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Fact. Im fernando espuelas. The bombings in brussels reveal how scarce a commodity our sense of security may be. While investigators piece together the details of the attacks linked to the terrorist group, isis, citizens everywhere is warned to exercise vigilance in public places. Are these deadly attacks a Winning Strategy for extremist groups . What more could be done to stop them . Thomas sanderson has done research in more than 60 countries in his 20 years of work on counterterrorism strategies. He directs the transnational threats project at csis, the center for strategic and international studies. Tom, welcome to the program. Here. Hank you great to be all eyes are on brussels, what seems to be the latest isis attack. What is actually known that has happened, and what is being speculated . Tom we know suicide bombers showed up at the airport and exploded at least a couple devices. It appears the largest device was not exploded at the time but later done so by police. At the same time, you had the explosions on the metro, on the subway system here together, they killed 31 people, injured over 200 people. These are individuals connected to the same cell that that the terrorists attacks last november. We clearly have a network of cell insiders in europe they can move easily over borders and conduct attacks that kill civilians. The overall attempts were aimed at scaring government, scaring populations, and trying to get those governments out of the antiisis coalition. Fernando there has been criticism of the Belgian Security sources. Is that legitimate . Tom it is, but remember, these are clandestine groups with tremendous Operational Security and Information Security practices. They are hard to penetrate. They come from neighborhoods that are marginalized and not patrolled that often or often police. Y there is not enough human intelligence or civil union contact, source contact, Community Leader contact. It is difficult for Intelligence Services and Law Enforcement services in belgium to cooperate with one another. They are broken up across different parts of the city. Even at sharing over borders with their french counterparts is not easy. These are hard things to do. Fernando these are things the u. S. Has done since 9 11. Is there a plan in europe to integrate some of these forces and communication system. Tom we have the advantage for one large country and to use the same language. In europe, it is difficult, and there are very strong privacy rules that make it difficult to share certain amounts of information. It is a very Large Population of they have to be concerned about that moves in and never parts of the eu. Fernando there is some talk that perhaps there is a search by isis of Nuclear Materials to dirty a dirty boss a bomb or another device of mass destruction. How accurate is that . Tom it depends. It is quite a spectrum and includes chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear. Nuclear would be the most difficult to build. The lowest probability they would get that but the highest consequence. More likely, they would try to create some homemade chemical bomb. Think about the cold from the mid1990s. In tokyo, they used sarin gas on the subway system, very effective, killed over a dozen people and killed injured thousands. Something like that from the battlefield or something made in europe. A radiological bomb could be very scary. If they get Something Like that or another isotope, they could explode that with civil explosives, like dynamite or the tatp they have been using and has been used and the bombs in the airport. That could irradiate a certain part of the city and make it uninhabitable for quite some time. Imagine shutting down an entire quadrant of washington, d. C. , or Something Like that. These things are possible, and it would be a tremendous disaster. Fernando what is our situation . We have integrated security sources in the most advanced Surveillance System as far as we know. Tom let me talk about the advantages and then the concerns. We have integrated Law Enforcement and joint person task forces in over 100 cities, combining fbi, local, state, and americannd native police. These are big advantages. We use of the same language. We also do not have the marginalized communities from which many of these bombers are coming from, the way that europe does. That does not mean we do not have potential problems, and San Bernardino is an example of that. And without the large areas that are inhospitable to police and that are very difficult for police to generate intelligence from, it is not the same problem we have in europe. We have a much better integrated muslim community. The disadvantages, not disadvantages, but the challenges are that we still have hundreds of people from america who have gone to the battlefield or are interested in going to the battlefield or whom are radicalized at home and will act in furtherance of vices goals and attack and attack in place as the isis spokesman has called on them to do. Fernando thank you so much for joining me this morning. I really appreciate it. The department of Homeland Security says there are no credible extremist threats in the u. S. At this time. However, Security Officials remain on high alert. Coming up, she stays on message for the bern. We need to go big or go home. Will her spin keep sanders in the race . And many call it a bureaucratic mess. If i am elected president , we are going to repeal every word of obamacare. Has