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Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I want to live the u.s. Capitol where it is official I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the f.b.i. As part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election f.b.i. Director James Coleman he's saying that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts only adding because it is an open ongoing investigation and is classified I cannot say more about what we are doing and whose conduct we are examining Komi promising a classified briefing across the capital the opening of confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Neal Gore such an hour Linda can you discovering that live well of the conservative judge from Colorado is the nominee to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia whose seat on the nation's highest court has been vacant for 13 months the confirmation hearing for Judge Neil Gorsuch begins with a 10 minute opening statements from each member of the Senate Judiciary Committee afterward judge Gorsuch will deliver his opening remarks today is just day one of what is expected to be up to 4 days of hearings after today comes extensive q. And a with a nominee followed by days of witness testimony the goal for members of the Judiciary Committee is to try to call information about how Gorsuch will rule on several issues including abortion and campaign finance reform the goal of the judge will be to convey whether he has the judicial temperament to serve on the nation's highest court I'm Linda Kenyon on Capitol Hill now with more news here's Bob Agnew in Washington Britain's government says on March 29th it will trigger Article 50 signaling Britain's exit from the European Union direct it Secretary David Davis says a country has quote the threshold of the most important negotiation for a generation more of these stories from townhall dot com. Fellow Americans the time is now to protect your retirement accounts with physical gold if you currently have a 4 a one k. 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Stocks open slightly lower led by losses in banks after Brit outfit will formally trigger the process of leaving the European Union March 29th markets are trying to move into positive territory across the board breaking news and analysis at townhall dot com. Affordable insurance loves helping their customers by saving them money while providing quality insurance coverage affordable insurance represent several top rated insurance companies to show you the best protection available and the best prices in the market representing Allstate auto owners Safeco Liberty Mutual Hanover Crescent travelers and Hartford they are sure they can provide you with the best policy and rates available this is affordable insurance today at their local offices in Mountain Home flippen or Harrison visit them online at a Ford ins dot com Now for a look at your current weather forecast with Twin Lakes radio meteorologist Brandon Beck on the Eagle 93.5 The Twin Lakes source for news information and entertainment I'm twiddling radio meteorologist Brandon Beck when they touch of summer time today a couple of record highs may fall with low and mid eighty's expected a little bit of cloud cover as moisture increases and then a front will slide through the region later on tonight that could bring a few showers and storms but it doesn't look widespread at this point early Tuesday temps in the middle and upper fifty's maybe a spot or 2 near 60 Tuesday slightly cooler but still warm mid to upper seventy's with a slight chance for showers and storms Here's your current conditions and live radar we are perceived Taishan free according to the Tracy ferry Marina call the weather radar lake levels and damn reports nursing home bound protect your assets call it or law attorney Whalen Cooper today will Scholz running one unit lake level 651.72 before it is currently shut down at this time lake level 545.32 it's currently 62 and we have sunny skies that's been the latest look at your forecast on the Eagle 93.5 compelling radio. This is your total information source like Gallagher the news is happening now and we keep you connected to the headlines like no one else and here is Gallagher. And the Mike Gallagher show all the news sure is happening right now any time there's a congressional hearing if Congressman Trey Gowdy from South Carolina is involved I'm all in and he is involved today as the f.b.i. Director James Comey is testifying before the House Intelligence Committee over all things involving Russia wiretapping the Trump campaign and more I want to take you back to Washington d.c. Let's begin with Congressman Trey Gowdy who's on this House Intelligence Committee he of course former prosecutor he was on our show last week making some headlines and he has a tenacious. Bulldog of an interrogator Let's listen to his his conversation with f.b.i. Director James Comey in the n.s.a. Director Mike Rogers on Capitol Hill thank you Mr Chairman Director Comey we will begin this line of questioning that will finish it the next round if I say no there are similar related counter terrorism programs have been described even this morning as vital critical and dispensable to our national security. Many of us on both sides of the aisle belief ice and similar counterterrorism programs