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Bowl 50 is just hours away. Yes, its a huge story, right . Teams and two fantastic quarterbacks. Were talking the broncos versus the panthers. Peyton manning against cam newton. Manning, the future hall of famer, up against the leagues up and comer, 13 years his junior. We have pregame analysis. Well take you inside the hottest, most starstudded pregame parties. All coming up on gma. Full coverage of super bowl sunday coming up. Well start with the republican debate, which aired right here on abc overnight. Plenty of fireworks. Perhaps serious consequences for some of the candidates with the New Hampshire primary just two days away. We have team coverage. Well start with jon karl right there in the debate hall. Hi, jon. Reporter good morning, paula. It was a raucous night. It was a good night for the three governors on the stage. They had been stuck on the back of the pack. Each of them broke through in a do or die debate for all of back at center stage, donald trump responded to questions from his rivals of whether he has the temperament to be the commander in chief. I actually think i have the best temperament. Im not the one with the quick trigger. Other people up here would be much faster. Reporter ted cruz said this week trump was so intemperate he might nuke denmark. Asked about that, he backed off. You said he doesnt have the temperament to be commander in chief do you stand by those words . The voters are going to make. Answer your question. Ben carson, after his campaign wrongly claimed that the doctor was going drop out right before the iowa caucuses. When this transpired, and i do so now. Ben, im sorry. We can see what happened. Everybody can see what happened. You can make your own judgment. Dr. Carson, thank you. Reporter the biggest target of the night was marco rubio. Hes been on a roll in new he ran into a buzz saw named Chris Christie. You have not been involved in a consequential decision where you had to be held accountable. You just simply havent. I think the experience is not just what you did but how it worked out. This country already has a debt problem. We dont need to election someone that has experience of running up and destroying the Credit Rating of a state. When youre a governor of the state, the president of the United States, the memorized 30second speech doesnt solve one problem. And when the worst Natural Disaster in your States History hits you, they expect you to rebuild their state. Thats what ive done. None of that happens on the floor of the United States senate. Its a fine job. Im glad you ran for it. But it doesnt prepare you for president of the United States. Reporter perhaps the real story of the night was the governors, christie, kasich, and bush. Dominated much of the debate. We have to solve problems in america by coming together, republicans and democrats. Americans first. Party and ideology second in the second backseat of this country. Thats what we need to do. Trump on the issue of imminent domain. Until trump shushed him. Let me talk. Quiet. A lot of times a lot of times [ crowd booing ] reporter trump backing in the boos did something never seen before in a president ial debate. He attacked the audience. Thats all of his donors and special interests out there. [ crowd booing ] so thats what it is. Reporter i have never seen that before. A candidate on the stage attacking the debate audience. With just two days to go until candidates are hitting the trail hard. I count 15 events today, thats all before the super bowl. And how many times have you said i have never seen that before on the campaign trail in season . Too many to count. Its been the theme of this campaign. Thank you, jon. It was uncomfortable at times for marco rubio. He was the biggest target of the night. He had all the momentum going into the debate. The other candidates did everything they could to derail him. Hi, david. Reporter hi, paula. This was a lost opportunity at best for marco rubio after a strong showing in iowa. His big moment to shine. Many would say that he choked. It all started with david muirs first question to Chris Christie. I do want to ask governor christie. You said fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. When it comes to electing a firstterm senator. Reporter after that, governor Chris Christie came out swinging hard after marco rubio. First, lets remember something, every morning when a United States senator gets up, they think about what kind of speech can they give. Every morning when i get up, i think what kind of problem do i need to solve for the people who actually elected me . Reporter shot after shot. Thats not leadership, thats truancy. Reporter christie pummeled rubio for more than seven straight minutes. Wait a second. Is that one of the skills you get as a United States senator esp also . Reporter rubio punched back. Chris chris, your state got hit by a massive snowstorm two weeks ago. You didnt want to go back. They had to shame you into going back. Reporter thats when rubio got tangled up in his talking points. Lets dispel this fiction