animals for example fearing the beaks off of chickens with a hot iron so that millions a year starve to death for example cramming these chickens by the 10s of thousands or you are these are dead in their own fees are exactly the same things that you said earlier about other and because many analysts has only 2 suppliers of chickens and 2 suppliers of eggs they could change these practices because McDonald's is working with supposedly these slaughterhouses they could issue some sort of sanction against people who violate the u.s.d.a. Humane slaughter act not only will they not issue a sanction but they have produced a video saying that a 5 percent of the animals and that skinned alive and dismembered while fully conscious that's an acceptable level the u.s.d.a. Says 100 percent and this you know their video the next line in the video is what the u.s.d.a. Requires 100 percent well that is violating federal law and they are advocating violating federal law where animal welfare is concerned may die there is that one and maybe we shouldn't buy it but maybe Bruce there is saying that in the world those slaughterhouses which is not a good world are you know I'm sure it's not a good world that they're doing better than the average maybe that's what they're saying maybe there's a we're not perfect and nobody's perfect but we're doing better than the others now they certainly haven't shown that they're doing better than the others and in our negotiations which have been going on for a couple of years we have. No their animal welfare consultant is a wonderful woman Dr Temple Grandin of Colorado State University and we asked we said Ok So people violate Dr grand and audit and their announced audit what to do McDonald's does nothing we said the Dr Grandin what would what would be a really great way to approach 100 percent stunning effectiveness and she said well if they hired a 2nd person to be a stunner on the line and remember. This has this job and occupation slaughterhouse worker has 9 times the rate of injury of coal miners in Appalachian So if you care about human beings that's another good reason not to be eating animal products but we said so what did they do and she said they could hire a 2nd stunner and we said well if McDonald's were to whisper to their suppliers that they should hire a 2nd stunner what would happen and Dr Grandin said they don't you know they don't hire a 2nd center and we said to McDonald's are you going to do it and they said no McDonald's get cares not one whit about animal welfare they care about public relations they care about lying to Congress is not always that way fair to to McDonald's and McDonald's ought to have a spokesperson here to defend themselves for this you know I mean you're definitely attacking them so sure I'm saying that if they are producing something that says they're at least trying harder or at least talking about it then that's more than a lot of them are doing isn't it because a lot of Mark Talking to talk about is it all will they know a lot of them won't talk about it at all and I wonder if talking and lying about it actually is preferable to doing nothing and talking is always a precursor to action or most always is a precursor to action so usually you can be there talking and we've been trying to be in good faith in the faith negotiations with McDonald's for 2 years and we haven't seen any evidence that they care at all about anything other than that's how this affects their public relations status Well I love their hamburgers Anyway I'm anybody from McDonald's wants to come on is welcome to come on that I bring back and go at it here's something for you Bruce I fail to understand why a reasonably intelligent person like yourself meaning me would give any airtime to extremist animal rights groups like the. Didn't you know they support domestic terrorism through the Animal Liberation Front whom they have paid the legal fees of those caught burning down labs and even worse I would not wish to be associated with such a group I would do some Dept investigation of this group before ever talking to them on line I also do you in fact with money bail out Animal Liberation Front people who get put in the slammer or burning down lamps. Not that I'm aware of we don't bail out people who get put in the slammer I think the it's interesting you know the Animal Liberation Front I think people need to ask themselves what they're doing to stop animal cruelty it's very easy to point at other people and say you know you've gone too far but I think it's a very reasonable question to say what am I doing to try to be as compassionate and this kind as I possibly can rather than pointing fingers at other people and say saying you know those people are going too far what is your position on abortion on my personal position is to be against it and the thing I find really quite remarkable about so many other people who claim the pro-life moniker is that they claim to be pro-life and they're perfectly willing to sit down and dine on again tortured corpses This is so anti-life you couldn't be any more anti like I know but in requiring suffering and death every time you sit down no but an awful lot of Peta people are pro abortion and you know well we have we have more than 600000 members and I want both sides of the right little yes but to be honest with me Bruce what percentage of those 600000 do you think of pro-abortion be honest brutally honest I'm sorry I really couldn't even begin to speculate Yes hi good yes I think that both and all right and animal welfare transcend these sort of boundaries having to liberal and conservative and having to do for and yet literally for get forget liberal and conservative for a moment