prevent terrorist attacks and save American lives but Pfizer and other surveillance programs are intentionally designed to preserve the privacy of u.s. Citizens they are intentionally designed to ensure the information is collected and used only for legitimate national security and criminal investigative purposes there are statutory safeguards there are warrants based on probable calls there is a fison court that is involved there are all of us on the backend and we think so highly of this material it is a felony punishable by up to 10 years and federal prison to unlawfully disseminated all of this was done. To make sure this information gathered remains protected as it relates to u.s. Citizens the way I view it Director Komi the American people have an agreement with their government we are going to give you the tools to keep us safe even if it infringes on our privacy song we're going to give you the tools and government and return promises to save Gore the privacy of u.s. Citizens and when that deal is broken it jeopardizes American trust and these surveillance programs so let me ask you Do you agree Pfizer is critical to our national security I do do you agree programs like were intentionally designed to safeguard the advantage the of u.s. Persons. Yes there are other other important elements of of but that's the primary goal I believe it wasn't an afterthought it wasn't an accident these are intentional save Garge that we put in place to protect us citizens is that correct correct do you agree much of what is learned from these programs is classified or otherwise legally protected all FISONs applications reviewed by the court collection by us pursuant to our Fi's authority is classified the dissemination of which is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison sure the 7 ation unauthorized disseminate on all theorized dissemination of classified or otherwise legally protected material punishable by a felony up to 10 years in federal prison yes as it should be. All right in January of this year The Washington Post reported according to a senior u.s. Government official a named u.s. Citizen and I will not use the name a name to u.s. Citizen phone the Russian ambassador several times on December the 29th and February of this year The Washington Post reported not. Not current and former officials who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the call on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters and that officials began pouring over intelligence reports intercepted communications and diplomatic cables in February of this year the New York Times reported a u.s. Citizen whose name I will not use discusses sanctions with the Russian ambassador in a phone call according to official who have seen a transcript. Of the wire tapped conversation and again in February of this year the New York Times reported on a phone call involving 8 you asked service including significant discussions of phone records intercepted calls intercepted communications and reported the n.s.a. Captured calls and then asked the f.b.i. To collect as much information as possible my time is up so I will say this for this round I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it oh yes search a serious crime I'm not going to comment on those particular articles and I don't want to in any circumstance compound a criminal act by confirming that it was classified information but in general yes it's a serious crime and and it should be the reason she said we'll take it back up next round was chairman So Congressman Trey Gowdy laying out in a very convincing detail the seriousness of the criminality of these leaks now you're going to see headlines and the the the mainstream media is going to breathlessly report how comi has said today that there is no evidence that President Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower because to the media that's the driving story has nothing to do with the leaks and you have to understand you have to appreciate the fact that the media is the beneficiary of these illegal leaks so they're not going to do their job they're not going to be if you believe in the integrity of the news media. Or you think there is integrity in the news media then you would expect that that criminal activity would be the primary focus. Of what's happening right now but it's not it's going to be about Donald Trump's tweets from 3 weeks ago about you know whether or not Obama you know the Obama administration I had the surveillance of Trump Tower but you know as you just heard Congressman Gowdy point out and there was no pushback or disagreement from Komi somebody was wiretapping General Mike Flynn really and that's who he was talking about of course it was interesting that out of respect for General Flynn he didn't want to mention his name he said a u.s. Citizen but he was obviously referring to General Flynn and you know the New York Times The Washington Post reported all of this sensitive intelligence material that was leaked now it's always you know my old expression it depends on whose ox is being gored if you don't like Donald Trump and you want him to fail then you don't care that somebody broke the law in order to try to release information to the general public via the New York Times or The Washington Post and others. If you're neutral or if you're a trump supporter you