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Development on air and on line. Our coverage continues right now on twitter at abc 7 bay area. Good evening. Our top story tonight the Measles Outbreak that has so many people worried. Its grown to 68 case ins california with patients if alameda, san mateo and santa clara counties now. Many mothers are is asking their doctor to make sure the child shots are up to date. Measles now in 7 states. Even after it was announced 15 years ago that measles had been eradicated in the united states. 7 News Reporter lillian has more now on the developing story. New mom isnt taking any chances. Her daughter olivia only 4 months old. Too young to get the measles vaccine so she follow her pediatrician advice. We are just trying to do is be cautious and not take her out in very crowded areas like the ferry building. Stay kind of local in our neighborhood and do shopping there. A little bit less crowded populated. Reporter outbreak is trace reporter outbreak is traceed to disneyland. At least 70 people in 6 states mexico have gotten sick from the highly contagious disease since mid december. Most from california. 8 from the bay area. Somebody is coming to visit. Is that okay. Those kind of questions are coming nishtion vl this doctor is a pediatrician at the california Pacific Medical center. She says she has been getting a steady stream of calls from parents worried about the measles. Which typically starts out as a cold. Pretty sick after awhile. Eyes red. Funny rash. If there is a possibility that you have been close to anybody would i watch for that ethe measles vaccine usually combine with mump and rubella is usually given twice. First when the child is a year old. Second when the child reaches 4 second when the child reaches 4. Butp San Francisco mom susie is taking the advice of her son pediatrician. 2 her son pediatrician. 2yearold boy getting the second shot next week. Before they go to lego land next movement. He goes to preschool with people who have infant who dont have the vaccine yet so i dont want him to be able to pick up something and maybe he doesnt get sick but maybe he transforce somebody who isnt able to have the vaccine. Reporter one of the things parents are doing the keep the outbreak from getting worse. In San Francisco, abc 7 news. Track cleared following collision involving muni train and vehicle that sent 2 people to the hospital. Happened at 4 to the hospital. Happened at 4 30 this evening. The collision derailed the mup i light rail vehicle on 14th avenue. Vehicle driver and passenger 9 yeerltd were both transported to San Francisco General Hospital with serious injuries. They are expected to survive. Zodiac killer terrorize the bay area in the late 1960s. Serial kill who are has never been identified or caught police say he killed 5 vichlts zodiac taunted investigators in letters claimed he killed 32 others. So who is he . Vic lee says there is a new theory on who the Zodiac Killer is. Reporter in september 1969 a mask man stabbed 2 people in napa county. Killing one of them. Police would later confirm that this was a zodiac killing. At the time l. A. Publicist chris harris was making a documentary about the zodiac and he went to nap a. He was sitting in a diner not far from another customer. Then he turned around and he said do you have any idea what it is like to know you have to kill. Well i didnt say a word kill. Well i didnt say a word. I sat there. In terror. Reporter decade went by. Last year this book the most dangerous animal of all wag was published. Written by gary stewart. Claims his father earl was the zodiac. Chris harris was stunned. But this is the man that was in that diner. Reporter harris says he has further proof that best is the zodiac. In october 1969 cab driver pall stein was shot and killed in San Francisco. Days later a local paper received a letter from the zodiac saying he did it. Along with a piece of a bloody shirt. Places found fingerprints on the cab that may belong to the zodiac. Harris associate explains. Earl prints. On the right index finger it shows he has a skavrment zodiac left the financing print on the if cab and the same scar on the right index finger is right there. Reporter again hear is the financing print with a scar. This is a print left on the taxi perhaps by the zodiac exploratorium Police Spokesman says the book author did speak with investigators before but it went nowhere. Information we obtained mit not have have the amount of events that we need or could be some other factors where we were not able to make the connection. Reporter police say in almost 5 decades they have investigated and cleared thousands of suspect. The tips thousands of suspect. The tips . They keep coming in. Vick leabc 7 news. We are getting some unusual weather for this time of year in the bay area. We sure are. Feels like spring doesnt it. Temperatures reach upper 60s this afternoon at aquatic park in San Francisco. On the coast we see some pretty big waves not the kid waving right there here is what we found today at the pacifica pier where high surf warning is out and the beaches are getting hit with sneaker waves. Which can be dangerous. Drew is here with the forecast. Those waves you just saw will continue to rise over the next 24 hours and all associated with the storm as well to the north of the