the president s leading Health Care Champion cleaned up the act . Plus, sick of politics . We take a spring break. Fernando feel the bern. Its a catchphrase thats swept the nation, particularly with millennials who support senator Bernie Sanders president ial campaign. Sanders message about making College Affordable and creating jobs is resonating with young people. It has attracted dynamic supporters to his effort. I caught up with his National Press secretary, Symone Sanders, for a conversation about her passion for the black lives Matter Movement, economic justice, and getting her boss elected president. What is something that you think people dont know about Bernie Sanders at this point that they should know . Symone they should know that he is hes funny. I think sanders is funny. Hes got tons of personality, and hes always there with a good joke, and hes jokester really. He really is. And i dont think people get that. Fernando 26yearold Symone Sanders is Sanders National designs the Campaign Message for senator sanders. I have watched a lot of your speeches and clips i was really clips for your program. I was really struck, mostly in rallies. Most people melt in front of a group of three. Youre up there in front of 20,000 people, and you just come across as a forceful personality. You obviously are. What does this mean for you personally . Symone i came to work for senator sanders because the things he was talking about on the campaign trail were things that i was talking about with my friends, my family, at the dinner table, so it was a no brainer to get involved in the political revolution. As millennials, we all want to wake up every day to change the world, and i think sanders platform offers that opportunity. We are literally transforming the landscape of american politics, and thats exciting for me. [cheers and applause] there seems to be a tremendous connection between the senator and younger people, but obviously thats one part of the electorate. How does he grow from there . Symone exactly. Of course, young people are helping fuel the political revolution, and were excited about the large swaths of support weve received from young people across the country. But latino and African American voters are going to key to securing the nomination. So we expect those are the groups we except we can make and women. Women are fueling this election. Black women helped obama get elected, and they were a very large voting block. Fernando sure, but they are going primarily, black women in particular, for clinton and many of the groups that you mentioned, have voted disproportionally for clinton. How do you change that dynamic . Symone you have to drill down and get into the communities and what we have seen is, when we communicate with these voters, whether we are talking about young people, talking about women, talking about African American or latino voters, when they hear sanders message and we engage with these communities, they like him, and they want to vote for him. Fernando lets move beyond the campaign, whoever is the president , republican or democrat. Symone hopefully a democrat. Fernando wheres symone . Symone well, hopefully ill be in the white house with sanders. But if i am not, i want to continue to help create change in america. I think there are so many dynamic young people across this country. Our campaign has helped made young people the forefront of our movement, and they are the forefront of so many other movements. You know, the black lives Matter Movement was started by young people. The people united. Black lives matter does not mean that no one else matters. It is not antipolice. It is pro black people in america. When folks stand up and say black lives matter that means , they have a stake in whats going on. So we have to talk about addressing economic inequality, because lots of people, both black, white, latino, native american, asian american, and otherwise are hurting from , economic inequality. But sometimes, African Americans in this country that are left out. Fernando sanders says getting that message across to voters requires an openness, an openness she sees in bernies approach to policy. Do you feel he is a learner . I know he is smart and prepared. But in the sense of he has a , developed worldview. Is that view refreshed by new information . Symone i really believe he is interested in getting it right. So yes, he is extremely knowledgeable, but he is also flexible, and i think that is important in a candidate, but also in a president , because you want someone who is willing to take in new information and apply it where need be, and that is Bernie Sanders. Fernando today, there are more millennials in america than baby boomers. If millennials engage in this election cycle, they will be a this november. Of does obama care make you sick . The president s leading health care crusaders stands up to the haters. And take a deep breath. Is it love it enough to heal the wounds of the world . Fernando six years ago, president obama hand what will likely be his signature piece of legislation, obamacare. Supporters trumpet the success in providing health care to americans without coverage. Opponents stand by the predictions that the law kills jobs and will describe destroy medicare. What should be changed to address the problems . Health and Human Services secretary, Sylvia Mathews burwell, is the leading advocate for obamacare. Secretary, welcome to the program. Secretary burwell thank you for having me. Fernando big news, obviously with the Affordable Care act. It has reached a point where we have the lowest level of uninsured in the history of the country. What is working . Is about burwell it three things. Access to insurance, affordability, and quality. As you mentioned, we have made historic progress in terms of that issue of access to insurance. This has been going on you can go back to president roosevelt, over 100 years in our country trying to make this kind of progress. 