that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing. Reporter christie caught rubio putting that line on instant replay. This notion that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing is just not true. There it is. There it is. The memorized 25second speech. There it is, everybody. Reporter even rubios fellow floridian seemed to jump in on governor Chris Christies side. You learn this. You learn this by doing it. Not to say. Lets be clear, marco rubio is a gifted, gifted politician. Reporter rubio, clearly rocked by the blows, moved on. Jumping back in with ted cruz after martha asked about attacking north korean missiles before they launch. Its standard procedure for the United States to shoot town those missiles once launched if they pose a danger to civilians im talking about a pad. But its important to note. That it is and senator cruz, i think, was alluding to this as well. Reporter should i go now . This is where one of the other big moments happened. Dr. Ben carson missing his entrance cue. And creating a bit of a log jam as the other candidates kind of awkwardly went around him. As he stood waiting in the wings. Donald trump kept him company for a little while. Apparently, it was very hard for them to hear with all of the applause. David and martha were facing this way. They didnt see what was going on. In the end, governor Chris Christie offered to introduce governor kasich. It was a comedy of errors, shall we say. David, its always your big moment. I think its fair to say that all of us who have worked in Live Television have had moments. As a reminder, its live, folks, anything can happen. Anything can happen. David wright, thank you for your reporting. We appreciate it. Lets do some sunday morning manchester. Matt, good morning. Lets start with rubio. Was he seriously damaged by what happened on stage last night . Since were going to stay with the football analogies, i think what happened last night to marco rubio was that the young quarterback who had completed a bunch of passes got sacked by the experienced linemen. Now the question is, does he have a knee injury, an arm injury, or is he out of the game . I think what it does is two things. First, it takes away any momentum that he had coming out of iowa and into New Hampshire. Thats for sure. Hes lost the momentum. Can he still finish second . I think he can. The other thing more importantly is, is this now, is this criticism now in the water table . It was something a lot of people thought about. Is he ready . Is he experienced . Is he just a great speech or is there more to him . Thats the thing that could be a bigger problem for him in the long term. Can he recover . Chris christie went hard at him. I think we were all reminded that Chris Christie is a former does that help christie or perhaps somebody else on the stage . I think it might help christie a little bit. Right now, here in New Hampshire, hes at six or seven in the polls in the single digits. Even if he gets a bump of two or three, it wont help much. I think it could help others on the stage who came in watching marco rubios momentum rise. Now that was stopped by Chris Christie. Lets talk about the guy leading in the polls, donald trump. Do you think he did anything that will impact his front runner status . In particular, what jon karl said he had never seen before, particularly a candidate attacking members of the audience . Well, first, i think hell benefit from that. A lot of people say, yeah, the party is taken over by contributors. Big special interests. Donald trump took them on in the audience. Thats i think a benefit to him. I think donald trump, i wouldnt say he won the debate. Doubledigit lead. He comes out with a doubledigit lead. The main person that was competing to beat him in New Hampshire, marco rubios momentum was stopped. I think donald trump is probably very happy about the night last night. So there are eight gop candidates right now. The governors, kasich, bush, and christie had a strong night. Especially christie. Seemed to push all his chips on the table. Do you have a sense that if they dont do well in New Hampshire, any of them will drop out . I would guess that theres three governors still competing in this race. Two of them or maybe one of them are only going to go on from here. I think youll see one or two of the governors after tuesday seriously consider and drop out. They may take a little while. I think youll only see one, at most two governors come out of New Hampshire tuesday night. So high these stakes. Matt dowd, we always love having you on and getting your analysis. We appreciate it. Lets not forget the democrats. Hillary clinton and Bernie Clinton tweeted her response to the debate and sanders Getting National tv exposure on saturday night live and Hillary Clinton livetweeting. Cecilia vega has the story. Shes also in New Hampshire this morning. Good morning to you. Reporter hey, dan, good morning to you. The two sides duking it out for votes here in New Hampshire. A fight to the finish. But they also went head to head for laughs last night. Hillary clinton on twitter. And then there