bay area. Moving through the gulf of alaska at this hour but turning up the ocean stirring the sea and setting the waves along the coast. Look at current wave height rate now. Closer to the coast around 16 feet but parts of the ocean are waves as high as 25 feet. Heres the High Surf Advisory in effect until sunday morning. Rate nowght anywhere from 8 to continue feet. Waves up to 15 feet are possible breakers washing over large rock and jetty and also the strong rip kuvrnlts along with the High Surf Advisory unfortunately air quality poor side so spare the air day in effect as start off the weekend effect as start off the weekend. Temperatures are going to be on the rise peak on sunday with record breaking possible. Detail all the number of the full accuweather forecast in a few minutes. Thanks very much. More than 300,000 dollars in wane stolen from a famed napa valley restaurant has been recovered now. 2700 miles away. Investigators found the stolen wine 72 of the 76 bottles in greens borrow, North Carolina of all places in the cellar of collector who had no idea it was stolen. Wayne has more from yountville. Heres what you get for 6500 dollars retail at fancy restaurant for bolts of screaming eagle cab nature. Tight fitting box that would do even nasa proud. Bottle under under stated brown tissue paper under stated brown tissue paper. This is what a bottle screaming eagle cabernet looks like prior to consumption at the have it intercollective in napa murphy acquired such bottles and then says them. I think its just like art. Pl millions and millions versus another painter. Reporter he has small up to of yountville such a destination. Sfl mostly Thomas Keller food. He did not want to be interviewed today so heres file from appearance on abc 7 in 2009. Of all the restaurants the French Laundry is most famous. Reservation here take 2 month if you can get them. It was here a thief or thieves broke in last christmas making off with estimated 300,000 dollars worth of wine including 5 bottle of screaming eagle. If you buy the winery 750 dollars. If you buy it at reterrell it might cost you double and sometimes 10 times the prison in. A restaurant. As much as 10 times the price. According to the Napa County Sheriffs Office the wine is back in this county. But they provided no pictures no on camera comment. Its precious stuff apparently even to look at. Is anything worth that much money. Somebody knows as much about win as i do but for some people who also let some other expert pick the wine for them and they want to have a wine no one else has fichlt probably. Probably. To each their own. Reporter why does the nap county Sheriffs Department think this might be an inside job . Last year there was another robbery. At restaurant called red. Same circumstances. Thieves got in on night when Burglar Alarm was off and they knew what they wanted. Good stuff. In yountville, abc 7 news. We have much more ahead for you on this friday night. Impact this washed out highway is having on bay area businesses that have been almost impossible to get to for weeks. Also here former land barren and how he may have secret from San Francisco past. How warm it will get over the weekend. L drew has the forecast female announcer get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempurpedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. Save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. The year end Clearance Sale ends sunday at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep olivia. Super hungry . Get my Chipotle Chicken Club combo. Its got the chipotle sauce you love and spicy crispy chicken. You get it with fries and a drink for just 4. 99. Thats a ton of food. Lets do this. You know getting a car stolen is a big hassle an loss what really has a redwood city woman devastated is what is inside the stolen vehicle. She was carrying all of the scrap book album she had made of her 2 chirp inside her minivan. Losing all the pictures is painful since the back up hard drive recently crashed. But what she misses the most are the irreplaceable momento. Easy to forget those special moments and those also stories and the little personality details of your children that you log in the books. Its not something that i can write it out exactly everything that i had. Reporter erin posted picture of scrap book and toyota on media hoping someone will spot them and had delivery drivers keep an eye out for her belong is. A road closed since the big bay area storm last month. If you have been up there you know it well. Section of highway 1 that connects mill cell to the marin county coast. Jonathan put on a hard hat to see why they are working over time to get it fixed. Reporter contractors are working around the clock. We work 7 day as week from dawn to dusk. You have 16 hour day. Reporter in hopes of removing the detour signs bit end of no next month. Hear since last month storms. Wasnt as if this was the result of several days of rain this happened all at once. Reporter just look at the damage. Engineers call it a flip out. Where the dirt flips under the road. Think of oreo cookie with 3 quarters of the filling gone. Thats what happened here. All the soil beneath the roadway washed away so we had the pavement above and nothing beneath it. Reporter this is the fix. Jersey call these soldier pile because they line up