know it's a big deal and you expect there will be consequences but you wait and see and we'll take you to the part where James Komi finally addresses in public for the 1st time whether or not there is any evidence from his perspective as the director of the f.b.i. To back up President Trump's claim that that the Obama administration's surveilled Trump Tower We'll play that for you next here on the Mike Gallagher show Don't go away 16 past the hour very busy edition Lots of breaking news Stay with us we're doing our best to keep up with all of it portions of our show brought to you by F.L.s now learn all about immigration pause dot org sign the letter thousands of you thousands of you have already done so good immigration pause dot org And let senators know how you feel about President Trump's very sensible pause on immigration go to immigration pause dot org immigration pause dot org. This is. Stimulating radio the Eagle 93.5 to 20 links source for news information and entertainment. So much has happened in this week not only the f.b.i. Directors testimony but Neal Gorsuch is confirmation hearings and of course the American Health Care Act This Thursday being voted on by the house we all need medicine but prescription drugs can cost a lot good r x is an easy and simplified way for you to shave up to 80 percent on your prescriptions when you love that it's so easy to use good are actually saves you a lot of money. It's totally free by the way there are any hidden fees there's this is a great way for you to save up to 80 percent on your prescriptions that's over you know $80000000.00 monthly and over a 1000000000 dollars in savings a year for all the users who use good r x and everybody is talking about it you'll save money on your pet's medications as well to find out how you can start saving money all you need to do is text my initials m g it's a good r x now good r x's 466379 so just text the letters m g 2466379 you've got nothing to lose just a lot of money to safe so check out good r.x. 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Tony before the House Intelligence Committee you're about to hear the question from this this conspiracy theory minded Adam Schiff who's convinced he's got to push this narrative about Russians the Russians impacting our election which is a load of hooey but you're going to hear his question for Jim comi the f.b.i. Director about whether or not President Trump's tweets were accurate regarding the wiretapping of Trump Tower now that tell you right now and again this is why you listen to the show I'm going to remind you we've already heard that there's no evidence of any hacking into any voting machines by the Russians we've already heard that the f.b.i. Is conducting an active investigation in the Justice Department an active investigation into the source of the leaks and that the leaks are indeed criminal acts punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison that's not going to be the headline that will be the big news today because of the the corruption of the mainstream media this is all you're going to hear so get ready for you might want to brace yourself and be ready because here it is director call me I want to begin by attempting to put to rest several claims made by the president about his predecessor namely that President Obama wiretapped his phones so that we can be precise I want to free you to exactly what the president said and ask you whether there is any truth to it 1st the president claimed quote terrible just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory nothing found this is McCarthyism unquote. Director Comey was the president's statement that Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower a true statement. With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration I have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the f.b.i. The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice in all its components the department has no information that supports those tweets the president accused Mr Obama and presumably the f.b.i. Of engaging in McCarthyism as you understand the term McCarthyism do you think President Obama or the f.b.i. Was engaged in such conduct I'm not going to try and characterize the tweets themselves all I can tell you is we have no information that supports them or you engage in McCarthyism Komi try very hard not to engage in any isms of any kind looting including McCarthyism. The president the 2nd stated quote Is it legal for a sitting president to be wiretapping a race for president prior to an election turned down by a court earlier a new low unquote director Komi Can you answer the president's question would it be legal for President Obama to have ordered a wiretap of Donald Trump. I'm not going to characterize the response of the tweets themselves I can tell you in general as as Adam Rogers and I were just saying there is a statutory framework in the United States under which courts grant permission for electronic surveillance either in a criminal case or national security case based on a showing of probable cause carefully overseen It's a rigorous rigorous process that involves all 3 branches of government and it's one we've lived with since the late 1970 s. That's how it works so no individual in the United States can direct electronic surveillance of anyone it has to go through an application process ask a judge the judge can then make the order so so you know that of course is a semantics conversation because one could very reasonably argue that President Trump was when he said Obama had my wires tapped that could be wiretapping under the purview of the Obama administration we anybody with an ounce of sense knows that but that's going to be the headline get ready for it brace yourself and just understand it that's going to be what's coming today it's also going to get real good because Congressman Trey Gowdy gets the microphone again and it gets very lively Stay tuned for that next year on the Mike Gallagher show. Covering more of the hot issues on the Eagle 93.5. Our longstanding partners here the Mike Gallagher show is p.j. 