was Bernie Sanders. Will the real Bernie Sanders please stand up . Wait a second [ cheers and applause ] i am so sick of the 1 getting this preferential treatment. Reporter sanders and comedian larry david side by side on snl overnight. Sounds like socialism to me. Democratic socialism. Whats the difference . Huge difference. Reporter david showing off his bernie best. People love me, okay. I have more individual donations than any candidate in history. And i dont take from millionaires and billionaires. Star. Reporter earlier in the day, sanders rallying supporters in we went to iowa, 40 or 50 points down in the polls. We end up getting a virtual tie. Reporter and Hillary Clinton trying hard to close the gap. Going door to door in the granite state. A Beautiful Day in manchester. Reporter trailing doubledigits here, clinton now laying it all on the line. Theres a much greater burden on women running for political office. There is still a huge double standard. Reporter clinton under fire in last nights republican debate. Im the last person she wants to run against. Reporter she fired right back on twitter with this reaction, saying, bring it on. Sanders jumping in the fray, too, tweeting this head shake saying, not good enough. And as you said, clinton down in the polls in New Hampshire. She leaves the state and heads to flint, michigan, where crisis. Here in her place, her notsosecret secret weapon, bill clinton. Bill clinton. Cecilia, thank you for your reporting this morning. And we should mention, fresh off the debate, abc news chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has a huge show coming up. Hes going to be speaking with senator marco rubio, donald trump, and Hillary Clinton, in a special edition of this week later this morning on abc. And north korea was a topic of debate. After the country launched a longrange rocket. This morning, the United Nations Security Council will hold a meeting. To figure out how to handle this latest development there are fears this could be part of a banned test that could make north korea capable of directing a Nuclear Missile at the United States. Now, the north korean government is responding by saying what they launched is an earth observation satellite as part of what they call a peaceful space program. Just last month, they claimed to hydrogen bomb. Something well be keeping our eyes on. Meanwhile, here at home, massive security in advance of super bowl 50. Bomb detection experts. Undercover agents. S. W. A. T. Teams deployed in the San Francisco area where the game will be played. Plenty of fun and excitement. As we countdown to kickoff now just hours away. Ryan smith is in San Francisco, covering it all. Ryan, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. 100,000 people are expected to flood levis stadium later today, rooting for the broncos or panthers. Peyton manning or cam newton. Two very different sides of the superstar coin. Peyton manning, the best quarterback in his generation, possibly playing in his last game. And cam newton hoping for the first super bowl win of his young career. Its finally here. Super bowl 50 just hours away. With a supermatchup on tap. Quarterback cam newton, inviting the nfls new dualthreat version of a superstar. Dangerous with his hands. Deadly with his feet. Night. I also would like to thank every person that has doubted me. Because you made me better. Dab. Reporter versus Peyton Manning, a more old school quarterback. A pure passer. An expert at playing mind games on the field. Wreaking havoc on defenses with his game preparation and his arm for 18 nfl seasons. The fivetime mvp, one of the greatest of all time. Its a special week. Its an exciting week. It makes you very grateful for the opportunity. Reporter and their teams. A study in contrasts. Carolinas number one ranked offense versus denvers top ranked defense. The nfl equivalent of clash of the titans. I wouldnt say its hard to get to him. Its hard to take him down. Reporter so 100,000 expected on hand for game day at levis stadium. Putting security on high alert. Were standing here in a Security Operation Center for the super bowl. Can back each other up. What are they looking for . On the streets, the stadium, the air space to make sure super bowl sunday is a safe one. All those crowds of screaming football fans hoping for a game to remember. There is a lot riding on this game. And i mean literally. Its predicted that 4. 