and stand at attention. View from sky 7 hd shows the massive wooden wall they are holding up. Wall that will present this from happening again. What you are looking at at the time tip of the ice berg. The steel pile sticks up 6 feet but go down 20 feat below where i am standing. Each one of them encased in concrete. Caltrans done this before and they know they will do it again. Any time off coast tell i highway especially a mountainous coastal highway you are going to have a lot of problems. Reporter nobody knows that better than the inn keeper here at the pelican inn. We often have little washouts and then occasionally we have big washouts. Reporter but not as big as this. It has been a headache. Lots of phone calls. Asking you know are we still open. Can we still get here. Do i still have a reservation. Reporter you can see the guest found their way here on the one remaining road. But near wad road in bad shape. It had been almost 10 years its single lane in someplaces. Thats 10 years. Reporter delivery truck captain make it and its hardly ideal for fire truck. Thats why caltrans is in such a hurry. This is a life license for the coastal communities. Reporter in marin county jonathan pwloobing bloom abc 7 news. Dozens of San Francisco teenagers are getting a chance to dig up the city history. The students from tlt hay school here dug hole then sift school here dug hole then sifted through dirt at the former home of adolph sutro who became San Francisco mayor in 1894. Archeologist from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area teach them what to look for. The site they are excavating is near the cliff house. Used to be the worker quarter at sutro mansion. We found stuff like coin and stuff. And a lot of glass in here. Old pepsi bottle. Reporter one of the coins turned out to be from japan from the 1870s. This is closeup of it. It creates a mystery since little evidence any japanese workers lived in the suit row quarters. Stunts have to do a little more digging. To figure out what was going on there. A project. Perfect weekend to do some digging or yard work anything you need to do. We have the weather. Winter was never here and its spring and gardening feel like summer conditions out there. Record possible by sunday. Warmth on its way. Live doppler 7hd show the war. Unfortunately not tracking. Any sort of written fall this hour is tracking nothing but mostly clear air out there. So outside we go right now. Temperature wise still pretty mild. Free mont. 61 degrees still at 9 00 oclock hour. 65 in mount view. 44 in napa san jose at 55 degrees. We good through the future mode early tomorrow morning a little bit of fog move in to the bay. Areas of fog overnight patchy density. Con faint to the north bay right along the ocean water so we are not tracking much in the way of dense fog. Mainly clear skies for much of the bay area. Live outside on sutro tower cam showing you downtown San Francisco on the quiet friday night just a light breeze and clear skies out there. So the forecast as our temperatures are on the rise our air quality is on decline. Poor air quality tomorrow. Another spare the air day is in effect as temperatures rise record likely broken on sunday then we track cooler cloudy conditions into much of next week. Satellite radar another day in january. Another storm well to the north of us. High pressure still in control. Rain well in canada. Temperatures continue to rise. The air quality going back down to Poor Condition and the record high are likely around here by sunday. So future temperature here we go into saturday afternoon. Mild from 10 degrees above normal up to 67 in San Francisco tomorrow. 63 fairfield. 76 mild degree ins santa rosa. But the temperatures continue to climb. On sunday wide spread 70s on the board. Look at san jose getting close to 80 degrees in the upper 70s. At least 70 in do you want San Francisco. Oakland to 72 degrees. 73 in santa rosa. And a Half Moon Bay still mild at 73 on sunday. Heres record likely to fall especially san Rafael Oakland we see san jose and gilroy all have the record in jeopardy. Those record mainly set back last year in 2014. Napa looks pretty sale. The record well over century ago. 1899 high of 83 degrees that look safe. Livermore and San Francisco but the record of 74 set back in 18 nichbility over tonight low 38 in nap a. Falling to 48 in San Francisco. 41 in san jose. 45 in oakland. In livermore cool with temperature overnight of 39 degrees. High for your sunday we continue the warmup. 67 in downtown San Francisco tomorrow look at santa rosa up to sfichlt santa cruz up to 74. Along the coast san jose mild at 70. Fremont. Getting high of 69 degrees. Sunny mild tomorrow track the record likely falling in a lot of spots on sunday. We start to gradually cool down monday into tuesday within cease tuesday within ceasing clouds. All indication guy sthas going into the following weekend temperatures back up on the up swick by friday this week. More 70s likely across the region. We cant break the grip. Thank you. With this record warmth in the forecast that you are talking about we want to see the weather where you live. Down load the 7 weather app free from Apple App Store and google play. Use the app to share weather pictures with us here at 7 news and create weather post cards. Show all your friend who might be dealing