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The thought of my sons going up without me inspired me to quit smoking I told my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes as trays and writers I started exercising instead of smoking getting support from friends on And in. Light of not going on today it's a busy Monday and not only is Jim comi testifying before the House Intelligence Committee the beginnings of the middle Gorsuch confirmation process that that that hearing is underway as well you've heard me talk about Hillsdale College for a long time you know as we talked about the importance of the Supreme Court in for many of us it was the the driving force behind supporting Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton originalist people who believe in the Constitution people who support the rule of law great teachers at Hillsdale to the teaching. 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Quick side note as we keep taking you back to Capitol Hill and you're about to hear Trey Gowdy get back into it mix it up with the f.b.i. Director there's also I'm reading here the New York Post I just saw the video a moment ago that's just horrifying an attack in Philadelphia this video was released by the transit police in Philly shows teenagers attacking 2 helpless victims at a busy subway stop last week there's a there's a script online about 38 seconds long it shows one student surrounded by a group of teenagers who are taking turns kicking and punching him in the head and the back he cowers and he lies defenseless on the floor at race and Vine streets. On the broad street line about 3 40 pm last Thursday you see another student being pummeled by a set of teenagers now. I am very sensitive to try to I'm focused on and I work hard to improve race relations in America want to ask you a question what do you think the story would be if the 2 students in Philly are surrounded and pummeled by white kids beating a black student would certainly hear a lot about the racial makeup of the people involved in this vicious attack Well of course that isn't what happened in Philadelphia the victims according to the video are right and the perpetrators and the attackers that I can see in the video are all black now. Bad people do bad things white black green it doesn't matter it's just fascinates and here's here's what the the police chief of the subway system the in Philadelphia told reporters and I'm quoting here from this is from the Associated Press also the New York Post the police chief Thomas Nestle told a t.v. Station in Philadelphia I have to tell you this is becoming a daily event throughout the city either on street corners or outside schools or in the train stations this is becoming a daily event Well what is this is it just you know violence random violence that has no racial make up or are there a lot of instances of black on white crime and violence in the streets of Philadelphia and if so how do we talk about that in a productive way how can we talk about it in a meaningful way it seems to me we ought to have the conversation in the same way we would talk about a group of white kids beating a defenseless black kid. If you're if we're going to say look at this horrific racially motivated attack if blacks are victimized by whites how is it never the case when it's the other way around you should see this video the New York Post website and look at the horrific viciousness of the kicking in the beating it's amazing these kids didn't get beaten to death by this this group of kids who I say kids I mean these are teenagers it looks like and not one word even in the New York Post article about the racial makeup of the victims or the perpetrators and maybe you disagree seems to me that's worth mentioning. Breaking a my Gallagher's Let's go back to Russians in d.c. And again it's always in lightning when you hear Congressman Trey Gowdy from South Carolina talk to somebody who's testified before the House Intelligence Committee that's the case today with James Komi who as you heard earlier today told this panel there is no evidence that the f.b.i. Or the Justice Department can ascertain that meets president trumps accusation in his tweets a few weeks ago that there was surveillance of Trump Tower as ordered by Obama now we turn it back to Congressman Trey Gowdy back on Capitol Hill Let's listen together Mr Chairman Director Comey you and I were discussing the phone yes to some initial classified material during the last round is there an exception in the law for current or former u.s. Officials who requests anonymity. To to release