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It's just really weird I don't I don't know. That it's out of my life out of my league Yes I do wonder what else do you see being a constant or a different in the future cats I think we're going to see a larger cat. You know that the small cat that we have at home typically. Sylvester that size I think is going to triple. I think is going to be they're going to be big cats and I think are going to be a lot of them I think they've I think they're going to be we could be overrun by the certain parts of the country the you know psych. Like places in Missouri for instance right I think that they're ripe for that over being overrun by large So here's my question to you on the cat aspect Yeah now these are these cats. Are they are they in correlation with the obese populations of the Midwest snow No I don't think so no I yeah that's a different story yes I think different data and I think that I think the cat thing is going to be directly attached to global warming. The warmer it is the bigger the calculator the cat Exactly and that's been proven I think scientifically. By Wendell guest who who works in California I think it one of the colleges u.c.l.a. . Or one of them one of the use yes it's a huge yes University of you know yes I thought it was u.c.l.a. But he's been working on this. Particular project for about 17 years. And it's being funded by who knows but he's been there for 17 years and throughout the course of his studies. As he has you know he has the statistics. The cats are getting much much much bigger. Smart questions here you know where were you during the moon landing on the moon landing I would think I was I might have been I might have been eating a hamburger at Buddy's back home in Pennsylvania. What did it feel like oh I don't I'm not a hamburger another hamburger and of course we didn't have back in those days the hamburger was good yes not the not as to the hamburger nowadays. No it's not comparable no. I would say it's the reverse now so it's so I only ask you because something happens. Between the seventy's the early mid seventies and the present day as to where NASA just up and lost all of its fun I don't say it lost all of its funding but it lost its drive and its momentum to continue exploration on the moon. Yeah I think while that's attributed to there's nothing there. The moon is very desolate Yeah and it's a very desolate. Place and. I think that the thinking was. What are we going to do. We go there when it's just like dust it's just gray dust is going to you know who wants to be there we own it I guess rightly that flag made it yes we put the flag up we have placed on the flat I think made last we teach it can be for you know for the sake of the Cold War for yet for the sake of it I think for a tourist destination I don't I don't see that not yet though so is so so in my future the moon is heavily populated Oh and it's bold it's both private and under a bubble kind of I think was well both under a bubble and under the ground people are walking around with an end yeah you perhaps a little you know what do they do that. Well. It's a different view it's a big if you want and that's my marketing scheme the view as it is it's the view you know it's it's that hey do you want to invest in a new view on Titan you can see Saturn rising in descending you can see the other moons It's unlike anything you've ever seen before. But there's no pool Not yet no no to it's a star there wouldn't be a pool if you would be fantastic then that's what it's all about it's like is it who cares if there's nothing to like we can create things to do to keep ourselves. Or taint or busy. It in really I mean honestly it's going to come down to resource management you know there's ice and water who handles the state can we buy them a piece of lot. If you have the means to get there and build on it I would say yes now we know now from what we what we call a real threat on home and no we shouldn't we shouldn't have that frame of mind because we did that with Africa the Berling conference we did we were like a fresh confident there's just indigenous people here we can take it we're going to rip it apart England you can have this France you can have this America you can have this we can't do that in outer space Ok We're going to get shot down so quickly we're going to be back to the stone age again. So when I talk about the future of the moon or space colonization it's more of a concept of how are we helping our own people or aliens that we find or extra terrestrials that we find out there treasure and when we do find those extra terrestrials What will we have for them like what will we have to show for ourselves like hey we're not blowing ourselves up anymore we are we are stablished on Mars and we have these resources to trade and we've got a ton of salt and I think I think a bottle of wine. Well that's just that's just a pleasant That's because like Hey nice to meet you how are you doing I have this bottle of wine for you exchange Yeah exactly we might get like a Farkle back whatever that is whatever yeah whatever has you know here's a. Here's a fork right except Who wouldn't want to have never seen a Fargo before and they've never seen a bottle of wine and now we're friends now we're friends but see if it's a simple exchange if it's oh hey you're a you're an alien Nice to meet you you can't have any of this land here this belongs to Mary Jane and Mary Jo and John Doe and and Bill and it's spoken for and you can't have any of it I don't think that's the way you go to go about it I think it needs to be more. Of a universal concept where. You know if I want stake in this then I can have some steak or good