with much different january weather than we are. Hears welcome back we tack today. Downtown San Francisco. The caption there says a Beautiful Day in paradise. We really couldnt agree more. Pretty nice. Still to come on 7 news at 9 still to come on 7 news at 9 00. First documentary and now the movie. San francisco smallest super hero grab america sweet heart. How can you land a role in the new steve jobs pass. Filming set to get under way soon in a berkeley neighborhood for new steve jobs movie. Crews busy this afternoon setting up equipment along College Avenue near ashby. Film at the cafe all night. Some big hollywood stars are in this one too. Michael says the apple founder will with seth rogan star as apple cofounder. Steve kate winslet has a role. Wooem week from tomorrow they fill numb san jose and look for extra. Link at 7 news. Com if you want to sign up and be in the picture. Legend of bat kid continue to grow. Today Julia Roberts announce deal to make a movie about the boy behind the mask. In november 2013 25,000 people pack the streets of San Francisco to cheer on miles scott. 5yearold was recovering from leukemia and had been granted his wish of being a super hero for a day. Will produce and star in the movie and based on a documentary about miles scott called bat kid begins. Documentary will make its World Premiere tomorrow at the Film Festival in utah. Talk to the director about the making of the documentary you can find the story on our web site. Coming up here. More people are weighing in on the deflate gate controversy tonight including the nfl. Why they say there is evidence against the patriots. Campaign starts here. President ial contender jeb bush in the bay area tonight with a group that couldnt be more pleased with the economy. Take a good look what the tsa screen are found. Growing security concern in america airport. Anoth huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Yeah, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast . You got to know when to holdem. Know when to fold em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run. You never count your money, when youre sitting at the ta. What . You get it . I get the gist yeah. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. We begin this half hour with the Football Team accused of deflating the footballs. The patriots star Quarterback Tom Brady saying he did not cheat and tonight the nfl is weighing in for the first time as well as brady fellow quarterback. Paul a has more. Tonight the nfl breaking its silence on deflate gate. Confirming that the league has evidence that the patriots footballs were under inflated during the first half of that win over the Indianapolis Colts win over the Indianapolis Colts. Nfl saying tonight their investigation is ongoing. Gathering video and other electronic information and physical evidence. And that they have con conducted nearly 40 interviews including patriots personnel. But its unclear whether that includes patriots Quarterback Tom Brady. I dont know whether happened. Reporter he denied any involvement but his squeaky clean image has already taken a hit. I didnt believe tom brady. There is not one equipment manager or bull boy in the nfl that would take it upon himself to deflate a football 2 p si unless the starting quarterback knew about it. Or the ball deflated doesnt happen unless the quarterback wants that to had a. I can assure you of that. Reporter this we know. 11 of the 12 footballs were under inflated. So if the patriots didnt do it, who did . What are people to believe that they manualcly defateed on their own. I dont know believe what you want to believe. Reporter they disciplined the patriots before for spaying on opposing teams. Some asking the league to blow the whistle harder this time. Sending them a message. Does this team want resolution from the nfl no matter what it may be. I have no idea. Like i said i dont know how this will go. Reporter how do you make the story how do you make this go away . If here at headquarters the league review the video and forensic evidence over the next few days that means this could drag into next week which is superbowl week and as you just saw, the patriots are ready to move on. Paula abc news new york. Nation auto deal remembers meeting in San Francisco this weekend and many are expecting a banner year in 2015. So much so that hiring expanding dealership are very much on their mind. But so is the unpredictability of the economy and that is the message they got this evening from a key note speak who are could be eyeing a spot in the white house. David has the story. Reporter rosie picture for auto dealers very depend ept upon what happens with gas prices. If they go up is that going to be of major blow. Steven Auto Dealer Association chief economist. Bigger risk right now are income and wages. We have got to see income and wages rise if we sustain this 16 million plus or even 17 million pace. Reporter dealer key note speaker former florida govern bush see Wages Holding back economic growth. We are in the fifth year almost sixth year of a recovery and 60 percent of americans believe that they are still in a recession. They are not dumb a recession. They are not dumb. Its because they are in a recession. Reporter however auto Sales Numbers dont seem to reflect that. Never been 6 solid years of growth the