classified information yes or no is there an exception in the law for reporters who want to break a story. That's a harder question as to whether a reporter incurs criminal liability by publishing classified information and one probe beyond my ken I'm not as good a lawyer as Mr Schiff said I used to be well I don't know about that but the statute does use the word publish doesn't it it does but that's a question I know the Department Justice has trouble with through administration after administration I know the department struggle one of the 4 circuits struggled with a lot of people who struggled with it but you're not aware of an exception in the current dissemination of classified information statute the carbs out of an exception for reporters No I'm not aware of anything card of the statute I don't think reporters been prosecuted certainly in my lifetime though well there's been a lot of statutes that bar in this investigation for which no one's ever been prosecuted or convicted and that does not keep people from discussing those statutes namely the Logan Act in theory how would reporters know a u.s. Citizen made a telephone call to an agent no foreign power. How would they know legally yes if it was declassified and then discussed in a few dishes proceeding or a congressional hearing something like that and assume none of those facts are at play how would they know someone told them we should have told them how would a reporter know about the existence of intercepted phone calls. The same thing in a in a legitimate way through a appropriate proceeding with has been declassification in any other way in an illegitimate way. How would reporters know if a transcript existed of an Enter set of to communication same answer. The only legitimate way would be through a proceeding appropriate proceeding illegitimate way be somebody told him we should have told them what does the term mask mean in the concept of Pfizer and other surveillance programs. As director Rogers explained it's our practice approved by the Pfizer court of removing the names of u.s. Persons to protect their privacy their identity unless it hits certain exceptions so masking means as Mike Rogers said I'll often see of intelligence report from n.s.a. That will say u.s. Person ever one u.s. Person ever to us 1st number 3 and there's no further identification on the document. There are 20 people within the n.s.a. That are part of the unmasking process how many people within the f.b.i. Are part of the unmasking process I don't know for sure as I sit here surely more given the nature of the F.B.I.'s work we come into contact with u.s. Persons a whole lot more than the n.s.a. Does because we may be conducting a we only conduct our operations in the United States to collect electronic surveillance surveillance to conduct electronic surveillance so I don't I can find out the exact number I don't know as I sit here. Given the fact that you and I agree this is critical vital and dispensable a similar program is coming up for reauthorization this fall with a pretty strong headwind right now it would be nice to know the universe of people who have the power to on mask a u.s. Citizens name because that might provide something of a roadmap to investigate who might have actually disseminated a mask u.s. Citizens may sure the number is relevant but what I hope the u.s. The American people realize is. The numbers are important but the culture behind it is in fact more important the training the rigor the discipline we are obsessive about fison the f.b.i. For reasons I hope makes sense to this committee but we are everything that has to be labeled in such a way to warn people that this is Pfizer we treat this in a special way so we can get to the number but I want to assure you the culture of the f.b.i. And the n.s.a. Around how we treat us person information is obsessive and I mean that in a good way I'm not arguing with you and I do agree that culture is important but if there are 100 people who have the ability to unmask and the knowledge of a previously masked name. Then that's 100 different potential sources of Investigation and the smaller the number it is the easier your investigation is so the number is relevant I can see the culture of. N.s.a. F.b.i. What other u.s. Government agencies have the authority to on mask a u.s. Citizens next. I think all agencies that collect information pursuant to Pfizer have sweater called standard minimisation procedures which are approved by the Pfizer court that govern how they will treat us person information so I know the n.s.a. Doesn't know the CIA does obviously the f.b.i. Does I don't know for sure beyond that about this and are going to have that main Justice I mean the main justice I think does have standard minimisation for some are so that's for the n.s.a. F.b.i. CIA main Justice is the White House have the authority to on mass be u.s. Citizens 9. I think other elements of the government that are consumers of our products can ask the collectors to unmask the unmasking resides with those who collected the information and so Mike Rogers folks collected something and they send it to me and report it says u.s. Person or one and it's important for the f.b.i. To know who it is our request will go back to them the White House can make similar requests of the f.b.i. Or of n.s.a. But they can't on their own