2 billion will be wagered on todays game. Peyton manning win, it will mean his second super bowl ring. A cam newton win means the first player in history to win the national championship, the heisman, the mvp, and a super bowl. And dan and paula, hes just 26 years old. And a Bright Future in front of him. Paula and i, by the way, have a big bet on who can ingest more calories. I think im going to win. Theres no way. Im voting on dan. Youre not taking me . Have you seen what this guy can shovel back . Im consistently a caloric monster. Ryan, thank you. I am. We should say, its supposed to super bowl 50. Not the case on the east coast, right, Indra Petersons . No, im starting eating now. Have you seen the array around the set . Im starting really early. Action on the east coast in a different form. Showers. Winter all starts here. Look at florida. Youre looking at some showers already today. Lets track it. Its going to form a low. Right now, into the southeast, already looking at showers into the carolinas. By tomorrow, it will get ugly, guys. D. C. , new york city, a mix of rain and snow. Never good when youre right in between there. Watching that carefully. Keep following the low. Notice what happens for the primaries in through New Hampshire. Monday in through tuesday. Commuting in could be trouble. Tuesday talking about snow. Thats one system. There is another one out there. Watch this guy. Notice staying offshore. If this moves even a little bit closer to the coastline we could be talking about heavier amounts of snow. Something well be watching carefully. New hampshire, the primaries, two to four inches. Heavier armts of snow. Something well be watching New Hampshire, the primaries, two to four inches. Im glad you have decided everything i see on set, all mine this morning. All yours. Thank you. The caloric monster and i heard ron and sara had an amazing experience yesterday. That is right. Sara and i, were an irrepressible force. Were united. It does happen. It does happen. Occasionally. We got to spend time doing something we both love to do. Sitting down with kids, in saras case, on the floor, with a good book. Reporter this weekend, sara, if i can speak for her, and i had a great time reading to children from the local boys and girls club of america. Celebrating the first ever disney reads day. Not if i can help it, calls captain hook. I tackled jake and the neverland pirates. My harmonica. We have to get it back, says jake. The monkey gives cubby back his harmonica. Thanks says cubby. Do you want to join my pirate crew . Just say the pirate password, yo ho ho. Yo ho ho. Come on. Join me, yo ho ho. While i opted for the chair. Do you want to take your chair with you, ron . Reporter sara took to the floor for some stories from frozen. Causing his head to go flying off. Youre in luck. I have a new stock of balloons. What else is a good birthday present . Cake. Oh. Ooh, olaf said, when he saw the lit candles. Our Parent Company teaming up hosting events like this all across the country. We believe all children deserve an equal opportunity to thrive in school and succeed in life. Reporter and now, along with disney, celebrating one very special milestone. Disney just donated its 50 millionth book. Reporter the nonprofit providing new books to children in need for over 15 years. Honoring the magic of story telling. Ana and elsa spent the rest of the day baking a cake to go with their new festive candles. When neverland pirates want something, they ask for it nicely. Even though disney reads day is over. You could still help by going online to firstbook. Org beinspired. Vote for any state, the state that gets the most votes received 100,000 books. 100,000 books. Youre such a good reader to kids. Next time im having trouble falling asleep, i may have to call you. Ill happily do it. Ron did all the voices and he had the kids hanging on his every word. Ron has a beautiful voice. I found myself captivated. It was my imitation. I was squatting. Its okay, youre like, nine months pregnant. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Coming up on gma, shocking Sexual Assault allegations are rocking an ivy league campus. We have new details as a fraternity president faces serious charges. Were also just hours away from super bowl 50. Overnight, jesse palmer at some of the hottest pregame parties. With celebrities sharing their picks. And forget the vegas odds. Who are the otters picking to win super bowl 50 . News. Across america, people. Are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes. With noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. 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Soup and sandwich and somewhere to go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warmth and looking good, and dan is back good, clean food pairs well with anything. The clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. At panera. Food as it should be. Does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism . Do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members . Is your success due to a filing system only you understand . Does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence . If so, you may be gearcentric. Someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. And theres one place that has it all. Sorry. Were having a conversation. Go ahead. This is your moment. Isnt it hometown trivia . Oh, my word. It is. Im sorry. I thought the show was continuing. Well pick it up later. Our plattsburg affiliate. Wvny channel 22 in plattsburg, burlington, vermont. One of my favorite ice cream flavors, vanilla heath bar crunch is made by ben jerrys . You jumped the gun. You jumped the gun. Who are ben jerrys . Thank you very much. Yes. Name one or both of the president s native to vermont. One is famous for saying