luck with it it's also it started started with the concept of. I mean it has come back down to resource management my gosh you know how will we sustain our life's in outer space and how we start colonizing that. You know it's there's just so many different possibilities and. It's it's it's in depth you know history and anyway. You know it's it's these are discussions probably. I mean this could be. Space exploration we have it's infinite in an infinite amount of time to explore given that we make the right choices. I'm skeptical. I want to go to Pluto I dislike the name No you don't want to know. I mean the breeze of really good point once you get to a certain point say past. Jupiter you know what is out there is nothing out there you could end up in interstellar space you know Saturn Saturn. Yes there is out there and those will be the last habitable moons in our solar system that will want to settle on going there was Garfield is right is beyond us is so so until we find a better way to travel through space. We're just going to have to stay put. In our own solar system and see if we should take care of it better. Yeah our resource allocation is just and not so great anyway. But he got. Nothing really well I've got a David Bowie song lined up for a good friend of mine who I know is out there listening right now I know I bet my lucky stars on it. I'm going to go for it. In case you're unaware you are listening to k o t o here in Telluride Colorado the phone number. Is Here it is 728-4333. David. The war most secret is that. To I think. America will. Look. Well when you look at yourself in the grave. When will you be worthy of your 1000000 crying. America why are your library here. America along with your eggs from here. I think of you and thinking a man. Wearing a really bad heart. Will make it back your man when when you combine. It With am. Going to get drunk and following morning. To lead. Right over to the market and buy what I need my. American. Materials go much for. Me and. I are going to die and I won the battle. I don't want. To. Play. I'm trying. To give up my. America for anything I know what I'm. Going to run. America I have a record month. Every day somebody trying to. Run on every step I am I. Going to. Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 99 where sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future sunscreen would be it a long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists or is the rest of my advice as no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your you never mind you will not understand the power of your youth and. The Trust me 20 years and look back at photos of color in a way you can't grasp how much possibility for you and how fabulous you really looked you are not as fat as you imagine. Don't worry about the future or worry but know that worrying is affected as trying to solve. A real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your mind that Q 4 pm on some titled Tuesday do one thing every day that scares. Me Don't be reckless with other people's hearts put up with people with yours. Don't You miss them the. Baby you'll marry maybe you won't baby your have children maybe . Baby you'll divorce at 40 maybe you'll dance the funky chicken under 75th wedding anniversary whatever you do don't congratulate yourself too much or Beret yourself either your choices are half chance so everybody else. Can enjoy your body. Use it every way you can and be afraid of it or what other people think of it is the greatest instrument you'll ever. Get. Even if you have nowhere to do it but if you only read the directions and if you don't follow them do not respect you the magazines they will only make you feel ugly. Get to know. I have no will because good nice to say. They're your best going to. Like the stick the future. To stand the friends home control the precious few disagreed on where cars bridge the gaps geography and lifestyle shows the older you get. More you people who. Live in New York City works at least the 4th mission part live in Northern California once but leave before. Travel. Except certain. Truths prices will rise allocations will Philander you too Meeting over the ugly card and recycling it or not it's work. But trust me on the some 3. I want to tell you a story. I come home on Friday. Before Me. Next Friday. Come I didn't get the ran. Away. Clearly. I think. It's a little slow you know. I know it's an awful moment you've been. Saying another night to say to me. The line is that you got the money. I know. The final minute of pilgrim. Said I know. That I knew that he was planning on coming. Up against. A 2nd time. I was going to. Say that the funny. The next. The next product. With. Some good. Friends. I'll. Tell. My wife. Because the scene is. Kind of funny. No. Funny now you put it. Absolutely. Got a. Little bit of. This again sort of like you. Know some nice. Things on. The back. Down the street. About the friendship going to get in the back right. Up in a local bar you know people. Seemingly a. Clue. You It's been load. Since sorry I've seen your. Feel good. To. See the good. To. Good to see. Food so. Good to kids good. With good value long. Enough to. And. Since. When does. That become a. Good thing I'd say don't you get a good excuse to say I know. I would stick. With the kids and here goes with. It I would think it's. Good to see you. In a month. And a month. Live . Live. Live. Eh eh. The legal. There's the drum going on the. Real talk about that. With the morons they're fine and that's what I want to know is the want to call it is coming along. What's coming is a big bill may. Be doing it for hours. Kill or you can.

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