Ok I mean we're talking about. We're talking about what most or many people believe to be a human life sure. Human life not an animal life but a human life see but aren't realistically animals and humans suffer in the same way and I as somebody who is pro-life there's not a tremendous amount that I can do without a lot of after him hypocritical to on the want to and be touchy feely with animals which is fine and on the other be pro-abortion that one just doesn't add up brother you know I might agree with you are and I do agree with you but I think that realistically it's worth asking ourselves where we can have a positive influence for mercy and compassion so as a pro-life as somebody who's a pro-life activist you can go out and scream at other people but as somebody who simply adopts a vegetarian diet every time you sit down to eat you're making an option for mercy and compassion and I would encourage people when you sit down to eat if you want to have a burger think about the slaughter house paint a picture for yourself think about a treasured companion animal hanging upside down dismembered skinned alive and ask yourself if that's something that jibes with your concept of yourself as a moral person or an ethical person because we all know it's immoral to do that to a dog or a cat none of us would advocate doing that to a dog or a cat it's equally immoral to a cow going awry and I don't I don't agree with doing that how about that I don't agree with it I think that well then don't support it with your money. Well I I'm all for working this is this is where I'm in the center and you're way out there somewhere I'm all for working as hard as possible on improving the conditions of the animals but that wouldn't be enough for you. It would be a huge step in the right direction and that's where we spend the vast minority of our time and effort but it wouldn't stop you know it we but we believe and again this goes back to the question of animal rights as opposed to animal welfare we believe that animals are not here for human purposes we believe that animals have interest in the same way that human beings have interest but I'll tell you the fast majority of our budget goes into trying to convince people to simply improve conditions for animals on farms for animals who are raised for food for animals who are raised for experimentation for the violent reality for this animal that we really have few disagreements with the Humane Society of the United States a wonder all organization that works on animal welfare for example I really poor the use of animals for commercial experimentation involving the meds and some new makeup or whatever in God's name they're doing but on the other hand. If they're able to experiment on animals and come up with a spinal cord. A cure for people have severed their spinal cords then that is a proper stewardship but it is the false equation art we spend more than 99 percent of our research money we spend on trying to find cures for things when according to our own surgeon general 90 percent of this disease is lifestyle related we need to spend more money on prevention it's also the case that animal research costs both human and animal lives every year I mean look at protease inhibitors for Aids they were shelved for 6 years because of faulty animal experimentation and a lot of people died very miserable aids deaths as a result of the polio vaccine shell for 10 years because a faulty experimentation on animals tobacco research for goodness sake tobacco still doesn't cause lung cancer and dogs and chickens and consequently the tobacco company executives get up and say the evidence is inconclusive the list goes on and on and on and I can tell you based on having worked in a shelter for homeless families for more than 6 years that people have very long waiting lists and get bumped off of drug treatment programs and rehabilitation programs and very quickly for the minor arrest of violations and in the meantime we're spending hundreds of millions of dollars to study the effects of cocaine and alcohol and tobacco on animals we know the effects on human beings why on earth are we doing this nonsense and I don't know I'm you know I'm not going to argue that with you because I'm simply not for cruelty to animals and I am for all the things that you really want to do is just that even if we had all those done Bruce and Peta would not be happy. That's let me let me toss out in a sort of a role play here for a 2nd Ok Ok let's let's suspend reality and imagine invasion from outer space all right I do that all the time there you go land and they communicate only telepathically and in a language we don't understand they're far more intelligent than we are they're far more powerful and they have an ability to take us into captivity and they do that yes and they cram some of us into solitary pens they force feed and ground up the remains of other human beings and they feed them back to us to serve man we live our entire wealth to serve the alien race we serve our entire lives standing in our own feces breathing in the fumes and many of us die from these crowded and filthy conditions castrating the men without paying killers there artificially inseminating the women and turning them into milk machines they're taking the women's babies away and you don't hear at all if you're talking about the Greys Well no what I'm basically saying here is that we have turned animals into these beings that are useful only to the degree with to which we can use them and that is as unjustified as turning other human beings this way we may be more intelligent than animals we certainly have the capacity to turn animals into machines and to use them as so many