way we are seeing this now. Just coming off november and december which ended the year the best in history. Reporter dealers say they feel Consumer Confidence in buying cars translate next panneding the operation. Dennis cookies vw deal interthe san diego area. We look to expand and higher people so yes we are expecting it to be the same or maybe a little bit better than this past year. Gas praise reese main low dealers do think they might have to give in sentive for smaller vehicle. I think we will see the fuel efficient cars will take a downturn just because of gas prices. Suv and trucks justin to roll on. Thats a human piece of our business. Reporter mood is up beat. Dealers see more cars moving off the lot this year and looking forward to new model that will incorporate more Cutting Edge Technology being developed right now in silicon valley. In San Francisco david louie abc 7 news. Right now the 2 japanese journalist hostage by militant unknown, their fate. Large group gather to pray for the 2 men today at tokyo largest mosque. S prayers follow a cheerful plea from the mother of one of the hostages to spare her son. Militant said a 72 hour deadline for the japanese government to pay 200 Million Dollar ransom but the deadline has passed. Government spokesperson says japan is using every channel it can to win the hostage reless. Drone footage showing the bombed out ruin of eastern earn ukraine airport is out tonight. It shows the terminal destroyed. Fighting around the airport is relentless in recent day. Fell to pro rush rebel forces you see from the footage there is little left. Terminal control tower and runway all decimated. Unmostly clear how many casualty there are. But the airport capture mark important territorial inconvenience for the pro russia separatist. Tsa says it confiscate add Record Number of firearms from travelers last year. And most of them were loaded. All together more than 2200 were found. Theres danger on the rise. Last week alone tsa agents found 43 firearms security lines at u. S. Airport. 33 of them like this baretta from indianapolis locked and loaded. 13 of them had round in the chamber. Those security agents you love to hate discovered a record 2212 firearms and carry on bag last year. Nearly 400 more than the year before. Alarming. Reporter government says in most cases these were mistake and passengers like this one were jailed. Vast majority of people tell us they forgot. Reporter happen most often at the airport in gun country. Dallas. Atlanta. Phoenix. Houston. Denver. The worries that guns are getting through. Like they were in atlanta when this former delta employee and baggage handler used airport i. D. To load the firearms to carry on to breach security. Not just guns. Sonoma county knife hidden in enchilada. This was delicious not malicious. In virginia. Razor blade inside a greeting card in the shape of scooby do. That was steve reporting. Some of the most unusual contraband actually found a bay area Airport Passenger in san jose was arrested after nearly 3 pounds of cocaine was discovered in the checked baggage wrapped inside a package of raw meat. At the airport in Sonoma County tsa found an 8 inch knife in the enchilada. Owner forgot it was there. At sfo realistic replica of clay more antipersonnel mine discovered in a traveler checked bag. Lawsuit just filed in u. S. District court in san jose could cause big problems for streaming music service. Suit target google play. Apple i tone. Sony and spot tie for profitting from pre1972 recordings without paying the copy right owners. Among the plaintiffs the owner of the songs recorded by the flying burrito brother they say one of the songs had more than 330,000 plays on spot tie as of yesterday. California judge ruled last october that pre1972 recordings are protect theed by copyright law. No response so far from those music services. Are you missing out on lower mortgage rate. Coming up next. How you can be saving thousands of dollars. How to take advantage of todays historically low alex jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. Introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. The grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, stuffed with ham, bacon and sausage, both wrapped in a warm guerrero tortilla. Burritos so big, they make everything look smaller. You have heard about the mortgage ritz near all time low now. But tonight experts say many of us are not taking advantage. The average 30 year fix now at 3. 6 percent. Nearly half of buyers leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table. Rebecca shows you how to get in on some of this action. Tonight listen to this from shark tank shark barbara. Its knot like money on. Average 30 year fix Rate Mortgage now more than a full percent lower than this time last year. For the typical 200,000 dollar mortgage thats 169 dollars in saivx every month. Too many home owners across the country now paying more than they need to. 1 in 5 still paying more than 8 mortgage rate. More than expert at real estate web site zillo whoychlt should be refinancing. Anyone who has equity in the home. And rate higher than todays current rate. All about shopping around. Something amazingly 47 percent of home buyers never do. We visited scott buying their first home. We dont know where to start really. Dont jump at the first offer. I always encourage people to look at at least 3 lenders and talk to them and let them know that you are talking to other lenders. And then negotiate. Until you get the best possible deal. The difference between 3 and a half percent rate and 4. 