on their own collect so they can't on their own unmask Ok so back and forth between Congressman Trey Gowdy and f.b.i. Director James Comey It's 15 minutes before the hour you've got a lot to absorb and as I said get ready be prepared for the onslaught of breathless headlines that say that James Komi says that there is no evidence of Trump Tower wiretapping I want to get your reaction to all of that 180655 Mike you've been listening a lot this hour I'd like to take a moment and get your reaction to what you've heard let it sink in and I want you to just suggest because this is the question that I think everybody seems to be ask your least the one that I'm most interested in how should President Trump respond to what the f.b.i. Director is saying today on Capitol Hill what do you think the president's next move should be how should should he addressed the original tweets that started a lot of this in the media over the last few weeks should he ignore it should he move on I want to get your take and I want to get your as you've heard all of this today and as you're absorbing it let's do what we always do go to you for your reaction 180655 Mike if you can't get through our talk lines send us a text of the my pillow dot com text line 806556453 your voice your call and more also breaking of course during this testimony the f.b.i. Director saying that Russians used a 3rd party to handle the d.n.c. E-mail to Wiki Leaks We're going to cover all that for you on a busy edition of the Mike Gallagher show Stay with us. But when I. Let me. Show you. The Ozarks high school sports and more the. Time. 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The mike 4 packs special continues we're thrilled to welcome my pillow as the sponsor of our checks line which is $8655.00 might get a whole bunch of texts right now about what you've heard so far from James Komi of course the big headline is going to be James Komi says Obama did not order wiretapping of Trump's New York office Trump Tower of course buried in in those breathless headlines will be the confirmation also that the intelligence community says there's no evidence that Russia impacted voting booth voting booths or you know the election itself anyway on my pillow dot com for you the text line Michael indels going to be in Chicago with us this week for the 100 days of Trump Tour event which is sold out tomorrow Wednesday night in Naperville if you're looking for the perfect pillow now's the time my pillow dot com used Mike g. To get 50 percent off the mike 4 pack to premium my pillows to travel go anywhere pillows make sure you use the promo code might be Mike's best offer yet we're calling 89286034809286034 Don't forget to use the promo code my g. Here's Ron Ron I want to get your reaction what you've heard so far from the f.b.i. Director thanks for joining us Michael make a comeback on this in a way that oh me it's so inconsistent and it will eat you and I think you know it it's going to war was brought down to do it. Where one might fall in and well of these other guys but they may be when the phone calls of mate right would come down to right because of Mike Flynn if the general was in any way shape or form how do you know where he physically was when the conversations were intercepted and released to the to the public via the news media I mean how the heck and if you can establish he was in Trump Tower which was of course the campaign headquarters for the Trump campaign then Donald Trump was right but what should he do when that when the media onslaught continues over these tweets Bobbie wants to chime in when Bobbie Oh Mike thanks for taking my call you bet I want to chime in on that good party good way I'll make it quick Ok he should fire don't call me they are obviously protecting themselves no none of them is there some are going to admit that they did a run on doing to begin with right number number 2 the Democrats are going after Trump like that some kind of a witch hunt while Trey Gowdy is there actually trying to do its job and find out who broke the law by wreaking name and that's the bottom line I agree I agree and I love him that's why I want to play a lot of Trey Gowdy today because Man It's just powerful when you hear him and you hear you know somebody who respects the rule of law and possesses the kind of clarity the Congressman Gowdy does President Trump's immigration order is slowing down immigration from a handful of countries it's not a Muslim ban I heard I got the number over the weekend thousands of you have already gone to immigration pause dot org And you've sent a letter to your senator takes just a few seconds they'll send you an email confirmation you click the link and your voices being heard you know that the people who wish to harm America are kind of cunning and innovative new strategies new tactics are needed who are right now to immigration pause dot org and send a letter to your senator takes just a few seconds immigration pause dot org. This is a busy day keep it right here for all of the breaking news thanks to produce your man. Sanderson operations director Erik Hanson are screener Pavlina us to thank you for joining us get out enjoy this Monday be safe fight the good fight I'm Mike Gallagher God bless America. More the Mike Gallagher show coming up on the Eagle 93.5. 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