and animate objects so many boxes in a warehouse but that doesn't make it right and I would ask people to remember that from the 1520s until the 18th sixty's we did treat human beings that way we treated African American human beings that way for more time on this continent than we've not treated them that way was a real 140 years ago that we had slavery and Bruce and I honestly do view people and animals much as I love them in a different category so I understand that and society tends to view them in a different category as well but I would posit that in a 100 years we're going to look back on our present day treatment of animals with the same horror and revulsion that maybe presently resumed. Serve for the way we look back at a well be but Bruce I don't think they're going to have a bill of rights Well I think they're going to have a bill of rights in the same way that human beings like babies who also can't give back to society or human beings who are mentally deficient can't give back to society animals deserve to be protected from exploitation in the same way that other human beings deserve to be protected from exploitation regardless of their capacity to fulfill on the social compact on love people want to talk to you and so I should not hog. Wild card line you're on the air with Bruce Freidrich of Peta Hello hi this is any from Largo Florida hello and we are going to talk a Bruce. Ok Don't get defensive just hear me out Don't interrupt Ok I think you've got a lot of good ideas and you're intense good but I think you're kind of stuck with them with the metaphor and don't realize this reference for example there's a documentary on the nomadic put in diag of Borneo sick and terrier tribe and they talk about the natural rhythms of the earth in other words if everybody just stopped eating chicken and meat everything else like that you know in about 3 months and I was told this by a friend of mine who's really the math and stuff that. They're worth that the earth rhythms would be thrown off and not only that here's a quick little story I got a friend Mike where you live in Michigan and he meant this girl and she wanted me for Tiger for and she want to be a model and she her parents lived in upstate New York so he moved away with her for 6 months well he took a couple weeks off and came back home where she was a vegetarian and her mother was a vegetarian but her father wasn't and her father was what is now retired neurologist and I talked to him and there's a lot of other professionals I talk to who don't agree with you is as far as it mean good for the body anyway when Mike came back home. He looked different because you know he turned a vegetarian you know is a face we have to face he hung in there for 6 months but when he came back you know according to vegetarians he was healthy but you know I know him I grew up with him he looked pale his complexion looked off you didn't look right any felt kind of Ok but in a way he just felt like there was something missing you see Mike that's right Ok Now they say they feel great but to the rest of us they look he may she aided right there in color is poor right we've got some ground shark and you know we got that up and I was making hamburgers and I know why you know turn on the gas grill and he was like I don't know that and then we talked him into eating one Don't tell me all 80 Please Well no we want you know my buddies on 5 and he said there are 3 of them within and within all or any right and he was 20 minutes his whole complection changed and that's what it was flowing again and then within 45 minutes once these proteins were hitting his bloodstream Yes he says and he I feel all alive and he was just glowing and then there's a lot of medical science professionals out there who will back up this claim Oh no I think I'm going to hurt him or every word you said Bruce the guy is right. No the guy and I think they are very minor matter right where you can serve them or let Bruce say some of your uncertainly be an unhealthy vegetarian it's easier to be an unhealthy carnivore The fact is these foods are laden with saturated fat and cholesterol they're devoid of carbohydrates and fiber and people like Michael Eisner Steve Jobs Pamela Anderson Kim Basinger Jennie Garth many many people have adopted vegetarian diets they're doing just fine thank you and if you go into the diet not wanting to do it as a fellow obviously did if you eat nothing but you know Twizzlers and Coca-Cola certainly you're going to waste away and you're going to be used later when you're going to have problems but the fact is even the American Dietetic Association it's awards from the meat industry the Heart Association the Cancer Society the u.s.d.a. For gracious sake all of these people and the medical evidence could not be more conclusive if you want to stave off heart disease cancer stroke obesity the biggest killers or the worst health problems we're having in this country a veggie diet is a way to go Ok let's And this is very important Ok Ok this is backed up by a friend of mine who was not only a doctor in philosophy but he's also a veterinarian listen to let me tolerate the vet Childline before we get all our eggs Well all right go on to collar stand in line and I'll bring you back what is the veggie hotline a toll free will and the free vegetarian starter Packet 888. Food 8 the g f o o d r expense free information free information. That's 888 bed food. What a cutie number I hate those things one of but during the break figure out what the real number is for me all right I sure will stay right there this is premiering at . Arco was the go to go. On there somewhere in Italy. 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