5 rate on the purchase praise could be saving 500 dollars a month. Huge difference. Rebecca jarvis, abc news new york. Up next on 7 news at 9 00. Theres 100 years of history hidden in this east bay landmark. We celebrate the centennial drummond c clock female announcer its time to make room for the new mattress models but sleep trains huge year end Clearance Sale ends sunday. Get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempurpedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. Save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup and removal of your old set. Dont wait sleep trains year end Clearance Sale ends sunday. Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep video coming in on breaking news in south an jose driver struck and killed a woman then took off apparently. Police are on the scene at the intersection of alma deny expressway and via mont road. Woman was in her 60s. Traivr last seen traveling south of the expressway there. We have more ahead on 7 news at 11 00 over on channel 7. Tune in for that. Uc berkeley most recognized symbol is the tower commonly known as the camp kneel. Tower business to turn 100 years old and maybe suprised to learn it contains a large collection of fossil. Tonight lee ann take as look inside. This is one of the largest bell and clock towers in the world. Students at cal know what to expect every day at noon. Those are the magical sounds of the bells on the observation deck. Brian a former cal student is one of the few people who can masterfully play the instrument consisting of 61 bells. Most people play it with the fist because it gives you enough strength to make the bell ripping. Reporter when it was first being built there were only 12 bells designed for the tower. Today the original ones arent hard to identify because they have the name if j and k on them. She donated large sums of money to the university. Over the years they have added more. Today there are 61 kluingt 11,000 pound great bell that features the kavshtion of young bear. Its open to the public. Pretty heavy. Reporter what many dont realize is that inside the tower is a large collection of fossil. Housed before the tower was entirely completed. This is part of our fossil heritage. This is record of prehistoric life in california prehistoric life in california. Right in our own back yard. Reporter hes a paleontologist at cal. Highlight of the collection is the large number of fossil from the tar pit in los angeles. L uc berkeley were the if stories collect them. Starting in 1912 and brought them back to the campus. Heres a tray of cat skull and large canine tooth is missing you can see how sharp the front teeth were. The jaw would open up. About pierce the flesh. Reporter tower is conveniently located near the valley life science building. Making it easy for students to amize them. So the old bone live in perfect harmony with the sounds of the past. At uc berkeley this is 7 news. Professor at uc berkeley think west may be looking for et the wrong way. Professor David Messersmith argues that the signal we are listening for might not be the ones et would changes. Search for et intelligence usually involve scanning the sky for radio signal but that would take enormous amount of energy. He says et would probably beep out short burst instead. I think they are here. Me time. They are watching. All right. Tame for anothera check on the weather and weekend is upon us. Drew is watching the forecast and keeping an eye out for the extra beep. If we are not finding much of anything. Clear sky out there so no rain on the friday evening. If you have plans outside. Nationwide we have noreaster departing the east coast. So messy mix tonight. Otherwise saturday lots of sunshine in the deep so you have. Over in to texas and Northern Plains watching a clipper system that will die south an move into the east coast on monday. But generally in california lots of sunshine on the way for your saturday. So zoom in and show you tomorrow 73th high in chick o. Up to 71 in monterey. 80 in do you want l. A. Tomorrow 78 palm springs and 76 the high in san diego for saturday. Bay area equally as mild. Temperatures well before normal. 72 in oakland tomorrow. 67 in San Francisco. Up to 70 in san jose. Heres accuweather 7 day forecast. Spare the air in effect for saturday. Record broken likely on sunday. Dip in temperatures midweek this week coming up then back up we good into early next wean. Guys okay. Thanks. April weather is fantastic. All right it has been a long torture week for San Francisco durbin. Just before newsnighttoday he finished the world marathon challenge 7 marathon in 7 days on 7 continue nichbility he posted this picture to instagram with the word and done. He ran the last race in 4 hours 55 minutes. He lost like 15 poyntdz looks like. For charity thats amazing. I didnt think it was possible. Thats insane. Speaking of which what we saw tonight was not quite as insane as that but nba history made tonight. This was this is crazy. Off the hook. Clay thompson did something that michael jordan, cohen kloeb bryant, lebron james none have