the business of america is business. Woodrow wilson . No, he was from new jersey. Arthur. See, marco, marco, the thing is this. When youre president of the United States, when youre a governor of a state, the memorized 30second speech where you talk about how Great America is at the end of it doesnt solve one problem for one person. Jeb wants to be a tough guy tonight. Be quiet. A lot of times [ crowd booing ] a lot of times thats all of [ crowd booing ] so its what it is. Uncomfortable at times. They came to spar. Welcome back to gma. And the gloves came off last night. As the republican president ial candidates met for the last debate before the primary in New Hampshire on tuesday. Marco rubio was the favorite target. As you saw, not a Single Person was spared. How is this going to play out on the primary day . Also coming up this morning, its the hottest ticket before the super bowl. Those exclusive red carpet parties. Well show you where the celebrities partied overnight. Along with some of the amazing performances put on. Our jesse palmer is out there making the scene. First, new details in the case of the frat president at the elite Ivy League School now facing shocking charges. 21yearold Wolfgang Ballinger, a student at Cornell Universitys school of hotel administration, has been accused suspended. Cornells president is speaking out. Phillip mena joins us with more. Reporter good morning. The frats president , the son of a prominent new york businessman is facing three felony charges. Inside these court documents, disturbing details about what allegedly went on inside that frat house that fateful night. This morning, new details from the night the president of an elite Cornell University fraternity was accused of raping a woman on campus. In the felony complaint, obtained by abc news, Cornell Police report Wolfgang Ballinger brought his alleged victim to his room at 2 00 a. M. And then shut and locked his room door. According to the document, the woman told the investigators she verbally protested sexual advances several times. The speed in which they took it from the universitys purview and brought it to a criminal setting suggests that the reporter in a statement to abc news, ballingers attorney denying the accusations. Wolf gang is not getty. In a video posted to youtube in december, he describes his work experiences and hopes for the future. I was taught the value of hard work, and selfmade work. Reporter detailing his time at famed new york city nightclub owned by his father. My first significant venture that i have done is open a bar in my fathers concert hall and music reporter cornells president releasing this statement. Sexual violence has no place at cornell. Well be considering what steps should be taken to ensure the Greek Community at cornell is living up to our institutional standard of excellence and respect for others. Cornell universitys police say the reports of sexual crimes on campus are rare. So many times these incidents go unreported. Phillip, thank you. A huge story on campuses across the country. Lets get it over to Indra Petersons with more. Lets go with a new word. Ground blizzard. Not all blizzards are caused by the amount of snow falling out of the sky. You need wind and snow on the ground, it picks up the snow, blows it around, you cant see much at all. That is the concern in the Northern Plains and upper midwest today. Well, lets talk about why do we have a lot of wind . Remember what wind is. Its a pressure difference, or, difference between cold and warm. And lets watch this. Look at this low, well track this clipper. We mean really cold. Well get all this cold air by tuesday. Were going to be talking about teens down through georgia by the time we get in through thursday, it gets worse. 30s all the way down through florida. All thanks to a clipper that will be out there. This is the same clipper, by the way, well be watching if it brings more snow into the northeast. It will cause a big mess out there. Of course we have well talk about 70s and beautiful. This weather is brought to you by beautyrest. Something most of us want a little bit more of every night. Sleep . What is that, right . Wine. Or that, my bad. So many things. Mommy juice, right . The paula faris thought bubbles. We just want to party, is what we want. Coming up on gma, its party time. Were taking you inside of the events ahead of the super bowl. Packed with celebrities. The hottest ticket in town before the big game. Snoop. Snoop. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. I am never getting married. Never. Psssssh. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Thank you. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. Breathe. I love it here. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. Good morning, america. From the super bowl. And good morning to you, kate hudson. Yes, we know the super bowl is ostensibly about football. But also the pregame party. And the appetizers. And the commercials. And the beer. A lot of the events, theyre simply over the top. And jesse palmer was right in the middle of the action. Jesse, you havent gone to sleep yet. Thank you for taking one for the team. Reporter paula, a little excess never hurt anybody. Its the calm before the storm. The game day is finally here. And this weekend has been all so much glitz. So much glamour. Everybody gearing up for the big game. Amid the football frenzy, Super Bowl Fever took over the city by the bay in an allout celebration. Filled with glitz, glam, did i forget to mention celebrities . Everywhere i am, its the Biggest Party of the week. New york reporter with so many exclusive events and concerts, i decided to kick off my super bowl marathon with an espn party. Reporter where nick jonas performance. Try to break the chains but the chains only break me reporter crazy energy inside the espn party. I cant hear myself think. So many people. The musics loud. Its absolutely awesome. Lets go find some celebrities to talk to. But the fun not stopping there. I would like to say im on the red carpet at the directv party. But the carpet actually is blue. Super bowls have tons of parties. None quite like this. This is the hottest ticket in town. Backseat lover and i talked to my daddy reporter whats the best part about being here in a city like this . During the biggest sporting event of the year . Its exciting. Theres people here. People from all over the world. Reporter no fumbles here as the crowd of thousands geared up to watch the Red Hot Chili Peppers light up the house. Along with surprise guests. Im so excited. I cant wait. Reporter whats it like party . The parties are the competition. We just trounce every time. Lets go reporter but before turning in, i had to find out these stars picks to win tonights showdown. It will be a tough game for the broncos, i think. But well do it. I think carolina will win. You know what, as long as my couch is warm, my beer is cold, my cheetos are right there, ill be happy. Reporter did i mention, theres a massive sporting event being played here . People in the bay area having so much fun. Often times, people forget theres a game to be played. But make no mistake about it. Today, all eyes on the field at levis stadium as the Carolina Panthers get set to take on the Denver Broncos in super bowl 50. Guys . Only at the super bowl would the actual super bowl be a side note to everything else. Thats going on. Jesse, thank you. Enjoy the game, all right . You got it. Thank you, guys. Enjoy. Coming up on good morning america, breaking down the big gridiron strategy straight ahead in our weekend download. Are we allowed to eat this food yet . Of course. Go for it. The caloric monster. Im eating all of it. Yet . Of course. Go for it. The caloric monster. Im eating all of it. Hmmm. Apple pie with only fruits nutsand spices. This makes the rest of my life feel very complicated. Feel a cold coming on . New zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. And 500 calories or less. The clean pairings menu. At panera. 117 Million People estimated will watch super bowl 50. Not all will be football diehards. Espns tony reali is here. Lets say hypothetically i have a friend like dan harris who knows nothing about football. What can he say . To give the impression at a super bowl party. Why do you have to do him dirty like that . Dan will be 10 happier, like ryan smith told us, cam newton was mvp of the league. That cam is the star this game will turn on. He can beat you with his arm. His legs. That will be the most important thing in todays game. The broncos blitz quarterbacks very well. Cam scrambles better than just about anybody in the league. He leads the league in touchdowns this year. He leads the league in teeth. Hes always smiling. He gives balls to kids in the stands. His stars ready to be in a different stratosphere. The name Peyton Manning will come up. How does a nonfan talk . Peyton manning had the worst season. Most turnover prone quarterback in the nfl. He had a tough season. Youll know early on if hes got it or not. If it looks like a duck or spirals like a duck. Which means it doesnt spiral, it will be intercepted by the panthers, josh norman. The best chance is the defense finding kryptonite for cam. They got a great defense. Number one in the league. Defense wins championships you told me before. Out on a limb. Who are you picking . I should ask you. You got the world series right. Im always wrong. So im going to stay away from this one. This is what drivers see on route 16. Rural route 16. Denver, north carolina, is seven miles away. Newton, north carolina, is 20 miles away. That kind of looks like a scoreboard, doesnt it . Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who is to argue with route 16 . Im going with carolina, 20, denver, 7, cam newton mvp. So they cover the spread of six points, you believe . Absolutely. Sara, what you got going . Were getting ready for the super bowl. One of these things in the room these are some of our makeup and hair stylists. What the where did this football come from . Thats tracy, our birthday girl, shes representing pop. She would do that for a friend. And the show. We dont pay her enough. Tracy send it to commercial. Oh, and well be right back. Oh, oond well be right back. My Opioid Pain Medication makes me feel stopped up millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioidinduced constipation, oic, to manage chronic pain. Oic is a different type of constipation. Opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. Finding relief has been a real struggle ready to painta different picture . Definitely talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. Chobani simply 100. Its the only 100calorie light yogurt sweetened naturally. To love this life is to live it. Mom mom mom i just want to take a second right now to look at dan harris. I know its because he loves me so much this he rarely does this. Hes stepping out of his news man and into his pigskin outfit. I love this outfit. I might wear this to the game. Both my son and i will be in onesies. My 1yearold son and i will wear onesies. A little deflated. Its super bowl sunday. As you can see, im dressed for the occasion. Looking for a prediction for the super bowl . The only wise thing left to do is talk to the animals. Check out these baby red foot tortoises from Moody Gardens in texas. Slow and steady won the prediction race for carolina. At the maryland zoo, the 2yearold lion kept it in the cat family. Selecting panthers football. In ohio, an adorable otter knows whats up . All touchdown. A lot of cute animals. If you believe the animals, carolina has it in the bag. So thats one way to look at it. And how about, a look at those weird and wonderful prop bets. Some picks from sports but for you, what color shoes will beyonce wear . Right now, black is the favorite. You can also bet on coldplays first song. Adventure of a lifetime is leading with odds of 2 to 1. And remember left shark in who could forget. You can place money at 15 to 1 on whether hell make a comeback. At 6 to 1, you can place a wager on Peyton Manning crying during the broadcast. I take that bet. If he wins, i think there will be tears. I think he deserves to cry. Hell probably retire. And ride off into the sunset with a ring. What more does he need . Tears of joy. I would cry. I love a man who can cry. Go with it, peyton. And drakes hot line bling music video just turned into a super bowl commercial. The singer spoofing himself in phone cut, cut, cut. Perfect. Here are the changes. I love changes. When you say call me on my cell phone, just add device eligible for upgrade in 24 months. In addition to a guy who can cry, i like a guy that can make fun of himself. Hes taken such ribbing. For that video so he made fun of it himself. Only thing he needs is a football onesie and hell be fully making fun of himself. This completes you, dan, on every level. Thank you. Appreciate that. Whats a super bowl without food . Were here to help you make it your best friend ever. A perfect beer pairing. Authors of beer pairing, the essential guide from the paring pros tell npr that your beef chili is good with an imperial ipa. For buffalo wings, go with a bohemianstyle pilsner. Even cool ranch doritos gets its pilsner. And we want to thank 47 brands for providing some of our fan wear this morning. I want to confirm with ron those beer picks were good. Youre a beer drinker. I do. I agree. Who knew a cool ranch dorito could get better . Have you ever tried dipping a cool ranch dorito in cottage cheese . Ew. Its good. Dont say ew until you try it first. You go there first. You try it first. Dan challenged me who would eat the most . You havent eaten anything. I dont want to fill out this onesie prematurely. George has a huge show. Hell not be wearing this. Have a great day, guys. Have a great day, guys. How. Good morning, america. Max and the coach here with you. Its super bowl sunday. Saturday night, a super matchup in the nba. Thunder, warriors. Golden state, 40straight home wins. Steph curry, a huge panthers fan. Hell be at the super bowl later tonight. Kevin durant showed up as well. K. D. For a three. How about 40 points and 14 rebounds . Later in the fourth. Golden state led big in this game. But the thunder never say die. Enes kanter. Were tied at 104104. But curry, working on westbrook. He had 26 and 10 assists. Now a fourpoint game. Draymond green. Curry again. The warriors score 116. They win. 41 straight home wins. Number one team in all the land, oklahoma at kansas state. Just two losses this season. But kstate had a few tricks up their sleeve. Alleyoop, dean wade. Defense lacking. Oklahoma, historically one of the best three pointshooting teams ever, shot 25 . They did get the highpercentage shot from dante buford. Later in the second. Dean wade. Kansas state. Fifth win in Program History against a. P. Number one. The nfl, cam newton winning for max. Im the coach. Enjoy your super bowl sunday. See ya. Joy your super bowl sunday. Starting right now on a special edition of this week with George Stephanopoulos. Debate night faceoff. The gop candidates on the hampshire. Let me talk. Be quiet. A lot of times [ crowd booing ] the nation primary. Will trump put a win on the board . And our country is going to hell

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