20 million fewer americans are uninsured now. For the first time in the nations history, our rate of uninsured is under 10 . Fernando what do you say to critics who claim this is just another Big Government program some of that it is costing too much, that it is going to onkrupt the nation and jobs the be created . Is there any substance to those . Secretary burwell those are assertions, and there were assertions on both sides. It is six years later, and the facts are and. We have had the longest stretch of privatesector job growth in the nation that we have ever seen since we have been keeping up with jobs and job growth. The quality for everyone is better. While costs still increase, they increase at lower rates than what they were before. We want to keep working on that. But with regard to the end to millions and millions of americans, i am sure everyone watching knows somebody wh has cancer or who has asthma, and those conditions can keep you out of your insurance. Some are completely irrational about the Affordable Care act, the vision of the market, asng a state opposed to a National Market, where i would have a Dozen Companies competing for my is ones, and then there company, and they are not competing. Is there any thought about having a National Market question at with that make it more efficient for consumers and the cost . Secretary burwell with regard to health care and its markets and state powers and regulation, it is regulated on a state by state basis. The one thing we know is that providers in health care, it happens in a regional market. A number of people in a particular part, say the number of providers in l. A. , that is different than other parts of california. So the markets are more regional and terms of what they do. In many markets, there is good competition. In other markets, there is less. That is one of the things i think we should be up to work on together with congress. Markets with no competition how should we jointly think about getting that competition . That provides more choice for the consumer and downward pressure on price. Fernando from a capitalistic standpoint, the more competition there is, prices come down, quality goes up, sort of the law of capitalism. Even though it has been traditional to do it on a state by state state basis, wouldnt it make sense to have a National Market for what is essentially a National Market . Secretary or well secretary burr will but the product does vary by cost. The payments to providers are different. It is the system in which we work. So what were trying to do is make sure that we encourage as much Market Participation as possible, do things to encouraged players into the market, and create consumers ability to choose and have information, and give consumers tools so they can make good choices. Fernando thank you so much for joining me today. Among the president ial candidates, Hillary Clinton supports the Affordable Care act act. Bernie sanders wants to give it a complete overhaul. And none of the republican candidates have yet to offer a plan to replace it. We reallyup next, do believe closing borders. The rise of the Islamic State . Fernandos thoughts on facing down fear. And looking for hope in a weary world . It took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Fernando the bombings in brussels strike at the heart of the european union. The union is struggling to maintain solidarity in the face of extremism, in the face of terrorism, in the face of a major migration crisis. A triple threat has led to political infighting and border closures across the region. In the aftermath of the bombings, eu member nations pledged to stand together against terrorism. Theyre focused on finding ways to reduce europes vulnerability to terrorist attacks, but these attacks reveal a larger truth any city in the world is vulnerable to barbaric ask of terrorism. And despite closing borders, increasing police forces, sharing intelligence, and extending security measures, we all remain susceptible. It is this sad reality that World Leaders must address. Do we really believe the closing borders to entire groups of people will stop the Islamic State . Will closing borders turn it those who feel like outcasts into recruits for extremism . And ultimately, extend the reach of those committed to creating mass fear. This is the time to repeat Franklin Roosevelts cautionary line and the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. I would like to know your thoughts. ,weet me at matteroffacttv check in on facebook, or it check in on our video page to view and share videos from our programs. When we return, spring in full below. What makes this week and the perfect time fernando for more than 100 years, the elegance of cherry in washingtonoom has become an iconic symbol of spring. This week, images around the world also remind us of the beauty that surrounds us, the images of hope, and the acts of kindness. Fernando im fernando espuelas. Have a great week. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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