ever done. Clay explodes like nobody has ever seen before coming up tonight at 7 news at 11 00. Accusations of abuse against local shelter. Survivors of Domestic Abuse who claim they have become victims all over again. Plus the stars are shining brightly tonight in berkeley. Big time movie shoot that is shutting down the streets and how you can be a part of it. Those stories and more coming up at 11 00 oclock over on channel 7. Im ready for some insane Clay Thompson action. He went off tonight. The Fire Department they have this group called spontaneous combustion. Wow thats what happens. Warriors hosted the kings. This is the normal average every nature game until Clay Thompson literally explodes. Out of body experience. He scored 37 poyntsd in just the third quarter. We start with seth curry. He can shoot pass dive in a crowd. Only one beer spilled. Thompson making case to be an all star by the end of the night. Pretty clear. To marcus cousin. Score for sacramento big man. Got game. 28 points. Now get to the clay show. He goes that another stratosphere in the third quarter. Tied at 60. The steal. Stop and shot a 3. Bang. Splash brother hooping. Clay with authority. Hit three. After 3. After 3. Set nba record. He was 9 of then on 3 in the period. He could not miss. He scored 37 of the warrior 41 points in the quarter. We are not worthy. We are in the worthy. 52 for the game. New career high just put him on the all star team and fly him to brooklyn right now. Warriors win it 1 26101. Clay goes off. For 52. Im excited. Kobe bryant is not excited. Hes learned the hard way that father time is undefeated. Expect to miss the rest of the tone with torn rotator cuff happened couple nights ago in new orleans. Owed almost 25 million for next year so dont think about him retiring. Hell be back. Goodell just endured disaster embarrassing season. Honesty integrity and competency all question so deflate gate is the last possible thing the nfl would want heading in the superbowl but here it is. The league loves to contain this before all the media shows up and the team team show newspaper arizona. Just not possible. Deflate gate. Investigation ongoing. Done 40 interview but still not spoken to tom brady this could take months. So decision or any kind of punishment unlikely until after the superbowl. Now deflated football allow the quarterback to grip the ball better. Also make it harder for the defense to strip it away from running back and wide receivers. Heres where it gets interesting. Patriots didnt lose a single fumble at home this year and web site sharp football analysis crunch the news. Since 2010 the 1 fumble per 187 plays. League average 1 fumble per 105 play. So do deflated football help the patriots maintain possession . Worth asking. New england superbowl pose the seahawks 9th in the league. One fumble every one 12 plays. Whether he is starter coming out of the pen ryan says hes willing to do whatever the giants want of him this season. He was courted by the astros. Almost signed but will return to sun fran. One year deal worth 4 Million Dollars. Bogey battle for fifth starter job last year 8 and 13. Earned run average of 4. Sad news tonight. Man known as mr. Cub earnie banks has died. Hall of famer started 19 year career with the cubs back in 1953. Known for his enthusiasim. His personality. Lets not forget 512 contrary home runs. Kind the phrase lets play too. He was 83 years old. Turning the bizarre robert allen story all indications tonight the tour veteran was not kidnapped as he described after all. He was actually found less than 100 yards away from a wine bar he came out of last friday nature in honolulu after missing the cut in the sony open. Evidence suggesting that he might have been drugged and robbed you see the face there all busted up. Video surveillance show 3 men following him out of the wine bar. He was later found unconscious by 2 Homeless People without wallet and more than 10,000 dollars has been rawngd on credit card since then. Aussie open tonight. Top seed Serena Williams taking on 26 seed f. Dropped the first set then poured it on in clay like fashion. Williams served up the bagel in the final set. Match point here scorching the back hand to win it here. Vane a on to the round of 16. Sister venus struggle early. Lost the first set. Down 35 in the second. Tie break. Cross court winner like sister venus dominate the third. Venus advancing to the round of 16. 46. 76 and 61. 7 sports brought to you by toyota. That was impressive. Clay was amazing. Thats cool soil. Fun to watch. Thank you larry. And thank you so much for joining us tonight. Im amma. Im dan ashley for all of us hear we appreciate your time. Thats right. Abc 7 news does continue on line on twitter on facebook and on all the mobile device with our abc 7 news app. Check it out as soon as you can. Hope to see you again in an hour over on the big 7 ooh. Great shirt alert. Yeah . No. I just made up that phrase great shirt alert, and its really fun to say. chuckles oh, well you should have said it to andy. I mean, come on. Great shirt alert. Yeah . No. I just wanted to try saying it. Jules, youre right. Its so fun i have had the worst writers block. This is the only song ive been able to come up with in the last three weeks. Writers block, writers block, writers

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